By Kambar (Kavichakravarthy Kamban)
Translated in English by P. R Ramachander
Kamba Ramayanam-Kishkinda Kandam 2 (Padalam 8)
8. Arasiyal padalam
The chapter on governance
(Rama requests Sugreeva to assume kingship. He is crowned by Lakshmana , Sugreeva requests Rama to live with .Rama declines but teaches Sugreeva , the lessons of being a good king. Sugreeva goes to the city. Later Angadha is sent to city .Hanuman wants to live with Rama but Rama tells him that his help may be needed by Sugreeva and he is also sent back. Rama and Lakshmana climb the mountain and stay there waiting for the rainy season to get over. In Valmiki Ramayana, the crowning of Sugreeva is held by his friends. At the same Angadha is also crowned as Yuva Raja . The teaching of Rama to Sugreeva about how to rule is not there in Valmiki Ramayana , IN fact in that Ramanayana , Vali on his death bed does that.)
4115. , “Thinking that his son is going to wear the golden crown,The Sun God as a prelude to becoming happy , for helping,Goddess Lakshmi to come out opened the doors of lotus flower,Using his hands which are his red hot rays.
4116. At that time Rama who was the lord of mercy looked at ,His very wise younger brother and requested, “Oh brother , go and crown,The son of Sun god as per proper rituals by your hands .”
4117. That great one immediately looked at Hanuman who is capable,Of Fighting as per rules of Dharma said, “Oh heroic one , go andArrange to bring immediately all that is needed for the crowning ceremony.”
4118. AS soon as the sacred waters and auspicious things to anoint ,Sugreeva as well as the golden crown praised by all people were brought,The brother of Rama did all the rituals that are needed to crown Sugreeva,
4119. With the Vedic Pundits showering their blessings, with devas ,Who are in heaven shower the honey filled freshly opened flowers,That brother of Rama who was the chief of those good qualities,AS per the rituals prescribed by learned people crowned Sugreeva,
4120. When Sugreeva wearing the great golden crown saluted Rama,On his great divine feet and at that time that Lord who stood At the end of fulfilled words , hugged him on his chest and told.
4121. ”Oh valorous one , you go from here and reach the place that you live ,After thinking do all the acts that are needed to be done properly ,And then do after clear thinking all that needs to be done ,As mentioned in the books of law and along with Angadha.The son of Vali , who died in the battle establish yourself in wealth and live happily.”
4122. ”Then along with truthful and wise ministers and councilors and with,Faultless heroes with good character who do work as per their strength ,Establishing a pure contact with them do faultless acts andWithout going near or very far from other people ,Rule so that other people would consider you like God.’
4123. ”If there is a smoke somewhere this world has sufficient wisdom To know that there is a burning fire somewhere and in spite of that ,The deceptive acts as recommended by the people who wrote great books ,Is also needed and you should behave with great culture ,Even to those who are your enemies after judging their character ,And get needed benefits and also with a smiling face tell only sweet things.”
4124. “You also should engaged in protection of your wealth , thinking ,About its greatness and taking in to consideration that it is even desired by devas ,And is in your custody and also know that in front of the world ,Whatever may the nature of sages and others, they would be,Of three types viz enemies, friends and those who are not bothered.”
4125. ”Do all that needs to be done to everyone , not doing those acts that leads be bad results,Even when the bad thing told about us reaches us , remove the bad words and tell only good words,Telling only words of truth , not desiring objects that belong to others ,Making those who depend on progress well and we ourselves becoming,Greater than them , are those which you should do with great happiness.”
4126. ”Oh Sugreeva who has broad shoulders , do not berate others and trouble them, Thinking that they are inferior to us . Because I did not follow this and found fault with it,And due to that I did bad to her who has a hunched frame and who is called Mandhara ,She developed enmity with me and made me suffer of poverty ,And easily pushed me to the great ocean of cruel sorrow.”
4127. ”Please understand the truth “ due to ladies death would happen to men “,Without any doubt , and to know this clearly , the act of Vali is sufficient ,And you also see the sorrow happening and bad name coming to us due to those ladies,Is there any more need to tell more examples to make it clear.”
4128. ”Please protect your citizens in such a way that they tell about you,“He is not our king but the mother who protects us well. Though ,Protecting like that is normal habit of kings , if bad events happen,Punish those who cause it without crossing the tenets of Dharma.”
4129. “Oh friend , if we see properly , the two events of birth and death,Are caused by the bad and good Karma done by that individual ,And you know about it . Even if Lord Brahma who was born out ,Of the lotus flower grown out of belly Vishnu goes against Dharma ,It would lead him to his death and so not slipping away from Dharma ,Would lead to strengthening of life span, Is there anything more that needs to be told?”
4130. ”Getting wealth and its destruction are due to sin and good deeds done by those souls,Even matchless wise poets do not tell that there is any other reason accept that for them, And so Oh Sugreeva, who is appropriate , in the war for pride between Dharma and the Sin,It is better to do good act that benefits us rather than bad acts which harms us.”
4131. “Leraned men tell that these are all proper for all those who are kings ,and so ,Rule properly as per what is told in the books after proper research ,And after the rainy season is over , when you come and meet me ,You come along with your ocean like army and so go now ,” said ,That pretty Rama and hearing that Sugreeva told.
4132. ”Oh charitable lord, This Kishkinda mountain which has streams along with trees ,Is a place where monkeys live . Except this drawback, it is equal and even better,Than the land of devas and so for our fulfilling your orders which you give ,Due to mercy towards us , please be kind enough to stay with us.
4133. “Oh killer of enemies , After surrendering to you and after getting mercy from you,If we go separately and enjoy great wealth , is no different from great poverty ,And so till the time comes for searching the goddess with black broad eyes ,Please stay with us here”Saying like this Sugreeva fell at the feet and saluted Rama.
4134. That great Rama after hearing this smiled softly , said, “ For people like us ,Who do penance, it is not desirable to live in a palace besides , if we stay with you,You would spend all the time in being hospitable to us and you would commit ,Fault in the way of ruling which should be done with thought and research.”
4135. ”Oh Sugreeva who merits to live well, I undertook to live in the harsh and burning ,Forest for fourteen years and so I would not stay in prosperous cities where kings live,Oh valorous one who has pretty and strong hands , Is there any pleasure that I can get,Except with Sita who speaks like the music of Yaazh ?”
4136. “When my wife is living alone in the prison of the Rakshasa, If people happen to tell,That Rama liked the Immeasurable joy of living along with his soul like friends ,Oh Sir would these cruel words come to end at the deluge when all worlds are destroyed?”
4137. Me , who has left the nature of those who never leave the dharma of family life ,And also left out the dharma of holding the bow and fighting and living ,The sweet life along with friends are not very good habits suitable to the great ,And so I would do daily penance and observe strict observations with Dharma ,So that all the bad acts that I have done are completely removed.”
4138. ,Rama who stands firmly on good behavior , which is easy to tell and Difficult to practice looking at Sugreeva told , “Please go and do all acts ,That are necessary of kingship properly and as soon as four months are over ,Come to the place I am ,with an army which is like an ocean with great waves.”
4139. When the king of the monkey clan heard those words , unable ,To tell anything in reply and understanding the implication of Rama,Who was wearing the high garb of saints , with tears flowing his eyes,After properly saluting him by falling on earth and went ,To his city carrying in his mind inestimable amount of sorrow.
4140. Then Rama who is the colour of the blue cloud looked at with grace ,Angadha who fell on earth and saluted his divine feet and told him,“You become one of good behavior and without considering this Sugreeva,As your father’s brother , consider him as your own father and obey his orders.”
4141. , Rama after telling him further many such words told him,“Please accompany Sugreeva” and after that that famous Angadha ,Saluted the feet of Rama and went to his city and afterwards ,Rama looked at Hanuman and said, “oh pretty valorous hero,You also please go and with your wisdom help Sugreeva ,In duties involved in running the kingdom “
4142. , That Hanuman who had the friendship that only showers love ,In his mind without untruth said, “I who am like a dog would live here itself ,Obey your orders to the best of my ability and do all minor jobs “And he saluted both the divine feet of Rama , That Rama ,Whose eyes were only looking at truth , told the following words .
4143. “If a kingdom without boundaries and which had very great wealth,Which was ruled by a matchless king who had all regal qualities,Is conquered by another king by force , in that rule,There would be good as well as bad aspects and so , oh sir,It can be stabilized only by a person like you who has wisdom and patience,”
4144. , “After establishing that kingship belonging to Sugreeva ,Who has all the good habits of culture and taking the responsibility ,Of the job that is to be done for me , as there is no one else ,And so you who is Dharma personified , as per my request ,Please go to the city of Sugreeva “ he said.
4145. ,When that Rama who is the incarnation of Lord Vishnu who held the wheel,Told such words to Hanuman , He told Rama “Long live and I will do like that ,If that is your order “ saluted him and went towards Kishkinda ,And Rama the lord of several earlier deluges along with his brother,Who was like an elephant with the mask , reached another tall mountains.
4146. AS per the orders of Rama the son of sun god went to Kishkinda and went inside ,His own private apartments and with honourable ministers and relatives,Standing around him , saluted Tara who was like a mother to him ,And considering that the advices given by his elder brother as his father ,Started ruling that place in a very good manner.
4147. With all the monkey heroes like relatives doing all that is needed ,He assumed that kingship which was blessed with all wealth,,And that kingdom extended up to the end of all directions ,And he ordered the valorous Angadha with inestimable strength ,To help in the rule as the prince of that kingdom And along with al relatives, with wealth earned as per Dharma,That Sugreeva happily and sweetly ruled Kishkinda and then.
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Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 2 (Padalam 7)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 2 (Padalam 8)
About Kavichakravarthy Kamban

Historians place him in the 9th century CE, But surely Kamban belongs to the third great wave of Tamizh literature that started with the Sangam period (dated before the Common Era), followed by the widespread impact of Bhakti literature of the Alwars (vaishnavite saints) & Nayanamars (shaivaite saints). Kamban Authored Ramanaya in Tamil…Known as Kamba Ramayanam..
Kambar has been the milestone for the Tamil scholars that none had reached. He was also known as “Kamba Naatazhvar” at his time. Many Tamil authors from the modern world have written the books on the poet Kamban.
Kambar or Kavichakravarthy Kamban (1180–1250) was a medieval Tamil poet and the author of the Ramavataram, popularly known as Kambaramayanam, the Tamil version of the epic Ramayana.
Valmiki Ramayana and Kamba Ramayanam are two versions of Ramayana written in the Sanskrit and Tamil languages respectively. … Kamba Ramayanam is originally called as Ramavataram. Although Valmiki Ramayana is the original version of the story of Rama, Kamba Ramayana is believed to be based on the work by Valmiki.
The Kamba Ramayanam, is a Tamil epic that was written by the Tamil poet Kambar during the 12th century. Based on Valmiki’s Ramayana (which is in Sanskrit), the story describes the life of King Rama of Ayodhya.
The book is divided into six chapters, called Kandam in Tamil. The Kandams are further divided into 123 sections called Padalam (படலம்) in Tamil. These 123 sections contain approximately 12,000 verses of the epic.