Godess, Vandevi Mandir Kohinaur Mau up
Godess, Vandevi Mandir Kohinaur Mau up

District approximately 12 kilometers away from the headquarters is located in the picturesque and idyllic surroundings of nature southwest vanadevee temple leaders mother Sita Mata. Today it is the focal point of attraction for devotees. Vanadevee temple is also a source of inspiration for the mythical and cultural values ​​as well as their natural dignity. Based on legends and geological evidence it is known as the practice location Maharishi Valmiki a home. Around the house right now for Maharishi would elsewhere. It is said that Mata Sita gave birth to their sons Luv-Kush on the right following his continuous fidelity to husband religion. It symbolizes the location etc. I Maharishi Valmiki and all Indian literature practice is linked to Lord Rama and Goddess Sita.

According to legend, appeared dream Sidnua Baba living Nrhwar that goddess statue Another was buried in the ground in the woods. Devi directed to worship excavation of the site Baba. The dream then started digging Baba set point saw them bust. Statue of injury Baba shovel was also damaged. Baba lifelong there were liturgical archan. In old age, he wanted to set up your home by bringing the statue but they did not succeed and there was done to them. Later there built the temple. Vanadevee temple is also Tpsthli several hermit-saint and seekers. Are in this area is extraordinary to Lahiri Baba many saints and sages. Here you get rid of pilgrims plague the mental and physical.


Legend / Local stories

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How to Reach:

By Air

reach Varnarsi or Gorakhpur by air and then by road.

By Train

well connected from Varanarsi, Gorakhpur, Chapra, Lucknow, New Delhi, Mumbai etc.

By Road

connected to Varanarsi, Gorakhpur, Azamgarh. It is around 12 KMs from Mau City.


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