By Kambar (Kavichakravarthy Kamban)
Translated in English by P. R Ramachander
Kamba Ramayanam-Kishkinda Kandam 5 (Padalam 15)
Kishkinda Kandam (contd.)
15. Sampathi Padalam
Chapter on Sampathi
(Since they were not able to find out out Sita, the monkeys were thinking of dying there itself. Hanuman told them, if they further search and find out Sita , their delay would be excused and if they do not find her, they can die like Jatayu. A hawk king called Sampathi hears this and enquires from them about Jatayu ,He tells them that Jatayu was his younger brother and he lost his wings trying to save Jatayu. He requests them to chant name of Rama and gets back his wings. He tells them that he has seen Ravana carrying Sita to Lanka and she is still there . The monkeys become joyous. Sampathi according Valmiki Ramayana does not see Sita being abducted but his son Suparswa who was hunting for food saw him. A sage NIsakara had foretold Sampathi that he would get back his wings.)
4648. The monkey warriors saw there the southern ocean , which was ,Making sound like the sky with the cloud and extending its arm of white waves ,As if it was saying , “Sita with the deer like wide eyes is in Lanka” and ,Appeared coming out and welcoming them.
4649. At that time that Monkey army of great strength which was sent ,By Angadha and others in the Hema Koota mountain with instruction,“Go and search in all the eight directions and join with us in Mahendra mountain.”Like another ocean with huge tides , came and joined the monkey warriors as a huge crowd.
4650. All those monkey warriors came to that place without difficulty,But without finding Sita who had matchless chastity , who had curly hair ,Who was the incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi and who was born in a lotus flower ,And without knowing what needs to be done started speaking with their toungues rolling.
4651. Those monkeys thought in various ways like, “The time limit set by the king,Is already over and we have not been able to see Sita so far and once Rama knows this,Rama’s soul would go away and we would be standing without fulfilling ,The order of the king and there is nothing else that we can do now.”
4652. “Shall we do great penance here itself? Otherwise shall we drink ,The poison that does not have an antidote and die?, We would do that ,Which is more suitable among these two” This was said,By those monkey warriors who had decided to end their life.
4653. The prince Angadha who was like a lion with a sorrowful mind,Near the ocean with lashing waves near the Mahendra mountain,Addressing all those great deal monkeys , who were standing in a row told,“ I have something important to tell to all of you “.
4654. Angadha told the other monkeys, “We all have assured the best among males Rama,That we would search the entire world covered with the sky and would bring him,The news of the recovery of Sita , who is Goddess Lakshmi living on lotus ,Being proud of our strength and now we have got undying bad name.”
4655. ”We have not completed the job that we have undertaken and ,We are also unable to go back quickly and tell Rama , what has happened,As we do not have any hope of completing the job and suppose ,We some how keep our life alive ,it is not a proper sign for our friendship.”
4656. “My father also would get angry with me and our Lord also would become sad,And I do not have the ability to see those events and so I would prefer to take away my life,Oh Monkeys , who have very clear understanding of books , Please tell me after thinking”.said Angadha.
4657. Hearing that Jambavan said, “Oh Angadha who has great shoulders,Which would be enemies of pillars and mountains by their strength,You have told very proper words, if you die do you think , we will sit here,And wail for you? Would we go and tell Rama and Sugreeva about you,Soiling greatly the friendship, which we have with you?”
4658. He again said, “Oh prince who is the best among males , What news remains ,To be told by us after returning and so we have made up our mind that,Our dying would be better. Because we have all decided to die, it is necessary for you to live.”
4659. When Jambhavan told like this , the son of Vali said, Oh monkey warriors,Who have shoulders as strong as mountains ,” if all of you die ,Would it proper for me to go back? Would world approve of it?”
4660. ”Fearing for the bad words which would be told by learned people ,That he allowed all his soul like friends die and he only has come now, I would prefer to go to heaven before such words are told “ and Angadha continued.
4661. ”If some one goes and tells the news of death to my mother as well as,My father , as soon as they here it , they are likely to die and when they die ,Seeing that, the great archer Rama and his brother are definite to die ,And if that news reaches the fertile city of Ayodhya , would Bharata and others continue to live?”
4662. “Bharata , his brother Shatrugna and the mothers who gave birth to them,All the citizens of Ayodhya would all definitely die., Oh how dilapidated I am,Just because one lady called Sita who is praised by all the world ,Who is like a lamp which has become great due to various penances ,Such a huge tragedy has come to pass.” Saying this Angadha became very sad.
4663. The words told with great mental pain by Angadha who had strong shoulders Like the mountain and who is like a very angry lion which wanted to fight ,Were heard by others and their mind started burning like fire that cannot be put out,Then the king of bears Jambavan looked at Angadha with great love and told.
4664”. There are no sons in your dynasty except , you and your father ,And considering that only we said you should not die but go and join him,But even other wise it is not proper for us to talk about death of our kings.”
4665. The Extremely able Jambavan further told, “Oh Angadha who has ability,To win in a war , You please go alive and reach the place of Sugreeva and tell them,How we searched everywhere for the peacock like Sita and we were not able to find her ,And also tell them the news of all our death and stop grieving .”
4666. After Jambavan told like that , Hanuman said , “Oh monkey warriors,Who have all the speed of sun God , so far we have not searched not even in,A very small part of the three worlds and when it is like that , you all have ,Become dejected as if we travelled slowly and are not capable of thinking,.”
4667. He further said, “If we have searched for Sita with pretty forehead, Down in the earth on the sky , on the golden mountain Meru and in various other worlds, And suppose we are able to find her , Would our king complain about the delay in appointed time.”
4668. ” I feel that we should further search and if in spite of that ,We are not able to find her , like Jatayu who tried to save her from sorrow,From Ravana and died in war , we would also get fame ,By giving up our life but instead of it , if we give up our life now,It would lead us all to get a very bad name.”
4669. As soon as Hanuman told this , a king of hawks , hearing that,His younger brother who without fail follows the truth had died,With a mind crying out with sorrow came near the monkeys like a moving mountain.
4670. He whose heart was beating like drum , and whose Body was shivering, hearing that his brother has died Was only able to move himself like the mountain .Whose wings were cut by the Vajrayudha of Indra.
4671. Feeling sad thinking “Who are there in this world ,Who are armed with weapons that hurt in great anger Who have killed my younger brother ?” he was ,Shedding tears which after falling from his body ,Went and mingled like a stream to the salty ocean.
4672. And he was like a well polished lustrous gem, was shining like lightning,Due to the ornaments that he was wearing, was shedding tears from his faded eyes,Was wailing loudly due to the great sorrow, was falling on earth and shouting, and was like a cloud.
4673. ,He moved with great speed , breaking creepers and various types of trees,And powdering mountains into fine dust and he was similar to silvery Kailasa mountain,Which was moving on earth due to being lashed by huge wind .
4674. Like this that hawk reached the place of those monkeys and those monkeys,Felt greatly scared and ran away but the greatly wise Hanuman,With eyes spitting fire due to anger said, “ Oh cheating Asura, who has assumed,A false form “would you be able to escape from me?” and with great anger stood before that hawk.
4675. But even before that Hanuman who was waiting for arrival of the hawk,And who had great knowledge , spoke one single word, that hawk asked him,“Who was it by his valour killed Jatayu , who was so strong , that no one could fight with him?”
4677. ,Hearing that Hanuman looked at the hawk and then told“If you first tell the truth about yourself then my answeringYour questions would not be improper,” and then that,King of the hawks started telling about himself.
4678. ”Oh monkey who has teeth which shine like lightning,Who would not get worried and depressed about their siblings?I who was born earlier got separated from him who was born after me,”And then he started telling about his story in detail.
4679. That faultless Hanuman who heard the words of that hawk,And who got drowned in the great ocean of sorrow and came out from there,Told, ”the death of your brother happened due to the throwing ,Of a sharp sword by Ravana , who was fighting with him.”
4680. Hearing the words of Hanuman , that king of hawks fell down ,On earth like a very huge mountain struck by thunder and,Letting out hot breath , with shivering soul , he sobbed,And told these words again and again and started crying.
4681. ”Oh my younger brother, it is better that my soul goes away,As I had lost my long wings completely due to burning,And have been tied up here unable to move,Oh brother who had the same power like king Dasaratha,Who had very great strength, Is what I am hearing an illusion?”
4682. ”Lord Brahma who was born in the lotus flower is still alive ,The earth and sky still exist, the indestructible Dharma is still established,The present age of Brahma Kalpa has still not got over,But you are not there any more. Is this proper.”
4683. ”Oh brother who is greater than the very strong Garuda,Once upon a time two eggs came out and you and me came out ,Of them one after another. Is it proper for you to die ,Leaving me out here like this? Is it a valorous act?”
4684. ”Oh valorous one, Though that Asura has won victory,Over the beings all the three worlds, how come ,He stood before you to wage a war ?Did he kill you?What an unbelievable happening is this ?”
4685. Saying several things similar to this , becoming sad and depressed,Due to great sorrow, when that king of hawks was nearly dying,Hanuman with mountain like shoulders, using proper words consoled him.
4686. That red eyed king of hawks who was consoled by Hanuman,Collected himself and asked , “Why did Jatayu who had strength,Like God of death fight directly with that Asura with a murderous sword?”And then Hanuman told him the following news.
4687. ”Sita who is the consort of our Lord Rama ,Who is the daughter of Janaka , who never swerves from justice ,And who was full of good culture and character was ,Separated from Rama by the devious trick of the very cruel king Ravana.”
4688. ”Your younger brother saw that murderous Ravana holding a sword ,Abducting Sita and he who never deviates from Dharma told Ravana,“Go away after leaving Sita who has hair swarmed by bees.”And then that Asura with a great chariot fought with him.
4689. “That Jatayu who follows truth , destroyed the chariot of that bad one, And created defeat for him but that Ravana who was fighting to defeat Jatayu,Using the sword given to him by the God of Gods Shiva killed Jatayu, “ said Hanuman.
4690. Hearing the words spoken by Hanuman , that king of hawks became teary eyed,And told Hanuman, “Oh Monkey who stands by truth , the act of Jatayu ,Giving up his life for the sake of the very holy Rama , who should be honoured by mind,Is great, really very great “ saying like this he became very joyous.
4691. “Oh valorous one , Since my younger brother gave up his life ,For the sake of Sita who had reddish feet and form like Vanchi creeper ,And who is the wife of Rama who wears garlands made of fresh flowers,WE can only say that “He got great life with great fame” and not that he died.”
4692. ”My younger brother Jatayu, after establishing friendly ,Relationship with Rama , the God of Dharma and sacrificed ,His life with satisfaction and has by that he has attained ,The matchless state and for such ones ,What would death take away from them ,What can give me more happiness than this?”
4693. After wailing for his brother in very many ways ,That king of hawks who had matchless strength of shoulders,Went to the water reserve and took bath and told to,The monkey warriors who were wearing densely made flower garlands.
4694. ”Oh warriors who have left doing sin as per advice of elders ,Who have completely got rid of the darkness of ignorance ,And who have left the habit of telling lies , you all have come,To my place and gave me good life and the news ,Of the death of my younger brother did not drown me in ocean of sorrow.”
4695. ”Oh monkey warriors who tell sweet words and have the great fame,Of supporting truth , All of you please repeat the holy name of Rama,And by doing that I would lose my tiredness and get the grace of Rama.”
4696. When he told like that the monkeys told , “we will see that”,And keeping standing up repeated the name “Rama” which is the name,Of the blue coloured one and which would give good things,And the wings of that hawk with strong shoulders grew extending up to the sky.
4697. That hawk got a limb like a sword which spits fire with smoke got a sheath,Became one with lustrous body and became strong with row of wings,Which covered the entire earth and got back his wings which got burnt earlier.
4698. Seeing that, the monkeys were greatly astonished , to know,That their repetition of the name of Rama who was recognized ,By wise people as ultimate God , gave benefit by giving wings,To the hawk king who came there rolling and they were also scared,And praised and prayed Rama , the chief of devas and with surprise sobbed.
4699. Then they saluted the hawk king and requested him,“Be pleased to tell us all the history of yours fully.”And when he was moved by their request ,He started telling his story as follows.
4700. ”Oh friends who shower on me, love like that of a mother,We whose names are Sampathi and Jatayu were born to Aruna,Who is the charioteer of the sun God who swallows the darkness ,That covers this earth surrounded by oceans and we became kings ,Of the speedily flying hawks who had pretty wings .”
4701. , “Pushed by curiosity with a desire to see the land of devas in the sky ,When we were flying high up in the sky , we saw with our eyes,The chariot of sun God who had burning rays and even before we saw it,The Sun God who was divine who had scorching rays got angry with us.”
4702. Then I saw that the fire was scorching the wings of my younger brother ,Who was flying higher than me , he looked at me and requested ,“Oh father , please save me.” And I then went above him and spread out,My very huge wings and prevented heat from affecting him ,And because of that Jatayu escaped but my wings got burnt ,And I fell on earth alive but with no wings .”
4703. “Then the Sun God in the sky looked at me who has fallen on earth ,And took mercy on me and told “Because the daughter of Janaka’s ,Separation from her husband Rama , some monkeys would come in search of her,And when they meditate in their mind and chant the name of Rama,You would again get back your wings and would fly away.”
4704. ”Oh great monkey warriors who are doing an activity which would,Make even the Devas happy , My younger brother becoming sad to see my state ,Being afraid to disobey my order became the king of big hawks that fly on the sky,This is my story and please tell me the story of how you reached this place.,”
4705. When Sampathi asked like this , those monkeys after praying Rama said.,“Oh father like Sampathi , that asura with evil intention , took Sita , the consort of Rama,Towards the southern direction and because of that , we have come here in search of her ,”And hearing that Sampathi told “Do not grieve, I will tell you what all I know about it.”
4706. I saw that cruel Asura abducting Sita who had a voice like the sugar syrup,And he took her to Lanka and after entering there , he has kept Sita who had,A suffering mind in a cruel imprisonment . She is still there and you can go and see her.”
4707. ”That Lanka surrounded by the tumultuous sea is one hundred Yojanas ,From here and even the God of death with the fearsome rope would be sacred,To have a glance at that town for the anger of that asura with evil deeds,Is like a huge fire that can even burn the fire. Oh faultless friends ,I do not know how you can manage to go there?”
4708. ”Even if it is the job of the four headed Brahma or Lord Shiva ,Who has given away half his body or Lord Vishnu who is having the ocean of milk,Even God of death would not be able to enter there and do this job.Because of the great security of that town and oh monkeys ,Who have a long life span , please attempt to go,After clearly thinking about what may happen to you.”
4709. ”It is not at all easy for all of you to go and reach that ,Ancient city Lanka and so one of you who is very strong ,And who is intelligent should try to go there alone ,And there search for Sita without any one seeing you.And return back after giving courage to Sita and removing her sorrow,Otherwise , keep belief in my words and inform the pretty Rama .The place where Sita is kept in prison.”
4710. “Due to there being no one to protect them all the hawks ,Would become sad and leave their homes and wander here and there.For removing their sorrow, It is my duty to go and oh friends ,Do what is good and that Sampathi spreading his wings ,Which was hiding the world, speedily flew away from there.
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Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 5 (Padalam 15)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 5 (Padalam 16)
About Kavichakravarthy Kamban

Historians place him in the 9th century CE, But surely Kamban belongs to the third great wave of Tamizh literature that started with the Sangam period (dated before the Common Era), followed by the widespread impact of Bhakti literature of the Alwars (vaishnavite saints) & Nayanamars (shaivaite saints). Kamban Authored Ramanaya in Tamil…Known as Kamba Ramayanam..
Kambar has been the milestone for the Tamil scholars that none had reached. He was also known as “Kamba Naatazhvar” at his time. Many Tamil authors from the modern world have written the books on the poet Kamban.
Kambar or Kavichakravarthy Kamban (1180–1250) was a medieval Tamil poet and the author of the Ramavataram, popularly known as Kambaramayanam, the Tamil version of the epic Ramayana.
Valmiki Ramayana and Kamba Ramayanam are two versions of Ramayana written in the Sanskrit and Tamil languages respectively. … Kamba Ramayanam is originally called as Ramavataram. Although Valmiki Ramayana is the original version of the story of Rama, Kamba Ramayana is believed to be based on the work by Valmiki.
The Kamba Ramayanam, is a Tamil epic that was written by the Tamil poet Kambar during the 12th century. Based on Valmiki’s Ramayana (which is in Sanskrit), the story describes the life of King Rama of Ayodhya.
The book is divided into six chapters, called Kandam in Tamil. The Kandams are further divided into 123 sections called Padalam (படலம்) in Tamil. These 123 sections contain approximately 12,000 verses of the epic.