By Kambar (Kavichakravarthy Kamban)
Translated in English by P. R Ramachander
Kamba Ramayanam-Yudha Kandam 2 (Padalam 4)
4. ,Veedanan adaikkala Padalam
Chapter on surrender of Vibheeshana.
(Ravana tells Vibheeshana to get out and Vibheeshana with four of his other supporters reach in the midst of monkey army. They suspect his intention. He is taken before Rama .Later Rama discusses with monkey chiefs .Except Hanuman every one wants not to accept Vibheeshana. Rama decided to give protection and crowns Vibheeshana as the king of Lanka)
6365. After hearing all the advice that was told by Vibheeshana , Ravana,Who was having a dishonest mind did not bother to think and understand that advice,Thought that what Vibheeshana told would not lead to his stability ,And became angry like a flaming fire and like flames rose up.
6366. ”Oh strong one who changed the meaning of the word “death”,That Asura called Hiranya was much stronger than people like me,And if you think that the one who killed him would protect us,You are definitely are one who live for Lord Vishnu whom Prahladha,Referred .” Said Ravana with anger.
6367. ”The Prahladha about whom you told is the one who happily watched ,The Lord Vishnu who does illusion breaking open the body of his own father ,And you who has close friendship with Rama who is our enemy are equal to him, ,Would there be any body else who would be equal to you?’
6368. ”Like the character and conduct of the son of the very strong Hiranya ,You want to complete your trick and after I get defeated to those men,You who are ignorant now want to get the wealth of Lanka ,And become its king . Is this your idea? Would that ever happen?”
6369. ”Even before this you had love towards those men and ,Even now you are having love towards them, who are our great enemies,Making even your bones melt , you are always thinking about them ,And also praising them .If they are your support, need I tell you any further ?”
6370. ”You are friendly with those men who are coming to fight a war with us ,And you seem to have decided what you want to do about it,You want to win me in war with a desire for kingship of Lanka ,Your actions are bad and strong . Is there a need for other enemies?’
6371. ”You have been scarred of those men and so you are not suitable ,To fight with them and you want to have protection from those men ,You have mind full of deceit and changed from the habit of our clan,And would anything good happen when we are keeping strong poison?”
6372. That Ravana searching for his own destruction , having lost his good sense ,Understanding the bad name to him said, “I would not kill you and stop,Giving such good advices to me and go away from here quickly,For if you stand there before my eyes , I would be forced to kill you.”
6373. When Ravana told like this, Vibheeshana got up and rose in to the sky,And along with his ministers started thinking about future course of action,And even after that went on telling several advices of just DharmaTo Ravana who possibly may get benefit from it.
6374. ”long live , oh elder brother , please hear what I say ,For improving your life day by day . You are not bothered ,To think about your life span which would extend up to end of deluge ,Are you hearing the words of evil people and attain a bad fate?Would a good life be there who do not live according to Dharma?”
6375. “Your sons , your elders , your teachers , your relations ,Your friends, The people who live under your protection ,Those who have failed in life and the very strong valorous heroes ,Would be tortured by the cruel arrows of Rama, is it just for you to see it?”
6376. ”I have told you just advices of all existing types so that ,Your life would be strong and stable but you did not understand them,Oh My father , please pardon any of the mistakes I might have done “After saying this that very god Vibheeshana with good character ,Left that city and went away from there.”
6377. Anala , Anila Ara and Sampathi who were four good people,Speedily came near Vibheeshana and they were wearing hero’s anklets,And did any action only after deep thought and they joined with Vibheeshana.
6378. That Vibheeshana who was born in the clan of Asuraa and his four ministers ,Knowing that Rama and Lakshmana have arrived already with the monkrey army,On the banks of the sea, decided that they would go there.
6379. Then Vibheeshana crossed the ocean and reached its northern shore ,And after understanding what has happened , noticing that the banks of the sea,Was lit by the light of the lamps making it appear as if the lotus has flowered ,In the ocean of milk and saw the huge monkey army preparing to go to battle field.
6380. He thought that if all other beings of the world were ,Made to stand and counted the monkey army would be bigger than them,And that Vibheeshana with faultless mind addressing his ministers,Having spears with scent of meat , and told the following.
6381. ”I have developed closeness with Rama who is great in observing Dharma ,And without good fame ,I would never like to live and because ,My elder brother told that I am not observing that which would do him good .I left him and now please tell me what I should do”said Vibheeshana to those four .
6382. And those ministers who were wise and experts in proper counseling ,Told their well thought out decision like this , “It is now our only duty to meet Rama,Who is the follower of Dharma , who only gives wisdom that elevates us .”
6383. ”You have told what is good , if we do any otherthing ,Except meeting Rama , we would be having Asura habits.We would go and submit ourselves at the feet of Rama ,Who has all the good qualities and by joining with him,We would get rid of the sickness of birth and death cycle .”
6384. ”I have not seen that Lord Rama earlier to this,And nor have I heard any thing about him earlier,And I am not able to understand the reasonFor my friendship with that Lord , I am feeling cool ,My mind melts thinking about him because that Lord ,Can change my life and an enemy of birth cycle.”
6385. ,” From the days when I did penance addressed to Lord Brahma ,Who sits on the lotus , I had always great love towards that Lord Vishnu ,Who is first divine lord of the world and I wanted From Lord Brahma,Stability in the life of Dharma , love without distinction to all beings,The grace of wise people who were expert in Vedas and got them as boon.”
6386. “That boon of Lord Brahma has become a good period giving good things,And what you all have thought and told is the pure decision and so ,WE would reach the flower like feet of Rama who is the Lord of all ancient beings And do what is agreeable to our mind.”Said Vibheeshana with sweetness.
6387. The knowledgeable Vibheeshana and others who knew that their reaching thatPlace at night especially because they were “new”, is not proper hid themselves ,IN a dark garden , without coming to to the notice of others and The Sun God who travels in a chariot of one wheel climbed to the top of sun rise mountain.
6388. At that time Rama arrived there thinking how to cross that ,Southern sea with great tide and reach the other shore and also,Thinking about lady Sita who had eyes like Kuvalai flowers ,And red mouth like coral and getting depressed ,And reached the northern bank of that great ocean.
6389. Rama with great liking started seeing the gardens in the beach,The salt making fields , sand ,the pandanus bushes , Kuvalai flowers,The punnai trees spread all over , the swans crowding on those Punnai trees,The female swans and the bewitching flower gardens .
6390. Rama with great liking saw the pearls and corals brought by the ocean tide ,The Collected heaps of various gems , the land with dust of gold ,Thin gardens which make people scared, Sand dunes and huge tides.
6391. The fisher women with pretty sweet smile were drawing return patterns*,In the beach making their lightning like pretty fingers getting hurt and ,The tears with depression falling from their eyes rubbing out the patterns they drew ,Made visible these patterns here and there in the beach and Rama,After seeing those also went and saw the Punnai tree gardens. *they draw patters closing their eyes and if the ends, Of the pattern meets then their lover would come back.
6392. Rama seeing that due to the wafting cool breeze carrying water particles due to,The beating white tides on the white curved Pandanus trees ,Under which the male swans hugging their partners and sleeping, Took a deep breath.
6393. Rama mercifully looked at the young white female crane ,Anxiously waiting for the male crane which due to the great love ,It had to its partner had gone away from the branches of the tree,To bring tasty fishes to quench its mate’s hunger.
6394. Rama with great anger and with upward bent eyes saw ,Two very strong male cranes fighting , with great anger and with,Fire sparks coming out from their eyes were not moving ,But staring at a female crane which was standing alone.
6395. Seeing the male swan which surrendered to the female swan ,Due to the love tiff in her mind and later had a love making with her ,And achieving victory sobbed softly showing his pearl like teeth,Hidden by his cool coral like pretty lips of his mouth.
6396. Then reached this sorrowing state , the Sugreeva, Hanuman and other experts ,Consoled Rama and he got rid of his great depression ,And just like mad people getting conscience , he moved from that place to another.
6397. Rama reached the war tent where he lived along with friends,Like the well read Sugreeva and to that place Vibheeshana with the ringing anklets Came without any doubt in his mind and joined with monkeys there.
6398. The soldiers who saw Vibheeshana who had arrived there ,Were startled and joined together saying Asuras have come in to their army,And shouted , “catch them , hit them and throw weapons at them”In a voice that resembled thunder and surrounded Vibheeshana and others.
6399. They said, “Only God of Dharma has brought them to us,And he is a lord who did many evil deeds and has been scared,And some thought that “He was the king of Lanka Ravana himself,And so our wish to win the king of Lanka has been fulfilled “
6400. “They say that evil person has twenty hands and ten heads ,Have they all been crushed and destroyed ? and if he is an expert in warfare ,Let him fight with us ” and saying like that, they all started opposing them with anger.
6401. ”We would catch them and put them in prison and Inform Rama ,The king of all the worlds “ they said , “why are people ,Waiting without beating and killing them ?” and they went near and saw.
6402. “If before we blink our eye , if they rise in to the sky ,What other thing can we do? Are they not Rakshasas?,The only thing that we can do now is to kill them,As there is no other option” and they further said ,“It is better to kill them making them not recognizable.”
6403. When the monkey soldiers were telling whatever came oin to their mind,AS per the instruction of Hanuman Mainda and Dvividha who knew grammar called Indhram,Who were greatly honest and who knew the rules of justice came there.
6404. They who were experts in Vedas , rules of law and the grammar of human beings,Asked the monkey soldiers to move away and went near Vibheeshana and others,And understanding that they did not have activities involving cheating ,They went near them and saw the signs of wisdom and Dhama on them.
6405. Mainda looking at Vibheeshana and others asked , “who are you all?,And “why have you come here?” .”did you come to fight the war?”Or “Did you come with some other intention?”. You who are ,Standing along with the mokey army, please tell what is in your mind?”“Tell it to us and tell only the truth”
6406. Asa reply Anala the senior minister of Vibheeshana who had ,A very competent mind and who had justice replied ,“Vibheeshana Who has justice tinged with Dharma ,Who is follower of truth and who is the son of the grandson of Lord Brahma ,Wants to seek protection With Lord Rama , Who is born in clan of Sun God ,Who is the lord of all the worlds and has come to reach,The divine feet of that lord so that he would make progress.”
6407. This Vibheeshana has attained by doing great penance for a long time,The habit of never going away from path of Dharma ,great devotion to Lord Vishnu .Attachment to truth and love towards scholars who have learnt Vedas.These qualities were got by him by addressing his penance to Lord Brahma .
6408. This Vibheeshana looking at Ravana told , “Oh Ravana who has an evil mind ,Like the fire packed inside the cloth , Have you not imprisoned the lady of Rama,And if you release her from her prison now , you will escape and ,If you do not leave her you will die” and also advised him in various ways.
6409. ”That Ravana who has mind always thinking of sinful deeds ,And who has lost good wisdom looked at Vibheeshana and told,“You are now alive because you are born after me and now itself,Go away from here , for if you stand here you will die.” And hearing that ,This Vibheeshana has come away from Ravana “ sain Anala in great detail.
6410. Then the monkey warrior called Mainda carrying all that was told,By Anala in his mind said, “I will tell what all you told to my Lord Rama,”And requested his brother and the monkey army that would not retreat,To guard them without getting tired and be alert and went to Rama.
6411. , He went and met Rama who was sitting in the temple of mercy , Whose fences are Dharma , wisdom and penance ,With the difficult to attain greatness and patience as the two doors ,And got his graceful attention and saluted his divine feet.
6412. “Oh Lord who would not get destroyed even at the end of deluge ,I , who am your slave needs to tell you some thing important.” Said Mainda,And Rama who had a body similar to the pond with fully open lotus flowers,Shook his round matted hair and said, “ Oh truthful one , please tell,Whatever you have seen and also whatever you heard.”
6413. ”We do not know what is going to happen in the future ,Vibheeshana with cool flower like hands along with his four ministers,Who is the younger brother of Ravana , the king of Lanka ,Who has as tendency to cheat and steal , has reached the middle of the monkey army.”
6414. The huge monkey army which wanted to catch him as well as,Kill him started attacking them and knowing about it , I requested them to stop it,And asked them, Who are you and what is your state of affairs?”And then one emissary of Vibheeshana told like this
6415. “Ravana the elder brother who does evil deeds which are against Dharma,Went on behaving as he wanted and seeing that Vibheeshana ,Felt that he does not have any protection and has come to surrender to,Rama who is the ocean of mercy “ said he to me.
6416. ”That Vibheeshana is a follower of Dharma and had devotion,To Lord Vishnu who is the primeval God and stands firmly on truth ,Due to the boon of Lord Brahma who is the Lord of all Brahmins ,Who are experts in Vedas , given after great penance and so,He is pure in mind , language as well as acts “ Said he
6417. ”Also Vibheeshana had told Ravana that “ if Sita, the queen of chastity ,Is prevented from joining with Rama , Our clan of Rakshasas would all be destroyed ,And only bones and mountain will remain in that city. Oh ignorant one .All your ten heads wearing crown would be cut off and roll in the dust “Which was for the good of Ravana ,” said he.
6418. ”Then the very pretty Ravana , hearing these words of Vibheeshana ,Told him,”If you who have spoken these words stand before me ,You would merit to die and so go away from here ,” and because ,Of that Vibheeshana has come here to surrender to you.” Said Mainda to Rama.
6419. Then lord Rama looked at Sugreeva and other who were his friends,Who were sitting near by and said, :you have heard the words of Mainda and do you feel,That this Vibheeshana should be taken to our side?T hink about it clearly and tell me your opinion..”
6420. That king of Kishkinda who knew about his responsibility and who wore,The long crown and was the kjing of monkeys , Saluted Rama who had broad lotus like eyes,By holding his hands above his head thinking, “This is the place where Vibheeshana has come,This in the time in which he has come “ started telling to Rama.
6421. ”Oh Lord who is fate of fate and also above it , What is the reason for you,Who have great knowledge of the great primeval Vedas as well as the famous book by Manu Has asked this to people like us , I want to ask this and know from you?”
6422. “Oh Lord who is the ocean of mercy, because you had asked, I would tell you and because you have ordered which is proper to my wisdom,Which are not pure according to your thoughts and which are not the final decision.If we think about the future results , I would tell you what I think.”
6423. ”The reason for this Vibheeshana to leave Ravana is not because ,They had a big fight and not also because Ravana wanted to kill him,Due to another bad name . Is it proper according to Dharma ,That this Vibheeshana has left his brother without any suitable reason?Among the Rakshasas who do not have culture , who are good and who are bad?”
6424. ”The act of leaving his suitable elder brother or father and mother ,Or great elderly wise people or the king who rules the world and making them enemies,Is an act which should be jeered at for is it a desirable act?”
6425. ”When there was need for the help of the brother , sweetly talking to him,And when he wages a war , getting scared and without entering ,The battle field and die along with elder brother , this Vibheeshana ,Has come to join us and this is not an act of males and is like a nail to the world.”
6426. ”Oh Lord , When his mind wanted to only travel in the path of Dharma ,After leaving his people who are following acts which are against Dharma,Instead of going somewhere else his coming and joining the enemies is bad and laughable,And would lead to all others blaming him .How can this Vibheeshana get out of this bad name”
6427. ”Oh Lord who is the ocean of mercy , After enjoying the wealth,Of his brother who wears the golden anklets till he lived with him,When the army got angry and was getting ready to attack him,Instead of helping out in the war , coming to join,Us who are the enemies of his brother , would make ,Vibheeshana without any relatives and friends?”
6428. “Having seen the elderly one took the form of the deer made of gold ,Leaving away the penance and Vedic conduct ,when his nephew ,Approached him with evil intent , should we accept this Vibheeshana because of his penance .”
6429. ’Even if the beings all the world join together with god of death,And wage a war against us , we have decided that we will win.Would the brother of enemy help us to get defeated,Or would he become a help for us to get victory.”
6430. ”If we who are feeling great for having come here to kill all the Asuras , And protect good Dharma, take the help of the same Asuras who are not merciful,And wage the war , does it not appear that there is some problem for our strength.”
6431. ”These Rakshasas who have surrendered to us , would behave ,IN a certain way when they are parting with us and in another way when they say us,When they accept the things in our hand , they would behave in a certain way, And when they partake food with us , they would be in certain other way .”
6432. ”Oh Lord who is black like Kajal , he has come here only to cheat us ,And he has not come here to request for his protection ,Is it proper to accept this Rakshasa who is more cruel than poison.,”Said Sugreeva with an intention to know about Rama’s opinion.
6433. , As soon as Sugreeva completed telling his opinion , Rama looked at,Jambavan Who did not have any one to match in his wisdom and asked ,“What is your opinion?” and Rama after thinking deeply about ,All the old rules of procedure started talking .
6434. ”Even though they are greatly learned , if they are from the enemies ,Who should not be believed , those who join them would get destroyed ,If we think about the rule of Dharma of Vibheeshana,Would the world accept that the Asuras have an aim to follow Dharma.”
6435. ”If we join people like Vibheeshana we may achieve victory ,He may tell the ideas that we need , they may even help to achieve our aim,They may remove if there are shortcomings and make it complete ,But from the very beginning Rakshasas have enmity with us ,And apart from that is it proper to join with such inferior people?”
6436. “If those cruel people who have prevented Vedas and Yagnas ,Caused misery to Brahmins and caused problems to all devas continuously ,Would they not do harm to us, would they ever do good to us?”
6438. ”If now we Join Vibheeshana to our side , shall I tell about the ills,That may come due to it . The coming of this Vibheeshana,Is similar to the coming of golden deer when you were with Sita in the forest.” said he.
6439. Rama then asked Neela who knew about conclusions of many great books,Who had learned about many great books from those who have learned it well ,And who was the commander of monkey army for his opinion and then Neela told.
6440. ”Oh Lord who has learned innumerable books , hearing it from others,There are many reasons why the help of an enemy is accepted,And I would tell you all of them .Please hear them with desire,Without thinking that they are after all told by a monkey.”
6441. “My idea is that we have to give protection and accept help ,In a war which is carried out to avenge those who killed our relatives ,And to those who have come as simple people not able to do anything,And to those who have become enemies due to the ability of ladies,And to those who have lost great wealth to their enemies.”
6442. Those who have great attachment to country, language and clan,And to those who get defeated in war and retreated from there in ignomy,And to those who lost their wealth due to direct close clan members,And to those who have killed the close relatives of others , protection can be given.”
6443. If those who are friends of those imprisoned by the order Of neighboring king and the sons our daughters who have ,Joined along with the enemies , come to join us ,They can be accepted for protection and joined with us.”
6444. ”Those who are not simple and come and join us ,With their own free will and Those who are so strong ,That they scare others would later cause trouble to us ,And so let us examine what category Vibheeshana belongs to.”
6445. ”If we examine the time at which Vibheeshana has come to join us ,Or if we examine this based on the books that we have learned ,Is it possible to take a decision based only on his good conduct ,Of this one who has quarreled with his brother and has come here” Said that commander.
6446. The other councilors in the monkey army , because they were ,Observing truth ,who had faultless knowledge of books, And who had great love towards Rama , gave a faultless ,And unified opinion that it was wrong to join Vibheeshana with them,After thinking and said that it was their final opinion.
6447. That Rama who was greater knowledge than knowledge said,To Hanuman “All people are of same opinion regarding the ,Non acceptance of Vibheeshana And Of Hanuman who has wealth of knowledge ,Please tell me your opinion regarding this,” And looked specially at Hanuman ,Who is firmly established in good conduct and had matchless knowledge,
6448. “Even if those who surrender to us are ignorant , if you properly think,It is only proper for people like you to treat them well” started Hanuman,Who had hidden his mouth by his hand and who has pointed and vast intelligence.
6449. ’Oh very knowledgeable one , All those people here who can talk after great thought,Are of the uniform opinion that we should not accept him ,And they who are sterling character have told this after great thought ,Is there any need for me also to tell about my opinion?”
6450. ”Oh Lord who is the incarnation of Lord Vishnu with a wheel,Because these people with pure mind have told it boldly , it should be good,And their opinion should be faultless as well as pure , but I will tell,A different opinion ,I would never consider Vibheeshana who has come here as an evil one,And for that I have to tell here , some of the reasons.”
6451. ”Oh Lord who wears the flower garland frequented by bees , the shining face ,Of a cheat can be well recognized immediately , as soon as we see it ,If they have evil within them could they be able to hide it?Would enemies like to be demeaned by asking for our protection?”
6452. “Even before a person talks about what is in his mind , their faces ,Would slowly tell about it for the result of evil in a person ,Is like the pit of darkness of ignorance and not face shining with wisdom.”
6453. ”Hearing about the death of Vali , Sugreeva getting the kingship,Your great ability in use of the bent bow and its greatness and power This Vibheeshana wants to attain salvation with clear wisdom,With your help and he has come here for that.”
6453. ”Knowing that the ruling of kingdom by Rakshasas who wear great anklets ,Which was not according to the tenets as told by great people ,Would not be stable and hearing about your mercy and truth,Which made you give the earth surrounded by the sea to your brother,Vibheeshana developed a great liking to your observation of truth .”
6454.”If they say that the time of his arrival here is not proper ,Having known that your power is greater than enmity of Vali ,And having realized that the same thing will happen to kings of Lanka ,He concluded that the time for their destruction has come ,He decided to come away from Ravana and Kumbhakarna who were his support.”
6455. ”The Rakshasas who are sinners are experts in doing acts of illusion,And if people like Vibheeshana who know about it and who are great ,Join on our side , then we can achieve the praiseworthy victory.”
6457. ” Thinking that It is very difficult to know the evil in their minds ,And thinking they would destroy all of us and talking about it ,Does not appear to be act of wisdom as they are not thinking wisely,Is it proper to think like this about people who came to seek our protection?”
6458. ”When I was standing before the council of Ravana and he said,“Kill him” , it was he who told him that it was silly to kill messengers ,And due to that they would get bad name and also,We would not be able to win in the future war and stopped him from killing me.”
6459. He said, “Though the act of killing helpless women,And killing non valorous ignorant people would bring our destruction,Were done by us , killing of messengers is not clean act”,And he also told several reasons why it should not be done.
6460. ”Oh Lord who has the power to rule , when I went to the palace ,Of Vibheeshana at night , when I was wandering all over Lanka ,I could only see more of good omens and besides ,I also came to know of many other aspects.”
6461. “ I did not see in the home of Vibheeshana the serving of alcohol,Which is found fault by great people and that of meat products ,Which has been got by evil acts and it was looking like homes of Brahmins ,Where charity , salutations and other acts which are according to Dharma ,AS well as worship of Gods and acts of good behavior were being done .”
6462. ”Trijata who is the matchless daughter of this Vibheeshana sweetly told ,My goddess lady Sita that “Oh lady with crescent like forehead this Ravana,Has got a curse from Lord Brahma sitting on the lotus flower that ,“If that evil Ravana touches you then the God of death,Would come in search of him “ and consoled her.
6463. “Thinking that the great boons that Ravana has got , the evil qualities born with him,And others like wealth and kingship would be soon destroyed by the arrows ,Which are sent from your great bow , Vibheeshana has come speedily to get your protection.If we examine the great boons that he has got , the cuture of mercy which he desired and got,And his wisdom ,there is no greater Rakshasas than him who is an expert in war with swords.Are there any body else who has the good culture that he has any where else?”
6464. ”Oh victorious king , You have earlier stood by the devas, Asuras ,The trinity who are greater than the devas for completing the tasks,Which were impossible for them to complete and completed it with success .Being such a person is it proper for you to ask Vibheeshana , who has,Sought your protection in time of danger , because others suspect him,And would it not be like the huge ocean refusing to entertain small amount of well water .”
6465. ”If we do not accept this Vibheeshana thinking that these people ,Who belong to our enemies may not be useful to us ,and if this,Comes under the attention of wise people would they not laugh?Due to affection towards the people of our clan and father , mother,And siblings who are suitable to our faith would become our enemies,If they desire to get a thing which would cause them progress>”
6466. Then Hanuman who had learned all the arts which cannot be ,Estimated even by Brahma who likes arts , from Sun God standing before him,Who has crossed the ocean with cool water , who has achieved ,Victory over the enemy Rakshasa and who saved the world ,Looked at Rama said, “So I think that the coming of Vibheeshana,Is good for us but I do not know the intentions of your mind,Which are like the books of Vedas to me.”
6467. Rama after hearing the nectar like words of Hanuman enjoyed its sweetness,And said, “Oh very wise one good, good ,The words spoken by Hanuman ,Are much greater than those suggested by others and you would understand it later.”And then Lord Rama started telling and others heard what he told .
6468. ”If we think properly the time at which Vibheeshana came is very proper,And the big attachment he has is towards his country . There is no limit ,To his wisdom and he does not fall short of doing great penance ,And these are proved by his desire to join with us .”
6469. ”What else needs to be told now? The council given by Hanuman ,After proper thought is the most proper one. If we have to protect Vibheeshana,AS what Hanuman told is right , whether we win or get defeated and lose everything, Is there any option to us other than accepting one who surrenders to us.?”
6470. ”Once a man comes saying I”I surrender “ how can we say no?Even if he had come after killing my mother and father ,can we say no,And though he who comes near to us and shows that he loves us ,Can we think that , he is likely to change and not accept him ?When we accept him we will get fame and not bad name?”
6471. ”Is there a single day when people have forgotten the greatness,Of Emperor Sibi who went and sat in the balance for sake of a dove?Much more than the days following the day when I do not accept the surrender of a person,The days when I happen to die , if I accept his surrender,And he happens to deceive and kill me would be great and be remembered.”
6472. ”Have you not heard of Lord Shiva who came saying ‘I am giving my protection,When the devas , who churned the ocean of milk with tides , got scared and moved away ,When the poison appeared there , by eating it away.?If we do not help those ,Who are greatly suffering by disappointment , if we are not giving ,Whatever we have to those who come asking for it and if we do not ,Show mercy on those who come seeking protection ,What is the use of Dharma? What is the use of our masculinity?”
6473. ”The fact mentioned in the Vedas that when a silly hunter had already caught ,The female bird and was hunting for its mate , that male bird provided him heat ,By lighting the fire in that cool winter and later noticing his great hunger,It fell in that fire and offered his own body as food to him and attained salvation .Is it not greater than that Vedas itself?”
6474. ”When one elephant was caught by an angry crocodile in the lotus pond ,And when in the fight between them the elephant got tired and waile,“Oh primeval God , I have surrendered to you “ and on that day,Lord Vishnu , whose end could not be even seen by the Vedas ,Came to the elephant , killed the crocodile and destroyed ,The sorrow of the elephant . Can this be forgotten even by,The Devotees whose memory happens to be poor.”
6475. ”When the primeval God Vishnu who created all the beings of all the worlds .And is looking after them and though he himself is all the Dharma and results of the Dharma,Protects sweetly all those who surrender to him and also grants them salvation.Is there any other proof needed , for the necessity of protecting , those who surrender to us?”
6476. ”To protect the devas from the poison that came out , Lord Shiva , who holds,The lustrous axe in his hand swallowed that poison and retained it on his throat ,And when the Brahmin Markandeya who was about to die, surrendered to him He killed the very angry God of death who came to take away his soul .And made that boy always sixteen years old , Is there anything greater than this?”
6477. ”When Sita cried “who will protect me from this Asura?” Jatayu said“I would be your protection oh lady who is like Vanchi creeper” and he was later killed ,BY Ravana with a complicated mind by being cut by his sword,When he tried to go close to that Asura and fight and attained divine death .Would this be improper only for me to do?”
6478. ”Those base persons who do not consider the soul of a person , who comes and tells them,That for getting himself saved , he has surrendered to him , as his own and protects him,Those who without any interest forgets the help rendered by a person to him ,And one who considers as false the following of true dharma based on Vedic knowledge ,Would all fall in the cruel hell from which they can never return.”
6479. ”The penance that I have taken to kill the ignorant Ravana who ill treated the Devas,Which I have taken of my own accord is not limited only to free Sita?When the Brahmins came and surrendered to me , I had given my word,To do that and how can I go against the word given by me ?”
6480. “It does not matter whether the task that we have undertaken is complete,Or incomplete but , if we examine properly the proper duties of those who show mercy,There is nothing greater for me to do than protecting one who has surrendered to me .In this world there are very many kings who have sacrificed their life to protect the people.”
6481. ”As he has said “I surrender “ , our duty is to offer him our protection ,But due to your affection to me you told me that there is no necessity for that,.There is nothing more to think about it . Oh Sugreeva , the son of Sun God,You yourselves go and bring that faultless Vibheeshana to me.”
6482. Sugreeva after all his doubts have been removed , got a clear mind ,Similar to the mind of Rama , the lord of all the Gods and said ,“If Vibheeshana agrees to join with us , I would bring him here with great speed,” And went with great haste to the place of Vibheeshana who was,The personification of all that is true.”
6483. Dhayitha the brother od Dwivitha seeing the coming of Sugreeva, the monkey king ,Told Vibheeshana that , “Rama has requested that you should be brought before him,And for that purpose , Sugreeva, who is the son of Sun God and who has ,Two mountain like shoulders is coming here.” And Vibheeshana , who was not sure ,Whether Rama would accept him , went before Sugreeva and met him.”
6484. Though two people move vey closely for a long time , if their mind is not clean,They would not join together but the pure ones as soon as they meet would become united,And those two were speedily coming to meet each other, like day and night of the same day,They hugged each other with their pillar like shoulders.”
6485. After hugging when they both were standing , Sugreeva told Vibheeshana ,“Lord Rama with lotus like eyes , as per the practice of the great clan of Sun God,With great joy in his mind , has offered you limitless protection and so ,Speedily come and salute the divine feet of that Lord.”.
6486. Even before the words told by Sugreeva who was like a male lion ,Reached his ears , the eyes of Vibheeshana who was of the colour of darkness at night ,Started shedding tears like a rain fall and like his mind , his body also cooled down,And due to the ebbing joy radiating from his mind , his hairs stood erect.
6487. Has Rama really welcomed me who is the brother of the cruel one and cheat Ravana Who made Sita whose tender feet became red when her friends told her that her feet should be painted red, separated from him? Has he agreed to to provide protection to me.I who am like a dog due to the grace of my lord has been become great,Like the poison swallowed by Shiva with a low matted hair becoming famous?”
6488. ”Ravana whose mind is filled with passion , did not agree to my words,And now will not the Sun God who travels in a chariot with one wheel go above Lanka?If this is the stable thought that has come out from the mind of Rama ,If this is the mercy that he is showing me , Would the Asuras stay alive? I am crushed.”
6489. ”The great people of mercy who have a very pure mind , even if,Others do to them great acts of misery ,would they change from their own goodness?Like the ocean when it was churned by using a huge black mountain Making fire sparks to come out of it giving nectar to the Devas.
6490. ” Rama who is the helper of the sages who have adopted penance as their Dharma,Considering me as some one related to him , has given me refuge and support ,And due to that though I belong to the Asura clan which is not wise and ,Does not do any act of Dharma , have not become belonging to a elevated higher birth,And due to that I have also escaped from going to hell.”
6491. Sugreeva , the son of Sun God whose attitude has been changed by the words of Rama,Looked at Vibheeshana and told, “Does not Rama who is an expert in differentiating between,Good and bad , treat those who surrender to him better than his own soul? And that faultless lord has great wish to see youAnd so scholar , we will go there without wasting any more time with great speed.
6492. Similar to a mountain touching the clouds and the Mery mountain going ,Followed by various other mountains going with very great speed , those two ,Who has done great luck to surrender at the feet of Rama reached the place of Rama,Who with one arrow has burnt seven trees which were standing in a circle.
6493. Surrounded by the monkey heroes , with his younger brother guarding him ,The son of the Lord of all the land surrounded by four oceans , Rama was standing ,Similar To Lord Vishnu who is surrounded by ocean of milk ,With Meru mountain by his side , like a black ocean full of lotus flowers.
6494. In the middle of the monkey army who were capable of picking up the world ,By their hands and tossing it up Rama was looking like Lord Vishnu , who was resting ,In the ocean of milk with very cool tides which was all over nothing but white ,Surrounded by the saluting Devas , who had got up after sleep.”
6495. He saluted Rama who was like the eye balls of lady Sita with a lustrous forehead,Sitting in the sandy place which was curved like the pretty eye brows of lady SitaAnd which was like spread out pretty pearls which were suitable for wearing And which was white and long showing his own black colour.
6496. He saluted Rama who did not wear a garland of pearls which was looking like,The coming of water rich clouds of the rainy season with its rainbow removed,And who had pretty shoulders from which the gem studded armlets have been removed,Looking like the Mandhara mountain which was used to churn the oceanFrom which Vasuki which has been used as rope has been removed.
6497. , He saluted Rama who had a face like the full moon with all its crescents,Which was showering rays of mercy similar to the moon light from moon,And who had matted hair which was kept as per the orders of his step mother ,After he had given the gem studded crown given by his father to his younger brother.
6498. Vibheeshana after seeing the greatly valorous hero Rama , with hair,Standing erect all over his body , With tears flowing freely from his eyes,And with his mind melting in emotion thought “This one is with pretty eyes,Looking like a black mountain and that is not so he looks like,The black cloud bearing lotus flowers and even if that is not right ,Is he lord Vishnu who is fully dripping with grace ,Or is he that god of Dharma , who happens to be black.” Said he with wonder.
6499. He became extremely happy thinking that his elder brother Ravana helped him,Fall at the divine feet of Rama who is the father of Lord Brahma ,and who is the elder brother ,Of Bharata who had the greatest wealth of wearing the sandals of this great one Not bothered to wear the gem studded crown , so that he can get himself,Completely rid of the disease of birth death cycle which appears like a fire fly..
6500. ”That Rama who cures the incurable disease of the birth cycle even among,The very great people who have done great penance was ready to kill all the asuras ,By sending very sharp pointed arrows at them . What can be told about his readiness?And all those Asuras who were to be killed by Rama had done great penance “ thought he.
6501. , Vibheeshana thinking like that , lifted both his hands above his head wearing ,A lustrous crown at Rama who looks with love and mercy on others,Melting even the stones and trees and whenever he looked at him with kindness ,Fell on the earth and saluted him and again fell at the divine feet,Of that Rama who is like the ocean in giving all boons to his devotees.
6502. With his face showing the conviction that his Asura birth is over ,With tears flowing from his eyes , Vibheeshana fell on the earth to salute Rama,And that Rama saw him with his eyes full of mercy and said, “Get upAnd please sit down” and offered him a seat by his flower like hands.
6503. Rama who had the wheel of rule looked at Vibheeshana and grace ,Ebbing out from his mind ,and told, “As long as the fourteen worlds and ,My name exists , the wealth of kingship of Lanka which is in the middle of the sea,Where Asuras with shining teeth live would be yours. I have given it to you.”
6504. AS soon as Rama told these words all the movable and non movable,Beings of the worlds separately shouted that they have got good life ,And we do not know whether they did it seeing the divine grace of Rama ,Or because they thought of the Dharma of Vibheeshana who surrendered to Rama.
6505. ,When Vibheeshana said , I have been saved” and due to his good fate saluted Rama ,The very pretty Rama looked with grace at Vibheeshana with a very black body and said,“Oh Lakshmana who never sleeps , please crown this Vibheeshana who has surrendered to us,And became our great friend and also one who has faultless fame.”
6506. Vibheeshana who had the ability to know good things that are to happen ,Looked at Rama and said, “Oh Lord , You have given me the very famous wealth ,Which never gets destroyed but since I was born as a brother of the evil Ravana ,Please make me wear your feet as the crown, by which you had,Already crowned Bharata so that ,my duty due to birth is cut off.”
6507. ”Along with Guha we became five brothers earlier and after that ,Along with Sugreeva who was the son of Sun God who goes round Meru,Mountain, we became six .Oh Vibheeshana who came here ,With heart full of love to us , along with you now we are seven brothers,My father giving the life in a forest where others cannot enter Has become your father too and is shining with his sons.”
6508. ”Oh Lord , What is there for me to tell in the middle , I who has,Been born like a dog , along with your brothers you have made me your brother too,And I have become the best of your slaves’ saying this ,With doubt and fear removed from him he wore the crown,Which was touched by the divine feet of Rama, on his head.”
6509. After wearing the sandals of Rama on his head he stood like a mountain ,Which had red coloured Sun at his top and he was the king of all Rakshasa clan Rama and Lakshmana were overjoyed by seeing him and all people there were happy,And all the matchless Devas greeted him and showered flowers on him.
6510. The seven oceans , earth and heaven made tumultuous sound ,The drums tide by hide gave out an auspicious and divine sound,The devas rained gold coins, the soft scented powders covered the sky,And great sound of tumultuousness arose at that place.
6511. Lord Brahma who was sitting on the well grown lotus flower thought that,Due to Sita who spoke nectar like words my clan had gone down by slipping out of Dharma,And today it has again risen up and became happy and the God of Dharma,Created great sound by telling “From today the evil wealth of Ravana has come to an end.”
6512. When things were happening like this ,Rama looked at Lakshmana and told,“Oh stable prince , go along with Vibheeshana and walk around the army camp,Of the monkey army so that Vibheeshana understands the extent of wealth he has got.”
6513. ,Lakshmana then made Vibheeshana of endless good qualities along with ,The crown of sandals on his head on a plane made by sandal wood and made ,The monkey warriors carry that plane telling “Vibheeshana has today got,Wealth equal to Indra and Lakshmana and Vibheeshana ,Who were heroes with broad shoulders went round the army camp.
6514. Lord Brahma who searched for the divine feet of Rama which is difficult to see,Even for the sages seeing them when Lord Vishnu assumed the form of Trivikrama ,Gave a ceremonial anointing of those feet with pure water so that,Those who dip in it lose their five types of sins and became devas of heaven,Who can tell about the greatness of those who carry the divine feet on their head?
6515. All the great ones of the world seeing the greatness of Vibheeshana ,Consisting of Sages, devas , greatly wise people , Those who live with devotion,Those who completed Yagnas and all those of very great penance , till to day say,“Who else have got the great luck of Vibheeshana who had lustrous white teeth?”and became surprised.
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Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 2 (Padalam 4)
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Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 2 (Padalam 6)
About Kavichakravarthy Kamban

Historians place him in the 9th century CE, But surely Kamban belongs to the third great wave of Tamizh literature that started with the Sangam period (dated before the Common Era), followed by the widespread impact of Bhakti literature of the Alwars (vaishnavite saints) & Nayanamars (shaivaite saints). Kamban Authored Ramanaya in Tamil…Known as Kamba Ramayanam..
Kambar has been the milestone for the Tamil scholars that none had reached. He was also known as “Kamba Naatazhvar” at his time. Many Tamil authors from the modern world have written the books on the poet Kamban.
Kambar or Kavichakravarthy Kamban (1180–1250) was a medieval Tamil poet and the author of the Ramavataram, popularly known as Kambaramayanam, the Tamil version of the epic Ramayana.
Valmiki Ramayana and Kamba Ramayanam are two versions of Ramayana written in the Sanskrit and Tamil languages respectively. … Kamba Ramayanam is originally called as Ramavataram. Although Valmiki Ramayana is the original version of the story of Rama, Kamba Ramayana is believed to be based on the work by Valmiki.
The Kamba Ramayanam, is a Tamil epic that was written by the Tamil poet Kambar during the 12th century. Based on Valmiki’s Ramayana (which is in Sanskrit), the story describes the life of King Rama of Ayodhya.
The book is divided into six chapters, called Kandam in Tamil. The Kandams are further divided into 123 sections called Padalam (படலம்) in Tamil. These 123 sections contain approximately 12,000 verses of the epic.