Kamba Ramayanam Yudha Kandam 11 (Padalam 26)
Kamba Ramayanam Yudha Kandam 11 (Padalam 26)

By Kambar (Kavichakravarthy Kamban)

Translated in English by P. R Ramachander

Kamba Ramayanam-Yudha Kandam 11 (Padalam 26)

Yudha Kandam (contd)

26. Nikumbalai Yaga Padalam

Chapter on fire sacrifice in Nikumbila
(The army lead by Lakshmana reaches Nikumbila  and destroys the Rakshasa army. A great battle  ensues and Indrajit when he is getting defeated  vanishes from there goes and  requests Ravana to release   Sita  .Ravana shouts at him andstarts  for war himself.Indrajit takes leave from him and again goes to war.)

8934. The valorous Rama   after   his doubt was erased   hugged   Vibheeshana to his body ,As his desire and soul had become one   and said, “Oh Vibheeshana  ,What a great job, You did by removing  my  sorrow  and you and God are   there  to help me  ,And Hanuman is   there to support me  and our  penance  and Vedas also support us.”

8935. As soon as   Rama told this   Vibheeshana said  , “If   the fire sacrifice  ,Is completed by him, no body would   be able to win him    and victory,Would go to the side  of Rakshasas and so give us  leave  so that  ,I would go along with  Lakshmana   , would   take away soul of Indrajit,And  also destroy     the fire sacrifice being done  by him  ,Rama said , “please do it” and started    giving some advices.

8936. Rama hugged   his brother  Lakshmana   and told him “brother  ,If he  sends the  arrow   of Lord  Brahma  who sits   on the lotus flower  ,Oh valorous one  , then only   just to prevent that  arrow    from coming to you,You should use your Brahmastra  but if you send it otherwise  ,Not only he , but the world of devas   as well as earth would get destroyed,And so avoid      using it   like that.”

8937. ”Oh brother   with great  fame  , there  is a possibility that   that  he would send,The arrow of the three   eyed Lord Shiva   or   the  arrow of Lord Narayana  with the wheel.Of his  own  accord   and if he   does that   send the same arrows ,And make   his arrows powerless  and by  using the power of your ,Return back after   taking   away   his   soul.”

8938. ”Oh brother  who is like God of death  , after examining   deeply  Dharma  ,Follow its path   and even  before Indrajit   starts    doing his acts  of illusion,And destroy them completely   and seeing    for a proper opportunity  ,When Indrajit is weak  , kill   him  who is God of death of Devas.”

8939. ’Oh brother who  had not forgotten the science   of archery, if that Indrajit,Becoming greatly   worried and angry  and sends  at you several types of arrows,Just   like rain, you also do similarly     and remove all   his arrows,But if he sends them   tired and with great sorrow   from his   very powerful bow,Then   spot his weakness   and send an arrow piercing his chest    and kill him.

8940.  “Oh brother who never   gets worried, even before  Indrajit   sends his arrows,You sent arrows   and in every stage of the  war  , prevent his   weapons  ,And finding out the mood of the enemy   by his   face  sent arrows ,With proper speed  and  in the correct direction  , with speed like   wind.”

8941. After telling all these tricks   to Lakshmana   and seeing   that  ,He has accepted   his   teachings  , Rama looked at him and said  ,“”Oh brother, this is the  big   bow    that   is used  by Lord Vishnu ,Who became the   three worlds   himself , who does  not know  his greatness, And    who is the matchless leader . Please receive  it in your hand and  get victory,”

8942. “Have you not heard  the words  of Tamil   sage Agasthya about,The nature  of this great bow   and have  you not firmly kept in your mind?This bow   which was being held  by Lord Vishnu  with  thousand heads ,Was one desired   and got by Lord Brahma   in the fire sacrifice  ,And take   this   from me   and along with that  he gave his armour also.

8943. Rama  who  was  one having the divine   wheel    and was ,Like the   axle pin  of this world gave him his  quiver  ,Which he ties on his back  and   told him several   words of encouragement,And hugged Lakshmana    who was  looking   like  Lord Shiva,And later   when he gave  to Lakshmana  , the devas ,Of the sky   thinking that  sorrow has been destroyed  , became happy.

8944. With Devas blessing  auspiciousness    and greeting them,With devas maidens wishing him long life  and  wishing him,Faultless   greetings  and also   sang songs ,The  Lakshmana  who was going to war  had the look  of Lord Shiva,Who was wearing  the crescent when he flew  in to rage  to destroy  the three cities.

8945.  When  Rama gave him leave to go   along  with monkey chiefs  ,Lead by Hanuman  and told him  “Oh valorous one  , you   go the   war ,”Lakshmana   kept the lotus like  of his elder  brother   his head  ,And That  one who had Dharma as  his wealth  went to Nikumbila.

8946.  Rama who had a body like a pretty cloud sobbed   and the  flowing tears,From his eyes  flowed  on the  earth  and his younger   brother  ,Went round him  and saluted him  and holding his   strong bow  ,And with anger   on the evil minded   Indrajit   and ,Went ahead    saying  , I would bring back his head.

8947. Seeing his younger brother  whose  parting he can not   tolerate,Going speedily like his  own soul going   away  from the body   and vanish,Rama was looking like his father  Dasaratha  who saw him  go away ,To protect   the   fire sacrifice as   per the request  of sage  Viswamithra.

8948. He was assisted    by people  like  the commander in chief  Nila  ,Carrying   with them   with long  fire woods   which were burning brightly  ,And  after   several forests and mountains reached   the  temple at Nikumbila.

8949.  There  was a banyan tree  there whose leaf was  once used  ,By the matchless Lord Vishnu who   had all   the world in his belly  ,And there   was a Rakshasas   army   which was like a black sea  ,Standing there and  it looked as if the entire sky was  only a part of it.

8950. The monkey warriors saw   that the sacrificial     fire of Indrajit ,Was  guarded   by the   Rakshasa    army which was standing  ,In an army formation similar to the wheel   and   was like  ,The huge sea    which contained    the   very hot northern fire.

8951. The angry  elephants which were like  black clouds  , chariots  ,Horses  , foot  soldiers   were all there  in that army   ,With strength of thousand crores   soldiers   and they   were  ,Like a sea stopped by another   sea  and spread over thousand Yojanas.

8952. Golden chariots  , horses    , elephants   and foot soldiers  whose job was  fighting ,Was so much large    that it was   difficult   to count and estimate  it and  ,The divisions of   that army   were  looking as if   the entire people of the world, Were  surrounding it in several thousand    rows.

8953. Due to the   waving of red hair which touches  the clouds in the sky  ,Of  the black body  of the Asuras being burnt by   the    fire arrows  ,Sent by   the black coloured   Rama   that Nikumbila,Was   like the black sea   with white foam and was seen by the monkeys.

8954. The  strings of the bows   in the hands of Rakshasas did not,Raise the twang sound   and were like  an old  rain bow   in between the clouds,And their musical instruments also did not raise sound as  if they were  in the sea,And the    suitable huge   drums also   were like clouds   that do not thunder.

8955.  Those  monkey warriors who never   got tired at any time  ,Due to the order  of the    very strong Rama  , seeing   ,The very silent army   of Rakshasas,Shouted    so loudly   as if to break    the   top of the sky.

8956. When the monkey  clan shouted   the Asura clan also shouted,The garlanded    drums were beaten  by stick and made to roar by them,And  the monkey warriors    filled the Asura warriors with stones,And they sent   streams of arrows   which were like rain from a black cloud.

8957. The lustrous weapons  thrown by   the cruel  Rakshasa army ,Which resembled   the  swans continuously  settling down,On a water body with many ghats  went    and,Hit the monkey army    which was praise worthy.

8958. Due to the   stones and trees    thrown   by the monkeys   hitting them,The bows, axes   and iron rod   and  their  teeth   head and bodies,Of the very strong Rakshasas   broke and went inside  the earth.

8959. Due to   the Rakshasas   throwing weapons like    staff  , axes  , Spears , tridents ,Maces , arrows   and rings on the monkeys   their   tail  , legs,Hands   , bodies  , stomachs  got cut and fell down  on the  Earth.

8960.  Vibheeshana   looked    at   the victorious    archer  Lakshmana and told,“Time is proper   for you to delay destroying   the fire sacrifice   of Indrajit.If you are   going to leave this fire sacrifice   that   is well  protected ,Without destroying it  , when shall win over this sea of Rakshasa   army.?

8961. Devas  , Asuras  , Brahma    who had heads  looking at four directions,The Lord Shiva who never ages  , Indra  the king of all    the three   worlds,And  all the devas had come there, and there were none who had not come.

8962. Several types of armies   and the chariot army   driven by several soldiers  stood there ,The horse army   which was   standing   in several rows stood   there,The army of the Rakshasa   foot soldiers   who had white bent teeth stood there,And several types of Elephant army with several instruments being played   stood there.

8963. , At that  time Lakshmana entered   in side   the Rakshasa army  ,And went on raining  large number   of arrows   with  very  sharp point ,And those Rakshasas   whose bodies were    crushed ,Left the earth  and went towards south to land of God  of death.

8964. The chariots, horses  and  incurable    elephants in rut  ,were killed,And the number of those killed reached   hundred thousand crores  ,And they were all heaped  and in the   slush  created  by ocean of blood,They   formed   island like  structures  and  they all lost their souls.

8965., The heads  of the Rakshasas who were wearing garland  and  who had ,Red hairs like  the flames lit in the deep holes made   by the  hoofs of elephants  ,Were innumerable  and were like the flames  of fire of the fire sacrifice pit.

8966. The big  killer elephants   which  were angry   and  had pride due to rut  ,Being   wounded and broken here and there   by the   arrows  from bow of Lakshmana,Were    lying without losing their soul     in the dark  pond of    the blood, And were    similar to huge   mountains   and the ponds   within them.

8967. Being hit  by several arrows   which went   from the  bow of Lakshmana ,Which bit   like the huge   teeth of bears   on the crowned   heads lying there,They looked like   huge ant hills   which were covered  by fire flies.

8968. Due the arrows which were   resembling heavy rain fall   ,Entering their bodies  , the blood    the came out   resembled  the rivers,And went and joined  the sea   and   the  tall flags   that were  falling  ,From the Rakshasa army   were  like the   clouds   fallen on deep sea.

8969. The full white umbrellas   of the   enemy Rakshasas being cut  ,By the lustrous     arrows   of Lakshmana  fell down,And due to their pressing   the sea of blood   of the   Rakshasas,Were similar to    the moon which was swallowed by   the red coloured snake.

8970,. Due   to their long trunk    and legs    getting cut ,  the cruel elephants,Were   moving in the  blood     that   had flown there and due to their  ,Not having the power   to attack the enemies   they got  drowned  in it  ,And they appeared   like the Idangar   crocodile   of the oceans.

8971. The black foxes   which entered   the battle field   where   these elephants ,Were there stayed   there as they liked their food   and due to the fleeing ,Rakshasas leaving their drums there  , they were like dead cavities  of bodies.

8972. Due to groups of arrows   with   fire and cruel poison hitting them,The angry elephants   got their neck and parts    above it get burnt,And were looking like    the burning  bamboos  of the mountain.

8973.  The Rakshasas    who were  like  the   tide like ocean  were attacked  ,By the bears in the monkey army who plucked their hair by their long nails,And  looked    similar   to their digging the  anthills  and pushing them down.

8974. Due to the famous arrows   of arrows  coming  like   rain  ,The greatly valorous Rakshasas   who were  capable of winning lions in war  ,And  those were   ruling animals like horses and elephants ,Fell dead   with   black bees hovering   round flowers  decorating their head.

8975. ,Due  the bodies of defeated    army chiefs   being   torn here and there  ,The blood shot up from them and a pretty eagle   flying  there  ,Got  completely bathed   all over its body with that blood .

8976. Like his father    Dasaratha in olden times    riding on  one chariot  ,Opposed  and killed  several  Rakshasas  in their chariots ,Who were   crowding him   Lakshmana   all alone   destroyed ,That entire   Rakshasa    army   by his rain of arrows.

8977.  Similar to  the huge and powerful storm blowing   destroying  ,And making fall   mountains    clouds     and stars  The  flying  ,And blowing arrows of Lakshmana   cut the heads   and bodies ,Were cut   and they well in the  fire pit of fire sacrifice.

8978. Due to  that Lakshmana who was  like an elephant   cutting off  ,The heads   of Asuras decorated by flower fell from the sky  ,And broke    the pot of water   sanctified by   chanting of Vedas,And was   kept   in the   the  hall of fire sacrifice.

8979. The  blood oozing out of the red wounds   which were flowing  .Like a river with tall   tides carrying   bodies of rut elephants  ,Injured by the goad  , rolled   the   heads of Asuras  ,With red eyes  like red  lotus flowers  and ,Put out the fire   in the fire pit of the fire sacrifice.

8980. Due to    the   chosen arrows   sent by  Lakshmana   the huge hands ,Tied by    red hairs and which were wearing heroic anklets   with the  sword,That they were   holding were cut off   and while   falling on the ground  ,They cut the heads  of sacrificial  buffaloes and goats    that were  kept ready .

8981. Those  Rakshasa  warriors  whose cheeks   are   cut by  arrows of Lakshmana,From where   the blood flows and wets   their  body  , but who were still alive  ,And whose  pretty strong body has been cut but not destroyed  ,Scared   of the arrows coming out of Lakshmana ‘s bow  ,Hid   themselves  in the ocean of blood   which was spread everywhere.

8982. ,With legs being cut   along with the earth   and  fallen down  ,Being hit by the hot arrows   that were sent by Lakshmana again and again ,Became confused  and   with shivering body  , with  their intestines,Coming and hanging  out of their belly  , Using  their  , Spear as    their walking support  they    walked further .

8983. Some Rakshasas whose intestines have come out of their back,Pushed them inside their body   were trying to again go back to  the battle field.And there  seeing the cut bodies of their sons who had fought  ,And  not able to leave them there , with the sons body hanging on their shoulder,And   catching for support their brothers who were fighting the war, reached near   for fighting.

8984. Like the closed  pots with ghee   and honey getting broken  And the puffed rice being thrown out  , the head less    bodies,Danced in  the battle field   in several groups  of crores.

8985. Lakshmana entered    that huge   army several times   and killed ,By cutting the spear holding Rakshasa    army  like wind, like cruel poison,Like the thread spun  by  the weavers , like the disease   which reduces the body,And like    the starter   in the  pot of milk.

8986. In the    broad     earth   surrounded by ocean with turning tides  ,That huge army  like a garden    which is shattered   by   huge storm,Was completely shattered   and  Indrajit     saw    all that.

See also  Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 1 (Padalam 2)

8987. He was   not able to see   in that battle field  any thing except   The dead bodies of cruel elephants in rut   in a heap touching the heavens,Several horses, the shattered   body  and  heads of  the warriors ,The  ocean of blood with advancing tides and nothing else.

8988. Indrajit    was not seeing any body   among his   hundred hundred  thousand crores,Of  warriors who wore heroic anklets   and  who were  unchangingly valorous  ,Except heaps of their bodies    cut in to pieces  and the river of the  blood,By Lakshmana   fighting alone with very sharp arrows and did not see any full body.

8989. Some of those  Rakshasas  who were  more cruel    than strong  poison, Scared   to stand before Lakshmana   with a dried toungue   and trembling  ,Reached  Indrajit  and   the  very angry among them  who could not come  back,Died   with an upset mid as   there was no one  to support   them,

8990. Seeing that fire   in the fire pit  of fire sacrifice   has  been put out ,With materials needed   to do the sacrifice  such as the plough As well as  the pretty   and luxuriant  Durba   grass getting destroyed,And also all  materials needed  as well  getting  destroyed,Indrajit forgot the  chants    that he had   to recite  ,And got  dispirited  like the fire    that   was being put o out,

8991. At that time all  those  Rakshasas who had not diedDue  to the rain of arrows  of Lakshmana  stood surrounding Indrajit  ,And the monkey army   who had the job of fighting approached them.

8992. The greatness  of Lakshmana    who killed the huge  Asura army  of thousand Padma * army  ,Who killed   all of them by the time one tells “A”  and his great prowess   in archery  ,And his sorrow as he was not able    to complete the fire sacrifice,Created great sense of anger and mental worry in Indrajit.*A huge nmber

8993. Indrajit also with his use   the shaking of hands   by sages who saw the battle field,The job of killing  by Lakshmana   which made   the goddess of earth scared and shiver,And the complete destruction of the clan of Asuras   whose job was fighting.

8994. ,Indarjit   watching    that his greatness   was being destroyed and also,The destruction of pious  climate   during the carrying out of fire sacrifice,As well as  the complete destruction of    the effect of his chants during the Yagna.Told the following    words  .

 8995. ”In the hugely spread twenty five   Vellam  of my army , what is remaining,Is only ten Akroni army and trying not to go from here   and trying  ,To complete    the fire sacrifice by staying here is childishness,AS that fire sacrifice started has been completely   destroyed.”

8996. ,”Is not the fact that the glowing fire  with smoke   of the   fire sacrifice,Is  not throwing up its flames but  has been completely put out sufficient?This is  a  bad sign indicating   that  in this great war ,That is taking place here, there is  no victory further for me.”

8997. Let me neglect  the fact that   the fire sacrifice  has been destroyed,But  thinking that I am of reduced  prowess compared to this man,Is simplifying the issue and I would not think  about  my reduction of strength,In this place  but has   the power of my shoulders to  fight now  has also been destroyed?”

8998. ,”My silly nature in getting worried    about destruction of   the yagna,Which   is  carried  out with chanting of manthras  would make   the devas in the sky,Laughh at me saying   that “This  Indrajit is capable of fighting against Indra  only    and not against men.”

8999. When he was telling like   this within himself   the  monkeys   with great strength,Threw  mountains  , trees  , collection of corpses  and  dead elephants   on the Rakshasas,And because of this the army which accompanied Indrajit was   scattered.

9000. Those Rakshasas  moved away  avoid those   things falling on them ,Hid one behind the other and    started   shivering greatly with fear  ,And due to the arrows of Lakshmana  their  bodies split open and intestines came out,And they all lost    their anger similar    to the elephants with dried   rut,

9001. When the cruel arrows sent by Lakshmana  along with  the black mountains,Fell on the ocean of   the army of Rakshasas , it was similar    to ,The   black rainy clouds  throwing out  black clouds  as well as rains, falling on black sea.

9002. , Angry  Hanuman who  made   the Rakshasa army  , who were like a  huge sea,With tides  scattered   ,   confused   by beating them    by   trees,Went   near that   Rakshasa  Indrajit  and started   telling,The words   that  would   make    that Rakshasa  angry.

9003. ,” There was a huge army   which was like   a huge ocean with tides  ,Standing   here in the formation of a wheel  , Did you happen to see it?We have not even heard the twang sound produced by their bow strings.When did you all come back after   reaching Ayodhya , cut Bharata  ,And his relations in to pieces and returned back here?Did  the Yagna    that you performed   end properly? Did you get what you wanted?”

9004. ”Did you go and see  that Bharata  who has a more stronger  shoulders,Than Adhi sesha   who  carries  the heavens as well as  carrying everything ,And who is the faultless  king and show him the great prowess of your ,Archery.  That too yiu came  along with your life? Is t not  strange?”

9005. ” Did you see Shatrugna  , who was born to  the matchless Dasaratha   who killed ,Asura called Shambara   who  was an expert in use   of bow  and helped the Devas,After the first three   sons   and made    them as   four brothers.?”

9006”. Would not your war of illusion , after being hit  by fire like arrows,Which  go  deep inside  causing red blood   to flow  on  your ears ,Mouth as well as    eyes   and after    going  inside Lanka  ,Be fought again  spreading    evil every where  ?”

9007. ” Now do you  wish to send  , the Naga pasa  or  the famous   arrow of Lord Brahma  ,Who sits on the lotus flower  or  the weapon of Lord Shiva  ,Who is the most primeval or   the divine   wheel of  Lord Vishnu  ?WE would shiver at the  weapon you intend to send  and,It is sufficient    as  the God of death has  come near us?”

9008. ” Only after  considering   your  having got   very many boons  ,And after learning     very many tricks of  illusion  , got divine  weapons,From   the Devas who have great patience   and also  considering,The prowess that we have naturally got   would we   decide ,To cut your head and  kill you  ? would we reply differently to you?”

9009. ”Even if   you are defended by  Lord   Shiva who had swallowed  poison,Lord Brahma , as well as Lord Vishnu   who sleeps on the snake with open hood  ,Without trembling  , your death is definite. Does  your left side throb?Please tell us whether    you would    be able to  continue to live?”

9010. ”Did not  that great archer Lakshmana earlier take  an  unmatched oath  to you  that , “I would kill you”, come near you and killed all your army   which were near you,And which defended you  and is challenging you  “Please come with speed  to fight”.And   did the twang sound  from his  well tied huge bow form a part  of your Yagna?”

9011. ”The devas , the sages and   many who are living in different worlds  ,Have assembled  here   to see the prowess in battle  of Lakshmana  ,Who is the brother   of Rama    who  removes problems and protects  the  three worlds,And so why are  you delaying any further ?”said that  protector  of Dharma.

9012. Indrajit breathed   like fire   after hearing these  words  and with  light ,Scattering   light   from his  golden shoulders  , sunlight coming out from his mouth,And said “Was it because of your strength    that you  came before me and told  these?What was the reason for you to tell such base words “  and then further   told.

9013. ” All of you who have died in all the wars    that were fought   till now  ,Hit  by my weapons  and using  tricks which are against rules  ,You had again come alive   and did  you forget    all those tragic incidents,And then  looking at me  , desiring your death are you   challenging me for war  ?When all   of them , hit by me died , did you store medicines to make them live again?”

9014. ”Let Rama fight with me?Let Lakshmana   fight with me  ?And let all those  who are equal to them  who have come   here go away?The devas and sages   Would see  together from the sky,  the death  of monkeys,In Vellam after Vellam   and to see the sorrow   these   two men will  suffer?”

9015. As  long as the bow that I am holding   and my powerful shoulders are there,Would  it be possible  for  any being with a body run away  and hide   and live  on seeing me  ?I would kill these monkeys with a hunchback   as well those men ,Follow them to the heaven and also kill them, They would not live by any medicine.”

9016. ”Oh persons  who are all saying that  “the Yagna   could not be performed today  .And so we have won, “    and because of it   boasting a lot about your valour,Please do not tell that  , there is no more delay, my arrows would appear now,Cutting each of your heads   separately  and also pierce   your bodies completely.”

9017. ”I  would not talk about  my other victories  in an apparent manner   like you,And  sit quiet . Are  you trying to talk of victory   after   being defeated by me twice,During all times when I got enraged with you and stood up , did you  learn,To stand firmly in that spot without   fear ?Are you again  going to lie dead?Or are all of you  going to run away from here with great scare ?”

9018. ”Stop there , stay there  “saying that he stared   at them with great anger ,And wore   his armour which shined like lightning , he tied his quiver on his back,He wore the finger gloves   which are sign of valour  on his fingers,He   lifted   his bow which was meant to do war  , He climbed ,On his diamond chariot which was  shining  like Sun  and twanged   his bow.

9019. He  blew  his conch   and   the Deva maidens of the sky   who wore bangles ,Due to great scare  patted on their own eyes and the Devas   got worried,That the Indrajit would in a short while exterminate   the monkey army,And Lord Shiva of Kailasa  and Brahma   sitting on a lotus said,”a great battle is going to take place.”

9020. The devas   thought  “due to the effect of our penance  Indrajit failed  ,To complete  the Yagna  but though the Yagna fails, these monkeys ,Would not be able to live further and they have come here  ,Due   to their bad fate  and we are  now   going to see  the monkeys  ,Suffering  due to the arrows”   and became dispirited and sad.

9021. Due to the act of twanging the   bow of the string of his bow  ,When the sound reached   the monkeys   they forgot their masculine  duties,With great tiredness  without   throwing  the trees  and mountains  in their hand,And  fell down   and they thinking   that they would definitely die started  running away.

9022. But the great commanders  of the monkey army stood there  ,Without getting scared and all those except them started ,Running helter-skelter  like the water of the oceans  which  is broken,By the huge wind   at time of deluge, running here and there  ,But Hanuman who was an expert in war , opposing Indrajit,Uprooted  a huge  mountain there     and got ready.

9023. Indrajit who was    standing there  like  the death to God of death  himself  ,Looked at Hanuman told  “Hey fellow stop there  , stop, stop,  are you  talking  ,Different things and uprooting a mountain   with an  intention of killing  me,In the battle field  in front of  the Devas  ? Your act seems to be great  ?Since you are a monkey   this seems to be apt  , Oh masculine one ,Please come , come    to fight    with me  .”

9024. That warrior of warriors  Indrajit   became angry and suddenly took ,And stared at Hanuman who had come to throw the mountain at him,Thought  , Which arrow would be suitable   to   attack Hanuman,Who  had high shoulders   and who was an expert in wrestling ,And then  the  Devas praised Hanuman and  his father wind God ,Started   getting scared    thinking  “what   would happen to him?”

9025. Hanuman   threw that diamond like hard mountain   making fire sparks  ,Fly in the  sky and  in all directions   on that Rakshasas and it came  on  Indrajit ,Like thousand thunders   taking one form   and seeing that,The  world got scared and the   Rakshasa   crowd was thrown pell-mell.

9026. ,Indrajit  who had  tall shoulders   similar to the  Meru mountain ,With his ear globes   spreading luster  , laughed loudly  ,Which made  even the universe   shake    with fear   and saw to it,That the huge mountain    was made in to powder  and the Devas ,Who do not blink their eyes   saw the manner  in which he sent the  arrow.

9027. When Hanuman uprooted   another  mountain  and   was rotating   it,Indrajit rained cruel arrows    some of them dipped  in strong poison ,And some  due to heat were defeating the fire God   so that  they hit,The chest  , shoulders  ,legs faster  like wind  ,necks   and eyes and wounded him.

9028. Due  his being near mountain   with high peaks growing bamboos,Due to the natural luster   of his body which angrily    drove away,The   darkness   of night ,due to his producing  luster  similar ,To rays of the sun and due to the flow of blood   from his body ,Hanuman looked  like the   Sun God who was about to rise ,

9029. When  Hanuman   became very tired, Angadha   and other monkey commanders,Combined with great  anger   which can burn  and seeing them Indrajit told  ,You please   stop there , stop  , where  is that Lakshmana  ,Who has  been defeated   by me twice “ without bothering about those monkeys.

9030. When those Angadha and whose   anger greatly  increased  and neared  ,Indrajit  to fight  with him  , he asked, “Would a lion instead  of following,The elephant to fight  , follow a mere  monkey  against its nature?What is the use of sending arrows at you? Please show  me the younger brother ,Who can fight with me  for a little  while or would you die   because of your  anger .”

9031. ”Did   you not see Hanuman who has become spent up and tired?Are you all stronger that Hanuman?Is not my bow    strong now?Did the power of my shoulders  get reduced, than earlier ?Are  you not the ones who came wanting the  battle?Have you earned strength before  coming over here ?Please show me the man   and go back in your own way  ?”

9032. Even after  seeing  his natural  wish   to   fight   with younger Lakshmana,Those monkey warriors  threw mountains and trees  on him and approached   him, And he with rain of arrows which could split  the Meru mountain  ,In crores or crores of crores   of number and   they   entered  ,The bodies  of crowd  of monkeys   and they all lost their strengths .

9033.  At that time Vibheeshana  the brother   of the Rakshasa   looked at Lakshmana  ,And told  , “That black cloud   of that Rakshasa   with capacity   to get victory,By ceaseless shower of arrows  is destroying   your army  and as  ,The Yagna has  been destroyed  , you speedily go and fight  with him,”,And Lakshmana hearing that   went  near Indrajit and started fighting.

9034. At that time  Hanuman with generous nature  without fainting ,Came with  a  pleasant face and requested, “My father , please speedily ,Climb on my shoulders, “  that pleased Lakshmana   said, “So be it”, And the Devas left out their  depression  and   that Hanuman,Carrying   that Lakshmana   roamed round the  battle field.

9035. That Indrajit who was black like   thousand   clouds joining together  ,Came riding on a high chariot   drawn   by one thousand horses,And both of them faced each other and fought  and that  tall Hanuman  ,Taking a form like  Lord Trivikrama  roamed in  all directions.

See also  Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 6 (Padalam 19-21)

9036. That Lakshmana who had  forsaken sleep   sent several  hot arrows  ,Which were  like  fire  , like thunder  which can kill enemies,Which were like ghosts . like hunger  ,and like disease,Which were like     the bad fate   which  without fail plays tricks,Which were like mind   ,and   which were like mother of hawk .

9037. Indrajit cut the arrows sent   by Lakshmana by sending similar arrows,But then Lakshmana   showered arrows like the  rain at final   deluge  ,Which   destroyed the sky  , all the eight directions  and   the oceans  ,Making people who witnessed   it say  , who can  at any time  ,Shower arrows    better than this in the    world at any time.

9038. Indrajit  by sending arrows which were  like crowd of sparrows, And completely   removed those arrows and further   , they proceeded.Like  fire sparks  and the pure Lakshmana   sent several   arrows  ,And removed them  and  that  cruel  Indrajit   went,Round and round the  battle   field one thousand times.

9039. That  chariot of  the  destroying  tempest  , of the   very strong  Indrajit  ,With very  strong wheels   and   the legs of the very angry Hanuman ,Without  bothering  whether  it was stone   or mountains   or  various  types of trees,Or grass or   small climbers   went without    any problems  .

9040. They sprayed   so much arrows   at each other   , the other warriors ,Were not able to recognize who is whom   and  fought   with each other ,Like an ocean with tides  dashing  against  another  ocean  and  seeing that,The devas appreciated by saying “In this world no one   is like them.”

9041. The eyes of the Devas as well as their mind were not  able to find out,Whether the arrows  sent by them was going  through the sky or not ,And if it was possible for us to count them,  the known numbers were not sufficient ,And the powerful wind God found  it difficult to penetrate   them,And those arrows  were capable of  making wounds on others body ,And were   not knowing  how to tell their power  in proceeding against the enemy.

9042. The twang sound generated   by the tall bows were like sound of thunder ,And powdered   everything on their way   and spread   everywhere,And due  to their power to burn , when they were   spreading  in the sky  ,All directions were burnt   and went up  and since more smoke covered ,The world than the fire   , all the    stars  in the sky   were completely burnt.

9043. The twang sound of the strings   of the bows  blasted  in all directions,And similar   to the fall of thunder  created   very great noise and   those hot  arrows ,Met each other ‘ s tips   and were capable  of biting each other  ,And due to their speed  of travelling  in the sky ,They were giving rise  to hot sparks  of fire and this was witnessed  by the Devas.

9044. Due to their arrows    the oceans dried, mountains broke down,The  body of the  Sun   caught   fire and started   burning ,The blood  in the bodies of warriors dried  and bad smell  started coming out ,And the   pit of the ocean got  filled up and became an arrow hill,And the world   unable to be stable started rotating fast  .

9045. Those   sharp and hot   arrows started   burning    with flame and made ,The armies  of both sides  get  upset  as well as scared and started running  in different directionsAnd due to them the elephants  died, the horses  lost their looks ,The  monkeys  got scattered   and died and the red coloured  blood  ,Started flowing out like sea and  both   soldiers   got killed.

9046. Some  of those  arrows sent by the   brother of Rama   who was like ,A black  and huge lion  travelled in curves, some travelled  burning  producing  smoke,Some travelled after getting burnt , some went  towards left and some towards   right,Some went  separately , some  together and some sloping over directions.

9047. Some of the arrows    sent by that Rakshasa  Indrajit who merged in the battle  ,And who was all powerful  were like mountains, some like   clouds going up the sky,Some were  like thunder, some were like sea, some were  like  chariot of Sun God ,Some were  like the laugh of Lord Shiva who sits at the  top and some were   like root of the world.

9048. Those arrows sent by both of them like   the  edge  of the eyes ,Of   well bred ladies and were capable of piercing  and pierced  ,On the chest of both of them  protected  by   their wide armour ,Some  pierced   on their pretty shoulders, some on their faces,Some on their diamond like thighs and   both the feet.

9049. Like   the  crescent of the moon which   were   two in number   earlier  ,Joining together   and shining as one, both of them  bent    their arrows ,With golden tips together   and   the  Devas praised   them saying,“Did at any time  which  of the Devas   or which of the  Asuras   did  fighting with each other like them .”

9050. ,The arrows   sent by them  , proceeded    with great speed   and  due to them,The worlds started burning , the lights like sun and moon burnt  and the Devas,Got  faded and got  a doubt  feeling that  it was the destroying storm of delugeAnd with the twang sound going to their ears,  the elephant  of directions  swallowed.

9051. Due  to  arrows   from both of them hitting , the  long sky shed stars,The sun shed   the sun light  , the silver moon  shed   the deer on its face ,The sky shed the clouds  , due to clusters of  mountain becoming powder  ,It shed its peaks   and all the beings in all the world shed their beauty  .

9052. Indrajit the son of Ravana who had   won over all faultless   directions,At that time sent  twenty five   very sharp arrows so that they will pierce   the body of Lakshmana,And that  Lakshmana who was like a young lion  bending the bow in his hands   sentSome cruel burning arrows   so that  they would pierce  the armour and later  the chest of Indrajit.

9053. That very strong Rakshasa    Indrajit searched for   some burning hot arrows  ,Which  made the very angry elephant of Indra  run away  and also made  ,The Devas run away   due to them carrying fire , fixed them on his bow,And sent them so they would hit tall    shoulders   of Hanuman.

9054. That Lakshmana who was like a youthful lion   and the   youthful sun,In the east  , saw blood flowing out of Hanuman whose good characters cannot be measured,And making those who witness the war feel that he has won over  Indrajit,In that instant send a rain of arrows  on  the enemy  and powdered ,His chariot so that   it could  not  be taken    anywhere else from there.

9055. Seeing the destruction of that chariot devas   shouted joyfully and  the trinity,Became happy and Indrajit  becoming angry like thunder,  jumped    from  there,And reached in to another    big chariot  and sent ten arrows aimed at head of Lakshmana,And due to those arrows hitting him   , he  became greatly worried,.

9056. That worried Lakshmana   regained stability   to his body   and sent ,Few sharp arrows with a mouth on Indrajit and even before   he could prevent it  ,Similar  to  the very pure Lord Shiva riding on a bull  kicking  the proud god of death, Sent a matchless   arrows   and sent it aimed   at the chest  of Indrajit.

9057. That  arrow   sent by Lakshmana  pierced   the armour and chest of Indrajit ,And went out from his body  , making him loose   his conscience and helpless   ,Seeing which the Devas shouted    with joy and Lakshmana   using  ,A hot arrow which   was like   the Sun appearing in the day time ,Cut of Indrajit ’s flag and also pierced   his shoulders.

9058. Due to the arrow of Lakshmana   , the blood inside   the body of Indrajit  ,Flowed like burning fire and he  tottered like   the stable  northern Meru mountain,And became very weak  but   tolerated them   and sent  nine hundred   cruel   battle arrows,On Lakshmana   and they reached   their aim, but were  not able  ,To pierce   the unbreakable    armour  of Lakshmana   and Indrajit became very angry.

9059. That Indrajit who was riding on a chariot pulled   by thousand horses , again took,Another thousand hot arrows  and sent them aiming at the    chest of Lakshmana  ,And Lakshmana the  younger  brother of the matchless  Rama  ,sent arrows,Aimed at them and shattered   them  and then Indrajit   selected   several ,Golden arrows   and making the  string of his bow almost break  sent them aiming at body of Lakshmana.

9060. Indrajit   had doubt whether    the bow held by Lakshmana   is the  one held,By  The tall lord Vishnu   or Lord Shiva or of the Gods revered by the   Devas.He also knew that the arrows of Lakshmana were   piercing him and were not damaged,And also understood that  he does   not have the capacity   to win over Lakshmana  ,And due to these   , he became    greatly   depressed.

9061.Vibheshana his younger father understanding    that Indrajit was  tired,Went near Lakshmana   he was  detached   from all affection   and told  him,“Please  hear a word  .If we look at the way Indrajit   who    has won over  all the devas,By his prowess   is fighting , it looks like that mad fellow  ,Has become greatly     depressed   and so  would not live.”

9062.  That Indrajit   who had bent teeth and who held the sword which can kill,Flared in to anger   like the God of death  , twanged the   string of his bow,So that it can be heard in all   the seven worlds  and chose the most powerful arrow,And sent  the  arrow of wind God on Lakshmana saying  “prevent if you can”And Lakshmana    stopped it using   his own arrow of wind God.

9063. He  then sent the arrow of fire God and Lakshmana stopped   it using ,His own arrow of fire God , and then Indrajit sent the   arrow of God Varuna  ,Lakshmana prevented  it by the same arrow, Indrajit with a black mind ,Sent the  heat producing   arrow of Sun God  and the very efficient  ,And angry Lakshmana who was like a young lion destroyed it  by same arrow.

9064. Indrajit looked at Lakshmana and asked”Can you prevent it   and sent ,Ishika(sacred pen) arrow  and knowing only that arrow can prevent it ,He sent it and prevented it and Indrajit deciding that   he would sentAn arrow that never fails to kill told “now you are dead” and ,Sent the famous Brahmastra   of the four faced one at him.

9065. The gods who stand with stability  in the sky   like  Lord Shiva with an axe ,Brahma who sits on the flower  , sages , other Devas  , others  who do penance, And Indra  lord of Dharma started shivering in their mind  and said  ,“Let not any harm  come to   the prince  Lakshmana.”

9066. That Lakshmana who was the   younger brother  of Rama who holds   the wheel,Looked at  that Brahmastra   which was spreading big fire flames  coming  ,Like the weapon   which destroys everything     at the time of final deluge  .With the   northern fire in the middle of the sea  not even equal to its one flame  ,Coming towards   him   and   understood  by   its nature  , that it  is Brahmastra.

9067. He thought  , “Indrajit might have thought  “when I first   sent against him Brahmastra Lakshmana  did not receive it   by using his strength   and did not   prevent it ,From coming towards him  ,and   so   now also  he cannot face  it “ and have   sent,Against me  and if I do not show my prowess  , it would not be a proper act   and so,I would send against him   the Brahmastra   of Lord Brahma   who  sits on lotus flower,”And started   preparations to send   it.

9068. After telling ,”Let this do good to the world “ and after   chanting   the manthra ,Of Lord Brahma  and with a determination not to sent  it  to kill Indrajit  , who never retreats  ,He prayed “Let it destroy that   arrow   sent by him “  and  sent  it ,And the devas   thinking   about his great generosity   , were   surprised .

9069. ”If that arrow   sent by  Lakshmana  is Brahmastra   would  it ever retreat,Before the arrow of the enemy? It has not destroyed heaven and earth as per his wish,And so if he   had intended to kill Indrajit , the   body of that Valorous hero would have been cut  ,But he has   sent it with a wish that   it should only   destroy the   arrow of Brahma  ,Who sits in the lotus flower   and that faultless one never has  left his valour  “Devas appreciated  the act of Lakshmana with joy.

9070. Like   the fire being sent oppose    when a huge thunder   falls   near us,For the sake of destroying   the Brahmastra  , the  Brahmastra  sent by Lakshmana  ,The brother of Rama     who is the incarnation of Lord Vishnu   stood  spread   all over the  sky  . Like   the fire at deluge   which cannot be approached andWhich was capable  of burning   the seven worlds  .

9071. That Brahmastra sent   by Lakshmana who was born in the clan of Sun  ,Prevented it from spreading all over the sky  as it was sent   only to  reduce ,The power of another arrow which was sent at him   and prayed to it ,“You go near it”   and sent another arrow which was spraying   fire in between,And  like  one poison curing another poison  , the power of Brahmastra got reduced.

9072. The devas seeing this act of Lakshmana  told  ‘To these    very powerful,Valorous   warriors Rama and Lakshmana  , is there   anything impossible for them to do?”And after  consoling themselves  of their worries   became   happy   and Lord Shiva  ,Saw them with the corner of   his eyes   and said, “is it impossible for them to do?”And told them, “You told these words without proper thought   and,Please   hear    about the great   prowess of these two” and started   telling.

9073. ”These are two are  Nara and Narayana   and  they are   the  root   cause,And primeval beings   and have  come out without being affected   by fate  ,And they hide themselves   in the huge illusion   which cannot  be understood  ,By any one   and they are   far beyond   the four Vedas   which are chanted  ,And they    are   extremely   efficient beings  .”

9074. They   who cannot be approached even by wisdom are   far above from it,And considering the path  of the Dharma  is getting damaged   and  for the sake,Of protecting it , without going away  from   those worlds  , were born as Rama  and Lakshmana.And due to the greatness  of Dharma , travelling  after thinking about  it,Without others knowing about them   , for the sake of completely uprooting  ,And destroying  the Evil Asuras   they have  arrived in this city of Lanka.”

9075. ”This Lakshmana   is the matchless   first who is  part of all living beings,And has the property of God   which is beyond doubt   and Rama   is spread all over the world  ,Like a starter mixed  in milk    and is the chief of all   beings  ,And so please realize   that he is the primeval being   who is beyond recognition,And   has come in a form which can be recognized by the  eyes.”

9076. These two  are those   who are    under deep sleep   of wisdom    in the  ocean of milk  ,And in earlier days   due to your earnest request   when you all met him directly  ,For the sake of completely  uprooting the clan of Asuras  , they  decided to help you, As well as establish Dharma  “  And all these news     were   told to the Devas,By   Lord Shiva with tied matted hair   who wore the garland of Adappa   flowers.

9077. They replied  ,” Oh Lord who  angrily destroys   the bad fate of  those ,Who approach him  , though we    were knowing all this  ,Being caught in his    devious plan we forgot about all that   and ,Completely having faith  in your   words  of grace  , all our doubts ,Have  been cleared  , as we have  come out of the illusion in our mind.WE have  got destroyed all our enemies   and  come out of our problems.”

See also  Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 4 (Padalam 14)

9078. That Indrajit with bent long teeth  who was  holding   the weapon of  Lord Vishnu,Looked at Lakshmana and told  “if  you are able to   stop  it , who can ever oppose you?But this will not miss   and you would loose   your life and reach the  heavens  “And sent  that   weapon   on the pure   Lakshmana   making the worlds tremble  .

9079. The  Devas protected   themselves   by raising their hands  above their heads ,And saluted   so that they can   protect themselves  and   this same action, Was undertaken by all the sages  and all others   who were there  ,And that weapon which  can   fulfill the wishes without problems,Without attacking   those who salute it   went   nearer to earth,And seeing this Lakshmana  , realizing that he himself  ,Is that Lord Vishnu  holding the matchless   wheel  walked against that   arrow.

9080. He thought   that the weapon was   going as if capable  of burning  the several worlds  ,And also  realized  that he was himself Lord Vishnu   who cannot  be destroyed by any one  ,And in that state   that weapon without attacking Lakshmana  , went round him,And rose and went  above the sky   and its fire was put out and smoke ceased.

9081. ,Seeing that the Devas  praised  and danced and   the crowd  of monkeys also danced,The deva maidens sang   and also danced and the great sages   with happiness told,“You have become   one who saved  the world  “ and danced with great joy,And The Lord who rose from the Lotus and one who uses axe as weapon appreciated Lakshmana.

9082. Indrajit saw that   the arrow of Lord Vishnu has gone waste  , got a doubt ,About who is this Lakshmana  and was astonished thinking    that   he is Lord Vishnu  ,Who held that  weapon from ancient times.” And further thought  ,“Whoever he  may be  , let my war come to a good end  and I would not think,About anything else and decided to   sent Lord Shiva’s great arrow and kill him.

9083. He   decided that   he would sent the arrow of Shiva which   could destroy,All the worlds  created by Lord Brahma in a very short time  and knowing that,The crowd of Devas standing  on  the sky  got scared  and trembled,And all the worlds were distressed thinking   that Lakshmana would die in an instant.

9084. ”This weapon was  received by him   after   doing several years  of very  hard,Penance and that God himself had told him , that   it was not available  with anybody else,And when sent in the olden times  if it is sent   no one could stand against it,And so there  is absolutely no doubt that it would steal the   soul of  Lakshmana.”

9085. He mentally offered     to that arrow  , flowers  , water , sandal  ,Good nectar   as well as   smoke  of incense   and stood up   requesting  ,That arrow “go   and steal the life of that  Lakshmana and come back”,And with great anger   pulled the string of the tall bow   up to his shoulders  ,And sent   that arrow of Lord Shiva  which cannot be deterred  by  anything.

9086. Then   spears , axes  , hot arrows  , glowing fire  , poisons,Serpents, series of thunder   strikes, the forms of God of death  ,Black ghosts , huge   crowds   of devils   rose everywhere  in the world.
9087.The fire at deluge  followed that   arrow   on one side   and cause suffering,The   rotating  huge and cruel cyclone   also followed     that  arrow,And the ocean which was beyond the seven oceans    which had  huge tides,Came down   and   the darkness which was in that sea , completely covered the   world.

9088. The  great   and famous   devas seeing that arrow    ran away  , the people ,From groups of sages   said that  this arrow will not miss its aim and decided that,Lakshmana would die because   of that arrow and became greatly sad,And due to attaining sorrow   due to being crowded    the monkeys  ,Thinking that  sorrow would go for a long time   went  and  roamed  ,All  round the three worlds lighted by the Sun  and moon.

9089. The Great person Vibheeshana   seeing the power   of that arrow  ,Breathed deeply  due to great fear   and with his body covered   by sweat,Told Lakshmana  “ Oh best among those who are   valorous .Oh pure one , Is there a trick   to  prevent   this   great weapon?”And seeing   the fear of Vibheeshana , the  young lion like Lakshmana  ,Laughed with sarcasm and  all the monkeys wearing   the war  garland ,Sought  protection    in the shade of his divine feet.

9090. Seeing with grace  all those   who were  requesting   “protection, “  “Protection  “,Lakshmana  said, “Do not fear    as I have given you protection “ and raised his hand ,And further said “I have realized the fear   of earth as well as  heaven ,And I would never  move away from my duty ,” and decided     to send ,The arrow of Lord Shiva     with five faces and got  ready,

9091. After mentally  worshipping   that  golden arrow of Lord Shiva  , Lakshamana said.“Please destroy that   arrow and please do nothing else “, along with the  Arrow of Lord Shiva  ,He also added another equally powerful arrow and sent them   and they went  ,And swallowed   all those powerful weapons   in almost   no time.

9092. Seeing that the devas shouted with joy , the  people of earth did likewise,The people of the upper world played   their drums  , the clouds made great sound,The oceans roared , the mind of those   who have read  works of art was gladdened,The Vedas  roared, the lady who said “victory” roared and the sound   raised by all others was huge.

9093. The very able Indrajit   had   sent the powerful arrow of   Lord shiva  ,Who completely destroys    the earth at deluge and Lakshmana  ,  was capable ,Of receiving it   and seeing that Indrajit who was   more cruel than the God of death,Was mentally perplexed and the  strong monkeys whose  legs   did not move,Realized the truth that  Lakshmana   is himself lord Vishnu.

9094. Indrajit thought, “The divine arrow sent  by me was destroyed   by that Lakshmana  ,And  thinking about it and  thought “getting mentally dejected  is  a crime to my   valour,And I have the capacity to send more and more arrows and that  mastery will never fail me.”And later by the power of his hand he sprayed    several  arrows  and  those   arrows,Went and struck the forehead   and    strong   shoulders of Lakshmana.

9095. That Indrajit then showered   hundred crores   of arrows   on Sugreeva , the son of hot Sun,And other valorous ones who without their hands getting worn out were raining  mountains on him,Thinking that   the   Rakshasa  army would not survive that on slaught ,And later got very angry at  Vibheeshana the brother of his father who was standing near  Lakshmana.

9096. “You who are holding a  a big and powerful Dandayudha , just like those   who have moved away  ,From the  rules of the caste , praising those men  and like ignorant slaves saluting and following them, And like   a drum being played by a small stick    repeatedly    saying the same   thing ,Would be killed by me today and  I would roll   your head on floor   and get that  bad name.”

9097. ”Even if he were   to  get a status   that  would make the   best of Gods who make ,The worlds function  fall at   his  feet due to great fear   and get kingship of all the three worlds,The valorous ones   who can make their armies  never   retreat on defeat  , would never  ,Wish to lead the life of a slave  , which would give them only bad name  .”

9098. ”As long as you live  , all those Rakshasas like   the fishes that  manage to live,Would fight   as long as their root exists   and  would die along with  king Ravana.Oh Sir , Only the town called Lanka would be remaining   and only you  ,Holding to your life would be there   to live in it . For you to become the king ,Which member   of the Asura clan    would   be there?”

9099. ”Does my father   ,who in war made  Lord Vishnu     the father  of Lord Brahma  ,Who in olden day created all the worlds , get tired   and  pushed him down  ,Who  lifted  Lord Shiva, the father  of Lord Subrahamanya   along   with ,The Kailasa  mountain  , rule this world   with the help of  the strength of these men?”

9100. ”You who would   be the leader   of all those Brahmin clans   whose   head,Is Lord Brahma   who sits on the cool lotus flower  would be saluted by the Devas  ,And you as a slave to men would rule   the wealth of Ravana ,Where  is respectability   to you  , because   that ceased to exist with us.”

9101. ”Who was it who made  others  tell  bad words and they themselves called bad names,And cut   the  nose  of your sister  ? You would make   your elder  brother Ravana ,Who has lustrous weapons   along with his relations   get defeated  ,And make the friends of these agents of death   win  and would live ,A life of great prosperity  ?Is not a life of a poor   one much better  than that  life.”

9102. ”Oh one with victorious shoulders  , On that day when Ravana who has picturesque   ,Strong shoulders  Rolls on the  dusty earth  after   being hit   by the arrows   of Rama,As his younger brother  would you also cry and roll on that dust and  fall on his body?Or Are you going to shout with great joy? Are you going to praise   and salute   that Rama,For taking away the  life of your brother?  What have    you decided   to do?”

9103. ”Are these men in spite of their soul becoming separated    from their body  ,And got it back by medicinal herbs , capable   of killing   the king of Lanka ?Would you become   suitable to enjoy   the wealth earned   by that  Ravana?If   I forget that killing you would cause bad name  , would you not reach heaven by my arrows?”

9104. Hearing all that was said by Indrajit   , that Vibheeshana , after  shaking well,His head decorated   by flowers , showing   a gentle smile  said, “Sir  ,Sin is cruel    and Dharma  is always better. Please hear what I have to say.”And he   started   telling these    words.

9105. ”Dharma would   not only assist us but help   us   cross that hell.And I would  not take the help of sin   and live with inerasable bad name ,Except going away from lies which came in between , I never deserted   the truth,And  as soon as the Ravana   the king of Lanka   did a crime , I ceased to be his  younger brother.”

9106. ”I have never taken alcohol, I have never told a lie and I  have never  ,Taken by force anything from others , I I have never   even imagined  ,The acts of cheating others    by illusion  and no one has seen me doing a crime.Do not all of you know   me well ?Have I done any crime   at any time ?Does going away   from those  who misbehaved with chaste women a  crime?”

9107. ”It is a sin to make    the wife  of lord Vishnu,   who is   the leader  ,Praised   by all the  three worlds   and who is the eldest  God of Gods    ,And who is  greatly chaste  , sad   and  depressed” When I said this ,Lord Ravana  with great anger told me to get out ?Would I again enter   in to that hell once   more?”

9108. ”Let that  pleasure which can be sacrificed become only   yours  ,Who due to cruelty   forsook  Dharma , who desire only that which they desire,And let  bad name and sorrow   of hell  become   ours , who follow Dharma  ,Practicing  great culture   which is as per the good conduct  of great people.”

9109. ”After knowing the truth as   told by  learned ones    that  “sins can,Never win over Dharma”  I came and surrendered to that  Rama  ,Thinking that “it would suit to greatness   of wisdom” and  I am not bothered,Whether I get fame   or bad names , I get greatness in wisdom  or not”,Said  that Vibheeshana     who had completely    forsaken anger  .

9110. That Indrajit   who is as hot as thunder  looked at Vibheeshana   and told  ,“All the greatness    you want to earn  would come to an end with  one of my arrows,With a crescent tip and where would you proceed    from there  ?”And chose   an arrow which has feathers like Garuda  and sent it ,Aiming   at the neck of Vibheeshana who was wearing red gold ornaments.

9111. That  arrow   came like thunder  , like fire  , like the trident  of Lord Shiva  ,Who swallowed poison   and seeing its speed   the Devas started telling,Among themselves    that  “Vibheeshana    would die now itself”,And the generous  Lakshmana   with an arrow in his hand , cut that  arrow.

9112. As soon as the arrow aimed at Vibheeshana was cut off , Indrajit   the death,To the God  of death  , took a spear   and sent it against  Vibheeshana  ,And when it  was  coming as if the Sun was falling   and making ,All the three   worlds tremble  , That Lakshmana who had a bow ,Built as per science of archery   , made that   spear   in to dust.

9113. Vibheeshana whose anger increased thinking  that , “Indrajit   tried to kill me,Using a spear”, moving with his feet like wind  he reached  Indrajit ,And with the  Golden Dandayudha in his hand   killed  the charioteer,Who was having a threaded   stick in his hand   as well as all horses   drawing the chariot.

9114. And  that Indrajit   who was standing on the   chariot  sent  thousand crores,Arrows   and wounded the shoulder of Vibheeshana ,the shoulder  of Lakshmana  ,The chests    of al the monkey warriors and seeing that   that a huge flood  ,Of blood was    running out of them  , shouted , making  ,,The universe  losing its boundaries   and  lose its stability.

9115. He who shouted thinking that   unless he  gets a    chariot which cannot be destroyed,It would not be possible to   fight   further  , before people who were looking at him,Close and open their eyes, disappeared on the sky , stopping   his words,

In the battle field   and reached   near   Ravana.

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Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 11 (Padalam 26) – Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 11 (Padalam 26)

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Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 11 (Padalam 26)

Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 11 (Padalam 27)

About Kavichakravarthy Kamban

Kavichakravarthy Kamban
Kavichakravarthy Kamban

Historians place him in the 9th century CE, But surely Kamban belongs to the third great wave of Tamizh literature that started with the Sangam period (dated before the Common Era), followed by the widespread impact of Bhakti literature of the Alwars (vaishnavite saints) & Nayanamars (shaivaite saints). Kamban Authored Ramanaya in Tamil…Known as Kamba Ramayanam..

Kambar has been the milestone for the Tamil scholars that none had reached. He was also known as “Kamba Naatazhvar” at his time. Many Tamil authors from the modern world have written the books on the poet Kamban.


Who wrote Tamil Ramayana?

Kambar or Kavichakravarthy Kamban (1180–1250) was a medieval Tamil poet and the author of the Ramavataram, popularly known as Kambaramayanam, the Tamil version of the epic Ramayana.

What is the difference between Kamba Ramayanam and Valmiki Ramayana?

Valmiki Ramayana and Kamba Ramayanam are two versions of Ramayana written in the Sanskrit and Tamil languages respectively. … Kamba Ramayanam is originally called as Ramavataram. Although Valmiki Ramayana is the original version of the story of Rama, Kamba Ramayana is believed to be based on the work by Valmiki.

What is the story of Kamba Ramayanam?

The Kamba Ramayanam, is a Tamil epic that was written by the Tamil poet Kambar during the 12th century. Based on Valmiki’s Ramayana (which is in Sanskrit), the story describes the life of King Rama of Ayodhya.

How many Kandam are there in Kamba Ramayanam?

The book is divided into six chapters, called Kandam in Tamil. The Kandams are further divided into 123 sections called Padalam (படலம்) in Tamil. These 123 sections contain approximately 12,000 verses of the epic.

Kamba Ramayanam in English Index

Kamba Ramayanam: An Introduction
Bala Kandam
Bala Kandam – Padalam 1
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 1 (Padalam 2)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 1 (Padalam 3)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 1 (Padalam 4)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam (Padalam 5)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam (Padalam 6)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam (Padalam 7)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 3 (Padalam 8)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 3 (Padalam 9)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 3 (Padalam 10)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 4 (Padalam 11)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 4 (Padalam 12)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 4 (Padalam 13)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 4 (Padalam 14)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 5 (Padalam 15)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 5 (Padalam 16)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 5 (Padalam 17)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 5 (Padalam 18)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 6 (Padalam 19)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 6 (Padalam 20)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 6 (Padalam 21)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 7 (Padalam 22)
Kamba Ramayanam: Bala Kandam 7 (Padalam 23)
Ayodhya Kandam
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 1 (Padalam 1)
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 1 (Padalam 2)
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 1 (Padalam 3)
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 2 (Padalam 4)
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 3 (Padalam 5)
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 3 (Padalam 6)
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 3 (Padalam 7)
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 3 (Padalam 8)
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 3 (Padalam 9)
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 4 (Padalam 10)
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 4 (Padalam 11)
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 4 (Padalam 12)
Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 5 (Padalam 13)
Aranya Kandam
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 1 (Padalam 1)
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 1 (Padalam 2)
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 1 (Padalam 3)
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 1 (Padalam 4)
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 2 (Padalam 5)
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 2 (Padalam 6)
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 3 (Padalam 7)
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 3 (Padalam 8)
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 4 (Padalam 9)
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 4 (Padalam 10)
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 5 (Padalam 11)
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 5 (Padalam 12)
Kamba Ramayanam: Aranya Kandam 5 (Padalam 13)
Kishkinda Kandam
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 1 (Padalam 1)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 1 (Padalam 2)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 1 (Padalam 3)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 1 (Padalam 4)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 1 (Padalam 5)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 1 (Padalam 6)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 2 (Padalam 7)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 2 (Padalam 8)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 3 (Padalam 9)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 3 (Padalam 10)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 4 (Padalam 11)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 4 (Padalam 12)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 4 (Padalam 13)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 4 (Padalam 14)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 5 (Padalam 15)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 5 (Padalam 16)
Sundara Kandam
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 1 (Padalam 1)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 1 (Padalam 2)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 2 (Padalam 3)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 2 (Padalam 4)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 3 (Padalam 5)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 3 (Padalam 6)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 3 (Padalam 7)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 3 (Padalam 8)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 4 (Padalam 9)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 4 (Padalam 10)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 4 (Padalam 11)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 5 (Padalam 12)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 5 (Padalam 13)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 5 (Padalam 14)
Yudha Kandam
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 1 (Padalam 1)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 1 (Padalam 2)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 1 (Padalam 3)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 2 (Padalam 4)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 2 (Padalam 5)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 2 (Padalam 6)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 3 (Padalam 7)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 3 (Padalam 8)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 3 (Padalam 9)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 3 (Padalam 10)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 3 (Padalam 11)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 4 (Padalam 12)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 4 (Padalam 13)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 4 (Padalam 14)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 5 (Padalam 15)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 6 (Padalam 16)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 6 (Padalam 17)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 7 (Padalam 18)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 8 (Padalam 19)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 8 (Padalam 20)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 9 (Padalam 21)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 9 (Padalam 22)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 10 (Padalam 23)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 10 (Padalam 24)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 10 (Padalam 25)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 11 (Padalam 26)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 11 (Padalam 27)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 12 (Padalam 28)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 12 (Padalam 29)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 12 (Padalam 30)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 13 (Padalam 31)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 13 (Padalam 32)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 13 (Padalam 33)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 13 (Padalam 34)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 13 (Padalam 35)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 14 (Padalam 36)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 15 (Padalam 37)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 16 (Padalam 38)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 16 (Padalam 39)
Kamba Ramayanam in English Index

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