Kamba Ramayanam Kishkinda Kandam 4 (Padalam 12)
Kamba Ramayanam Kishkinda Kandam 4 (Padalam 12)

By Kambar (Kavichakravarthy Kamban)

Translated in English by P. R Ramachander

Kamba Ramayanam-Kishkinda Kandam 4 (Padalam 12)

12. Naada vita  Padalam

The chapter on going away for search
(Sugreeva    deputes four teams    to the four directions. The team going to the south was lead by Hanuman.  Sugreeva gives in detail the path they have to follow  and reach the Mahendra   mountain which is on the shore of the southern sea. Rama tells   in detail , how Hanuman can identify Sita  and  tells him a few incidents only known to him and Sita. He also fives his ring   to Hanuman as a makr of identity.    In Valmiki Ramayana  , Sugreeva gives directions to all the four teams in great detail. He  does not stop with the boundary of  the Bharatha country but goes even beyond till earth’s end.  The direction to south given by him  is   slightly different  than what in in Kamba Ramayana  . For example he does not name the Tamil kingdoms ,  nor does he mention about Temple at   Tirupathi. In Kamba Ramayana  he tells them to cross Vindhya and one of the places he asks them to go is Dandaka vana  . This is not  there  in Valmiki Ramayana. He does not describe Sita to Hanuman nor does he tell identifying incidents. The ring he gives in not a’ pretty ring he  wears’ but his signet ring with his name    inscribed on it.)

4447. “In differing types  , in  not thinking but obeying   And   without enemies who can oppose  themThis army    is standing in rows   and spread   everywhere   ,With  nobody  capable to stop them  and  It also  does not  have any measure  of  its numbers,”Said Rama    and for that   Sugreeva     replied like this.

4448. ”  Greatly wise  people after   great thought  say,”This army  has got seventy vellam     soldiers.”Except for this estimate, no one can say  after  doing ,Deep thought   that this    army   has   an end point.”

4449. ”For  the monkeys in this   army   the  number of victorious  chiefs,Are   sixty seven crores   and  these chiefs  are  under the  commander chief Nila Who  is   having the strength   to  burn down  even god  of death.”  Said Sugreeva.

4450 . Rama who was holding  in his hand the victorious  bow  looked ,With love at Sugreeva   the son of Sun god who has hot rays   and said  ,“Now what is the use  of wasting time  by talking various things ?Let us  think about how   we would   work effectively  for   attaining our goal.”

4441. That Sugreeva then looked   at  the great Hanuman  and told,“Oh   chief   , in all the three worlds you have  the speed of your father ,And capability to enter any where and so why are   you delaying  ,Are  you waiting to see  , what   the other  efficient monkeys are doing?”

4442. “You please go from here and search   for the ornamented Sita,In the land   of the serpents  ,also search in earth   and  now you should ,Also show us your ability to enter   the pleasure land  of heaven and search there.”

4453. “ According to what I know  .the long palace   of Ravana   is on the southern side  ,And so   you go to that direction  , win over    all the  Asuras   who are there ,As the one who deserves fame is yourself and not anybody    else.”

4454. ”Oh clear headed one  , I also vaguely   remember    that  ,Cheating Ravana armed with the sword  ,  who has deceived ,And taken away the creeper like Sita  was travelling towards south. Please remember this.”

4455. ,”Angadha the son of Tara  , Jambavan  and  other valorous monkeys,Would come   with great recognition along with you  and let  ,Two Vellam of army    also start   with you    for this search.”

4456. Let Sushena   go towards   the west  , let Sathavali go towards,North which is ruled by Khubera  ,Let Vinatha   go towards the east  ,Which belongs to Indra and all of them would go,Accompanied    by a very powerful armies .

4457. “oh leaders who are  suitable to wear   garlands of victory,You please go with two Vellam army  who are used to victory  ,Travel and roam everywhere   in search of sita  ,And return back to this place    within another   one month,” said Sugreeva.

4458. Then he addressed   those   who were  travelling to south  and told.,“You start   from here   and reach   the Vindhya   mountain  ,Which   has thousand pretty shining  peaks   which would make you ,Suspect that  it is   the Lord Vishnu himself   and make you want to salute him.”

4459. After searching for Sita in Vindhya mountain , you please   reach,Narmada   river , made bright  be several type  of gems,Where   even devas take bath   , where   the beees,Sing music called  Panchamam  ,  after drinking   the honey  ,That are in the flowers  ,  which come floating   in the river.

4460. From there  go to to the mountain called   Hema koota  ,Where  the  smoke like black coloured   Asuna    birds ,Sleep   when the deva maidens wearing  a pretty  waist belt  ,With   desire   were  rocking a swing  and  sing sweetly.

4461. Then you leave    with haste   that Hemakuta mountain,Along with the monkeys  of your group and make to the  shore ,Of the lake behind    you   and go ahead from there ,Then after  searching for Sita  with cultured habits  ,In the black  pennai river   for a few days   and,Go away     from there     with great   speed.

4462. Then slowly cross    the Vidharbha country  which has  ,Scented   AAthi and Akil trees   and  the cool scented  sandal trees,As fence    and after  walking  a long distance   , you would  ,Reach    the Dandakaranya   which  has  lot of water   resources.

4463. There    exists   a garden in Dandakaranya    called  Mundaka thurai  ,Where it is told in the olden days   sage  Agasthya    used to  live ,.And there   if you happen to see    sages    doing penance   in your mind  ,It would cause   your mental worries to disappear. Please see that.

4464. That Mundaka thurai garden   similar  to the wealth   of charitable people  ,Which is enjoyed   all people   of the world  , exists    for ever  ,And is similar to  the    cheek of  very virtuous ladies   ,  is   sweet  ,In all seasons unlike     the sweet fruits   of the  season.

4465. The people in that   place do not blink the eye  properly,Would not sleep well   and there  is   no gate to enter in to it,And it  would  always give enjoyment  like  the love play  ,With the ladies   in bed   and it also has lots of water.

4466. After crossing that place   reach a mountain called Pandu mountain ,Which touches the  moon in the sky  , over which even the sun god,With red rays    thinks    and stays there    for  a while, before  going,

 4467. Near    that  mountain   is the   broad Godavari river   whose   old waters  ,Which drags   with it pearls , collected    broken golden plates  ,Rathna gems  , the churners  from courtyards  of  cowherds  ,Trees   ,huge  rolling stones  , animal   in her ebbing waters.All those who take bath in that   pure sacred   water of that river   do not go hell called “Puth”. And they do not  wander here and there  ,  and it could take you  to world of devas ,

4468.  After crossing Godavari  , you have to go  to Kavana  river   where  Subrahmanya Who has six faces , the killer    enemies as per request of devas, which is  a river of Dharma  ,Which   is  like a river of clear grace  , Which  is like desirable good habits  ,Which is surrounded  ,  gardens having fully opened   flowers   on both its banks,On all sides   and   which had shining   gems which completely removed darkness.

4469. After  crossing Kavana   river  , you would see the famous  Surya kantha    mountain,    534Where the stones   are released from the sling of   the ladies and the big mountain ,That produces   great heat    and   the Chandra kantha   mountain  .After you cross    these  mountains  , after   crossing several countries,You would reach Konkana   country where Adhi SEsha  lives in hiding,  scared  of Garuda,And also you    would reach    the Kulitha    country.

4470.Then you would  reach the Arundathi mountain which is  like a gift ,To those foolish people who argue    that Lord Shiva is   the best among gods,Or The Lord Vishnu who measured    the earth  is  the best God,Who are all ignorant  of religious ethics  , to attain  salvation  ,Which cannot be entered in to , Which is near Akasa Ganga  .Which merges   the sun and moon   in its peaks which touch the sky  ,And which gives   boons to all those    who salute  it.

See also  Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 2 (Padalam 6)

4471. After crossing  deserts  which scares all beings  , rivers  , wide streams  ,Akil trees, sandalwood trees   , mountains   which touch   the clouds  ,And Prosperous countries, if you further proceed   in that path,You  would reach the emerald  mountains   where Garuda   gave  ,Nectar   to the Serpents   with poisonous mouth   for saving his mother,And after  saluting that mountain proceed  by a path on its side.”

4472. “Then you would   reach   the Tiru Venkata   mountains  , which is,The  boundary of the southern  and northern toungue  , which posses,That thing    which is the end  of all the things    that  we posses ,Which is the boundary   of  deep wisdom,  , which does not have ,Anything which can be compared   to it nearby   and which has valleys  ,Filled with   bee hives   all around   which   is shining  like the bodies  with fame  .

4473. Without doing any action that lead  always either to the good   or bad Karma ,Equally regarding    the wealthy life   praised  by devas    as well as  ,The lowly life    that    makes you wait for the   food that is given in charityAnd getting clear understanding that   the prime reason for   this birth,Is   those two types of Karmas   were  the great saints    who live in that mountain,Who can    cut off the relation with Karma there itself  and who   are  great enemies  ,Of those  good and bad Karmas and they merit to   be saluted   to be saluted from here itself.

4474.   That mountain   has rivers   full of bathing ghats   where   pure hearted  Brahmins,Who have given up cheating  live , where  saints of great penance  ,Who have thorough grasp   of the Vedas    and Sasthras  live  in their hermitages ,And which is a place    the calves of elephants  and tiger cubs     sleep soundly  .To the music   of Deva maidens  to the accompaniment   of music played,On  a musical instrument, Called Kinnara by strumming  its sweet  wires.

4475. When you reach   that big mountain with peaks   all your great sins would vanish,And you would reach salvation immediately   and so do not go inside   but avoid it.After that you would reach the Thondai Nadu   which has wealth of water  and,Please completely and thoroughly search tha country   and then after wards  ,Reach the divine  and famous river Ponni(Cauvery) , which  has great looks  ,And search thoroughly on its two banks      for Sita.

4476. After crossing  The Chozha country   where   the Cauvery with   water ,As clear as the minds of those who attain   heaven   is situated,You would find a  place  where sages who have completely  forgotten,The sorrows caused by past Karma   and you please  go speedily by that path,With the knowledge   that  the people who sleep  do not attain any thing but dream,And reach the mountain country   which has mountains   which shine  due  to the ,Luster  of gems   and after  searching there   go and reach,The Pandya  country in the very widely   spread Thamizh speaking  country.

4477. Then if you reach   the south Thamizh Nadu  in   which there is  the podigai mountain,In which the   great saint Agasthya   is  doing penance   where  the Tamizh  Sangam,Is established   and where   the great sage  lives permanently, Salute that  mountain  ,Go forward  and  then cross   the  pretty river Tamravarni    and  then see  ,The  great Mahendra mountain  with its  big  valleys   where  the elephant  calves live And from there   you would be able  to see the southern ocean.

4478. You cross that  place   and in that place   and places  beyond   search for Sita,For the entire  month   and then you come   back to this place”   and then Sugreeva,Ordered them to  Take leave from him speedily   and proceed ahead.” And at that time,That  Rama whose incarnation was the very tall Trivikrama   looked at  Hanuman,With lot of mercy   and said, “Oh expert    in books of justice  , if you happen to see Sita ,I would  describe her form to  you so that   you would be able to recognize her”And then Rama took away Hanuman to a private place and then explained.

4479. ,Rama  addressing Hanuman told, “Oh Hanuman,  , the pretty   fingers   of the red feet,Of Sita  would resemble   the coral pieces  of the milky ocean   anointed in   red cotton juice ,And   attaching the crescents of moon at their top and they are   properly  formed  ,And the lotus flowers   and other things used in the world  which are  used  in comparison,Would   not  be  proper comparison for them  and apart from that,Which other   things   in this world are suitable  comparison to those  pair of feet.

4480. , “Oh Hanuman,  The tortoise which has been used  by all the    great poets  ,Using their  intelligence  for comparison with  the upper part   of the ladies feet wearing lot of bangles,  And apart from that  also mentioned  some other things  , to Sita    who speaks  in a lisping voice,Similar   to   the  music of Kurinchi Yaazh which is played at night , they are not suitable ,And you please  understand this    aspect with great clarity.

4481. “The tender  heels of  the innocent   Sita   who has  a  pretty hair   which  is,Difficult to portray by  artists  ,Though  guessed  truly , by  the great poets  ,Who quote in  comparison for varal  fish which is in the family way  ,And the quiver, the  paddy   crop in yielding  , if repeated  by me, what pleasure  would I get.”

4482. “The  boundary  for the comparison    of the thighs   of ladies   with long hair,As Banana has been won by the thighs   of Sita  , Can we mention   any other comparison?You please   think whether   the Yazh with its strings, the honey with taste  of nectar  ,And the cane juice from cane   grown in well  watered fields  Would be  a better suitable  comparison for   her  thighs.”

4483. ”Oh best  one, Sita has a pot and Cakravaka bird  like breasts   tied by cloth ,And who has a  waist like the Vanchi creeper   and her  ocean like hips,Which are  next to  waist belts cannot  be  compared  to the hood  of Adhisesha,Who carries the world   and the  chariot plate   of Sun who destroys the fog And in this   I do not think there is any need  to tell you further.”

4484. If you want to hear comparison of  the thin waist of Sita  seeingWhom Lord Brahma   can create   any pretty lady, it is not possible,For   by using   our organ of eye   it would not be possible to do it    ,As  it cannot be seen by the eye   but only can be felt by my hands,It is not possible to say it exists   by any other  means.

4485. ” If we see generally the belly of a lady   would be like a banyan leaf   , or very thin drawing board   or  very soft   , silver plate which is white like milk   or    round shaped   mirror   or similar things  , If we tell like this , it would   be fib  or an unimaginative  lie, for if we say  Sita ’s belly ,Looks like a banyan leaf  , it is not at all suitable for this is the nature of her form.”

4486. ”Oh Hanuman whose knowledge is more wider than the sea  , if we see   that ,The belly button of Sita  is  similar to the  Koothali plant which has not shrunk  orNandiyar Vattai flowers   among the round flowers   which have pretty holes ,They are highly  inappropriate  but in general terms, I had earlier  believed that, The whirl pools   of Ganges would be similar to her belly button and ,So imagine    the river Ganges   in your mind   while searching for her.”

4487 . ”On the belly of the creeper plant like Sita   there is a  hair formation  ,And that is the flow of my soul and so we have to mention  a comparison to it ,Which  would be agreeable to all, please understand  it is like the   supporting branch,To the  faultless   thin waist   which is spreading  so that  ,Its tiredness   would go away    and  holds it firmly   to it.”

See also  Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 4 (Padalam 12)

4488. Sita     who is Goddess Lakshmi who left lotus  flower feeling  that,Its inner petals will hurt her  , on her pretty belly  there are three  golden colour  folds,And they are the  victory  sign left by the god of love, who is an archer  that  all the ladies .Of all the worlds  have been defeated   by her beauty.

4489. ”I will tell that her breasts are  a box made of gems  , or a golden pot  .I would think it is a red tender   coconut   and would say it is a dice  made out of corals,It is the tusks   of an elephant , and without missing    they are  chakravaka birds,Which have  come out   in day time   and  since I do not know  any comparison  ,In this   world to them  , I would be sorry that  I could not find a  suitable one.”

4490. ”When I see   the sugar cane   or  row of bamboo plants   , from my eyes   tears ,Would  run like    rain  water  and I would  be sad, except that   do I know ,A proper  comparison to her  shoulders  ? Since I do not have a  steel like mind  ,To find a comparison the shoulders of Sita and wears  flower garland  ,Around   which bees hover and hum  , When can I tell that  comparison?”

4491. ”Saying that  , In all the worlds  one thing is similar to the forearm of Sita  ,Is wrong .Even if we tell a comparison telling that her forearm   is like Kanthal   flower  ,Is   very cruel. Telling it is like Makara Yaazh  it would bring to our  memory some other thing  ,For how can  Kanthal flower and  Makara Yaazh be like    her  great forearm.To a beautiful thing, is there  something more beautiful than that.”

4492. “If  the young leaves   of the  Asoka tree   with great perfume   on one side,The newly  formed    pretty  , newly  leaves   of the very desirable   Karpaga tree ,And the  flowers with thin petal  which flower  on the  lotus creeper   are  ,Not sufficient  comparison   to the pretty legs   with sound of anklets  ,Of Sita    who has    very thin   waist  and how can  they be compared  to her hands.”

4493. ,”Sita    who was  like a young  pretty flowering branch     with white teeth   and red mouth  ,And  lustrous  ornaments   had a pretty sharp nails   and is it possible for people like  us    to tell clearly  ,Without confusion    a  comparison for that  ?The parrots  said to the  Murungai    flowers  ,“You are finding fault      with   us as being not   comparable to the nails  of Sita  “And became    angry   with them and if they tear   those flowers   off  ,Thinking   that    they are   the mouth of   the ladies  who find fault with  them,And can those   nose   of those  parrots    be  compared   to beak of parrots.”

4494. “Oh suitable one , Like you think of the lotus flower on seeing her pretty   hands and feet,And if you see the neck of Sita   who has divine eyes    which are like the sword  , you would be ,Reminded of the growing betel nut tree   and the   conches which are  born in the sea,And if you  think   that they are good comparison to her neck  , Get assured,That they are   comparison   to betel nut  tree  and conch.”

4495.   “The pretty mouth of Sita   who has black eyes   like the black  lily   flowers,Cannot  be compared to  Corals  . red Netti , Red Kovvai fruit  . new  red lily flowers  ,The flower of Ilava tree   which has not faded, the Indrakopa beetle and flower of Murungai tree,Because  it is  deep red but looks more like white   and it is filled   with honey,And that which can be compared to that mouth   is itself.”

4496. “There is no nectar  which is red  and there   is no honey which is red,And even if they are perhaps  there, they give sweetness   ,Only when they are   eaten and not  when they are  thought  about,But  if we  try to tell comparison to  the coral like mouth of Sita who has a lustrous forehead ,During the time when we are joyous   and according to the liking of the mind ,There seems     to be no  things in this world which can be   compared   to it.”

4497. ”Oh learned one , At that time when  I told that the teeth of Sita   are like,Jasmine buds , the bottom of peacock feathers   and   pearls  , I would feel like telling,About her words as  those comparable   to the nectar  , milk as well as  honey,But  except for saying that  there is no comparison to her teeth  ,Is there any comparison  available   for nectar of devas and if you are capable  ,You can understand about the nature of the teeth of Sita  , without thinking  about comparisons.”

4498. ”Oh Hanuman who can see  the future,  If her nose is similar to  gingelly   flower,Or   the Kumizham flower with hole  , those things do not have  luster   like that of,Shining gold, shining gems   and there is nothing  with those things  that cause that  luster,You can yourselves guess about the prettiness of  that   nose  ,Which is  impossible    to be drawn as a picture by great artists.”

4499. ” The comparison to the   ears of ladies told by young   boys are   the leaves  ,Of Vallai creeper  , scissors   and the pretty hair cutting tool   and if these   are told,By  wise and great men   as comparison to the ears of Sita  , it is an act of lunacy .With a thought    that  the  silver studs  that she wears have done great penance  ,To reach her ears  , we should also think that it is not possible   ,To get a propped thing of comparison to all things in the   world.”

4500. “Her lustrous broad eyes which are having the black colour  of Lord Vishnu,As well as white colour  but  even if we   see it a thousand times,We can say   it is broader   than the broadest   ocean  but  we will ,Not get any suitable comparison to it   , even if we  think very deeply  ,.As  it is not something     that can get limited   in to one ‘s mind .”

4501. If we seek a comparison to the eye brows of Sita who has sword sharp eyes,One eye brow can become comparison to other   and   any other thing would be just a comparison.Generally  if we take  any thing that is normally   mentioned as comparison to eye brows ,And mention it as comparison to   eye brows of Sita  , we can tell but  it would not be a proper  one.If we can compare it   with the bow of God of love , since there   are  no two such bows, it is not suitable.

4502. “The white crescent of the moon that appears    during the initial day  of  waxing   period,After seeing the  beauty of the forehead of Sita   who has tender foot which makes   the lotus flowers  ,Of   day time  gets ashamed, became shy   and thinking about it for several days  ,And  being called “Mathi(brain)” thought that on that   if    could remain a crescent    ,Without becoming   the full moon  , it could perhaps be compared    to her forehead.”

4503. ” After   we came to the forest   , there were none  to decorate  her locks of hair,Which fall on her forehead and in spite of that , even when she had not made  up her hair,There was no diminishing of beauty    to that hair  and that locks of hair  ,Even left as it was  created by Lord Brahma   was always   new looking,Over her blue   gem like forehead  and there is no comparison for it.”

4504.  “The Black coloured cloud’ s  centre , Red lily flowers  , bent bows  , the victorious kendai fishes,The lustrous gems  added   to the moon was   as the face  of Sita  by Lord Brahma  himself ,And when you see her lotus face   from near  , please   clearly think And understand whether  they are there”

4505. ”Those  hairs if Sita   which was made by single ones to a large group   was thick and perfumed,And it appeared as if it was made by cutting a piece   of  black cloud , anointing it with honey,Then smoked it with Akil smoke  ,  make  it further black by applying darkness of night  ,And   tie it step by step  and make it hang  as a pleat  and then it  appears to  keep heavy weight on her.”

See also  Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 11 (Padalam 26)

4506”. Even   for the divine  lotus there is the fault of it  possessing    the outer covering ,Even for the   upper edge of beauty , the moon   , there is a fault    of the black form,And even for all the  best things  , there   would definitely    be  little  fault  within it ,But for Sita who walks like   the swan , there is only perfection  but no fault.”

4507. ”Oh sir  , if we do proper thinking  , the perfection   of women’s beauty   ,Is not there   even with goddess  Lakshmi  , who lives on pretty scented  lotus flower,But  to  the koel like Sita who has  black eyes   like Kayal fishes  , red mouth  ,  pretty breasts,Which would make even Devas salute her  , there is no deviation  ,From the   perfection of beauty for ladies and you can recognize   her by that.”

4508. ”That Lord who sits  on the lotus flower  created   the   musical flute  .The Yaazh  , koel  , parrot  , baby lisp   and  all that can be compared to sweet voice  ,With his well experienced ability  and made   them as sweetness  in voice  ,To Sita who has a a very thin waist  but did not create   any other   thing,That   stands comparison to that faultless    sweet voice. Would he do it in future?”

4509.  Though   the three   worlds    with heaven    are spread without boundaries  ,Except  the very great nectar which gives great taste   when kept on the toungue ,There is no other thing which can be termed as good   and if we want to tell ,A comparison    to the soft words   of  Sita who has    fish like eyes,We can either say   honey or nectar  but both are sweet to the toungue  not  to the ears.

4510. ”Oh best among people with good character  , the swan with a lisping   voice  ,Which lives on the  lotus flower  , the pretty female elephant    which  walks prettily,Even making     the devas   get astonished  but I would not   consider   them,As good comparison to the walk of Sita  and she   has   a gait   like the  ,The progress   of the epics   containing   rare words    written,By ancient  great poets   who were  experts in writing verse.”

4511. ”,Her colour is like the changing  shade   of the   young  mango leaves   and even,Golden colour would become black before   her beauty   and even the colour   of gems  ,Are not proper comparison to her colour   and the colour of lightning  would become shy  ,On seeing her and will not come out and would vanish not  to be seen any where.Even the colour of lotus would become shy before her   and what other colour    shall I say  ,And If truth is to be told only her colour compares well     with her colour.”

4512. , “Oh well behaved one  ,Keeping in your  mind   the  firm belief    that, There are no ladies who are   comparable    to Sita  , examine   her   clearly ,And then go near   her lustrous   full moon like face  ,And then tell    those   identity   incidents    which I am going   tell you  to her “ again he told.

4513.  “Please tell her   the incident , when   I  entered the  ancient   and prosperous city   of Mithila  ,Along with sage Viswamithra   for witnessing the Yaga   of king Janaka who wears  ,Long flower garland on his hair   , on the   terrace   of the maids quarters   near,The pond where   the swans  play  , I happened   to see her. Please remind her abut this.”

4514. ,”Sita whose chastity  is like the ocean  where a boundary cannot be made   had  thoughtfully  said,“”if   the one who has come with the divine  sage Viswamithra   has not broken the mountain like  ,Bow of lord Shiva  , I would give up my life.”  You please tell all such news in detail   to her.”

4515. ”Please   remind her   how I saw   her in the council of    the great  king Janaka ,Having  pretty mountain like breasts    which resembled the    two tusks   ,Of the  Elephant in rut    wearing the ornamental mask    and a thin waist  ,Which    was breaking    due  to the heavy weight   of the breasts  ,And   who came   like the matchless  streaks of lightning in the sky.”

4516. ”Oh innocent  Sita  , do you think that  you would   walk following me  ,In the burnt forest    which I have not seen before  , inspite  of your,Being   one who gave   joy to me  and would you now cause sorrow to me  “I asked like this to Sita  , Please    remind   her  about   it.”

4517. ”Oh Lord who is  leaving the king dom that is yours and who   is going to forest,Does it mean   every thing except me will now give joy to you  ?”  saying harshly like this,Sita shed  tears from her  eyes which move like fishes   and  which are like  big lotus flowers andWas not able to stand properly    and   became greatly   famished and depressed. Tell this to her.”

4518. ”On the  day when we   left the prosperous city of Ayodhya   ,In front   of the big wall made   of stones that tough    the sky Before we just crossed     the pretty doors of the city  .Sita asked, “which is the   boundary less   cruel forest?”’Please tell her all these    so that she understands.”

4519. Rama after   telling al these identifying incidents  told him,“Have a sweet journey.”   And then gave him   a  very good ring,On which the   best of gems were  embedded  and   told.“Oh wise one , let all  your job  be completed without road blocks”And as soon as he bid him farewell , Hanuman wearingLong heroic anklets   along with the   grace  of Rama    went ahead.

4520. Then the hero Angadha ,  the very strong Jambavan  with a killing rage , Saluted  Sugreeva the son of sun god by their head   and later  salutingRama   and Lakshmana who were   expert archers   along.With huge ocean like army   , went towards    the southern direction.

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Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 4 (Padalam 12) – Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 4(Padalam 12)

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Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 4 (Padalam 11)

Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 4 (Padalam 12)

Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 4 (Padalam 13)

Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 4 (Padalam 14)

About Kavichakravarthy Kamban

Kavichakravarthy Kamban
Kavichakravarthy Kamban

Historians place him in the 9th century CE, But surely Kamban belongs to the third great wave of Tamizh literature that started with the Sangam period (dated before the Common Era), followed by the widespread impact of Bhakti literature of the Alwars (vaishnavite saints) & Nayanamars (shaivaite saints). Kamban Authored Ramanaya in Tamil…Known as Kamba Ramayanam..

Kambar has been the milestone for the Tamil scholars that none had reached. He was also known as “Kamba Naatazhvar” at his time. Many Tamil authors from the modern world have written the books on the poet Kamban.


Who wrote Tamil Ramayana?

Kambar or Kavichakravarthy Kamban (1180–1250) was a medieval Tamil poet and the author of the Ramavataram, popularly known as Kambaramayanam, the Tamil version of the epic Ramayana.

What is the difference between Kamba Ramayanam and Valmiki Ramayana?

Valmiki Ramayana and Kamba Ramayanam are two versions of Ramayana written in the Sanskrit and Tamil languages respectively. … Kamba Ramayanam is originally called as Ramavataram. Although Valmiki Ramayana is the original version of the story of Rama, Kamba Ramayana is believed to be based on the work by Valmiki.

What is the story of Kamba Ramayanam?

The Kamba Ramayanam, is a Tamil epic that was written by the Tamil poet Kambar during the 12th century. Based on Valmiki’s Ramayana (which is in Sanskrit), the story describes the life of King Rama of Ayodhya.

How many Kandam are there in Kamba Ramayanam?

The book is divided into six chapters, called Kandam in Tamil. The Kandams are further divided into 123 sections called Padalam (படலம்) in Tamil. These 123 sections contain approximately 12,000 verses of the epic.

Kamba Ramayanam in English Index

Kamba Ramayanam: An Introduction
Bala Kandam
Bala Kandam – Padalam 1
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 1 (Padalam 2)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 1 (Padalam 3)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 1 (Padalam 4)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam (Padalam 5)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam (Padalam 6)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam (Padalam 7)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 3 (Padalam 8)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 3 (Padalam 9)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 3 (Padalam 10)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 4 (Padalam 11)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 4 (Padalam 12)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 4 (Padalam 13)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 4 (Padalam 14)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 5 (Padalam 15)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 5 (Padalam 16)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 5 (Padalam 17)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 5 (Padalam 18)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 6 (Padalam 19)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 6 (Padalam 20)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 6 (Padalam 21)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 7 (Padalam 22)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 7 (Padalam 23)
Ayodhya Kandam
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 1 (Padalam 1)
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 1 (Padalam 2)
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 1 (Padalam 3)
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 2 (Padalam 4)
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 3 (Padalam 5)
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 3 (Padalam 6)
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 3 (Padalam 7)
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 3 (Padalam 8)
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 3 (Padalam 9)
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 4 (Padalam 10)
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 4 (Padalam 11)
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 4 (Padalam 12)
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 5 (Padalam 13)
Aranya Kandam
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 1 (Padalam 1)
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 1 (Padalam 2)
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 1 (Padalam 3)
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 1 (Padalam 4)
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 2 (Padalam 5)
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 2 (Padalam 6)
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 3 (Padalam 7)
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 3 (Padalam 8)
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 4 (Padalam 9)
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 4 (Padalam 10)
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 5 (Padalam 11)
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 5 (Padalam 12)
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 5 (Padalam 13)
Kishkinda Kandam
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 1 (Padalam 1)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 1 (Padalam 2)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 1 (Padalam 3)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 1 (Padalam 4)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 1 (Padalam 5)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 1 (Padalam 6)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 2 (Padalam 7)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 2 (Padalam 8)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 3 (Padalam 9)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 3 (Padalam 10)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 4 (Padalam 11)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 4 (Padalam 12)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 4 (Padalam 13)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 4 (Padalam 14)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 5 (Padalam 15)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 5 (Padalam 16)
Sundara Kandam
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 1 (Padalam 1)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 1 (Padalam 2)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 2 (Padalam 3)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 2 (Padalam 4)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 3 (Padalam 5)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 3 (Padalam 6)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 3 (Padalam 7)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 3 (Padalam 8)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 4 (Padalam 9)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 4 (Padalam 10)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 4 (Padalam 11)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 5 (Padalam 12)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 5 (Padalam 13)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 5 (Padalam 14)
Yudha Kandam
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 1 (Padalam 1)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 1 (Padalam 2)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 1 (Padalam 3)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 2 (Padalam 4)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 2 (Padalam 5)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 2 (Padalam 6)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 3 (Padalam 7)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 3 (Padalam 8)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 3 (Padalam 9)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 3 (Padalam 10)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 3 (Padalam 11)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 4 (Padalam 12)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 4 (Padalam 13)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 4 (Padalam 14)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 5 (Padalam 15)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 6 (Padalam 16)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 6 (Padalam 17)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 7 (Padalam 18)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 8 (Padalam 19)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 8 (Padalam 20)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 9 (Padalam 21)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 9 (Padalam 22)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 10 (Padalam 23)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 10 (Padalam 24)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 10 (Padalam 25)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 11 (Padalam 26)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 11 (Padalam 27)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 12 (Padalam 28)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 12 (Padalam 29)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 12 (Padalam 30)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 13 (Padalam 31)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 13 (Padalam 32)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 13 (Padalam 33)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 13 (Padalam 34)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 13 (Padalam 35)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 14 (Padalam 36)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 15 (Padalam 37)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 16 (Padalam 38)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 16 (Padalam 39)
Kamba Ramayanam in English Index

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