By Kambar (Kavichakravarthy Kamban)
Translated in English by P. R Ramachander
Kamba Ramayanam-Bala Kandam 1 (Padalam 4)
4. Arasiyar Padalam(The chapter on governance)
168. The king of that great city is the king of kings,And using his honourable scepter, which was matchless,He ruled the city so that he could go to the seven worlds,He is the great personification of Dharma who fathered,The very strong and famous hero Rama of this great story,Who wore the heroic armlet and shined.
169. The great characters like being first, brainy , follower of Dharma ,Peace loving nature, heroism which was fault and matchless,Charity and justice , were complete within him,But only half as much required in all other kings.
170. In this ancient world , which is encircled by the ocean,There was no hand which were not made wet ,By the water which he took in his hand while giving charity ,And all the yagas which Were left as difficult to be performedBy the kings who were following true Vedic tenets ,Were all done by this king and forgotten.
171. That king was similar to the mother in loving others,Was similar to penance in doing good to others,Was like their children because he stood with them,At their time of death and helped them go to heaven,Was like medicine as he was trying to cure sickness of people,And he was like wisdom, when one tries analyze matters.
172. That king crossed those who begged with him, by the boat of “giving”,He crossed the ocean of wisdom , by using the boat of “research of great books”,He crossed the ocean of enemies using the boat of anger and sword,And he crossed the ocean of riches that followed him by contentment.
173. That king of kings who carried the spear in the leather case ,Who had a fame that never diminishes and was called,“The philanthropic Dasaratha” ruled in such a way ,That , birds , animals and the mind of prostitutes ,Went in a straight path without crossing its boundary ,And was staying stable of his great fame.
174. The entire world with the mountain of horizon as its boundary walls,The very broad ocean surrounding it as its moat,With all the mountains becoming gem studded great mansions, Was like Ayodhya the capital city of that great king.
175. Due to his participating in wars , in which he was match ,To the strength of any one who opposed him in war,And who carried his pet weapons of sword and spear ,Which had lost their sharpness because they were used ,Again and again and by the touch of the feet of the king,On the row of the crowns of those kings who bowed before him.
176. The moon like white Umbrella of Dasaratha is sufficient,For growing day by day without diminishing,And give cool shade to all the beings on earth,And also make the world with no darkness at all ,And so they say this Kosala tree does not need a moon,Which is in the sky and which diminishes and increases.
177. Since that king Dasaratha who has lion like strength ,And who was wearing diamond studded ornaments,Was protecting the soul of all others , just like his soul,In this faultless world , became the body in which,All the souls of all the world preferred to live.
178. That Dasaratha who had very big shoulders like the mountain,Appearing like the hot sun in the very tall sky and the great God,Wandered all around the moving and not moving beings ,And carried out the job of protecting them all with his victorious wheel of rule.
176. Since that king had no enemies who were interested in attacking him,And his big shoulders looking like drums were irritating and longing for a warAnd he was looking after the souls of all the world ,Like a poor man who sincerely looks after his fields and ruling with sweetness.
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