HYMN LXXVII. Soma Pavamana. – Rig Veda – Book 9
एष पर कोशे मधुमानचिक्रददिन्द्रस्य वज्रो वपुषो वपुष्टरः |
अभीं रतस्य सुदुघा घर्तश्चुतो वाश्रा अर्षन्तिपयसेव धेनवः ||
स पूर्व्यः पवते यं दिवस परि शयेनो मथायदिषितस्तिरो रजः |
स मध्व आ युवते वेविजान इत कर्शानोरस्तुर्मनसाह बिभ्युषा ||
ते नः पूर्वास उपरास इन्दवो महे वाजाय धन्वन्तु गोमते |
ईक्षेण्यासो अह्यो न चारवो बरह्म-बरह्म ये जुजुषुर्हविर हविः ||
अयं नो विद्वान वनवद वनुष्यत इन्दुः सत्राचा मनसा पुरुष्टुतः |
इनस्य यः सदने गर्भमादधे गवामुरुब्जमभ्यर्षति वरजम ||
चक्रिर्दिवः पवते कर्त्व्यो रसो महानदब्धो वरुणो हुरुग्यते |
असावि मित्रो वर्जनेषु यज्ञियो.अत्यो न यूथे वर्षयुः कनिक्रदत ||
eṣa pra kośe madhumānacikradadindrasya vajro vapuṣo vapuṣṭaraḥ |
abhīṃ ṛtasya sudughā ghṛtaścuto vāśrā arṣantipayaseva dhenavaḥ ||
sa pūrvyaḥ pavate yaṃ divas pari śyeno mathāyadiṣitastiro rajaḥ |
sa madhva ā yuvate vevijāna it kṛśānorasturmanasāha bibhyuṣā ||
te naḥ pūrvāsa uparāsa indavo mahe vājāya dhanvantu ghomate |
īkṣeṇyāso ahyo na cāravo brahma-brahma ye jujuṣurhavir haviḥ ||
ayaṃ no vidvān vanavad vanuṣyata induḥ satrācā manasā puruṣṭutaḥ |
inasya yaḥ sadane gharbhamādadhe ghavāmurubjamabhyarṣati vrajam ||
cakrirdivaḥ pavate kṛtvyo raso mahānadabdho varuṇo hurughyate |
asāvi mitro vṛjaneṣu yajñiyo.atyo na yūthe vṛṣayuḥ kanikradat ||
English Translation
Translated by Ralph T.H. Griffith
1. MORE beauteous than the beautiful, as Indra’s bolt, this Soma, rich in sweets, hath clamoured in the vat.
Dropping with oil, abundant, streams of sacrifice flow unto him like milch-kine, lowing, with their milk.
2 On flows that Ancient One whom, hitherward, from heaven, sped through the region of the air, the Falcon snatched.
He, quivering with alarm and terrified in heart before bow-armed Kṛśānu, holdeth fast the sweet.
3 May those first freshest drops of Soma juice effused flow on, their way to bring us mighty strength in kine.
Beauteous as serpents, worthy to be looked upon, they whom each sacred gift and all our prayers have pleased.
4 May that much-lauded Indu, with a heart inclined to us, well-knowing, fight against our enemies.
He who hath brought the germ beside the Strong One’s seat moves onward to the widely-opcned stall of kine.
5 The active potent juice of heaven is flowing on, great Varuṇa whom the forward man can ne’er deceive.
Mitra, the Holy, hath been pressed for troubled times, neighing like an impatient horse amid the herd,