By Kambar (Kavichakravarthy Kamban)
Translated in English by P. R Ramachander
Kamba Ramayanam-Yudha Kandam 4 (Padalam 14)
14. Mudal por puri Padalam
Chapter on first day’s war.
(This chapter describes the war on the first day.Prahastha, the commander in chief of Rakshasa army is killed.Ravana and Hanuman beat each other , Ravana attacks Lakshmana with the spear given by Brahma and Lakshmana falls down,Hanuman saves him. Rama destroys the chariots of Ravana and throws his crowns in to the sea. Rama asks him to go back and come the next day.)
7017. Rama ordered ‘ There is nothing except war now and so in all directions ,Beat the drum to tell all the warriors in the tents to march and stand,In the respective fort entrances allotted to them.
7018. ”Also with already experienced hands let the valorous heroes ,Bring all the hills that are standing everywhere, the number ,Being three times than the number put In the ocean ,And fill up the moat around the city which is guarded.
7019. Put uprooted trees on all streets so that Rakshasas,Canno easily move about , In a loud voice challenge them for battle ,And now itself conquer the top of the walls ,Which cannot be straight away crossed by the Sun.
7020. That army of monkeys who were brave like a lion ,Carried huge mountains and trees started the work ,Making the animals in the water run away ,And the water in the moat ebb out and closed the moat.
7021. When the Seventy Vellam monkeys which were spread out,Like the eighth ocean were filling up the moat with trees and mountains, The pure water of the moat , as if it is helping the city ,Entered in to the city through the doors and encircled it.
7022. The bottom stems of the well grown lotus plants in the moat ,Which were till then only increasing the true fame of Ravana,Were uprooted by the very strong hands of those monkeys.
7023. The flow of honey , from the tall blue Karuvilai flowers,Which were like the eyes of the moat appeared as if ,The moat was crying that the strength and fame of Ravana ,Who has evil nature would come to an end today itself.
7024. ,When the moat was being filled up due to uprooting ,Of fresh lotus plants , the bees which had broad wings ,Started running away breaking the music and ,The crowds of swans took their eggs by their mouth and started running.
7025. Along with the bees that were singing music with long notes ,The pollen dropped from leaf sheaths of palms in the huge fields ,Where The monkeys made way to the swans living on lotus flowers ,By jumping and because of that the Valai fishes also jumped.
7026. The huge trees like drizzles along with mountains and dusts,Due to their going near the water of the moat ,The water ebbed out of the moat and like rivers flowed to the sea.
7027. The stones thrown by the monkeys to fill the moat ,When they were being thrown pressed ripples in the water ,And the lotus flowers that had flowing honey ,Got drowned in the water with tides ,And were like the faces of women which were raising up.
7028. That ten headed Ravana who was the head of the pride of ego,Knew about the covering up of the moat by the monkeys,Proving the fact that there is no limits to poverty riches and strength.
7029. The monkeys which covered up the moat , uprooted the Maramaras,And destroyed the big bridges built for communication ,And just liked melted and newly made reached the top of the wall,And shouted in such a way that the ocean and black clouds were also scared.
7030. Climbing on that tall walls which were like the round Meru mountain,The monkeys which stood touching the sky ,Were like the white flags that were hung on the top of those walls.
7031. Due to the monkeys who were more in weight than the Meru mountain,With countless gems pressing that wall , unable to bear their weight .That compound wall of the city was pressed down and there was no need to break it .
7032. In Lanka the huge war drums were beaten , with the big flags ,Which were flying on the elephants the long sky was hidden ,With dust accumulating the distance for directions came down,And the sound of the Asuras starting to the battle went and fused in the sky.
7033. Conches boomed , the ornaments worn by Asuras made tingling sound,The belled garlands of the horses which were dancing made sound ,The big bells tied to the huge pretty chariots also made sound,And the elephants in rut due to the joy of the war trumpeted.
7034. Making the ancient clan of the Rakshasas completely uprooted ,And making the human and other beings live a life of peace and prosperity ,The time which has embedded the reason shown by fate made ,The monkey army and Asura army with great pride fought with each other.
7035. That ocean like monkey army using their teeth , using huge trees ,Using huge stones went to fight and the ocean of Rakshasa army ,Fought using bows , long spears and very many other lustrous weapons.
7036.The arrows sent by Asuras powdered the hills thrown by the monkeys,And all those arrows were broken by the monkeys using huge trees with branches ,And due to the lustrous spears going inside which made red dots,The huge scented trees got destroyed and fell down.
7037. The stones thrown by those monkey warriors with long hands in the war ,Broke the heads of those cheating Rakshasas and their brains ,Came out of their ears , mouths and noses where serpents live.
7038. Since the arrows of those Asuras whose black would scare ,The darkness of night , which came with great speed hit them ,With blood flowing out of the wounds along wit falling teeth,Those monkeys along with stone they brought to throw rolled on the earth.
7039. The Stones that were speedily thrown by the monkeys standing on the walls,Which were as tall as the Meru mountain , just like series of thunder Falling on the mountain took away the souls of that evil Rakshasas.
7040. By the long lustrous spears which are of the shape of leaf thrown,By the angry Asuras with lustrous eyes , those monkeys which fought with them ,Lost their hands died and fell on the earth outside those city walls.
7041.The monkeys became very angry , bit them with their teeth ,Hit them with their hands , pressed the necks of the asuras ,And separated them by using their sharp nails ,Hit with their knees and kicked with their legs,And killed innumerable and countless Asuras.
7042. Those Asuras who had very cruel eyes by throwing weapons ,And shooting arrows , by beating with iron rods similar to bamboo sticks,And Pressing very cruel spears in side their bodies ,Killed the monkeys whose population came down considerably.
7043. The blood soaked red golden mountain looked as if,The surrounding mountain was made of corals ,And the flow of the blood was dragging the crowds of corpses,Which had fallen head first in to the saline sea.
7044. That city of Lanka which was difficult to be conquered by Indra,Due to the large number of birds assembling in the sky to eat the corpses,Was looking like a huge Pandal that was erected at that place.
7045. The cruel and hot blood that was rising up and flowing ,From the hill like corpses and the headless bodies of the Asuras ,Which appeared as if the night has come before the sky at dusk,Were lifting their hands and danced here and there .
7046. Due to blood dropping from the wings of the birds that dipped in,That greatly fearful red blood , the flags of different colours ,All turned their colours and became red.
7047. The Monkeys losing their strength , left the huge wall ,Which was bathed by their blood which was like the fresh spring water Like the huge sea which got down on one side from the Meru mountain.
7048. The crowd of the Rakshasas who had cruel eyes which ,Can cause sorrow entered and filled up on the platforms of the wall ,In the corners from where arrows can be shot, from the fort entrances,Which can make the enemies depressed and stages built on the walls.
7049. Those monkeys who were trying to escape when Rakshasas neared them,Were trying to swim the swiftly going ocean of blood and some monkeys ,Due to arrows hitting them became greatly tired and fell down ,Others ran away.
7050. Like the huge sound made at the time of deluge when everything is destroyed ,By the huge sea which is the cause for such destruction ,When the sea like army of monkeys ,Who were hugging the huge wall lost their power , The sea like Rakshasa army,Who were using very cruel weapons , made sound of victory like huge sea.
7051. The sounds from the huge drums the weapon called Musudu , the conches that booms,The famous Yekkalam , the small drum called Akuli and many other instruments ,Merged with the sound of arrows being shot from the bow ,And made the ocean making tumultuous sound with tides worried.
7052. At that time , similar to starting from the four mouths of Lord Brahma ,Who had created all the worlds . the sea like army which was within city of Lanka,Emerged out of the four gates which were touching the sky .
7053. Completely covering the entire long eight kadham distance ,Elephants with three types of rut rushed out of the fort entrances ,With steps along with flags on them as well as flags on other elephants ,So closely and came out breaking the staffs holding the flags.
7054. The long chariots made of Gold due to rut water flowing out ,Of the masked elephants , like the storm at the final deluge ,Ran swiftly and broke in several ways the very strong earth.
7055. , The monkeys which had conquered the city of Lanka ,Using their large pretty shoulders broke the huge and tall walls,And due to the well dressed lady Lanka drinking the sea water ,That which entered inside her , the jumping horses Were like those which were vomited by the jumping tides.
7056. In the world where there is no comparison , the very dark nights ,Which from very old times followed the day , scared of great light of Lanka Were imprisoned on one side and they as if they were,Coming out of the prison , the Rakshasa foot soldiers came out.
7057. The great dust which rose up due to the march out of,The four branches of the army , reduced the burden of Adhi Sesha,Who had huge heads , and encircled the entire sky ,And got themselves pasted in the walls of universe as well as directions.
7058. Due to the Rakshasas crowding and coming nearing them,The huge armies of crowds of monkeys were greatly harried ,And approached the place where son of Sun God Who was proudly standing with a wish to fight the war was standing.
7059. Seeing the tiredness of the weak army of monkeys ,And the greatness of the Rakshasa army which was coming with great anger ,That Sugreeva who had a boiling heart and with eyes spitting out fire ,He took in his hand a very huge tree as weapon.
7060. Like a separate Sugreeva standing before each of the Asura ,Warriors ,riding on elephants, horses as well as chariots ,Sugreeva stood in front of the ornamental gate ,And looked like matchless Hanuman who fought earlier with them.
7061. Braking the legs of elephants , horses and Rakshasas soldiers ,And making them fall , making the huge gem studded lustrous chariots over turn ,Making the warm blood flowing like a river , with great heat in his mind ,He did all this only with the very strong Maramara only .
7062. At that time the valorous ones of the monkey clan lead by their king ,Sugreeva went and joined the war that they were doing ,With Rakshasas , in which they were suffering and started fighting.
7063. , Due to the falling of thrown stones in the battle field,The life of the very evil Rakshasas were destroyed ,The number of them who were killed was innumerable .And the number of monkeys who were killed by the cruel arrows, Which were sent by the bows of those Rakshasas were also numerous.
7064. In the great fierce war that took place , the monkeys,Fought with great valour by throwing stones and the Rakshasas,Who after losing their pride almost reached end of southern direction.
7065. The crowds of ghosts started singing , the headless bodies,Started dancing in various ways and started running towards the deep sea,Chaste women started entering battlefield and were searching the bodies of their husbands.
7066. All the rivers of blood that started flowing from the elephants,That were killed by the monkeys went and merged with the ocean.The torrential rain got defeated by the rain of arrows of Asuras ,The countless monkey army died and only red blood could be seen everywhere.
7067. The red blood of the Rakshasas whose life was shortened by the hands,Of the ferocious monkey warriors flowed like water , and spoiled the battle field,And the power of the ocean of the Rakshasa army got reduced.
7068. When the prowess of the Rakshasa army was reduced , one cruel Rakshasa ,Called Vajramushti with fire sparks coming out of his eyes came,In a chariot coming with great speed and he was followed by crowd of eagles ,He came like ship travelling in the sea and started attacking them directly.
7069. When that Vajramushti came speedily in a chariot and showered,Very sharp arrows and started destroying the monkeys ,Indra and other devas started getting worried and Sugreeva,The son of Sun God with a pained mind saw that scene.
7070. Seeing that situation stood up and jumped on the speedy chariot ,Of that Evil Vajramushti, cut off the quiver that he had tied on his back ,AS well as his bow and also destroyed his body and went from there.
7071. Due to Vajramushti falling like a mountain losing its balance ,The Rakshasas got terribly scared and returned to the raised city of Lanka,And The monkeys made victory sound like rising of the tide.
7072. The Rakshasas with cruel red eyes like the Veezhi fruit ,Rose and came through the eastern gate like the raising ocean at time of deluge ,And the monkey soldiers who were surrounding the gate neared and attacked them.
7073. Those Rakshasas who were like cruel poison , rained weapons,Like spear , sword axe, iron rods wheel and throw spears and opposed ,And due to that the legs and tails of many monkeys were cut off.
7074. Those monkeys who aimed at victory with great force ,Threw trees and mountains and they fell on the asuras like cruel god of death,And the Asuras got scattered and their horses and elephants were killed.
7075. The very angry Rakshasas became aggressive and rose against monkeys,Attacking them with mace , sword , spear , wheel and arrows and monkeys ,With blood splattering from the wounds made by these ran helter skelter.
7076. Then Neela the son of fire God uprooted a huge Maramara tree,Whose roots had gone deep in to the earth and threw it ,Like the fire of deluge , to powder the cruel army of Rakshasas.
7077. That Maramara killed and made fall on the pretty earth chariot and its drivers,The horses attached to them , the red faced elephants , Yalis and lions,And from their fresh wounds the blood flowed and filled up the sea.
7078. When the army of scared Rakshasas started running away ,Spoiling the battle field , the cruel commanders neared them,’And a commander called Kumbhanu came thereShot arrows which can travel to a long distance and cut the monkey army.
7079-80.. Idumba the bear hero who was respected in all directions,Who was seeing this , took hold of a mountain in its hand ,And like a storm and jumped before that commander Kumbhanu,And before the arrows sent by Khumbanu surrounded him,Raised the mountain in his hand and threw at Khumbanu,Which broke his bow , chariots , horses and flags with great speed.
7081. That Kumbanu who in an earlier war had made the Devas run away,With his chariot being destroyed, with his bow getting broken,Became angry like the thunder falling from the cloud,Jumped at Idumba, breaking the earth.
7082. Idumba who was hit on the chest strong big hands ,Of Khumbanu , hit back , made his head bent down,By holding and pressing his very huge shoulders.
7083. Then Neela pressed the two legs of Khumbanu below his hip ,And by hands pressed his shoulders , Bit his head by his mouth,And made his brain burst out and killed Khumbanu.
7084. Prahastha the son of Sumali who saw that the commander ,Who was under him being killed , who was looking like a cloud ,Bent his very strong bow to shoot arroews.
7085. That Prahastha whose limbs with exuberating bent his long bow,Made sound with the string which made the monkeys greatly upsert,And went on shooting greatly lustrous arrows continuously.
7086-7087., Speedily hundred and thousands of arrows of varying types ,Hit the innumerable army of the monkey clan,And with great sorrow they scattered in all directions,And the valorous Hero called Neela became greatly angry,PIcked up a huge mountain which was nearby and like,A God of death started destroying the army of Prahastha ,And that Rakshasas sent rain like arrows and ,Powdered the huge mountain in to hundreds of pieces.
7088. Neela again picked up a huge Maramara tree along with its roots,And threw that tree just like the thunder falling from the sky,Which made in to small pieces the bow, flag ,AS well as chariot drawn by huge horses in to pieces.
7089. Due to his losing the bow as well as the chariot , that Prahastha ,Became as angry as the thunder that left the cloud ,And with a thick iron rod ran towards Neela,Like the lustrous Sun God who has lost his chariot.
7090. When he folded his mouth and with fire sparks coming out of his eye,Went and hit Neela , Neela became greatly agitated jumped and went ,Near Prahastha and picked up Prahastha with his weapon and threw them on the sky.
7091. When after throwing Prahastha , he was making great sound ,That Prahastha reached the earth and making the minds of devas ,Greatly shiver , He attacked Neela the son of fire God ,With a huge mace and made him shed blood.
7092. Even after being hit like that , Neela without bothering for it ,Snatched the mace held by Prahastha threw it away and with determination ,That he will put an end to that enemy and hit Prahastha ,With his hand and made him vomit blood as if it was drunk earlier.
7093. With blood flowing from his mouth ,Prahastha , hit,On the long strong chest of Neela before he realized,And the war that they were fighting with hatred ,To each other , cannot be easily described by words.
7094. Neela than tied by his tail and pressed him and with his fist ,Hit him by his very long hands on his shoulders , chest and forehead ,Then Prahastha fell on the ground like an uprooted big mountain.
7095. Devas knowing Prahastha has fallen dead , made great noise,Due to joy and the monkey soldiers with reddish hair and white teeth,Became dispirited and went back to their old places.
7096. The Rakshasas who went to war in the southern entrance ,Fought with Angadha who had strong shoulders with great prowess,Seeing that their leader Suparswa was killed by him ,Unable to stand before Angadha they ran away.
7097.,. In the very strong entrance of the west , the asura army,One hundred and two vellam strong and Dunmukha ,Who was wearing very big heroic anklets rose with great energy ,And were killed by the hand like god of death of the great son of wind god .
7098. And then the emissaries who have seen the progress of war ,In all the four gates starting from east went with great speed ,Reached Ravana who bent his head to hear what they were about to say,And they addressed him as “Oh king” and told it in his ears.
7099. They said, “Vajramushti in the northern gate , Dunmukha in the western gate who was like a mountain Fifty Vellam army who cannot be defeated .Were all destroyed and our army was crushed.”
7100. “Before Rakshasas with victorious spears reached ,The southern gate Suparswa was killed ,And all those who went with him are not traceable “ they said.
7101. ”In the eastern gate , your great commander who has ,Achieved victory even at the time of deluge ,Who went with exuberant Rakshasa army ,Was made in to a dust and reached the heavens.”
7102. When the words told by the emissaries reached his mind ,And burnt it like the ghee poured in fire , the fire called anger,Came out of the eyes of Ravana and he took a very deep breath.
7103. Ravana again looked at the emissaries and asked ,“Who took away the life of Prahastha? Please answer.”And they said , he was killed by Neela whose fame,Has been established in all directions and he destroyed ,Our very big army and came to fight with Prahastha.”
7104. ”When Neela came to fight the war with Prahastha , both of them,Exhibited the war techniques they have learnt and when Neela hit ,On the forehead of Prahastha using his long hands, he fell down dead” They told.
7105. ”Oh Lord , among the valorous Asuras who went to war with Prahastha,We are the only people who have returned to pretty Lanka,”Said they and then bit all his ten mouths by the teeth and all directions caught fire.
7106. After staring at the Asuras who were standing near him by his,Cruel eyes he said to himself , “Prahastha who had great weapons,Was killed by a monkey who was holding wooden sticks.”
7107. “This Prahastha is the one who uprooted the life of Indra,And now he has been destroyed by a monkey and so,The fire like cruel words told by these messengers,Completely burned by it and it also burnt my mind.”
7108. “Prahastha who is like the Meru mountain circled by Sun,Has died by a monkey which is like a rat , indicating that.That it is not just to enmity as well as fire as silly.”
7109. The eyes of Ravana who thought like this were filled,With tears and he said, “Let it be like that , please march ,With a huge army and fight the war, without getting defeated “
And ordered that bow bearing cruel army to go to battle field.
7110. Ravana who had uprooted the Kailasa mountain after clearly examining ,Mentally all the rules of conducting a war , with red eyes,Which looked like split wounds became extremely angry ,And climbed a huge chariot which was of great strength.
7111. The Chariot of Ravana was drawn by one thousand horses and ,It was like a huge sea with a booming sound which had ,Gone and returned from all the worlds of devas and had been,Given by Indra when his strength was weakened.
7112. After meditating and mentally worshipping the God ,He took his killer bow by his left hand and made the ,Bow to talk by twanging its string and ,This was asif he had taken the soul of God of death.
7113. After that he took in his hand great weapons which would not break,Even if it enters the chest of devas and whose measure was beyond imagination,Wore armour on his broad chest and wore a garland of Tumbe flowers.
7114. Ravana who was standing in between white cowries which were ,Like the sea water and its foam was standing below a pearl umbrella,And was looking like a cloud below which the full moon was shining .
7115. The Padaka a drum made of leather was beaten , the sea with ,Great conches shattered , the devas of the heaven wilted,The globes started breaking , the conches boomed, drums were played.
7116. Ravana Surrounded by chariots , horses , foot soldiers, And a very powerful army was looking like the huge ,Meru mountain that was surrounded by seven seas at final deluge.
7117. Though Veena which can play the seven notes has been engraved,On the ancient flag of Ravana which wafts in the wind over all surrounding directions,But it was more like the toungue of God of death , which swallows everything in earth.
7118. The Devas who had got a boat called Rama to cross ,The ocean like Asuras who are like huge mountains with Bamboos,And who had come to see that boat cross the epic city of Lanka Became upset and got scattered on the very high sky.
7119. Due the red fire in the eyes of Ravana , cruel smoke spread ,And the asuras of black colour who had red coloured hair ,Turned in to white and their relatives ,Who came to send them off had a doubt as to who they were.
7120. The flags that were tied in the tall chariots with wheels,The flags that were held by other valorous soldiers ,The horses that the elephants carried together sipped ,And the Akasa Ganga as well as the clouds got dry.
7121. Thousand crore ghosts carrying weapons in the hand,And two thousand replacement chariots on which ,Lustrous red gems were tied,Followed Ravana as per his order.
7122. That Ravana who collected victories who had conquered ,All the three worlds one after another without any opposition,Appeared in the battle field causing great distress to ,The huge monkey army and making the Rakshasa army ,That followed him with great joy.
7123. The monkey emissaries went and told their Lord Rama that,“The Ravana who had am army similar to the huge tumultuous ocean,Who does only evil acts that causes bad results, with great anger ,Has entered the great battle field “.
7124. As soon as they told that Ravana has come to the battle field,Due to his conviction that he has already recovered Lady Sita,The valorous shoulders of Rama , which had thinned down,Due to the sorrow of parting with Sita , again became fat.
7125. Lord Rama who is the person whom those who had,Practiced Karma Yoga and passed on to the next stage of Jnana Yoga ,Can only see , wore the wooden bark on his waist ,And over that he tied the diamond sword .
7126. When one of the two feet of Lord Vamana which were similar ,Measured the earth and reached the heavens , The vedic Lord Brahma,Went above all the worlds washed them and Lord Vamana kept his step flatly ,And similarly Rama tied the lustrous heroic anklets on his feet.
7127. Then he wore the well made armour on which flowers were fixed,Making it look like the sky and tied it strongly thinking that since ,Lady Sita was not living on Srivathsa gem on his chest ,She would not feel any pain by tying the armour tightly.
7128. The scene of Rama wearing the pretty hand gloves on his ,Lotus like red hands in a proper way was like ,The black serpent twining over the branches of the Karpaga tree.
7129. Having the nature of opening in the darkness of the night which hides everything And even when the very lustrous sun god destroys the darkness and day time comes,Are the red lotus flowers and the bees would be sitting on each of its petals,And the leather caps that were put on the fingers resembled this.
7130. HE wore the quiver with inexhaustible arrows which were like ,The inexhaustible flow of words coming from the poets with great culture,Who have gained expertise in several languages of the world,Who have seen the other shore of innumerable books.
7131. He tied the red decorative plate on his forehead which looked like ,The lustrous lightning on the newly forming crowd of clouds ,And he also wore round garlands made of Tumbe flowers ,Along with the Aathi garland which has leaves broken in to two.
7132. When the worlds with fane , the beings there and the things Page 678.That support them are all the personification of Rama , what else is different from him?Though we are thinking like that, he took in his hand his great bow.Would it be greater than him?
7133. As if the Lord Vishnu who is the colour of the black sea came along ,With the milky ocean in which he sleeps , All the people of the world ,Surrounded by the ocean and the Devas of heaven went on,Filing up this earth with just open flowers And he along with the cruel monkey army appeared there.
7134. Rama who would take the form of Rudra to destroy the worlds,By fire at deluge reached Lakshmana who was his brother.And who was holding at great bow and who stood in front of monkey army.
7135. , When Rama as well Ravana appeared in the battle field thus ,The God of death of the southern side got subdued thinking,That his duty of causing death is inferior andThe Rakshasas who were like the seven oceans And theVellams of army of monkeys who had white teeth started battling.
7136. ,Heads were cut off , Intestines came out , parts of chariots broke,The horses and foot soldiers were cut and the earth carrying ,The crowd of corpses became raised land and blood flowed like water,
7137. , When the cruel monkeys hit with both their hands , horses ,With strong legs and bent hoofs were cut in to pieces,And just like water flowing from a dam , blood started flowing.
7138. The corpses were strewn everywhere making it difficult ,To recognize the south and north , the huge number of monkey corpses ,Were lying like a silver mountain made of gold and the Rakshasa corpses ,Were like a huge heap of black stones and was also like black clouds.
7139. At that time Ravana , making the Devas scared, with fire coming out,Of his very cruel eyes twanged the string of his bow in a proper manner ,By his leather capped fingers and the scared monkeys ran in all directions.
7140. Just like the serpents hiding when they hear sound of thunder ,The monkeys ran away , some monkeys died , some were greatly scared ,Some sobbed and some fell on the battle field rolled and ran off.
7141,By the sound of the string which made even the dark blue skies split.By the merciless Ravana urging to fight , even his own clan of Rakshasas,Got scared and what should we tell about the crowd of monkeys?
7142. The matchless Vibheeshana , the young hero Lakshmana and Sugreeva,The chief of monkeys who wander among tree branches stood there,Due to the principle of valour and all others fled to four directions and hid themselves.
7143. , The sound raised by Ravana who could easily uproot the entire world ,If he so desires, they say only made the beings of the earth tremble .Can we say he did good to the heavens because the very powerful Devas ,Hearing the sound which resembled the destruction caused by deluge also trembled.
7144. , Then Sugreeva the king of monkeys took a huge mountain peak ,Which was like a fierce thunder and sent it like Vajraydha of Indra ,And that peak went against Ravana strewing fire like water ,And the king of Asuras , Ravana by one arrow made it in to powder.
7145. Seeing that by the arrow sent by the cruel leader of Asuras , the mountain peak,Fell down in to dust strewing in all directions , the king of the monkeys ,With his eyes spitting fire uprooted a huge tree , tearing the belly of the earth.
7146. Ravana by sending very large number of arrows cut it in to pieces ,Appearing as if there are thousand pieces and then Sugreeva .Threw a much bigger mountain than earlier which produced fire sparks.
7147. Ravana cut that mountain also using one of his arrows and bent that bow,Which had driven valorous heroes in battles and sent one cruel and strong arrow ,And hit the chest of Sugreeva which entered and exited from his body.
7148. When that burning arrow hit Sugreeva , he became greatly weak,And even before that , as if he has known it all, Hanuman came from western gate ,Within the time of batting of the eye came to northern entrance and stood before Sugreeva.
7149. ,Hanuman shouted at Ravana , “Oh very strong Asuras , before,The son of Sun God recovers , do you intend to do different types of war with me?”And he uprooted a huge mountain and threw it using his Veda like shoulders at Ravana ,Who was so angry that smoke was coming out of his eyes who said to him “If you want , do come.”
7150. That Ravana who had caused great suffering to the Devas , noticing that,The mountain had risen up , shattering the crowds like burning charcoal ,And was travelling through the sly , sent some ten boiling arrows ,With great speed and cut that mountain in to thousand pieces.
7151. Hanuman took another mountain and threw it using the swing,His very thick shoulders ,and the mountain came speedier than a thunder ,From the sky and went against the arrow sent by that Asura using his bent bow,And went and hit the victorious shoulders of Ravana and powdered his shoulder bangles.
7152. Ravana with cruel eyes was upset and getting up ferociously .With boiling body , bent his strong bow and sent ten arrows ,Aimed at the hands, chest and shoulders of Hanuman , who was trying,To uproot another big black mountain ,but Hanuman stood there tolerating them.
7153. Seeing this , the devas praised Hanuman by saying “who else can do this great act?”Hanuman uprooted a big maramara tree along with its roots swung it and threw it,At Ravana and that tree cut off the head of Ravana ’s charioteer and also killed some Rakshasas.
7154. After another charioteer climbed the chariot , Ravana who had heroic anklets ,And who was angry like the ferocious sea where tides beat the shore again and again,Sent hundred divine arrows easily and those hundred arrows ,Pierced the body of Hanuman and blood flowed from his body like river and he suffered greatly.
7155. Ravana said, “Prattle as you wish and you all with stones , trees,Your silly hair covered shoulders and with your white teeth with heightened emotions .Thinking of the bad name I would get if I fight with weapons with you ,I was hesitant till now .Would you monkeys achieve victory and go from here?”
7156. After saying this he laughed like thunder with fire coming out of his mouth,With white , and long bent teeth and sent thousand crores of arrows ,One after another and the monkey army was scattered like the storm hitting the sea.”
7157. Seeing properly the expertise in bow of Ravana , the sorrow attained by monkeys,And the nature of fighting by the monkey commanders , Lakshmana,Thinking that Ravana would become aim to his own arrows and that ,He would be immediately able to stop him came,To the battle field like the huge Meru mountain which was carrying a bow.
7158. The younger son of Dasaratha, the king of all countries twanged ,The string of his bow and how can we describe the state of Asuras,Who are engaged in doing evil deeds? The world of Asuras got scared,Thinking that it the sound of thunder at the end of final deluge.And all his enemies became like elephants which heard the roar of a lion.
7159. The very strong Ravana noticing the mind broken nature of those,Valiant asuras surrounding him and also hearing the huge sound produced ,By the bow of Lakshmana which was like eye brows of God of death ,Thought “Oh great , what a man he is? And pushed his crown to the top,
7160. Like the rain drops crashing and shattering, not in one place ,But spreading in various places, the arrows of Lakshmana hit ,The well made chariots , on big elephants under influence of rut,On horses which leave the place they are and jump to other places,And on Rakashasas with white teeth and the ocean of blood spread everywhere.
7161. The Arrows of Lakshmana which pierced and went in the faces of elephants ,Larger than mountains which had the scented rut water flowing like a river,Came out of their back and pierced the chest of Valorous Rakshasas,And coming out pierced the axle of chariots and ,Without stop started travelling as if they will reach the end of eons.
7162. Those arrows killed heaps of elephants and horses driven by the Rakshasas,And the ten crore who were standing threw on him several great weapons ,And surrounded Lakshmana , the brother of Rama who looked like,All the fortune of the world rolled in to one and started attacking him.
7163-7164. Those Rakshasas who were throwing the weapons thinking that ,A man who has great enmity against our king is capable of going near him,Became greatly enthused attacked Lakshmana , like many poor ones ,Going to one, who is not in the habit of Saying “no” to those who beg Lakshmana created a rain of arrows and cut off all the weapons ,Sent by each and every asura and accepted on his body those which he could not cut.,And even God of death greatly satiated did not want to eat more souls.In the battle field corpses started accumulating like hill and ,Also completely blocked several paths and they ,Also stopped the blood that was flowing from reaching the sea.
7165. The heads of Rakshasas fell down cut off by the arrows of Lakshmana,All their legs were cut completely and they fell, the chest wearing ,Gem studded garlands fell down , their teeth fell down ,The leaf like ends of the spears were cut off and fell down separately,The spears which gave them victory earlier also fell down,And due to the prowess of Lakshmana all their ability in war vanished.
7166. Their chariots were broken , the ability of horses were cut ,The cloud like elephants with deep red eyes became in to pieces,The heroic anklets of those soldiers were broken , the garlands,They were wearing on the necks were cut into pieces ,The bows they were holding in their hands were cut off ,All their ability in war was broken and their fame also was cut off.
7167. When the foot soldiers who were fearlessly opposing,Seething like serpents fell down on the battle fields ,The horses fell on those soldiers and elephants fell on those horses ,And chariots fell on those elephants and on those rows of chariots ,Long series of heads were lying down and in that blood flowing ,Battle field there was no space for any other thing to fall.
7168. Due to the speed of sending arrows by Lakshmana , none of the devas saw .Him touching the arrow by the hand , sending them by bow andIt went on hitting its mark and all that the devas saw ,Was the spread of hills of corpses which were felled down by those arrows.
7169. The victorious swords which shined making even god of death scared ,The murderous spears and arrows , the bent bows and the tridentsWhich were used by those Asuras with evil acts which had,Given only victory for them were cut in to hundreds of pieces ,And no weapon which was not broken was seen anywhere.
7170. The limitless number of hill like Elephants which came to the war ,The horses with great pride , the chariots with flags , the very strong and,Very angry Yalis and lions and all other beings which came to the battle ,With in a short time all of them which were standing and moving ,Fell down on the earth without life or were struggling to die.
7171.The retreating Rakshasa army fell down by being knocked down,By the heads of their relatives and lost their strength and ,Whatever army that was remaining lost their life and fell down,And the powerful bow of Lakshmana the younger brother ,Immediately became victorious and the mind of that king of Lanka ,Became like the red fire at deluge and started boiling.
7172. The king of Lanka speedily driving his chariot which was drawn,By horses which fly like wind , came face to face with Lakshmana and opposed him,The brother of Rama stared at him with fire coming out of his eyes,Just like the God of death went to the army side of Ravana and killed them,And he stood there firmly and did not move his feet at all .
7173. ”Oh thief who by deceit removed the powerful security Provided by me to Lady Sita , it would be difficult for you ,To escape from me today “ said Lakshmana with great anger,And let out a very hot breath and took out arrows suitable for the bow,Which can be pulled up to the head , which were like fire ,And which are capable of killing and sent them.
7174. Preventing those arrows which were sent by Lakshmana ,From hitting him and as if he had cursed ,”let them die in the middle”,Ravana cut them off with very sharp arrows andThat Lakshmana who had forsaken sleep ,said “because ,They were small arrows you cut them off , let me see you ,Cutting them again and like the cloud at final deluge,Rained limitless arrows at Ravana.
7175. Ravana who had gone against Dharma prevented all the sharp arrows sent by,Lakshmana who was like a strong elephant , which resembled the rain of the autumn ,And also prevented the shining brother of Rama who was taking arrows ,From the quiver which was hanging on his back by cutting it off.
7176. At that time Hanuman who recovered from his tiresomeness , opened his fire like eyes ,And told himself , now you need not do any more war which are lies”,Entered in between the war and came to the front like elephant with hands ,And stood before the chariot of Rama which was going with sped and said,“Avoid this war , there are several more wars that need to be fought ,And please hear all that I say” and started telling.
7177. “With untiring great prowess you have won over all the three worlds.Went to all directions and turned the tusks of the elephants in rut of the directions,You swallowed by your victory the fame of Indra wearing heroic anklets ,And inspite of all that , your end will come soon “ saying this ,He went and stood before Ravana and stood like the God who measured the world.
7178. Hanuman then lifted his right hand broadly and became like one,Who spread all over the world and like The Lord Vishnu, who came as Vamana ,And became the God who measured the world by enlarging his form,And told Ravana who was all the poison of all the world and told him “Now see me.”
7179. “ You with great strength have learnt the use of bows and other great weapons ,Which are cruel weapons of war ,, you have twenty shoulders ,You have great expertise in war , Oh great expert in war ,Stand before me to continue the war “ saying this he left out a breath like fire.
7180. Hanuman looked at Ravana and told, “with great valour you stood before me,What is great about it ? Your great expertise in sword ,your strength by which,You can destroy all the seven worlds all at a time , your efforts,Your unmatchable and great prowess along with your great fame ,Can be easily destroyed by me with one hit of my fist .”
7181. What is the use of telling all this in detail ?Oh Ravana who has ,Several powerful shoulders who never bothered about the very wide ,Kailasa mountain or the eight elephant of directions with eyes ,From which fire sparks fly , Oh Rakshasa whose strength has not reduced ,Do you have sufficient strength to bear one hit by the fist of this monkey?”
7182. ”Oh Rakshasa who has mountain like shoulders , if I lift my hand,And hit you with my fist and if you still manage to be alive ,Then you hit me with your fist with all strength and if still,Keep myself alive , then after that I would not fight with you .”
7183. When Hanuman told like this that Ravana who is blacker than the blackest cloud ,After greatly praising Hanuman told, ‘Oh very strong one , you have told the proper words ,Except you , from now onwards , who can afford to stand before me ,The limit of your fame is the limit of the world . Is there a need for more comparison”. He told.
7184. “You do not personally carry any weapon of war with you and inspite of that,Just by your hand you have killed many of my relations. Who can be compared to you ,Who is standing against me armed with a cruel bent bow, with a powerful army ,And riding on a huge chariot , with only your prowess to help you?”
7185. ,”In this entire world except those who are mad among the Devas ,Including the holy trinity , who can dare to stand before me and fight in a war,Which Asuras and which Devas are equal to me in valour and fight with me?When things are like that , without moving from your place ,You are standing before me saying “Hit on my chest?”And this very great brave act cannot be described by my toungue.”
7186. ”For fighting in war I have twenty hands and I have great fame as hero in this world,The Elephants of directions who came to oppose me , got their tuslks broken and retreated,Having known all this , Oh person with two hands , you are coming bravely in front of me,You are also making valorous speech and so after this what victory can I give you,And also it is not proper for me to fight with you?”
7187. ”You destroyed my fame of winning over all the three worlds , by bringing ,A bad name to me , when there is no other bad name from any other cause.You rubbed on earth my son whom I was bringing up like my soul after upsetting him,And the blood due to that has not still dried and you are matchless and are telling these now.
7188. The evil Ravana said that “ the time for me to get bad name has come as,You have told these words of challenge against me. It is only natural ,For the world to tease those who have already a bad name ,The time is now getting over and what is the point in my talking further ,Due to the bad name I am not bending my head due to shame ,And so come fast and when all the world is watching hit me with your fist.”
7189. Thinking that”This valorous thought is indeed great’ Hanuman after .,Making great joyous sound , jumped in and sat on chariot of Ravana ,And with fire coming out of his eyes , with his very strong diamond like hands ,He hit him with his fist with great speed breaking in to powder th armour and garlands of Ravana,.”
7190. Due to the hit of Hanuman , fire sparks like big dust of sand fell from the eyes ,Of Ravana , his brain war cuddled like curd , his heads started shaking on his neck .The life span of the Asura clan started deteriorating , the great monkeys ,Started spitting teeth as well as hair and clouds fell from the sky.
7191. The string of the bows in the hands of valorous soldiers got cut and fell down,The tall banks of the broad ocean were destroyed, Stone started falling from mountains,The Sun and moon shed their rays , the elephants in rut lost their tusks,All the people there put down the weapons they were holding andThe pretty chest of the powerful Ravana gave out light as well as fire.
7192. AS soon as the Hit by fist of Hanuman fell on the chest of Ravana ,Who was the chief of all the asuras and who was wearing heroic ankletsThis broad , diamond like powerful ,chest which was shining ,In deep black colour and which was pretty , the huge tusks of the ,Elephants in rut of the eight directions which were broken in war ,And were embedded on his chest , like his fame , came outside.
7193. The lustrous gems which were like stars from his armour,Which came out due to it being shaken were expelled and fell in the directions,And that Ravana who caused sorrow to Dharma , looked a Hanuman,With fire sparks coming out of his eyes and tottered like the Meru mountain ,Due to it being staruch by the slowly wafting wind after it became a cyclone.
7194. Seeing that the devas who live on the sky shouted in great joy ,And then they showered scented soft and full flowers on Hanuman,They also praised as well as blessed him , the Rakshasas ,Sweated due to great fear , the monkey army were greatly surprised ,The hair from their body stood erect because they felt,That Hanuman has completely destroyed the possibility of victory of Ravana.
7195. The yogis who have knowledge of the state of fire and also the air we breath BY their learning , due to their ability to get in to the body of others, enter in to another body ,And when the soul there does acts not normal to its previous body , would go back ,To the body whose habits are familiar to it and similar to that ,Ravana got up from his stupor and felt as if he entered his old body.
7196. He who had lost his sensations , who breathed a very heavy breath ,And who opened his eyes from which fire was coming out told Hanuman,“Oh Hanuman who did a matchless fight , come near me , this is my turn,” And later he went opposite Hanuman who had huge filled up shoulders, And started telling him the following words..
7197. ”Oh valorous one, The prowess that is there is concentrated within you,You have filled up the seven worlds with your fame and made all other,Valorous heroes look like Eunuchs ,Even If Brahma Deva comes before me ,And tells me, “Get dispirited “ I would not get dispirited and only today, I realized what is tiredness because if you ., Oh powerful one ,Now you have won over me.,”
7198. ” Now I need to tell you some thing, When I am hitting you on your chest,Just like thunder at time of deluge , if you are standing in the same state,Would there be anyone who can stand with stability , Are there any one,Who are as stable as you .You would be there today and in future also,You would be there without destruction, No one can exist who is enemy to you.”
7199. That Hanuman who has great ability in destroying his enemies ,Stood before Ravana who talked like this and told, “You are still alive,And talking and so you have won over me.well , your position is great.”And walked in front of Ravana and as if his shoulders were mountains,Showed his chest to Rama and told, “Take back your loan.”
7200. Ravana then folded his big mouth , tightened his shining teeth,And with all his eyes shedding fire sparks , folded tightly his fingers ,And after taking out his fist beyond his long shoulders and hit in a row ,On the chest of Hanuman who was standing alone in front of him,Shattering all the different directions .
7201. That very strong charitable Hanuman who does not get rattled even at the time ,When the wide earth surrounded by the deep sea gets uprooted,And who was as strong as the big flood and stronger than the all strong people,When the cruel Ravana who had a dirty mind due to cheating and tingling heroic anklets Hit him with his fist , he tottered like a tired silvery Kailasa mountain.
7202. When Hanuman got tired due to the hit of Ravana , all the people of the world,Got depressed, Dharma got weakened , truth got weakened ,Good culture got weakened and apart from this the famous Vedas got weakened,Justice got depressed and mercy and penance also got weakened.
7203. When Hanuman got tired like this all the monkey leaders who were there,Whoever they may be deciding that this is what has to be done by them,Uprooted and carried a mountain each and even before Ravana could think ,Making no place in the broad sky , threw them at Ravana.
7204. All of them with extended hands , just like the clouds that rise ,At the final deluge , filled up the entire sky and threw those ,Peaks which were more than thousand crore in number ,So that it would hit Ravana and then they all dispersed.
7205. When with pride those monkey soldiers threw the mountains,Due to there being no place in the sky , those mountains touching each other ,And since there was no place to go up they stood still , The sun was hidden,The earth was swallowed by darkness and thinking that ,All Asuras were burnt and died , The Devas again assembled in the sky.
7206. , Due to the mountains dashing at each other they started breaking ,Created sound like thunder and giving rise to fire sparks when they dashed,And like lightning neared each other in the sky and the shadows ,Of different type of lights emerging from them opened like a rainbow,And because they were moving as well as dashing ,They resembled the clouds that rained stones.
7207. Due to the mountains thrown by the monkeys , the Rakshasa army,Started running away , the stars as well as planes in the sky ,Broke and started falling in to pieces and due to the hot fire sparks,That emerged , the oceans got dried and what is the need of further description,The eyes of the Rakshasas due to great light lost their eye sight.
7208. The words that “The world has come to an end today” boomed ,From everywhere and Ravana with a very angry mind saw ,Many mountains coming towards him and bent the famous bow that destroyed,The fame of all the Devas sent thousand crore arrows and destroyed all mountains.
7209. Due to the cruel arrows sent by Ravana , all the bamboos in the mountains were cut in to pieces,Elephants were cut in to pieces, all snakes died , Yalis and tigers were destroyed,The huge crowds of big trees got burnt , even small pieces became dust ,And all the mountains of the monkeys turned in to ashes.
7210. The devas started shivering saying , “In what way did Ravana attack?In what way was a mountain cut in to thousands of pieces,In what way did the mountains dashed with each other and turned to dust?In what way has this cruel one mastered the science of archery?”
7211. The mountains thrown by the monkey warriors with an intention ,Of destroying Ravana ‘s strength were destroyed by arrows of Ravana ,And the pieces of those mountains completely filled up the oceans ,And spread in all directions, the dust that was raised from,The battle field , cleaned the sweat and blood of the warriors ,And that huge dust also cleaned up the earth.
7212. Ravana with a determination that he would immediately kill ,All the monkeys and also achieve victory over those two men,With ebbing anger , took ten strong and long arrows in his ten left hands,And went on showering arrows like rain without stopping.
7213. Sending one thousand arrows from the ten bows held ,By his ten hands continuously , the sky which is away from the beings,The huge land area , the very powerful sea and directions were filled with only arrows.
7214. Due to flow of blood the battle field looked like red sky of the dusk,The ocean and directions got filled up and due to the arrows sent by Ravana ,The crowd of monkeys died in rows and riows and on the,Mountain head of the bodies of dead monkeys clouds came and stayed.
7215. Neela the commander of the monkey army was not able to walk,Due to arrows hitting him , Anila a monkey warrior was not able to stand ,Gavaya who was hit by the arrow did not reach the God of death ,Angadha was lying tired by the hit of a poison like arrow ,Jambavan hit by a spear like arrow was lying motionless.
7216. Due to arrows piercing on their organs which cause death other warriors,Lost their valour leading to victory as well as the greatness of their being masculine .The sea of army of monkeys was destroyed and all those who were alive started running away,And seeing this sorry state Lakshmana with great anger got up.
7217. All the arrows sent by the Rakshasas numbering hundred crores amd hundred lakh crores ,Which were sent separately by the different Asuras , were removed by his own arrows,By the very valorous Lakshmana and he cut the ten bows which were held by Ravana.
7218. Seeing that Devas shouted with great joy and the Rakshasas,Sweated by thier body and became mentally upset and the sages,Who have won over bad and good fate threw just opened flowers,And filled up the battle field , the monkey army joyously danced ,And Ravana stood there greatly appreciating the prowess of Lakshmana.
7219. ” Your expertise in war is great anf the valour that you exhibit ,In fighting the war is still great ,Your valorous look is great ,Your speed of the hand and knowledge is great ,Your stability of mind and beauty of fighting is indeed great”Said Ravana and with surprise inverted his hand and ,Whole heartedly praised the valour of Lakshmana.
7220. ”Except that black Rama who some time back in the forest , who killed,Khara and his army , my son Indrajit who won over Indra ,Who has the matchless bow in the heavens and I who am,Holding this strong bow , No one else can stand before you in war”, said Ravana.
7221. Deciding that it was not possible to win over Lakshmana ,Fighting with a bow and that the proper day for killing him,Was this day , Ravana bit his lips with his teeth and took in his big hand,The matchless spear given to him by Lord Brahma and threw it on Lakshmana.
7222. That spear which was as cruel as the God of death and which was thrown,At Lakshmana , which burnt by becoming fire all the arrows sent by Lakshmana,And made them all fall down , speedily rose up and pierced at the ,Centre of the chest of Lakshmana and recognizing it,Lakshmana fell down exhausted in the broad battle field.
7223. As soon as they knew that Lakshmana was exhausted the huge monkey army,Started running away and Devas became sad at it , the sages became mentally upset,And made great sound of anguish which was double the sound of the ocean,With very big tides , the earth started rotating like wheel and the sun’s light dimmed.
7224. Ravana who knew that the spear of Lord Brahma did not scare and faint Lakshmana ,Nor has he left his soul but only has become tired , decided boldlyThat he would carry away the painful body of Lakshmana in to the city of Lanka ,And he who had a poison like heart , started walking on earth towards Lakshmans.
7225. Thinking like this he went with speed through blood flow from cruel corpses ,Using his twenty pretty hands by which he had taken the silver mountain of Shiva,As if he was slightly ashamed for the old act , to remove that shame ,Started taking Lakshmana who was like the faultless Golden mountain of Meru.
7226.That younger brother of Rama who realized that he Was lord Vishnu ,Wearing the golden yellow colour silk , he did not lose his consciousness ,And he made himself impossible to move by Ravana , who lifted ,Along with the silver mountain lord Shiva with eight different forms.
7227. That Ravana who is the lord with ten heads appeared like a very stable ,Great ocean and seen near by , his wide hands appeared like tides of the sea,And the younger brother of Rama with the lustrous shoulders ,Was looking like the Sun which appears in the ocean.
7228. Ravana though he tried to lift Lakshmana , not being able to do that,Let out a hot and heavy breath and at this time , Hanuman who was in some corner ,Entered there and lifted the golden body of Lakshmana ,And with the unstoppable great speed rushed to some other place.
7229. That Hanuman who was wised than all people in the assembly of wise people ,Though Lakshmana was Lord Vishnu himself , due to the help provided by love,And luxuriously growing devotion ,lifted Lakshmana like a child ,And was looking like the mother monkey carrying its kid to the tree.
7230. ”The red coloured Lakshmana who was like a lion king who had fallen,Unconscious by the spear thrown by Ravana whose mind was bewitched,Regained his conscience in a short time and then Hanuman reached ,The place where Rama whose hands , feet and eyes were like lotus flowers.
7231. When Hanuman went there , Rama who was like the lion king who had,The capacity to go to war riding on an elephant , desirous of war ,Reached the place Ravana was there and the devas ,Who had assembled on the sky made a great joyous soundAnd showered flowers and Ravana with a spear ,smelling of flesh, Brought his chariot to the place of Rama.
7232. When Ravana who was fighting the war came on a chariot , looking at Rama ,Who did not have a chariot and was walking alone on the earth ,And appeared poor , Hanuman who loved him who had a sandal made of fibre ,Feeling that this battle would not be equal and so speedily reached place of Rama.
7233. He said to Rama, “When that Asura who can fight a matchless war ,Is fighting riding on a speedy chariot pulled by one thousand horses,And when you are fighting standing alone on the earth ,There is some matchless emptiness there and so please,Climb on my shoulders though they are soft.”
7234. Lord Rama said, “Well, let it be so” and climbed and sat on shoulders of Hanuman,And Devas greeted him saying that ”He was like a king of lions which had,Climbed on the top of a famous mountain” and Hanuman became,Extremely happy like the cow supporting its calf.
7235. Hanuman who knew his form when the lord , for the sake,Oh Mahabali took the form of Vamana and measured the world in two steps,Became greatly astonished and Garuda who had the luck of carrying the God earlier ,Felt shy and Adhi Sesha who also carries the God started shivering.
7236. Hanuman became like ocean of milk and the God who used to sleep on it Became Lord Rama , but this Lord Rama sitting on Hanuman was not sleeping.Hanuman became like the four Vedas and Rama became Vedantha , the head of Vedas, And there can never be a better comparison for this.
7237. ,The victorious Hanuman who was standing like a suitable vehicle ,And how can we describe the greatness of this peculiarity,If we see it in another manner , Hanuman was like theRoot branch of Vedas which helps the wise people , and Rama ,Was like the salvation which was above even that root branch.
7238. That great Rama who during the previous deluge kept all the powerful worlds .In his belly felt that the pretty shoulders of Hanuman wearing a garland . which moved Through different directions and to the left as well as to the right in the battle field ,Were like the peaks of Meru mountain bu this comparison was still inadequate.
7239. Sages who had done great penance gave words of blessing ,The God called Dharma danced lifting up his pretty long hands ,And Devas like Lord Shiva and Lord Brahma ,Came and spread themselves to witness the war.
7240. The great Rama with the black colour willing to fight in the war,Twanged the strings to his bow which had greatness beyond imagination,And the great sound from it was like the sound of God Rudra ,Who puts , earth , sky and others in his mouth at time of deluge.
7241,Though the Rakshasas and Yakshas who heard that sound did not die,And they were not able to firmly stand wherever they are , had their toungue dried ,Were displaced , Started shivering , started getting mentally upset ,And all the universe that in a row started shaking and the stable,Lord Shiva as well as Lord Brahma had their head shaking.
7242. Then Ravana sent on Rama seven very cruel arrows , which were ,Like the huge fire which appears at deluge , which had the colour of coral,Which can drink the entire sea water , which can measure all the directions,Which if it falls down bore in to earth and sky if it goes up .
7243. Rama by his arrows cut off the seven arrows in to forty nine pieces ,And with one touch kept five cruel arrows on his bow and sent them,Making the fire at deluge ashamed , spitting out fire sparks .
7244. ,That strong Ravana who was like Yali cut off the five arrows sent By Rama,By sending five arrows and send ten arrows by keeping and bending the string on his shouldersand Rama cut them all by sending another ten arrows of his own.
7245. After cutting the arrows sent by the Rakshasa, he cut off the various,Innumerable weapons sent by the Rakshasas who were near Ravana,By using his arrows and powdered the very many mountains thrown by them ,And made several mountains made of the heads of Asuras there.
7246. The several weapons stained by flesh which were sent by the Rakshasas,Who were like the black sea which had fishes in it and those weapons ,Of Ravana were prevented from hitting the ocean of monkey army.By using his arrows and by using his other arrows.,He hit the mountain of their heads,
7247. Hanuman could move with Rama on his shoulders faster than an arrow He could go faster than mind and within a second , if we think ,That he is on the earth, the next second he would be on the sky,He would appear before the ten headed one and the next second,Before the eyes of all those boiling and very much evil Asuras.
7248. Headless bodies started dancing in the battle field and the ghosts also ,Danced along with them and they also started singing. Blood flow that does not dry,Took the Elephants whose tusks which were near their palm like hands becoming absent.And the horses and were flowing towards the sea.
7249. All the chariots which came to the battle field had their wheels broken,Had their axles broken , had dead decorated horses with manes,And the black mountain like elephants were rolling in the battle field,Being killed by just one arrow and horses that roam were lying in pieces.
7250. Asuras lost their chariots , lost the bow that they were holding ,Lost the cloud like elephants with red cruel eyes, lost the legs of horses having,Cruel bridles , lost their valour , lost their huge armours , lost their strength ,Lost their garlands and at the end lost their heads also.
7251. The Rakshasis who have waist which moves in curves like the snakes,Not able to find out the difference between the heads of their husbands,And heads of horses and elephants , fixed those heads,On the bodies of their husbands , hugged them tightly and gave up their lives.
7252. ,The sounds of drums became mute , the tumultuous noise,Raised by Asuras were not heard , all eyes with fire coming out of them,Were not having sight , the hands stopped raining several weapons ,And the crowd of dust were not covering the world.
7253. The arrows of Rama which were like God of death , cut off the heads,And made them roll of one lakh Asura soldiers and not stopping with that ,It destroyed several crores of Asura warriors and leaving out Ravana alone , it killed all.
7254. , Ravana who holds a very strong and cruel bow being caught in the dense crowd,Of destroyed chariots , killed elephants , horses and Asuras, which did not,,Give him even place to move and saw heaps of corpses ,Which were touching the clouds as well as the sky and he hissed like a serpent.
7255. Drawing the string till it touches his shoulders ,of his pretty bow Which was Personification of all strength with in a second bending it ,He took two selected strong arrows and sent it aiming on the ,Shoulders of Rama, which were like mountain peaks, so that it will pierce them.
7256. Rama who had lotus like eyes, with face decorated with a pretty smile ,Took a faultless very sharp arrow , bent his bow sent it and cut off ,The bow of Ravana which looked as if the Mandhara mountain,Getting cut off by the huge wind that blows at final deluge.
7257. Ravana then bent another cruel bow and even before he tied ,A long string to it , Rama sent a bow and cut it off and also cut off .The huge chariot with gems studded on it , which can move fast ,And the heads of the horses with cropped manes that drew those chariots.
7258. Again Ravana took another cruel weapon and even before he threw it,Rama sent a burning arrow which completely smashed it in the middle.,He then cut of the royal umbrellas as well as flags of Ravana and ,He also broke the lustrous armour which was being worn by Ravana.
7259. There alternative chariots kept on coming and Rama went on,Sending lustrous harsh arrows and cut each of them to pieces,In the battle field where the slushy mud was made of blood ,The angry god of death with red eyes , put his hands up ,And started dancing and unable bear this Ravana was boiling.
7260-7261. Then Rama sent an arrow aimed at his shining crown ,Embedded with several gems and that arrow , as if it was the valorous Hanuman,Jumping at the sun with hot rays , the victorious and valorous arrow of Rama, Went with matchless speed and hit this great golden crown with several gems.And made it fall in the sea and then several garnet stones on the crown ,Went and spread in all directions and spread light and when this ,Was lashed by the wind , the crown of Asura looked as if the peak,Of the Meru mountain, Which broke , got folded and fell in to the sea.
7262. That killer bow of the master of the universe shot a great arrow,Which further pushed it and sunk it in the sea and it appeared as if,The circular sun which has hot and lustrous rays , along with planet Kethu,Which came to swallow it fell in the sea which makes sound.
7263. That great Ravana who whenever he fought has been victorious,And never been defeated , lost his crown by the time one word is spoken,And he was looking like the night and day which had lost the lustrous sun and moon.
7264. That Ravana who had lost the crown embedded with matchless big gems,Though he was considered great in all the worlds was like a great and ,Knowledgeable poet who when he recited a poem called “Angadha”,Lost all the appreciation of getting the fame of going for war.
7265. Having lost all his pride along with his crown , he was with a bent head ,Looking down with a lusterless face ,with a hanging hands due to loss of weapons,Had a body like a banyan tree with its hanging roots and when all the world shouted,“All acts of evil minded persons who go against Dharma , ends only like this”,He lost his colour and was drawing on the floor by his feet.
7266. Seeing the pitiable state of Ravana who was digging the earth with his leg,Rama of great culture , thinking in his mind that Ravana was standing ,Weaponless and with bare hands , not having an idea of killing him ,Said, “Possibly the evil in you has died with today “ which were ,Suitable words for the occasion .
7267. Rama looked at Ravana and told , “Except by Dharma and not by sinful deeds ,Can even Devas ever win in a war “ Please understand this very clearly ,Oh doer of sinful deeds , you are hastening to go in to a big city ,Along with your relations because you will die now but ,Seeing your pitiable state of standing without weapons ,I am not thinking of killing of you now.”
7268. ”Oh person of low standing who does deplorable acts , along with your clan,And relatives , with the weapons which may be of use to you ,The army that you have kept in various places along with ,Many things which you might have kept in different places in the city,Get prepared for a war if you have the powr to fight ,Otherwise go and hide yourselves in side the fort.”
7269. ”If you free Lady Sita who has been imprisoned by you and Keep your younger brother in the position of devas of earth,Make him the king of Rakshasas and if you keep on doing work for him,Not only now but also in future , I would not cut your head and make it fall on earth.”
7270. ”If you do not want to follow this suggestion, and if you are capable of ,Fighting a great war , using all your ability and say to me, “Oppose me now”,And fight directly with me and be completely destroyed and if you do that,You would become a good man but do not think that you can fight the war and live.”
7271. ”Oh Sir, who rules over the Asuras , you saw that the entire army that came ,To support you have been crushed like silk cotton flowers in a great wind,So return back today and come tomorrow to fight the war “ said he , Who was the king of fertile Kosala country where the Valai fishes,Would jump on the young areca nut tree , after mercifully letting him go
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Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 4 (Padalam 12)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 4 (Padalam 13)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 4 (Padalam 14)
About Kavichakravarthy Kamban

Historians place him in the 9th century CE, But surely Kamban belongs to the third great wave of Tamizh literature that started with the Sangam period (dated before the Common Era), followed by the widespread impact of Bhakti literature of the Alwars (vaishnavite saints) & Nayanamars (shaivaite saints). Kamban Authored Ramanaya in Tamil…Known as Kamba Ramayanam..
Kambar has been the milestone for the Tamil scholars that none had reached. He was also known as “Kamba Naatazhvar” at his time. Many Tamil authors from the modern world have written the books on the poet Kamban.
Kambar or Kavichakravarthy Kamban (1180–1250) was a medieval Tamil poet and the author of the Ramavataram, popularly known as Kambaramayanam, the Tamil version of the epic Ramayana.
Valmiki Ramayana and Kamba Ramayanam are two versions of Ramayana written in the Sanskrit and Tamil languages respectively. … Kamba Ramayanam is originally called as Ramavataram. Although Valmiki Ramayana is the original version of the story of Rama, Kamba Ramayana is believed to be based on the work by Valmiki.
The Kamba Ramayanam, is a Tamil epic that was written by the Tamil poet Kambar during the 12th century. Based on Valmiki’s Ramayana (which is in Sanskrit), the story describes the life of King Rama of Ayodhya.
The book is divided into six chapters, called Kandam in Tamil. The Kandams are further divided into 123 sections called Padalam (படலம்) in Tamil. These 123 sections contain approximately 12,000 verses of the epic.