HYMN XLII. Indra. – Rig Veda – Book 10
अस्तेव सु परतरं लायमस्यन भूषन्निव पर भरास्तोममस्मै |
वाचा विप्रास्तरत वाचमर्यो नि रामयजरितः सोम इन्द्रम ||
दोहेन गामुप शिक्षा सखायं पर बोधय जरितर्जारमिन्द्रम |
कोशं न पूर्णं वसुना नय्र्ष्टमा चयावयमघदेयाय शूरम ||
किमङग तवा मघवन भोजमाहुः शिशीहि मा शिशयन्त्वा शर्णोमि |
अप्नस्वती मम धीरस्तु शक्र वसुविदम्भगमिन्द्रा भरा नः ||
तवां जना ममसत्येष्विन्द्र सन्तस्थाना वि हवयन्तेसमीके |
अत्रा युजं कर्णुते यो हविष्मान नासुन्वतासख्यं वष्टि शूरः ||
धनं न सयन्द्रं बहुलं यो अस्मै तीव्रान सोमानासुनोतिप्रयस्वान |
तस्मै शत्रून सुतुकान परातरह्नो निस्वष्ट्रान युवति हन्ति वर्त्रम ||
यस्मिन वयं दधिमा शंसमिन्द्रे यः शिश्राय मघवाकाममस्मे |
आराच्चित सन भयतामस्य शत्रुर्न्यस्मैद्युम्ना जन्या नमन्ताम ||
आराच्छत्रुमप बाधस्व दूरमुग्रो यः शम्बःपुरुहूत तेन |
अस्मे धेहि यवमद गोमदिन्द्र कर्धी धियंजरित्रे वाजरत्नाम ||
पर यमन्तर्व्र्षसवासो अग्मन तीव्राः सोमा बहुलान्तासैन्द्रम |
नाह दामानं मघवा नि यंसन नि सुन्वते वहतिभूरि वामम ||
उत परहामतिदीव्या जयाति कर्तं यच्छ्वघ्नी विचिनोतिकाले |
यो देवकामो न धना रुणद्धि समित तं रायास्र्जति सवधावान ||
गोभिष टरेमामतिं दुरेवां यवेन कषुधं पुरुहूतविश्वाम |
वयं राजभिः परथमा धनान्यस्माकेनव्र्जनेना जयेम ||
बर्हस्पतिर्नः परि पातु पश्चादुतोत्तरस्मादधरादघायोः |
इद्रः पुरस्तादुत मध्यतो नः सखा सखिभ्योवरिवः कर्णोतु ||
asteva su prataraṃ lāyamasyan bhūṣanniva pra bharāstomamasmai |
vācā viprāstarata vācamaryo ni rāmayajaritaḥ soma indram ||
dohena ghāmupa śikṣā sakhāyaṃ pra bodhaya jaritarjāramindram |
kośaṃ na pūrṇaṃ vasunā nyṛṣṭamā cyāvayamaghadeyāya śūram ||
kimaṅgha tvā maghavan bhojamāhuḥ śiśīhi mā śiśayantvā śṛṇomi |
apnasvatī mama dhīrastu śakra vasuvidambhaghamindrā bharā naḥ ||
tvāṃ janā mamasatyeṣvindra santasthānā vi hvayantesamīke |
atrā yujaṃ kṛṇute yo haviṣmān nāsunvatāsakhyaṃ vaṣṭi śūraḥ ||
dhanaṃ na syandraṃ bahulaṃ yo asmai tīvrān somānāsunotiprayasvān |
tasmai śatrūn sutukān prātarahno nisvaṣṭrān yuvati hanti vṛtram ||
yasmin vayaṃ dadhimā śaṃsamindre yaḥ śiśrāya maghavākāmamasme |
ārāccit san bhayatāmasya śatrurnyasmaidyumnā janyā namantām ||
ārācchatrumapa bādhasva dūramughro yaḥ śambaḥpuruhūta tena |
asme dhehi yavamad ghomadindra kṛdhī dhiyaṃjaritre vājaratnām ||
pra yamantarvṛṣasavāso aghman tīvrāḥ somā bahulāntāsaindram |
nāha dāmānaṃ maghavā ni yaṃsan ni sunvate vahatibhūri vāmam ||
uta prahāmatidīvyā jayāti kṛtaṃ yacchvaghnī vicinotikāle |
yo devakāmo na dhanā ruṇaddhi samit taṃ rāyāsṛjati svadhāvān ||
ghobhiṣ ṭaremāmatiṃ durevāṃ yavena kṣudhaṃ puruhūtaviśvām |
vayaṃ rājabhiḥ prathamā dhanānyasmākenavṛjanenā jayema ||
bṛhaspatirnaḥ pari pātu paścādutottarasmādadharādaghāyoḥ |
idraḥ purastāduta madhyato naḥ sakhā sakhibhyovarivaḥ kṛṇotu ||
English Translation
Translated by Ralph T.H. Griffith
1. EVEN as an archer shoots afar his arrow, offer the laud to him with meet adornment.
Quell with your voice the wicked’s voice, O sages. Singer, make Indra rest beside the Soma.
2 Draw thy Friend to thee like a cow at milking: O Singer, wake up Indra as a lover.
Make thou the Hero haste to give us riches even as a vessel filled brimful with treasure.
3 Why, Maghavan, do they call thee Bounteous; Giver? Quicken me: thou, I hear, art he who quickens.
Śakra, let my intelligence be active, and bring us luck that finds great wealth, O Indra.
4 Standing, in battle for their rights, together, the people, Indra, in the fray invoke thee.
Him who brings gifts the Hero makes his comrade: with him who pours no juice he seeks not friendship.
5 Whoso with plenteous food for him expresses strong Somas as much quickly-coming treasure,
For him he overthrows in early morning his swift well-weaponed foes, and slays the tyrant.
6 He unto whom we offer praises, Indra, Maghavan, who hath joined to ours his wishes,—
Before him even afar the foe must tremble: low before him must bow all human glories.
7 With thy fierce bolt, O God invoked of many, drive to a distance from afar the foeman.
O Indra, give us wealth in corn and cattle, and make thy singer’s prayer gain strength and riches.
8 Indra, the swallower of strong libations rich in the boons they bring, the potent Somas,
He, Maghavan, will not restrict his bounty he brings much wealth unto the Soma-presser.
9 Yea, by superior play he wins advantage, when he, a gambler, piles his gains in season.
Celestial-natured, he o’erwhelms with riches the devotee who keeps not back his treasure.
10 O Much-invoked, may we subdue all famine and evil want with store of grain and cattle.
May we allied, as first in rank, with princes obtain possessions by our own exertion.
11 Bṛhaspati protect us from the rearward, and from above, and from below, from sinners!
May Indra from the front, and from the centre, as Friend to friends, vouchsafe us room and freedom.