By Kambar (Kavichakravarthy Kamban)
Translated in English by P. R Ramachander
Kamba Ramayanam-Kishkinda Kandam 3 (Padalam 9)
9. Kaarkala Padalam
The chapter on rainy season.
( The rainy season is not suitable for travel and so Rama and Lakshmana stayed those months on a mountain top near Kishkinda. The poet Kamban gives a very picturesque description of the rainy season and early winter in the forest as well as the suffering of Rama due to parting with Sita. When he becomes very sad Lakshmana consoles him . The four months get over but Rama and Lakshmana do not see the army of monkeys coming there. The narration is almost similar to Valmiki Ramayana but the poetic description of Kamban is indeed matchless.)
4148. Even before Rama sent Hanuman and other valorous ones towards south ,To search for Sita, who had a form like a picture and a lustrous beauty,Sun god like a messenger sent to south by Rama ,Started from the great northern side and went towards south.
4149. The sky covered by monsoon clouds appeared like the lamp of earth,which was ,Carried by Adhi Sesha who had hood with several heads , with the water of ocean as ghee ,And the Meru mountain as the pretty wick and Sun God as its flame
4150. That sky darkened which was like the colour of the neck of Lord Shiva,Who swallowed the poison which came from the unapproachable ocean,The hot rays of the sun became cool and lost their strength ,And the clouds taking in lot of water , became black and spread everywhere.
4151. The blue sky was black like poison . was like the cool wide sea ,Was like the black eyes of ladies who had applied Kajal ,Was like their hair which was let loose ,was like the body of Cheating Asuras and their bad character.
4152. The clouds which drank with willingness with their toungue ,The water of the cool sea as if they were drinking toddy and the ,Streaks of lightning was like the red wounds of elephants with flowing rut water,Caused by the ferocious sword fight between valorous soldiers,
4153. The crowd of pregnant black clouds was like the huge blue elephants ,Which were made to stand in a row on the sky and were densely surrounding,The earth and appeared as if the water of the big black sea ,Rising up and spreading everywhere on the sky and produced lot of thundering sound.
4154. The streaks of lightning seen on the clouds were like ,The shine of the ornaments worn by Indra and other Devas,Were also like the fires that appear in the forests on the mountain top ,And were also like the laugh of the faultless directions at each other.
4155. The sky was blacker than everything and was like the black smith called directions,Using the head of coals called the black clouds using the strength hot air of their bellows,Which was the hot air circulating and the burning flame of fires was like lightning streaks.
4156. The streaks of lightning were like the blood stained sword which was taken out,Of its case by the faultless Vidhyadharas who wear gem studded crowns ,And was also like the ornamental covering of face of elephants , which were shaken,When the guardians of directions move from one place to another along with them.
4157. On the sky when the lustrous streaks of lightning occurs on all directions ,The ladies who live separated from their lords and the serpents on the earth ,Become greatly upset with their soul itself shaking and those streaks were like , The rays of Sun cut in to pieces as also like the toungues of thunder.
4158. The lightning spread its light on the sky similar to the eight serpents,Which are in the eight directions reaching the earth and are encircling ,The directions with their long toungues and the black clouds ,Which are of similar to the colour of the neck of he who has an eye in forehead,Left their long breaths leading to the hot and moist air from north.
4159. That warm Air apart from moving at the top as well as at the bottom moved ,Among mountains , trees and all other places were like prostitutes who have shifting minds ,Moving to places where they get things without bothering about,The higher or lower status of the people who give them that thing.
4160. That warm air also went and struck the sorrowful ladies separated from their lord,And hit on their already hot breasts due to worries ,making them more hotter ,Thinking it is a very supple piece of flesh and made those parts itch ,And like the ghosts which have come to swallow those fleshy parts and swept strongly.
4161. The dust making great sound and rising up , hid the entire sky ,And like the sharp weapon of sword the clouds were giving out by light by their movement, The streaks of lightning and were also producing great sound ,Which were like the sound produced by the beating of huge drums wearing garlands,And due to all this the sky was looking more like a battle field.
4162. Like the God of love hitting , Rama who was separated From Sita with a sweet smile, the clouds with densely formed lightning,Caused rain on the huge golden mountain and poured the rain drops,
4163. Those drops of rain which were falling with speed incessantly between the rocks ,Were like the arrows that were sent from bow of Indra produced on the cloud,And the sparks of red fire starting from those clouds were like ,The light of fire of the Manikhya gems which are more brighter at night.
4164. The rain dropping on those rocks was like valorous heroes ,Throwing white spears on the famous elephants of the enemy army.And due to the falling of rain which cannot be stopped , the mountains which,Were hit and were leaning to one side was like the cruel elephants in rut,Falling and rolling due to being hit by those white spears.
4165. With the cloud becoming God of love with flag of fish ,The lightning (bow of Indra) becoming his long bow of sugar cane,The dropping rain drops becoming the arrows of love god,And the long mountain slopes becoming those who were separated from their consorts ,Those raindrops were piercing the entire body with flesh.
4166. ,Like the devas shouting with joy that all our enemies are destroyed,Due to the joining of the pure hearted Rama and the monkeys ,The clouds seemed to be shouting with joy and were pouring,Raindrops on those monkeys which seemed to the rain of choice flowers on them.
4167. Like Sita who was wearing the chosen ornament of golden bangles,Being taken away by Ravana who had a pretty hand holding the bow,As well as armed with the weapon of sword . speedily through the path of the sky ,Shedding copious tears from her eyes ,it was raining during the monsoon.
4168. Those streaks of lightning which were like the arrows sent by Lord Shiva,Of divine luster in the sky during the war of the three cities ,And like the sharpened weapon of spear which hurt the minds of men,Separated from their wives and they al greatly sorrowed.
4169. Those clouds of the rainy season which rejoined with the ladies,Their lords who had gone for earning wealth and making them body without life ,By bringing their souls on the chariots which have propensity to roll,Were like Garuda who destroyed the snakes of the sorrow of parting.
4170. Those clouds which again and again thundered , which were pouring the rain ,Were coming and dashing at each other and were like big elephants ,Which trumpeted and fought with great anger and shedding copiously the water of rut .
4171. Due to the wind with great speed lashing from different directions sending,The small drops of rain which were looking like the rain of arrows on the opposite side ,They were like the directions fighting a war with the bigger directions.
4172. Like the women whose husbands had gone away from them ,For the sake of earning the desirable wealth , were waiting with bodies,Without soul were breathing at the break of rains expecting the arrival of their lords,The trees which had dried due to the absence of rains , became full of new growth,And were looking cheerful which were like their faces.
4173. During that rainy season the Padiri trees were without any flowers ,The sun was cooler , White Kanthal plants were proud at being covered with flowers,The blue lotus flowers never opened , the peacocks danced as if they got wealth ,And the koels kept silent , as if those who liked them were suffering with sorrow.
4174. Sugarcane in different colours , bees , ornaments studded with various gems ,The red kanthal flowers with red petals from which honey drips and the the big lady earth, Were looking at the prettiness of rainy season saying “Rainy season has won over summer”,And were all greatly surprised and were al like waving hands.
4175. The serpents with sword like sharp teeth , seeing the white Kanthal plants ,Which had a long stem which was similar to their own head , hugged with passion ,And did not separate from them (thinking they are snakes) and those plants also liking that embrace,Similar to the cruel serpents which had lost senses due to great passion twined with them.
4176. The Indrakopa beetles, red in colour, which had risen withoutLeaving space even for a til to be dropped were strewn everywhere,Like the several times spit betel leaf thamboola by the Lord,Who had come in that season and made love to their lover,Who had suffered by their separation and who had hair ,Which had honey as well as scented by smoke of perfumes.
4177. Like the big Jambu river which flows down and brings down the red gold From the sky touching Meru mountain on which sweet fruits of Jamun trees grow,The big streams brought down Vengai flowers and opened flowers of Kondrai(Ixora),And spread every where with one stream merging with another one.
4178. The scene of red beetles of Indrakopa which sat on the long and pretty kanthal flowers,As well as the well perfumed kondrai flowers were similar to the lady earth ,Observing the sweet singing of beetles , extending her hands high ,And giving away gold along with the coral gems.
4179. The song of the bees which was like the Kaikilai music was similar to Yaazh,The clouds having lightning , rain drops as well as the sound of thunder was sounding,Like the drums tied by leather belts , the peacocks were similar to ladies wearing bangles ,The red Kanthal flowers were like the group of lamps lit and kept on dancing stage ,And the tender flowers of Karuvilaium were like the eyes of those who see them.
4180. The sound that is produced when the male and female bees,When they are trying to dash against each other and the sound “OL”,Produced when they have dashed were similar to the clapping ,That takes place when the dancing girls dance on that mountain ,And the fully open koothala flowers were like the beats kept by ,The dancing teacher , when they are singing like nectar.
4181. The big rivers that ran through the dense forest of Karapunnai trees,Were like the milk flowing out of the mountain breasts of the lady earth,And the kondrai trees which were hanging golden new leaves with,The intention of satisfying those who beg for things , were like thew Karpaga trees.
4182. The forests with flowers being filled with dotted and singing bees , Were luxuriantly growing giving great joy to those who see them.When the male deer due to the maturity of love , just like in the pictures,Rubbed themselves on the trees and due the rubbing of the body ,Became shining and developed the musk perfume , their female deer ,Thinking that they were musk deer , avoided them.
4183. The sharp spear like eyes of the lady, when her lord goes far-far away loosing her happiness due to separation folded like the petals of blue lotus flower,And the smile of the joyful lady, seeing her lord who is like the god of love returningShowed her pearly teeth and that was like jasmine plant producing new flower buds.
4184. The mountain streams poured lots of gold , like the kings who make presents of Gold,Seeing the peacocks dancing in rainy season thinking that they are Viraliyar , the dancing girls,And like the joyful faces of ladies who thought that the clouds of the sky ,Are their guests became more happy , the lotus flowers in the ponds opened up.
4185. The honey bees which burrowed using their nose on the just opened flowers,And collected honey from them , like the lovers who had knowledge of books of love ,Were like the poets who wrote the dramatic works as per the book of Bharata ,Adding all the nine types of taste in it , making it useful.
4186. Thinking that Mareecha taking our form created very cruel sorrow to Sita ,Who by the beauty of her looks destroyed our looks , who had a thin waist andWho is like the punishing God and so we would not tell the joy we feel ,Those deer moved about without making any sound.
4187. Having gone away from the rivers for a long time and becoming faded,Due to the great love that they had in their heart , as soon as the rainy season came Swooning due to great love , the swans dug the places in all good rivers ,And took bath and started playing and were like ladies joining their husbands.
4188. The flying , pure white coloured storks lined themselves up near the big clouds,Which were stealing water from the sea , looked like the lustrous necklace of pearls ,Which decorated the pretty of Lord Vishnu who is called Neela Megha( Blue cloud)
4189. The crowd of flying cranes which were flying in a long dense row in the sky near,The clouds of the rainy season were similar to the upper cloth of Lord Vishnu,Who was the consort of Goddess Lakshmi and who is considered as divine by Vedas.
4190. Since the cruel summer with a harsh job which used to make the fresh grass dry ,Had gone away and to the good natured rainy season which had matchless greatness ,Had arrived as the king , The lady earth due to the great happiness ,Which arose in her mind , had all the hairs in her body standing erect.
4191. All the wise ones like Lord Brahma who sat on the lotus flower, Which are desired by the bees, had spread all over the forest ,Peacocks which looked like eyes so that they can search and ,Find out Sita , the daughter of Janaka who had eyes of a deer,So that the sorrow of the leader of wisdom is removed.
4192. Like the feet of ladies on which the juice of red cotton has been applied ,Which was capable of turning in to red colour , the black hair of their lord ,Who holds dark red spear and a very strong bow , by the light of their red feet ,The lotus flowers were found and the flowering climbers were ,Like the waist of those ladies which were like vanchi climber .
4193. When Rama told the koels “Since you are having the lisping voice of Sita ,Please search Sita who has separated from me and give her to me”,And then those Koels went on roaming and searching for her at all places ,By shouting in loud voice and due to that they lost their voice in rainy season.
4194. When due to the heavy rain that fell on that large earth , grass grew on it ,The cows ate them more than they want that the grass came out in their mouth, And the mushrooms which had flowered here and there were like solid curds,And the flowers of the Bidavam plant were like the foam on the milk pot ,Of the milk maids who were having honeyed words and bud like breasts.
4195. The made up hairs of Kurathi(gypsy) ladies of the mountainous region Were having the scent of Vangai flowers , the hair of fisher women of the seashore ,Which was divided in to five parts were attracted by the bees which came speedily And had the scent of Karapunnai flowers, and the hair of cultivator ladies from agricultural land ,Spread the scent of Chenkazhuneer flowers and the hair of ladies of forest ,Was having the scent of freshly opened jasmine flowers.
4196. Rama who was not able to see the pretty face of Sita who had a hip like ,The chariot board , looking at that rainy season which helped the god of love ,By giving thousands of flower arrows , was unable to find out the other bank ,Of the cruel ocean of sorrow , lost his good wisdom and seeing whom,Would he be able to reduce his sorrow and continue to live.
4197. ”If the big rainy season which has limitless greatness arrived ,People would loose the strength of mind “ is applicable even,To the sages who do penance and so if we say that Rama who got pleasure,By hugging the bamboo like shoulders Sita , who speaks sweeter than,Honey as well as nectar , would be sad, would that sorrow be a slight one.
4198. That Rama who was similar to Kaavi flower ,blue lotus flower,Neithal flower and Kaayaa flower by the colour of his body ,Became tired due to wailing and and became so spent up that ,It became a doubt whether he had any soul left in his body ,And Started telling it to the swan with tender wings due to his great love.
4199. Oh black cloud , OH Sita who ties her pretty breasts with cloth ,Since I do not know the place of living of Asuras who have kidnapped you,I am roaming carrying my soul. You have only mercy with you and in spite of that,Do you not have mercy with me , Would you trouble my soul?
4200. ”Oh Cloud , who has hard teeth which are the long lightning ,You are seen black in colour in all sides of the sky and so,You are also similar to those Asuras with cruel acts ,Would you not go away unless you take away my soul.?”
4201. ”Oh peacock Would you not search and bring that Sita who has eyes,Which are like spear and who has voice which is sweet like the nectar,Which came out of ocean of milk and the voice of the koel,Oh cruel one , You know the depression of my soul as I am alone and not having sleep,And in spite of that would you show your strength and trouble me?
4202. ”Oh creeper , you who move due to the hot air which blows in rainy season,Please get strength to enter my soul and when I am depressed you look exuberant ,Are you showing me the thin waist of Sita who wears brooch on her forehead,And weaken my soul, please tell.”
4203. ,”oh deer , I do not desire even desirable things , I would never ,Deviate from truth but since the wisdom to understand is not with me ,I am one who has done the mistake. Along with Sita my soul also has gone,Would you not tell me , where she is?”
4204. ”Oh my soul Would you also go away from me along with Sita,Who has a soft feet wearing an ornament called Patakam and who is faultless ?And if it is so , you would have gone with her , did you come to any harm?Do you not know the strength of the relationship between me and Sita?”
4205. “Oh cruel Kondrai tree , you were defeated by the hair of Sita ,And due to that have you become strongly inimical with her as well as me ?Are you not able to bring her to me , why are you not answering me.Did you have good relation with me at any time?”
4206. The baby of the cruel snake which had sharp and lustrous teeth,Similar to the buds of Kura tree were like the tender buds of jasmine flower,That would kill me with terrible poison and help me to make grow ,The sorrow that cannot be tolerated and keeps on fighting without stop,When one side there is Ravana ‘s Kopa(anger) , why is it that ,Indra kopa beetles have started causing me further sorrow?
4207. Mareecha after thinking about the ways to kidnap Sita , who has a forehead ,Wearing a golden plate with deceit and took the form of the golden deer.And now Yama has taken the form of hot dry air to cause trouble to me.It appears that all those who want to trouble me can take any form they want ?
4208. Oh Cloud who shouts loudly in the sky like the asuras of cruel deeds,So that every one gets scared , with you produce streaks of lightning , showing her to me, But have you ever taken mercy on me and said,“I would give her back to you ?”But instead you are showing the form of a lady who has forgotten the lotus ,Again and again and you are hiding and hiding her.”
4209. ”Oh God of love , with the heat generated by parting burning my soul ,I am greatly sorrowing and so now shooting your flower arrows , so that,My mind further gets wounded is an useless job, so go away from me.If my younger brother who is very knowledgeable sees you,Possibly you would not be able to face him.”
4210. ”The cruel bow and arrows of valorous people are not suitable against ,Those who are scared in the battle , possibly they want to aim at them ,Who do not bother about their strength , Oh god of love who does not leave me,Day and night , you have moved away from your good qualities as you have ,Sent your arrows at poor ones , thinking it would be effective , Is it a commendable act?”
4211. , Looking at Rama who is similar only to himself who was repeating,Such words again and again and who had become weak and greatly sorrowing,His brother who also has lost his strength slightly , saluting Rama ,With hands held over his head to console him told ,“Oh great one , how have you estimated yourself “ and started telling.
4212. “Oh valorous one who has learnt great books and also earned knowledge ,Through experience , Oh Lord who adopted the life of penance ,The rainy season is long,The rain also has come , Is it the cause of your worry? Or is your sorrow ,Due to thinking about the black bodied Asuras and feeling that it is difficult to win over them,Or is it due to the the thought the army of Vali has not come to search of Sita,What is the reason for your great depression?”
4213. “Even if Vedas fail and if moon changes its place and even if the sky ,And the earth surrounded by the deep sea change in their state .Would the change back to your normal great state ever happen?The greatness of the strength of the army of the ignorant Rakshasas,Who have crescent like teeth would not stand for a minute , when,The cruel bow of your eye brows , which are under your control shake a little .”
4214. “Oh very wise lord , we know the wisdom of the monkey called Hanuman,But we have not been able to judge about the ability of the seventy Vellam army,So far and also the rainy season which is like cruel fate and gives great sorrowHas got over with great speed and now your sita with bow like eye brows,Would come back very easily to you and so completely remove this great sorrow of yours.”
4215. ,”Oh chief , when the sages who knew Vedas came and surrendered to you,You promised to them, “I would gain victory over the asuras along with their future clans,AS they are troubling you and remove all your sorrows” and due to good fate ,That problem of theirs has got over and now we would destroy the asuras,In the place that they live and recover the heaven which is the place of devas,And without doing that is it proper for you to get depressed.”
4216. ”Oh lord who is like my father , can the victory that you gain by killing of the enemiesWould only become available to you and not to others like those Asuras,And so giving a chance to sorrow to the mind is not a sign of valour ,And is it not a property of ignorance? Getting bad results to acts ,Undertaken is normal and it is not a great thing to you?Now itself if you take effort, there is nothing that is impossible to you.So please do not become sorry,” Lakshmana said,.
4217. That elder one got rid of the pain to his soul due to these wordsAnd due to the words of consolation , his mind became clear ,Got rid of his sorrow and like that after the elapse of a long period ,The rainy season which was like a great disease due to bad fate got over , And the winter came immediately afterwards.
4218. The big tanks got filled with water , the waves started forming one over the other,The black koel stopped cooing , the big mountains became very cool,,The big directions were covered with black clouds, those who were ,Separated from their partners became more sad and the Magandril ,As well as Andril birds stood hugging their life like partners.
4219. The hot air after caressing the cloth worn on the hips of Ladies,Who were wearing golden ornaments as well the swing tied by chains ,Blew on those who were in love with them and made them feel,AS if a raging fire fell on their wounds and also like a sharp.Faultless arrow , it created very great heat.
4220. The oceans were filled with water , the hot rays of the sun lost their ,Property of burning and except by the use of the time machine,Which showed time by the flow of water , it became impossible,To know when the morning got over and when the evening got over.
4221. Due to getting failed by the sweetness of the baby talk ,Of the peacock like ladies , the pretty parrots hid themselves ,IN the heap of paddy awns making paddy get unloosened.The pearls that got defeated by the pearl like teeth of those ladies,Hid themselves in the broad tides of the ocean and in front of ,The house s of people near the beech Punnai trees which had,Flowering branches appeared as if they have opened a golden cloth bundle.
4222. Like the saints who do not swerve from their penance in the black and dark night,As well as in the day time who always think about Dharma andWho have removed all attachments and were like the hills that did not even move When heavy rainfall with hail stones fell on them , tall elephants .Without sleep were standing without any movement on sides of mountains.
4223. , The Swans which were shivering due to cold warmed themselves ,By going near fire places of sages where they burn Akil at dawn, noon and dusk,And which had a roof made by leaves of sandal wood tree , the female monkeys ,Slept in caves and huge male monkeys were immobile like,Those who practice Yoga had controlled their five sense organs.
4224. , Due to heavy rain falling always , the faultless mountain springs and ,The clean mountain streams did not get the scent of the hair ,Of ladies who had decorated themselves with chosen ornaments,And the swings installed on gem studded strong pillars,Due to nobody to swing on them were not throwing light ,From lustrous gems on to the sky.”
4225. In the middle of black coloured thazhai plants with cool branches ,The Thaazhai flowers which induce love , which attracts all people who see them,Surrounding like relations , the female cranes , closing their great wings Without moving to any where, were like the lady separated from her lord.
4226. With the noise of the birds similar to the sound from cloud,And with the music hummed by several type of bees becoming songs,The peacocks became like female dancers dancing with several beats ,And the crowd of deer scared due to the thunder of clouds ,Took shelter under the shades of trees under which peacocks live.
4227. The young ladies who had waists which defeated the thin flowering branches ,And men climbed on cots where the smoke from Akil was hiding the lights ,The bees which were suffering due to cold , leaving the lotus bed with petals,Went and lived in the cavity of sandal wood tree and slept there.
4228. While the pretty swans leaving their homes of lotus flowers went and lived,In gardens with rows of big trees , along in the attic of huts where scented planks ,Of cut trees are stored , along with hunter girls with white teeth ,Their very dear husbands slept comfortably.
4229. The sheep herds along with the sheep calves that needed protection ,Were living below tall trees with small leaves surrounded by creepers on all sides,The big ghosts which were living in hiding like robbers becoming affected by cold,Were living with great hunger eating their own teeth which were like thorns.
4230. Due to arrow like rain drops falling on them from the clouds ,Which were high up in the sky, the very strong elephants ,Which did not have strength of mind becoming affected by rain,Not being able to live for very many days as crowd in hilly places with Large bee hives entered the caves so that rain water would not fall on them.
4231. In this type of rainy season when darkness came , the wise Rama ,With the feelings towards Sita who had gem like eye balls , who had sweet smile ,And the sight like a deer , breathed with effort and left out hot air,And looking at Lakshmana started telling a few things.
4232. “That Rakshasa Ravana who is black like a cloud , and teeth like lightning,Played deception and that Sita with great breasts became a victim of that deception,Became sad due to sorrow , became jaded and would lose her soul.And to me also living with that sorrow has become very difficult , What is this nature?”
4233. ”With blood coated arrows capable of going through the chest of enemies ,Sleeping in my quiver , Should I with strong arms and very strong shoulders ,Suffer this type of great sorrow? This which has happened to me ,Is like the spear having gone inside my chest but still I am not dead.”
4234. ”The flocks of sparrows in the pretty light produced by the fire flies ,Are sleeping with their sweet darling female sparrows and due to,My heart being broken by the selected flower arrows of God of love I am living with unbearable pain without Sita in this forest.”
4235. ”Like the serpent with poisonous teeth becoming sad when the clouds produce,Lightning and when they produce thunder , I am now sorrowing with this mind.The people of heaven would laugh at me looking at the job done by me,The people of earth also would laugh , What other disrespect should come to me?”
4236”. I who am living in sorrow cannot forget Sita and continue to live,If the rain of the winter season is going to trouble me like this,It is definite that I would attain the heaven and I would avenge ,This bad name by taking another birth and fighting war with him,Or I would take Sanyasa and leave the world so that bad name does not follow me.”
4237. ”Oh valorous one , if we live here and want to search for the place ,Where the Rakshasas live we would spend very large number of days ,And so I think this job is not desirable and instead , if it is told,That Rama died due disease of parting with Sita, it will give me great respect.”
4238. “I who have enjoyed drinking the nectar out of the flower like mouth ,Which is red in colour of Sita who has arrow like long eyes and ,Who wears well chosen pretty ornaments feel that these rain drops ,Which are like the cooper melted over fire poured on me andAre burning my entire body. Is it proper that my body is burnt and destroyed?”
4239. ” I who have told Janaka before the sacrificial fire ,In which ghee was being poured saying ‘She is now under your protection “,Which is a lie , am an one who does not have good fate and truth ,Would not stay with me and so it is better that I die.”
4240. “Because you are there to console me ,I can calm down my mind ,And tolerate my suffering , but Sita who is wearing chosen bangles ,Cannot appear here now and there is no one to console her of her sorrow,And is there any limit for the sorrow that she can bear.”
4241. The arrows that I sent with my bow would burn Sathyaloka of Brahma,Would destroy devas and other ancient people and ,Would also destroy the people of this world .Is it that I have to destroy all these things to see Sita again?”
4242. ”Oh Lakshmana who has a bow which raises thunder like sound from string,I am sorrowing without destroying them due to the fear that I have for Dharma,Even if my enemies come before me along with Devas , they would not escape.” Rama said.
4243. Then the younger Lakshmana told as follows, “Oh Lord who has ,The scepter to rule , There is no more days left in the time we set to Sugreeva ,The winter also has come to an end and the time to search for the thief,Who took away Sita has come and so why are you getting worried?”
4244. ” Though the big milk ocean with great tides could have given the nectar,As soon as Lord Vishnu with red eyes asked it to give , but not desiring to order,And easily getting it , he got the nectar by using instruments ,Like Mandara mountain and churning it with,His lotus like hands . making sound with his anklets and shoulder bangles.”
4245. ”Though that Lord Vishnu as he thinks could have created the world ,And easily eat them all by putting in to his mouth , he won over cruel people ,By holding several rare weapons and using several tricks of the war.”
4246. “Oh great lord , Lord Shiva who has eyes in his forehead and is armed with .Axe for the sake of destroying the three cities, even at the time ,When he became angry , the consultations that held ,And various weapons like chariot that he collected, Can this be known by anyone.”
4247. After making all people who can be useful as our helps ,After thinking carefully those aspects that need to be thought about,Several times and attaining clarity , after reaching the place of action,On the day chosen , Victory is something that will never go out of our hands.
4248. ”Those asuras who are not following the path of Dharma have ability ,And firmly think that” The path of sin is best to us “ and if what they are thinking is wrong,And there is great power in the path of dharma , who will get fame and victory?”
4249. ”The time removing sorrow of Sita who wears golden Thodi ,Has come only slowly and so avoid sorrow as of now ,Would we who have come to help the sages ,Become prey to the Asuras, Oh Lord who is great in archery please tell” asked Lakshmana,
4250. Rama who realized that all that Lakshmana were true and firm,And who was capable of winning even the time at deluge , thought ,“Is there an end to this rainy season?” and due to this thought ,Again became greatly sad and at that time that winter ,Completed its time and slowly started losing its strength.
4251. Then that summer which did not have any defects started its big job ,And then the clouds became white like men who gave all that they have ,To several people with very many wants and when all their ,Wealth were exhausted were not able to able to ,Those who needed it and begged for it and became sad.
4252. After understanding that the wealth makes us see sinful deeds as blessed,And makes us do devilish deeds and due to real wisdom got by great thought ,Which is attained and is matchless, the effect of faultless illusion vanishes,And similarly the great darkness that existed in rainy season vanished.
4253. Like the drums became silent as soon as the war on enemies ceased,The rumblings of the cloud which had taken sea water ceased and like ,The long arrows which are meant to destroy the enemies not being used,The raindrops vanished as if they were put in the sword case.
4254. The big mountains which used to prevent water from flowing ,Now got rid of the water and had only streams flowing through them,And were like people with upper cloth and sacred threads ,But looked like not wearing the white Dhothi , with water not flowing around them.
4255. Due to black clouds going away from the top of the mountains ,The rivers in the top of those mountains did not have water flow,And so, they lost their importance , having lost the wealth,That cannot be destroyed and looked like wealth of one who does not follow Dharma.
4256. Due to black clouds which were like male elephants with rut water,Flowing over their cheeks and head , having gone away from the sky ,The moon which was hid by those clouds became shiningly clear,Like the face of the dancing girls , when the screen before them was removed.
4257. The sandal paste along with musk and saffron which was applied on the ,Big desirable breasts of ladies who were wearing ornaments made of gold,Became dried due to northern hot wind which came along with pollen from flowers.
4258. The early winter which had capacity to remove the sorrow of the first son,Of the king had arrived and so swans started flying in all directions,And it looked like they had started their journey in search of Sita.
4259. Due to the going away of big rainy season with clouds,The peacocks closed their wings and were looking sad ,And with the confusion in mind and thoughts of earlier days ,Were scared like the swan like Sita born in the Mithila country.
4260. The fishes engaged in playing in the clear water , which was like ,The mind of sages of great penance , who have removed deceit completely ,Were like the movement of the eyes with Kajal ,Of the ladies who had very soft feet and was red like juice of red cotton.
4261. The well grown lotus flowers which opened in every node,Was like the turned up face of the ladies with love tiff, and the pretty ,Chengidai flower buds with perfume were like the red cheeks,Of the ladies who were enjoying their time with their lord ,
4262. The several types of frogs like the very tumultuous students ,Of teachers who impart knowledge , which do not make sound ,In places where it is not recognized preferred to keep quite.
4263. The rivers carrying their dress of flowers by their hands of tide , Were running , and the pearls yielded by the clams lying on beach,Made them appear to be running with laughter towards ocean, their strong husband.
4264. Like the ladies who were separated from their lords ,Who had gone to other countries to learn from great teachers ,Who were suffering due to love , the bunches of betel nut trees,Slowly lost their green colour and were getting to the desirable gold colour.
4265. The beasts like the crocodiles which were in the cold water ,For a long time , left the water spots that they were living,Climbed on to the shore and were exposing themselves to sun light ,And were folding their mouth and sleeping on various spots.
4266. The Vanchi creepers , with lisping birds sitting on them ,Which were like ladies who talk long baby talks ,With bees having pretty wings on them similar to hair of ladies ,With plenty of newly grown leaves which were like the ear ornaments of ladies,And with their middle shaking prettily , shined like ladies.
4267. All the oysters with bent back , due to the fact that the pearls that they produced ,Were defeated by the pearl like teeth of ladies were shy to see ,The deer like ladies when they come out hid themselves in the slushy mud,Appearing as if they hid themselves due to their great culture.
4268. Due to rainfall the lotus flowers growing near agricultural lands,Grew luxuriantly and the male crabs which were living below their leaves,Along with the female crops that they desire, like misers,Slowly entered their holes and sealed entrance ,With mud and were living there and condensed themselves.
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Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 3 (Padalam 9) – Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 3(Padalam 9)
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Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 3 (Padalam 9)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 3 (Padalam 10)
About Kavichakravarthy Kamban

Historians place him in the 9th century CE, But surely Kamban belongs to the third great wave of Tamizh literature that started with the Sangam period (dated before the Common Era), followed by the widespread impact of Bhakti literature of the Alwars (vaishnavite saints) & Nayanamars (shaivaite saints). Kamban Authored Ramanaya in Tamil…Known as Kamba Ramayanam..
Kambar has been the milestone for the Tamil scholars that none had reached. He was also known as “Kamba Naatazhvar” at his time. Many Tamil authors from the modern world have written the books on the poet Kamban.
Kambar or Kavichakravarthy Kamban (1180–1250) was a medieval Tamil poet and the author of the Ramavataram, popularly known as Kambaramayanam, the Tamil version of the epic Ramayana.
Valmiki Ramayana and Kamba Ramayanam are two versions of Ramayana written in the Sanskrit and Tamil languages respectively. … Kamba Ramayanam is originally called as Ramavataram. Although Valmiki Ramayana is the original version of the story of Rama, Kamba Ramayana is believed to be based on the work by Valmiki.
The Kamba Ramayanam, is a Tamil epic that was written by the Tamil poet Kambar during the 12th century. Based on Valmiki’s Ramayana (which is in Sanskrit), the story describes the life of King Rama of Ayodhya.
The book is divided into six chapters, called Kandam in Tamil. The Kandams are further divided into 123 sections called Padalam (படலம்) in Tamil. These 123 sections contain approximately 12,000 verses of the epic.