Kathyayani Sthuthi

(Prayer to Kathyayani)

By  Pandavas

Translated by P.R.Ramachander

(Kathyayani is a form of Durga who was born in the hermitage of Sage Kathyayana. This prayer is believed to be recited by the Pandava princes before starting the Mahabharatha war.)

Kathyayani tridasa vanditha pada padme,

Viswodhbhava sthithi layaika nidhana roope,

Devi prachanda dalini tripurari patni,

Durge praseedha paramarthi hanthri. 1

Be pleased with us Oh. Kathyayani,

Whose lotus feet is saluted by thirty three devas*,

Who is the cause of birth, upkeep and destruction of the world,

Who is the fierce destroyer and consort of the destroyer of the three cities,

And who is the destroyer of all sorrows of the world.

*Twelve Adhithyas(Suns), Nine Vasus, Eleven Rudras and

Two Aswini Kumaras.

Thwam dushta daithya vinipathakari sadaiva,

Dushta mohana kari kila dukha hanthri,

Thwaam yo bhajediha jaganmayi tham kadhapi,

No bhadathe bhavasu dukhamachinthya roope. 2

You always destroy the bad rakshasas,

You entice and charm all bad ones,

You are the reducer of all sorrows,

To those who praise you always,

As the one who is spread in the entire universe,

And so there are no difficulties to face,

And no hurdles to cross to your devotees.

Thwameva viswa jananim pranipathya viswam,

Bramha srujatyavathi, vishnurahothi shambhu,

Kale cha thaan srujami pasi vihamsi matha,

Sthava leelayaivanahi they asthi janai vinasa. 3

You are the mother of the universe,

For arising from you, Brahma creates it,

Vishnu looks after it and Rudra destroys it,

And you create, give power and destroy,

See also  Manthra Manasika snana stotram

Them along with the wheel of time,

Since they all are your playful creations,

And you, yourself never ever get destroyed

Thwam yai smrutha samaramoordhni dukha hanthri,

Thesham thanuunnahi viswanthi vipaksha bana,

Thesham sarasthu para gathra nimagnapanga,

Prannan grasanthi danujendra nipatha karthri. 4

You are being remembered as the greatest warrior,

And destroyer of sorrows and those warriors who,

Remember you are not hurt by arrows of the enemy,

And their own arrows sink in their enemy and steal their life,

Oh the cause of destruction of kings of rakshasas.

Yasthvan manum japathi ghora rane sudurge,

Pasyanthi kala sadrusam kila tham vipaksha,

Thwam yasya vai jayakari khalu thasya vakthradh,

Brahmaksharathmaka manusthwa nisarecha. 5

He who meditates on you in fierce battle,

Oh good Durga, are seen as God of death,

By their enemies and you ensure victory,

To them who continuously chant the holy letter of your name.

Thwam asrayanthi parameshshwari ye bhayeshu,

Thesham bhayam naahi bhedhiha vaa parathra,

Thebhyo bhayadhihasdhoorath eva druhta,

Sthastha palayana parascha disho dravanthi. 6

Oh Greatest Goddess, those who seek refuge in you,

Are not bothered by fears for now and for ever,

Of the cunning and crooked in the battle,

As you make the enemies run away in different directions.

Poorvai surasurena sura nayakashwam,

Samprarthayanna sura vrundamupajagaana,

Ramopi rakshasa kulam nijaghana thadwa,

Thath sevana drutha ihasthi jayo na chaiva. 7

In olden days in the war between devas and asuras,

Indra prayed you for victory and won,

Rama also prayed you and destroyed the asuras,

And so we do not expect any victory without a prayer to you.

See also  P. R. Ramachander

Thathwam bhajami jayadham jagadheka vandhyam,

Viswasrayam hari virinchi susevya padam,

Thwam no videhi vijayam thwadanugrahena,

Shatrunnipathya samara vijayam labhama. 8

We pray to you who is the only one,

Granting victory and who is also the,

Refuge of the entire universe,

And whose holy feet are worshipped,

By Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma,

With a request to bless us with victory,

For only with your mercy,

We can attain victory by making our enemies fall.

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