HYMN XXXIV. Aśvins: Rig Veda – Book 1 – Ralph T.H. Griffith, Translator
तरिश चिन नो अद्या भवतं नवेदसा विभुर वां याम उत रातिर अश्विना |
युवोर हि यन्त्रं हिम्येव वाससो ऽभयायंसेन्या भवतम मनीषिभिः ||
तरयः पवयो मधुवाहने रथे सोमस्य वेनाम अनु विश्व इद विदुः |
तरय सकम्भास सकभितास आरभे तरिर नक्तं याथस तरिर व अश्विना दिवा ||
समाने अहन तरिर अवद्यगोहना तरिर अद्य यज्ञम मधुना मिमिक्षतम |
तरिर वाजवतीर इषो अश्विना युवं दोषा अस्मभ्यम उषसश च पिन्वतम ||
तरिर वर्तिर यातं तरिर अनुव्रते जने तरिः सुप्राव्येत्रेधेव शिक्षतम |
तरिर नान्द्यं वहतम अश्विना युवं तरिः पर्क्षो अस्मे अक्षरेव पिन्वतम ||
तरिर नो रयिं वहतम अश्विना युवं तरिर देवताता तरिर उतावतं धियः |
तरिः सौभगत्वं तरिर उत शरवांसि नस तरिष्ठं वां सूरे दुहिता रुहद रथम ||
तरिर नो अश्विना दिव्यानि भेषजा तरिः पार्थिवानि तरिर उ दत्तम अद्भ्यः |
ओमानं शंयोर ममकाय सूनवे तरिधातु शर्म वहतं शुभस पती ||
तरिर नो अश्विना यजता दिवे-दिवे परि तरिधातु पर्थिवीम अशायतम |
तिस्रो नासत्या रथ्या परावत आत्मेव वातः सवसराणि गछतम ||
तरिर अश्विना सिन्धुभिः सप्तमात्र्भिस तरय आहावास तरेधा हविष कर्तम |
तिस्रः पर्थिवीर उपरि परवा दिवो नाकं रक्षेथे दयुभिर अक्तुभिर हितम ||
कव तरी चक्रा तरिव्र्तो रथस्य कव तरयो वन्धुरो ये सनीळाः |
कदा योगो वाजिनो रासभस्य येन यज्ञं नासत्योपयाथः ||
आ नासत्या गछतं हूयते हविर मध्वः पिबतम मधुपेभिर आसभिः |
युवोर हि पूर्वं सवितोषसो रथम रताय चित्रं घर्तवन्तम इष्यति ||
आ नासत्या तरिभिर एकादशैर इह देवेभिर यातम मधुपेयम अश्विना |
परायुस तारिष्टं नी रपांसि मर्क्षतं सेधतं दवेषो भवतं सचाभुवा ||
आ नो अश्विना तरिव्र्ता रथेनार्वाञ्चं रयिं वहतं सुवीरम |
शर्ण्वन्ता वाम अवसे जोहवीमि वर्धे च नो भवतं वाजसातौ ||
triś cin no adyā bhavataṃ navedasā vibhur vāṃ yāma uta rātir aśvinā |
yuvor hi yantraṃ himyeva vāsaso ‘bhyāyaṃsenyā bhavatam manīṣibhiḥ ||
trayaḥ pavayo madhuvāhane rathe somasya venām anu viśva id viduḥ |
traya skambhāsa skabhitāsa ārabhe trir naktaṃ yāthas trir v aśvinā divā ||
samāne ahan trir avadyaghohanā trir adya yajñam madhunā mimikṣatam |
trir vājavatīr iṣo aśvinā yuvaṃ doṣā asmabhyam uṣasaś ca pinvatam ||
trir vartir yātaṃ trir anuvrate jane triḥ suprāvyetredheva śikṣatam |
trir nāndyaṃ vahatam aśvinā yuvaṃ triḥ pṛkṣo asme akṣareva pinvatam ||
trir no rayiṃ vahatam aśvinā yuvaṃ trir devatātā trir utāvataṃ dhiyaḥ |
triḥ saubhaghatvaṃ trir uta śravāṃsi nas triṣṭhaṃ vāṃ sūre duhitā ruhad ratham ||
trir no aśvinā divyāni bheṣajā triḥ pārthivāni trir u dattam adbhyaḥ |
omānaṃ śaṃyor mamakāya sūnave tridhātu śarma vahataṃ śubhas patī ||
trir no aśvinā yajatā dive-dive pari tridhātu pṛthivīm aśāyatam |
tisro nāsatyā rathyā parāvata ātmeva vātaḥ svasarāṇi ghachatam ||
trir aśvinā sindhubhiḥ saptamātṛbhis traya āhāvās tredhā haviṣ kṛtam |
tisraḥ pṛthivīr upari pravā divo nākaṃ rakṣethe dyubhir aktubhir hitam ||
kva trī cakrā trivṛto rathasya kva trayo vandhuro ye sanīḷāḥ |
kadā yogho vājino rāsabhasya yena yajñaṃ nāsatyopayāthaḥ ||
ā nāsatyā ghachataṃ hūyate havir madhvaḥ pibatam madhupebhir āsabhiḥ |
yuvor hi pūrvaṃ savitoṣaso ratham ṛtāya citraṃ ghṛtavantam iṣyati ||
ā nāsatyā tribhir ekādaśair iha devebhir yātam madhupeyam aśvinā |
prāyus tāriṣṭaṃ nī rapāṃsi mṛkṣataṃ sedhataṃ dveṣo bhavataṃ sacābhuvā ||
ā no aśvinā trivṛtā rathenārvāñcaṃ rayiṃ vahataṃ suvīram |
śṛṇvantā vām avase johavīmi vṛdhe ca no bhavataṃ vājasātau ||
English Translation
Translated by Ralph T.H. Griffith
1 Ye who observe this day be with us even thrice: far-stretching is you bounty, Aśvins and your course.
To you, as to a cloak in winter, we cleave close: you are to be drawn nigh unto us by the wise.
2 Three are the fellies in your honey-bearing car, that travels after Soma’s loved one, as all know.
Three are the pillars set upon it for support: thrice journey ye by night, O Aśvins, thrice by day.
3 Thrice in the self-same day, ye Gods who banish want, sprinkle ye thrice to-day our sacrifice with meath;
And thrice vouchsafe us store of food with plenteous strength, at evening, O ye Aśvins, and at break of day.
4 Thrice come ye to our home, thrice to the righteous folk, thrice triply aid the man who well deserves your help.
Thrice, O ye Aśvins, bring us what shall make us glad; thrice send us store of food as nevermore to fail.
5 Thrice, O ye Aśvins, bring to us abundant wealth: thrice in the Gods’ assembly, thrice assist our thoughts.
Thrice, grant ye us prosperity, thrice grant us fame; for the Sun’s daughter hath mounted your three-wheeled car.
6 Thrice, Aśvins, grant to us the heavenly medicines, thrice those of earth and thrice those that the waters hold,
Favour and health and strength bestow upon my son; triple protection, Lords of Splendour, grant to him.
7 Thrice are ye to be worshipped day by day by us: thrice, O ye Aśvins, ye travel around the earth.
Car-borne from far away, O ye Nāsatyas, come, like vital air to bodies, come ye to the three.
8 Thrice, O ye Aśvins, with the Seven Mother Streams; three are the jars, the triple offering is prepared.
Three are the worlds, and moving on above the sky ye guard the firm-set vault of heaven through days and nights.
9 Where are the three wheels of your triple chariot, where are the three seats thereto firmly fastened?
When will ye yoke the mighty ass that draws it, to bring you to our sacrifice. Nāsatyas?
10 Nāsatyas, come: the sacred gift is offered up; drink the sweet juice with lips that know the sweetness well.
Savitar sends, before the dawn of day, your car, fraught with oil, various-coloured, to our sacrifice.
11 Come, O Nāsatyas, with the thrice-eleven Gods; come, O ye Aśvins, to the drinking of the meath.
Make long our days of life, and wipe out all our sins: ward off our enemies; be with us evermore.
12 Borne in your triple car, O Aśvins, bring us present prosperity with noble offspring.
I cry to you who hear me for protection be ye our helpers where men win the booty.