Sanaischara Stotram
Composed by
King Dasaratha
Translated by
(I found this rare stotra in a book let published by Vinayak Mandhir Committee of New delhi, Here fearing the Movement of Sani to Rohini which was expected to cause famine in his country for twelve years, King Dasaratha reaches the place of Sani to fight him, Instead he prays to him. Sanaischara blesses him that the famine will not occur and whosoever reads this prayer would realize all his wishes.)
Asya Sri Sanaischara kavacham Maha manthrasya Kasyap Rishi, anushtup Chanda, Sanaischaro devathaa
For the great armour of Sani, the sage is Kashyapa, the meter is anushtup and the god addressed is Sanaischara.
Sam Bheejam, Nam Shakthi, mam keelakam, Sanaischara krutha peeda parihararthe jape viniyoga.
Sam is the root, Nam is the power, Mam is the nail and this being chanted to get rid of the problems created by Lord Sanaischara.
Sanaischaraya Angushtabhyam nama,
Mandha gathayai tharjaneebhyaam nama,
Adokshajaaya madhmabhyam nama,
Souraye Anamikabhyaam nama,
Sushkodaraya kanishtikabhyam nama,
Chayathmajaya Kara thala prushtabhyaam nama.
Sanaischara, salutations with thumb,
The slow moving one, salutation with pointer finger,
The one with eternal knowledge, salutation with middle finger,
The son of Sun God, salutation with ring finger,
The one with a thin stomach, salutation with little finger,
The son of Chaya salutation by the hand.
Sanaischaraya hrudayaya nama,
Mandha gathayai sirase swaha,
Adokshajaaya Shikayai vashat,
Souraye Kavachaya hum,
Sushkodaraya nethra thrayaya voushat,
Chayathmajaya ashtray a phat
Bhoorbawaswarom ithi dig bhandha
Sanaischara salutation by the heart,
The slow moving one salutations to the head,
The one with eternal knowledge salutations by the hair,
The son of Sun God Salutations to the armour,
The one with thin stomach salutations to the three eyes,
The son of Chaya devi salutations by the arrow,
Bhoorbhuvasvarom, I tie all directions
1.Chapa sanorudhra radhasthu neela prathyang mukha kasyapa gothra Jatha,
Sasoola chapeshu Gadha dharo avyath Sourashtra desa prabhavascha souri.
The blue one with an ancient bow riding on a vulture, belonging to Kasyapa Gothra,
Holding a trident bow and mace, powerful in Saurashtra and is the son of Surya.
2.Neelambaro neela vapu kireti Grudrasanastho vikruthananascha,
Keyura haradhi vibhooshhithangasadasthu may Mandagathi prasanna.
Let the slow moving one wearing a blue silk, blue coloured body, who sits on a hawk,
Who has ugly look who wears a crown and a garland, be always be pleased with me.
3.Sanaischaraya santhaya sarvabheeshta pradhayine,
Nama sarva athmane thubhyam namo neelambaraya cha
Salutation to the one clad in blue silk, who moves slow who is peaceful,
Who fulfills all desires, who is worshipped by all beings .
4.Dwadasashtama janmani dwitheeyantheshu rasishu,
Ye ye may sangha dosha sarve nasyanthu Maha Prabhu.
Oh great Lord please destroy all the doshas caused by you,
At the twelfth, eighth ,First and second house.
Sutha Uvacha:-
5.Srunudwam munayasarve Sani peeda haram Shubham,
Sani preethikaram stotram Sarvabheeshta phala pradham.
Sutha said:-
Oh all sages please hear the prayer liked by Sani,
Which destroys all troubles and fulfills all desires.
6.Pura Kailsa Shikare Parvathyai sankarena cha,
Upadishtam sanai stotram Pravakshyami thapo dhana.
Oh great sages, I will tell you the prayer addressed to Sani,
Which was taught by Lord shiva to Goddess Parvathi.
7.Raghu vamsethi vikhyatho Raja Dasaratha Prabhu,
Babhuva Chakravarthi cha saptha dweepadhipo bali.
There was a famous emperor called Dasaratha,
Who belonged to Raghu clan and who ruled over the seven islands.
8.Kruthikanthe Sanou yathe Devagnai jnarpitho hi saa,
Rohini sakatam bhithwaa saniryasyathi sampratham.
When Sani from the star Kruthika the fortune teller in his wisdom said,
When Sani has reached the place of Rohini now.
9.Itham sakata bhedena surasura bhayankaram,
Dwadasabdasthu Durbhiksham bhavishyathi sudharunam.
By change of this position lead to horrible time to Devas and asuras,
Very sorrow full famine would occur for the next twelce years.
10.Desascha nagara grama bhayabheethaa samanthatha,
Bruvanthi sarva lokaanaam bhaya medath samagamam.
The country towns and villages became areas with great fear,
And All the people told that fear has come to stay.
11.Yevamukthastho vakhyam manthribhir saha parthiva,
Vyakulam thu jagad drushtwa pourajava padhadhikam.
Hearing these words the ministers as well as other king like people,
Were filled with worry along with the worry of the citizens.
12.Papracha prayatho raja Vasishta pramukhanrupeen,
Samadhanam kimasyasthi, broova may muni sathama.
Then the king asked Vasishta the king of great people,
What can be the solution, please tell me great sage.
13.Prajaanam pari rakshayai sarvajna sarva darsana,
Thchruthwaa munayasarve prochusyabalam mahath.
For the sake of protecting the people, well learned people of different types
Hearing all that requested all the sages in a loud voice.
14.Sanasicharena sakate thasmin bhinne krutha prajaa,
Ayam yogohya sadhyasthu sakra brahmadhibhi sthadhaa.
The position of Sani, divided the people greatly,
And the yogis, sadhus and also Indra and Brhama.
15.Sa thu samchinthya manasaa sahasaa purusharshabha,
Samadhayas dhaur dhivyam divyayudha samanvitham.
Thinking about that in the mind suddenly the vigorous among men,
Put together the bow and divine arrows as well as divine weapons.
16.Radham aaruhya vegena gatho nakshjatra mandalam,
Sapada yojanam laksham suryasyopari samsthitham.
He got in to the chariot and with speed went towards the place of stars,
And travelled hundred thousand yojanas over and above the Sun.
17.Rohinim prushtadha sthapya Raja Dasaradhasthadhaa,
Radhethu kanchane divye Sarva rathna Vibhooshithe.
Near the Rohini star that king Dasaratha parked his chariot,
Which was made of gold and studded with very divine gems.
18.Hema varna hayaiyuktha Maha Kethu samuchithe,
Deepthamano Maha Raktha Kireeta katakadhipi.
Drawn by golden coloured horses with greatly bright appearance,
He was shining in red colour and was wearing a crown and armlets.
19.Babraja sa thadakaso Dwitheeya iva Bhaskara,
AAkarna poorna chapena samaharasthram anya yojayeth.
He shined on the sky like a second sun,
And in his bow he drew an vary fatal arrow.
20.SAmharasthram saner drushtwa, surasura bhayankaram,
Kruthikanthe thadha sthithwaa pravisankila rohinim.
Sani who caused fear to devas and asuras saw the fatal arrow,
Sitting at the end of Krithiga, moving towards Rohini.
21.Drushtwa Dasaradham chagre thasthou sabrukuti mukha,
Hasithwaa thadbhasyath souriridham vachanam abraveeth.
Seeing Dasaratha near by with a frowning face,
Laughing at his fear, the son of Sun God told.
22.Pourusham thava Rajendra surasura bhayangaram,
Deva sura manushyascha Sidha vidhyadhare raga.
Oh great king, Your manliness is fearful to devas, Asuras,
Devas, asuras,men Sidhas, Vidhyadharas, ghosts
- Maya avalokitha sarve dainyama assu vrujanthi they,
Thushtoham thava Rajendra thapasaa pourushena cha.
Know that all those whom I glance would undergo great suffering,
And so king be satisfied by your manliness and ability to do penance .
24.Varam broohi pradaasyami manasa yad abheepsitham,
Dasaratha Uvacha-(Prasadam kuru may soure varadhdhoyadhi may sthitha.)
Adhya prabruthi may Rashtra peedaa karyaana kasyachith
Please demand a boon that is mentally acceptable.
Dasaratha asked (Be pleased with me son of sun God and grant me What I state)
And I ask you to not to undertake the suffering of my country.
25.Rohinim bhedayithwa thu na ganthavyam thwayasane,
Saritha saagaraa sarve yava chandra arka medini.
Please do not go to Rohini from your present seat,
Of flowing oceans as long as moon and Sun exist.
26.Dwadsabdasthu durbiksham na kadachith bhavishyathi,
Yachitham thu mayaa soure Nanayafichamyaham varam.
Let the famine for twelve years not happen,
I am begging this and do not want to any boon.
27.Yevam asthvithi supreetho varam pradathu saswatham,
Keerthiresha thwadheeyaa cha trilokyae sambavishyaathi.
Please with love give me a boon this will never happen,
And in all the three worlds your fame would spread.
28.Prapya chainam varam Raja kruthakrutho bhavathadha,
Yevam varam thu samprapya hrushtaroma sa parthiva.
By getting the boon he wanted Raja became felt accomplished,
And having realized the boon the king became happy.
29.Radhopasthe dhanussadhapya bhoothwaa chaiva kruthanjili,
Dhyathwaa Saraswathim devim gana nadham Vinayakam.
After keeping the bow on the chariot he went in to action of salute,
Meditating on Saraswathi and Vinayaka the Lord of the Ganas.
Dasaradha Uvacha:-
30.Raja Dasaradha stotram souroridhamadhakaroth
Nama Krishnaya neelaaya sithikanda nibhaya cha,
The king then prayed to the son of Sun God.
Salutations to one who is blue black and who also has a blue neck.
Dasaratha told:-
31.Namo neela mukhabjaya nelothphala nibhaya cha,
Namo nirmamsa dehaya deergha smasru jataya cha.
Salutations to one who is of blue colour and blue lotus flower like face,
Salutations to one with fleshless body and one having long beard and tuft
32.Namo Visala nethraya Suskodara bhayanaka,
Nama parusha nethraya, Sthoolaromne namo nama.
Salutations to one with broad eyes, to the fearsome one with thin stomach,
Salutations to one with harsh eyes, Salutations to one with long hairs.
33.Namo nithyam kshudarthaya, athrupthaya namo nama,
Namo deergaaya sushkaaya kala damshtraya they nama.
Salutations who is daily hungry, salutations to one who is not satisfied,
Salutations to the tall thin one, salutations to one with fatal protruding teeth.
34.Namasthe ghora roopaya, dur nireekshyaya they nama,
Namo ghoraya roudhraya bheeshanaya karaline.
Salutations to one with terrible form, salutation to one with evil looks,
Salutations one who is horrible, angry and fearful.
35.Namasthe sarva bhakshaya, valee mukha namosthu they,
Soorya puthra namosthu Bhaskarabhaya dhayine.
Salutations to one who eats all, Salutations to one with wrinkled face,
Salutations to son of Sun God, Salutations to one who gives protection to the Sun.
36.Adhodrushte namosthu, samvatharka namo nama,
Namo mandha gathe thubhyam nisthrimsaaya namo nama.
Salutations to one who looks down, salutations to one who destroys everything,
Salutations to one who is slow moving and one who is a very cruel.
37.Namo dussahrdehaya, nithya yoga rathaya cha,
Jnana drushti namosthuthe Kasyapatmaja soonave.
Salutations to one with a bad heart and one who is intent upon Yoga,
Salutations to who has divine sight and one who is son of son of Kasyapa.
38.Thushto dadhasi thwam rajyam krudho harasi thath kshanaath,
Devasura manushyascha sidha vidhya dharo araga.
Please get satisfied by my kingdom which I am giving and leave out your anger immediately,Oh Lord who is cool towards devas, asuras,Sidhas, and vIdhya dharas.
39.Thwayaa avalokithaa sarve dhainyamasu vrajanthi they,
Brahma sakro yamaschaiva rushaya saptha sagaraa.
Whatever you inspect become depressed because of you,
Even Brahma, Indra, Yama and the sages of the seven seas.
40.Rajyabrashtaa bhavantheeha thava drushtya avalokitha,
Desascha nagara grama dweepascha girayasthadhaa.
Due to your sight, countries, towns, villages,
And islands become unchaste and fallen.
41.Saritha sagara cssarve nasam yaanthi samooladhaa,
Prasadam kuru may Soure varadhoasi mahabala
All rivers and even oceans are completely destroyed by you,
Please become pleased with me, oh Son of sun God who is powerful and blesses.
42.Yevamukthasthadhaa souri graharajo Mahabala,
Abraveecha Sanirvakyam hrushtaroma sabhaskara.
When these words were told to son of Sun god who is very strong,
The King of sun dynasty heard the words of Sani thrilled with rapture.
43.Sanir uvacha:-
Thushtoham thava rajendra stotranena suvrutha,
Varam bruhi pradhasyami manasa yad abheepsitham.
Sani said
I am satisfied and happy by the prayer, Oh good one,
You ask for boons and I would grant them as you wish.
44.Dasaradha Uvacha:-
Prasanno yadhi may soure, peedaam kuru na kaschith,
Devasura manushyaanaam pasu pannaga paksheenaam
Oh son of sun god, if you are pleased, do not ever cause troubles,
To devas, asuras man, animals, snakes and birds.
45.Saneer uvacha:-
Grahanascha grahaa jneyaa grahaa peedakara smruthaa,
Adheyopi varo asmabhi thushto hanthami dadahmi they.
Those who know eclipses and planets if they remember this at time of troubles,
If they remember me with these words, I would become happy and give them boons.
46.Devasura manushyascha Sidha Vidhyadaro raga,
Pasu pakshi mrugaa vrukshaa peedaam munchanthu sarvadhaa.
Devas, asuras, human being Sidhas, Vidhyadharas,
Animals birds and trees would get rid of their sufferings forever.
47.Thwayaa prokthamidham stotram padeth iha manava,
Yeka kalam kkachith kalam peedaam munchanthi thasya vai.
If a man reads the prayer which has been told by you,
Once at the proper time, I would put an end to his problems.
48.Mruthyu sthana gatho vaapi janma vyaya gathopi vaa,
Padathi sradha yukthaa suchi snathwaa samahitha.
Whether I am at place of death or in their own lagna or in place of expenditure,
If this is read with devotion after bath and getting cleaned.
49.Sami pathrasya mabhyarcha prathimaam lohajaam mama,
Mashaoudhanam thilaimishram dadhya lohanthu dakshinaam.
If I in the form of an iron idol is worshipped by sami leaves,
And if I am offered money and a mixture of Black gram and gingelly,
After giving Dakshina(fes to the priest) in the form of a metal.
- Krishnaam gaam mahishim vasthram mamudhishya dwijathaye,
Madhine thu viseshena stotranena poojayewth.
After giving to Brahmins representing me an active she buffalo,and cloth,
And on that day specially pray me using this prayer,
51.Poojayithwa japeth stotram bhoothwaa chaiva kruthanjali,
Thasya peedaam nachaivaham karishyami kadhachana.
To him who after doing worship, chants the prayer and does the salute
All his problems will vanish and I will not trouble him forever.
52.Gochare, janma lagne vaa dasaswa anthar dasaasu cha,
Rakshami sathatham thasya peedaa swaanya graham cha.
When in movement of planets I come to his own house,
Or in my dasa or sub dasa periods I would always protect,
Him for all troubles and also when I am in other houses.
Sutha Uvacha:-
53.Anyaiva prakaarena peeda muktham jagad bhaveth,
Varadwayam thu samprapya Raja Dasaradasthadhaa
.The world also would get rid of other type of problems also,
The king Dasaratha received the two boons.
Sutha said:-
54.Maine krutharthathmaanaam namaskruthya Sanaischaram,
Sanenaa cha abhya anujnathaa swasthana magaman nrupa.
With mind full of gratitude, after saluting the Sanaischara,
And taking leave from Sani, the king reached back his place.
He went and reached his place and started doing his work.
55.Swasthanam cha thatho gathwaa prapthakamo abhavath thadhaa,
Konasa sanaischaro mandha Chayaa hrudaya nandana.
The lame one, Sanaischara, the slow one and the darling son of Chaya,
The son of Sun God, The son of Sun, one with a spark, the lord of planets,
56.Marthandajasthadhaa Souri pathangir Gruha nayaka,
Brahmanya kroora karma cha Neela vasthro anjana dhyuthi.
The one who is blessed by Brahma, the one who does cruel deeds,
One who wears blue silk and one who is black to look at.
57.Dwadasaithani namani ya pate cha dhine dhine,
Vishamasthopi supreethasthasya jayathe.
One who reads the above twelve names day by day,
Even if he is in great trouble would become loved by him.
58.Manda vare suchi snathwa, mithaharo jithendriya,
Thad varna kusumair yuktham sarvangam dwija sathama.
59.Poojayithvaa annapanadhyai stotram ya prayatha padeth,
Puthra kamo labheth puthram, dhana kamo labheth dhanam
60.Rajakamo labheth rajyam, jayarthi vijayi bhavedh,
Ayushkamo labhedh aayu, srikama sriyam aapnuyath.
61.Yadhyadh ichathi thath sarva Bhagwan Bhaktha vathsala,
Chinthithaani cha sarvaani dadhathi na samsaya.
If one bathes well on a Saturday, takes limited food,
Keep his senses under control and with coloured flowers,
Which are suitable worship all the body parts by a learned Brahmin,
And after worship and offering of food and water,
And later reads this prayer, if he wants son, he will get a son,
If he needs money he would get money,
If he wants kingdom he would get kingdom,
If he wants victory , he would be blessed with victory,
If he wants long life , he would get long life,
If he wants wealth he would get wealth,
And whatever he desires all that would be given by the God who loves his devotees,
And without any doubt , all that he thinks would be his.
Ithi Dasaratha raja krutham sanaischara stotram sampoornam.
Thus ends the prayer to Sanaischara composed by king Dasaratha.