HYMN XCVII. Soma Pavamana – Rig Veda – Book 9
अस्य परेषा हेमना पूयमानो देवो देवेभिः समप्र्क्त रसम |
सुतः पवित्रं पर्येति रेभन मितेव सद्म पशुमान्ति होता ||
भद्रा वस्त्रा समन्या वसानो महान कविर्निवचनानि शंसन |
आ वच्यस्व चम्वोः पूयमानो विचक्षणो जाग्र्विर्देववीतौ ||
समु परियो मर्ज्यते सानो अव्ये यशस्तरो यशसां कषैतो अस्मे |
अभि सवर धन्वा पूयमानो यूयं पात सवस्तिभिः सदा नः ||
पर गायताभ्यर्चाम देवान सोमं हिनोत महते धनाय |
सवादुः पवाते अति वारमव्यमा सीदाति कलशं देवयुर्नः ||
इन्दुर्देवानामुप सख्यमायन सहस्रधारः पवते मदाय |
नर्भिः सतवानो अनु धाम पूर्वमगन्निन्द्रं महते सौभगाय ||
सतोत्रे राये हरिरर्षा पुनान इन्द्रं मदो गछतु ते भराय |
देवैर्याहि सरथं राधो अछा यूयं पात सवस्तिभिः सदा नः ||
पर काव्यमुशनेव बरुवाणो देवो देवानां जनिमा विवक्ति |
महिव्रतः शुचिबन्धुः पावकः पदा वराहो अभ्येति रेभन ||
पर हंसासस्त्र्पलं मन्युमछामादस्तं वर्षगणा अयासुः |
आङगूष्यं पवमानं सखायो दुर्मर्षं साकं परवदन्ति वाणम ||
स रंहत उरुगायस्य जूतिं वर्था करीळन्तं मिमते न गावः |
परीणसं कर्णुते तिग्मश्र्ङगो दिवा हरिर्दद्र्शे नक्तं रज्रः ||
इन्दुर्वाजी पवते गोन्योघा इन्द्रे सोमः सह इन्वन मदाय |
हन्ति रक्षो बाधते पर्यरातीर्वरिवः कर्ण्वन वर्जनस्य राजा ||
अध धारया मध्वा पर्चानस्तिरो रोम पवते अद्रिदुग्धः |
इन्दुरिन्द्रस्य सख्यं जुषाणो देवो देवस्य मत्सरो मदाय ||
अभि परियाणि पवते पुनानो देवो देवान सवेन रसेन पर्ञ्चन |
इन्दुर्धर्माण्य रतुथा वसानो दश कषिपो अव्यत सानो अव्ये ||
वर्षा शोणो अभिकनिक्रदद गा नदयन्नेति पर्थिवीमुत दयाम |
इन्द्रस्येव वग्नुरा शर्ण्व आजौ परचेतयन्नर्षति वाचमेमाम ||
रसाय्यः पयसा पिन्वमान ईरयन्नेषि मधुमन्तमंशुम |
पवमानः सन्तनिमेषि कर्ण्वन्निन्द्राय सोम परिषिच्यमानः ||
एवा पवस्व मदिरो मदायोदग्राभस्य नमयन वधस्नैः |
परि वर्णं भरमाणो रुशन्तं गव्युर्नो अर्ष परि सोम सिक्तः ||
जुष्ट्वी न इन्दो सुपथा सुगान्युरौ पवस्व वरिवांसि कर्ण्वन |
घनेव विष्वग दुरितानि विघ्नन्नधि षणुना धन्व सानो अव्ये ||
वर्ष्टिं नो अर्ष दिव्यां जिगत्नुमिळावतीं शंगयीं जीरदानुम |
सतुकेव वीता धन्वा विचिन्वन बन्धून्रिमानवरानिन्दो वायून ||
गरन्थिं न वि षय गरथितं पुनान रजुं च गातुं वर्जिनं च सोम |
अत्यो न करदो हरिरा सर्जानो मर्यो देव धन्व पस्त्यावान ||
जुष्टो मदाय देवतात इन्दो परि षणुना धन्व सानो अव्ये |
सहस्रधारः सुरभिरदब्धः परि सरव वाजसातौ नर्षह्ये ||
अरश्मानो ये.अरथा अयुक्ता अत्यासो न सस्र्जानास आजौ |
एते शुक्रासो धन्वन्ति सोमा देवासस्तानुप याता पिबध्यै ||
एवा न इन्दो अभि देववीतिं परि सरव नभो अर्णश्चमूषु |
सोमो अस्मभ्यं काम्यं बर्हन्तं रयिं ददातु वीरवन्तमुग्रम ||
तक्षद यदी मनसो वेनतो वाग जयेष्ठस्य वा धर्मणि कषोरनीके |
आदीमायन वरमा वावशाना जुष्टं पतिं कलशे गाव इन्दुम ||
पर दानुदो दिव्यो दानुपिन्व रतं रताय पवते सुमेधाः |
धर्मा भुवद वर्जन्यस्य राजा पर रश्मिभिर्दशभिर्भारि भूम ||
पवित्रेभिः पवमानो नर्चक्षा राजा देवानामुत मर्त्यानाम |
दविता भुवद रयिपती रयीणां रतं भरत सुभ्र्तं चार्विन्दुः ||
अर्वानिव शरवसे सातिमछेन्द्रस्य वायोरभि वीतिमर्ष |
स नः सहस्रा बर्हतीरिषो दा भवा सोम दरविणोवित पुनानः ||
देवाव्यो नः परिषिच्यमानाः कषयं सुवीरं धन्वन्तु सोमाः |
आयज्यवः सुमतिं विश्ववारा होतारो न दिवियजो मन्द्रतमाः ||
एवा देव देवताते पवस्व महे सोम पसरसे देवपानः |
महश्चिद धि षमसि हिताः समर्ये कर्धि सुष्ठाने रोदसी पुनानः ||
अश्वो नो करदो वर्षभिर्युजानः सिंहो न भीमो मनसो जवीयान |
अर्वाचीनैः पथिभिर्ये रजिष्ठा आ पवस्व सौमनसं न इन्दो ||
शतं धारा देवजाता अस्र्ग्रन सहस्रमेनाः कवयो मर्जन्ति |
इन्दो सनित्रं दिव आ पवस्व पुरेतासि महतो धनस्य ||
दिवो न सर्गा असस्र्ग्रमह्नां राजा न मित्रं पर मिनातिधीरः |
पितुर्न पुत्रः करतुभिर्यतान आ पवस्व विशेस्या अजीतिम ||
पर ते धारा मधुमतीरस्र्ग्रन वारान यत पूतो अत्येष्यव्यान |
पवमान पवसे धाम गोनां जज्ञानः सूर्यमपिन्वो अर्कैः ||
कनिक्रददनु पन्थां रतस्य शुक्रो वि भास्यम्र्तस्य धाम |
स इन्द्राय पवसे मत्सरवान हिन्वानो वाचं मतिभिः कवीनाम ||
दिव्यः सुपर्णो.अव चक्षि सोम पिन्वन धाराः कर्मणा देववीतौ |
एन्दो विश कलशं सोमधानं करन्दन्निहि सूर्यस्योप रश्मिम ||
तिस्रो वाच ईरयति पर वह्निरतस्य धीतिं बरह्मणो मनीषाम |
गावो यन्ति गोपतिं पर्छमानाः सोमं यन्ति मतयो वावशानाः ||
सोमं गावो धेनवो वावशानाः सोमं विप्रा मतिभिः पर्छमानाः |
सोमः सुतः पूयते अज्यमानः सोमे अर्कास्त्रिष्टुभिः सं नवन्ते ||
एवा नः सोम परिषिच्यमान आ पवस्व पूयमानः सवस्ति |
इन्द्रमा विश बर्हता रवेण वर्धया वाचं जनया पुरन्धिम ||
आ जाग्र्विर्विप्र रता मतीनां सोमः पुनानो असदच्चमूषु |
सपन्ति यं मिथुनासो निकामा अध्वर्यवो रथिरासः सुहस्ताः ||
स पुनान उप सूरे न धातोभे अप्रा रोदसी वि ष आवः |
परिया चिद यस्य परियसास ऊती स तू धनं कारिणेन पर यंसत ||
स वर्धिता वर्धनः पूयमानः सोमो मीढ्वानभि नो जयोतिषावीत |
येना नः पूर्वे पितरः पदज्ञाः सवर्विदो अभि गा अद्रिमुष्णन ||
अक्रान समुद्रः परथमे विधर्मञ जनयन परजा भुवनस्यराजा |
वर्षा पवित्रे अधि सानो अव्ये बर्हत सोमो वाव्र्धे सुवान इन्दुः ||
महत तत सोमो महिषश्चकारापां यद गर्भो.अव्र्णीत देवान |
अदधादिन्द्रे पवमान ओजो.अजनयत सूर्ये जयोतिरिन्दुः ||
मत्सि वायुमिष्टये राधसे च मत्सि मित्रावरुणा पूयमानः |
मत्सि शर्धो मारुतं मत्सि देवान मत्सि दयावाप्र्थिवी देव सोम ||
रजुः पवस्व वर्जिनस्य हन्तापामीवां बाधमानो मर्धश्च |
अभिश्रीणन पयः पयसाभि गोनामिन्द्रस्य तवं तव वयं सखायः ||
मध्वः सूदं पवस्व वस्व उत्सं वीरं च न आ पवस्वा भगं च |
सवदस्वेन्द्राय पवमान इन्दो रयिं च न आ पवस्वा समुद्रात ||
सोमः सुतो धारयात्यो न हित्वा सिन्धुर्न निम्नमभि वाज्यक्षाः |
आ योनिं वन्यमसदत पुनानः समिन्दुर्गोभिरसरत समद्भिः ||
एष सय ते पवत इन्द्र सोमश्चमूषु धीर उशते तवस्वान |
सवर्चक्षा रथिरः सत्यशुष्मः कामो न यो देवयतामसर्जि ||
एष परत्नेन वयसा पुनानस्तिरो वर्पांसि दुहितुर्दधानः |
वसानः शर्म तरिवरूथमप्सु होतेव याति समनेषुरेभन ||
नू नस्त्वं रथिरो देव सोम परि सरव चम्वोः पूयमानः |
अप्सु सवादिष्ठो मधुमान रतावा देवो न यः सविता सत्यमन्मा ||
अभि वायुं वीत्यर्षा गर्णानो.अभि मित्रावरुणा पूयमानः |
अभी नरं धीजवनं रथेष्ठामभीन्द्रं वर्षणं वज्रबाहुम ||
अभि वस्त्रा सुवसनान्यर्षाभि धेनूः सुदुघाः पूयमानः |
अभि चन्द्रा भर्तवे नो हिरण्याभ्यश्वान रथिनो देव सोम ||
अभी नो अर्ष दिव्या वसून्यभि विश्वा पार्थिवा पूयमानः |
अभि येन दरविणमश्नवामाभ्यर्षेयं जमदग्निवन्नः ||
अया पवा पवस्वैना वसूनि मांश्चत्व इन्दो सरसि पर धन्व |
बरध्नश्चिदत्र वातो न जातः पुरुमेधश्चित तकवे नरं दात ||
उत न एना पवया पवस्वाधि शरुते शरवाय्यस्य तीर्थे |
षष्टिं सहस्रा नैगुतो वसूनि वर्क्षं न पक्वं धूनवद रणाय ||
महीमे अस्य वर्षनाम शूषे मांश्चत्वे वा पर्शने वा वधत्रे |
अस्वापयन निगुतः सनेहयच्चापामित्रानपाचितो अचेतः ||
सं तरी पवित्रा विततान्येष्यन्वेकं धावसि पूयमानः |
असि भगो असि दात्रस्य दातासि मघवा मघवद्भ्य इन्दो ||
एष विश्ववित पवते मनीषी सोमो विश्वस्य भुवनस्य राजा |
दरप्सानीरयन विदथेष्विन्दुर्वि वारमव्यं समयाति याति ||
इन्दुं रिहन्ति महिषा अदब्धाः पदे रेभन्ति कवयो न गर्ध्राः |
हिन्वन्ति धीरा दशभिः कषिपाभिः समञ्जते रूपमपां रसेन ||
तवया वयं पवमानेन सोम भरे कर्तं वि चिनुयाम शश्वत |
तन नो मित्रो वरुणो मामहन्तामदितिः सिन्धुः पर्थिवीुत दयौः ||
asya preṣā hemanā pūyamāno devo devebhiḥ samapṛkta rasam |
sutaḥ pavitraṃ paryeti rebhan miteva sadma paśumānti hotā ||
bhadrā vastrā samanyā vasāno mahān kavirnivacanāni śaṃsan |
ā vacyasva camvoḥ pūyamāno vicakṣaṇo jāghṛvirdevavītau ||
samu priyo mṛjyate sāno avye yaśastaro yaśasāṃ kṣaito asme |
abhi svara dhanvā pūyamāno yūyaṃ pāta svastibhiḥ sadā naḥ ||
pra ghāyatābhyarcāma devān somaṃ hinota mahate dhanāya |
svāduḥ pavāte ati vāramavyamā sīdāti kalaśaṃ devayurnaḥ ||
indurdevānāmupa sakhyamāyan sahasradhāraḥ pavate madāya |
nṛbhiḥ stavāno anu dhāma pūrvamaghannindraṃ mahate saubhaghāya ||
stotre rāye harirarṣā punāna indraṃ mado ghachatu te bharāya |
devairyāhi sarathaṃ rādho achā yūyaṃ pāta svastibhiḥ sadā naḥ ||
pra kāvyamuśaneva bruvāṇo devo devānāṃ janimā vivakti |
mahivrataḥ śucibandhuḥ pāvakaḥ padā varāho abhyeti rebhan ||
pra haṃsāsastṛpalaṃ manyumachāmādastaṃ vṛṣaghaṇā ayāsuḥ |
āṅghūṣyaṃ pavamānaṃ sakhāyo durmarṣaṃ sākaṃ pravadanti vāṇam ||
sa raṃhata urughāyasya jūtiṃ vṛthā krīḷantaṃ mimate na ghāvaḥ |
parīṇasaṃ kṛṇute tighmaśṛṅgho divā harirdadṛśe naktaṃ ṛjraḥ ||
indurvājī pavate ghonyoghā indre somaḥ saha invan madāya |
hanti rakṣo bādhate paryarātīrvarivaḥ kṛṇvan vṛjanasya rājā ||
adha dhārayā madhvā pṛcānastiro roma pavate adridughdhaḥ |
indurindrasya sakhyaṃ juṣāṇo devo devasya matsaro madāya ||
abhi priyāṇi pavate punāno devo devān svena rasena pṛñcan |
indurdharmāṇy ṛtuthā vasāno daśa kṣipo avyata sāno avye ||
vṛṣā śoṇo abhikanikradad ghā nadayanneti pṛthivīmuta dyām |
indrasyeva vaghnurā śṛṇva ājau pracetayannarṣati vācamemām ||
rasāyyaḥ payasā pinvamāna īrayanneṣi madhumantamaṃśum |
pavamānaḥ santanimeṣi kṛṇvannindrāya soma pariṣicyamānaḥ ||
evā pavasva madiro madāyodaghrābhasya namayan vadhasnaiḥ |
pari varṇaṃ bharamāṇo ruśantaṃ ghavyurno arṣa pari soma siktaḥ ||
juṣṭvī na indo supathā sughānyurau pavasva varivāṃsi kṛṇvan |
ghaneva viṣvagh duritāni vighnannadhi ṣṇunā dhanva sāno avye ||
vṛṣṭiṃ no arṣa divyāṃ jighatnumiḷāvatīṃ śaṃghayīṃ jīradānum |
stukeva vītā dhanvā vicinvan bandhūnrimānavarānindo vāyūn ||
ghranthiṃ na vi ṣya ghrathitaṃ punāna ṛjuṃ ca ghātuṃ vṛjinaṃ ca soma |
atyo na krado harirā sṛjāno maryo deva dhanva pastyāvān ||
juṣṭo madāya devatāta indo pari ṣṇunā dhanva sāno avye |
sahasradhāraḥ surabhiradabdhaḥ pari srava vājasātau nṛṣahye ||
araśmāno ye.arathā ayuktā atyāso na sasṛjānāsa ājau |
ete śukrāso dhanvanti somā devāsastānupa yātā pibadhyai ||
evā na indo abhi devavītiṃ pari srava nabho arṇaścamūṣu |
somo asmabhyaṃ kāmyaṃ bṛhantaṃ rayiṃ dadātu vīravantamughram ||
takṣad yadī manaso venato vāgh jyeṣṭhasya vā dharmaṇi kṣoranīke |
ādīmāyan varamā vāvaśānā juṣṭaṃ patiṃ kalaśe ghāva indum ||
pra dānudo divyo dānupinva ṛtaṃ ṛtāya pavate sumedhāḥ |
dharmā bhuvad vṛjanyasya rājā pra raśmibhirdaśabhirbhāri bhūma ||
pavitrebhiḥ pavamāno nṛcakṣā rājā devānāmuta martyānām |
dvitā bhuvad rayipatī rayīṇāṃ ṛtaṃ bharat subhṛtaṃ cārvinduḥ ||
arvāniva śravase sātimachendrasya vāyorabhi vītimarṣa |
sa naḥ sahasrā bṛhatīriṣo dā bhavā soma draviṇovit punānaḥ ||
devāvyo naḥ pariṣicyamānāḥ kṣayaṃ suvīraṃ dhanvantu somāḥ |
āyajyavaḥ sumatiṃ viśvavārā hotāro na diviyajo mandratamāḥ ||
evā deva devatāte pavasva mahe soma psarase devapānaḥ |
mahaścid dhi ṣmasi hitāḥ samarye kṛdhi suṣṭhāne rodasī punānaḥ ||
aśvo no krado vṛṣabhiryujānaḥ siṃho na bhīmo manaso javīyān |
arvācīnaiḥ pathibhirye rajiṣṭhā ā pavasva saumanasaṃ na indo ||
śataṃ dhārā devajātā asṛghran sahasramenāḥ kavayo mṛjanti |
indo sanitraṃ diva ā pavasva puraetāsi mahato dhanasya ||
divo na sarghā asasṛghramahnāṃ rājā na mitraṃ pra minātidhīraḥ |
piturna putraḥ kratubhiryatāna ā pavasva viśeasyā ajītim ||
pra te dhārā madhumatīrasṛghran vārān yat pūto atyeṣyavyān |
pavamāna pavase dhāma ghonāṃ jajñānaḥ sūryamapinvo arkaiḥ ||
kanikradadanu panthāṃ ṛtasya śukro vi bhāsyamṛtasya dhāma |
sa indrāya pavase matsaravān hinvāno vācaṃ matibhiḥ kavīnām ||
divyaḥ suparṇo.ava cakṣi soma pinvan dhārāḥ karmaṇā devavītau |
endo viśa kalaśaṃ somadhānaṃ krandannihi sūryasyopa raśmim ||
tisro vāca īrayati pra vahnirtasya dhītiṃ brahmaṇo manīṣām |
ghāvo yanti ghopatiṃ pṛchamānāḥ somaṃ yanti matayo vāvaśānāḥ ||
somaṃ ghāvo dhenavo vāvaśānāḥ somaṃ viprā matibhiḥ pṛchamānāḥ |
somaḥ sutaḥ pūyate ajyamānaḥ some arkāstriṣṭubhiḥ saṃ navante ||
evā naḥ soma pariṣicyamāna ā pavasva pūyamānaḥ svasti |
indramā viśa bṛhatā raveṇa vardhayā vācaṃ janayā purandhim ||
ā jāghṛvirvipra ṛtā matīnāṃ somaḥ punāno asadaccamūṣu |
sapanti yaṃ mithunāso nikāmā adhvaryavo rathirāsaḥ suhastāḥ ||
sa punāna upa sūre na dhātobhe aprā rodasī vi ṣa āvaḥ |
priyā cid yasya priyasāsa ūtī sa tū dhanaṃ kāriṇena pra yaṃsat ||
sa vardhitā vardhanaḥ pūyamānaḥ somo mīḍhvānabhi no jyotiṣāvīt |
yenā naḥ pūrve pitaraḥ padajñāḥ svarvido abhi ghā adrimuṣṇan ||
akrān samudraḥ prathame vidharmañ janayan prajā bhuvanasyarājā |
vṛṣā pavitre adhi sāno avye bṛhat somo vāvṛdhe suvāna induḥ ||
mahat tat somo mahiṣaścakārāpāṃ yad gharbho.avṛṇīta devān |
adadhādindre pavamāna ojo.ajanayat sūrye jyotirinduḥ ||
matsi vāyumiṣṭaye rādhase ca matsi mitrāvaruṇā pūyamānaḥ |
matsi śardho mārutaṃ matsi devān matsi dyāvāpṛthivī deva soma ||
ṛjuḥ pavasva vṛjinasya hantāpāmīvāṃ bādhamāno mṛdhaśca |
abhiśrīṇan payaḥ payasābhi ghonāmindrasya tvaṃ tava vayaṃ sakhāyaḥ ||
madhvaḥ sūdaṃ pavasva vasva utsaṃ vīraṃ ca na ā pavasvā bhaghaṃ ca |
svadasvendrāya pavamāna indo rayiṃ ca na ā pavasvā samudrāt ||
somaḥ suto dhārayātyo na hitvā sindhurna nimnamabhi vājyakṣāḥ |
ā yoniṃ vanyamasadat punānaḥ samindurghobhirasarat samadbhiḥ ||
eṣa sya te pavata indra somaścamūṣu dhīra uśate tavasvān |
svarcakṣā rathiraḥ satyaśuṣmaḥ kāmo na yo devayatāmasarji ||
eṣa pratnena vayasā punānastiro varpāṃsi duhiturdadhānaḥ |
vasānaḥ śarma trivarūthamapsu hoteva yāti samaneṣurebhan ||
nū nastvaṃ rathiro deva soma pari srava camvoḥ pūyamānaḥ |
apsu svādiṣṭho madhumān ṛtāvā devo na yaḥ savitā satyamanmā ||
abhi vāyuṃ vītyarṣā ghṛṇāno.abhi mitrāvaruṇā pūyamānaḥ |
abhī naraṃ dhījavanaṃ ratheṣṭhāmabhīndraṃ vṛṣaṇaṃ vajrabāhum ||
abhi vastrā suvasanānyarṣābhi dhenūḥ sudughāḥ pūyamānaḥ |
abhi candrā bhartave no hiraṇyābhyaśvān rathino deva soma ||
abhī no arṣa divyā vasūnyabhi viśvā pārthivā pūyamānaḥ |
abhi yena draviṇamaśnavāmābhyarṣeyaṃ jamadaghnivannaḥ ||
ayā pavā pavasvainā vasūni māṃścatva indo sarasi pra dhanva |
bradhnaścidatra vāto na jātaḥ purumedhaścit takave naraṃ dāt ||
uta na enā pavayā pavasvādhi śrute śravāyyasya tīrthe |
ṣaṣṭiṃ sahasrā naighuto vasūni vṛkṣaṃ na pakvaṃ dhūnavad raṇāya ||
mahīme asya vṛṣanāma śūṣe māṃścatve vā pṛśane vā vadhatre |
asvāpayan nighutaḥ snehayaccāpāmitrānapācito acetaḥ ||
saṃ trī pavitrā vitatānyeṣyanvekaṃ dhāvasi pūyamānaḥ |
asi bhagho asi dātrasya dātāsi maghavā maghavadbhya indo ||
eṣa viśvavit pavate manīṣī somo viśvasya bhuvanasya rājā |
drapsānīrayan vidatheṣvindurvi vāramavyaṃ samayāti yāti ||
induṃ rihanti mahiṣā adabdhāḥ pade rebhanti kavayo na ghṛdhrāḥ |
hinvanti dhīrā daśabhiḥ kṣipābhiḥ samañjate rūpamapāṃ rasena ||
tvayā vayaṃ pavamānena soma bhare kṛtaṃ vi cinuyāma śaśvat |
tan no mitro varuṇo māmahantāmaditiḥ sindhuḥ pṛthivīuta dyauḥ ||
English Translation
Translated by Ralph T.H. Griffith
1. MADE pure by this man’s urgent zeal and impulse the God hath to the Gods his juice imparted.
He goes, effused and singing, to the filter, like priest to measured seats supplied with cattle.
2 Robed in fair raiment meet to wear in battle, a mighty Sage pronouncing invocations.
Roll onward to the beakers as they cleanse thee, far-seeing at the feast of Gods, and watchful.
3 Dear, he is brightened on the fleecy summit, a Prince among us, nobler than the noble.
Roar out as thou art purified, run forward. Do ye preserve us evermore with blessings.
4 Let us sing praises to the Gods: sing loudly, send ye the Soma forth for mighty riches.
Let him flow, sweetly-flavoured, through the filter, and let our pious one rest in the pitcher.
5 Winning the friendship of the Deities, Indu flows in a thousand streams to make them joyful.
Praised by the men after the ancient statute, he hath come nigh, for our great bliss, to Indra.
6 Flow, Gold-hued, cleansing thee, to enrich the singer: let thy juice go to Indra to support him.
Come nigh, together with the Gods, for bounty. Do ye preserve us evermore with blessings.
7 The God declares the Deities’ generations, like Uśanā, proclaiming lofty wisdom.
With brilliant kin, far-ruling, sanctifying, the Boar advances, singing, to the places.
8 The Swans, the Vrsaganas from anear us have brought their restless spirit to our dwelling.
Friends come to Pavamana meet for praises, and sound in concert their resistless music.
9 He follows the Wide-strider’s rapid movement: cows low, as ’twere, to him who sports at pleasure.
He with the sharpened horns brings forth abundance: the Silvery shines by night, by day the Golden.
10 Strong Indu, bathed in milk, flows on for Indra, Soma exciting strength, to make him joyful.
He quells malignities and slays the demons, the King of mighty power who brings us comfort.
11 Then in a stream he flows, milked out with press-stones, mingled with sweetness, through the fleecy filter-
Indu rejoicing in the love of Indra, the God who gladdens, for the God’s enjoyment.
12 As he is purified he pours out treasures, a God bedewing Gods with his own juices.
Indu hath, wearing qualities by seasons, on the raised fleece engaged, the ten swift fingers.
13 The Red Bull bellowing to the kine advances, causing the heavens and earth to roar and tbunder.
Well is he beard like Indra’s shout in battle: letting this voice be known he hastens hither.
14 Swelling with milk, abounding in sweet flavours, urging the meath-rich plant thou goest onward.
Raising a shout thou flowest as they cleanse thee, when thou, O Soma, art effused for Indra.
15 So flow thou on inspiriting, for rapture, aiming deatb-shafts at him who stays the waters,
Flow to us wearing thy resplendent colour, effused and eager for the kine, O Soma.
16 Pleased with us, Indu, send us as thou flowest good easy paths in ample space and comforts.
Dispelling, as ’twere with a club, misfortunes, run o’er the height, run o’er the fleecy summit.
17 Pour on us rain celestial, quickly streaming, refreshing, fraught with health and ready bounty.
Flow, Indu, send these Winds thy lower kinsmen, setting them free like locks of hair unbraided.
18 Part, like a knotted tangle, while they cleanse thee, O Soma, righteous and unrighteous conduct.
Neigh like a tawny courser who is loosened, come like a youth, O God, a house-possessor.
19 For the God’s service, for delight, O Indu, run o’er the height, run o’ver the fleecy summit.
With thousand streams, inviolate, sweet-scented, flow on for gain of strength that conquers heroes.
20 Without a car, without a rein to guide them, unyoked, like coursers started in the contest,
These brilliant drops of Soma juice run forward. Do ye, O Deities, come nigh to drink them.
21 So for our banquet of the Gods, O Indu, pour down the rain of heaven into the vessels.
May Soma grant us riches sought with longing, mighty, exceeding strong, with store of heroes.
22 What time the loving spirit’s word had formed him Chief of all food, by statute of the Highest,
Then loudly lowing came the cows to Indu, the chosen, well-loved Master in the beaker.
23 The Sage, Celestial, liberal, raining bounties, pours as he flows the Genuine for the Truthful.
The King shall be effectual strength’s upholder: he by the ten bright reins is mostly guided.
24 He who beholds mankind, made pure with filters, the King supreme of Deities and mortals,
From days of old is Treasure-Lord of riches: he, Indu, cherishes fair well-kept Order.
25 Haste, like a steed, to vittory for glory, to Indra’s and to Vāyu’s entertainment.
Give us food ample, thousandfold: be, Soma, the finder-out of riches when they cleanse thee.
26 Effused by us let God-delighting Somas bring as they flow a home with noble heroes.
Rich in all boons like priests acquiring favour, the worshippers of heaven, the best of Cheerers.
27 So, God, for service of the Gods flow onward, flow, drink of Gods, for ample food, O Soma.
For we go forth to war against the mighty make heaven and earth well stablished by thy cleansing.
28 Thou, yoked by strong men, neighest like a courser, swifter than thought is, like an awful lion.
By paths directed hitherward, the straightest, send thou us happiness, Indu, while they cleanse thee.
29 Sprung from the Gods, a hundred streams, a thousand, have been effused: sages prepare and purge them.
Bring us from heaven the means of winnning, Indu; thou art-forerunnner of abundant riches.
30 The streams of days, were poured as ’twere from heaven: the wise King doth not treat his friend unkindly.
Like a son following his father’s wishes, grant to this family success and safety.
31 Now are thy streams poured forth with all their sweetness, when, purified. thou goest through the filter.
The race of kine is thy gift, Pavarridna: when born thou madest Sūrya rich with brightness.
32 Bright, bellowing aiong the path of Order, thou shinest as the form of life eternal.
Thou flowest on as gladdening drink for Indra, sending thy voice out with the hymns of sages.
33 Pouring out streams at the Gods’ feast with service, thou, Soma, lookest down, a heavenly Eagle.
Enter the Soma-holding beaker, Indu, and with a roar approach the ray of Sarya.
34 Three are the voices that the Courser utters: he speaks the thought of prayer, the law of Order.
To the Cow’s Master come the Cows inquiring: the hymns with eager longing come to Soma.
35 To Soma come the Cows, the Milch-kine longing, to Soma sages with their hvmns inquiring.
Soma, effused, is purified and blended our hymns and Tṛṣṭup songs unite in Soma.
36 Thus, Soma, as we pour thee into vessels, while thou art purified flow for our welfare.
Pass into Indra with a mighty roaring make the voice swell, and generate abundance.
37 Singer of true songs, ever-watchful, Soma hath settled in the ladles when they cleanse him.
Him the Adhvaryus, paired and eager, follow, leaders of sacrifice and skilful-handed.
38 Cleansed near the Sun as ’twere he as Creator hath filled full heaven and earth, and hath disclosed them.
He by whose dear help men gain all their wishes shall yield the precious meed as to a victor.
39 He, being cleansed, the Strengthener and Increaser, Soma the Bounteous, helped us with his lustre,
Wherewith our sires of old who knew the footsteps found light and stole the cattle from the mountain.
40 In the first vault of heaven loud roared the Ocean, King of all being, generating creatures.
Steer, in the filter, on the fleecy summit, Soma, the Drop effused, hath waxen mighty.
41 Soma the Steer, in that as Child of Waters he chose the Gods, performed that great achievement.
He, Pavamana, granted strength to Indra; he, Indu, generated light in Sūrya.
42 Make Vāyu glad,, for furtherance and bounty: cheer Varuṇa and Mitra, as they cleanse thee.
Gladden the Gods, gladden the host of Maruts: make Heaven and Earth rejoice, O God, O Soma.
43 Flow onward righteous slayer of the wicked, driving away our enemies and sickness,
Blending thy milk with milk which cows afford us. We are thy friends, thou art the Friend of Indra.
44 Pour us a fount of meath, a spring of treasure; send us a hero son and happy fortune.
Be sweet to India when they cleanse thee, Indu, and pour down riches on us from the ocean.
45 Strong Soma, pressed, like an impetuous courser, hath flowed in stream as a flood speeding downward.
Cleansed, he hath settled in his wooden dwelling: Indu hath flowed with milk and with the waters.
46 Strong, wise, for thee who longest for his coming this Soma here flows to the bowls, O Indra.
He, chariot-borne, sun-bright, and truly potent, was poured forth like the longing of the pious.
47 He, purified with ancient vital vigour, pervading all his Daughter’s forms and figures,
Finding his threefold refuge in the waters, goes singing, as a priest, to the assemblies.
48 Now, chariot-borne, flow unto us, God Soma, as thou art purified flow to the saucers,
Sweetest in waters, rich in meath, and holy, as Savitar the God is, truthfulminded.
49 To feast him, flow mid song and hymn, to Vāyu, flow purified to Varuṇa and Mitra.
Flow to the song-inspiring car-borne Hero, to mighty Indra, him who wields the thunder.
50 Pour on us garments that shall clothe us meetly, send, purified, miIch-kine, abundant yielders.
God Soma, send us chariot-drawing horses that they may bring us treasures bright and golden.
51 Send to us in a stream celestial riches, send us, when thou art cleansed, what earth containeth,
So that thereby we may acquire possessions and Rsihood in Jamadagni’s manner.
52 Pour forth this wealth with this purification: flow onward to the yellow lake, O Indu.
Here, too, the Ruddy, wind-swift, full of wisdom, Shall give a son to him who cometh quickly.
53 Flow on for us with this purification to the famed ford of thee whose due is glory.
May the Foe-queller shake us down, for triumph, like a tree’s ripe fruit, sixty thousand treasures.
54 Eagerly do we pray for those two exploits, at the blue lake and Prsana, wrought in battle.
He sent our enemies to sleep and slew thern, and turned away the foolish and unfriendly.
55 Thou comest unto three extended filters, and hasteriest through each one as they cleanse thee.
Thou art the giver of the gift, a Bhaga, a Maghavan for liberal lords, O Indu.
56 This Soma here, the Wise, the All-obtainer, flows on his way as King of all existence.
Driving the drops at our assemblies, Indu completely traverses the fleecy filter.
57 The Great Inviolate are kissing Indu, and singing in his place like eager sages.
The wise men send him forth with ten swift fingers, and balm his form with essence of the waters.
58 Soma, may we, with thee as Pavamana, pile up together all our spoil in battle.
This boon vouchsafe us Varuṇa and Mitra, and Aditi and Sindhu, Earth and Heaven.