By Kambar (Kavichakravarthy Kamban)
Translated in English by P. R Ramachander
Kamba Ramayanam-Ayodhya Kandam 5 (Padalam 13)
13. Thiruvadi Chootu Padalam
Chapter on crowning of holy slippers.
(Bharadwaja gives a great feast to army of Bharata with help of deva maidens. Next day they reach Chitrakoota. Lakshmana hears the sound of army coming. He climbs up on a hill and confirms his belief. He gets fully armed and says that he would kill Bharata .Rama asks him to wait. Bharata comes in a garb of sage coated with dust. Rama asked the reson for his depression. Bharata informs about Dasaratha ’s death, R ama breaks down.Vasishta consoles him. Rama does the water ritual. Then the inform Sita and she alo breaks down, The wives of sages make her take a purificatory bath. After arrival of all, Rama requests Bharata to rule Ayodhya. He says if Dasaratha can give the country to him, he can also give it to Rama. Rama refuses, Bharata is compelled to rule the country by sages and devas. BHarayta returns back with sandal of Rama goes back to Nandigrama and rules from there. Saint BHardwaja offers a great feast with help of all devas in Valmiki Ramayana. Rama was in his hut waiting for Bharata in Valmiki Ramayana .When Bharata meets Rama, he enquires about welfare of many people including his father in Ayodhya in Valmiki Ramayana. When Bharata tells about (Vasishta was not present) death of Dasaratha , Rama, Lakshmana and Sita go to river and do libations to their father in Valmiki Ramayana. He makes a Pinda out of fruits and fruit pulp. On her way Kausalya sees this and comments , that is what he can do in forest. The fact that Dasaratha has promised the kingdom to the son of Kaikeyi as bride price to her father is mentioned by Rama. At this time Jabali an atheist tries to pooh-pooh the principles of Dharma and requests Rama to accept the kingdom. Vasishta tells in detail about Rama’s clan then. Bharata while returning with sandal visits Bharadwaja’s hermitage in Valmiki Ramayana. The sages of Chithrakuta leave fearing an asura called Khara, Rama later follows them.)
2375 . That son saluted that great sage as if he is his father ,And that sage who was like Lord Shiva wearing a crescent ,Was merciful towards him and told words of endless blessings.
2376.He asked, “Sir , Without ruling the country which has come to you,Why are you wearing cloths of bark and having .The long hair tied as matted hair ? What happened ?”
2377. BHaratha burning with the fire of great anger ,With a boiling mind looking at that great sage replied.“Oh very wise sage , you did not tell me suitable words.And that is not proper for your great status.”
2378. ”Being the younger brother of the Lord of the Vedas Rama,Going against tradition , I would not accept the kingdom ,But if God like Rama does not accept the kingdom,Till he stays in the forest , I would also stay with him.”
2379. As soon as they heard the words told by him,Then all those sages who liked Rama deep from their heart,Felt as if the mixed sandal paste has been applied,All over their body and their mind also became cool.
2380. That sage who puts offerings in the fire ,With great love took him to his hermitage and thought“I would offer you feast to the army that accompanied you,.”
2381. As soon as he who had the wealth of giving up Thought like that the entire heaven came and stayed in the forest,And the various people of the army , feeling as if ,They have taken rebirth and reached another world ,Forgot all their earlier life and became happy.
2382. Thinking that the sage was one who always does Dharma .And would attain salvation , the maids of the heaven,Came with joy and welcomed the men and took them inside ,The Palace that had the full luster of the moon.
2383. They properly applied scented powders on the bodies of those men, And gave them bath in the waters of the Ganges of the sky ,And dressed them with flowers of the Karpaga tree of heaven.
2384. They bent like the flowering branch and those cultured maids,Of heaven made those men wear ornaments of pure Gold ,And with love offered them nectar like food which was normally eaten by Indra.
2385. Those ladies who has pretty eyes coated with poison,And tender feet wearing anklets and applied with red cotton juice,Slept like female deer by their sides on bed ,Filled with five soft materials and those men also slept.
2386. Starting from the kings to the broad shouldered men who carry palanquins
AS per their ranks were hospitably treated by the divine ladies,Blessed with hair as if they were very wealthy devas.
2387. Those ladies of heaven who were faultless and had red mouth ,Like red fruit , obeyed the orders of ladies who accompanied Bharata,And behaved as if they were their servants or friends ,And all the ladies were happy in the faultless service provided by those divine maidens.
2388. And at that evening time , in those pretty well grown up gardens,The scented breeze wafted slowly like blind men from the Karpaka gardens,Carrying the scent of the flowers that had opened that day.
2389. With the bees coming and drinking the huge flow water of rut ,From the elephants , they were offered by the Karpaga plants,Balls of food with lots of honey as well as bundles of ,Red awns of paddy and they ate them and became happy.
2390. The angry elephants with tusks and with straight legs , Drank the waters , which can give rewards for blessed deeds,Even for the sinners who ought to reach hell and the ,Groups of horses ate the grass which was like emerald.
2391. When all the people were enjoying like this ,The pleasures available to Lord Indra , Bharata ,Ate fruits and roots and spent the day,With his gold like body coated with dust.
2392. As soon as the blue coloured darkness lifted,All the pleasures people were enjoying vanished like a dream,The Sun appeared like the ending of good time for those , Who were only enjoying the result of their good deeds.
2393. Like the wealth enjoyed by those who did not do Dharma,The wealth that they were enjoying vanished and those who felt,That they have come back from heaven to earth ,Did not bother and went back to the thoughts they had earlier.
2394. When it became day time , the devas happily came to know,That what they were seeing was not a sea but an army And that army making the gardens and mountains,That they crossed in to dust , reached the desert.
2395. The dust rose up , the burning sun was pressed ,In that dust and lost some heat that was difficult to put out,And the water of rut poured by the elephants,Made the paths slushy and made the path difficult to walk.,
2396. That desert with stones which was hot like sparks of fire Was cooled down by the shade created by the royal umbrellas .Of the kings who carried the swords and the flags,Which were flying high provided a tent and allowed it to cool further.
2397. Seeing Bharata with a black face becoming red due to ,The anger he had with his mother who told , “Take this great wealth”,Due to the great love towards him the dead trees there produced leaves.
2398. That matchless army of the emperor Dasaratha who left his life,Feeling that “Good behavior is greater than soul” feeling that ,The very cruel hurting desert was like a garden landDue to it cooling down , speedily reached Chitrakoota.
2399-2400 .Due the dust that was rising high , due to,The great sound made by chariots , horses and angry elephants ,And the great roaring sound created by foot soldiers,Making all people know that it is a great army coming to kill,Lakshmana got up and climbed on a tall mountain,Which looked as if it was a burning flame of the earth,And saw that very strong army which made ,Even the ocean with curved waves as inadequate.
2401-2402. Thinking that the Bharata who possessed great kingdom,Is coming with bad intention and improper desire ,With an intention using this very great army on the person,Who is engaged in penance and this is hundred percent truth,And nothing else, Lakshmana jumped from the mountain,Making it break on to the earth and speedily reached Rama .And told him, “Bharata without bothering about you ,Is coming for a war against you by spreading,A very huge army which belongs Ayodhya protected by all.”
2403. ,He then tied his sword and heroic anklets as well as the quiver,,With various types of arrows and then locked himself in an armour ,And taking a very strong bow , saluted Rama , stood up and told like this.
2404. Please see the great strength of the shoulders of Bharata and become happyWho has lost this and the other world and the greatness of his army ,And the matchless of power of me who has accompanied you alone .
2405. I would make the well ornamented elephant suffer many troubles,By rolling the mountain of their bodies , pull out all chariots,Push all the intestines and make the river of blood run,And you may please see them all mixing in the ocean.
2406. ”Oh hero , you may see me cutting off the hands ,Chests and their armours as also taking away their life and ,You will also see that my lustrous arrows are coated with blood ,And make the elephants in eight directions scared and roam about.
2407. ”Oh lord , you would see the horses which jump ,After death , sing and dance on the golden floor of the chariots ,As ghosts holding the broken shields from the battle field.
2408. Oh , Rama , When I completely kill all the pretty elephants they have,Within a very short time, the heaven will get back- pain,And due to reduction of burden earth will get rid of its pain, Please see it.
2409. After swimming In the high flowing huge stream of blood ,Turning the body red the devils with small eyes along with ghosts ,And trunks without heads would dance with joy and say,“This world now belongs to Rama, “ and you please see that.
2410. The cruel elephants wearing mask in their face,Groups of horses and Valorous soldiers having thick shoulders ,Would all fall dead and in the cruel red blood that flows ,Would make all the seven seas in to one and make great sound , please see that.
2411. With soldiers being killed , with the moving chariots getting destroyed,With strong bows breaking , with big elephants with legs and heads getting cut ,And with horses with legs and shoulders getting cut would be seen ,Due to my arrows in the battle field. You would definitely see it.
2412. Be pleased to see the birds which fly on the sky .With big wings calling the birds of their own type ,Going through the hole made on both my brothers ,Caused by arrows which have been decorated by gold.
2413. ”Oh Rama , due to the love of one lady called Kaikeyi ,Dasaratha dipped the entire world in to sorrow and,By his order Bharata who got the kingdom , instead ,Of ruling it , would suffer cruel hell by my arrows, Please see it.”
2414. You please see , that Kaikeyi who is an expert in causing sorrow,And who became happy seeing your mother cry, when you leftThe rule of that kingdom and came to the forest. Will live to cry ,Falling on the ground when her son dies.
2415. ”Oh Rama who holds the saw sharpened spear which is garlanded,I would destroy this sea of army with one arrow which takes away their strength,Within a very short time and attain victory like Lord Shiva ,Who destroyed the three cities and come back quickly.”
2416. Rama told, “Oh Lakshmana if you think that,You will churn all the fourteen worlds , then nobody,Can stop you and there is no need to tell it,But please hear from me tell you one advice.”
2417. ”Oh Lakshmana who has well grown big shoulders,Which are like iron pillars , those who ar born in our clan,Are faultless kings and how can we measure them?If we think , who among them could not,Move away from their clan but who have moved away from Dharma.”
2418. The conduct of Bharata who has an elephant with hands like a palm tree ,Are all the ones told by all the four Vedas and not like as you told ,Which go against Dharma and that has not been thought about by you with my mind.
2419. ” Except believing that great one, due the love That he has to me is coming to the forest,And that he is coming to give back the kingdom to me ,But not believing that he is coming to fight,A war with me along with army , is perhaps within reason.”
2420. ”Oh Lakshmana who has a spear which ,Can only be compared to lightning , Bharata ,Who wears anklets making dash gold against gold,Has come here to give me that huge army ,And not to fight with me . Can we tell that?”
2421. “Oh Lakshmana who wears ornaments on his shoulders,Should you think like that about the Great Bharata Who is the form of great divine Dharma ,And who is touchstone for measuring good character ,For he has come here to only see me ,And you would understand it when he comes near.”
2422. Rama told like this and stopped and Bharata,After instructing Sumantra to bring the army afterwards,Along with Shatrugna who has great love to him And who never parts with him, came forward.
2423. Rama who knew about everything at all times,Saw Bharata with hands held up in salutations ,With a tired faded body , and who had jaded eyes,Due to constant crying and like a form which ,Is personification of Sorrow , from head to foot.
2424. That Rama who had a body like the black cloud ,Looking at Lakshmana told “Oh Lakshmana who has a,Strong bow that makes sound , please see well,The war ready angry form of Bharata along with a huge army.”
2425. That younger brother Lakshmana Thinking about the words ,Berating Bharata who had a strong shoulder which subdued others,And which were told due to his great anger, became greatly depressedAnd along with his bow , his tears also fell on the ground ,Stood there with face without luster and enthusiasm.
2426. To the Lord who has done faultless great penance ,And whom he neared as per his desire , he saluted ,As an emissary of the wealth of the kingdom ,Who has parted with Rama , who lost all her glory,And who has become lean due to her sorrow.
2427. Bharata came near him and felt he is seeing his dead father,Once again and said, “You did not think about Dharma of becoming a king ,And without mercy left away the tradition “ , lost his consciousness, And fell at the lotus feet of Rama.
2428. ,That Rama who had eyes of mercy, saw the Bharata which made ,People think whether he was dead or alive and with shedding tears ,From his lotus like eyes which fell on the matted hair,Of Bharata and overflowed on to the floor.
2429. That Rama who is the store house of all Dharma and ,Who is the God of mercy , hugged Bharata considering him, The God of Dharma and left a long breath and with ,Tears flowing like stream wetting his chest and with a melted mind.
2430. Rama hugged Bharata and several times saw his form,Wearing wooden bark and thinking in various different ways asked,“Oh brother , you are greatly tired due to sorrow . Is everything all right,With Dasaratha who has shoulders better than wrestlers ?”
2431. When the rare one asked like that Bharata told him,“Oh sir , due to the sickness of your parting from him,And due to god of death like boons requested by my cruel mother ,Establishing his truth in this world , he went to heaven.”
2432. That Rama who owns the world which is above heaven,Even before the cruel words that Dasaratha had gone to heaven, Entered in to his ears like piercing with spear ,Rolled with both his eyes as well as mind and fell on the floor.
2433. After falling on the earth he did not breath even a little And like the sorrowing serpent hit by thunder, he lost his consciousness,And with very great difficulty , he breathed a long breath,And with great sorrow in his mind , he started wailing in different ways.
2434. ”Oh Lord who had the fame like an ever shining lamp,To the people of this world you were like a father ,And to the matchless Dharma , you were like the mother.Oh home of mercy , oh my father who is like a lion to enemy kings,You are no more . Who is there to support the truth in this world?”
2435. ,”Oh Dasaratha , who had an army that created fear whose profession,Was killing to get victory , after getting the mercy of Rishya sringa,Who was a great saint , you performed fire sacrifice to get a son,And got me as your son and is the losing your soul the benefit you got.”
2436. ”Oh king who wears a garland that scatters gold , who has ,A lustrous spear who shines like the lustrous sun with a red mouth,Is this the way that you chose to take rest so that you wanted me ,To rule over all beings and carry the burden of ruling them?Was I born to be a king so that I became the God of death to you?”
2437. ”Oh emperor, you who gave stable kingship over heaven to Indra,By killing the asura called Sambara , Making all the responsibilities ,Of ruling as mine you wanted to do penance , did you die for that?”
2438. “The silly me accepted the kingship , which is normally not wanted ,By even those who want everything and has caused sorrow to this world,And now the only option for me is to die , because I cannot look at any one,If I continue to rule this world with this body , which will not die.”
2439. ”Oh king, who held the spear making enemies with big bodies ,Coming and surrendering to you of their own accord, you reached the heaven,As soon as you heard that I left the honeyed garden of the kingdom,And entered the forest and I am still alive with a great desire to live.”
2440. ”Oh Dasaratha who has the matchless white royal umbrella ,Which can give coolness even to the moon , you have reached heaven,Along with your charitable nature , respectability ,The strength which cannot be changed even by devas ,The truth which can never undergo change and many other great attributes.
2441. All his brothers with strong hands and the kings who had come there ,Reached near the lion like Rama who was telling all these again and again,And who had great shoulders which were like standing mountains,And consoled him and hugged him and great Vasishta also consoled him.
2442. And then Bhardwaja and other sages who has done penance , Which cannot be described by words , and sages, Who had hair made in to plaits , the kings of all seven worlds ,All his ministers came and joined him and also all the chiefs,Of the army of Dasaratha came and joined him.
2443. When all the people have arrived and stood surrounding Rama,The great sage Vasishta , the son of Lord Brahma who sits on the lotus Seeing the face of Rama which was immersed in great sorrow told.
2444. ”You who have deep knowledge of all the Vedas should know ,That for all beings , birth as well as death are natural phenomenon,And during their life the only way for them to live is either,Live like a householder or live like a Sanyasi* , did you forget that.”*one who gives up the world.
2445. The great books tell ”The births without permanence Are countless billons in number ,and have been made by pleasure and pain “And after clearly understanding this , it is not proper ,For us to think that cruel God of death is responsible for it.”
2446. ”You have seen babies dying even before mother ,Gives them birth and should you be sorrowing at the death,Of the emperor who due to his faultless virtue ,Ruled the earth for sixty thousand years.”
2447. Oh Rama who observes good character and Dharma without any change ,Even to that root which is the ultimate truth Brahmam which is above the trinity,Who hold the trident , wheel and Veda in their hands,It is impossible to cross the net of change of time.
2448. When even the five elements which is the reason for eye and other sense organs,To see and engage in other actions and which all have endless length ,And are the reason for the creation of all basic products of earth,Attain death , should you sorrow for the death of an elementary soul?
2449. ”Oh chief , the lamp lit with care , using the ghee of good deeds ,Using the matchless time as wick , by the fire called fate ,Would stop burning if the good deeds and the fire get exhausted,Is there any doubt about this happening to any being?”
2450. ”They lie in deep sorrow while in this world,They suffer pain in being immersed in hell in the other world ,And afterwards for sake of suffering of the cruel Karma ,They go through several birth organs , Should we think about it?”
2451. ,”Oh Rama who has great characters which are praised by all,Your father has reached the land of Lord Vishnu , which is difficult .For even Lord Brahma sitting on a lotus flower to reach and is shining there,Is there any thing else you can do to provide help to him.”
2452. “Oh Rama , Do not sorrow at all , is there any thing moreTo be done for Dasaratha than attaining the land of Lord Vishnu?And so do properly all that needs to be done,As per the Vedas and repay your debt to him by your red hand.”
2453. ”It is foolish to think about and becoming sad about ,The impermanent body which is like a bubble created ,By the rain falling from the sky and by shedding tears ,Also there is no use and so with your lotus like hands ,Pour the sacrificial water which purifies,” said Vasishta.
2454. After the saint told like this along with kings who praise him,And with Vasishta who had matted hair looking like a bundle of gold,Rama reached the river water with dense waves and they told him,“Please do” and Rama did the rituals according to rules.
2455. ,Rama who is with in all beings and grants them the gift,Of understanding , entered the river , took bath and came back,And Vasishta who knew all the Vedas guided him in performing,The rituals and he Took water with both hands thrice , And made offering as per rules thinking about his father.
2456. After that , he did all the other necessary rituals ,And accompanied by great ministers , sages and others ,Reached the hermitage where Sita was there.
2457. As soon as they reached the hut , that Lord Bharata,Saw Sita who came to the forest alone and after seeing,The hut she was living in , patted his lotus like eyes with his hands, And fell at her feet and wailed.
2458. That great ruler so as to indicate that ocean with its tides,Are there in his red eye and other sense organs , with great sorrow,Was shedding water which was like a permanent spring.
2459. Rama lifted that valorous one with very great sorrow ,By his big hands , hugged him and looking at Sita,Who had long black hair told ,”Dasaratha unable ,To bear my coming away died.”
2460. Hearing that , Sita who was greatly jolted , shivered and ,Shed tears from her two ocean like eyes and keeping her hand,On earth who was like a mother who brought her up ,Wailed using words which were set to tune and sorrowed.
2461. Her husband Rama who had shoulders which berate stones,Following her , the forest through which she walked was like a good city, And the words “the king died” made her walk ,In the ocean of great sorrow and she went ahead.
2462. The wives of the sages who were far away from sins,Approached like mothers , the greatly sorrowing Sita ,Supported her with their pretty hands and made ,Her bathe in the sacred waters of Ganges ,Consoled her and took her to her husband Rama.
2463. Along with the three mothers who gave birth ,To those four who wore honey dripping flower garlands ,And along with learned people , who knew , About this world as well as the other world, Sumanthra came ,To the place of Rama , who always thinks of Dharma and saluted him,
2464. He who was earlier to even the first creator with four heads,Stood asking, “where has my father gone?” to his mothers ,And stood shedding tears which fell on their lotus feet.
2465. All those mothers together hugged Rama and ,Started crying with sorrow that never decreases,And the army , and ladies who had come with them ,Cried like the wax which fell on the fire.
2466. Then those golden queens who had given birth,To those four heroes hugged tightly Sita ,Who was the daughter of king Janaka ,Entered inside sea of sorrow and got drowned there.
2467. Then all the soldiers of the army and the great citizens,Of the wealthy city of Ayodhya and others as well as other kings,Came with a mind full of sorrow which was troubling Rama.
2468. That Lord Vishnu who has left his bed of serpent with hood,And had come to Ayodhya chose to be born in ancient clan of the Sun,And because of it ,the Sun which normally goes in the big path,Decided to go inside the sea , so that he can also do, after death rituals.
2469-2470. After that day was over in the presence of the crowd of kings ,Sages with red matted hair , relations and the brothers who never part from him,Who surrounded Rama, who was sitting there said with love “Oh Bharata,The great king is no more and by his order , this kingdom is yours ,But you are not wearing the crown and are in the garb of saint,As per your own desire . Please tell me why?”
2471. , As soon as he heard this , Bharata was flustered and saluted Rama ,And looked at him for a long time and said, “Except you who are thereWho following Dharma?In that path of Dharma would you like to go back?.”
2472. ”Using a boon that is not agreeable for elderly wise people,Kaikeyi made you stand in a place which is not suitable to you,And killed Dasaratha and since I am the son born to her,She thinks that life of penance is not suitable to me.”
2473. I who am a sinner who has troubled the world and ,Caused pain to it dare not die and am not suitable ,To do penance and then how can I get rid of this bad name?”
2474. ,The nature of ladies who have moved away from virtue ,The carrying out of penance without patience , the acts of Dharma ,Which is moved away from the path of mercy as well as ,The rule of the king that moves away from tradition , which of them would come first?
2475. “Suppose you leave the kingship that you got being the eldest son,And if you start a huge penance and losing my intelligence ,Going against justice and being called as one .Who killed Dharma , would I rule this country which I am not entitled?”
2476. ,With the king dying due to inestimable love towards you,And with you entering this cruel forest without smoke ,Am I your enemy , for planning with immeasurably great deceit To steal your kingdom from you and am I waiting for suitable time?”
2477. ”Oh lord , for the bad that my father did to you and that was done by my mother ,Who is the cruel form of sin and has caused to you sorrow that no one ,In this world has seen , do not go away please come back to the country ,And rule it “ Said Bharata , making the intentions of his mind clear.
2478. Rama who understood the firmness of the words told by Rama ,Thinking “whether his mind is of this nature?” said to him,“Oh valorous hero , I will tell you a few words , please hear.”And after seeing all round him started saying the following words.
2479. Rama said ”Good character , truth , justice which others try to reach,Are specially mentioned. Greatness along with Dharma and,Along with all those which are classified as Dharma ,Are created by those kings who stick to the path of Veda.Please know this.”
2480. ”Oh Bharata with a strong bow , the knowledge of books ,Which is appreciated , the faultless wisdom , the good character,The efficiency in the job that we do and those devas who are fit to salute,Are all our elders , Please keep this in your mind.
2481. ”Oh dear Bharata , if you examine as toWho those good and great elders are deeply by the mind,You would know that they are none but our parents.”
2482. ”Oh Bharata who is wise by knowledge of great books,Which should be thought and understood , I have only ,Obeyed the boon of my mother and the order of my father,Which is according to the Dharma followed by our clan,And is it proper for you to want me to go against it.?”
2483. ”Oh Bharata , those born in the world , to be called as “son”,Should bring good fame to their mother and father,By their activities and please think and analyze whether,It is done by bringing them unforgettable and cruel bad name?”
2484. ”By making my father tell a lie in this life .Due to desire on kingship and making him live in the cruel hell,Would I rule over this great land and live ,On the top of the breasts which is desired by all.”
2485. ”Due to the fact that by the boon given by, Your father as per tradition the kingdom is yours, And also it is yours because you got it,AS you are my brother and so rule it : said Rama.
2486. Bharata said , “Oh king , you were born earlier ,And have matchless fame in all three worlds,And as per you if this kingdom is mine ,I am immediately presenting it to you ,Please come and accept the crown.”
2487. ”When the earth is sorrowing , would you Who has shoulders like solid stone pillars,Do what is only proper for you ?Catching hold of his golden holy feet Bharata said,“Please come and protect the world so that it is not sorrowing?”
2488. ”If you who love me due to your love,Make this kingdom as mine , would it be proper? Would the time period accepted by me as per the words.Of father who was scared of bad name , end today itself?”
2489. “Would this world without the existence of truth,Tell some thing called “purity “ separately ?Evil is nothing but the swerving away from truth,And can we tell truly anything except the truth?”
2490. ”As per the words of my father till the completion ,Of seven and seven years , while I stay in the forest , As per my order , you rule the world given ,To you by father without swerving from truth.”
2491. ”Oh Bharata , When the king was alive he told me , “Crown yourself ,With a gem studded crown “ and I agreed, do you know that it was,Because of fear to say “no” to him and after thinking about it,Should you not obey my order , Do not get depressed due to sorrow ,And do according to what I told you, “ Rama said.
2492. After the very wise Rama told many such words ,When Bharata started replying him , the great sage Vasishta, Did not allow Bharata who was a sea of good similar to the water ,Stored in a pit to talk and after putting in to his thought ,All the actions of kings of the clan of the sun told Rama , “Please hear.”
2493.“Lord Vishnu in the form of a boar with his famous matchless horns ,Which did not cause any sorrow to him , from the rising water at final deluge ,Lifted the lady called earth without its scar which was like that in crescent of moon.
2494. Before that , in the end of the eon , he destroyed the visibility ,Of the five great elements making all principles to merge with God,And then created a wide sea and with a unmatched and not available ,Lustrous form , he started his sleep of wisdom there.
2495. After adopting that sleep , That Vishnu having the black colour,Of the sea which like a stream gave nectar to all the devasFrom his belly pushed out a lotus flower with one hundred petals ,And from that created first Lord Brahma who is the root of everything.
2496. ”That Lord Brahma with four heads started creating the world,And your clan of kings where the first to appear from there,And among those kings none of them broke the tradition so far.I have something more to tell you, please hear.”
2497. ”Oh Lord who has a proud male elephant , The teacher ,With love taught the faultless knowledge that would help you ,In this world and in the other world and It is said ,That only he who does good to others is the greatest elder.”
2498. ”Because of that , Oh Rama , it is true that it was me,Who brought you up and taught you very many knowledge,And so without disobeying my order, reach your country and rule it.”
2499. The Rama with red eyes after looking at that sage ,Saluted him with his pretty hands closed like a lotus bud,And told , “oh wise sage who keeps his mind under control,I need to tell you something “ and started telling it.
2500. “Oh son of Brahma who sits on lotus flower giving honey ,Whether it is elders or whether it is the teacher or whether,It is one’s mother or whether it is sons who do not swerve ,From truth , once some tells “I will do it”, is it proper for him to say “No”.
2501. ”Instead of being born as that cruel and worst son,Who does not salute and totally accepts the orders,Of mothers along with joy and those words told by father,It would be better to be born as a dog , which ,Cannot differentiate between the good and bad.
2502. ” Oh great teacher , After agreeing with all my heart,To them who have ordered , by keeping it on head ,And saying to them , “I will do it” , you have now ordered me ,Please be kind enough to tell me what I should do?”
2503. After hearing that when Vasishta told , “I do not know,What else to tell” and preferred to keep silent , then Bharata ,Said, “If Rama is not going to rule the country , let whoever ,Want to rule it, rule it and I would take as my oath ,That I would go with Rama in this fog filled forest.”
2504. At that time the devas understanding it joined together,And started talking, with sorrow on the sky” If now this Bharata Takes Rama with him our work would not be completed properly “.
2505. ”The famous Rama of good behavior is one who,Wants to protect the words of his father and,He would go through this forest and till ,The fourteen years are completed , it is ,Your responsibility to protect the country.”
2506. When the devas told this way Rama said,“These words cannot be refused and I have ,Also requested you and so as per my order ,You protect this world as well as you can “And Rama then caught hold of lotus like hands of Bharata.
2507. ”If that is so lord after the fourteen years are over,If you do not come and rule that city surrounded by long moat,I would fall in burning fire and die .This is the truth,And I am taking an oath on you regarding that.”
2508. Bharata who told these words became one,Without any sorrow and Rama whose fame ,Was greater than himself after seeing his determination ,Melted due to love towards him and said,”so be it.”
2509. Bharata since there was no other way and ,Understanding that it is not possible not to be ,With Rama sobbed and becoming thin due to crying,Said, “Give me your sandals as an assurance “ and Rama,Gave him his sandals which gave all the pleasures of the world..
2510. Bharata whose gold like body was coated with dust ,With crying eye thinking that Rama’s sandals are his head,Fell on the earth saluted Rama and went back.
2511. The mothers and the numberless relatives , groups of elders ,Saints , the famous army and all others surrounded Bharata,And went and the sage Vasishta who wears the sacred thread,On his shoulders also went along with all of them.
2512. The sage Bharadwaja who had learned all the old books,Went along with them. The citizens of Ayodhya wilth,Long moat also departed and went and the ,Devas who had assembled also went to their places,As per the order of Lord Rama , Guha also went back,
2513-2514. ,Carrying the sandals of Rama on his head ,Crossing river ganges where cool waters were dashing ,Proceeding further , Bharata did not enter the city ,Of Ayodhya blessed with gardens with scented flowers,And without sleeping that night and with tear stained eyes,During day and night , established the sandals of Rama,In Nandigrama and he decided with his mind,To live there controlling his five senses and rule the country.
2515. ,Thinking that the people of the country who knew ,That he was in Chitrakoota , due to their love ,Would come again and again Rama accompanied,By his protective brother and with Sita ,Started walking towards the southern direction.
THus ends Ayodhya Kandam
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Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 5 (Padalam 13) – Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 5 (Padalam 13)
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Kamba Ramayanam: Ayodhya Kandam 5 (Padalam 13)
About Kavichakravarthy Kamban

Historians place him in the 9th century CE, But surely Kamban belongs to the third great wave of Tamizh literature that started with the Sangam period (dated before the Common Era), followed by the widespread impact of Bhakti literature of the Alwars (vaishnavite saints) & Nayanamars (shaivaite saints). Kamban Authored Ramanaya in Tamil…Known as Kamba Ramayanam..
Kambar has been the milestone for the Tamil scholars that none had reached. He was also known as “Kamba Naatazhvar” at his time. Many Tamil authors from the modern world have written the books on the poet Kamban.
Kambar or Kavichakravarthy Kamban (1180–1250) was a medieval Tamil poet and the author of the Ramavataram, popularly known as Kambaramayanam, the Tamil version of the epic Ramayana.
Valmiki Ramayana and Kamba Ramayanam are two versions of Ramayana written in the Sanskrit and Tamil languages respectively. … Kamba Ramayanam is originally called as Ramavataram. Although Valmiki Ramayana is the original version of the story of Rama, Kamba Ramayana is believed to be based on the work by Valmiki.
The Kamba Ramayanam, is a Tamil epic that was written by the Tamil poet Kambar during the 12th century. Based on Valmiki’s Ramayana (which is in Sanskrit), the story describes the life of King Rama of Ayodhya.
The book is divided into six chapters, called Kandam in Tamil. The Kandams are further divided into 123 sections called Padalam (படலம்) in Tamil. These 123 sections contain approximately 12,000 verses of the epic.