Kamba Ramayanam Bala Kandam 1 (Padalam 2)
Kamba Ramayanam Bala Kandam 1 (Padalam 2)

By Kambar (Kavichakravarthy Kamban)

Translated in English by P. R Ramachander

Kamba Ramayanam-Bala Kandam 1 (Padalam 2)

2. Nattu Padalam (The chapter  on the country)
(After describing the river of the country, the author describes the Kosala   country of Dasaratha. Sage Valmiki has also described   the KOsala country)
32.Using  four lined   verses , the great one called Valmiki,Composed   sweet poems which were  drunk by devas  using their ears,After drinking the alcohol called love , I am now talking ,About the country he described like  a dumb one who has started   talking.
33.There  ,  all the fields were full of pearls, the water ways to fields were full of conches,The paths dividing fields meant   for over flow of water   were   full of pure gold,The ditches where buffaloes take bath was all full of  red  lotus flowers,Corals in places water stood , swans occupying  all the paddy fields,In the uncultivated land near by ,  were flowing with honey,And in all the pretty gardens   bees  were dancing after  drinking honey.

34. In the limits of that  great cultivable lands was the sound of rivers flowing,The sound created by farmers  when they were working,The sound of  juice of sugarcane   flowing  from the work place,The big  sound  which was coming  out of the big mouth of  conches,The sound of bull dashing against bull. The sound created by buffalos swimming in the waterWere being  heard one mixing with the other , in different times.

35. With peacocks playing in the garden , With lotus flowers holding the lamps,With clouds making sound like drums, With kuvalai flowers opening their eyes and seeing,With water storages shining like curtains, With bees singing like the honey sound Of Yaazh(a stringed instrument),It appeared  as if the lady  of cultivable  land  was sitting   in a regal  manner.

36. The goddess Mahalakshmi who increases the beauty of the bees lives  in the lotus,The eyes of ladies and the arrows  of God of love, would strike the lovers  in the cool  evenings,The corals of the ocean and the shining pearls would live in the big black clouds,And the truth  and the inner meaning of famous books live  on the Toungues of people of Kosala.

37. The water would sleep in the  conches, the buffaloes sleep  in the shades of trees,The bees sleep inside flower garland, The goddess Lakshmi sleeps inside  the lotus  flowers,The Tortoise sleeps in the slushy mud, The shells of pearls would sleep  in stored waters,The swans  sleep in the harvested paddy  and the peacock sleeps  in the  gardens.

38. The Gold which comes out when ploughing, the pearls produced  by the shells,The collection of gems which shine in the fields which have  been ploughed,The new fresh  awns of paddy and the tender  sugarcane and the bees,And faces of the farm women , like the lotus flower shine with their eyes open.

39. The rustic musicians having small lyre  producing clear music notes,After  drinking the toddy made  with sweetness along with soft  drum beats,And the songs which were  being sung here and there, would   wake up,Those peacock like ladies with jet black eye  sleeping on the cots made of pure gold,On the  halls which shine  with pure whiteness  of the  high order.

40. The sweet juice coming out of sugarcane  in the factories, The juice coming out of cutting  the flowers by toddy tappers,The  sweet juice flowing out   of the fallen fruits   in the orchards,The honey flowing out of the pierced   wound made by arrows in honeycombs,The honey that flows   from the flower garlands ,being excess flowed rapidly,Reached the places where ships  are  there in the sea and fishes drank them and were overjoyed.

41. The farm women spoke words   which are as sweet as poems,And their  broad long eyes were matching with their hands, legs  as well as mouth,And since none of their limbs were  similar  to  the pretty  weed flowers like lotus,Those farmers  from whose  side of the mouth , the  toddy flowed ,Were walking hither and thither  not able to throw away the weeds,Because of the great love they had  for  their women folk. Would they be able to live?

42. The waves of the black sea were full of the scent taken from the hairs of the  women,Decorated by sandal   and flowers, Who were taking bath  in the  newly flowing    water   of the rivers,And what can we say about the number of  such women , who were speaking honey like  words by their red mouth,And who were seeing the men with their sword like  side long eyes, making the men desire for them.

43. Due to the  pretty  men who were wearing ear studs and also wearing the creams mixed with natural camphor,And also sandal paste  mixed further with saffron . taking bath   by dipping  in the river ,Making the excess water flow in to the gardens and in the fields   of crops like  paddy,In those areas  and in places of alluvial soil, the bees would always  be crowding about.

44. The red legged swan wandering in the fields like the ladies  who had fish like eyes,Had left their tender young ones    on the bed of lotus flowers, and they started drinking milk ,That was flowing from the udders  of buffaloes with slushy mud sticking on their legs ,  When  then they  started   making noise  recollecting the young ones and let out milk,And started sleeping to the lullaby sung by  the green coloured  toads.

See also  Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 4 (Padalam 10)

45. While the koels  are happy with their mate ,While the peacocks  that were dancing behind the  tree branches ,Were  making the stage prettier than  the ladies  with    the spear like eyes,The swans with packed feather were sleeping on the bed  of very many lotus flowers,And to wake them up the bees  being drunk were singing   the tunes  which are to be sung at dusk.

46-49 . While those who have  married   ladies   who were  very compatible  with them,Who were following  them like the shadow  that follows the flying  kite ,Were  enjoying   the  music  sung which were following its grammar,Were  enjoying with their ears   the great books which were   sweeter than nectar,And Were celebrating the festival of food    after  they saw the  face of their  guests, Some  others were showing an angry mind and  reddish coloured eyes, Seeing  the cock with a knife   tied  on   its feet, showing severe  anger without any previous enmity,Showing no distaste for entering in to The war , because if   a stain is created in the valorousness  of life,And  did not bother about their life   and those  make  them fight,And some others   , who were  surrounded  by bees  which  were  attractedBy the flowers that they wore in their hair,Were shouting at the top of their voice  the sound of  which went up to the cloud,When the   red eyed buffalo calves given birth by the she buffaloes ,Were dashing against each other  making others feel it is  the angry   thunder,And then were nearing each other  making one feel that the darkness has spread everywhere,And later dividing themselves in to two groups , then got  angry with each other,And there  were  also farmers  who were driving  the bullocks shouting at them ,Making the white tip of  lotus flowers  , opening  on the stem with thorns,  break,Making the  gold and pearls  in the land  swept to a side ,With the conch  called Chalamchala making   booming sound,With fishes caught in the plough spring here   and there,With tortoises   withdrawing themselves   in to their shells,And the  big wishes   trying to hide themselves   in the side of the path.

50. Since the country was protected by a king, who knew the rules of ruling,Who kept his desires under control , Who got angry  when and where  he should,Who knew the amount of tax that  he was collecting  and who was merciful to his citizens,
That country was  avoiding the burden and were similar  to  the land which was like  god to them,And  the ships unburdened  themselves  their   golden imports  on  the  beach land.

51. The Farmers  carried  the harvested  straw  of the paddy  cut by the knife ,Arranged them  in heaps which touched   the sky, marked them for identification,And after  beating the paddy, they used to heap them  and while  bringing it to depotsWould help the needy  and  would make  some paddy reach their homes so that guests can take them,And the rest would be laden  fully and carried in carts and these  would make the earth bend due to their load.

52. The farmers  like the honey bee   which takes up honey from various  flowers,Take up the cultivation of  cereal crops    which grow   in the fields in plains,Scented flower  crops which grow in water, fruit crops which are harvested from old trees,Pulse crops which grow in uplands,. Fruits and  flower crop grown  from cuttings,And various   other Root and tuber crops   which are grown in pits.

53. All over the country the  nectar like food   suitable   to be served  to gods of earth, Which consisted    of   three fruits (Jack, banana and mango)  which are considered the best fruits,Along with various type of Dhals  , with ghee drowning the  food that has been served,With pieces  of red curd  and  with sugar candy pieces  placed in between    the cooked rice,Were cooked in every house   and was partaken   along with various   guests and relatives,  

 54. The male bees in those crop lands   seeing  the shining lotus like faces,Of young girls , which had   pretty  eyes  on which collyrium was applied,And thinking that they were  female bees    who were their consorts,With great love waited all   the day long    in  those Crop growing lands.

55. On one side of that crop land  , the ladies of the farm  who were having,A face    which has won the god of love , along with breasts which make the passion grow,Which   make  the males  submissive  , Made them stand   erect like  The ribbon fishes,Which had drunk the toddy   that was oozing out   from the leaf sheaths .

56. The black she buffalos   which are   immersed   in  cold water of the field,Which looked like some blue clouds of the sky , used to   rain the  milk  ,From their udder  , when they thought about    their calves m which were,Left out In  the village  and due to that the red paddy crops look more healthy.

See also  Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 3 (Padalam 9)

57. The water  that used to wash  the rice    before  it is kept for cooking,In a  kitchen which does not have   any scarcity   for    any thing,Over flows and flows   through the garden of very tall betel nut palms ,And would reach the nursery field of red rice  and make the seedlings healthy.

58. Those   very clear coloured cocks    with plumes on their head,When they scratched the earth with dirt  using  their legs  ,See  shining    ruby stones   on that heap of dirt,And thinking they are glow worms , would keep them in their  nests.

59. The maidens of the caste  of cow herds  would churn the curd,Which has white foam colour  till the sound of churner  is heard ,Again and again , With their ornamental conch bangles creates the sound of murmur,And with their verry narrow waists which  makes  them bent forward,Till their extremely  pretty hands      start paining.

60. The sweet musical sound  of   the sweet young birds  in the crop fields,The sound of young bees   which is heard on  the buds   of flowers,And the sound created by the flock of birds  near the water  bodies,Are similar to  the auspicious  song of the pestle in the homes of rich charitable people.

61. , Those   girls with  black eyes   who  reside near the sea shore,Who have not learnt   how to attract  the mind of men,Go  and bring  the shells    of betel nuts   in a small  containers,And build   small houses in their courtyards, where pearls are scattered.

62. The  water  rich clouds   which are  hindered by huge mountains,Shines after getting scared   after hearing the huge sound created byBy  dashing of the heads  of   the very huge headed  male sheep,Which have two huge horns  and are born   the very soft  natured female sheep.

63. Leaving out  the  she elephants and calves , when   the elephants,Are  tied   using   chains   , in the areas where   they are available for capture,By those   valorous people   who normally  live in the mountain,The sound raised by them would scare away male swans which  are happy with their mates.

64. Those who dig for root crops    get very costly gems from there,While those who harvest hanging mango  fruits would get honey drops,And those  golden coloured punnai flowers would have dots,And the swans   which live in lotus tank   would be  sleeping.

65. In the courtyards of cowherds  with flute  made  bamboo   and ixora tree, The song of Kuravai of land which   is cultivated   makes  calves sleep,The songs by the  ladies occupying area near    sea and the  beach,Flies and  is heard  in gardens which are guarded and lands which  are irrigated.

66.  Due to the dashing of wind in the bamboo bush  , when the bee hive breaks ,And when the new  honey flows   like snakes hanging   from mountains,Makes the colocasia stems break   due to its speed,And   it is being grazed by conches in  canals flowing from tanks with lilies.

67. Those  broad eyed ladies   have  crescent  shaped,Forehead  and  have great wealth    as well as  great knowledge,And because of that  they  give feast to all those  who approach them,And also daily    host a feast    for every one  and what else can one expect?

68. In all the halls    where free  food is  given  with desire , there lie Heaps  of  good  and pure vegetable   cut with crescent shaped  knifeAlong with   cooked dhal  and along with rice  of the  colour  of white  pearl.

69. To all those citizens of that    Kosala   country,Ships would  continuously bring    them very great wealth,The  cultivable lands    continuously  would   lead them  to prosperityThe mines would continuously   give them precious  stones,And the difficult to get clan heritage would give them good  conduct.

70. Since nothing wrong is committed there , there is no unnatural  death,Due to the purity of thought of people  , there is no anger  there,Due to absence of activities which are not good  ,Except for   progress there is  no deterioration.

71. That which spreads crossing   its  path  there,  is the flood,That which has  lost its recognition,  is the shoulders  of saffron mark,That which is    small is the thin , are  waists of ladies there ,And that which is scented there is the hair of girls  decorated by flowers.

72. The smoke raised by putting incense sticks  in fire, The smoke from kitchen,The  good smoke   coming from  Sugarcane processing places,And   the   pretty smoke coming from  Vedic fire sacrifices,Spread   everywhere and were looking  like exuberant clouds.

73. The peacocks have borrowed prettiness  from their ladies and walk about,The sun was shining  like the   ornaments worn by those ladies  over their breastsThe clouds were moving in sky resembling    the hair on the head of those ladies,And the   pretty   fishes  which are like their eyes  are rolling about in fields.

74. Those ladies whose waists  look as if it is   real  were bathing in the churning water,The lotus flowers which were like their reddish lips    were    opening ,And they  were walking  like swans in the lake   along with pretty  locks ,And the face    of   those ladies of that country opened like lotus flowers.

75. The  spear like eyes of the ladies  were laughing  at the four faced Brahma,Their gait  was laughing at    the walk of  the she elephants,Their two  breasts were laughing at the   lotus buds,And their pretty faces were  making fun of  the moon with his crescents.

See also  Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 3 (Padalam 8)

76.  The gems that those ladies were wearing   were shining better  than the Sun,The breasts   of those women   were looking better than tender coconuts,The cloths that  they were wearing    was thinner than the foam of milk,And the drums played at their wedding was louder than   the thunder of clouds.

77.  The gardens of that country was comparable to the clouds ,The  heaps of harvested produce in their fields was  comparable to mountains,The water   that they have stopped in their dams was looking like the sea,And that country blessed with wealth was similar to the  land of devas.

78. Wherever mountains of paddy is not there , there would be mountains of pearls,Wherever  the pearl mountains were not there, there were mountains of sea nectar(salt),Wherever those salt mountains are not there , there were mountains of Gold brought by the river,And in several places   there were    huge sand banks   full   of costly gems.

79.  The place   where pretty damsels    learn to play   the ball,Even though if it is not a sandal forest , due to their body scent would be Champaka forest,And place where the Muruga(Subrahamanya)  like males learn archery   and other arts,Though it is a garden with various flowers , will have a jasmine scent.

80. The nightingales   in that country  speak the sugar like  sweet  baby talk  of their ladies,The peacocks learn their gait  again from them, And    the young   female shells of the sea .Are only giving out pearls   after seeing their teeth.

81. In the homes of those who sell toddy , old toddy is there,In the homes of those  who cultivate  , the implements for cultivation are there,In the homes of the young men who get married, the sound of auspicious instruments echoes,And in the house   very  great musicians(panar) , there are Yaazh with   strings.

82.  The flower garlands there    ooze out  honey  ,The commercial ships that come bring lot of gems and gold,The wind     showers   the nectar drops that give life,And the   stories written by  poets  give songs  sweet to the ears.

83. The  peacocks which have very pretty feathers ,Seeing the  pleasing shadow    of their peahens follow them,Similar   to the mind of youth , who after seeing  ,Their girls   with flower ornamented    hair,And With pearl necklaces hanging over their breasts,

84. Since poverty is not there, there is no charity there,Since there are none to fight face to face  ,Strength cannot be exhibited,Since no body tells a lie ,  there is no definition of truth,And since wealth of questions are asked , there  is no ignorance.

85. Since carts bringing huge stocks of gingelly, millets , ragi  and maizeAnd the   carts bringing lot of salt from the slushy   salt farmsAre  not able  to be driven properly   due to heaviness of  their  load,They are being pushed by men who  meet  and mingle with each other.

86. Like those souls who cannot get salvation due to  lack of divine wisdom,Are born several times    to   completely wipe away  Karmas done   earlier,Sugar, honey  , sugary juices  , the curd of  lands of cowherds and toddy.

87. In those streets   where  the vocal music   and the music from flute,Is  sung separately  , like a river   meeting yet another river,The crowds coming for  festivals and marriages  meet with each other.

88. The sound of conches  which are played by keeping them in the nose,The sound of drums which give sound when beaten by sticks,And the sound of big drums that are hung on the shoulder by belts,Would all fade away in the sound of chastising of bulls by farmers.

89. The  pretty hands   of ladies who feed milk and rice,To those children   wearing  the locket of Lord Vishnu ,And  who   rain  watery  nectar  like fluid  from their mouth   on their chests, Look like the folded lotus flowers when the moon rises.

90. The outer   beauty  was permanent due to their inner  beauty,Due to their  being without   a lie , their justice lives permanently,Due to  love of their women  , all the dharmas  were permanent,And due to the virtuous life of their women , the seasonal  rain was permanent.

91. Who is capable of going round its garden filled lands,And come back safely   after seeing its boundaries?For   even   the river Sarayu with  plenty of flowing water,Which runs through several canals  has not seen its boundaries.

92. We have till now  told about the greatness  ,Of the faultless city of Kosala, which cannot  be destroyed.Even if   the entire sea lead by huge wind enters in to it.,And now we would describe about its capital city Ayodhya.

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Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 1 (Padalam 2) – Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 1(Padalam 2)

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