HYMN XXXVII. Maruts: Rig Veda – Book 1 – Ralph T.H. Griffith, Translator
करीळं वः शर्धो मारुतमनर्वाणं रथेशुभम |
कण्वा अभि पर गायत ||
ये पर्षतीभिर्र्ष्टिभिः साकं वाशीभिरञ्जिभिः |
अजायन्त सवभानवः ||
इहेव शर्ण्व एषां कशा हस्तेषु यद वदान |
नि यामञ्चित्रं रञ्जते ||
पर वः शर्धाय घर्ष्वये तवेषद्युम्नाय शुष्मिणे |
देवत्तं बरह्म गायत ||
पर शंसा गोष्वघ्न्यं करीळं यच्छर्धो मारुतम |
जम्भे रसस्य वाव्र्धे ||
को वो वर्षिष्ठ आ नरो दिवश्च गमश्च धूतयः |
यत सीम अन्तं न धूनुथ ||
नि वो यामाय मानुषो दध्र उग्राय मन्यवे |
जिहीत पर्वतो गिरिः ||
येषाम अज्मेषु पर्थिवी जुजुर्वां इव विश्पतिः |
भिया यामेषु रेजते ||
सथिरं हि जानम एषां वयो मातुर निरेतवे |
यत सीम अनु दविता शवः ||
उद उ तये सूनवो गिरः काष्ठा अज्मेष्व अत्नत |
वाश्रा अभिज्ञु यातवे ||
तयं चिद घा दीर्घम पर्थुम मिहो नपातम अम्र्ध्रम |
पर चयावयन्ति यामभिः ||
मरुतो यद ध वो बलं जनां अचुच्यवीतन |
गिरींर अचुच्यवीतन ||
यद ध यान्ति मरुतः सं ह बरुवते ऽधवन्न आ |
शर्णोति कश चिद एषाम ||
पर यात शीभम आशुभिः सन्ति कण्वेषु वो दुवः |
तत्रो षु मादयाध्वै ||
अस्ति हि षमा मदाय वः समसि षमा वयम एषाम |
विश्वं चिद आयुर जीवसे ||
krīḷaṃ vaḥ śardho mārutamanarvāṇaṃ ratheśubham |
kaṇvā abhi pra ghāyata ||
ye pṛṣatībhirṛṣṭibhiḥ sākaṃ vāśībhirañjibhiḥ |
ajāyanta svabhānavaḥ ||
iheva śṛṇva eṣāṃ kaśā hasteṣu yad vadān |
ni yāmañcitraṃ ṛñjate ||
pra vaḥ śardhāya ghṛṣvaye tveṣadyumnāya śuṣmiṇe |
devattaṃ brahma ghāyata ||
pra śaṃsā ghoṣvaghnyaṃ krīḷaṃ yacchardho mārutam |
jambhe rasasya vāvṛdhe ||
ko vo varṣiṣṭha ā naro divaśca ghmaśca dhūtayaḥ |
yat sīm antaṃ na dhūnutha ||
ni vo yāmāya mānuṣo dadhra ughrāya manyave |
jihīta parvato ghiriḥ ||
yeṣām ajmeṣu pṛthivī jujurvāṃ iva viśpatiḥ |
bhiyā yāmeṣu rejate ||
sthiraṃ hi jānam eṣāṃ vayo mātur niretave |
yat sīm anu dvitā śavaḥ ||
ud u tye sūnavo ghiraḥ kāṣṭhā ajmeṣv atnata |
vāśrā abhijñu yātave ||
tyaṃ cid ghā dīrgham pṛthum miho napātam amṛdhram |
pra cyāvayanti yāmabhiḥ ||
maruto yad dha vo balaṃ janāṃ acucyavītana |
ghirīṃr acucyavītana ||
yad dha yānti marutaḥ saṃ ha bruvate ‘dhvann ā |
śṛṇoti kaś cid eṣām ||
pra yāta śībham āśubhiḥ santi kaṇveṣu vo duvaḥ |
tatro ṣu mādayādhvai ||
asti hi ṣmā madāya vaḥ smasi ṣmā vayam eṣām |
viśvaṃ cid āyur jīvase ||
English Translation
Translated by Ralph T.H. Griffith
1 SING forth, O Kaṇvas, to your band of Maruts unassailable,
Sporting, resplendent on their car
2 They who, self-luminous, were born together, with the spotted deer,
Spears, swords, and glittering ornaments.
3 One hears, as though ’twere close at hand, the cracking of the whips they hold
They gather glory on their way.
4 Now sing ye forth the God-given hymn to your exultant Marut host,
The fiercely-vigorous, the strong.
5 Praise ye the Bull among the cows; for ’tis the Maruts’ sportive band:
It strengthened as it drank the rain.
6 Who is your mightiest, Heroes, when, O shakers of the earth and heaven,
Ye shake them like a garment’s hem?
7 At your approach man holds him down before the fury of your wrath:
The rugged-jointed mountain yields.
8 They at whose racings forth the earth, like an age-weakened lord of men,
Trembles in terror on their ways.
9 Strong is their birth: vigour have they to issue from their Mother; strength,
Yea, even twice enough, is theirs.
10 And these, the Sons, the Singers, in their racings have enlarged the bounds,
So that the kine must walk knee-deep.
11 Before them, on the ways they go, they drop this offspring of the cloud,
Long, broad, and inexhaustible.
12 O Maruts, as your strength is great, so have ye cast men down on earth,
So have ye made the mountains fall.
13 The while the Maruts pass along, they talk together on the way:
Doth any hear them as they speak?
14 Come quick with swift steeds, for ye have worshippers among Kaṇva’s sons
May you rejoice among them well.
15 All is prepared for your delight. We are their servants evermore,
To live as long as life may last.