By Kambar (Kavichakravarthy Kamban)
Translated in English by P. R Ramachander
Kamba Ramayanam-Kishkinda Kandam 3 (Padalam 10)
10. KItkindhai Padalam
Chapter on Kishkinda
(Rama sends Lakshmana to Kishkinda , to warn Sugreeva that if his words are not kept he will suffer greatly. Seeing Lakshmana coming with great speed , the monkeys got scared and blocked the main dorr of the city with mountains. Angadha went to inform Sugreeva but was not able to wake him up.As soon as Lakshmana kept his lotus like feet on the door all mountains broke, it opened and all the monkeys ran away. Angadha approaches Hanuman and along with him requests Tara to delay the coming of Lakshmana. She along with several pretty monkey ladies stops him at the door and with diplomatic talk pacifies the shy Lakshmana. Then Angadha wakes up Sugreeva who is sorry for mistakes committed by him. Sugreeva and Lakshmana go to met Rama and inform him that a huge monkey army is being collected and are on the way. Rama becomes happy. In Valmiki Ramayana Hanuman once reminds Sugreeva that he is failing in his duty and sends emissaries to summon the monkey army from all over the world. When Lakshmana arrives Sugreeva is said to making love to Tara and scared he send Tara to speak with Lakshmana and Lakshmana is pacified but he shouts at Sugreeva. And Lakshmana and Sugreeva go to meet Rama. In Kamba Ramayana Sugreeva walks with Lakshmana while going to meet Rama but in Valmiki Ramayana he goes in a palanquin. ) 4269.When that winter came to an end , The elder valorous Rama ,Looking at his brother said, “Oh strong one , Even after the period told is over,The king Sugreeva is sleeping and has not arrived here ,What is the job that he has done so far?”
4270. “That Sugreeva after getting the kingship which is difficult to get,Has not bothered to think about the help done by us to him and so,He has failed in good character, forgot the dharma but even if we forgets,The good done by us to him , he seems to have forgotten our valour also,And he has forgotten himself in the sweet life that he is leadig”
4271. ”Like this if Sugreeva were to destroy the gratefulness , destroy the difficult ,To get bond of friendship and completely not follow the truth And also went back on his word , to kill him is a thing which is not a crime,And so you go there and find out in detail about his thoughts.”
4272. “We have the bow in our hand which can kill the cruel people with deceit, And send them to the heaven of heroes and completely uproot them and ,Also establish Dharma in a proper manner in this world . Tell him as an order that ,The Lord of death is there and the arrow that killed Vali is also there with us.”
4273. ”If we punish people who are bad like poison , it is not a crime,And so because it is a law told in Manu Dharma , tell clearly ,And make understand the Sugreeva who does not seem to know ,What is proper and improper at age of five as well as fifty.”
4274. “If you want to rule city of Kishkinda , its citizens as well your kingship ,And relatives, come here on the appointed day and if you do not come ,The word “Monkey” would be taken away from this world .Please tell these truths to Sugreeva and others.”
4275. “But if they take a decision that they would seek the help ,Of others who are stronger than this Rama and Lakshmana ,Tell them , that to win over you in these three worlds ,There is no one except yourself.”
4276. Then that Rama who has fame as the ornament told Lakshmana ,“Please explain at first peacefully and if the advise of justice ,Does not change their mind , without getting angry and destroying them,Come and tell me what they said” and Rama bid him farewell.”
4277. Lakshmana obeying the orders of Rama , saluted his feet, without wasting a second,Tied the inexhaustible quiver on his back , help the bow which is easy to use .And went through the very long way , all the while thinking of Rama.
4278. Lakshmana who was going as per the orders of Rama ,who pursues the path of truth,Went powdering the trees and mountain which were across his way ,Created new paths and went to that place which was far away.
4279. The feet of Lakshmana who was wearing the lustrous heroic anklets ,When it pressed the mountains which was like the mount Meru were touching the sky,Those mountains were compressed and touched the ground,Making the Adhi Sesha who was carrying the earth visible to the eye.
4280. At that time when Lakshmana , the brother of Rama of the Manu clan,Who was going to meet Sugreeva the younger brother of Vali,Due to the speed of his walk in the very hot forest , he was similar ,To the arrow of Rama that pierced the Maramaras.
4281. Lakshmana was going like one elephant of one direction which seeing ,The calf of another elephant of direction missing its path,Going after it following its footsteps travelling with great speed.
4282. Like the sun reaching from the rising mountain to the setting mountain,That Lakshmana with a gold coloured body went from one very big lustrous mountain,To another mountain called Kishkinda and reached there with great speed.
4283. Like the matchless arrow of Rama who was his help and elder brother,He went and after reaching the very tall Kishkinda mountain ,He was similar in looks to the golden male lion jumping from one mountain to other.
4284-4285. The monkeys who saw the coming of angry Lakshmana , were scared ,As if they saw God of death and ran towards the residence of son of Vali,And told him that the very angry Lakshmana with great speed ,Has already come with war like fury and as soon as he heard that,That Angadha for getting an inkling of the thought of Lakshmana ,Without Lakshmana noticing it stood on his side and .Understanding his intention from the look of his face,He went to the palace of his father’s brother who wears a golden heroic anklet.
4286. Sugreeva was in the great palace constructed by Nala , lying down,On a pretty bed filled up with lots of flowers with young lady monkeys ,With long hair and youthful breasts caressing his feet and was fast of sleep.
4287. Sugreeva who had drunk the toddy of the wealth of kingship which was,Presented to him by the clear headed Rama and Lakshmana ,Was like a silver mountain and was sleeping on the very big golden cot.
4288. He was sleeping with the breeze wafting on him , coming through .Karu nochi tree, Teak wood tree ,Akil tree ,Sandalwood tree and through The scented bunch of flowers worn by the ladies with long hair looking like peacocks.
4289. Sugreeva was sleeping like an elephant in rut having lost his thinking power ,Due to the drinking of honey which comes from in between the sharp teeth of ,The ladies who have sweet and red mouth and who smile like a white pearl ,Which induces lunacy , loss of conscience , passion and other characters.
4290. Due to the luster coming out of the face wearing crown ,As well as ear globes spreading all over his white body ,He was looking like a snow capped mountain , over which,Sun’s rays had spread and was looking joyful.
4291. Sugreeva was sleeping and the son who was born to Tara.Who was like a male lion went near him and saluted him by his big hands,And woke him up and started telling him the words to his liking.
4292. ”Oh my father , please hear what I say ,The younger brother of Rama ,With his face showing extremely great anger Has come with a matchless speed , What is your opinion?”
4293. Due to the great wealth of kingship giving him pride ,Due to the drop of scented toddy which is like poison giving him faint,The Sugreeva forgot himself and in a mental state , in which,He did not hear words of Angadha and slept as before on his soft bed.
4294. Due to that Angadha who was like an elephant calf and who was also,Like a young big lion , due to there being nothing that he could do with Sugreeva ,Went to summon Hanuman who had faultless thoughts in his mind.
4295. That Angadha who was son of Vali who was the son of Indra , along ,With Hanuman who was expert in royal counsel , surrounded by various strong warriors,Came out of Sugreeva ‘s private palace and reached the palace of his mother.
4296. Reaching there when he asked Tara , what action should be taken by them,She told them, “You have done very faulty acts very easily and now ,You are searching for ways to easily get rid of the bad results which came due to that .You think that though you are ungrateful , you would escape and live.”
4297. She again told, “Though I several times told you to mSummon the army because ,If you miss the appointed day , Your days of life would get over , you simply were not bothered,Now by experience you will know about the result of that. Now you are caught.”
4298. “Do you think that that Rama and Lakshmana who bent their bow ,And made God of death take away the soul of Vali and gave you all,The famous wealth of kingship , would keep quiet outside Kishkinda .Is it proper for people like you to disregard those who helped you?”
4299. ”That Rama who is greater than even devas , due to ,Getting separated from his wife is greatly depressed ,Like one who has lost his life and without bothering about it ,You are enjoying the love of your wives,Who have eyes similar to just opened blue lotus flowers.”
4300. “You have broken the oath , forgot the help he did ,Became people with bad character and due to your bad fate,If they start fighting with you , you will all die,What is the use of doing anything at this stage “ said she.
4301. At that time those very strong monkeys who cannot be stopped ,Locked the huge door of the city with very huge logs of wood ,And further brought huge stones and stacked them against the door.
4302. After securing the doors of the city in this way , those monkeys,Thought, “If Lakshmana comes crossing this door, we would scare him,Beat black and blue and took in their hands uprooted trees and stones ,And stood crowding all around the boundary wall near that gate.
4303. Having seen the monkeys closing that door , that great king Lakshmana , Said, “Is it for saving yourselves from me?” laughing sarcastically with anger ,Using his feet which was like the lotus flower where the Goddess lives,With very great ease he pushed that great door.
4304. That gate , the material stacked against the door by the monkeys,And the big boundary wall erected to protect the door,AS as the god’s feet touched , like the bad Karmas ,Which cannot be got rid off , without any support got destroyed.
4305. Due to the old gates of the city and the walls built by stonesEasily getting dislodged and thrown beyond ten Yojanas on all sides All those monkeys were scared and greatly suffered.
4306. Due to the thick tall boundary wall as well as wide city doors falling,The monkeys who were standing surrounding the wall got hurt on their head,Lost their determination and got confused and ran away for a long distance And because of that those that did not lose their life got escaped.
4307. It is difficult to describe but those greatly suffering monkeys,Who ran away from their homes made such a huge wailing sound ,And because of that city of Kishkinda turned like the fishes of ocean of milk,When the huge Mandhara mountain with many peaks like the spear entered in it.
4308. Due the monkeys getting scared and running away from that mountain,And regrouped in the forest , That mountain with clouds was like,The great sky where all the stars have gone away and looked jaded.
4309. At that time Lakshmana who was like a lion among men,Started entering the pretty and wealthy streets of the town,And Angadha and other moneys standing surrounding Tara ,Who had chided them asked, “he has come , what shall we do now.”
4310. Hanuman looking at Tara told, “Oh lady who wears bangles,If you go and prevent Lakshmana from entering the open door of palace,That Lakshmana would start thinking whether what he wants to do ,Is correct or not and Lakshmana would not see the long path,But tell us the purpose for which he has come. That is the only way.”
4311. Tara told all others , You all go elsewhere and I would go in front of,Lakshmana and by questioning him find the intention of his mind “And all the monkeys went away from there and Tara ,Who was an expert in proper manners along with,Her friends who had hair with flowers , departed.
4312. After crossing the royal avenue where the important monkeys lived happily,That Lakshmana who was like an elephant with rope tied round his neck ,Was trying to enter the palace of Sugreeva and then Tara,Who had long and scented hair stopped him.
4313. Surrounded by ladies who had tenderness to control others,Who had white teeth , wore white conch bangles,Had shining thin waist , had erect young breasts,Belonged to good families and looked like peacocks,Tara stopped him in that great street from going further.
4314. With the bow and sword getting reflected in the ornaments they wore.With sound coming from the gem stones of their anklets ,With their waist belt making sound like war drums and with their ,Eye brows like flags filling everywhere , all of them surrounded Lakshmana.
4315. With the sound of many anklets making sound like several drums,With their chariot like hips rotating , with arrow like eyes being their weapon,And with their brows which were like bows that are used in war ,That Army surrounded Lakshmana with very high shoulders ,And his anger which cannot be brought down, came down,And turning his face to one side , he stood on one side ,And he was greatly scared to see them with his eyes.
4316. When Lakshmana bending his lotus like face , holding the bow in hand ,Was standing like son in law in the crowd of mother in laws with shyness,That Tara who had pretty shoulders and pure scent as well as long eyes,Who was like the deva maiden who had come the world of monkeys ,Entered in to the crowd of ladies and started telling the following.
4317. ”Oh valorous one , your coming is a result of limitless penance done by us,And not only that even Indra and other Devas are not visited by you easily ,By your coming and due to your feet touching our home we have become great,All our bad Karmas have gone from us and we have attained higher state.Is there any other good result that we are likely to get?
4318. Tara who can speak sweeter than the music said ,”Oh valorous one,Seeing you coming speedily with great anger, this monkey army without knowing the reason,Are getting greatly scared .Can you tell me the thoughts of your mind . Oh Lord ,How come you who never get separated from the feet of the king , has come here alone?”
4319. That Lakshmana who wore a flower garland to decorate his chest ,As soon as he heard these words , with his anger reduced, wanting to know ,Who had told these words and seeing her who was like full moon descending to earth,,Was reminded of his mother who was also a widow and felt sad.
4320. Seeing that lady Tara who was not wearing Mangala Suthra , who was not wearing ,Any ornament with gems , having left wearing honeyed flower garlands ,Having a stout hot breasts where sandal and Kumkum paste were not applied,And with a neck like the betel nut tree which was covered by her upper cloth,That very charitable Lakshmana seeing in her his mother became sad with tear drops in his eye.
4321. Due to the thought that my mother who gave birth to me would also be like this ,His mind got depressed and he stood there benumbed without talking anything for some time.And then feeling the need to answer , he started telling her who had very pretty hair.
4322. The son of Sun God who told my brother who is the king of Manu clan that,“Me and my army would search for Sita and get her back” has forgotten his words,And Rama told me to quickly find out about the state of Sugreeva ,And due to that I have come here and ”Please tell me the acts ,Of Sugreeva who had got the great kingship.” And Tara replied.
4323. ”Oh Lord , do not be angry.. You being great should pardon if mistakes ,Are committed by small people .Except you who are there for us?Sugreeva has not neglected his task and he has sent separate emissaries all over the world,And is waiting for the arrival of monkey armies from there.How can we ever compensate for the help that you did to us.?”
4324. ”Thousand crores of emissaries as per the orders have gone to bring ,Crowds of monkeys from everywhere and the time for arrival of those armies,Is close at hand and so you who are more kind than the mother , to those ,Who surrender to you , please calm down and that is the proper Dharma,Suppose a person had not committed any fault who would punish him.”
4325. ”Suppose some one who had surrendered to you has been rewarded ,With limitless wealth and due to that he becomes proud and makes,Shortcomings in duties to be done to you , Is it not your fault also?If for the sake of the lady , we do not to die fighting in the battle field,Would the friendship between both of you continue?”
4326. “You both who have a honest mind provided help to Sugreeva ,By destroying his great enemy and made him hold the kingship in an excellent manner,And if he neglects you , it would lead to bad name and slipping away from greatness ,And he would then become poor in this life and also a no good after life.”
4327. ”Did you not kill Vali who is an expert in war , just by using one arrow?Do you need any help at all to destroy your enemy? Is there any other ,Great help to you which is better than your bow, You are only seeking people,To help you in finding Sita and Sugreeva and others who have surrendered to your feet,Are duty bound to undertake that job and complete it properly.”
4328. After hearing all these told by Tara with great attention,Clearly understanding it , That Lakshmana who is an expert of knowledge ,With great mercy and shyness in the mind , left all his anger ,Understanding that the Hanuman who was having very strong shoulders,Who would be great help to them in war , reached near Lakshmana.
4329. That Lakshmana who does leave his friendship , even when he is angry,Seeing the face of Hanuman , who approached and saluted him asked him,“You who are extremely wise , have forgotten what has happened earlier.”Hearing that , Hanuman the expert in conversation said,“Oh Lord, please hear what I have to say” and started telling.
4330. “Even for those who have killed mother , father , teacher ,The Brahmins who are like Gods , cows , children and ladies,There are paths to get out of the sins but for those who have ,Forgotten stable help , there is no such method.”
4331. “Oh Lord , the act leading to real friendship to you and to the king of monkey clan,Was due to my act, If that dharma of friendship is destroyed ,Who in the world has ways to escape from that bad Karma,And also my wisdom would also become faulty forever?”
4332. ”Oh Lord , I firmly believe in the great penance that you did ,And the great charity that you did .Let it stand like that ,Oh Lord,Who has the capacity to protect all the three worlds, if you get angry at us,Is it possible for us to escape , as we totally depend on your mercy.”
4333. ”The king of monkeys have not forgotten , as he has sent very many groups,Of emissaries to summon monkey army from various places and since he is waiting,For their arrival , there is a little bit of delay. If Sugreeva who has got you , who are ,Those who protect Dharma , if he breaks his habit of truthfulness ,Then though he is born in this world , he would become one who is not born here,And not only that , later he would never able to escape from hell.”
4334. “Oh valorous hero , who is like an elephant in rut , When a person helps us,When we have not helped him earlier as a compensation to that if we do not,Go to a war as his help and hit the enemy on his chest by weapons or,If we ourselves face death due to the weapons sent by that enemy, how can we pay back?”
4335. ”Oh Lord who is greatest among men and resembles a lion , it is not proper for you,To stand here like our enemy and it would not lead to any good for us, if our enemies ,Come to know about it , it would lead to bad results, Please come inside and see ,The wealth that you have given us as also your elder brother Sugreeva “, Hanuman told.
4336. That Lakshmana who had stable shoulders like mountain , after hearing those words,Left the anger that is transient concluded that “Sugreeva has not moved away from grace of Rama,But he is one who when great wealth came to him , being of lesser status forgot what he should do,”
4337. After thinking like this , he who wore the heroic anklets and had very strong shoulders,Looked at Hanuman of the monkey clan and said, , “A change has now occurred in you..I have to tell well thought out words which you should understand clearly” and started telling.
4338. ”The anger due to Ravana abducting Sita and fire like loss of respect ,Attacked Rama and made him greatly sad and I who had seen his sorrow ,Decided to loose the Dharma of the kings and join along with cruelty ,And harm all those great sinners and I am not bothered ,About the bad fame that is likely to come to me by that.”
4339. ” In spite of that , I have pacified my anger myself and am living ,So that I can console Rama and many such days have already passed.If Rama had not pacified his anger , all the three worlds would be burnt down,All the devas of the heaven will die and not only that , great Dharma would be destroyed,And who are capable of preventing all this if that is the fate that does not go away.”
4340. ”Due to Rama meeting you , He saw Sugreeva as one who would help him ,When he gets in to sorrow , and saw him as a brother like me and ,He was living in this mountain managing himself to keep alive and was waiting.Otherwise who can prevent him from searching for his lightning like lady by his bow?”
4341. ”Is it a big job for Rama to search and bring Sita , whether , she in the sky,Or in the fourteen different worlds, the victorious seven oceans or seven mountains ,Which are all in this globe called the world but in spite of that , your delaying,The date by which you would certainly help him and breaking your word is not proper.”
4342. ”You have not only delayed but made those asuras who were proud ,For some time. You have caused trouble to Devas and you increased the sorrow ,To the sages who have proper knowledge of the Vedas and who have done Yagnas,You have helped sin to further grow and made angry Rama who never gets angry.”
4343. As soon as the sweet Lakshmana told these words , Hanuman saluted him,And said, “Oh lord who knows ancient books , please do not keep in your mind,Things that are past and if we do not do the job which we have agreed to do,WE will sacrifice our life and for such happenings only Dharma is the witness.Please come inside and meet Sugreeva who is like your brother,.”
4344. That Lakshmana who holds a bow made of Gold ,looked at Hanuman,And said “What act we undertook earlier was as per your words and in future ,When we take up further acts, we agree to abide by your plans,” and ,With an intention of understanding Sugreeva who seemed not to act, went with Hanuman.
4345. , Tara then went back along with the ladies who had spear like eyes ,Mouth like red lotus , eyebrow like bows , had walk like that of swan,Looks like that of peacock , hips like the board of chariot with flags ,Pearl like teeth , Thin shoulders like bamboo, voice like koels,Breasts like golden pot , waist like lightning ,nose like Kumizh flower .And hair similar to that of the black cloud.
4346. Angadha the son of Vali along with ministers who knew just ways,Saluted the pretty lotus flower like feet of Lakshmana by falling at his feet,And Lost the fear about Lakshmana and the great expert in bow Lakshmana ,Looking at Angadha told, “Oh valorous one , go and tell your father’s brother,About my visit “ And Angadha assented and saluted Lakshmana and went.
4347. After Leaving Lakshmana , Angadha entered the palace of his father ,And after catching hold tightly the feet of Sugreeva , massaged it , woke him up ,And told him, “Oh valorous one with long hands , Lakshmana the younger brother of Rama ,Has come and is standing outside your palace and the anger that he has now ,Is much bigger than an ocean which is full of fishes and this is what happened.”
4348. Sugreeva noticing that the crowd of ladies noticing Angadha ’s arrival ,Were confused and shouting greatly , woke up from his stupor and not ,Realizing the earlier happenings looked at Angadha and told him,“Oh valorous one who wears garlands of gold as well as flowers ,When we have not done any mistake , what was the reason for anger of Lakshmana.”
4349. “Oh my father , at the time when you agreed you did not go and meet them,With an army , you have become greatly proud due to your immense wealth,And also forgotten completely the great help done by them. You have become completely untruthful,And due to all this Lakshmana has become angry .This is what has happened.And due to the request of diplomatic Hanuman, we continue to be alive.” Said Angadha.
4350. ”The valorous monkey heroes seeing the speed at which he was coming,Closed the golden door of the city which touched the sky and ,Without leaving any hill stacked all stony mountains, one over the other ,And stood proudly with great burning anger to fight with Lakshmana.”
4351. ”That Lakshmana who was the best among the males seeing that ,With his feet which was like a pretty lotus flower kicked the door,But even before his feet touched it , the long boundary walls which are spread,From south to North and victorious doors and the stacked mountains ,Broke and got scattered and mixed with the dust there.”
4352. “I do not know how to properly describe the state of the monkey armywith huge shoulders who saw that state of affairs. My mother who saw all these,Along with well ornamented ladies stopped Lakshmana who was carrying a lightning like bow.”
4353. That Lakshmana without seeing any of those ladies , not able to tell,Anything due to the anger in his mind stood there with stifled emotion.The lady who is my mother told him sweet words like “Oh lord ,Why did you leave Rama alone there and came here?” andThe younger brother Lakshmana told the reason for that.”
4354. ”My mother who understood the reason properly ,Pacified his anger and told, “He has not forgotten the order of Rama,Sugreeva has sent several emissaries through the mountain path ,Strewn with stones to bring most of the monkey army with great speed,And is waiting for that army” This is what happened here” said Angadha.
4355. ,When Angadha told like that , the son off Sun God started telling,“If that Rama and Lakshmana come opposing us with anger,Who can stand opposing them in this earth or heaven? What is the reason,That when that Lakshmana who is great archer came with great anger ,You did not request me to come quickly to meet him . “
4356. ”Oh my father who wears pretty garland made of bunches of flowers,And who has very strong shoulders , I had told you about it earlier itself.But at that time you were not fully conscious and did not understand what I told,And understanding that I cannot do anything further , I went to tell Hanuman,And it is proper that you go within a second and see Lakshmana ,” he told.
4357. Sugreeva who was friendly wuth Rama told Angadha , “oh son,Would any body else can get help like the great help that I received?Is there any destruction possible to the great wealth received by me ?Due to drinking alcoholic drink , I forgot al the sorrows of Rama,Which I had agreed to remove and I am ashamed to see Lakshmana.”
4358. “Except the habit of drinking alcoholic drink , what other thing ,Can be done without realization? If I cannot differentiate between mother and wife ,What is the use following all other Dharmas? Drinking these drinks ,And losing all the senses is one of the five great sins also ,We lose our senses in illusion which is not free of deceit,And we feed one loss of senses with another loss of senses.”
4359. ”Those who with clear thought and leave out bad actions are those,Who have got away from the sorrow of birth.” Say all great philosophers,As well as thosewho know all the four Vedas and I like the people who try to put out fire in the house by pouring ghee in it ,Am getting enjoyment in life by drinking alcoholic drinks,After removing all the worms in it and get fulfillment.”
4360. ””As soon as one realizes himself the ill of the infamous birth cycle is removed.” Say all the Vedas , Vedangas ,But over the disease of dirt of not knowing ,My own real form , I drank more alcoholic drinks and made my mind mad. Is this proper?”
4361. “Except those who protect others , who have controlled their five senses,Who are always drowned in divine wisdom and , who do not have any attachment to,Pain or pleasure , Has any body else have attained the good life in the divine world”Have any one seen those who drink alcoholic in hiding and enjoyed life attain it?”
4362. Because those who drink alcohol do not feel the bad ,Done to them by their enemies, the good that is done by friends ,What they have seen personally , what has been told by experts in Sastras,The way greatness reached us and the sorrows that have spread in our mind ,And are there any other thing which gives good to us better than feeling tham.”
4363. ”Those who drink Alcoholic drinks would be troubled jointly by ,Deceit , thieving , telling lies, ignorance, principle against tradition,The bad habit of not protecting people who surrender to them ,And pride and Goddess Lakshmi who sits on lotus flower would go away .Even poison if drunk would cause their deathand unlike these alcoholic drinks does not take people to hell.
4364. ” I have heard elders say, Bad things would happen if we drink Alcoholic drinks ,But today that has shown its great strength directly to me., What is the need ,Of saying any other things. Due to the wisdom of hanuman got from books ,I have now escaped from impending doom, other wise without any doubt ,Due to the anger of that valorous one who came speedily ,Was there any doubt of me meeting with my death.”
4365. ”Oh Angadha , I was scared about the great danger caused by ,The Alcoholic drinks, It should not be touched by the hand ,And not only that, it should not be even thought by the mind,If I still continue to like this cruel alcoholic drink , let ,The lotus flower like feet of Rama completely destroy me.”
4366. After Sugreeva with good character took an oath that he would,Not touch alcoholic drinks , taking with him all that was necessary to properly,Receive Lakshmana , he ordered Angadha , “Now you go and meet him”,Surrounded by his wives and his relatives, he went ,And kept waiting in the main door of the palace to met Lakshmana.
4367. The golden pots containing ground red sandal paste , flowers , perfumed dusts ,And the smoke of Akil, rows of lamps ,matchless garlands made of good pearls ,And various other decorations , peacock feathers , flags , conches ,The high sounding drums and all such things filled up city of Kishkinda.
4368. In that city the walls constructed by pure crystal stones surrounded by,Very tall pillars were studded with high quality precious gems Which all reflected the form of Lakshmana and people were misled,And thought thousands of warriors holding bows had come to the city.
4369. Angadha again went back and saluted the feet of Lakshmana and then Lakshmana,Looked at him and asked “Oh Sir , Where is your lord now ?” and then Angadha replied,“Oh hero who is like a male lion , Sugreeva who has the wealth of penance already done,Is standing near the victorious main door of the cloud like palace to receive you.”
4370. When those monkey ladies who wear ornaments like Choodaka and Thodi , Who were sprinkling scented powders and fanning with very broad white chowriesAnd holding white royal umbrellas which looked like the white moon on the sky,The monkey chief Sugreeva came before Lakshmana holding pretty valorous bow.
4371. When the ladies who were like Murukku flower holding water for washing as well as,For drinking and holding in their hands all other things needed to worship Lakshmana came,The sound of big and small drums reverberated , the sages came chanting Vedas ,Making the sound spread in all directions with the devas getting surprised ,At seeing the new pride of wealth and Sugreeva went before Lakshmana .
4372. ,That Sugreeva with great wealth who came to welcome Lakshmana , surrounded ,By crowd of monkey ladies with desirable breasts surrounding him like stars,Appeared like the moon with his own luster on the top of the mountain ,And appeared similar to his father who has risen up on the rising mountain.
4373. That great Lakshmana was waiting to receive the king of monkeys , and then,Great anger arose in him but since he was bothered about the state of Dharma .He became calmed down using the clarity of his clear mind.’
4374. Then both of them hugged each other with their shoulders which was ,Stouter then iron pillar and mountain and along with the crowd of monkey ladies,And that of warriors reached the palace which had inexhaustible gold.
4375. Then that king of monkey clan showed Lakshmana, a well made throne ,And said, “Oh lord , please sit here “ but Lakshmana thought that ,It would not be proper for him to sit on the throne,Wile Rama, the lord of Lakshmi was sitting on a grassy land.
4376. ”When my Lord Rama who due to the boon of Kaikeyi who had a mind of stone,Has sacrificed the gem studded crown and is sleeping on the bed of grass,My sitting on a golden seat where flowers have been spread is not desirable”, said Lakshmana.
4377. As soon as Lakshmana told like that , Sugreeva stood surprised ,And shedding tears from his lotus like eyes struggled and then,He who belonged to the clan of Manu sat on a seat of rock,In that palace which was as tall as the mountain.
4378. Then the young , the old , the huge crowd of ladies ,looked depressed,And with a tear filled eyes , not able to tell anything ,Became tired and were looking like sages who have controlled their senses.
4379. Then that king Sugreeva looked at Lakshmana and told, “ as per tradition If you take your bath now and partake the very tasty sweet meal ,We would consider ourselves blessed.” And as soon as he told this ,The younger brother of black coloured Rama started telling.
4380. ”When in spite of the fact that our stomach is filled only with sorrow and bad name ,If we are keeping alive , what would provide sweetness to us?Though I have desire to eat, I know that at this time of sorrow,When our mind is filled with worries , even nectar would be bitter for us?”
4381. “If you show us the place where the consort of Rama is living,We would put out the fire of bad name that is surrounding us ,If you make us take bath in Ganges and make us eat,The nectar that came out of ocean of milk , then we will not have any sorrow.”
4382. “ Rama eats only leafy vegetables , roots and fruits and I eat only,What is remaining after he completes his eating of food and I do not desire,For any other thing and if I desire , that is without doubt food left by Dog after eating.”
4383. ”Oh Sir , apart from this one more thing is there. Only after I return ,Bring leafy vegetables and cook them then only the prince Rama, who is your friend, Can take his meal and so If I wait here any more , it would not be sweet.” Said Lakshmana.
4384. When Lakshmana told like this , that Sugreeva looked at him and said,“When the best among the Manu clan Rama is suffering this sorrow ,Spending time pleasantly is suitable only to us monkeys, “ and later ,He became completely depressed and sobbed with his soul.
4385. Then Sugreeva , the son of Sun God got up suddenly and thinking of .Immediately going to Rama who was shedding tears , who was hating life of wealth,And had a sad depressed mind , told like this to Hanuman.
4386. ”Oh expert in rules of justice , as I have ordered earlier ,bring along with you,The monkey army that would be coming here along with our emissaries ,Till they come , please wait here” Ordering like this to Hanuman ,He started speedily travelling towards the place where Rama lives.
4387. That Sugreeva who was the son of Sun God with red rays hugged Lakshmana ,Who had a pure mind without any doubts and then accompanied by Angadha,With monkeys marching in front of him , with monkey ladies ,Travelling behind him , he went ahead speedily to Rama who was his brother.
4388-4389. When Sugreeva wearing lightning like ornaments .Walked with nine thousand crores of monkeys, in his front,In his back and on its sides accompanied by the best of his great relatives ,Walking near him towards the place of Rama,The entire forest was crowded with flags , drums gave out sound of thunder ,Conches boomed, the luster from the marching army filled up like streaks of lightning,Dust rose greatly from the earth and all these covered all the skies.
4390. Palanquins made with gold ,. Gems , pretty thin cloth , Lustrous gems , stones of crystal and with silver broader than the sky,AS per the wishes of everybody travelled closely ,And the white royal umbrellas were surrounding it.
4391. Just because Rama’s younger brother with his lustrous red feet ,Was walking on the bare earth , the son of Sun God ,With the belled heroic anklets tied in his feet making sound ,Also walked on the earth ordering his palanquin to come behind him.
4392. That lad Lakshmana with huge heroic anklets , Sugreeva ,Making the army stay behind with Angadha walking by his side ,With desire to see Rama walking in front reached ,Speedily the mountain on which Rama was stayig.
4393. Leaving the love for wealth which no one can imagine ,With devotion to salute the divine feet of Rama ,That Sugreeva who was the chief of monkey clan,Was similar to Bharata who saluted daily ,Those divine feet of Rama .
4394. Sugreeva , seeing Rama who due to the going of Lakshmana,Who would always with him like Lord Vishnu ,Would stand alone at the time of final deluge ,Saluted him with gem studded garlands touching the ground ,And touched Rama’s lotus like red feet with his head,
4395. As soon as Sugreeva saluted him , making the goddess Lakshmi ,Who always was on his chest feel the pain , with his long arms ,Rama hugged him tightly, with the anger which had risen in him ,Getting pacified and like earlier with love offered a seat to him.
4396. Rama made Sugreeva sit sweetly near him , looked at him and asked,
“Does your kingship and your rule go in tandem as per the rules in book?You with your long arms are doing good without asking like a cloud And does all the beings under your protection live joyfully ,Does your umbrella of victory provide you cool.”
4397. As soon as he heard those words which have great meaning , the son of Sun God,Who travels on a wheeled chariots in the sky said, “Oh lord who remains stable even at deluge,When I have the blessings of you who is like a Sun to dark world , Are they difficult to me.”
4398. Sugreeva again looked at Rama and told , “Oh Rama with great characters ,Oh king , I got the difficult to attain great wealth due to your grace,And in spite of that, I showed my very poor monkey qualities By going against your express orders.”
4399. Again Sugreeva told Rama,” Though I have the ability to search ,In all directions and get you back Sita , without doing that and ,Without thinking that you who is very clear minded would be sad ,For the sake of Sita who wears well made ornaments , I spent time in pleasurable life.
4400. ”Oh Lord who wears the heroic anklet and holds a powerful bow,If my nature , mental strength and thoughts are like these ,Is there a need for me to tell about what I will do in future ,As well my valour” said Sugreeva with great sorrow.
4401. That Lord Rama who keeps Goddess Lakshmi on his chest said,“the difficult to pass rainy season has come to an end and since,The words that you tell realizing your duty which assures me that,You would do the searching of Sita , Is not a lowly act and ,You are like Bharata and should not tell such words to me.”
4402. Rama again started telling looking at Sugreeva .“Where is Hanuman of great knowledge ?” and then,Sugreeva the son of Sun God said , “That Hanuman ,Would arrive with a huge army which is like water filled ocean?”
4403. ”My faultless emissaries have gone with speed to collect One thousand crores of monkey army and the time ,For their arrival has already come and still all of them ,Have not come and are expected in a day or two ,And Hanuman would come here along with that powerful army.”
4404. ”Along with me nine thousand crore big monkey army,Has come and to that big army should arrive by tomorrow,Once that army comes we can think about ,what needs to be done.”
4405. That Rama who liked Sugreeva told “Oh valorous one .Is this a very difficult job for you? Your peaceful nature appears to be good.Now the long day time has come to an end and so you please go now ,And come along with your army when it has assembled”When Rama gave leave to go , Sugreeva saluted him and went back.
4406. That Rama who had eyes like red lotus flower told sweet words,To Angadha and told him,” Go and stay with your father.”And gave him leave to go and stayed that night ,There along with Lakshmana and Sita in his mind.
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Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 3 (Padalam 10) – Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 3(Padalam 10)
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Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 3 (Padalam 9)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 3 (Padalam 10)
About Kavichakravarthy Kamban

Historians place him in the 9th century CE, But surely Kamban belongs to the third great wave of Tamizh literature that started with the Sangam period (dated before the Common Era), followed by the widespread impact of Bhakti literature of the Alwars (vaishnavite saints) & Nayanamars (shaivaite saints). Kamban Authored Ramanaya in Tamil…Known as Kamba Ramayanam..
Kambar has been the milestone for the Tamil scholars that none had reached. He was also known as “Kamba Naatazhvar” at his time. Many Tamil authors from the modern world have written the books on the poet Kamban.
Kambar or Kavichakravarthy Kamban (1180–1250) was a medieval Tamil poet and the author of the Ramavataram, popularly known as Kambaramayanam, the Tamil version of the epic Ramayana.
Valmiki Ramayana and Kamba Ramayanam are two versions of Ramayana written in the Sanskrit and Tamil languages respectively. … Kamba Ramayanam is originally called as Ramavataram. Although Valmiki Ramayana is the original version of the story of Rama, Kamba Ramayana is believed to be based on the work by Valmiki.
The Kamba Ramayanam, is a Tamil epic that was written by the Tamil poet Kambar during the 12th century. Based on Valmiki’s Ramayana (which is in Sanskrit), the story describes the life of King Rama of Ayodhya.
The book is divided into six chapters, called Kandam in Tamil. The Kandams are further divided into 123 sections called Padalam (படலம்) in Tamil. These 123 sections contain approximately 12,000 verses of the epic.