By Kambar (Kavichakravarthy Kamban)
Translated in English by P. R Ramachander
Kamba Ramayanam-Yudha Kandam 13 (Padalam 32)
32. ,Vanarar kalam kaan Padalam
Chapter on Monkeys seeing the battle foield.
(The monkeys are greatly surprised to know that Rama all alone killed all the great Asura army. Vibheeshana takes them round the battle field )
9581. After that , when Sugreeva and the measureless monkey army came,And joined , praised and saluted him , seeing the great number ,Of Rakshasas who had been killed they were surprised and shivered,And became shy that with a mind which was resting they did not realize anything .
9582. ”Oh Lord Rama , the crowd of the army that came to war with you,Was larger than all the three worlds and how did you win over such an army?”When Sugreeva the son of sun god with pillar like shoulders asked Rama like this ,Rama said, “Along with the king of Rakshasas you go and see it for yourself.”
9583. Then all the monkey chiefs saluted Rama and egged by their desire ,Went to the younger brother of Ravana and asked him, “Please get up”,And speedily went and saw with their eyes that battle ground ,Frequented by eagles , hawks , ghosts and crowds of crows, and were taken aback.
9584. They cried , they shivered, took long breaths and due to sorrow of the mind ,Became bloated up. They got scared , with an upset mind , they sobbed ,Slowly they got back their activity , became joyful and became very sensitive ,Who can understand and describe the state of their true feelings .
9585. Like the sinners who wanted to see the seven oceans with great tides ,Apart from seeing all the areas that they wanted to see joyfully,And said , “even if thousand years are past , we will not be able ,To see the other shore and so peacefully tell us about it”And Vibheeshana started explaining to them in a proper way.”
9586. ”Oh our people , Please see the mountains of elephants ,Which though they were killed by Rama by using his crowds of arrows,Are spread like tent erected by crows in this reddish battle ground ,With their bodies sticking to each other , with their legs caught,In the mud made slushy with blood , like collection of clouds ,With no place for all of them to fall down on the ground.”
9587”. Those red eyed and cruel Rakshasas who had earlier been victorious,Due to speedy arrows coming one after and another and killing them,Are now like lions sleeping on the elephant mountain. Please see it.
9588. “Getting the chance of dying by the arrows of Rama, Who has pretty eyes full of grace , some of the Rakshasas ,Have died with great joy and this can be seen from their lustrous facesAnd they are like lotus forests growing in the small ponds ,By the side of sand dunes . Oh my persons, please see them.”
9589. “That elephant with three types of rut which is floating on the earth,Are not able to get up in spite of being alive and became separated in the flowing blood.And please see them to be similar to the king of fishes, which go in ,And come out in the spreading ocean, which has several flowing tides.”
9590. ,”Oh our people , please see the chariots standing on the flowing blood,Due to horses dying after being hit by sharp tipped arrows , which fell on them like thunder, And standing with white flags flying in the sky looking like ,Huge ships in the ocean filled with water. Please see them.”
9591. Oh our people , those ghosts which were moving their hands in consonance,With standing headless bodies whose bodies are like clouds, after moving ,In accordance to the beats are like the dance teachers ,Who teach others by showing the steps by moving their feet.”
9592. ”Oh our people , in between the huge teeth of the sharp mouth of an axe ,With a crowd of victorious warriors hugging them like a machine similar,To the beginning of the nerves being pushed by the devils with deceit , please see them.”
9593. ”On the lustrous forehead which shines due to the golden mask ,The elephants with red dots due to arrows hitting them being cut ,And the front and back of the elephants got changed and joined and due to this,It can be told that a new animal with head in back and front has been created,Please see many of them.”
9594. ” In that very fearsome huge war , there were several open mouths .Due to the huge laughter due to great anger which were like ,Spreading ocean with old water and these matchless open mouths,Were like the fire place of Yajna where harsh fire was burning ,You can see many such mouths here.”
9595”. Please see the white cowries at the bottom of the ears of ,The strong elephants which are victorious in war which had ,Shining forehead shield and which keep on moving ,For they which are placed on the face of the warriors ,And are like lotus flowers on water bodies placed on ,The face of lightly sleeping swans.”
9596. “ Oh our people , please see the white tusks of those the tall elephants Which reached the not well guarded, battle field wading,In the sea of blood which are not filled by the warriors,Which are like the silvery moon hidden by the crowd of clouds .”
9597. ”The fire of anger from the dying warriors went and burnt ,Flags , bows , spears . the stacked chariots and later ,Reached the royal seat tied by tapes on the back of the elephant ,With drum like feet and the ghosts with dancing ate their cooked flesh ,. Please see that.”
9598. ” Oh our people , Du to the blood flowing from the battle field ,Getting mixed with water in the sea , which was dug by the Sagara princes ,The elephants which saw the crocodiles standing along with them,Became scared , thinking that they are mountain like elephants ,And some crocodiles with great shyness went back,To the ocean where they live , please see that.”
9599. Due the mountain like bodies of those who died on the sky ,Being hit by arrows of Rama falling on those who live on the earth,And killing them and you would see them unable to remove ,Those corpses , hiding somewhere but are sobbing . Please see them.”
9600. Due to the blood that flowed from horses and elephants that were pulling ,Huge chariots as well as from the bodies of Rakshasas who came to the battle ,The sun has reached the mid sky is red like rising sun ,Please see that.
9601. ” When the black coloured Rakshasas are being cut , the blood from them,Flowing in the sky, which makes people wonder whether it is a river,Makes the white moon standing there separately as red ,And please see that it looks like a different type of orbit of sun.”
9602. ”Please see that this blood wets sky, wets earth and wets the ocean with crocodiles,And the birds which rise in the sky bearing on this body this new rain sprinkled on it,The star like flowers , the scented new buds and the bees with black wings assume ,A different colour making the forests and nice scented gardens ,Put out red new growth which shines.”
9603. With tides carrying the broken tusks of elephants which fought with the mountains,And the lustrous pears and gems which were formed in side those tusks,And heaping them on both sides , with birds with wings rolling ,Strong and thick trees and shout with joy , please see this huge river of blood,Which carries within itself white umbrellas , cowries making it look like foams ,Knocking against the huge banks built by corpses , speedily going towards the ocean.
9604. The banks made of mountain like bodies of elephants with tusks,The dense steps made of the shoulders of Rakshasa bodies ,THe forest of dead horses forming the waves , the altered,Tusks of elephants being crocodiles, the faces shining like,The forests of lotus flowers , the falling intestines as algae,And the fat acting as slushy mud, with the blood flowing,From the bodies of Asuras forming the pond are beyond count. Please see them.
9605. Due to having fat like slushy mud being ploughed by plough like sword,Having blood filled like water bodies, having large area pressed using the elephants,Having warriors from clans spreading everywhere, having huge beds with heads ,Decorated by sweet smelling lotus flowers having huge fields of warriors,Is this huge cultivable tract which is kl like a well perfumed field, Please see it.
9606. With the bodies of very strong Asuras which were like mountains ,Without any empty spaces falling down , due to the complete and lengthy twang from the bow,Which was pulled up to his ears by Rama making several thunders weak and fall down ,Please see the very speedy flow of huge river streams pulling with them ,The elephants going to the serpent world by the path made by arrows of Rama.”
9607”. Except telling that arrows of Rama after cutting the tusks, legs , huge necks ,Long shoulders and chest , without getting slowed down tore the huge lands in ,The directions and got down in to Patala , we cannot say that his arrows ,Pierced and stayed on the sea of the bodies of elephants with rut , victorious horsesAnd foot soldiers for we are not able to see those arrows any where , please see.”
9608. ”The elephants which have flow of rut with the scent of lotus flower,Which are as cruel as God of death , which are lying dead along with their tamers ,Which have the action of black pig which bent forward , came ,Along with the nectar in the ocean of milk and were in ten crore in numbers.”
9609. ”Even if the falling rain and oceans with moving tides ,Were to completely dry up , those elephants which pour out ,Black liquid of rut like rivers came from Lord Brahma’s fire sacrifice in twelve crore numbers.”
9610. ”Fourteen crores of elephants were born in the clan of Iravatha ,,Which belonged to Indra the lord of clouds and which had great battle valour in the east,And now their soul has departed , their blood has dried ,And though their trance due to rut has gone their pride has not departed.”
9611”. These elephants which came from the Sarva Bhowma clan , which are,Like a northern mountain in rut , which have a face producing rut ,Which when ordered by Brahma to carry the earth , did not carry the long directions ,And they like Devas do not blink and are in a huge number called Padmam.”
9612. “These which have been given by Indra as tribute to Ravana ,Are in thousand crore numbers, The tribute given by the lord of Dhanavas,Belong to another clan and their number is beyond estimation.”
9613. ”The horses that are to be seen here rose with great tumult,From the ocean of milk , when it was churned and they are ,Thousand -thousand in number . but the battle ground horses,Have a contrary look and are those who won Lord Varuna in the western sea.”
9614. “Those horses which are difficult to get , it seems ran defeated,In the war of Khubera with Ravana and they are thousand – thousand,In number and the horses conquered from the great Vidhyadhara king ,Who was an enemy who was greatly angry are of a number Padma.”
9615. Then the monkey leaders said, “even if we keep on seeing ,And you keep on describing these scenes of the battle ground ,It is not possible to complete it and it is not possible to completely see ,The Himalaya mountains and so we will see it afterwards ,And let us go and see the place where Rama is.”
9616. They went and saluted that great Rama , stood their breathing long ,Thinking the nature of the great war that was fought by Rama ,And now we will start telling about other things that happened meanwhile.
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Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 13 (Padalam 31)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 13 (Padalam 32)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 13 (Padalam 33)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 13 (Padalam 34)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 13 (Padalam 35)
About Kavichakravarthy Kamban

Historians place him in the 9th century CE, But surely Kamban belongs to the third great wave of Tamizh literature that started with the Sangam period (dated before the Common Era), followed by the widespread impact of Bhakti literature of the Alwars (vaishnavite saints) & Nayanamars (shaivaite saints). Kamban Authored Ramanaya in Tamil…Known as Kamba Ramayanam..
Kambar has been the milestone for the Tamil scholars that none had reached. He was also known as “Kamba Naatazhvar” at his time. Many Tamil authors from the modern world have written the books on the poet Kamban.
Kambar or Kavichakravarthy Kamban (1180–1250) was a medieval Tamil poet and the author of the Ramavataram, popularly known as Kambaramayanam, the Tamil version of the epic Ramayana.
Valmiki Ramayana and Kamba Ramayanam are two versions of Ramayana written in the Sanskrit and Tamil languages respectively. … Kamba Ramayanam is originally called as Ramavataram. Although Valmiki Ramayana is the original version of the story of Rama, Kamba Ramayana is believed to be based on the work by Valmiki.
The Kamba Ramayanam, is a Tamil epic that was written by the Tamil poet Kambar during the 12th century. Based on Valmiki’s Ramayana (which is in Sanskrit), the story describes the life of King Rama of Ayodhya.
The book is divided into six chapters, called Kandam in Tamil. The Kandams are further divided into 123 sections called Padalam (படலம்) in Tamil. These 123 sections contain approximately 12,000 verses of the epic.