HYMN XXII. Aśvins and Others: Rig Veda – Book 1 – Ralph T.H. Griffith, Translator

परातर्युजा वि बोधयाश्विनावेह गछताम |
अस्य सोमस्य पीतये ||

या सुरथा रथीतमोभा देवा दिविस्प्र्शा |
अश्विना ता हवामहे ||

या वां कशा मधुमत्यश्विना सून्र्तावती |
तया यज्ञं मिमिक्षतम ||

नहि वामस्ति दूरके यत्रा रथेन गछथः |
अश्विना सोमिनो गर्हम ||

हिरण्यपाणिमूतये सवितारमुप हवये |
स चेत्ता देवतापदम ||

अपां नपातमवसे सवितारमुप सतुहि |
तस्य वरतान्युश्मसि ||

विभक्तारं हवामहे वसोश्चित्रस्य राधसः |
सवितारंन्र्चक्षसम ||

सखाय आ नि षीदत सविता सतोम्यो नु नः |
दाता राधांसि शुम्भति ||

अग्ने पत्नीरिहा वह देवानामुशतीरुप |
तवष्टारं सोमपीतये ||

आ गना अग्न इहावसे होत्रां यविष्ठ भारतीम |
वरूत्रीं धिषणां वह ||

अभी नो देवीरवसा महः शर्मणा नर्पत्नीः |
अछिन्नपत्राः सचन्ताम ||

इहेन्द्राणीमुप हवये वरुणानीं सवस्तये |
अग्नायीं सोमपीतये ||

मही दयौः पर्थिवी च न इमं यज्ञं मिमिक्षताम |
पिप्र्तां नो भरीमभिः ||

तयोरिद घर्तवत पयो विप्रा रिहन्ति धीतिभिः |
गन्धर्वस्य धरुवे पदे ||

सयोना पर्थिवि भवान्र्क्षरा निवेशनी |
यछा नः शर्म सप्रथः ||

अतो देवा अवन्तु नो यतो विष्णुर्विचक्रमे |
पर्थिव्याः सप्तधामभिः ||

इदं विष्णुर्वि चक्रमे तरेधा नि दधे पदम |
समूळ्हमस्य पांसुरे ||

तरीणि पदा वि चक्रमे विष्णुर्गोपा अदाभ्यः |
अतो धर्माणि धारयन ||

विष्णोः कर्माणि पश्यत यतो वरतानि पस्पशे |
इन्द्रस्य युज्यः सखा ||

तद विष्णोः परमं पदं सदा पश्यन्ति सूरयः |
दिवीव चक्षुराततम ||

तद विप्रासो विपन्यवो जाग्र्वांसः समिन्धते |
विष्णोर्यत परमं पदम ||


prātaryujā vi bodhayāśvināveha ghachatām |
asya somasya pītaye ||

yā surathā rathītamobhā devā divispṛśā |
aśvinā tā havāmahe ||

yā vāṃ kaśā madhumatyaśvinā sūnṛtāvatī |
tayā yajñaṃ mimikṣatam ||

nahi vāmasti dūrake yatrā rathena ghachathaḥ |
aśvinā somino ghṛham ||

hiraṇyapāṇimūtaye savitāramupa hvaye |
sa cettā devatāpadam ||

apāṃ napātamavase savitāramupa stuhi |
tasya vratānyuśmasi ||

vibhaktāraṃ havāmahe vasościtrasya rādhasaḥ |
savitāraṃnṛcakṣasam ||

sakhāya ā ni ṣīdata savitā stomyo nu naḥ |
dātā rādhāṃsi śumbhati ||

aghne patnīrihā vaha devānāmuśatīrupa |
tvaṣṭāraṃ somapītaye ||

ā ghnā aghna ihāvase hotrāṃ yaviṣṭha bhāratīm |
varūtrīṃ dhiṣaṇāṃ vaha ||

abhī no devīravasā mahaḥ śarmaṇā nṛpatnīḥ |
achinnapatrāḥ sacantām ||

ihendrāṇīmupa hvaye varuṇānīṃ svastaye |
aghnāyīṃ somapītaye ||

mahī dyauḥ pṛthivī ca na imaṃ yajñaṃ mimikṣatām |
pipṛtāṃ no bharīmabhiḥ ||

tayorid ghṛtavat payo viprā rihanti dhītibhiḥ |
ghandharvasya dhruve pade ||

syonā pṛthivi bhavānṛkṣarā niveśanī |
yachā naḥ śarma saprathaḥ ||

ato devā avantu no yato viṣṇurvicakrame |
pṛthivyāḥ saptadhāmabhiḥ ||

idaṃ viṣṇurvi cakrame tredhā ni dadhe padam |
samūḷhamasya pāṃsure ||

trīṇi padā vi cakrame viṣṇurghopā adābhyaḥ |
ato dharmāṇi dhārayan ||

viṣṇoḥ karmāṇi paśyata yato vratāni paspaśe |
indrasya yujyaḥ sakhā ||

tad viṣṇoḥ paramaṃ padaṃ sadā paśyanti sūrayaḥ |
divīva cakṣurātatam ||

tad viprāso vipanyavo jāghṛvāṃsaḥ samindhate |
viṣṇoryat paramaṃ padam ||

English Translation

Translated by Ralph T.H. Griffith

1 WAKEN the Aśvin Pair who yoke their car at early morn: may they
Approach to drink this Soma juice.

2 We call the Aśvins Twain, the Gods borne in a noble car, the best
Of charioteers, who reach the heavens.

3 Dropping with honey is your whip, Aśvins, and full of pleasantness
Sprinkle therewith the sacrifice.

4 As ye go thither in your car, not far, O Aśvins, is the home
Of him who offers Soma juice.

5 For my protection I invoke the golden-handed Savitar.
He knoweth, as a God, the place.

6 That he may send us succour, praise the Waters’ Offspring Savitar:
Fain are we for his holy ways.

7 We call on him, distributer of wondrous bounty and of wealth,
On Savitar who looks on men.

8 Come hither, friends, and seat yourselves Savitar, to be praised by us,
Giving good gifts, is beautiful.

9 O Agni, hither bring to us the willing Spouses of the Gods,
And Tvaṣṭar, to the Soma draught.

10 Most youthful Agni, hither bring their Spouses, Hotrā, Bhāratī,
Varūtrī, Dhiṣaṇā, for aid.

11 Spouses of Heroes, Goddesses, with whole wings may they come to us
With great protection and with aid.

12 Indrāṇī, Varuṇānī, and Agnāyī hither I invite,
For weal, to drink the Soma juice.

13 May Heaven and Earth, the Mighty Pair, bedew for us our sacrifice,
And feed us full with nourishments.

14 Their water rich with fatness, there in the Gandharva’s steadfast place,
The singers taste through sacred songs.

15 Thornless be thou, O Earth, spread wide before us for a dwelling-place:
Vouchsafe us shelter broad and sure.

16 The Gods be gracious unto us even from the place whence Viṣṇu strode
Through the seven regions of the earth!

17 Through all this world strode Viṣṇu; thrice his foot he planted, and the whole
Was gathered in his footstep’s dust.

18 Viṣṇu, the Guardian, he whom none deceiveth, made three steps; thenceforth
Establishing his high decrees.

19 Look ye on Viṣṇu’s works, whereby the Friend of Indra, close-allied,
Hath let his holy ways be seen.

20 The princes evermore behold that loftiest place where Viṣṇu is,
Laid as it were an eye in heaven.

21 This, Viṣṇu’s station most sublime, the singers, ever vigilant,
Lovers of holy song, light up.