By Kambar (Kavichakravarthy Kamban)
Translated in English by P. R Ramachander
Kamba Ramayanam-Yudha Kandam 4 (Padalam 13)
13. Angadhan Dhoothu Padalam
Chapter on emissaryship of Angadha.
6974. That very charitable Rama along with seventy Vellam of monkey army of estimated valour,Reached there speedily and was waiting for the thief Ravana to come ,Beseigiing the northern gate and not being able to see the coming of Ravana,He looked at Vibheeshana and said “Only now I remembered about a praise worthy act.”
6975. That Rama in whom the mercy of all the world stands looked at Vibheeshana ,And said, “From here we would send an emissary speedily to Ravana ,And ask him , whether ene now he is willing to release Lady Sita ,And if he says “no” , we will think that destroying him is our duty .This is what my mind suggests and it is Dharma as well as Justice .”
6976. Vibheeshana who has been crowned as the king of Rakshasas after hearing that,Said that it is a good idea and Sugreeva the God of the monkeys stood up ,And said that it was suitable for kings but the younger brother Lakshmana ,Angrily said, “Showing mercy to that Rakshasa is a mistake and we have only to talk ,With him using our arrows and there is no need to talk with him using words.”
6977. That Ravana cheated us and kept Sita , who is the lamp of chastity in prison,He has done wordless crimes against the Devas, he has created several problems tio the Brahmins,He killed beings with soul and ate them , he is ruling all the worlds ,Up to the end of directions, He has stolen the wealth of Indra ‘s kingdom ,And altogether he has the Dharma of doing undharmic acts .
6978. ’Oh Lord who lives a destruction less life at all times , He did innumerable ,Tricks , abducted Sita , your consort from you and made you drown in great sorrow He also destroyed the life of your father Jatayu who took mercy on sita ,And fought with him all alone , who had life span up to deluge.”
6979. “Oh famous leader , If Ravana releases Sita you would give ,The alms of his soul to such a Ravana. What will happen to the word,That you gave to Vibheeshana that as long as my name exists ,You would be the king of Lanka, who surrendered to you.,What would happen to the word on oath given by you to the sages?”
6980. With your wisdom and nature of mercy that explains Dharma ,You have completely forgotten the words you have given to the sages,As well as Vibheeshana as also all the ills Ravana have done to you.After seeing this beautiful city of Lanka and its wealth,With mercy you have decided that it is not proper for you to destroy it.”
6981. Rama with a view to impress the mind of Lakshmana replied,“I did not forget the evils done by Ravana nor forgotten the words that I gave to,Sages and Vibheeshana. What is going to take place is indeed war.Should we not praise and preserve, the rules of justice in ruling,AS given by great teachers ,Is it proper to go against them?Even though one has got great strength of shoulders , it is only proper for them,To be patient and that only would lead the victory .That is what is told books on political justice also “
6982”. If Hanuman who has gone earlier goes now also they would think that,We do not have any one else to be sent as emissary .Who else is now a proper one to go?”After thinking like this Rama decided the most suitable one is Angadha and ,Even if the enemies show their valour at him , he would be able to come back safely.
6983. Others agreed to this proposal by saying “good” and Rama called Angadha and told him,“Oh Angadha of good characteristics, go and meet the enemy and tell them ,The two messages that I am telling you and after knowing their choice ,Return back,. “ and what can we say about joy Angadha who was entrusted the job by Rama ,And who had all the qualities needed for doing it , who had pretty,Shoulders which were taller than the mountains.
6984. Angadha asked “What are those message which I have to convey to Ravana?”Rama told, “ask him to decide whether releasing Sita who wears great ornaments,And saving his life is good or whether he would like get all his ten heads ,Broken in to pieces and lie on the battle ground . Tell this to him and ask him to choose one of them.”
6985. Rama further told , “Safely hiding inside the fort is not proper Dharma ,It does look good on a valorous hero. It is also not a courageous act ,It cannot be termed as valorous , If they have strength to come face to face ,Battling with arrows and getting exposed to our arrow hitting them , ask them to come out.”
6986. Angadha attained heavenly joy thinking “If Hanuman is not there I am the substituteAnd I got Rama ‘s certificate about it , Now who can be comparable to me “,Saluted Rama by falling on the earth jumped like a lion through the sky ,And speedily went like the arrow of Rama from his Kodanda bow, towards Ravana.
6987. ,Angadha who was an emissary who never went against the words of Rama ,Who gave up his sleep on the ocean of milk and had come to Ayodhya ,To cross the ocean of sins called Asuras who by their spear and heat of their look,Crossed the walls of Lanka which were taller than the Meru mountain,Which even the Sun God would find difficult to cross ,Reached Lanka and went to the home of Ravana.
6988. The Rakshasas who saw Angadha were scared thinking that he was Hanuman,Started crying , saluted him and begged him not to harm them and then Angadha ,Saw who was hearing and examining the petitions of valorous people of different departments ,With his twenty ears on his ten faces and also inspecting the army that was going to the war.
6989. ”Since there are stones as well as trees to fill up the sea and so,WE crossed this small ocean” is the adage that is proper to us but ,Is there anything in this world born to kill this great one?If he comes to the battle field holding lustrous weapons who can oppose him?Only possibility is the bow in the hand of Rama” thinking like this ,And appreciating his prowess Angadha stood there surprised.
6990. “After seeing this Ravana with clarity I feel that Rama who in a war .Won over my father , who has won of this Ravana , by putting an arrow on his chest ,Has come to kill this Ravana . These things can only be thought of.Then we see a possibility of Rama killing him , Others cannot do anything against him”
6991. ”If he completely leaves out his passion on the Lady Sita who is pretty,Even without any ornaments , then in this earth who would be able to kill him?Like the Garuda who snatched the gem of the open mouthed serpent ,My father has snatched the gems of his crown and he is stronger than all” Thought Angadha.
6992. Angadha the emissary sent by Rama who is the store house of good characters,After thinking like this went and stood very near to the lion like Ravana who appeared to be ,A mixture of broad sea , cruel fire , poison and God of death and then after fixing hands and legs ,And then put a very lustrous crown on its head and which was sitting emitting light .
6993. Ravana seeing Angadha who was standing near him with fire sparks coming out of his eyes,Looked at him and asked “who are you , who is standing before me? , For what purpose ,Have you come? Before the servants kill and eat you , please answer me in a clear manner”And Angadha , the son of Vali with very great prowess ,Smiled showing his white teeth.
6994. ”The Lord of all five elements and who is the Lord of earth surrounded by water ,Who is Lord of Sita who sits on the lotus , who is the Lord of other Gods also,Who is the Lord of Vedas that you recite ,and who is the Lord of all that is going to happen to you,Has sent me as his emissary and I have come here to tell you the message that he has sent.”
6995. ”Is your Lord the Lord Shiva? Or is he Lord Vishnu or otherwise is he Lord Brahma ?Having collected all monkeys , after building a bund in a small pond like sea ,Does he consider that he has done a valorous deed and does he feel that I would take mercy on him?Has he sent you to find out about that ? Is he really a man as he has sent a monkey as emissary?,Is he really the lord of the world ?” saying this that Ravana laughed loudly.
6996. “ Lord Shiva who wears the crescent and river Ganges on his matted head ,And Lord Vishnu who holds divine wheel and conch in his hands ,Would not dare to enter this city of Lanka . When things are like that ,Just for a man , you have entered the city without any fear ,And as an emissary and tell such words .Who are you “ Said Ravana.
6997. ”I am the son Of Vali who is the son of Indra who tied a person called Ravana,By his tail along with his pretty shoulders and went on jumping from ,One mountain where elephants live to another mountain as well as ,Churned the milky ocean using the Mandhara mountain so that devas can joyfully eat.”
6998. ”Is not your father my friend as there is a strong witness to this.,And your coming as an emissary to that Rama is some thing ,For which there is no inferior act . Oh my dear son , I am giving ,You the Lordship of the monkeys immediately By your coming to me without delay you have done a great act .” said Ravana.
6999. Ravana who has already near to his ending days looked at Angadha and said,“Rama killed your father and you are walking behind him and saluting him, With two hands held above your bent head , making others call you as an ignorant one ,Now if you come to me your bad name would go away and I would get the lady Sita ,Then I would consider you as my son and what other great things I need to get?”
7000. ”There is no doubt about the fact that those men would die in a day or two,I have given your kingship to you today itself and you please rule,Till the end of this eon ,sitting on the golden throne carried by lions ,So that the devas would praise as well as salute you , I would crown,You as the king of all monkeys by my own hands.”
7001. Angadha hearing those words of Ravana , clapped both his pretty hands ,And laughed loudly making his chest and shoulders shake , “did not your younger brother ,Go away from you and join us thinking that this is the end days of all the people of Lanka.
7002. ”If you tell all type of nonsense which comes to your mouth ,And try to make me join with you , how can an emissary become a king?Has it ever happened? Would I become king of monkeys when you offer it to me?And if we think of another comparison , it would be like a lion,Accepting a kingdom, when a dog gives it to him.”
7003. Ravana got up with a resolution, “I am going to kill him” And then thought “Would I touch my sword to kill a insignificant monkey,Told, “ Oh emissary who has come here representing those ,Whose last days have been determined by the invisible god of death,,If you have decided that you would also die with them , tell the purpose of your visit.”
7004. Angadha told , “Rama who is still merciful towards you , called me today ,And said, “you go and tell the sinner who is going to get the entire Asura clan killed,Who is hiding inside the fort scared of the war and tell ”Please release ,Lady Sita immediately and if you do not want to do it oppose me in the battle field and die”””
7005. He further said , “That Ravana who did not come when I killed his grand mother,And made her the food for hawks , who did not come when I killed ,His sweet uncle Subahu , who did not come when we were living in the forest ,And cut off th two ears, nose and breasts of a lady who came there ,Would he have maleness left him in him to come and fight with us here?’
7006. ”Even after knowing that his brothers along with his relatives ,Who were helping him to kill all the beings who cannot be destroyed ,Were uprooted and killed by me and who made my brother separate from me ,By deceit and abducted my lady, where is the chance of that Ravana ,With bent teeth coming and facing me in a cruel war?”
7007. ”When Hanuman after meeting lady Sita , killed all soldiers ,Who opposed him then .rubbed his own son in to a paste on the earth,And burnt his great city of Lanka and crossed the sea and ,Came back , this Ravana did not come and how can he come now?”
7008. ”When his brother Vibheeshana got the kingship which makes the need for him saluting ,Others unnecessary , When Varuna came and saluted me unable to face my arrow,When a bund was constructed to bridge the ocean , when I spared the life ,Of the spies born in Rakshasa clan and removed evil from their hearts ,He did not come and where is the suspicion that he would come now?”
7009. ”When all the Devas who imprisoned him were seeing , in front ,Of the deva maidens who were like the pretty lotus flower over ,His mountain like shoulders , yesterday when the gems of his crown,Were snatched away by Sugreeva who was like a tiger with stripes,He did not come to fight and where is the chance of his coming outside?’
7010. He wanted me tell all these words to you and wanted to know ,Your opinion and my Lord Ordered me to tell all these which are ,Suitable to you, and requested you to think about them and chose ,The alternative that you like and tell me boldly ,Think properly about releasing Sita with dense hair on her head from prison ,And saluting Rama or otherwise along with your relatives,Come to embrace your death by coming along with me to outside the gate.
7011. “ You have waged war and made fall beings born in water ,Those born in encircling fire , those born in this wide earth ,And also those who were born in the sky and are now hiding in your town,And if you happen to die there, it would bring a very bad name to you,”Said Angadha in such way that it greatly wounded the mind of Ravana.
7012. AS soon as Ravana heard these words from Angadha , became ,So angry that he looked like one who will swallow all beings,And he ordered four people to catch Angadha with speed ,And dash him against the long , wide earth.
7013. When those four people came to catch him, Angadha ,Caught hold of them and jumped up in the sky , made them hang ,In the atmosphere, plucked their heads and shouted loudly ,Threw their head so that it fell on the entrance of the palace ,Kicked them and told the following to the soldiers there.
7014. ”The arrows of Rama which spit smoke and are like,The hot lightning which will burn would fall on you,And so you who are all weak , go and hide in safe places”
Saying like this Angadha returned back to Rama.
7015. Becoming of the colour of red sandalwood due to the,Blood that he has shed, rose in the sky creating huge sound ,And as if he descended from the moon to earth ,Descended and saluted the divine feet of Rama.
7016. When Angadha reached there , the valorous hero Rama ,Asked Angadha to tell him about all the intentions of Ravana ,And then Angadha told him, “What is the point to tell them,In detail , That cruel ignorant one would not get his desires,Fulfilled unless all his ten heads are cut and roll on earth.
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About Kavichakravarthy Kamban

Historians place him in the 9th century CE, But surely Kamban belongs to the third great wave of Tamizh literature that started with the Sangam period (dated before the Common Era), followed by the widespread impact of Bhakti literature of the Alwars (vaishnavite saints) & Nayanamars (shaivaite saints). Kamban Authored Ramanaya in Tamil…Known as Kamba Ramayanam..
Kambar has been the milestone for the Tamil scholars that none had reached. He was also known as “Kamba Naatazhvar” at his time. Many Tamil authors from the modern world have written the books on the poet Kamban.
Kambar or Kavichakravarthy Kamban (1180–1250) was a medieval Tamil poet and the author of the Ramavataram, popularly known as Kambaramayanam, the Tamil version of the epic Ramayana.
Valmiki Ramayana and Kamba Ramayanam are two versions of Ramayana written in the Sanskrit and Tamil languages respectively. … Kamba Ramayanam is originally called as Ramavataram. Although Valmiki Ramayana is the original version of the story of Rama, Kamba Ramayana is believed to be based on the work by Valmiki.
The Kamba Ramayanam, is a Tamil epic that was written by the Tamil poet Kambar during the 12th century. Based on Valmiki’s Ramayana (which is in Sanskrit), the story describes the life of King Rama of Ayodhya.
The book is divided into six chapters, called Kandam in Tamil. The Kandams are further divided into 123 sections called Padalam (படலம்) in Tamil. These 123 sections contain approximately 12,000 verses of the epic.