By Kambar (Kavichakravarthy Kamban)
Translated in English by P. R Ramachander
Kamba Ramayanam-Yudha Kandam 9 (Padalam 21)
Yudha Kandam (contd)
21. Brahmathira Padalam
Chapter on Brahmastra
(AS requested by Ravana Indrajit comes for war again. In the great war when Lakshmana wants to kill Indrajit by using Brahmastra, Rama stops him. Indrajit decided to use Brahmastra to kill Lakshmana and others. Vibheeshana goes away to collect food and Rama to worship the weapons. Indrajit requests Ravana to send a huge army to divert the attention of Lakshmana. Lakshmana and the monkeys complexly destroy that army. Meanwhile Indrajit does worship to Brahmastra , hides himself in the sky and sends that great arrow. All the army including Lakshmana die. Rama comes back and wails.)
8441. Hearing about the death of son of Khara and the killing of Rakthaksha by Nala ,By stamping on his head and death of Singan and the burden of his army ,Being reduced from the world from the emissaries , Ravana who had moved away ,From justice told, “Go and bring my son Indrajit with great haste.”
8442. ,They approached Indrajit and told him , “your father has summoned you “, And Indrajit who had healthy shoulders like a mountain asked,“Have all the Rakshasas who had gone to the war died?” and they said,“Among the people sent by Ravana who else except you have returned?”And again told him what all had happen and Indrajit came to his father’s place with haste.
8443. He saluted Ravana and told him, “Father do not get sad that your sons have died,You would witness my prowess today , Sita wearing ear globes as well as the Devas would see ,The heaps of bodies of countless number of monkeys and dead bodies of the men .”
8444. Then he went round his father, saluted him sat on a long chariot which travels,Through the sky and which is pulled by one thousand lions and had a golden flag, And after beating the war drums he departed to the battle field and along with him,Sixty vellams of army wearing garland of victory and who were armed with sword,Crores of elephants, horses , and chariots went in a very big crowd.
8445. The following instruments were then played- Kumbikai , thimilai , chendaiBig drums Kotti , Pambai , drums tied by leather belts , conches, Panavam,Kambali , urumai , thakkai, karadigai , Thudi, Vei , kandai , Ambali ,Kanuvai , OOmai and Chagadai and they gave rise to big sound.
8446. The sound of the collection of drums kept on the elephants , the bells which were ,Tied on the wheels of chariots giving rise to alternate sound , The horses,Wearing the garland of bells and the heroic anklets and garlands worn by respectable ,Warriors holding big flags spread up to the sky and were like tides of sea.
8447. The sound coming out of conches , pipes , Aakuli , Kalam with its high tone,The sound from the Peeli , the sound of flute , the roar of the lions ,The neighing of horses , the thunder like sound from chariots , the sound ,From the cloud like elephants which had huge trunks were unlike the sound of clouds .
8448. , The sweet music from the various instruments which reminded of the sound of musical poems,Which was like honey , The music from the strings of veena which had sweet taste of sugar candy,The honey like music from good Yaazh which is like the humming of the bee ,Were causing joy , very much like the nectar eaten by the Devas of heaven.
8449. The sound of twang of the string of the bow, the sound of challenge by warriors,The high sound of rebuking heard like “ol”, the sound of the conversation of warriors,The thunder like sound produced when they sigh , the huge sound raised ,When they pat their soldiers which is heard for a long distance , the “kal” sound,Produced when they walk with speed masked the great sound produced by the ocean.
8450. When the four types of ocean like army was marching ahead, the dust raised,From the wide earth rose to the sky and due to its blowing , the deva ladies,Who had come to see the ocean like army of Indrajit , had dust blown,In to their lustrous wide eyes which was like ocean of milk and created ocean of tears in them.
8451. That Indrajit who had earlier made the Devas shiver , was surrounded ,By thousand crores of chariots which were as great and as pretty as,The city of Indra and he himself rode on a matchless golden chariot ,Was looking like the Sun which is circled by planets with pure light.
8452. He then reached the battle field with his huge army which cannot be counted,And which does not retreat and set the army in a formation looking like,Andril bird which had neck , body , leg , nail and tail and was ready for the battle,
8453. Then he took the right whorled conch similar to God of death,Which was given to him as tribute when king Indra was defeated ,Which had the sound of the seven oceans , at the time of final deluge ,And blew in to it making the devas scared and all the directions shatter.
8454. The great army of monkeys when they heard the sound from the conch,Dispersed like the animals in the forest when the roar of a lion enters their ears,And started running helter-skelter and at that time Indrajit ,Twanged the string of his bow which was like the bow,Of Lord Shiva which was the Meru mountain itself .
8455. The membranes of the ear got torn for all the monkeys due to that sound ,Also their chest was broken . Their legs which cannot go further ,With enthusiasm turned back , the trees and mountains in their hand slipped and fell,They started shivering, their mouth got dried up and with hairs standing erect ,They were murmuring “would we not all die soon?”
8456. That Sugreeva who is the son of Sun God with red lustrous rays .Hanuman the son of wind God, monkey called Angadha , Rama,Lakshmana and Vibheeshana with eyes and crown made of several gems ,Were the only people who were standing in the battle field ,Because all other monkeys had run away scared of their life.
8457. When only the great money army chiefs were standing with stability ,The very strong ocean of monkey army , similar to the ebbing water ,Which breaks its banks ran away and seeing that the Rakshasa army ,Joyfully shouted in a very loud voice like the ocean at final deluge ,Became greatly enthused , and occupied all directions ,Without leaving any space and Rama and Lakshmana ,And the other monkey chiefs were inside the Rakshasa army.
8458. Rama climbed on the strong shoulders of Hanuman wearing ,Gem and flower garlands which wave and Lakshmana brother of Rama,Climbed up the mountain like shoulders of the victorious son of Vali,And devas blessed them showering flowers without any let off.
8459. Riding on the shoulders of Hanuman and Angadha who are both capable.To make fall the Meru mountain if it is visible to their eyes,Who were both wearing shining flower garlands and who were both valorous,And were holding the bow , were similar to Lord and Lord Vishnu ,When they ride on an elephant and Garuda respectively.
8460. Those valorous monkeys who were chiefs of huge army of monkeys ,Having Neela as their commander were carrying in their hands palm trees,Mountains which were uprooted by them and when they were about to attack the Asuras,Rama who is the son of Dasaratha who is the king who protected the earth and heaven,Thinking of the future war that would take place, stopped those monkeys and told them.
8461. ”When the cruel Indrajit attacks you with divine weapons , they cannot be stopped,By mountains and trees as they do not have the power to stop them,And you also do not have strength to receive them and bear them,And so please give us the front row so that we can attack and defend ,And you be behind us and please so our expertise as long as this army exists.
8462. AS per the wishes of Rama Neela and other chiefs stood in the second row ,And Rama and Lakshmana who has masculinity kept on sending arrows at,The chariots with rolling wheels on the horses , on the mountain like elephants ,Which had worn the mask and the Rakshasas who were dark as night of deluge.That rain of arrows which went like thunder from their bows ,Made the devas who do not blink their eyes wonder whether it was deluge.
8463. What is there for us to tell about the killing of the RakshasasWho came in several vellams to fight with them within the time ,To close and open the eye? Is there any other comparison to it ,Other than the incident of Shiva with Parvathi on his one side ,By using the bent arrow of Meru mountain destroyed the three cities?
8464. The things that fell on the ground kept on falling and one can only see ,The quantity but seeing that war it would be difficult to say,Which of them is dead and which of them have not and this war ,Done by both of them was being watched by Indrajit who was ,The hero among heroes standing on his chariot with his bow kept on it.
8465. , Due to heap of the corpses touching the sky hiding the battlefield,Indrajit was taken aback and was worried “whether elephants have died?”“Whether chariots have broken” , He felt sad that “the great horses ,Which were great because of the valour have all died” and also worried that,“There were no Rakshasa who was a warrior with sword left to remove the bodies.”
8466. ”The people who were fighting the horrific war were only two but , if we count,The number of warriors destroyed without any doubt , it would be sixty vellam,They are not people who curse “let all these people die” but they were ,Not killing by the power of their great bow so that their strength would be known,“What a great magic is this ?”thought Indrajit.
8467. Indrajit would stare at the torrential rain of arrows, he would stare ,At the flowing river of blood , he would see the top of the mountain ,Of bodies that touched the land of devas , he would see heaps ,Of pearls ejected by cutting of tusks of elephants and then,He would stare at the pretty shoulders of Rama and Lakshmana ,
8468. He would look at the mountains and then he would see similar ,Mountains of the cut heads of Rakshasas which had staring eyes ,Which touched the heavens and think about the arrow power ,Of those valorous ones who cut those heads and then he would stare ,At the scattered weapons of his warriors which were scattered like fire sparks,In the battle field and then he would think of their arrows which did it ,And then he would hear the twang sound which created a thunderous sound.
8469. He would understand and stare at the speed of the arrows of those two,Which cut off thousands of chariots , thousands of victorious elephants and thousands of the heads of the Rakshasas and still went further and then he would think ,About the great area of the battle field and the arrows that did transverse that area.
8470. He would think about the various weapons thrown and sent by bow.By the sixty vellam asuras had only became ashes like a forest burnt by fire,And were not able to reach anywhere near enemy or hit them.
8471. He saw the Rakshasa ladies hearing the death of their husband ,Rushing to the battle field falling on the bodies of their husband ,And becoming dejected like koels falling on the ground and muttering.And showing the affection and mercy on their faces,He would see the bodies which had heads which shouted like thunder ,Dancing all over the battle field and also saw birds ,Trying to peck at the corpses keeping away scared of those bodies.
8472. He will tell that there are endless crores of Angadhhas , and to this Hanuman,There would be no place left in all the worlds, he will say. Not able to understand,The speed of war of the lion like Rama and Lakshmana , he thought,Have only these two people filled up every where ?
8473. He would see the Devas who shout with joy and then he would,See them showering flowers on Rama and Lakshmana , he would then see ,His throbbing left shoulder and he would also see the large number ,Of Bodies of Asuras in whichever direction he saw and also see ,The bodies of elephants being dragged in the river of blood.
8474. Those monkey army which had speedily run away earlier ,In spite of seeing thousand crores chariots and Asuras getting destroyed,And also personally seeing the destruction of other armies ,Due to their fear to Indrajit riding the golden chariot did not come back.
8475. The son of Anjana Hanuman seeing the sixty vellam army ,Which could stand in the battle ground getting destroyed and seeing ,The act of Rama and Lakshmana opposing in war one thousand crores of Asuras,Standing on their immeasurable chariots , patted his immeasurable shoulders And made great sound .
8476. Hearing the thuder like shouts of Hanuman in that very dense,Battle field , some of the asuras who rode in chariots lost their life ,There itself and some others threw the weapons in their hands ,Were trying to run away and in the city of Lanka enclosed in golden walls ,And those who were still alive vomited blood.
8477. Indrajit who had a body which was blacker than the clouds said “those who got,Disturbed by this simple shout and got scared because it can go back now ,How can those who are scared lot continue this hot war for along ,With the dead soldiers you too have lost your souls” and he angrily stared at them ,And came for with Rama and Lakshmana all alone.
8478. As soon as Indrajit angrily told like this, then those thousand crores chariots ,Made great sound and entered the battle field making the elephants ,Of the eight directions got scared , with the stars in the sky getting powdered ,And the devas getting greatly scared, due to the depth in which their wheels were going in.”
8479. Lakshmana the younger brother holding the bent bow in his reddish hand ,And who was like a male lion saluted Rama and told him “The world would ,Find fault with me for getting tied by the Naga Pasa , thinking that , I have been defeated in war .”
8480. ”It has been established that I do not have power to save my friends,Could not remove the tie of Naga Pasa done using illusion , does not know,How to achieve victory fighting with enemies and did not know how to give up his life.”
8481. ”Oh Lord , who can make others live , if I do not cut the head ,By my arrows the head of Indrajit who has won over IndraThen I would prefer to become feast of God of death ,Rather than be termed as the last among valorous heroes.”
8482. ,”Oh Lord who wears the golden heroic anklets and ,Have the pretty shoulders wearing other gold ornaments ,If I am able to cut the head of Indrajit who does not follow Dharma ,And make it fall , my assistantship with you would become praiseworthy.”
8483. “Oh Lord who rules with great speed , even while the world,Is witnessing , if my strong arrow does not cut off his head,I would tell you finally , let the result of my assistantship to you go away.”
8484. When Lakshmana who is an expert in usage of words told these,The monkeys shouted in joy, “we will now get rid of our problems .And all the beings of the limitless worlds also shouted in joy,The God of good dharma also shouted and the god of death danced.
8485. Rama with eyes resembling lotus flower , hearing that ,With a lustrous smiling face said ,”Oh wise brother ,You have decided that you would kill the enemy and due to that ,The gods who look after and destroy would lose their job and have to keep quiet,And in this world , what can ever happen against your words?”
8486. Hearing that Lakshmana saluted the feet of Rama and said ,“Please see me destroying all the chariots and the Rakshasas,Who are surrounding this place now itself. Please see that.”And with grat joy Lakshmana rose up to fight the war.
8487. Angadha shouted similar to thunder and due to that ,The clouds in the sky shivered , the lions drawing ,The chariot of Indrajit became scared, the sound of the sea ,Went back and the conch of the consort of Lakshmi boomed .
8488. The Rakshasas threw Yezhus, axes , wheels , spears , iron rods ,Maces with great power , tridents, spears with three leaf structure ,Sharp kappanas , slingshots and Kannagas with a speed,Which was twice that of the torrential rain from sky.
8489. All those weapon which came as if they will hide ,The earth as well as the sky , due to the power of arrows of Lakshmna,Who was looking like God of love who belonged to the summer,And like the stars from the sky falling down together,Were cut in to pieces and powdered.
8490. By the arrows sent one time by Lakshmana thousand chariots,Fell down breaking their axles and the jumping horses died,Their charioteers died and removing fear the big head ,Of those who travel on the chariot would be cut , fire would,Rise from spots hit by those arrows and the smoke ,Rising from there would rise up and the world will burn.
8491. Due to his arrows, the bottom of the chariots would get damaged .,The rod connecting the huge wheels of chariots would fall down,Huge bows would break , the chest wearing armour of the warriors ,Would split , the flags would get cut , the umbrellas would get cut ,The heads of victorious would get cut , the drums of victory would be torn,And like this without leaving out anything , everything were damaged.
8492. Due to things being cut and scattered mixed all over the battle field ,It was not possible to identify the cut body parts or identify the type of ,Chariots and horses , or identify this one was king , these were warriors ,And these were the others in the battle field .
8493. The heads that were cut by his arrows rose up along with the arrow ,And the big heads of sons fell on the chariots of their father ,And heads of the fathers fell on the chariot of sons and broke them.
8494 . The big hands of the Rakshasas wearing the pretty garland of Thumbai flowers ,Were cut while they were taking the arrows from their quiver along with their bow,And were like the red eyed fish along with horns wandering in the red water of blood.
8495. Due to being cut by the arrows whose nature was cutting and removing , The flags , umbrellas and others which had fallen down were ,Near the huge scary heaps of corpses and the birds,Which crowded to eat them was of varying types.
8496. With THavisu , arrows chariots huge bent bow and other weapons ,And flags which were thrown on the elephant were seen as firewood ,To the eyes of those who are dead and the fire of anger .Being spit out by their eyes burnt their bodies with those ,And the ghosts ate their cooked flesh with great relish.
8497. Some wheels of the chariots broke in the middle and scattered,Some chariots which were caught by each other due to their,Ropes being cut overturned , the horses tied to certain chariots ,Fell down and rolled on earth and other chariots with the driver ,And warriors getting slain were moving emptily.
8498. Some chariots decorated with several lustrous gems which throw ,Rays of light due to their getting drowned in blood had a red light m,Bathing all over them and resembled the mansions of Sri Lanka ,Which were drowned in fire making the Rakshasas upset and sad.
8499. At that time Rama who was riding on Hanuman asked him to go ,In the front and rained sharp arrows like a torrential rain and due to ,That all the chariots of Rakshasas fell upside down like ,Planes travelling in the sky and the son of Ravana became alone with his chariot.
8500. Seeing several animals along with horses which were drawing the chariots ,Lying dead along with the mountain like heaps of Rakshasa bodies ,The son of Ravana , became greatly angry at Rama and Lakshmana ,Who destroyed them with their arrows and without retreating told.
8501. “Are both of you together fighting against me or do you want to ,Give your souls one by one or do you want to fight along with your,Monkey army and die and please chose one proper option and tell me .I would give you whatever you want” said Indrajit with very great anger .
8502. ”With sword or strong arrows or by wrestling or by use of ,By any of the weapons of battle that are used ,Along with my strength in fighting , I would fight against you ,With a view to take away your soul . This is my oath ,And it is definite , Said Lakshmana looking at Indrajit.
8503. “ Going against the order of things , without killing your elder brother,First I would kill you and kill him later to that , thus killing younger brother ,Before the elder brother ,If I do not do that , what is the use ,Of my being born to Ravana “ Said Indrajit looking at Lakshmana.
8504. ”Making the meaning of your name Lakshmana as proper ,I would make you the Lakshya(aim) of my strong arrows and even if ,The God of death who rides on Buffalo interferes in the middle of the battle ,I would remove his valour and this would be seen by your elder brother Rama.”
8505. “With you both archers who killed the sixty vellam army of Rakshasa,Pitying and in front of you , I would kill the seventy Vellam army ,Of monkeys who brought me bad name within a second ,By one arrow and make this word bare without monkeys.”
8506. “I am not like Kumbhakarna whom you killed in battle or ,One like my younger brothers and if I am the son of Ravana ,I am having matchless ability to kill you and I ,Would do oblations to my younger brothers and to my father’s brother , With the blood taken out from both of you.”
8507. ”For doing oblations to all of you who go by the name of Rakshasas,And make you all get a good life in heaven , Vibheeshana has joined us,The rituals of death that you are supposed to perform ,To your father Ravana would be done by him to you after great sorrow “ said Lakshmana.
8508. When Lakshmana told like this , That Indrajit who had very sharp teeth ,Became greatly agitated and sent arrows with lustrous tips ,Which are capable of drinking the milk ocean of souls of monkeys,Making the sky the earth and different directions not visible ,With two times the speed of torrential rain.
8509. That son of Ravana sent one thousand arrows on Angadha and two thousand,Arrows on Hanuman who had hot eyes and countless arrows on,The other warriors who resembled the lion and filled up,The entire battle ground only with his arrows.
8510. Indrajit the son of Ravana went on showering like rain hot arrows ,Aimed at the bodies of Lakshmana and Rama , the monkey warriors ,Who were experts in war so that they will pierce them and give o pain to them,And the very strong bow of Indrajit was like the bent crescent of moon in the sky, And he went on showering these arrows for one nazhigai time.
8511. When Indrajit who was wearing tight lower cloth sent arrows aimed at ,The face , the top and on both sides of Rama and Lakshmana ,Like the hot rays of Sun at the noon time , fearing to see awesome ,Result of the arrows emanating from the hands of Indrajit , The Devas closed both their eyes with their hands.
8512. The lion like Lakshmana who was the younger brother of Rams,Speedily entered the battle and prevented and destroyed the arrows ,Which had hit him and which had not hit him and sent suitable number,Of arrows and destroyed all the divine arrows sent by Indrajit ,Like the lies which have been told by an ignorant person.
8513. Rama who was generous thinking that it is not proper Dharma ,To interfere in the one to one war between Lakshmana and Indrajit,Did not send any arrows but did not part from Lakshmana ,And stood behind him doing nothing and in the war ,No one saw both of them winning over each other ,As the arrows send by both of them got burnt like firewood in the sky.
8514. Since both their arrows were spreading fire on both sides ,And going , the forests caught fire and burnt ,Huge fat mountains started burning , the golden homes of the city burnt ,The inside of the clouds got burnt and world burned like deluge.
8515. ,Lakshmana , who is Adhi Sesha who left his bed and was born as the brother of Rama,Destroyed the poison which was coming more than water by his arrows,And killed all the lions which pull the chariot of Indrajit ,Through the river of blood with male crocodiles.
8516. When the chariot was destroyed Indrajit who did not have ,An alternative chariot ,Was looking like the Sun when the planets surrounding him are destroyed ,With an aim of destroying all monkeys on earth with great enmity ,Sent several powerful arrows similar to the spear which destroyed Soorapadma.
8517. Standing on the damaged chariot he sent countless powerful arrows,Aimed at piercing the shoulders of Lakshmana and also hurting ,The victorious Angadha who was wearing floral garlands ,And later boomed his matchless conch making the entire world tremble.
8518. That Lakshmana who is like a male lion sent ten speedy and hot arroes ,Which went like thunder at the matchless son of Ravana who made ,Sound with the conch so that his armour gets broken ,And also twanged the string of his bow and produced great sound.
8519. That Rama of the colour of black cloud , shedding tears of joy ,From his lotus like eyes with smile break in his face like the moon light , From the moon of the waxing period , said using his mouth which swallowed the universe “Raise your voice joyously”,And the monkey warriors shouted making ,People of the world shiver that this universe has broken,
8520. Then before they could blink their eyes Indrajit went ,And disappeared in the sky and the very learned Lakshmana ,Not able to find the location of Indrajit and thinking that,If Indrajit escapes from there , he would destroy the entire monkey army ,Decided that there was no option except use of Brahmastra,And explained it to Rama who is lord Vishnu with the wheel.
8521. When Lakshmana full of good nature told like this , Rama ,Who is the witness of everything looked at his brother and reminded,“Oh Lakshmana who never slips away from Dharma , If , as you told,Send the Brahmastra , it would not only kill that Indrajit ,But it would also destroy the three worlds “ and his good natured brother , Desisted from doing the act of using Brahmastra.
8522. That evil one who had disappeared in the sky understanding their mind,Made necessary acts to send the divine Brahmastra on them and decided,To go away from there and went away from there and the devas ,Not understanding the intention of Indrajit clapped their hands and made fun of him.
8523. When the red arrows of Lakshmana went towards the red clouds ,Indrajit who was like a black cloud disappeared from there ,And the monkeys thinking that Indrajit has ran away scared to fight ,Being ones who were angry , due to the joy of victory made great joyous sound.
8524. The Monkey army which had retreated , just like the water of the ocean,Which is expelled due to tide joins back , with great joy , shouting and dancing ,Joined back the monkey army and Indrajit who was defeated , without being,Visible to anybody , just like the churned ocean went back to city of Lanka.
8525. Indrajit thought that before Lakshmana sends the Brahmastra on him,He would send it on him and towards that , started doing fire sacrifice ,As per Vedas with great stability of mind and this was not realized ,By Rama and Lakshmana who had very powerful shoulders and they forgot about it.
8526. Rama and Lakshmana got down from shoulders of Hanuman and Angadha ,And removed their bow, the quiver with cruel arrows , their chest armour ,And the comfortable gloves for their big hands and got out of war readiness,And at that time the devas greeted them with showering of cool flowers.
8527. When the sound of the joyous shout of monkeys reaching the sky ,And stirring it , the sun in his chariot which was pulled by horses,Speedily went from there, looking as if it was telling ,“I would not see the evil act of Indrajit in sending Brahmastra ,On the pure Lakshmana and I would set before that “ and set.
8528. Rama then told Vibheeshana “our strong army after fighting ,The day and the night has become weak and there seems a delay ,In the food coming and Oh Vibheeshana , I desire you to go and bring it.”
8529. That Vibheeshana who was wearing a crown of gold said that,He would do it with haste and saluted Rama and along with his people departed,And like the matchless wind , he crossed the sea and ,At that time Rama told Lakshmana as follows.
8530. ”For our great divine weapons I have to worship , as it is laid down ,As it is proper to worship them and then only send them , And oh brother ,Till I come back after the proper worship , please look after ,Our Army which is standing in a proper order.”Saying this Rama left the battle field to perform the worship.
8531. Indrajit went and saw his father and all about all that happened,In the in the battle field including the plan of Lakshmana to attack him,With Brahmastra in such a way that his father understood it clearly .Hearing that Ravana was taken aback and son .,”My son,What could be done by us now , please tell. ”and Indrajit replied
8532. The wise people have told that , “ suppose somebody decides to kill us,If we are in a position to kill such people , try to kill them even before they try to kill us.”And I think it is proper to follow that strategy and after hiding from those men ,Shoot the Brahmastra which is a weapon giving victory at them. I think this is proper.”
8533. ”If that army knows that I am going to send Brahmastra then they would,Shoot the same Brahmastra and stop my arrow and they who have done ,Great penance are capable of killing me , if they see me and because of this,No sorrow is going to come ,I would perform A yaga which does me good,And within a second kill them all “ said he with great certainty.
8534. ”If you go on sending endlessly armies to attack them ,So that they tend to forget me , I would perform what needs to be done “And then he gave an order to Mahodhara who was standing in front of Ravana.
8535. ,”Oh valorous one , who possesses hundred vellam very angry army ,You go speedily along with Akamba and others who posses,Sharp leaf like spears who number is beyond counting ,And go near those men and do great battle to kill them both.
8536. Ravana further told, “you who can take recourse to the trick of illusion,And can cover all the three worlds with pitch darkness , you go from here,With a great army and provide help to Indrajit to drink the souls of our enemies.”
8537. As soon as this was told that Rakshasa who was armed with sword,And who was eagerly waiting for the king’s order to participate in war,Became very happy and went and sat on his chariot and Rakshasas,Who were like elephants in rut surrounding a mountain surrounded him.
8538. Crore of crores hundred thousand thousand victorious ,Elephants were there in every row and speedy chariots ,Came in countless crore numbers and faultless,Horses which can jump and fight were also ready.
8539. Due to the weapons,. Ornaments with big gems and the,Lustrous crescent teeth from inside their open mouth ,The light similar to moon light and sun light was getting spread,Alternatively and the foot soldiers who were like powerful bulls also neared.
8540. The huge flags which rose up with their ends waving by the winds ,Touching the sky disturbed and scattered the huge clouds with thunder ,And when they were keeping their foot firmly on the ground ,The dust that rose from all places gathered together ,And even closed the eyes of Lord Brahma who is the creator.
8541. The sky rivers of rut falling from the mountain like elephants,Mixed with the foam water coming out from the mouth of the horses,Flowed with great speed dragging the stones and trees of the forest ,And with a speed that cannot be slowed down went and joined the sea.
8542. When the Rakshasas who had sword like teeth with great anger,Were seen with folded mouth , were shaking and shaking ,The weapons that they held on their right hand , fire sparks ,Were produced and they went up and ,Were looking like the lightning and stars in the sky.
8543. That huge army whose strength was told as hundred vellums ,And which was under the command of Ravana , when being let out ,By the main door of the city of Lanka , looked as if the water of the sea,Along with its fishes which were drunk by ,The tamil sage Agasthya was being let out through the doors.
8544. The sound produced by the conches , drum , yelkkalas and thala ,The huge lion like roar of the commanders of the army ,The sound produced by the strings of the bows , the angry trumpeting ,Of the elephants , the neighing sound of the horses,And the sound created by the wheels of the golden chariots ,Were swallowing the entire earth like Lord Vishnu.
8545. That Rakshasa army for the sake of fighting a great war entered ,In to the battle field and the tall monkey army also crowded there,And that monkey army stopped the rain of weapons being sent,By the large Rakshasa army and roared like thunder,Punished the asuras, chided that army and became angry.,
8546. Those monkey warriors capable of achieving victory took,Crore and crores of mountains and started throwing them and ,For every mountain thrown four or five Rakshasas were killed,Ant the war efficient elephants and golden chariots of those Rakshasas got destroyed.
8547. The axes , spears Valaya , nanjil swords , kanaya trees ,Spears , goads , seven pointed iron rods, of the Rakshasas ,Along with the spear held in their hands ,Were used to kill several groups of Rakshasas and they rolled on the earth.
8548. The thorny maces , Musundi , iron rods , bamboo sticks ,Wheels .Pindipalas Kappanas , bends , slingshots of the Rakshasas,Powdered the mountains thrown by the monkeys and killed them.
8549. Due to throwing again and again the lustrous weapon groups ,In proper order , the monkey groups were not able to walk before the Rakshasas,And due to mountains of dead bodies due to shock getting built up and ,Due to the blood streams flowing from their wounded bodies ,In all directions , the Rakshasas were not able to go further in that battle field.
8550. Due to the fact that each of those monkeys were only devas,Who had taken the monkey form and come there when they died ,They left their monkey body and started roaming in heaven,And those heavenly maidens who were sorrowing ,Due to their parting and were suffering due to love ,Hugged them as if they were their soul and got rid of their sorrow.
8551. Is there anything more pure than that arrows of Lakshmana , which purified,And made Asuras who only do cheating, who do evil deeds and who are cruel,And who do not have good characters like mercy in to Devas?
8552. Lakshmana then took the big arrow of God of death , chanted its mantras,Went on rotating in all directions in the battle field and sent arrows and killed,Rakshasas with shining white teeth which was like crescent and elephants,And also destroyed chariots and filled the heavens so that there was no space for them there.
8553. Hanuman the son of wind god took hold of a Dandayudha with pretty bells ,Which was left there by Khumbakarna , which let out hot rays like a diamond mountain,And which was used to drive away and kill the monkey army earlier and which made the earth crawl.
8554. That Hanuman who stood there with enmity towards the Asuras ,Due to his establishing himself in the business of killing , making the Devas,Feel that it was neither wind nor fire , took a form , which was like angry god of death,Which made him impossible to be recognized , went to the battle field and killed the asuras.
8555. That Hanuman who had mastered several forms of arts went on roaming,And looked as if he was on the mountain like elephant with eyes filled with anger ,On the horses which jump fast , on the chariots driven by warriors andOn the bodies of all the soldiers who were crowding there Which made people who saw him suspect the he was Lord Vishnu worshipped by four Vedas,
8556. Hanuman with anger looked with fire sparks coming out of his eyes ,Tore all those who came against him and all those who angrily rose against him, And made all the beings shapeless in that wide battle field and the Devas ,Who realized the huge mega form of his thought that,Perhaps he was the same who measured the three worlds earlier.
8557. That Hanuman who had a cloud like form that touched the heavens and whose full form,Was like the pearls that split and spread when the forehead of elephants in rut is broken, Was like the golden coloured Meru mountain surrounded by rays of sun ,When the final deluge that destroys everything occurs ,When the huge wind takes out the stars put them on it.
8558. That Hanuman stood erect touching the sky as if he has dashed,The sky with the earth and held firmly that golden Dandayudha ,And powdered the ocean like army of Rakshasas and beat the elephants in rut,Chariots as well as the horses and made them in to liquid ,And by drinking their souls , he seemed to put an end to his enmity.
8559. That Hanuman within a Nazhigai(24 minutes) grinded hundred thousand,Elephants in the blood that was flowing like river and made them in to slushy paste ,And knocked by his feet the Rakshasas who rose like thousand lions ,And wandered all around like the killer elephant of direction arisen from rut induced trance.
8560. The Rakshasa warriors who rode on chariots, and horses ,AS well as foot soldiers and those who rode on cloud like angry elephants ,Who were showering arrows like rain and who had all famous as experts in warfare ,Entered the battle field and surrounded Hanuman and Hanuman ,Waved all round his Vajrayudha and send them to heaven by strangling them.
8561. The king of monkey clan Sugreeva , Neela , Angadha , Kumudha ,Jambavan and Panasa who was very strong who were the leaders ,Along with their armies, altered due to the anger to fight the war ,Entered the battle field separately and without seeing each other ,Became alone in the great ocean of the Rakshasa army.
8562. ,That Hanuman who was going in the huge ocean of Rakshasa army Just like Lord Narasimha who killed the vellams Asura army by picking and throwing them,And by using his claws only killed them , used his Dhandayudha ,And ground them by using his hands and came across Akampana.
8563. That Akampana came drawn in his chariot by thousand mountain like Donkeys ,Which chariot was going speedier than the mind was an Avuna,Whose name is Dharuka who after being killed by Subramanya ,Who was expert in use of bow for killing ,Has been born as Akampana the Rakshasa.
8564. Would I at least be one among Indra who killed a Rakshasa called Paka ,Lord Vishnu who holds the wheel with which he can destroy all his enemies Or would Lord Shiva who burnt the three cities long time ago ,Be able to fight individually with this monkey?And so the stealing of souls by God of death is of less power.” Said Akampana.
8565. He further thought, “ If I do not stop this monkey , what would happen,To this universe surrounded by seven oceans as the Devas would not prevent it ,And this monkey would take out the name of “Rakshasas” from this world.”And then he started raining the arrows which cannot be stopped ,By beings with a body of flesh and with great anger went near Hanuman and ,Hanuman who had high shoulders that touch the stars rushed towards him,
8566. When that Akampana wearing a golden heroic anklets tied by tapes,With chariots, elephants, horses and Rakshasas crowding round him ,Came like the cloud , fire and the wind of the final deluge ,Hanuman with diamond like strong shoulders used the cruel Dandayudha at him.
8567. The weapons thrown sent and flung at Hanuman surrounded him,And he methodically powdered all those weapons by his rotating Dandayudha,Making the Devas very happy and Hanuman who has never seen earlier,The dandayudha used this way, learned to use it in the war with Akampana.
8568. The Hanuman who was like the Meru mountain which cannot ,Be even jolted by the storm at final deluge ,in the presence of Akampana ,Killed ten crores of elephants , flying horses with harness tied in face ,Rakshasas with very sharp teeth and powdered huge chariots and heaped them.
8569. That Akampana after deciding that, “I would send this Hanuman to heaven ,And make the king of Lanka armed with sword as victorious , make the men Left with nothing and create great sorrow to all the Devas “ went near Hanuman,And Hanuman said, Good, you are welcome” and went near him.
8570. Akampana looking at the wide battle field , opening his mouth ,With hot flames of fire coming out of his very angry and cruel eyes ,Came on a chariot with flag and send a fire spitting rain of arrows ,Which was three times more faster than ordinary rain,And shouted in a loud voice like thunder of the clouds,And hit that Hanuman who was like a mountain.
8571. The rain of Akampana ’s arrows which spread fire sparks like thunder ,On all the directions , which had been tied , with feather of eagles ,Which had earlier cut the chest of Devas , and which had decorated tips,Made of Gold went and hurt the shoulders and chest of Hanuman.
8572. Hanuman who became tired due to continuous bleeding ,From the holes caused by the arrows on his chest and shoulders ,Even before he recovered using his victorious Dandayudha struck,So that the mules tied on both sides as well as the axle ,Were destroyed and killed the charioteer who fell on the ground .
8573. That Rakshasa Akampana whose body seems to have been ,Made by darkness and who shouts like the great roar of ocean,Thinking that it was difficult to win over Hanuman with arrows,Took in his hand a Dandayudha with cruel tip , which was made,By the architect of the Devas , thinking that he will win him using his prowess.
8574. They both attacked each other by hitting, turned left and right ,Extended their arms and made sound like the final deluge ,And patted their shoulders , neared each other , carried the other,And rotated on the floor , stood up and prevented the other ,From getting victory, again neared each other. Ebbed and pushed each other.
8575. ,They patted their shoulders , tightly embraced each other ,Jumped on the sky , neared on the earth , swung up and down,Hit the other , hugged each other , saved themselves of that hugging ,And without being able to foresee the death of the other ,They told oaths against each other, dashed against each other ,Rotated from left to right and ran straight.
8576. Different from and being the truth that Hanuman entered and hit,Strongly on the mighty chest Of Akampana who was blacker than Kajal,That Akampana who was cruel stopped it by using his Vajrayudha , And that Vajrayudha along with his broken arm fell on the battle ground.
8577. When the Dandayudha fell down along with his right arm,That hot Akampana got upset like the sea hit by huge storm,Raised his strong left arm and hit Hanuman on his victorious chest ,And that sound of that hit sounded like a thunder falling on a diamond mountain.
8578. Hanuman looked at the one who beat him , thinking that Akampana ,Was not having any weapon with him and using a weapon against him is wrong ,Without hitting him with his Dandayudha , folded his lips and hit ,The chest of Akampana with his folded left hand and he vomited blood ,As if he has drunk blood and was spitting it again.
8579. And again when Hanuman with the same extended left hand , hit Akampana,On his cheeks and then he sent his soul to the Devas and the ,Crowd of Asuras surrounding him similar to beasts of forest ,Seeing a lion ran away to all directions and scattered everywhere.
8580. That Hanuman who was having fighting victorious shoulders which were like mountain,Did not hear the loud joyous shout of monkeys , he did not also hear the great twang sound,Raised by Lakshmana on his great bow , he did not realize what bad things ,Happened to different warriors and there were none who would know them,And tell them to him and at that time he attained a matchless great sorrow.
8581. Angadha went seven Yojanas inside in the ocean of the scattered ,Sea of the army of Raksasas in the south west direction, , Sugreeva the king of monkeys Went in the same direction , double that distance and ,The younger brother of Rama the God went in twenty Yojanas inside .
8582.Other monkey leaders each went either four or five Yojanas ,Fighting inside the Rakshasa army and after that the army that was surrounding ,Would spread like algae in water and the victorious Hanuman ,Reached the place where Lakshmana was standing in two or three Kadham distance .
8583. Due to the sorrow at not being able to see Lakshmana egging him,With a determination that he would reach that place soon , that fast moving Hanuman,Saw the signs of the very great battle fought by Lakshmana so that his sorrow would diminish.
8584. He saw the tusks of elephants , the feathers of peacock, garlands ,Various type of famous gems and great quantity of gold and gems,The fish like swords and the rivers of blood carrying white umbrellas looking like foam.
8585. Hanuman saw that the arrows sent by Lakshmana cutting the heads,Of Rakshasas who were fighting in all directions and they reached the sky,And then started falling on earth and turned in to powder and ,Was like the torrential rain of stones at the time of final deluge .
8586. When the Rakshasas who held the famous spear sent weapons like rain,Lakshmana who was greatly valorous made them all fall on the ground ,Which was like group of stars falling on the ground and removed darkness ,And Hanuman saw many things which heated up like the big fires of forest.
8587 . The arrows sent by the merciful lord Lakshmana , spread on the sky themselves,Were spreading light everywhere so that the warriors get rid of darkness and Hanuman saw them,Like the curly hair of the eight shouldered Lord Shiva ,Who used to dance in the cremation ground , in front of all the devas.
8588. Hanuman saw the Lord with blood coming out from wounds all over the body,Who was standing tall and resembling the fire burnt by pouring ghee ,And recognized him as Lord Lakshmana and also many headless bodies,Dancing , which was looking like a lamp is being held at the darkness of night.
8589. The deserted chariots , elephants and the victorious horses ,There were beyond the ability to count, even if one wants to do it ,And they were wandering all over without their lords,And were like the wandering citizens of a country which was ruled by a tyrant king.
8590. Hanuman saw that due to the powerful rain of the arrows of Lakshmana ,Who wears the garland of open flowers , which was thrice more strong ,Than a torrential rain , the bodies of Asuras who had lost their life ,The river of blood , the shining weapons were like the ocean , huge forests and mountains.
8591. Like the speedy whirl wind which blows at the end of deluge, that great Hanuman,Who was going in search of Lakshmana , jumped and crossed the surrounding ocean of blood,And heard the thunderous sound of the twang of the bow of Lakshmana ,Which was like something which tears this universe which is alone ,And shouted with joy with double the sound of ocean at the time of all destroying deluge.
8592. Hearing the joyful great sound of Hanuman and becoming happy that he can get,The news of everybody from him , that very charitable Lakshmana turned and looked,And even before that Hanuman reached that place and saluted him and that young warrior,Hugged Hanuman who fell in love with damsel of victory and told as follows.
8593. ”Oh sir , where are the warriors of the monkey clan and how did the son of Sun god,Got separated from you? Where did Angadha go? I was not aware of anything ,That happened in the very big army in this sea of darkness ,Please tell “Asked Lakshmana and Hanuman holding his hands in salutation over his head told.
8594. , Hanuman who had crossed the sea as well as ocean of sense organs said,“Oh sir, Except seeing them going to war against their enemies,I am not aware of anything that happened to them during the war.Only after they who have joined the war , come back , we will know news about them.”
8595. ”Oh lord, there is a method to get back in to proper consciousness ,You please think about it and then if it is something that can be done ,Please do it. Since this state of trance has been induced by the divine arrows,It should be removed by similar divine arrows and as of now ,None of your servants the monkey warriors have the power to come here.”
8596. That Lakshmana who had the rich knowledge of the science of archery,Said, “I wil do it” and then after saluting and praising Rama with thousand names,Chose the proper arrow and after connecting the arrow of Lord Shiva,Who used Meru mountain as bow on his bow and sent ,It aimed at the Rakshasas who were having lightning like teeth.
8597. AS soon as Lakshmana sent that arrow of the three eyed God ,Like the bamboo forest which has caught fire ,The entire army of Rakshasas leaving no one alive caught fire and died,And darkness disappeared from the land surrounded by the sea,And even the devas who were in stupor also woke up.
8598. Mahodhara who was riding on a big chariot understood that Lakshmana,By sending a divine arrow as he was witnessing all that happened ,And seeing that illusion sent by him has disappeared , went away from there .And all the monkey chiefs who were separated from each other ,Joyously shouted beating the clouds and surrounded Lakshmana ,And all of them started dancing with great joy.
8599. Lakshmana who was the brother of the god of Gods Rama, became very happy,Seeing that none of the warriors of his army had been troubled ,And got rid of his doubt and with the ocean like army which was guarding him,Surrounding him stood there with devas raining flowers on him ,And the emissaries went to Ravana to inform him about the news.
8600. They reached the king of Lanka and told him all news of battle field,And Ravana asked them, “Did you come scared from there? How can ,Some one using one bow kill hundred vellam army with huge collection of elephants.”And the mesaengers replied that it was done by the arrow of Shiva , wearing kondrai garland .”And hearing that agreed that ,” if that is a so, it could have happened.”
8601. Indrajit , the son of Ravana thinking that the time is proper to use Brahmastra,Quickly reached the bottom of a huge banyan tree and by that time ,The Rakshasa priests who followed the proper ritual ,Reached there bringing along with them, all that is needed for a sacrifice.
8602. He then arranged the twigs of the fire sacrifice using his arrow ,And offered the best of flowers in to that fire, put black til seeds on it,And then offered the horns and teeth of a white goat as well as the blood,That flowed from it on the fire and also the flesh of the goat which can be cooked,Along with the ghee obtained by milling Til.
8603. , When the smoke from the fire sacrifice turned right and went up ,And showed great omens which forecasted all that is good,That Indrajit who is the reason of all evils in the Asura clan.Taking recourse to those , went up in the sky to win victory over the earth.
8604. That expert on illusion Indrajit , when the long planets joined together ,Indicating victory , went up in the sky and went above the heavens,Where the eyes and mind of the devas cannot reach ,And merged with a micro form in the sky with bubbles,And even sages did not know the place that he was hiding .
8606. When Indrajit was there with that form Mahodhara who came to know of it,Wanting to do an evil trick , took the form of Indra riding on the elephant Iravatha ,And started waging a war against the devas as well as the sages.
8607. Mahodhara with his power of illusion created an illusion ,That all the beings except men and monkeys ,Which were wandering on earth , had come to support the Rakshasas in war,And seeing that that huge monkey army got disturbed and scared and went back.
8608. Those monkeys who were fighting were taken aback that ,Thinking that Indra riding on the four tusked elephant ,Along with his devas as well as the sages who were devotees of god ,Were coming with great anger to fight with them.
8609. That Lakshmana who was the brother of the lotus eyed Rama ,Who holds the divine wheel on the right hand looked at shining face of Hanuman,And asked “Please tell me the reason why sages and Devas ,Are coming to fight with us with great anger? Please think,And tell me about any crime that we have done.”
8610. When Lakshmana was asking like this to Hanuman , Indrajit shot at the body of Lakshmana,The very ancient arrow of Lord Brahma within a second and like ,A crowd of sparrows landing on the golden mountain ,Those arrows which had the power to kill entered the body of Lakshmana.
8611. The fire emitting arrow groups in numbers crore hundred thousand crores ,Entered in to the body of Lakshmana and completely covered him ,And at the time unable to think as to what he should do , with his senses,Getting buried in himself , like a huge elephant sleeping ,On the place that it stood , He also seemed to sleep there itself.
8612. Hanuman thought “The one who has come is Indra and it is not clear ,Why he has come for war with us? As he has come as our enemy ,The only option is to throw him out along with his elephant “And rose up and at that time due to thousand crore hot arrows ,Hitting him , he lost his conscience and fell on the ground.
8613. Sugreeva the son of the great God due to the hot arrows entering him ,With wounds like the red murukku forest flowering on the golden mountain,Which were like the red eyes similar to molten copper fell down on earth.
8614. When ten thousand arrows entered the body of Angadha , like a male lion,Hit by thunder he fell on the ground and due to arrows piercing ,His prominent chest and shoulders Jambavan the great and famous warrior fell on the ground.
8615. With thousand arrows entering his chest Neela saw the face of God of death ,Rishabha reached the heavens , Panasa by an arrow like halahala poison fainted ,And Kumudha died due to the arrow in the form of God of death.
8616. ,Nala who built the bridge fell dead by thousand arrows ,Mainda Who was as strong as Vali and Duminda his brother died together ,Gavaya who had the cruel job like God of death reached the heavens,Kesari due to mountain like arrows hitting him fell on earth and died.
8617. Kanaka died because one thousand arrows entered him,The formless Sankha as soon as the arrows hit him died,Sathavali died because of the sharpened arrows ,Dhambha due to the ornamental arrow sent on him diedAnd rolled on the floor like a huge mountain.
8618. Sathavali who had shoulders like Vindhya mountain , Suseshana , Vinatha,Gandhamadhana , Idumba and the very strong Dadhimukha ,Who were all great monkey warriors rose up to fight ,And due to the crores of arrows sent by Indrajit entering their body,Lost their consciousness and fell down on the earth.
8619. Like the dashing of the red blood ocean making sound hitting against,The black ocean , The Brahmastra which had killed thousands of monkey chiefs ,Grew in to thousand thousands and each of those arrows rolled thousand monkeys each ,On the ground and all the monkeys died due to the rain of arrows.
8620. The great arrow of the four faced one pushed the monkeys and tied them,And they were not knowing a safe place to go to escape from its attack,And due to arrows sent all around like thunder , the monkeys ,Were tightly fixed on the earth and all the monkeys died.
8621. The monkey warriors lay dead on earth making the Deva maidens ,With blue lotus like eyes greatly worried and sorrowing ,And since the blood that oozed out of the white bodies of monkeys,Was collecting all around them that ocean of the monkey army ,Looked like forest of coral reefs in the ocean of milk .
8622. The great ocean of army of monkey clan after death and reached the heaven,And devas who saw them treated them as guests and with great love ,And with a joy filled mind conversed with them joyfully ,And forcefully requested them to go back to the earth immediately .
8623. They told them that “To those who are the slaves of the slaves of the feet of Rama,And to those who call out his name would escape from the hot fate and reach salvation,You who are serving Rama cannot die before your time and you have come here ,After doing the needed worship by giving away your soul to the arrow of Lord Brahma .”
8624. ”You have gone to earth and have been born there to do our job,And your soul is but our soul and you have obtained a different body,And you have lost your life in acruel battle field for sake of Rama,And you are all indeed our Gods .” told those Devas.
8625. , “ Along with crowd of monkeys with angry eyes , Lakshmana has died.And his elder brother had gone away when I sent the arrow of Lord Brahma,”Said Indrajit with sarcasm and then boomed his conch and then,He speedily reached his father and told him in detail,All that happened in that raising battle field.
8626. After hearing that Ravana looked at his son asked , Has not Rama died?” ,And for that he replied , “That Rama has gone away from the battle field ,And had he not gone away , that arrow which had killed all his great friends ,Killed all his army and also his brother would have killed him “
8627. Ravana accepted that and said, “Only that should have happened “,And the son Indrajit reached his great palace and Mahodhara who had gone,To the war at the request of Ravana also returned back. Rama the God ,Who has made me his slave was staying in another part for worshipping divine weapons.
8628. That valorous Lord Rama making his palms which were like just opened lotus flowers,Further red adopting proper rituals worshipped all his pure as well as divine weapons,Decided that he would go back to the battle field of strong ones and started to go.
8629. He took in his hand the arrow of fire which was shining like burning wood,And removed all the darkness as if that arrow had swallowed all of it,And making his lotus like feet tired , walked and reached,The cruel battle field and with great surprise stared at it.
8630. Rama who was staring at the battle field like that , examined all places ,Again and again and seeing the sorrowful scenes there, with difficulty moved further ,And showed up blood on his pretty face which was like lotus flower,And entered the wide battle field filled with flesh and blood ,And saw one by one the great monkey chiefs who were protecting the battle field.
8631. , He saw Sugreeva who was lying dead with tears flowing out from his lotus like eyes,And breathed heavily and told within his mind “Is it proper for you to lie like this?”And became depressed and saw Hanuman who was lying by side of Sugreeva.
8632. ,”Were your crossing the sea and churning the Asuras along with their foetus,And made me cross the sorrow and kept me alive , for this purpose ?Did the powerful arrows suitable for war sent by the Rakshasa ,Pierce your body and went out ?” wailing like this Rama cried.
8633. ”Oh hanuman with great fame , the bad fate of mine due to my bad acts ,Have perhaps made the boons given to you by devas , the blessings of sages,And the word given to you by daughter of Janaka , ineffective in protecting you,And who else is there who is alive like me , who is the cause of all this?” wailed Rama.
8634. ”By my ordinary act of sacrificing the kingship , what did I get “I had killed my father, I caused the death of Jatayu and today,I have caused the death of these very many monkey warriors ,And I only keep myself alive. Is there a limit to my evil acts?”
8635. ” By killing the elder brother and by giving the kingship of monkeys,To the younger brother, though I thought I am doing good, I caused ,The death of the entire monkey clan and by observing patience ,I have caused so much sorrow to all of you and I have born in this world,To bear the weight of my body which is the burden to this earth “Wailed Rama.
8636. Like finding a matchless place in the middle of the bulls , the elephant like Angadha ,And this was seen with great anger and fire sparks coming out of his eyes by Rama,And he cried saying “I who am carrying this load of weapons ,Was not even been able to protect him whose safe keeping was entrusted to me.”
8637. Rama then saw his younger brother who was lying there as if he was sleeping ,With very many lustrous arrows piercing his body and was looking as if,A snake was lying on the blood which was shining and giving out light ,And felt that he was like himself lying on the Adhi sesha on the ocean of milk.
8638. He was mentally upset and sobbed and with rising anger was looking as if,He was surrounded by smoke and his blue gem like body shivered just like his mind,He fell on the ground making the God of Dharma taking mercy on him and patting his eyes,And it was as if a very huge tree fell down on the earth , struck by a mango tree.
8639. That Rama who has taken this incarnation due to his mercy on all souls,Did not breath for One nazhigai time , he did not feel anything ,His body did not sweat , both his eyes did not open , both his pretty hands and legs,Were not shaken by him but he did not lose his soul though devas got scared about it.
8640. There were no one there to support Rama and there were none ,To take away his hand using which he was hugging his brother ,There were no one to console for all those close to him had died.Though his sorrow was very great , being alone there were none to support him.
8641. Except the headless bodies , ghosts , crowds of ladies who had lost their husbands,Red eyed due to crying, the devils happy with food received , the row of jackals,Which were seen everywhere, in that battle ground there were no one else who was alive .
8642. Seeing the sorrow of Rama , the ladies of the world of Devas , beat their belly,With their own hands and shed tears from their cloud like eyes , like an unceasing rain.Devas also became depressed and became sad and since all the things that we see,Are the forms of that lord of wisdom , all moving and stable things shivered and cried.
8643. ,Lord Brahma who lives on the lotus flower which did not come from a bud,But the belly of Lord Vishnu and the Lord Shiva who had three eyes ,Due to feeling of mercy seeing the sorrow of Rama , had a faded face without joy..What is the point in describing the sorrow of the devas who were of limited number?And even the God of sin which was seeing him with enmity , cried shedding blood as tears.
8644. The great Rama regained consciousness , started breathing and opened his eyes,And carefully examined his younger brother and deciding that he is dead ,And has reached the heavens and would not come back ,With a sorrowing mind felt the pain like the fire falling on open wounds,And started telling the following along with crying out of sorrow .
8645. ”I did not die in spite of hearing the news of my father’s death and,I gave the entire earth to Bharata and as per my order and wish,Made him to rule this world and through him I was still ruling it.Since you were with me as support I never felt that I was alone,But today I am not hearing your words and so I would not wish to live,“Oh brother , I have already come , Oh brother I have come.”
8646. ”You are both mother and father to me ., you are also my penance ,You are my son, my younger brother as well as my wealth and you,Without bothering about fame have left me alone and gone away .Is it proper for you to go? And if thought properly ,I am much hard hearted than you as you have given your life to me.”
8647. “I am not able notice the symptoms of living in your wounded body,And carrying this soul and consoling myself I am greatly sorrowing ,Oh Brother , who is like a male lion , Me who is sorrowing greatly,In spite of knowing your death am still keeping myself alive ,Without my mind splitting in to two pieces.”
8648. During the fourteen years period during which we were living in the wide forest,You used to search suitable food for me to eat but you yourself did not eat at all,You did not bother about harsh sun light , getting tired and famished ,but were protecting me,And are you now sleeping ? Would you not wake up from this sleep.?”
8649. ”When it is not true that the alert and clear mind as well as soul ,Is one among them , would there be feeling of mercy towards me who is the sinner ?Even after losing you who is faultless , Oh brother , I am moving about ,And from now is our relationship based on myself or on my soul?”
8650. ”After going to the sacrifice of Janaka and after breaking Shiva’s bow there ,I thought that Sita who is like a poison to us , would make us both live ,And I brought her before me and I burnt and destroyed all my relations .And even after bringing on me all this evil , did I retreat, no.”
8651. ”Due to my desire to rule the earth I caused very great sorrow ,Which is like keeping fire on live wounds to my mother and others.Due to the love that I had towards a lady , I got all these bad results.,Though I kept on increasing my fame step by step, Am I a weak poor man?”
8652. ”You have now died and I would not continue to live without you ,And without me Bharata would not rule this earth and all those ,Who have been chained by love , unable to bear the sorrow of parting would die,And If scared of Dharma , I become weak in destroyingThe enemy and made you chose an undesirable act.
8653. “Oh brother who was born to provide me help , who had sacrificed ,Dharma, mother , father , relations and all other things for my sake,Who unable to part with me came along with me to this forest ,Who never is able to forget me , today you have given up your soul,And in spite of seeing you dead like that I am still alive, have I become weak?”
8654. ”If the lady appreciated by learned people is put in a prison by a perfect Rakshasa,And learned people say that there is a god of dharma who can defeat cruel people ,But bows down before the cruelty of such a Rakshasa and if the world ,Which exists in three types is not getting destroyed at the same time ,Would not the valorous act which exhibits the prowess of my bow be not occur?’
8655. ”It is pitiable that my valour got exhausted by building the bridge over the ocean,Bykilling Viradha , By taking the life of Kabandha who cannot walk ,By killing a Rakshasa called Khara , By putting a hole in the seven Maramara trees,And by killing that Vali , and it is very pitiable., alas ”
8656. ”Without any sorrow I told you, “You yourself would win over Indrajit”,And I was not mentally bothered about it and if even in this state ,,I do not die , would I get strength to kill Asuras such as Indrajit?I am not fit to say that “I have been born with you “ also ,And I do not have sufficient strength to carry the burden of birth which is a lie.”
8657. ”My father , our father , relatives , citizens of our country and the priests ,Would have become worried about us thinking “What happened to them?”And I was waiting to wipe away their tears , Oh lord , please come alive,For the sake of crowning me with a crown made of Gold.”
8658. When the Naga Pasa tied you completely and even when the enemy ,Destroyed our army , I had been standing beside you but never went away.I have done all that I should do but I am standing without getting tired,Would not the world know about my welfare and victory?”
8659. ”To Vibheeshana who surrendered himself to me , I gave him ,The wealth of the kingship of Lanka and made him rule over his people ,I am now going to die without fulfilling that promise .Have I learnt to tell a lie?And due to that I have brought bad name to our clan ,Have I who has lost sense of feeling and destroyed my own fame .”
8660. Like this Rama wailed and sorrowed greatly , he would sob within his mind,He would stifle his long breaths in between with all his senses getting spoiled,He would hug his brother tightly and say , “Let us die together “,And then without being able to talk anything he would fall asleep.
8661. Seeing the great sorrow of Rama and started hitting their own eyes ,And shedding tears and started feeling a mood of matchless sorrow,They started shivering thinking , “What else would happen?” and told him,“Oh Lord who is the universe , Oh our lord , Would you have this much sorrow?And you are bearing all this sorrow only for our sake”And with great love towards him thy told him the following.
8662. ”Oh Lord who does not have sorrow or joy , WE do not have ,The capability of knowing about how your state is?Nor are we capable of thinking about you who is spread everywhere.We know what is the end and we do not know the beginning ,We do not know the middle also and except worshipping you,And following the path that has been chalked out by you ,What else can we who are slaves capable of doing?”
8663. ”Please completely destroy with their roots the Rakshasas,Who are completely devoid of mercy and completely eradicate our sorrow ,When we requested with our problems , due to great mercy on us ,You assumed the form of man which is not suitable to you ,And for the sake of eradicating evil which is the burden of Dharma ,You were born in a royal family and you who have come like that,Are you hiding yourself and showing your great property of illusion to us. Is that proper?”
8664. ” Oh Lord who was born in a royal family for the sake of removing,Our sorrow as you had created us and we are living thinking that,You who were born like that would completely eradicate the sorrow of all the three worlds,And in spite of this firm belief hearing your wails , we forgot that you are Lord Vishnu,And started thinking that you are only a man, This has not happened due to illusion .Oh Lord to whom we are slaves , have you also started telling lies.”
8665. ”Oh greatest absolute spirit You have created several universes ,And kept them inside as well as outside you, You have completely ,Kept all the worlds in side you and later you have spit out all of them,You have measured them, broken them and are inside ,And outside of everything and have completely occupied them,And like the spider building a web out of the thread produced by it ,And living there , you have also built all of them and living with them.”
8666. ” The playful action that you are engaged is an act leading to sorrow,But since that sorrow does not follow you as you are God ,It is only a joy filled play for you , but as we are not conversant with your moods,It gave us great sorrow and by what you did love , grace,AS well as wisdom would fill up our mind and unless you end it , they will not end .
8667. ”Oh lord who have promised to come but not coming , when we were,Sure that you have come as Rama , we were not scared of the enemies ,And when you are sorrowing we have become depressed and sad,Oh Lord who is our support please keep on protecting us ,If you are not getting rid of your sorrow, do we have the capability to remove your illusion.”
8668. ”Oh Lord , you gave your blessing to king Ambaresha and also blessed,Rudra Moorthi , the son of Lord Brahma and you also blessed us , as,WE had sought your protection and since you are sorrowing and depressed ,Without finding our way forward we have become depressed and sorrowing ,Oh support to your brother , get rid of sorrow and give us good feeling.”
8669. Like this the devas who do not blink the eye got pained and sorrowed,The God Rama who was doing the normal reaction of men ,Due to the incarnation that he had undertaken and due to the,Great love he had towards Lakshmana got his soul going down in himself,And seeing that the big messengers of the Rakshasa whose job was to cause sorrow,Went away from the battle field and reached the palace of Ravana.
8670. The king of Rakshasas asked them, “why have you come here ? and they replied,Due to the cruel Brahmastra which was sent by your son , Rama Seeing that all his friends have died and also his brother Lakshmana ,Who was born after him has died , felt sorry for his mistakes ,And with great sorrow , he has also died and so your enmity has ended.”
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Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 9 (Padalam 21) – Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 9(Padalam 21)
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Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 9 (Padalam 21)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 9 (Padalam 22)
About Kavichakravarthy Kamban

Historians place him in the 9th century CE, But surely Kamban belongs to the third great wave of Tamizh literature that started with the Sangam period (dated before the Common Era), followed by the widespread impact of Bhakti literature of the Alwars (vaishnavite saints) & Nayanamars (shaivaite saints). Kamban Authored Ramanaya in Tamil…Known as Kamba Ramayanam..
Kambar has been the milestone for the Tamil scholars that none had reached. He was also known as “Kamba Naatazhvar” at his time. Many Tamil authors from the modern world have written the books on the poet Kamban.
Kambar or Kavichakravarthy Kamban (1180–1250) was a medieval Tamil poet and the author of the Ramavataram, popularly known as Kambaramayanam, the Tamil version of the epic Ramayana.
Valmiki Ramayana and Kamba Ramayanam are two versions of Ramayana written in the Sanskrit and Tamil languages respectively. … Kamba Ramayanam is originally called as Ramavataram. Although Valmiki Ramayana is the original version of the story of Rama, Kamba Ramayana is believed to be based on the work by Valmiki.
The Kamba Ramayanam, is a Tamil epic that was written by the Tamil poet Kambar during the 12th century. Based on Valmiki’s Ramayana (which is in Sanskrit), the story describes the life of King Rama of Ayodhya.
The book is divided into six chapters, called Kandam in Tamil. The Kandams are further divided into 123 sections called Padalam (படலம்) in Tamil. These 123 sections contain approximately 12,000 verses of the epic.