HYMN CIX. Viśvedevas. – Rig Veda – Book 10
ते.अवदन परथमा बरह्मकिल्बिषे.अकूपारः सलिलोमातरिश्वा |
वीळुहरास्तप उग्रो मयोभूरापो देवीःप्रथमजा रतेन ||
सोमो राजा परथमो बरह्मजायां पुनः परायछदह्र्णीयमानः |
अन्वर्तिता वरुणो मित्र आसीदग्निर्होताहस्तग्र्ह्या निनाय ||
हस्तेनैव गराह्य आधिरस्या बरह्मजायेयमिति चेदवोचन |
न दूताय परह्ये तस्थ एषा तथा राष्ट्रं गुपितंक्षत्रियस्य ||
देवा एतस्यामवदन्त पूर्वे सप्तर्षयस्तपसे ये निषेदुः |
भीमा जाया बराह्मणस्योपनीता दुर्धां दधातिपरमे वयोमन ||
बरह्मचारी चरति वेविषद विषः स देवानां भवत्येकमङगम |
तेन जायामन्वविन्दद बर्हस्पतिः सोमेन नीतांजुह्वं न देवाः ||
पुनर्वै देवा अददुः पुनर्मनुष्या उत |
राजानःसत्यं कर्ण्वाना बरह्मजायां पुनर्ददुः ||
पुनर्दाय बरह्मजायां कर्त्वी देवैर्निकिल्बिषम |
ऊर्जम्प्र्थिव्या भक्त्वायोरुगायमुपासते ||
te.avadan prathamā brahmakilbiṣe.akūpāraḥ salilomātariśvā |
vīḷuharāstapa ughro mayobhūrāpo devīḥprathamajā ṛtena ||
somo rājā prathamo brahmajāyāṃ punaḥ prāyachadahṛṇīyamānaḥ |
anvartitā varuṇo mitra āsīdaghnirhotāhastaghṛhyā nināya ||
hastenaiva ghrāhya ādhirasyā brahmajāyeyamiti cedavocan |
na dūtāya prahye tastha eṣā tathā rāṣṭraṃ ghupitaṃkṣatriyasya ||
devā etasyāmavadanta pūrve saptaṛṣayastapase ye niṣeduḥ |
bhīmā jāyā brāhmaṇasyopanītā durdhāṃ dadhātiparame vyoman ||
brahmacārī carati veviṣad viṣaḥ sa devānāṃ bhavatyekamaṅgham |
tena jāyāmanvavindad bṛhaspatiḥ somena nītāṃjuhvaṃ na devāḥ ||
punarvai devā adaduḥ punarmanuṣyā uta |
rājānaḥsatyaṃ kṛṇvānā brahmajāyāṃ punardaduḥ ||
punardāya brahmajāyāṃ kṛtvī devairnikilbiṣam |
ūrjampṛthivyā bhaktvāyorughāyamupāsate ||
English Translation
Translated by Ralph T.H. Griffith
1. THESE first, the boundless Sea, and Mātariśvan, fierce-glowing Fire, the Strong, the Bliss-bestower.
And heavenly Floods, first-born by holy Order, exclaimed against the outrage on a Brahman.
2 King Soma first of all, without reluctance, made restitution of the Brahman’s consort.
Mitra and Varuṇa were the inviters: Agni as Hota; took her hand and led her.
3 The man, her pledge, must by her hand be taken when they have cried, She is a Brahman’s consort.
She stayed not for a herald to conduct her: thus is the kingdom of a ruler guarded.
4 Thus spake of her those Gods of old, Seven Ṛṣis who sate them down to their austere devotion:
Dire is a Brahman’s wife led home by others: in the supremest heaven she plants confusion.
5 The Brahmacari goes engaged in duty: he is a member of the Gods’ own body.
Through him Bṛhaspati obtained his consort, as the Gods gained the ladle brought by Soma.
6 So then the Gods restored her, so men gave the woman back again.
The Kings who kept their promises restored the Brahman’s wedded wife,
7 Having restored the Brahman’s wife, and freed them, with Gods’ aid, from sin,
They shared the fulness of the earth, and won themselves extended sway.