HYMN XV. Agni: Rig Veda – Book 4 – Ralph T.H. Griffith, Translator
अग्निर होता नो अध्वरे वाजी सन परि णीयते |
देवो देवेषु यज्ञियः ||
परि तरिविष्ट्य अध्वरं यात्य अग्नी रथीर इव |
आ देवेषु परयो दधत ||
परि वाजपतिः कविर अग्निर हव्यान्य अक्रमीत |
दधद रत्नानि दाशुषे ||
अयं यः सर्ञ्जये पुरो दैववाते समिध्यते |
दयुमां अमित्रदम्भनः ||
अस्य घा वीर ईवतो ऽगनेर ईशीत मर्त्यः |
तिग्मजम्भस्य मीळ्हुषः ||
तम अर्वन्तं न सानसिम अरुषं न दिवः शिशुम |
मर्म्र्ज्यन्ते दिवे-दिवे ||
बोधद यन मा हरिभ्यां कुमारः साहदेव्यः |
अछा न हूत उद अरम ||
उत तया यजता हरी कुमारात साहदेव्यात |
परयता सद्य आ ददे ||
एष वां देवाव अश्विना कुमारः साहदेव्यः |
दीर्घायुर अस्तु सोमकः ||
तं युवं देवाव अश्विना कुमारं साहदेव्यम |
दीर्घायुषं कर्णोतन ||
aghnir hotā no adhvare vājī san pari ṇīyate |
devo deveṣu yajñiyaḥ ||
pari triviṣṭy adhvaraṃ yāty aghnī rathīr iva |
ā deveṣu prayo dadhat ||
pari vājapatiḥ kavir aghnir havyāny akramīt |
dadhad ratnāni dāśuṣe ||
ayaṃ yaḥ sṛñjaye puro daivavāte samidhyate |
dyumāṃ amitradambhanaḥ ||
asya ghā vīra īvato ‘ghner īśīta martyaḥ |
tighmajambhasya mīḷhuṣaḥ ||
tam arvantaṃ na sānasim aruṣaṃ na divaḥ śiśum |
marmṛjyante dive-dive ||
bodhad yan mā haribhyāṃ kumāraḥ sāhadevyaḥ |
achā na hūta ud aram ||
uta tyā yajatā harī kumārāt sāhadevyāt |
prayatā sadya ā dade ||
eṣa vāṃ devāv aśvinā kumāraḥ sāhadevyaḥ |
dīrghāyur astu somakaḥ ||
taṃ yuvaṃ devāv aśvinā kumāraṃ sāhadevyam |
dīrghāyuṣaṃ kṛṇotana ||
English Translation
Translated by Ralph T.H. Griffith
1. AGNI the Herald, like a horse, is led forth at our solemn rite,
God among Gods adorable.
2 Three times unto our solemn rite comes Agni like a charioteer,
Bearing the viands to the Gods.
3 Round the oblations hath he paced, Agni the Wise, the Lord of Strength,
Giving the offerer precious boons.
4 He who is kindled eastward for Sṛñjaya, Devāvata’s son,
Resplendent, tamer of the foe.
5 So mighty be the Agni whom the mortal hero shall command,
With sharpened teeth and bountiful.
6 Day after day they dress him, as they clean a horse who wins the prize.
Dress the red Scion of the Sky.
7 When Sahadeva’s princely son with two bay horses thought of me,
Summoned by him I drew not back.
8 And truly those two noble bays I straightway took when offered me,
From Sahadeva’s princely son.
9 Long, O ye Aśvins, may he live, your care, ye Gods, the princely son.
Of Sahadeva, Somaka.
10 Cause him the youthful prince, the son of Sahadeva, to enjoy
Long life, O Aśvins, O ye Gods.