Kamba Ramayanam Bala Kandam 1 (Padalam 3)
Kamba Ramayanam Bala Kandam 1 (Padalam 3)

By Kambar (Kavichakravarthy Kamban)

Translated in English by P. R Ramachander

Kamba Ramayanam-Bala Kandam 1 (Padalam 3)

3.Nagara Padalam (Chapter about the city.)
(After describing the country, the poet describes the city , with its huge boundary walls  , their great moats  , the mansions in them  as well its decorations.)
93.  Ayodhya is   described Using   sweet appropriate words ,And  the  best among    the good and sweet  words,By all those    great poets of yore ,As well as those sages    who have written the northern book,Where the people living all over   the world without boundaries,Desire to do penance  and also those people who live in ether worlds,Consider   very suitable to be born again   and is a very great city.

94. Is the city  of Ayodhya , the face of the earth or the thilaka on its face,Is it the very long auspicious thread of the marriage?Is it the gem studded necklace worn over the breasts?Is it  the place to live? , is  it the lotus in which Lakshmi lives?Is it the golden box   studded with gems worn by Lord Vishnu?Is it the city above the city of devas? How can we tell which?

95. Because Lord Shiva who occupies the other part of body of Parvathi,Lord Vishnu who is the husband  to  both Goddess Lakshmi and earth,And Lord Brahma who lives on the lotus flower thinking it as great wealth,Have  described  it as the city  which cannot be matched with  any other,The sun and moon, pushed by very great desire to   wander there  without blinking on the sky,And can we find any other reason for them to wander   above it?

96. The city of  the king of devas who has the sharp Vajrayudha,The  city Alakapuri of Khubera  were possibly created  for practice by Brahma,For the sake of creating   this great  divine   and special city,And Maya as well as the architects of devas   stood ashamed, For their inability  to create such a city and forgot their jobs,And so how can we describe the greatness   of this city,Which has huge tall buildings which even touch the sky?

97. The   opinion of    the great Vedas is that,Those who do blessed deeds   would reach heavens after death,And who else is there  in this world    except  Raghava,Who nurtured dharma with penance   in this world?And if that one of very rare  and   great qualities  ,Ruled over all the seven worlds sitting here,Can we point out   any other place   where,There   is much more happiness than this city?

98. If  Lord Vishnu  , who is the  place of protection  of all,Those great ones   who had mercy  and Dharma   with them,Who were controlling all the sense organs which were their enemies,And who were  blessed with divine knowledge and great penance,Considered tht this is suitable place  for his   incarnation,And ruled   this city for immesurable number of   years   along with Goddess Lakshmi ,WE have to doubt whether    there is any other  city,In this universe    which is equivalent  to this city.

99. All the kings are there, the best among ornaments are there,All the gems which can never be got are all there ,All  the elephants in rut with rope tied to their neck are all there,All the things in this world are there  ,And if all sages  , devas and asuras have all assembled there  ,And if all of them praise   the greatness of that city,Is there a comparison to it . It is definitely difficult to find.

100. There are  no mountains from the snow capped mountains  ,Which are like  the city’s   tall boundary walls  ,Which have been erected in a square as per rules of architecture here.And so there is  no comparison to its boundary walls  ,And if we want to talk about those   great boundary walls  ,WE can say it is as high as the true divine knowledge  ,Which can be got after mastering     great books of wisdom  ,And after that   bring them  to practice   and get it  in the micro form.

101. These  boundary walls  are similar to Vedas as their end cannot be seen,They are like devas    because they  also have reached   the world of devas,They are like  sages because  they control   outside attachments,They are like  like Goddess Durga who rides on deer   as they both guard the city,They   are like Goddess Kali , because both hold spears for war,(spears are attached to walls)And are like God because both of them are difficult to reach.

102. Those   walls seem to have    risen up  to see the world of devas,And to find out whether    that  city   has pretty damsels  like  the city of Ayodhya,Which   is full of pretty ladies   having  shining nails    fed with red colour,By the juice of red cotton  . having lotus like  red  feet,Having  thin waists like a climber plant, With breasts like  small unripe coconuts,Having bent bamboo like shoulders   which are soft    and stout,And  having the ability   of very pretty attractive speech.

103. Those boundary walls    were like  the leaders  of the clan of Sun,Because it  protects (Measures)  the world by its scepter(scale),Because  they chop off the heads     of those kings  who attack the city(Walls  can throw swords)Because of their just(level) manner as dictated  by the books of Manu,Because of  their ability to protect the city without anybody noticing it,Because both of them posses weapons   like the spear,Because of their great strength , making impossible for others to defeat,Because of their greatness  and because of the way that they use the wheel.

104. Armed with  machines   which can throw weapons  like the very angry spear  ,The sword  which  kills enemies , bow , axe , staff   , wheel  ,THomara   and the pestle  and with  the  sling stone .Which scares   even the great thunder of clouds ,Each of them being   innumerable  , these walls  would be,Able   to kill  the crowds  of mosquitoes,Or  even Garuda , the king of birds   , or even,Fast travelling  wind   and even the mind ,Which thinks about things that are  harmful,And if it is so what else needs  to be told about security of the wall

105. The  kings born in the clan of Sun  who   protect the people,Who follow virtuous character    thinking that  fame is better than ornaments, Who  shines   in  that the darkness from all the eight   directions,And whose   order is implemented  by their scepter and wheel ,And are  capable   of even protecting   the worlds of devas ,But what is decorating the city   are only those   walls.

See also  Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 5 (Padalam 13)

106. We are now going to talk   of the moat  which surrounds,The boundary walls  like the sea surrounding the round  mountain,Which goes   very much  down like the  minds  of Prostitutes,Which   is not very clear   like verses  which are not  good,And which cannot be approached by any one like private parts  of  a lady, And has crocodiles like the five senses which prevent people from approaching good things.

107. The clouds   which runs along    with other cloud groups,Seeing the borderless moat   which is as deep as the world of serpents,Thinking  that   it is   the sea which will scare it , takes away water from there,And  thinking that the wall  by its side is a mountain , rains on it.

108. The forest of  scented lotus flowers , which grows   inside the moat,Which is by the side of that great wall  being defeated in beauty  by ,The shining faces of ladies in private apartments of the king ,Again  regains its strength   and looks  as if it   surrounds   that great wall .

109.  The crocodiles   which live and rise   from,That moat which was built around the city , which had been built,Carefully along with  various type of deterrents  and built   by ,Breaking all  the stones all around   , looked like elephants in rut.Which could not escape   from the sea   and are sinking in it.

110. Those crocodiles    waving their saw  like tails and shining teeth,Open their mouths   and along with   shining fire like eyes,And   are trying to   fight and drive each other in that moat,And are like the giants in the battle field who are fighting with each other.

111. That moat    was resembling the   great army of the kings,With the wandering swans resembling white umbrellas, With the wandering and encircling crocodiles looking like elephants,With the waving lotus flowers along with the leaves resembling the horses, And the fishes that are in it looking like swords and spears.

112. With  the moat being built  with edges   that look like silver ,And  the inside of the moat looking as if it was built by crystal  sheets,Even devas would not be able to identify   the  crystal like bank of the moat,From the crystal paved   water  in the moat .

113. That long  and deep moat   which was   all around.,The walls which looked like Chakravaka mountains ,Is   the forest   which   looked like a ribbon of darkness ,Or if  we think it as garden  , it looks  like a blue ribbon dress.

114. The four gates of that city  stood  firmly like  the elephants  ,That  are guarding all the directions    of the earth  and were tall ,Like  Trivikrama  , the form to which he grew up   from the short Vamana form,And because they were  making all  the prosperous citizens,Of the city walk in the right path, they resembled the four Vedas.

115. When the male dove   called   with love  and,Was attracted by the female dove picture  above the gate,And   was not coming near  it, the lady dove  got upset,And went away and hid itself in the Karpaga garden of the world of devas.

116-118. The seven storied tower  over these   entrances ,Which   were raised  by arranging stones over each other .Pasted with cut crystal sheets    in the front  , over which,Gold was in laid   and over which   several gems were inlaid  ,Over which the partitions  made of silver were constructed,Over  the shining stories constructed   with emerald stones,  Over which faultless pillars    of diamond   were arranged,Over which gold was inlaid  , over which  the long row,Of  shining  lions were constructed   and over which,A hand width of cats eye   gems were arranged,And  similar Seven stories     which looked  like seven branches were thus built,AS per the architectural rule   of erecting towers  ,And  over the tower  a  roof of red copper   were spread on the top of those  ,Over  which   at the peak  a  gem studded  pot was kept,And this    tower looked like the crown placed on the head of Goddess earth.

119. The white  houses  which  were  painted   with   white lime  ,Got from burning   the conches and  looking at its whitness,It made one exclaim,  “Even the moon is blacker  than this,”And looked like the foam of the   ocean of milk,Which went up as  a result   of a huge stormy wind.

120. Those houses   where  the doves with spots on the body lived,Had a roof made    of  several sheets of gold   and looked like,The faultless sun shining on a silver mountain, With its early rays   spreading   on that mountain.

121. There were crores of such homes in that city  ,Which were built on pillars made of diamond.Over which beams   made of emerald were    erected,And  looked like paintings     have come out alive.

122. There were also innumerable  villas   with,Floors paved    with moon stone  all over,And had rows of pillars made    out of sandalwood,Over which beams made   of red rubies were kept,And  with all its walls    paved    with blue topaz stones.

123.  There were  also innumerable homes ,With artistic pillars having lotus shaped base ,In between areas  looking like serpents ,Which would be looked at with desire by all people  ,With its very soft golden polished looks.

124. The eyelids  of those who see it  would remain opened,And never   get closed  and since the sparkling light falls upon them,They would all   shine like devas    and those ,Houses were always   having   that sparkle  live the air chariots of devas.

125. The ladies    wearing pretty ornaments   as well as,The men who wear garlands over their chest ,Would always follow boldly the path of Dharma there,And those homes built by   gems as well as gold,Would never   be less  in deeds of Dharma ,And by their luster   would even win over the sun.

126 . Those mansions in the city    touch the sky  ,Are very rich, have   their fame spread   everywhere,And are   surrounded   by great light   and  are ,Bear  evidence  of  innumerable very fair  citizens,Who  live like their stainless king who follows  Dharma.

See also  Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 10 (Padalam 24)

127. Those mansions   bow like a stream  and have,Pearl necklaces that    move here and there,It has several flags   and heaps of big gems  ,Have  ornaments made of  pure Gold ,And also have   very  pretty peacocks,

128. Those  mansions where  the smoke  of incense mixed everywhere,Had  huge flags which cannot be differentiated   from clouds,Along with spears tied at     the tip of   tall  flag staffs ,They  were like   the  rows of flashes of lightning.

129. In those mansions   where the peacock like ladies,With very thin waists and stout breasts , wearing anklets on both legs,Walk and create jingling sound, the pearl garlands,Hung in those flags looked like Garlands flowered in wish giving trees.

130.   Like the banana gardens which are seen in huge mountains,In the flag post long     flags are relatively more  , and the reason,For the moon to loose his crescents daily  and its shine,Is because of the rubbing of these  long flags.

131. Those  halls which are not made of gold are  those,made of flowers,Those halls where   large number  of people,Do not assemble  are   buildings with more than one stair,And those which are not constructed hills are  courtyards of gems,And those    which are not courtyards   are Pandals made of gems.

132. That    city  built by gold  which  can never be destroyed, When exposed to lights like lightning  or lamps or the rays of sun,Was reflected  up   and city of devas   looked   golden.

133. The round shaped sun rises in the sky,When it  is rising has   very weak light ,At noon it increases and at evening  .It again decreases and  that golden wall  ,Built by properly stacking gems which reflect fire ,Makes the sun shine  due to luster  shines ,Like the shadow of ladies of Ayodhya.

134. When the ladies wearing a well made   golden waist belt ,Raised smoke  in the mansions to scent and dry their hairs,That black smoke of incense  went and attached themselves to the clouds,And if that smoke also makes the ocean scented,Is there need  to tell about    the quality of rain water?

135. The lisps  of girl children whose hair  has not been  tied,Would resemble the music of the flute , the   talk of  young girls,Would be similar to the music of  Makara yaazh(a stringed instrument),And sweet music sung   by the pretty damsels   would be like the song  of dancers,In the street   where  the  old ones   sell toddy.

136. While  the male  elephants which  show anger   in their eyes,Are   cutting the ground   with waving of their feet and making holes, The attractive good to look  at youth  who go to play  ,In those grounds   , fill them up by the scented powder  that they wear.

137. When the  young ladies  play ball in the fields  , the pearls,They wear keep on falling   , and when their  lady servants,Collect  those limitless  pearls and heap  them on the field,And these  heaps of pearls  give out light which make the moon ashamed.

138. When   the pretty ladies   dance  on the stage  , the spear,Of the look of their side long eyes , melt the hearts of their lovers,And due to this soul of those boys  become as thin as   the waist  of those ladies,And the love of those boys towards the girls   keeps on increasing

139. When   in some gardens   the honey  is raining,The breeze and bees  enter the garden to eat them with desire,And when they enter creating pain to lovers, the breasts of ladies,Who are boiling with love to their lover  becomes smaller.

140. When  the sweet music brought out    from Makara Yazh with strumming,Which  makes the mind happier decreases in tone  ,The drums tied with belts   increase  in their tone  ,And the  parrots which talk with the girls  close their  eyes and sleep.

141. The  strong shoulders of men who are kicked   with love tiff,By the  feet of the girls  with a forehead    similar to   the strung  ready bow,And with lips similar to the red fruit   and,Who are engaged  in painting the nails of their feet,Which are  like   the  red soft lotuses with dense petals, appear red.

142. It is possible   that the paintings  of that  town   are not  closing their eyes,So that  they desire to keep on seeing  the  shining body without  any defects,Of the ladies who are fit to be    saluted by every one  ,Whose shine  makes   it difficult   to find time in that unmatched  city.

143. The  darkness of the  mansions  of the city    in which lives The Goddess  Lakshmi  who  lives  in the cool lotus flowers,Is  shining   with  light   not   because of good lamps lit with ghee or  the gem lamps ,But   due to the shine and luster  of the bodies of ladies there.

144. The great dancers of the city    used to   dance as per rules of dance,Accompanied   by drums sound of beats  , and sound of songs ,And their anklets   used to describe  the dance of their feet,And    the horse  of the city   used to dance  very much like them.

145. A smile  appears on their face and that smile,
leads to great sorrow  to the one who loves her,AS their waist keeps on   reducing in size  ,And their breasts wearing  pearl and hold necklaces,Increase   in size and make their waist  more miserable.

146. Those which   do not loose  joy from time to time,Are those young swans which have a very pretty gait,The   big Kayal fishes in ponds  where lotus has flowered,The male    bee which lives   with its own female bees,And t he elephant in rut  eating “birasam?” and also,The   eyes of  very pretty ladies.

147. The lions with fire like eyes and their lionesses,Would like to live in mountain caves and  the ,The water of rut   would rain like water,And  that would make the mud slushy   and,In that chariots with flags would sink .

148. The discarded   flower garlands   by ladies.Would tie the legs  of the horses  dancing there,And  the discarded sandal paste   from  their breasts,By the ladies    after tiff and making  love  to their lovers,Would  make  those who  run there slide and fall.

See also  Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 3 (Padalam 8)

149. When the horses run in the streets, the dust raised by their hoofs raises,And  the gems   of those   heroes who ride on the horses  get hidden,And they would  be cleaned   by the honey dripping from the garlands that  they wear.

150. The juice of rut of the elephants have the scent  of Vengai flowers,The mouth of girls born in noble families   have   a scent of lotus,The unmatched light emanating from their ornaments are shining everywhere.And   the  flower that ladies decorate their hair  give out  pleasant smell.

151. What is the need   to compare    the    city  of devas,Which is not counted in line with best cities, with this city?Apart from it being different in giving  all types of   wealth,After seeing the market place of this city, the wealthy Alakapuri lost to it

152. The armlets made great sound, their weapons are shining,Their gem studded ornaments shine out  , the scent of musk spreads everywhere,The gems  shine out  , the honey bee swarms   are singing,And like this the   crowd of gents was shining.

153. The sound of  conches   and horns  , the sound  of Makara  Veena,The sound of drums  , the sound of Kinnara, the sound of hole  instruments like flute,And the sound of various musical instruments working in different ways,Were being heard together , making the sound of sea feeble.

154. The city was full of  pavilions  where  the tribute  of several kings was being counted,Pavilions where   the ladies with swan like gait   dance  ,Pavilions  where   the Vedas which is beyond thought   are chanted by great people  ,And Pavilions   where learned people  debate   about arts  which are scarce.

155. ,The ornamental hangings of the village  are greater than rays of Sun,The directions all round  the city were smaller than    the wide streets,The water of rut from elephants   bigger than stream on mountain,And  The horse stables were bigger than the ocean.

156. The top  of the mansions in the city vie with the clouds,The decorative hangings of the city  are shining because of pretty faces  of ladies there,And the   eyes which are like arrows would  dip in the hearts of men.

157. The  sound produced by the heroic armlets of the king,Are echoing as   the sound of golden chariots   as also,The sound of the cavalry   and the swans in the lotus pond,Where   the  sound of anklets of pretty damsels  is heard are jealous of that.

158. In that city  people  spend   their time in lover’s tiff,And then making love  , become happy by singing  ,The songs that are    greater than the soul,Make expert lady  musicians sing and enjoy   it,Dance as per the music   and decorate themselves with pretty flowers.

159. Riding  on  trumpeting  elephants of great vigour  due to their great strength ,And by riding  on chariots drawn by very powerful horses,Some people of that city spent their time  by giving sufficient  wealth and gold,So  that sorrow   of poor people who are forced to beg is destroyed.

160. Others in that great city spent their time  by making  ,Elephants  fight with other elephants ,Or by learning   to use the powerful bows that  they are having with them,Or  Riding   on horses   which have long  manes.Or  by playing  the matchless ball or by learning  the art of war.

161. Some others in that shining city spent their time  by plucking flowers in the garden,Or  walking like a female deer along with their young friends and taking bath in the pond,Or by keep on drinking honey so that red pearl colour of their mouth is altered,Or by   playing all the   games involving dice or by gambling.

162. The flags  that are flying on the  mansions without any wants,Fly in different ways on the sky   and  going upward  ,Reach the Akasa Ganga   and make that river dry,Like  The white clouds drink away the water of  fish  scented ocean.

163. The big entrances of that city blessed with decorative hangings,AS well as the golden ramparts of the inner   and outer city making a threesome,All rise up to the sky   but finding no place further  to grow,Similar   to the mountain like shoulders  of the male of the city ,And their   good character and friendly heart    which are rising up,Existed   so that even mountains were ashamed on seeing them.

164. In the forests  . backyards   and the edges of  ocean like moat  of that city,In the ponds   where ladies play  , in the mountains where streams are flowing,In the houses on the top   and in the pearl  strewn   on the Pandals,In the   garden where   several bees    keep on making sound  ,There would be beds made   out of flower and tender leaves.

165.  In that city  where the clouds that give out clear water    and oceans with waves  are scared,Daily the drums tied   with leather   would keep on making soundEven among the animals   there is no one to guard as there is no theft,And because there is no one who begs , there  is none    who gives.

166. Due to the fact there are no one there who have not studied,There is no one there   who can be considered as  top in one aspect,There are no greats in any aspect  and there are none there who do not know anything,Since all the people in the city  have learned  and posses everything,In that city there are none who do not have   anything   and also having everything.

167. That city    was like the fruit tree  , which  had sprouted from “Education”,Which has risen up and has  large number of branches which are,The knowledge gleaned from various books    and is the first and the strong,With great penance as leaves, with buds which is the love towards all beings,Which flower as  acts of Dharma which gives rise “sweet experience”   as fruit,

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Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 1 (Padalam 3) – Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 1(Padalam 3)

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