By Kambar (Kavichakravarthy Kamban)
Translated in English by P. R Ramachander
Kamba Ramayanam-Yudha Kandam 7 (Padalam 18)
18. Naga Pasa Padalam
(Chapter on tying by serpents)
(When Ravana becomes miserable Indrajit comes to the war to console his father.A huge war ensues. After it becomes dark, Indrajit hides himself in the clouds and hits Lakshmana and others using Naga Pasa . Rama becomes miserable .Lord Garuda comes there. All people wake up. There is a story that before Kamban presented first time his work, the scholars wanted him to get a certificate from the three thousand Brahmins of Chidambara, When the Brahmins refuse to give such a certificate , one of their children is bit by snake and dies.Poet Kamban reads this Nage Pasa Padalam and the boy wakes up.The certificate is given by Brahmins,)
8002. The Rakshasis who had eyes like the killer swords joined together ,Let off their hair to hang, Hugging together and sitting in a crowd ,Beating their chests and were crying , and getting a doubt ,Why all this was happening and Indrajit who was likeThe matchless thunder of clouds got up and came.
8003. ”Ravana who had won over all the prople in all the eight directions,Must have got defeated like yesterday and must have lost his greatness,Or otherwise he must have died in the battle field or that Hanuman,Who burnt this city , must have joined this city with the ocean,.Possibly one of this must be the reason for the Rakshasa ladies to wail” Thought Indrajit.
8004. Indrajit asked “What has happened here?” and all people were scared ,And were not able to tell the answer and also forgot what to tell as answer.Then Indrajit got in to a chariot drawn by lions which does not need a driver,And within a second and went and saw his father who had shown him rare feats.
8005. Indrajit looked at Ravana , with a slightly less sorrowful mind ,Saluted him by folding his hands and asked him the reason ,For the sorrow there and Ravana seeing Indrajit replied,“Oh valorous one, your younger brothers has been taken away by God of death Kumbha, Nikumbha also died along with Athikaya also reached the heaven”, he said.
8006. ”If we compare the archers , the one among the best Indrajit ,Even before Ravana informed him of the death of his brothers ,Had eyes which could burn even fire , bit his lips with his teeth,And looked at the sky and sorrowed thinking “Has all of them died?”
8007. Indrajit asked Ravana “Who killed them?” and that Ravana , who had ,Uprooted the mountain of Lord Shiva who wore Garland of Ixora flowers, Said , “The one killed Athikaya was the victorious Lakshmana,And the others Like Kumbha and Nikhumba were killed,By Hanuman who burnt our city and others “ And told him everything.
8008. Then Indrajit asked, “Oh king , though you knew about the strength ,Of those men who were having a very strong monkey army ,What is the reason why you did not send me to fight the war?.The people who killed them were not they as you had sent them,Asking the enemies to kill them and because of their death ,Our strength has reduced” and with anger breathing fire he stood there.
8009. “When I brought Hanuman who rubbed and killed Akshaya Kumara ,You told that he is an emissary equal to saliva , who only conveys,The words told by the enemy and released him without thinking ,That by releasing him he would tell our news to the enemy.You who lost your wisdom then have now lost ,The support of the people which has destroyed your life.”
8010. ”What is the point in thinking it over and telling about your faults?I would not come back without separating the soul from the body of,Lakshmana who has killed my younger brother who carried weapons,For killing, to this stable city .Without doing it , I would not live either .”
8011. “I would kill the army of monkeys who have cruel eyes ,In several batches and I would also kill Lakshmana who killed ,My younger brother., If I do not do it , let the devas ,Who consider Lord Vishnu who was scared to show his chest to me,And who was not able to disobey me as God, laugh at me.”
8012. ”If I am not able to kill that Lakshmana who killed my brother who ,Cannot be killed , and make the lady earth eat his spring like oozing blood,Then though the valorous Indra was defeated by me and did jobs for me ,.Let it be told that He has defeated me four times.”
8013. “If the arrow in the shape of a snake , The pasupatha arrow,Given by Lord Shiva who wears the crescent of moon on his head ,And the divine sword , which I have protecting and roaming about ,Are not of any use for me to now , I would become lazy ,And I would not like to eat rice and live.”
8014. “If I am not giving as feast Lakshmana , who killed my brother ,Who was like a deathless medicine , The group of Devas ,Who had earlier fought with us would laugh at me teasingly ,And If at that time I simply stood on earth,I am not the son of Ravana ,” Said Indrajit.
8015. Ravana said, “then you go and doing this , remove my sorrow,Is there anything impossible to you to as you are like our father?During this bad time for me , if you bend your very strong bow,To fight against my enemies , I thought that it will lead to my stability.”
8016. Indrajit who has won over the Devas saluted Ravana who told like this,Wore an armour which cannot be cut or pierced by anything . wore .A lustrous sharp sword on his waist , wore large quivers ,Which was shining like Gold and which had lot of depth and space ,On the back of his shoulders and took a bow which had two ends.
8017 . The bow held in the hand of Indrajit is the best and cruel one ,Which was got made by Lord Brahma using a diamond mountain and ,Given to Indra so that no harm comes to him and was snatched by Indrajit ,When he caused sorrow to Indra by defeating him . This is the story of the bow.
8018. The arrows and quiver tied on his shoulder by Indrajit Who was as strong as Yalis and were those taken ,By him from Indra whom he had imprisoned him and even if ,Due to drying of all the oceans , there is no ocean still,It would have arrows and is like a nest giving corpses as food,To Ghosts with cruel eyes as well as the cruel God of death.
8019. Indrajit thoughtfully selected several crores weapons ,Among which were those given by devas when they were defeated in battle field ,Those given by Lord Shiva who had Meru mountain as his bow and by Lord Brahma.
8020. The big divine chariot in which Indrajit rode were drawn by,One thousand male lions, each of which had a strength of,Hundred thousand Yalis and was like another Lanka,And was something which even the Devas had not seen.
8021. That chariot was golden in colour and could not be compared ,To Garuda the matchless bird , to the bull which is the steed of Lord Shiva ,Who holds an axe which reaches faster than lightning and in ancient days,It had only chased them when they were defeated
8022. That Chariot with a huge flag in which was the ghosts with loud voice ,Used to say ,”The valorous hero who tied Indra . The one who showed,His matchless valour in war but whose power was destroyed .By ropes on his broad shoulders has arrived , has arrived.”
8023. The chariot had huge wheels which rode over the big Asuras,Who fought with it and destroyed them , It has a part called bud ,Which created a scar on the back of Indra who fought ,Exhibiting the great prowess of his shoulders and having said that,Suppose if we mention that it drove off ,The elephants of the directions , is it going to add to its greatness?
8024. That strong Indrajit who was defeated and driven way all the devas,Has not seen their faces but has seen only their backs due to that,Got in to that chariot , and with thousand similar chariots ,Coming along with him to protect him came to the battle field.,As if in his mind he was greatly mad about war.
8025.Though it is difficult for me to tell the exact measure of army ,That went with Indrajit , the Great sage Valmiki , who is ,Praised by all and who is a sage who has learnt all the Vedas ,Had said that the army was forty Vellam and who else can be there,Who knew about the measure of that great army?
8026. Dhoomraksha , the Mahaparswa who had never been,Defeated by anyone else were protec ting the wheels of the chariot,Of Indrajit , with regal white umbrellas being held ,With big conches blaring forth , with ocean like musical instruments ,Which make one scared raising a noise greater than sound of four oceans.
8027. That Indrajit who never gets tired due to war with thousand ,Thousand crores of chariots surrounding him to look after him,Double that number of elephants coming in the periphery ,With the garlanded horse army which was like a sea coming,Behind him and an ocen of foot soldiers in his front, went.
8028. Lakshmana did not move away from the battle field.Thinking that Athikaya , the son of Ravana is no more and ,So either the very angry Ravana or Indrajit who won over ,The king of devas would come to fight and was waiting.
8029. Lakshmana who did valorous cruel fight asked,“Who is it that is coming? Please tell me,”And Vibheshana replied “Oh best among males ,The one who is coming Is Indrajit who had ,Defeated king of devas , who is an expert in war ,Without deceit and fighting directly with him,So today’s war would be very hard.”
8030. ”Oh our lord , I have to tell you about one of my thoughts,It is better for you to go to the war along with the army chiefs ,Who would protect you ,Please deeply think about my suggestion.”
8031.”Oh faultless one who wears fame as an ornament ,Let Hanuman , Jambavan , The king of monkeys , son of Tara,Neela and others like them go along with you,So that you can fight a long and harsh war.”
8032. ”Oh Lord who have pretty and great shoulders , Indra ,Who opposed him along with several ten thousand Devas ,And with a measureless army , due to his having eaten Nectar ,Did not die in spite of his being defeated speedily and escaped.”
8033. ”Would the several scars on the shoulders of Indra ,Due to his being tied by illusionary rope by him , ever fade?And not only that he tied even Hanuman by the arrow of Brahma ,And do you think that any body can stop his mastery in arrows?”
8034. Saying like this Vibheeshana saluted Lakshmana and the young lord ,Saud “well” and at that time the strong Hanuman who thought that ,The son of king of Lanka is going with war with Lakshmana , went near him.”
8035. Seeing the Son of Ravana who had already collected The needed weapons of war , his form as well as his courage ,Hanuman making the god of death scared left the west gate ,And like a whirl wind approached near Lakshmana.
8036. Already Angadha had arrived at the place of Lakshmana ,And all the monkeys with greatly strong shoulders ,Stood round him to protect him and when Lakshmana ,Was thus surrounded by the monkey army like the ocean with conches,Sugreeva the son of Sun God with red rays went to fight before Lakshmana .
8037. With an enraged mind those two armies stood facing each other ,With a liking for the job of war and they rose making very great sound ,And it looked as if two different oceans was rising from two directions.
8038. Thinking that if they carefully think that day m they would,Receive the benefits got by the mind and eye , Devas with their wives,Left their homes and assembled in the battle field , making their world empty.
8039. When the two armies neared each other to fight and When all the valorous warriors raised the battle cry ,Apart from sound of conches and the sound of drums ,Which made the heads of Indra and other Devas shiver ,They due to fear closed their ears by their hands.
8040. The big sound of shouts like “hit them”, “Catch them”,“Send weapons” raised as per the need at a particular time, The great noise made by the strings of bows were three times ,More intense than the sound of thunder at final deluge .
8041. Due to hit by the stones , due to hit by spears resembling Yama ,Due to hit by arrows from the bow Several warriors fell dead ,And due to their night like bodies hitting when the armies fought ,Unable to bear their fierce speed the earth was split.
8042. Due to being hit my monkeys with trees which resemble iron pillars ,The Rakshasas lost their life , their great heads broke in to pieces,And the bodies of Rakshasas which were pressed ,Were with neck and without head and they danced in the battle field.
8043. The monkeys whose heads were cut by the Rakshasas ,And due to cutting of the nerves their blood was splashing out ,Of the strong bodies of the monkeys and looked like the logs of wood,Burning when a h big tall wide forests catches fire.
8044. The monkeys caught the Rakshasas, they pulled their huge shoulders, And broke them , kicked them with great speed and pushed them,Bit them and removed their necks and lifted them and beat them on floor.
8045. The Rakshasas using swords cut off the legs of monkeys,Who were wearing anklets made of hide , cut off their heads ,Cut off their shoulders and cut their bodies in to pieces and they rose in anger.
8046. The Gods of death roaming about with the name of monkeys,Using trees shattered the heads of Rakshasas who were standing like Mountains , broke their bodies and by knocking broke their hands and legs.
8047. Some monkeys with eyes which gave out fire sparks with light ,Took huge trees and went near the Asuras to hit them but fell ,With their hands and legs being cut and got spears struck in their bodies,But they also bit their necks and both of them fell dead together.
8048. The army of bears went to war , continuously like the thunder ,That destroys the mountains , split open the foreheads which were,Raining rut water , ate their sweet brains and got rid of their hunger.
8049. The monkeys which were larger than mountains jumped on,The killing elephants which had three type of ruts , on horses,On the strong chariots where bells have been tied ,On swords , on tip of bows and on Heads of Rakshasas and destroyed them,
8050. Due to the beating of Rakshasa warriors using mace , the bodies,Of monkeys which are likely to fall were cut by their swords,Like pieces of sandalwood and they were strewn in various places ,And the blood that flowed like a river with waves from ,Their heaped body , filled up the ocean with tides.
8051. Among the things that were rubbed in to a paste by Hanuman,With his strong mountain like hands , the flags which in whiteness,Won over the snow , The horses which had large amount of mane hairs ,Bows, arrows , maces , matchless spears The angry elephants in rut,With anger and victory and the chariots could not be recognized.
8052. They say that among the four section army made in to slush And destroyed, by Angaha with a tree, the huge chariots , horses , elephants And The Rakshasas wearing heroic anklets who fought the war were taken by,The God of death without differentiating them and huggedAnd thinking whether any more beings are left anywhere ,He was seen digging using his two hands on the battle field.
8053. When the monkey army in all the directions that they were fighting,Joining together in trance were killing and heaping ,The elephants , chariots and horses which fought with them,Seeing that war the sages after comparing it with war between,Devas and Asuras said , that war is inferior to this war.
8054. When the Rakshasa army started winning , unable to face it,The crowd of monkeys started running away and in that state ,The monkey chiefs separately fought and stopped ,The front army of Rakshasas and they made them fall and killed them ,When the ocean of Rakshasas were thus destroyed ,The Rakshasas who could never imagine about their destruction ,Attacked again and the monkey chiefs protected their army.
8055. Neela similar to God Shiva who as one of the trinity ,Used to destroy all beings of the world with spear ,As well as axe in his hand , showing all his eight shoulders,Stood stable and due to him the one called God of death ,Along with his servants took his weapon called Pasa(rope),Unable to move any where stood there itself.
8056. The Kumudha with great anger destroyed the enemy army ,Making the God of death say, “I have lost the pride of my job”,And started shivering with fear and thought “He is not wind,He is not water , he is not fire and he is fighting ,With his two bare hands and in spite of it,He is fighting like this, What words can I use to praise him.”
8057. What has been left without uprooting among the trees by that monkey. Rishabha who liked to throw and beat were only the big Maramaras ,In this earth which is surrounded by the sea with tides ,Through which Rama had shot an arrow and among the mountains,That he did not pick was only the clan mountain of Rama.
8058. Devas thought “The Rakshasa warriors who have jumping horses,Elephants in rut and chariots with horses who are more cruel than serpents ,And who had shining teeth would die in large numbers and so ,We have no fear from them , is it not? Due to Jambavan taking trees,In a row and beating and killing them , bleeding like the water fallNear the barrage , and all the Rakshasas would die.”
8059. Completely mixing up the waves of warring crowd of horses , the boat like pretty chariots ,the shark like elephants with great trance of rut ,And various weapons which were like the variety of fishes ,The Mandhara mountain like Panasa entered there.
8060. Mainda and Dvividha , the brothers tearing the crowd of clouds ,Like the Hawk king brothers rose up in the sky . Gavaya ,A monkey warrior looked like a male valorous elephant which dips in the pond,Churns and plays there . A monkey warrior called Kesari , without ,Standing in the same place and not going back fought a huge war.
8061. When all the great monkey leaders without retreating and not,Getting tired went on fighting in the war and made ,Limitless heaps of corpses of Rakshasas were fighting ,The monkeys who had ran away defeated became courageous ,And joined with them and again started fighting and at that time,The Rakshasa army got greatly depressed and weak and seeing that ,Indrajit stood alone and started attacking the monkey army .
8062. That very strong Indrajit with his mountain like ornamented shoulders,Becoming grown up , with his fingers which were like strong iron pillarsStarted doing a valorous deed which leads to scars by ,Twanging the string of his bow , the sound of which went ,To large distances crossing directions, mountains ,And that sound row by row spread and made ,The entire world surrounded by ocean shiver with fear.
8063. That Indrajit who was like a male lion , after shouting like the ocean,And told his charioteer to go to a long distance inside enemy army,And made Angadha and other monkeys sad , With devas feeling scared ,And making the thunder get ashamed by seeing the cruelty of his arrows,And with his lustrous teeth spitting out the fire like poison ,Like the Adhisesha in great rage , the big Sankha pala and other ,Cruel serpents , he shot very many cruel arrows.
8064. Due to the cruel arrows sent by Indrajit hitting again and again,The lustrous stone mountains and huge trees thrown by the monkeys,Who were surrounding him were broken and turned in to dust.The cut heads of monkeys that rose up ,like birds rose up,To a great height in the sky and came down and fell in various places,And those which broke in to pieces and went inside the soil were numerous.
8065. Some monkey warriors who got weak because of the cruel arrows ,Of Indrajit hitting them And due to their anger at him , hid themselves,Behind the mountains that they intended to throw , by making ,Their bodies light so that their weakness would go , but ,Being drawn to the front by their anger and as they were going very near ,To him , several arrows pierced the mountain as well ,Their chest and went outside their bodies.
8066. Within less than one hour more than one Vellam monkeys ,Were killed and some had neck, some had hands , some had,Long legs , and some had tails and directly seeing them,Being cut in to several pieces ,using his broad ,Steel pillar like shoulders , he jumped on the sky for throwing ,And smashing but being pushed by the arrows of Indrajit ,With several cut heads coming at that monkey but ,He went on throwing mountains with bamboos ,But the heads as well as pieces fell out together.
8067. Those cruel and sharp arrows with great speed of Indrajit ,Went on cutting the fresh head of monkeys and they like the sun light ,Which can go in even in small openings and like the cruel serpents ,Reaching their ant hills they went deep and reached land of serpents.The red blood flowing like water , in the absence of ,Ups and downs and planes which can travel fast in open spaces ,Was similar the ocean with its tides , rises and falls.
8068. When the strong arrows of Indrajit entered the bodies of the monkeys,Who had bodies who were equal in size and strength to all the mountains,The arrows struck on their eyes if they open them, on the chest ,If they face them, On the back if they run away, on the body ,If they try to escape on their long legs if they try to jump and escape,On their stretched hands if they swing them , on their toungues,If they chide them with mouth and on the mind if they think about them.
8069. The devas seeing the strong rain of arrows by Indrajit could not see,Anything properly. When he was shooting the arrows except the twang,Sound made by the string they could not hear by their ears ,Most of the monkey crowd with bodies had died and hearing ,The sound of sobbing of the running monkeys with raised hand, they were upset.
8070-8071. Seeing that several crores of monkeys were cut in to pieces,That Indrajit who was as cruel as the thorn stopped sending arrows,As there were no one to fight and seeing a lull in the coming of arrows,The son of Sun God who was standing far away , with a desire ,To fight with Indrajit , Breaking the clouds in the sky ,He uprooted a tall lustrous Maramara and rotating it ,With very great matchless anger like Vali who churned the ocean of milk ,And got the pure nectar seeing the victorious war done by Indrajit ,In which the monkey army lost their power and lost their lives,Went near Indrajit who had stopped the war and for the sake ofFighting so that no body can approach him he threw that Maramara ,Making the nearing Rakshasa army completely upset and they got scared.
8072. Seeing the victory of Sugreeva who with a Maramara was ,Making the Rakshasa army surrounding him run away , Indrajit,Became surprised and said “good, good” , chose cruel arrows ,And sent two arrows aimed at Sugreeva ‘s forehead and ,Five arrows aimed at his chest as if it was poison and also ,Tore in to small pieces the Maramara that was brought ,By Sugreeva , made in to dust and sprinkled it.
8073. At that time Hanuman Became matchlessly angry like Halahala poison,And entered the battle field and making all the worlds shiver ,Patted on his own shoulders and after making a sound like thunder ,Making those who watch say , “now itself Indrajit would die”,Took a huge mountain and threw it on Indrajit and ,Being hit by the arrows of Indrajit it became in to small pieces.
8074. ,That Indrajit who was an expert in war looking at Hanuman told,“Hey stop there , thinking about you only, I came to the battle field ,You are not battling with your bow and keep on telling .About your own masculinity , keep alive and are playing with me .Do you think that those stone and tall trees are going to stifle me,Who has come to the battlefield .Please tell,” said he in a teasing manner.
8075. ”Oh weak one , even in our side there are warriors who can take a bow ,And fight and I am also there who fight by picking a stone and you can see it,Within a day ,Indra and other devas who hold lustrous weapons ,Have been defeated by you and have managed to keep their life ,.We are not people who would get defeated and pick the grass by our mouth ,And we have come before you to fight with you with some other weapons.”
8076. ”Would you care to fight with me ? If not would you fight,With our Lord whose name is Lakshmana ? or would you fight with ,Rama the son of matchlessly charitable king who has been bornTo cut off the heads of your father ? we would deny what you want.”Said Hanuman whose shoulders can be compared to ,Nothing except the golden mountain of Meru.”
8077. ”Where does that ignorant man named Lakshmana who killed ,My younger brother Athikaya who was like a lion , stand in this battle field?He is one who is keeping his soul so that , he can be killed by me and I have ,Come only to kill him in the same place where he killed my brother ,And cool down my anger and not only that, If I send my cruel arrows,Which are capable of killing all the worlds ,Would your so called valour be able to control them?”
8078. With none of my army warriors coming to assist me ,And going away from here , I with my strong bow ,Would stand on a chariot , would be able to cut off,All your heads and this is definitely going to happen.You can call all the devas in the sky and all the beings on earth,To help you and fight with me and within today’s day time ,I would win over all of you and without that I would not leave.
8079. Afyter saying this Indrajit sent nine hundred cruel arrows ,Using his cruel bow and they all as a crowd went and hit the body of Hanuman Who was standing there looking like a mountain and ,When went on hitting him That Hanuman bit his lustrous teeth,And with great anger took aa mountain which he was keeping as reserve ,And went before that Indrajit and told the following simple words.
8080. ”Even if all the animals called elephants in the world join together,Would they be able to stand easily and win the strength of a lion,Which has the habit of jumping? Without having patience to wait for,The younger brother of Rama who is the best among men , and who is our lord ,You would fight with me and hurt me but this mountain would ,Eat away your soul before you send the arrow. Please save yourselves,By your masculinity and your expertise in archery .”After saying this Hanuman threw that mountain at him.
8081. That mountain which was thrown by Hanuman, who was used to war,And who had long hands like Yali hit the chest of the son of Ravana ,Who had the tusks of the elephants of directions on his chest,But it broke in to pieces and went away in all directions asif,It had hit a mountain made of diamonds and it looked as if,The hammer breaking in to pieces when hitting the well heated iron .
8082. AS soon as the mountain which was l thrown by mountain like,Hanuman , hit his mountain like chest and broke in to pieces ,With his great anger further increasing , that Indrajit,Who has the culture of cheating , with heightened pride ,Sent one thousand arrows aiming at the garland bedecked chest ,And shoulders of Hanuman who was capable of uprooting,This huge and strong world as well as the Meru mountain.
8083. When all those arrows sent by Indrajit went inside his chest ,Just like the Meru mountain hit by wind go up , get shaken ,And klose its energy , With huge blood flow from his body with scent ,Which was flowing like an ocean Hanuman became tired ,And when he was thinking “What needs to be done?”Neela with cruel eyes and who was capable of killing ,Went before Indrajit , and started bothering him.
8084. Neela uprooted a long blue mountain which was near him,By using his long hands , and rose up in the sky , producing a heat,Like fire was travelling in the sky and threw that mountain,Straight on Indrajit and that Indrajit who holds a huge bow ,Using his arrows destroyed that mountain which was ,Coming at him like the spear of God of death ,Making one forget that there was any time lapse .
8085. Making all beings with soul and monkeys run away helter-skelter ,Producing a sense of awe in the heart of Devas , he made a cruel stream of blood flow out of the holes like sieve pierced by him on Neela,Who was three times more strong than the Meru mountain,And when those arrows with a tip that can scare even fire ,Which were laughing at serpents with cruel eyes were ,Seen rushing at him , That Neela who had uprooted ,A mountain and threw at him started shivering.
8086. The dear son of Vali who uprooted several tall mountains,Which some said were Meru Mountain and some others said ,”Not Meru mountain” and threw them on the high shoulders ,Of Indrajit and when Indrajit held the bow , will they ever hit him?.Would they be able to go in front of him at least and even if,They speedily go against him would his arrows ever miss them”
Indrajit by his cruel arrows cut in to pieces and broke all those mountains.
8087. Due to the speedy arrows of Indrajit , which produced smoke ,Went like serpents entering the ant hills and hit Angadha ,On his forehead , tall shoulders , broad chests , and long legs ,He tottered, bit his sparkling teth , grinded both his hands ,And with fire sparks coming out of his eyes due to the ,Ocean of blood that was coming out of him fainted and fell on earth.
8088. He also shot arrows on the chest , on the high shoulders ,Just like torrential rain on all other Monkeys also and those ,Victorious cruel arrows hurt them and since those arrows ,Stood on their body , they all started shivering and due to that ,Majority of the huge army of foot soldiers of the monkeys died.Those who were left alive ran away and seeing that the young lord ,With lustrous eyes expelling fire sparks spoke the following.
8089. Lakshmana said, “Oh Vibheeshana , our idea has failed ,All our great army leaders are sorrowing drowned in blood water,Countless number of our soldiers have also died, I should have ,Challenged Indrajit for war and taken away his soul ,Was it not wrong to permit our monkey warriors and leaders to fight with him.”
8090. Vibheeshana replied “Sir , what you said is true ,Once upon a time ,Several crores of Devas came to fight with him and not only,All of them lost their power and run away but they also,Were not able to do anything to this Indrajit, Unless you ,Remove the sorrow caused by him to the world ,there is ,No method to save the beings of the world.”
8091. After hearing these words of Vibheeshana , Lakshmana ,Who was like a golden cloud came along with the bow of Indra,Who was very strong was seen by Indrajit in front of him,Asked his spy, “Is he not the younger brother of Bharata and ,Younger brother of Rama?” and he replied “yes.”
8092. That cruel one , even before Lakshmana reached him to fight asked ,His Rakshasa chiefs “you go.” And all the Rakshasa chiefs ,Sent the entire army without leaving any one to the fight.And they said “Oh killer of Athikaya who is the son of our Lord ,You have come very near us and how are you going to escape alive “And stared at him like fire and started fighting.
8093. Those huge crowd of hundred crore of Rakshasas came ,In huge chariots with flags and driving victorious huge elephants ,And horses , shouted greatly and surrounded Lakshmana Seeing them Lakshmana the brother of Bharata who kept,The sandals of Rama on his head , hit all of them,In a systematic manner and wore the garland of victory.
8094. The entire seven worlds were startled by the arrows sent ,By Lakshmana ., the fire sparks created by thunder flew everywhere ,And due to that mountains and land split open . The heads of,The soldiers who had died fell down like the mountain .The blood flowed densely . The hands of Devas shivered,And like this hugely fierce war took place .
8095. Lakshmana went on sending arrows without reduced speed,And they hit the chest of Rakshasa warriors and spread throughout the world,The burnt series of flags and destroyed them, they cut the horse army ,They killed elephants with hands like the palm tree ,And those limitless arrows worked like God of death.
8096. The Devas who came to count the great number of Rakshasas,Who died by arrows of Lakshmana , got their eyes greatly fuddled ,And were not able to count till the end . Seeing that rain of arrow of Lakshmana,Which could not be stopped by others and the effect that ,It was making in the battle field, the seven clouds learnt,How to shower rain without stopping .Was it ,Modeled on the basis of the bow of Lakshmana, said devas in surprise .
8097. Due to the row of lustrous arrows hitting and pushing them,Each elephant had one tip of arrow on them and ,Fell on the land died and were lying like mountain in the field.The warriors who had strength like lion , fallen due to the arrows ,Sent by Lakshmana which were cruel were like ,The number of sand particles of the ocean with sound.
8098. The devas seeing the arrows of Lakshmana which had huge shape,Even in the beginning and were like the birds with wings ,Which were roaming here and there after eating the flesh ,Were startled and later composed themselves convincing themselves,That they were only arrows as they saw the number of birds which flock,To eat the flesh of the corpses were much less than the arrows..Which were found pierced on the bodies of the Rakshasas.
8099. Thirty five vellam of strong monkey soldiers had died due to the ,Fighting the war of Indrajit wearing tied heroic anklets , with great anger,And Since afterwards , the battle field was later covered by the corpses,Of the evil minded Rakshasas , many of the bodies of monkeys,Were drawn in the stream of blood and merged in the ocean.
8100. Among the Asuras, some got their legs cut , some got hands cut,Some got necks cut , some got their armours cut , some got bodies cut,Some lost their speed due to livers being cut and hanging ,Some lost their calling power due to loss of strength , some lost ,Their garlanded elephants in trance of rut , chariots and horses,And many lost many things but were keeping their soul safe ,Some ran helter-skelter to save their lives.
8101. Like a mountain in the centre of dried up the ocean , Indrajit,The son of the ten headed Ravana , without any one surrounding him,Was standing and he got greatly agitated and having curved ,Eyebrows in great anger , and got in to his chariot ,Which was going like his mind and reached near Lakshmana,And at that time Hanuman also reached near Lakshmana.
8102. Hanuman who neared Lakshmana told him “Lord ,Please climb on my shoulders “ and saluted his feet ,And that Lakshmana who was as valorous as a lion ,Accepted that and climbed on his shoulders ,And the devas shouted happily and like a cloud ,Coming to fight a war with another cloud Sent arrows at each other which were like the instrument of death,Of God of death who is as black as Kali .
8103. The stings of their bows made sound like thunder ,All the directions were confused, mountains broke and got shattered,The heavens broke and the world was filled by large number of sparks of fire ,The arrow sent by each of them caught the arrows of the other.
8104. When one arrow hit another , each of them cut the other,And those arrows which were not cut , with cruel fire sparks flying ,From them and fell on the sky completely burnt.. The devas seeing that Got confused and became depressed, and the entire earth shivered,And the globe of the world floated like ship in the ocean and shivered.
8105. The Chariot of Indrajit drawn by lions and Lakshmana ‘s Hanuman,Going round each other in various ways , the city of Lanka also rotated,And due to the crowd of arrows sent by each other covering them,Even Devas could not find whether they were there and all beings,In all directions lost their hearing and split.
8106. The devas who had decorated their head with golden Karpaga garland ,Due to the speed of happenings could not know fully the happenings there,And with great surprise asked , “What did they do? What did they do?”Who has ever done this type of act earlier? None before and ,None afterwards “ and the directions where the valorous ones, Who wore the scare creating garlands was not known to them.
8107. “The greatness of the knowledge of use of bow by their hands, Is of one type. There is no limit for the strength of their bodies and ,The greatness of the fight between them would be taller than the sky “Thinking like that , wanting to witness their war The Devas said,“The acts of both of them is great” and due to this,The proof by witnessing and seeing it , got a suspicion.
8108. That Indrajit who was a Rakshasa with sharp teeth sent ,Thousand crores of an arrow type called Pallam and Lakshmana ,Cut them off sending another thousand crores Pallam arrows,Then that Rakshasa Indrajit sent thousand crores of serpent arrows,And Lakshmana cut them off using thousand crore serpent arrows.
8109. That Rakshasa sent crore of crores of arrows with a tip ,That would cause great sorrow and Lakshmana who was like a cloud,Sent similar crore of crores arrows which would cause sorrow ,And cut them off and the very angry Rakshasa again sent ,One crore of arrows and Lakshmana stopped them by another crore arrows.
8110. Then that Rakshasa sent one crore of arrows with wings of hawks ,With his great speed of hand and the younger brother send another ,Crore of similar arrows and protected himself from those arrows.Then Lakshmana sent one crore of crescent shaped arrows ,And the Rakshasa cut them off by a crore of crescent shape arrows.
8111. That Rakshasa then using his bow sent one crore of cruel arrows,With the tip of Korai grass and Lakshmana sent one crore of arrows,With grass tip and protected himself and then Lakshmana sent ,Another crore of arrows with tip like the tip of Parai fishes,And Indrajit sending a crore of arrows of similar type,And made all those arrows suffer.
8112. That son of the ten headed one sent one Padmam of arrows,Which had tip like lotus bud from his bow and made great sound,And the Lotus eyed Lakshmana also sent one Padmam,Of Lotus tipped arrows and prevented them.
8113. ,That Rakshasa with the bent teeth sent crores of Vajra arrowsWith several heads and the faultless Lakshmana sent another crore, Vajra arrows with several heads and destroyed them and,Then Lakshmana sent a crore of arrows with three tips With great speed and that strong Indrajit sent another,Crore of arrows with three tips and stopped them.
8114. That Rakshasa who is an expert in war send five crore arrows,With the shape of saluting hands and Lakshmana sent ,Another five crores of similar arrows and destroyed them,And then Lakshmana sent one crore arrows in the shape ,Of elephant ears and Indrajit sent ,One crore of similar arrows and cut them.
8115. And due to both of them sending arrows and cutting them ,With similar arrows the entire world became like a forest ,Of crowds of arrows and the ocean making great sounds , Grew up due to the arrow crowds sent and though like thisThe anger of those young bull like warriors furiously ,Burnt both of them did not get tired at all.
8116. Indrajit then sent thousand arrows on the iron pillar like shoulders,Of Hanuman , tore his body and made it red like the Veezhi fruit,And sent another thousand four hundred which were ,Like the fire at deluge aimed at the armour of Lakshmana.
8117. Then the Devas thought that the Rakshasa Indrajit has taken,The first step and turned back their faces which were like lotus flowers ,And seeing the blood flow , on the huge shoulders of Hanuman,Who was carrying Lakshmana on his shoulders , which was like ,The huge stream flowing from the mountain with stones ,All the sages got scared and said, “Among the archers,This Rakshasa Indrajit is the best.”
8118. And Lakshmana who was an expert in the science of war,Drowned with great anger , took hundreds of arrows and send them,Cut in to pieces the lions with curved manes ,Broke his victorious flag and sent six hundred arrows ,So that they will enter the golden armour of Indrajit and press them.
8119. All round that armour which was like light of Sun around the black cloud,On the shoulders and chest Of Indrajit , just like long coral creeper,Ocean of blood appeared from all the wounds made by the bow.
8120. When the lions that were attached to his big golden chariot ,Fell down , rolled and died and when his lustrous flag ,As well as the charioteer and when the arrows that,Cannot be prevented neared his chest , that Indrajit ,Not able to understand what was happening said the following.
8121. “He is a man but if he is not , he is equal to Lord Vishnu,And if he is not that , in truth he would be Lord Shiva or Lord Brahma,And among those who hold the strong bow nobody in this earth ,Are comparable to him” Thus Indrajit praised Lakshmana.
8122. That Indrajit who would never rest in war , even if he dies ,With fire coming out of his mouth and with anger that was flaming up,Like the ghee poured in fire speedily within half a second ,Got in to a chariot with wheels ,drawn by thousand horses.
8123. When Indrajit send arrows in all directions and the cruel sound ,Of war spread everywhere making Lord Shiva shiver,,He further sent thousand crores arrows ,And made the entire sky without any empty space .
8124. Then the sinless Lakshmana making every one surprised ,Sent rows and rows thousand arrows ,And also sent one thousand arrows on son of Ravana.
8125. As soon as the thousand arrows hit Indrajit ,Like ghee falling on the very greatly heated fire ,He rose up like flames and sent hundred cruel arrows ,On the forehead of the pure and great hero Lakshmana.
8126. Though one hundred long arrows entering his forehead ,Lakshmana did not show any sorrow , he sent hundred arrows ,Aimed at the chest of Indrajit so that they went in there.
8127. That Indrajit who had been never defeated in any war,Due to the long cruel arrows entering in to his chest ,With flowing blood and with a tired mind , relaxed ,Keeping his bow on the floor of the chariot .
8128. That Hanuman who can be considered as another God of death ,In the business of killing kicked at the chariot of Indrajit ,With their golden wheels coming out of axle and ,Killing all the thousand jumping horses that draw the chariot.
8129. Then within a second got in to another gem studded chariot ,Drawn by one thousand ghosts and sent fifty lustrous arrows ,Aimed on the two shining shoulders of the pure Hanuman.
8130. That cruel Indrajit did not do any other war except,Getting down and climbing on a new chariot ,Because of Lakshmana destroying the chariots that he rode ,And that valorous Lakshmana using six crores arrows,Within A Nqazhigai(24minutes) destroyed thousand chariots of Indrajit.
8131. Seeing Lakshmana was destrying all the Chariots of Indrajit ,Devas shouted with joy and blessed Lakshmana and showered ,Chosen flowers on Lakshmana and also saluted him .They got rid of their mental confusion and threw ,Their upper cloth as well lower cloth and by these acts,They proved that they were interested in good character.
8132. ,At that time ten lakhs Rakshasas with cruel eyes who were ,Similar to Indrajit came and assembled there ,For destroying Lakshmana in the battle field.
8133. Among them there were warriors riding on Chariots,Selected warriors who ride on the horses , Warriors ,Riding on cloud like black elephants with red dots Those who chide , those who wear Kandai garland ,Those whose fame has spread in this earth and in the sky,And those who make booming sound like the drums.
8134. The sound made by them resembling the sound of thunder ,Coming from the sky which is covered by clouds in all places ,And the sound created due to sending of bows ,AS well as other weapons , completely covered the sky.
8135. The chariots of these Rakshasas were drawn by Yalis ,Or drawn by lustrous lions or drawn by ghosts ,Or drawn by elephants and they did not raise ,Dust in the battle field as the corpses were lying densely everywhere.
8136. That Indrajit who had won over Indra got in to Chariot,Drawn by jumping lions which came near him ,And then went on causing arrow rain in all directions ,And Lakshmana who had the red colour of dusk,Removed all of them using his arrows.
8137. All the weapons thrown by those Rakshasas,Who continuously surrounded Lakshmana from all sides ,Were cut and became dust and dropped down and ,Their thousand big heads were cut by,One arrow sent by Lakshmana and fell down on earth.
8138. In the battle field which was spread like ocean , livers ,Were lying like snakes The killer elephants were lying like mountains,The collection of chariots were lying shattered and several warriors,Holding different types of weapons , were lying with sorrow, wounded by arrows.
8139. Due to the blowing of cruel storm , the ear globes,Worn by Rakshasas, their pearl necklaces , other gem garlands ,The gandasaras(chains worn around neck) , heroic anklets and chest armours ,Were strewn everywhere like stars falling down from the sky.
8140. That gentleman using his arrows completely ,Hid the form of Indrajit and made even God of death take mercy and retreat ,On seeing the state of other warriors and made a mountain,Of the cut heads of the cheating Asuras who came to attack him.
8141. At that time that victorious archer Lakshmana who was moving on ,Hanuman and he who was like the God of death , strangled some asuras,By his tail , he would step on some , he would kick some by his legs,He would throw some in the sky , He would dash against some ,He would kick some of them by his legs and see their great anger .
8142. At that time Hanuman on whom Lakshmana was riding ,Who was like an elephant looked at Asuras causing them fear ,Would angrily shout at them , would throw elephants ,And fill up the sea , Would slap on his own shoulders and shout ,Would catch thousand chariots and pull them with his pretty hands.
8143. That lion like Hanuman who was chosen by the valorous one ,For riding would spray elephants like water and tender leaves ,He would make them in to paste by hands and grind them by his legs.
8144. That horse like Hanuman who was liked and used for rising ,By Lakshmana who blesses , without making any mistake ,Would dash and destroy thousand chariots , with wheels,And which were dragged by serpents , by the time one says “A”.
8145. ,When Hanuman was destroying the Rakshasa army ,The strong monkey warriors who had fallen as if they had consumed,Fire like poison and getting cured by the best of the medicines ,Who were experts in destroying the enemy got up relieved of tiresomeness.
8146. Those Monkeys who got up from the trance seethed ,With fire sparks coming out of their eyes and surrounded ,The younger brother Lakshmana and brought hundreds,And thousands of trees and mountains and killed their enemies.
8147. When different types of trees and mountain collections,Were thrown by the monkeys , the chariots which were decorated,By tying of bells were damaged and looked like half made chariots,Made by the best carpenters who do faultless work.
8148. The son of Vali uprooted a big mountain looked at,Indrajit who was coming like wind and said, “This would,Eat away your soul and so protect it “ and jumped up,And threw it hard at him making fire sparks come out .
8149. With all those people appreciating that ,“Here is the one who destroyed the greatness of penance ,Of Ravana “ , The chariot of Indrajit who had very strong shoulders ,Who had destroyed the world of Devas was destroyed ,Which was done by Angadha within a second.
8150. At that time Indra , the father of the father of Angadha ,Thinking that ., all th insults heaped on me earlier ,Has been removed by my child “ and due to this happiness ,All the devas who were elated made joyful sound and danced.
8151. Immediately Indrajit got down from the destroyed chariot ,Went and got up in another chariot and getting angry like fire,And said to Angadha, “Stop , do not go from there ,” and ,Started raining arrows at him from the bow in his hand.
8152. He looked at the son of son of Indra and said to him,“You go after giving your sweet soul as food to me “And all the monkey warriors surrounded Indrajit row after row.”
8153. Those monkeys threw trees , mountains , the heads ,Of Dead monkeys , chariots , horses , the hands of ,Big elephants and lions on that cruel Indrajit ,So that the speed of his arrows went back.
8154. That Lakshmana who has left his wife , luxurious living,And sleep , Killed thousand thousands of cruel Rakshasas,Who were experts in war fare and who had cruel eyes ,As soon the Devas thought about it.
8155.That Indrajit who had sense of respectability and cruel eyes ,Worried about the destruction of big chariots and killing ,Of Asura soldiers who were like soul to him ,As well as their sufferings and without realizing victory rose like fire.
8156. He saw the ocean of blood which almost touched the sky .Carrying his Asura army who were shouting with very loud voice .And also saw two people holding his pretty chariot to save themselves.
8157. Due to corpses being stacked in that battle field ,The big clouds could not cross it and the chariot of Sun,Who removes the darkness also could not cross it ,And not only that, no being which is used to travel in the sky ,Also could cross it and because of this those two were standing there.
8158. Then Indrajit looked at the lustrous faces of Rakshasas Standing near his chariot and told them, “ That matchless ,Warrior Lakshmana has killed all our forty vellam army ,It is great.”
8159. hose two warriors , “Oh Lord , you also fought ,In the battle field and rained cruel arrows ,At them and destroyed forty vellam of their army ,And the fighting of both of you matches well.”
8160. And Indrajit and Lakshmana starting fighting with each other ,Lakshmana with a red colour of the sky riding on Hanuman ,Sent several thousand arrows and Indrajit who had won over Devas,As and when he sent the arrows , kept on cutting them.
8161. Sending six , seven, sixty , fifty , hundred, and thousand arrows .He made those who stood before him to faint,And killed those who fainted earlier but rose up and came .
8162. Those monkey warriors led by the son of Sun God ,Due to the blood that flowed from their body .Became weakened and went away and then ,Lakshmana sent harsh arrows which resembled,The Fire in the Bamboo forest so that,The son of Ravana becomes tired.
8163. The son of Ravana and became weakened and those two,Who stood by his chariot became mentally upset .,And when they rose for war , the younger brother of Rama,Sent several killer arrows so that the countless Asura army is destroyed.
8164. When Lakshmana showered like rain chosen arrows ,Chariots , elephants with shaking hands and horses ,Immediately were seen as dead and only those two .Remained in the battle field and all those with,Name of Rakshasas were not standing there,As all those who were still having soul had run away.
8165. Those Rakshasas who saved their life and ran away .Were having dried toungue , were searching for water drink,And they lifted their arms smelled clouds and drank water from it,Some died and others not getting water , due to ,Blood flowing like river from fresh wounds fell and died.
8166. Some Rakshasas whose body has been spit by cruel arrows,Went speedily and hugged tightly their wives making their ,Red braid loosen in falling down and along with their soul,Left their souls also and attained the pretty bed of Hero’s heaven.
8167. Some Rakshasas in whose chest the cruel arrows ,From which the fire sparks have entered , went away from the battle field,To their residences and with love saw their children who were ,Playing like deer and told their other relatives “Please look after them”,And with anger saw the God of death who came to take their soul ,And struggled to leave out their very dear souls.
8168. Some Rakshasas told their relatives , “If the nature of fighting ,Of the brother of the lotus eyed one is like this ,it is definite,That city of Lanka would be destroyed in half a second ,And so even before Indrajit dies , you go and hide yourselves ,In the forests and hills which have huge trees ,And go speedily” and after this they left their body.
8169. That lord’s arrows entered the chest of mountain like Asuras ,And tore their flesh and some of them who carried that arrow,Thinking that they will die if it is taken away from there ,andLike the splitting of milk added with curd got their mind .Split and confused and not expressing bad words which should ,Not be told by others , went on taking deep breath and were sad.
8170. The Rakshasas without riding on a chariot , without riding on,Great horses, without riding on red eyed elephants resembling clouds,Without running like wind on their legs being ashamed,Without returning to Lanka which was guarded ,Due to their love for their soul did not go to battle field ,And not escaping from there also stood shivering in one place.
8171. That Lakshmana who was like rain falling in places,Where it had fallen earlier , speedily went and neared Indrajit ,And seeing him not depressed, wanting to kill him,With grey anger , like a changed God of death ,Using his arrows cut off the armour of Indrajit.
8172. When he cut his armour with nothing with him to protect him,That valorous one who fainted and before he rose from his trance ,Dhoomraksha and Mahaparswa riding speedily on a huge tree,With heroic flag saying, “we wil finish the war today’.With great anger reached and stood before Lakshmana.
8173. Those two sent red fire like arrows on Hanuman as well as,The chest of Lakshmana and the very strong Lakshmana ,Stole their bow giving victory and the soul of their charioteers ,And also the soul of their horses drawing their chariots.
8174. Those who lost their bows carrying a iron rod with rising tips,Went like thunder and within a second neared Hanuman ,And hit him making fire sparks fly and as soon as they did that,The very strong Hanuman with his big hands snatched those rods.
8175. Those two Rakshasas who never get scared seeing their rods,Being snatched away and not knowing what else to do ,Being scared that Hanuman would kill them by beating with those rods,Without bothering to indebtedness to Ravana ,For the sake of helping their souls to survive ran away.
8176. All the monkeys due to breeze slowly wafting by ,Thinking it is not time for them to die and not seeing any sign,Of God of death coming and taking away their lives,Came out of their trance as well as their sorrow ,Became clear and felt strong and exuberant.
8177. Angadha, Kumudha , Neela , Jambhavan Sugreeva the son of Sun God,The faultless Mainda , his younger brother , Sathabali and Panasa,Who were lion like monkey warriors , with devas greeting them ,Carrying mountains came forward making sound like clouds.
8178. All those monkey warriors took those countless mountains.Which were like thunder and threw together making fire sparks come out.And Indrajit who had surprisingly great mastery over archery,Smiled thinking that their capacity to fight is only this much ,And using his arrows powdered all those mountains.
8179. The monkey army neared him throwing mountains, trees ,And stones like rain and without any fear or confusion ,Indrajit stood there taking help only the help of his arrows and bow, And seeing his loneliness Sun , as if he felt a pity on him ,Went behind the sun set mountain in the west.
8180. And all the directions became dark like the mind of the ignorant ,Who did not know that all the four Vedas, books starting from Manu Neethi ,Fire sacrifices , truth and the great desire of the Brahmins who were,Worshipping and praising God, were all only forms of pretty form of Narayana,With lotus like hands holding the divine wheel who is the primeval thing.
8181. ”Oh strong one , who is as strong as the elephant , if you make use,Of this quarter Nazhigai as the time of killing , this Indrajit would die ,If you are not able to do that , to those speedy and cruel Rakshasas,The night which is the time of illusion would set in and if this Indrajit ,Who is a cheater goes in to the sky taking recourse to illusion ,He would easily win “ said Vibheeshana the brother of Ravana.
8182. With a desire to kill Indrajit with surprising mastery over archery,Who sent crores of arrows on all the monkey warriors,And the masculine Hanuman which were like rain ,Lakshmana using his divine arrows broke in to pieces,The very picturesque chariot of Indrajit.
8183. Even before that destroyed chariot fell on the ground ,Indrajit thinking that “If I am able to toe these people,With Naga pasa(serpent rope) they would not have any option,Other than sorrowing and giving up their life when tied by the bow.,And they would not be able to go thinking we have won in the war ,And even before one could blink he went in to sky with his bow .
8184. That Lakshmana with a body like gold got scared thinking ,“Why this valorous one who had lustrous heroes anklets ,Who was till then fighting with him , changed his mind,And speedily went in to the sky “ and devas scattered from the sky.
8185. That Indrajit who was having the bow in his hands , who had ,Quiver tied to his back , who had ebbing great anger burning within him,Who used to breath deeply , who is an evil one , who is the greatest among,Those who do damage and whose only wealth is illusion ,Hid himself in that pitch darkness and went above clouds on sky.
8186. That Indrajit who was black like a blue gem due to ,The faultless penance that he did earlier and due to dharma,Practiced by him earlier , due to the boons that he got ,From Brahma who could remove attachments ,Due to his birth , Due to the power of chants he had learnt ,Took the form which was as small as an atom.
8187. Even though it is Brahma who came from the belly button of Lord Vishnu,Or that Lord Shiva who carried Akaasa Ganga on his tufted hair,Or that Lord Vishnu who takes care of the world and holds the divine wheel,The great serpent arrow would tie their big shoulders and,Then only return and which had great luster was thought of,By Indrajit and he took that matchless arrow and chanted its chants.
8188. At that time the people like monkeys thinking that Indarjit,Had gone scared to fight and had disappeared , shouted with joy .And Lakshmana the younger brother of Lord Rama ,Thought similarly and laughed and they without knowing,The illusory power of Indrajit , did not fight and simply stood there.
8189. At that time Lakshmana without realizing any thing ,That is going to happen , got down from the shoulders of Hanuman,And gave his cruel and powerful bow to Angadha and AS per procedure took out all the arrows which had entered,Through the chest and reached the back of all enemy soldiers ,And started taking rest for getting out of tiredness due to fighting.
8190. At that time That Rakshasa Indrajit sent the cruel serpent arrow ,And as soon as it was sent , it made all ten directions darken further , Made the enemies run helter-skelter and tied the younger brother of Rama,On his mountain like lustrous shoulders and made him suffer, they told
8191. That Lakshmana who never bothered even if all beings on earth,Opposed him and who did not have sorrow caused by want in his mind,As soon as the serpent arrow of Indrajit tied him tightly ,Not understanding that it was illusion , without knowing what to do ,Lost his strength , saw the battle field with body parts and then the sky.
8192. The serpents with lustrous teeth that emerged from that Naga pasa ,Went tied and strangled all the monkey warriors and made them wail that ,Their mountain like diamond shoulders which are huge have been broken ,And all of them who were strong and had a clear mind ,Lay there without knowing what has to be done.
8193. When that son of wind god was thinking that he would catch ,This thief of illusion within a second by jumping to the heavens ,And was getting angry , one Serpent arrow which could hit ,Tied the strong shoulders of Hanuman , just like Vali,Tied the strong shoulders of Hanuman byhis tail.
8194. Those monkey warriors who were tied would stand up ,Like mountains and then fall down, they would roll on earth ,Would lift their head and stare at the sky with sparks coming out of their eyes,With their tails which could be raised and waved they would beat the earth,They would bite their lips and would get upset and angry ,On Lakshmana the brother of Rama who held a masculine bow.
8195. Also those warriors would look at the face of Vibheeshana,And ask him whether there is any solution for this state and they ,Would get angry on darkness which was responsible for their state ,They would look at the golden shoulder of Lakshmana and would become sad,That before their eyes these shoulders had lost power ,And then they would laugh , fall on earth but never get scared.
8196. Then those monkey warriors thought about who would be ,Able to remove this sorrow of theirs and decided that ,If the son of Anjana , lord Hanuman is still alive , then he would do it.Then with a depressed mind they saw the tied up Lakshmana ,And sobbed, “Is this what happened?” and said , “If Lord Rama,Sees the present state of his brother with heroic anklets ,Whether he would be able to bear it at all?’
8197. What is the point in narrating in detail what happened earlier?That very strong Indrajit , like lightning on the sky andLike series of thunders falling down , sent arrows with tips ,That were made by black gold and they came dpown,Spitting smoke and fire and those they hit the chest ,Went up to back and those that hit the back went to the chest.
8198. Like the black clouds on the mountain top dashing against each other ,Due to the return blowing of hot winds and falling down on earth,Due to those capable of cutting the heads coming and hitting them,Those monkey warriors with mountain like shoulders ,Were not able to stand at one place and with sorrow ,Fell down and the rivers of blood spread everywhere.
8199. That lion like son of Anjana who had fire spitting eyes due to,The loss of respect , though more than thousand crores arrows enteredIn to his chest did not become sad for that but his mind trembled,When he thought about sorrow that had befallen the brother of Rama.
8200. All other monkey warriors due to hundreds and thousands of arrows ,Which were harsher than thunder entering their bodies fell on the earth,Where the blood was running like river but the great Angadha ,Though countless arrows had hit him also , did not get tired.
8201. Sugreeva the dear son of Sun God due to arrows hitting him ,In opposite directions was having a body like young Datura fruit, Was with eyes burning like fire due to anger, with mind ,Like a burning huge forest of bamboos was like his father Sun,Who had appeared in the cruel red sea of blood.
8202. The matchless brother of Rama being tied by the cruel serpent arrow,With a body which is pierced by cruel arrows though knowing how to get rid of it,Was only sorrowing like a sage who knew that he was an expert ,In cutting the attachment of illusion , when the attachment attacked him ,Did not care to use his knowledge and was one whose knowledge is destroyed.
8203. With the arrows sticking on his body looking like rays of sun,The blood that was coming out of his chest looking like sun light ,And with the great luster added by the hissing serpents ,He looked more like Sun God attacked by serpents who had fallen down.
8204. Lakshmana who is the younger brother lay in a swoon ,And all others have also embraced the earth and that strong Indrajit ,Who hid all their bodies by his arrows and who had extreme prowess,Was sorrowing because of the arrows of Lakshmana ,Which had pierced him and was standing spitting blood.
8205. ”I have completed what I had assured and now ,I will take rest and get my tiredness of the body ,And finish of remaining things tomorrow “thought he ,That man’s life is finished ,all monkey army has been destroyed ,And with auspicious sounds raised on both sides ,He reached and entered the palace of Ravana.
8206. After destroying Lakshmana who was like a cloud having good nature,By raining on him arrows with wings and not having retired from the war,Entered with the eye like arrows of ladies who had tied their breasts,With cloth , who have pretty smile and whose black eyes are their weapons.
8207. Holding the pretty lamp made of five crores of pure Gold,IN their pretty hands and the faultless maidens of devas and other lands ,Who had a hip like open head of serpents singing long live ,And their own asura maidens sprinkling flowers and greet, he reached there.
8208. Indrajit went and met his father and told him all the news,About happenings in that battle field for that day ,So that he clearly understands it and said, “stop worrying father,I have undergone sufferings for my body and would ,Come back speedily after taking rest and tell you,All that needs to be done “ and went to his palace ,So that he can remove all his sorrows.
8209. At this side Vibheeshana who became sad and not knowing ,What to do , like the curd churned by churner got confused ,And said , “That cruel Indrajit did not kill me and so I am pitiable .I am not dead and am standing with all strength “And fell on the banks of the ocean of sorrow.
8210. Lord Rama seeing the suffering being undergone by his brother,Due to being tied by Naga Pasa said, “all those who love him have died.I am the only one who is alive and standing alone ,What would the people of the world think of me ? “ But Vibheeshana ,Who was wearing a scented fading garland started loudly crying.
8211. He thought , “Would people think That I was with Lakshmana ,And made Indrajit kill him ? would they think that I took Lakshmana ,To my son and made my son win? Would they think that I like a seed had joined ,Rama in the beginning and am responsible for all these sad events,.The people who love Rama would within their limitations ,Say various bad things about me .” and like his eyes, his mind also cried.
8212. ”When the Indrajit was fighting , I did not show my valour ,By breaking the chariot of Indrajit using my matchless iron rod.I did not also die by his hand. I became tired in my mind and body,And due to simple nature I have now completely drowned in sorrow .To whom should I become a friend or relative?” Thought Vibheeshana.
8213. “ I did not accompany the monkey warriors and trouble the enemies ,And if a time comes when those warriors would die , I did not die with them,And if there is method to escape ,I did not escape after helping them to escape ,I did not show them what is in my mind clearly like gooseberry in hand ,I did not die and I have become unwanted by side of Ravana,And after surrendering here , I have become unwanted for them also,And I am like a spear with two separate branches.
8214. , Then Anala told him, who was keeping on repeating such words ,Several times . “There are several curative acts we can do.,And instead of doing them would I get depressed and be sorrowful,And so leave out this depression “ and consoled him ,And then he did the following acts.
8215. “You be here, I will tell this news to Rama “ saying this .Anala went to Rama , saluted the divine feet of that ,Auspicious one and told him about all the news and stood there.Rama who had one thousand names got drowned in ocean of sorrow.
8216. Rama who heard the news lost his self perception and fainted ,As if his soul had gone out of his body and without telling any thing ,And without shedding any tears And without seeing any thing with his eyes ,And not becoming angry and destroying the world andPossibly to indicate that he was still alive , was sobbing and crying.
8217. He sobbed ,He breathed hard and that valorous one ,With great anxiety thought that there was no point ,In sobbing like this and speedily went and reached ,The battle field which was red because of blood.
8218. The blanket of greatly ebbing darkness , would completely ,Extract together the black clouds which rise and go up , The ocean ,With tides and other like it and also all things that are blue,And It was as if it was trying that extract and give out excessive darkness .
8219. When the world was covered with such type of darkness , the lord,Who has thousand names , selected an arrow of fire and sent it ,So that the darkness is destroyed, the enemy darkness disappeared ,And the battle field looked as if the Sun was in the middle of the sky.
8220. Due to the corpses killed by weapons stacked like a mountain,With the water like blood flowing in different fashions here and there,Raising like a ocean with jumping tides , the battle field seen by Rama ,Resembled the world destroyed by the oceans at deluge ,When Lord Shiva holding ta part of the skull was eating away all the souls.
8221. In that battle field with smell of flesh which would be found suitable ,To continue her family life by Goddess Durga within half a second ,Rama searched for his brother in between mountains of corpses ,In between the great flow of blood , in between slushy mud created,By fall of fat from the bodies and in between the scattered weapons .
8222. The chief Rama then fell on the body of Lakshmana , hugged him,Tightly on his chest and making people believe that , he would not get up alive Left out heavy breaths , with huge drops of tears coming out of his eyes,In two rows and was looking like the blue cloud in the sky with the Sun.
8223. Though Rama who was truly born in the world but not born there,Became sad, let out heavy breaths , got his soul tortured ,Would lose his wisdom and become tired and after deciding what to do,Call “Oh Lakshmana” several times , would keep his hand ,Below nose of Lakshmana to test whether he is breathing ,Would become very sad and say “Oh brother would you get up alive?”
8224. Also Rama with his lotus like hands would caress the leg of Lakshmana,Would pat his thighs , would open his lotus like eyes and peer in to it ,Would become happy to see palpitations on his chest, would see the sky ,Would take him and hug against his chest and would ask,“Has that thief who made him lay on the earth escape?”
8225. That Rama who has shoulders which like praise from those,Who have similar shoulders would see his bow, would see ,The ties of Naga Pasa , would see the night does not end,Would see Devas of the sky , would say “I will uproot ,The world of Devas”, would bite his coral like lips ,Would think about the words of learned people .
8226. He who is beyond any measure would see the monkey warriors,Who died for him , Would think about his bad fate ,Would see his valorous bow , would see unused arrows in his quiver ,And say “In this earth which simple person like me had attained ,Such great sorrow . My sorrow is very great.”
8227. That Rama who never gets destroyed at any time told Vibheeshana,“You did not tell me that the war has started between the son of theKing of Lanka and the young prince Lakshmana and did not call me speedily,And because of that you spoiled me from cutting off,The hands of Indrajit which sent the Naga Pasa as well as his head.”
8228. Hearing those words , the brother of Ravana who was crying said,“We were not knowing that Indrajit would come to this field to fight ,And even when he fought I thought that Indrajit following the evil ways,Would be defeated and was standing in the battle field with expectation,And That is why I did not call you and this great act of illusion ,Happened because of the divine and very strong Naga Pasa.”
8229. ”That valorous Lakshmana was the one who achieved victory ,Over Athikaya by cutting his body and made his head nonexistent .And thinking that Indrajit who earlier conquered Lanka from Khubera ,Would come to the battle , he did not move away from the battle field ,.And Indrajit the son of Ravana came there with forty Vellam army.”
8230. That Indrajit who had a chariot drawn by thousand lions ,In the great war that took place killed forty vellam of our army,Which went near him and then the commanders of monkey arm,Got very tired, Indrajit rained arrows and killed the army ,And Lakshmana with his masculine spirit joined the battle .”
8231. That Lakshmana who fought the war climbing on the shoulders of, Hanuman destroyed thousand chariots of Indrajit from where he fought ,By his mastery in archery and destroyed the forty vellam Rakshasa army,Just like the snow facing the sun , and spoiled the strength of Indrajit,And sent countless arrows on the chest of Indrajit ,Making others who were watching the war say,”Now Indrajit would be killed.”
8232. , Indrajit who was bleeding in all those places where the body,Has been split by arrows of Lakshmana, with his entire army ,Getting destroyed by arrows of Lakshmana was sorrowing ,And then I told Lakshmana , who has fame that spreads,“Oh lord , now if he escapes he would start doing acts of illusion”And at the time the sun set and the night came.
8233. The entire surrounding sea became completely dark ,And the evil natured Indrajit , using illusion went to the sky ,And using the boons of evil he has got , disappeared ,And kept the Nagapasa bow which is made of lie ,On his bow and loosened it “ Saying this Vibheeshana ,With a tear filled eye , fell on earth saluting Rama.
8234. He again stood up again saluted and told, “Oh my lord.All these people have not still died for if the Nagapasa ,Which binds them goes away , they would get up alive..Are these people so weak that they would fall for ,Arrows which are not sharp and so do not wail and become sad,Never can a sin achieve victory over Dharma.”
8235. ,Then Rama asked him, Who gave this Nagapasa to Indrajit? What isIts nature? By what method can this be repelled? Please tell,All that you know about it” and Lord Vibheeshana said ,“Oh faultless one , very good” and then he clearly told ,All the news about nature of that Nagapasa.
8236. “oh Lord who holds the divine wheel , in olden days ,This was made by Lord Brahma who created the world,During a fire sacrifice and was given to Lord shiva ,As per his desire it was given to Indrajit due to his penance This is like the thuder at the time of final deluge and has great strength.”
8237. ”It is due to this Naga Pasa that the shoulders of the thousand eyed one,Were tied which made him run away? It is with the power of Naga Pasa,That the shoulders Oh Hanuman who went in search of Sita were tied.And it is due to this Naga Pasa that the devas gave away the wealth,Of ruling over Deva Loka What is the point in thinking any further ?”
8238. ”Oh Lord who wears the THulasi garland from which ,Honey drips .This matchless Naga Pasa would leave any one,Only due of its own accord and even If Brahma and other devas ,Try to release it ,it would never leave and so what can the people of earthDo to it? This would go only when the body is destroyed and soul goes away.”And this is the information about Naga Pasa.” Said Vibheeshana.
8239. That Rama who was born to remove the sorrow of the devas,Looked at Vibheeshana and said, “Should I go for a war against,The Devas who gave this Naga Pasa? Should I burn the entire world ,Then destroy it and then die myself? or Should I destroy ,This city of Lanka jump on if and kill the asuras and their relatives?Accept these ideas with culture and tell me what is most suitable?”
8240. ””if that Lord Shiva who gave the boon of Naga Pasa to Indrajit ,Comes personally takes mercy on us , showers his grace ,Then without abusing him, I would accept and if that does not happen,I would weaken all the three worlds and like Shiva with his matchless arrow,Burnt the three cities , Within one Nazhigai burn all the three worlds.”
8241. ”Oh Vibheeshana who is the brother of king of Lanka , if my own,Brother is going to die, what other praise worthy act needs to be done?Where are words bringing bad name?What need to be thought ,That is related to Dharma ? If we recollect the help that was done by them,Devas and al beings would they be all greater than these friends who helped me?”
8242. “That Rama who greatly loved his brother who was helping him,And the friends who were helping him, due to someone doing an evil act to him,Decides to destroy the world , it is not correct “ thinking and telling this .He started sobbing , thought about it again , breathed deeply and sorrowed.
8243. That Rama who was like an elephant in trance , standing there ,Controlled by the Goad called Vedas again returned and stared,Several times at the serpent that had tied the victorious shoulders,Which were mountain like of Lakshmana and thought , “If this Pasa(rope),Is going to kill Lakshmana and then I would also die.”
8244. When Rama was sorrowing like this , the devas crowding the sky ,Were worried as to what path this present state of Rama would lead to ,And were trembling with their mind , and seeing that ,Garuda who used to stand by the side of Rama ,Due to his great love for Rama became greatly worried,And started slowly appearing out of that darkness,
8245. Seeing that the mind of Rama which is never scared of any thing ,Getting scared after seeing the Naga Pasa And his sorrow less mind sorrowing,And seeing that the grace of Rama being absent from Ravana ,Who was not living in a proper way, That Garuda came ,With his speed shaking the northern mountain of Meru ,Lighting up the entire world by the luster of his body,Making the elephants of direction which do not wink the eye close them,And with waving wings creating very huge wind.
8246. Garuda came after seeing ,the mental sorrow caused by sorrowful deeds,Making Rama weak , with his eyes which can see and recognize ,Things from one crore Kadha distance , with enthusiasm for destroying ,The Naga Pasa , waving his two huge wings which made the tides of sea cool,Made the darkness of the world break up and fly away ,And created a sound resembling the chanting of the Vedas ,And removing all the sins from this world and making the serpents weak.
8247. Garuda came spreading destruction less light in all directions ,Which are widely spread , Making the darkness there cringe ,Making sun light spread everywhere and the light emanating from his body ,Spreading like moon light , making day time appear ,And the light above his head having three times greater luster ,Than the light of the Sun on the top of the Meru mountain.
8248. Garuda came with garland around his neck having crores of gems,With flower garlands which spread cold , with garland made of gold,And due to his great speed of flying these waving ornaments ,Hitting and not hitting his chest and like a mountain which was made ,Of lightning and like the Sun rising in the south ,And slowly rising up in to the sky in the North.
8249. With ornaments which were made of crores of Serpent gem stones ,Shining like lightning , With the forehead lustrous mask made of pure gold Contributing to the light , With garlands made of forest flowers ,Waving over the chest ,and with long sorrow of parting getting over ,He saluted the divine body of his Lord Rama.
8250. With his hands held over his head saluting and not falling ,At the divine feet of Rama who had blue colour of the water rich cloud,Sorrowing on seeing the sad form of Rama without having ,The greatness of standing on flag of Vishnu which earlier ,Made the beings of all the fourteen worlds salute him,He speedily came to the place on earth where Rama was coming ,And saluted him several times thinking of auspicious qualities of Rama.
8251. ”You have come here hiding your real form, Oh Lord ,Who was the cause of Lord Brahma who sits on the lotus flower,And sorrowing due to your absence , Oh Lord who lives with in everything,Oh matchless Lord who took birth in this world and are playing the game ,Oh Lord who removes the sorrows of those who surrender before you,What is this act of your sorrowing?. My lord do not sorrow further,Oh Lord who has everything in the world as his body, do not sorrow”Like this Garuda told several words several times.
8252. “Oh Lord whose divine name is chanted and praised by all Gods And Devas competing with each other , Who is the primeval one who does not ,Ever age and rules over all the fourteen worlds , Oh lord to those who Surrender to you after giving divine the divine joys which cannot be attained By all others in the end you show them the land of salvation ,And would such a person as you destroy yourself by sorrow,Who can ever properly understand the acts of your illusion?”
8253. ”You appear in the ocean of milk as primeval creator .The one who causes destruction and in the middle cause of ,Looking after them. You are inside every being .Oh God who has the strength to give boons without fail to all people, Who worship you, and in spite of this power is hiding as man in the form ,Which does not have continuity .You would salute devas who salute you,You would receive all the boons from them that you need ,You would cry because of sorrow and like that ,It seems you are there and who knows your other acts of illusion.”
8354. ,”You have merged your activity with Lord Shiva and Lord Brahma,But you never tell about your status to them and ,You are the first among them and you are pervading inside all things ,In this world , If you decide to destroy this universe ,You would yourself would always be there without destruction,When any one thinks about the greatness of these acts ,You would stand without answering them and ,That is why your acts are not understood , Who can know ,Your great acts which are full of illusion?”
8355. ”Oh Lord who has the form of Vedas , you decide and give to all beings ,The days to live and you stand without faltering from Dharma and without death and since you do not have any desire , you do not want anything , but,Without failing you give whatsoever your devotee wants ,You would become food , the soul of the souls , the form of a woman,Who is wanted by senses , you are man and you are also a Eunuch. Who can understand these acts of your illusion?”
8356. “ The four Vedas do not know the truth, One says you do not have an end,But have several forms and another Veda says you have only one form.,Another Veda says you are the perennial light of wisdom and ,Another Veda says that you exist as a lustrous sky which is not ,Visible to the outer eye and like this the four Vedas not knowing the ,Truth about your form say that you are full of divine joy ,Which is not known by words and touch and get confused.And so who would be able to understand your great illusion.”
8367. ”The Upanishads which is the end of the Vedas which ,Do not move away from truth assume that you are the ultimate truth ,After analyzing the true wisdom and when things are like that ,When some one tells that he has seen God by his eyes ,It is something that no one has heard and has been told ,By reasons unknown and if some on says that in realty God is not there ,It is told by ignorant atheists and they without changing their opinion,And without following the Sastras and without showing devotion to you,Would get destroyed but you are living as a servant to those who love you ,You rule the kingdom and who can know your great act of illusion.”
8258. ”They say that you are the form of matchless sound,You become the meaning of the words and you are beyond pure Vedas,You are holding a bow and also are holding matchless arrows for use.In your pretty hands you hold a lustrous conch , You are enemy of bad people,And order that they should be killed , you as an enemy are lying there killed,Oh God with many contradictions I am not able to understand ,Your acts of illusion You are standing like night . Who can know you?”
8259. ”Oh great one who was never born, you look as if you do not,Remember your real form and no one in this world is able to understand ,Your this act of illusion . You look you do not have any attachment ,But due to hugging your brother and crying , you look as if you ,Are having attachment and from this it is not possible to say you are stable,You look as if you are born and you look as if you are never born also,Since it is difficult to establish Dharma in this world you are born as a man ,Who would be able to understand your great act of illusion.”
8260. ”Taking in to consideration the sins and blessed deeds of souls ,You give different type of bodies after getting in to that body ,To those who always remember you , you fulfill all their desires ,But stand without they knowing you . As mind you are suitable .To sages and also to Devas and even to completely ignorant ,And others also you are suitable .Who can understand your great act?”
8261. ”Oh great one , those who throw the weapon and those Who are wounded by it and those who get pity on seeing that ,And among those who live here , your being completely mixed up,Is known to you .Along with the wisdom removed by the ignorant ,From their mind joy are also going away but in spite of that ,You still remain inside them without getting separated ,And you are explaining to them the truth which has been,Realized by philosophers ,Who will realize this great illusion?”
8262. ,”Oh Lord with one thousand names , You stand mixed with ,All things that are created .Oh lord who never gets destroyed ,In various of your incarnations , you look different from your real form,And in all those incarnations those things consider you as their clan,And like that you do not make it clear about your original form,Oh Lord who carried in his hand the divine wheel as your weapon,You become one form combining various forms and properly thinking,Like the white Kandhal root which is skinned you become one ,Without form and who would realize this great illusion?”
8263. That Garuda praised the Lord using such types of words ,Several times and due to the coming of destroyer Garuda ,The light from his body removed the darkness and seeing ,The red light which was like Gold spreading everywhere ,Rama who deserves praise , thought deeply about ,Who that bird was and at that time , that Garuda ,With wings that could cover the entire world ,Went straight and even before thinking reached Rama .
8264. The NagaPasa sent by the evil Indrajit , making one suspect ,That they are clouds disappeared like the hunger of lustrous Brahmins and ,Poets who use proper words and their relations who live near Thiruvennainallore,Which belonged to philanthropist Chadayappa who had great strength,In giving charity and it iis but proper to say about those serpents that ,They became like the thin thread inside the stalk of Lotus flower.
8265. The air that spread by the flapping of the wings which had ,Several thousand feathers , the darkness which had spread ,In the battle ground difficult to travel , the arrows in the body ,Of all warriors including Lakshmana came out and got scattered,And the scars in their body created by those arrows disappeared ,Like the sins that appeared with wise people who consciously ,Perform only acts of Dharma With great strength of mind.
8266. But the Asuras who had never walked in the path of Dharma ,Who had thunder like cruel eyes and who only did evil acts and cheated ,Did not get up alive but the vellums of monkeys Who were like the beings created by Brahma , who sits on lotus flower ,After the deluge who were engaged in removing sinful acts in this world,Due to the eternal wish of God got up and stood firmly in the battle field.
8267. Rama who stood by Dharma seeing his brother who had got up ,And was saluting him due to very great love hugged tightly .On his chest with flower garlands and said with surprise “The God which caused a sorrow ,Which should not come to them had come in the form of Garuda”And also hugged his relative like friendly monkeys ,Making their soul one with his own and came before ,Garuda with crescent like nails and told him as follows.
8268. Rama whose form could not be recognized even by the Devas said,“Sir , who are you?you have reached here as a result of our great penance ,You have given life back to those who have died due to Naga Pasa ,You do not appear as one who can be given offerings by people like us,And so I do not find any way to compensate you for your great help.”
8269. ”Oh sir ,Oh Lord who has done an act which is impossible If this life is for getting jaded abd for sorrowing , If you ,Can give us a boon , is there anything which is not possible to get for us?If we are clear about our intellect , there us nothing for us to give you?”
8270. ”Oh sir who helped us to get back the life of Lakshmana which was,In a condition of yes and no , we never had any friendship before ,And also you have not seen us before, you have not taken anything from us,And your only principle is to help us, Please tell us what we can do to you ?”
8271.That pure Garuda who is the protector of clan of birds , looked at Rama,And told “Oh Lord who is the enemy of birth –death cycle , who cuts off,The illusory birth , I would tell you about the old relationship we had,After the war with this Asura gets over” and then he told,“Please give me leave to go “ and then he went off.
8272. Rama saw Garuda who was going away and told,“After giving back our life , he has gone without taking ,Any compensation . This possibly is the nature of people with grace , Those who are generous would not think , they will get anything,In return for what they do .Can we ever compensate the help of rain “
8273. Hanuman looking at Rama told, “Oh Lord who has mind full of Dharma,Lady Sita would be getting sad thinking that Lakshmana is no more ,If we now give rise to great sound , then our enemies ,Who are sleeping without any worries , who have the culture of evil,Would conclude that we have again risen up and become scared.And so we would all join together and raise great sound of joy.
8274. When the Lord said , this is proper and then all the monkeys ,Joined together and started shouting with joy making the ocean scared ,Making the globe resting on the head of Adhi Sesha go up,Making all the beings of earth upset , making the clouds scatter ,Making the mountains break .
8275. Ravana who is armed with sword , due to his mind spreading ,On the pretty body of Sita , was not opening his eyes and his body,Was greatly suffering due to non fulfillment of passion and his chest,Which cannot be pieced by the spear of Lord Shiva ,Was easily pierced by the arrows of God of love ,And he was breathing deeply and not sleeping and heard this great sound.
8276. Sita who was becoming sad thinking of Rama who had ,Come to the forest obeying the words of his father ,Who had come to establish Dharma and who removes the sorrow,Of people who think about him and Ravana who was the ignorant one ,Who was thinking of her only and did not understand that ,Sita at no time would love him were the only two people ,Of Lanka who did not sleep that night in Lanka.
8277. That Ravana who was like a male lion , hearing the thunder like ,Great sound of the monkeys , thought that the very angry monkey army ,Has again come for war and got up quickly but he felt that the words,Of Indrajit that in the war the army of enemies has been destroyed,Were strong and then clapping one palm with another palm,Laughed uproariously with greatly shaking his shoulders.
8278. Then he thought “ The bow of Rama is sounding like thunder ,And giving out great sound, The string of the bow of his brother is,Splitting the globe with its sound , The great shout of Hanuman ,Is piercing my ears and the great sound of the son of Sun God ,Is spreading all over the world and is echoing.”
8279. ”That Angadha is also making great sound , and Neela,With great temper is sounding so that it is heard in the sky,And other monkey leaders are also individually making sound,And this sound arising out of their joy is spreading ,Within this universe and beyond and possibly because ,Of the help of Dharma , without any doubt ,They have all got released from the tie of Naga Pasa.”
8280. Telling so many such things to himself , Ravana got down,From his bed , took his sword in his hand and with nine crores,Of Asuras surrounding him , with crores of ladies wearing .Pretty Ear globes shining on them , holding lamps made of Gold,Coming with him left his palace and reached the palace of his son.
8281. The ladies who beat the flowering climbers by the size of their waists,Carrying their cloth in their hand , with loosened hair slowly falling down,With long breaths which comes out after stopping ,Who had thick breasts which has swallowed sky due to lack of space ,Who had sleepy eyes due to being suddenly woken up ,Who were tottering and were in sleep induced trance.
8282. The Deva maidens with drinks , sleep , their dreams and sweet songs , Surrounding and pushing them with more pride about their lustrous eyes, Than deceitful fishes, which were being opened and closed ,Went along with Ravana with their anklets making sound.
8283. Several ladies who had not completely woken up with red mouth,Black eyes and long hair which looked as if clouds were made blue ,Scented by Akil Smoke, curled , decorated by placing soft flowers ,Here and there , without bothering that it may hurt their ,Thread like waists which has been made by fate due to its fall, Were surrounding Ravana from all his sides .
8284. Ladies created by Lord Brahma who lives in his world ,With sweet speech by begging sweetness from honey , sugarcane ,Milk and Nectar of Devas and with pretty eyes by joining ,The pretty parts of deer , Kayal fishes , sword and flowers And made all their parts similarly pretty , walked by his side.
8285. The great sound made continuously made by the monkey army,When they entered the ears of the very strong Asuras ,Who were like a big male crocodile , they looked like huge elephants,Which had heard the roar of the lion and the Asura ladies ,Were like the snakes in ant hills which have heard the thunder.
8286. That Rakshasa Ravana went speedily inside the golden palace ,Where his son lived and saw Indrajit who was bleeding from the woundsMade by arrows of Lakshmana ,the pain of which he was not able to bear And was like a male elephant which had lost its strength due to,A male lion and which was like a black rain rich cloud.
8287. Indrajit unable to get up and salute the feet of his father ,With great effort lifted both his hands above his head andSaluted Ravana and he with a mind which was shivering,Asked him several times “Son what bad thing came to you “And “What is the reason for these wounds ,Which are causing great sorrow to you” and he started replying.
8288. ”Father , the very powerful arrows of Lakshmana entered ,All over my chest and in my body which never diminishes,And get destroyed , they dried my blood completely ,My armour was broken and because of this , I am worn out ,Has not my eyes gone inside ?.Had I not hidden ,Using my power of illusion, by this time , I would be dead.”
8289. ”Oh lord who has shoulders like Mandara mountain , I had not ,Suffered so much in war with Indra , Lord Shiva who rides on a bull ,The pretty lord Vishnu who rides on the very powerful Garuda And With Lord Sun and other people like them and I had never ,Told you these type of words for the strength ,Of Lakshmana who is a man has no limits.
8290. ”Oh Lord who wears garland of just opened flowers , this,Is the nature of the strength of the younger Lakshmana and,If we think of the strength of Rama , it is beyond limits of our thought .And so from now onwards we have only to wait and see what would happen,You are thinking victory would be ours and that thought is wrong,”Said he who did not know that Lakshmana and others have got up.
8291. ”My act of killing of those monkey warriors along with ,The victorious Lakshmana by using the Naga Pasa was due ,To my using illusion but Rama still stands alive ,And let whatever happens happen” said Indrajit,And Ravana who heard these words to him.
8292. ”Oh son, Oh Indrajit who wears long anklets , possibly ,You do not know about the hearing of the big sound made ,By the strong bow of Lakshmana or the great sound ,Produced by the monkeys which is splitting the sky ,Which is more loud than the sound of thunder from the clouds,And which makes the ocean shiver.”
8293. “Oh father , Both the Lakshmana and the monkey army ,Were tied by the cruel Naga Pasa and with cruel arrows ,Which were showered like thunder on them their bodies had been split.Is it true that they who were in that state have survived?,If we think of an arrow that can destroy the power ,Of Naga Pasa, the God who gave it to me would feel insulted.”
8294. When they were talking like this , the emissaries ,Who had been sent to find out what had happened there ,Speedily came back to the place where Ravana was standing ,And saluted him and he asked them , “What had happened ,In the battle field? And those extremely well learned emissaries told.
8295. ”Oh Lord who wears on his chest a scented flower garland ,Rama the son of king Dasaratha seeing those who were affected ,By Naga Pasa and had fainted there at the mid night initially,Cried and later became angry and said he would burn,All the worlds and at that time Garuda living on the sky came there.
8296. ”As soon his coming was seen the Naga Pasa with sharp teeth,Became in to pieces and were scattered and because of that,The monkeys and Lakshmana got up with their wounds healed ,And without tiresomeness and became more strong than earlier,And they came and surrounded the battle field. This is what happened.”They said and Ravana the Rakshasa told like this.
8297. ”It seems Garuda with the wind by his wings has destroyed,The Nagapasa sent by my son who has power of broad shoulders ,Which is beyond praise .and please see this wonder of wonders ,If this is so , the valorous life lead by Ravana this far seems great ,It seems all the efforts that I did has become old ideas.”
8298. “That Lord Vishnu who once kept all the fourteen worlds ,Within himself and later released them and who is strong ,When he fought with me , became dispirited and ,Wandered all over the world and at that time and also ,At the time when he hid himself in the sea , That Garuda ,Has perhaps not seen me with his eye .”
8299. ”That Vishnu of black colour had in his hands the divine wheel,And the conch and when I went and was about to destroy the cities,By going to war and which he was protecting and when arrows ,Were going in large number of arrows from my bow hit Garuda ’s back ,Front and shoulders and the feathers that he was using as blanket ,And when they were still remaining on him , how did he,Who is the younger brother of Aruna came to help my enemies.?”
8300. Let that be there and let whatever has to happen, happen,But would we not wish the death of all those who escaped the Naga Pasa?Oh masculine one , you yourself go and do further great warfare ,And seeing that you are destroying them that Garuda would ,Feel ashamed “ said Ravana and his then told his ideas.
8301. ”Let me not fight today and get removed the great pain,Caused by the war and tomorrow wthin a second , I would go ,To the battle field and use the divine arrow of Lord V Brahma ,Kill all the enemies and remove al the sorrows of your mind ,.”Ravana agreed for that and went back to his flower decorated palace.
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Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 7 (Padalam 18) – Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 7 (Padalam 18)
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Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 7 (Padalam 18)
About Kavichakravarthy Kamban

Historians place him in the 9th century CE, But surely Kamban belongs to the third great wave of Tamizh literature that started with the Sangam period (dated before the Common Era), followed by the widespread impact of Bhakti literature of the Alwars (vaishnavite saints) & Nayanamars (shaivaite saints). Kamban Authored Ramanaya in Tamil…Known as Kamba Ramayanam..
Kambar has been the milestone for the Tamil scholars that none had reached. He was also known as “Kamba Naatazhvar” at his time. Many Tamil authors from the modern world have written the books on the poet Kamban.
Kambar or Kavichakravarthy Kamban (1180–1250) was a medieval Tamil poet and the author of the Ramavataram, popularly known as Kambaramayanam, the Tamil version of the epic Ramayana.
Valmiki Ramayana and Kamba Ramayanam are two versions of Ramayana written in the Sanskrit and Tamil languages respectively. … Kamba Ramayanam is originally called as Ramavataram. Although Valmiki Ramayana is the original version of the story of Rama, Kamba Ramayana is believed to be based on the work by Valmiki.
The Kamba Ramayanam, is a Tamil epic that was written by the Tamil poet Kambar during the 12th century. Based on Valmiki’s Ramayana (which is in Sanskrit), the story describes the life of King Rama of Ayodhya.
The book is divided into six chapters, called Kandam in Tamil. The Kandams are further divided into 123 sections called Padalam (படலம்) in Tamil. These 123 sections contain approximately 12,000 verses of the epic.