HYMN XII. Agni: Rig Veda – Book 6 – Ralph T.H. Griffith, Translator

मध्ये होता दुरोणे बर्हिषो राळ अग्निस्तोदस्य रोदसी यजध्यै |
अयं स सूनुः सहस रतावा दूरात सूर्यो न शोचिषा ततान ||

आ यस्मिन तवे सवपाके यजत्र यक्षद राजन सर्वतातेव नुद्यौः |
तरिषधस्थस्ततरुषो न जंहो हव्या मघानि मानुषा यजध्यै ||

तेजिष्ठा यस्यारतिर्वनेराट तोदो अध्वन न वर्धसानो अद्यौत |
अद्रोघो न दरविता चेतति तमन्नमर्त्यो.अवर्त्र ओषधीषु ||

सास्माकेभिरेतरी न शूषैरग्नि षटवे दम आ जातवेदाः |
दर्वन्नो वन्वन करत्वा नार्वोस्रः पितेव जारयायि यज्ञैः ||

अध समास्य पनयन्ति भासो वर्था यत तक्षदनुयाति पर्थ्वीम |
सद्यो यः सयन्द्रो विषितो धवीयान रणो न तायुरति धन्वा राट ||

स तवं नो अर्वन निदाया विश्वेभिरग्ने अग्निभिरिधानः |
वेषि रायो वि यासि दुछुना मदेम शतहिमाः सुवीराः ||

madhye hotā duroṇe barhiṣo rāḷ aghnistodasya rodasī yajadhyai |
ayaṃ sa sūnuḥ sahasa ṛtāvā dūrāt sūryo na śociṣā tatāna ||

ā yasmin tve svapāke yajatra yakṣad rājan sarvatāteva nudyauḥ |
triṣadhasthastataruṣo na jaṃho havyā maghāni mānuṣā yajadhyai ||

tejiṣṭhā yasyāratirvanerāṭ todo adhvan na vṛdhasāno adyaut |
adrogho na dravitā cetati tmannamartyo.avartra oṣadhīṣu ||

sāsmākebhiretarī na śūṣairaghni ṣṭave dama ā jātavedāḥ |
drvanno vanvan kratvā nārvosraḥ piteva jārayāyi yajñaiḥ ||

adha smāsya panayanti bhāso vṛthā yat takṣadanuyāti pṛthvīm |
sadyo yaḥ syandro viṣito dhavīyān ṛṇo na tāyurati dhanvā rāṭ ||

sa tvaṃ no arvan nidāyā viśvebhiraghne aghnibhiridhānaḥ |
veṣi rāyo vi yāsi duchunā madema śatahimāḥ suvīrāḥ ||

English Translation

Translated by Ralph T.H. Griffith

1. KING of trimmed grass, Herald within the dwelling, may Agni worship the Impeller’s World-halves.
He, Son of Strength, the Holy, from a distance hath spread himself abroad with light like Sūrya.

2 In thee, most wise, shall Dyaus, for full perfection, King! Holy One! pronounce the call to worship.
Found in three places, like the Speeder’s footstep, come to present men’s riches as oblations!

3 Whose blaze most splendid, sovran in the forest, shines waxing on his way like the – Impeller.
He knows himself, like as a guileless smelter, not to be stayed among the plants, Immortal.

4 Our friends extol him like a steed for vigour even Agni in the dwelling, jatave~as.
Trce-fed, he fights with power as doth a champion, like Dawn’s Sire to be praised with sacrifices.

5 Men wonder at his shining glows when, paring the woods with case, o’er the broad earth he goeth,
And, like a rushing flood, loosed quickly, burneth, swift as a guilty thief, o’er desert places.

6 So mighty thou protectest us from slander, O Champion, Agni! with all fires enkindled.
Bring opulence and drive away affliction. May brave sons gladden us through a hundred winters.