By Kambar (Kavichakravarthy Kamban)
Translated in English by P. R Ramachander
Kamba Ramayanam-Sundara Kandam 1 (Padalam 2)
2. Oor thedu padalam Chapter on searching the city.
( The chapter starts with bird eye view description of the city of Lanka.SEeingd the great security at the entrance Hanuman decides to go in by jumping over the compound was. The lady Lanka prevents him. He hits her and realizing her end has come in the city she goes away . Hanuman searched in that city for Sita. Ravana lives in a separate fort in side that great city. Hanuman sees Kumbhakarna, Indrajit as well as Vibheeshana , He enters the fort of Ravana sees Mandodhari and for a moment doubts whether she is Sita but quickly corrects himself . He also sees Ravana .Unable to find Sita, Hanuman gets worried. In Valmiki Ramayanam there is no special mention of city within the city in which Ravana lives and also no description of the ladies of Ravana who were Devas, Kinnaas, Vidhyadharas etc. )
4835. Hanuman thought ”The houses with several stories which push away the clouds in the sky,Were they made using gold? Were they covered with Manikhya gems?Were they made with lightning?, were they polished by the sun light ?And it was not possible to answer in spite of great thought to any of these questions.”
4836. ”All those tall mansions were keeping the land of serpents and that of devas,On their bottom and top by their great size and were giving fear to the various worlds above,And were standing as if the storm which troubles huge Meru mountain , was like a breeze to it.”
4837. They were looking as if the ladies with sweet talk , collect the streaks ,Of Lightning one by one from the clouds , stack them by keeping one over the other ,And clean away the dust of sweet scented pollen grains from all sides of those buildings,And had the ability to take water from the Ganges of the sky and sprinkle all over.
4838. Their lotus like feet reddened by application of red paste ,And the ankles where the jingling anklets were worn,Had red and pretty lustrous fingers resembling coral gems ,And when this light was reflected by the black clouds , changed their colour,And made them resemble the pretty and soft hair of those Rakshasis.
4839. Those six legged bees which were choked by the sweetness ,Of the scented and very sweet honey flowing from the freshly opened,Flowers of the karpaga tree , wanting to drink some other honey,Went and slept on the scented red lily flowers and making this possible .The Ganges of heaven flowed though the moon lit courtyards of those buildings.
4840. The ladies who were teaching to the parrot the lisping sounds ,By playing flute , Veena and Yaazh were not able to find ,The difference between their forms and their images ,Which were reflected on the gem studded halls of those buildings.
4841. If we say that such multi storey houses are having the greatness,Of the palaces in which Indra lives , those words would be faulty ,And when it is so , we can only think about the upper limit of the wealth ,Of those Rakshasa by our mind but not compare them to anything .
4842. Similar to no great gems in all the worlds , not being comparable ,To the Kausthubha gem worn over his pretty chest by Lord Vishnu ,The architecture of that great city made by the hands ,Of the great Deva architect would always exist without comparison.
4843. In Lanka all trees are the Karpaga trees , all buildings were made of gold,And all Rakshasa girls were attended and served by Deva maidens,And all the devas who had lost their strength were serving the Rakshasas,And all these were not attained by them not because they are suitable but due to great penance.
4844. To the king of this city of Lanka , all the Devas were slaves,And those who do not serve him are the holy trinity ,Though Lord Brahma who is one among them serves here,Possibly because there is nothing that is impossible to have by faultless penance.
4845. Neglected by finding fault that without doing war they got defeated ,Were very strong elephants that were standing in all powerful directions Which were standing aside and those elephants which did not belong to here were,The five handed son of Lord Shiva ,elephant of The Lord Sastha ,And the matchless one wheeled chariot of the Sun god.
4846. This city was similar to the belly of Lord Vishnu , the only one after deluge ,Where all the beings of the earth were living crowded and all the horses ,Of this world except those tied tio the chariot of the round Sun God were here.
4847. The huge sound raised from the drums , the trumpeting sound of elephants ,Were similar to the sound of the ocean and by the sound of anklets ,Worn by the pretty damsels there which was to the lisp of song,Sung using the great flute , the perfect music raised everywhere became subdued.
4848. The parking place of chariots housing chariots built by emeralds ,And Manikhya gems along with the large number of horses,Were putting to shame even the sun God, due to their luster,And when things are like that, if we compare Lanka with good great heaven,That heaven would indeed be comparable to hell only.
4849. Due to the luster which fills that city which was having ,All the beauty of the world spreading everywhere, even,The very angry Rakshasas lost their black colour ,And moon that was moving near by lost its black stain,And the black sea which was all around the world ,Was looking as if the purest god had melted and was moving.
4850. Those huge houses in that city with great security , made us ,Not able to tell that the Sun gods have the power to remove all the darkness,From everywhere in all globes, due to the fact that those Suns ,Were like small fire flies in comparison and were not able to give light at all.
4851. Due to sea swallowing honey , sandal paste , the well scented musk paste ,The flowers of the Karpaga tree which were shining like the stars in the sky ,And the water of rut of victorious elephants along with the river water,Was having along with it , the fishes with a divine scent.
4852. Shall we praise the architect of the devas or shall we praise ,Ravana who did the great penance which was merged with the truth or,Shall we praise Lord Brahma who gave doubtless boons to him?Whom shall we who have an ignorant and tired mind praise,Among the architect , Lord Brahma and That Ravana?
4853. Though the forests and gardens there were made with red gold,And many other gems , all those trees there were yielding honey and fruits ,And how can the heaven as well as the earth ever obtain ,This great technology except through penance? Is there any other way?
4854. If the Meru mountain comes to know about the height of the tall tower ,Of this city, then water , earth and fire would start blowing towards the top,And the great air as well as the well mentioned very broad sky ,Being not be able to celebrate their greatness , would get ashamed and become white.
4855. All poets would tell that the sun God with his one thousand rays,Would not go above the golden city of Lanka , fearing the wrath of Ravana ,Possibly not knowing that due to the luster of the walls,Which have not been caught by others, the eyes of Sun are glazed and he avoids them.
4856. That Ravana who uprooted the Kailasa mountain thinking ,That all the devas were evil doers , thought to make a way to prevent,Their entry in to his city , constructed its boundary walls ,In such a way that it raises above the limitless sky.
4857. Crossing that pretty boundary walls , even whirl winds,Would not be able to enter inside , Sun’s hot rays would not enter ,The job of the God of death would not enter and saying that,From now onwards Devas would not enter to fight is a silly statement ,And at the time of deluge even if everything is destroyed, Dharma cannot enter inside.
4858. That pretty Lanka surrounded by the sound making ocean with huge tides ,Due to the beauty of the lustrous spires of all its buildings resembled ,The golden egg that was produced by Lord Vishnu lying on a serpent from his belly.
4859. If the songs are sung by many , the people who dance to those songs,Are many more and many more people than them are the people who witness it,And among them are those who play musical instruments , The deva maidens,Who were thirsting for freedom and people who were witnessing the dance of those maids.
4860. The Vidhyadhara maidens dance unlike the Deva maidens ,And when those Vidhyadhara maidens win , The dancing girls dance with them,And unlike those dancing girls with cloud like hair , The Rakshasa maidens,Would continue to dance in a different way and if they dance without getting tired,The serpent girls would keep on studying the movements specially , formulated for dance.
4861. The nine types of wealth becoming like the maids and come ,Holding their hands , Apparels, ornaments , garlands and sandal paste ,And give them to those who enjoy passionate pursuits in that city,And when this is told by mouth , the determination of others get destroyed,And even if they are thought about, Hanuman thought it is a crime .
4862. The four headed Lord Brahma after praising the Deva architect ,Just like showering gems on the huge golden Meru mountain,And after firmly thinking , instructed him how to build a city ,And that architect carried out the instructions with great effort ,And constructed the city Of Lanka so that it is praised by the world.
4863. Due to the soft music produced from playing the Makara Veena,The huge sound of ocean dug by the sons of king Sagara was subdued,And due to the Akil smoke due to burning of Akil by ladies living ,In the huge mansions having towers which touch all four directionsAll the cloud formations in the sky were completely hidden.
4864. He was not able to see a single person who was worried ,Because the city was filled with those who were singing and dancing ,After drinking toddy served by assistants in the cool scented gardens ,Which were filled with Karpaga trees dripping with honey and on the terraces ,Of huge mansions which were constructed with crystal.
4865. The Rakshasas drank the alcoholic drink given by their soul like Rakshasis,And they tasted the honey like music , drank the honey from their lips ,Enjoyed the love prattle made by them , observed various aspects ,Of love tiff and enjoyed them, and saluted them and made them peaceful.
4866. The line designs made on the young breasts of the Rakshasis ,Drawn by the fluid made of Kumkum were clearly visible on their black bodies,And they whose eyes have changed in looks due to their love tiff,Drew on the heads of the Rakshasas patterns by the red cotton fluid applied to their feet.
4867. That Lanka surrounded by the sound producing ocean on all sides,Due to its coral reefs on the sea looked like the red mouth of Rakshasis ,Who talk sweetly like Vilari ppan and with spear like eyes of its ladies ,It was similar to the ponds where kuvalai flowers which have opened up,And was also like the forest of lotus flowers due to many of their cool faces.
4868. While Lord Brahma and all other beings living on earth marking it ,It had plenty of space for Rakshasas to wander about and in spite of that,The old earth did not develop cracks , and the only proper ,Option was to become joyous about it and not feeling sorry , for what was the use of it?
4869. They were having very huge bodies , had matchless valour ,Had huge army which had capacity to dig the earth and overturn it ,And could not be properly estimated due to the boons that they have got ,And could not be understood by others , had capacity to do illusion,And do these Rakshasas who were like those who cannot be limited any where ,Similar to people of one street going to another street resembleThe people of one country going to another ?
4870. There were no males there who were not wearing heroic anklets ,On their legs ,who did not hold spear in their hands like God of death ,And who did not posses eyes that were burning like fire ,And there were no ladies who did not have hairs not swarmed by bees ,Who do not mark the hairs of males with red paint of their feet,And Who do not have a mouth uttering words as sweet as music of Yaazh.
4871. The elephants which wear ornamental mask , which have ,A meat smelling body which is followed bees , which travel with great speed,Which had long white tusks , which had reddish heads ,Which had blackish bodies , which had pride due to strength ,And which had the looks of a huge mountain and were ,Similar to the Rakshasas who had reddish hairs.
4872. The Deva maidens who had long eyes who were capable of dancing ,As per the flow of Tala making the minds of other Deva maidens shake,Like their very thin waists , smiled showing their white teeth outside ,And felt greatly shy on seeing the rustic and unorganized dance movements ,Of the Rakshasi dancers who were dancing after taking alcohol.
4873. Let the killing of enemies stay ,for it is easy for another great army ,To join together and stay in this city , because the angry and cruel Rakshasis,And Rakshasas not liking the ornamental wealth that they were wearing ,Threw them in all streets and it became impossible for others to move about?
4874. Garlands , ear globes , the ornaments worn by everyone , sandal paste ,, The three types of ruts of elephants , the foam of the mouth of,The horses which had their reins being pulled from homes ,And broad land pieces were pulled by several rivers ,And all these sunk completely in the deep waters of the ocean.
4875. ”When I tell about the news about what I did as an emissary,Would I say that its army of archers is very big or would I say that ,The army holding spears is bigger than that or would I say ,That the army of its wrestlers is bigger or would I say ,That its army holding the sword is more stronger or would I say ,That the army using the fire spitting weapons like Kappana and Dandayudha is bigger?’
4876. After thinking about several things like this on seeing the city of Lanka ,Thinking that these Rakshasas may come in front and possibly attack him ,He reduced the size of his body and stayed in that coral mountain ,Whose bottom was full of Deva dharu trees and the Sun set on western ocean.
4877. In all places of the city pitch darkness spread , like the evil done by,One who became wealthy by doing unsuitable deeds , who never thinks ,Anything in his mind , who does not obey good advice, who never thinks ,About the death which comes and who is not attached to truth.
4878. Lord Shiva who with his axe burnt three different boundary walls ,Ripped of the very big hide of the elephant, during the Yagna Conducted by the sages of Daruka forest and made a big cover ,To this entire forest and this darkness was similar to it.
4879. Due to the poison spread all over the year , from the very sad Adhi Sesha ,The king of snakes , which was expelled from all its heads, which had ,Affected all the worlds without any defects were burnt ,By the raging fire and it looked that darkness everywhere was due to spreading smoke.
4880. The darkness was like the spreading tarnished fame of Ravana ,Born in a charitable family who had imprisoned an innocent And chaste lady Sita using his undiminished strength .
4881. When the darkness spread everywhere and showed the cruel way, The Rakshasas, who were capable to go any direction due to the power of their chants ,Travelled in that path and went upwards and reached everywhere.
4882. Those Rakshasa soldiers who were following the orders of Ravana,Armed with a spear and were doing cruel deeds, would go,To the prosperous town of Indra, the pretty world of the moon,And also go near the world where the God of death lives.
4883. They would go upwards to the sky where the Deva maidens ,Vidhyadhara ladies , Serpent ladies and Yaksha ladies ,Were going like a streak of lightning after completing their shift for the day.
4884. The devas, asuras , the people of serpent world with red eyes,The Yakshas who were liked by all , the Vidhyadhara kings ,And many others who have not been listed, due to being engaged,In doing jobs which were not evil assembled in the sky and scattered away the darkness.
4885. The devas who were moving like the row of pictures , being scared ,That due to their being late , Ravana would get angry , were runningMaking their pearl necklaces , crowns and upper cloths , slipping and falling down.
4886. Then the moon appeared in the sky possibly indicating that ,For the sake of burning the cruel and evil deeds which were ,Scalding and wiping out Dharma . the masculine rain,Called Hanuman has come to the city of Lanka.
4887. The moon came out in the limitless eastern direction ,Similar the face of a very pretty lady whose forehead,Was decorated by the moving hair curls thinking that ,“The emissary of Rama has come and my father Indra has got a good life.”
4888. The white cool moon was like the white royal umbrella of Lord Indra,Who has started out thinking that his Rakshasa enemies are no more ,And the white tides of the ocean like the royal fans ,Was rotating round and round on all sides and was shining.
4889. As if the white pot moon which was shining for doing the good of the world,Had been used to again and again, take the ocean of milk and pour,The white moon light spread on mountain slopes, planets and among stars.
4890. As if the Kamadhenu of Sage Vasishta who has great penance has been,Made as the rising mountain , and as if its white udder was the white full moon,And as if the flow of milk from its udder given without pain are the rays of the moon,The light of the moon looked as if milk has been poured everywhere.
4891. All the stars in the sky resembled the flowers sticking on Hanuman,As a result of rain of flowers by the devas and it appeared as if,They were scared of the cruel Ravana and were neither going up nor down.
4892. All the beetles that had settled in each jasmine flower were like ,The pieces of darkness that become proud at night and the pieces of moon,Trying to pry out those black pieces and appeared as if, They were both fighting with each other feeling that it was a minor enemy.
4893. The white moon which spreads its fresh light in all directions ,Speedily mixed with all places and that city with its gem studded ,Boundary walls looked as if it was covered by a very white and thin cloth.
4894. Like the journey of the matchless arrow of Rama of great character ,Which was not found fault with because of its relation with Hanuman,The fame of Rama , crossed that moat , entered the city of Lanka ,And was like the matchless luster which had spread everywhere.
4895. At that time Hanuman after thinking deeply about the different ways ,To enter the city by his wisdom , did not take the straight path ,But took a path which was different and was praised by Devas for that ,And tried to reach that city of Rakshasas who travelled by crooked paths.
4896. Then he reached the boundary wall made of gold which was having The ocean as its moat and whose top went beyond the seven worlds ,And reached the empty space that were beyond it and which does not alter,Even at time of deluge when the rushing waters damage the entire world.
4897. If one says that the sun with hot rays which never alters from its path ,Did not go over this city being scared of Ravana who wears garland of victory ,And who is a cheat , then it is not true because going over the boundary walls,Is difficult and he was avoiding them and going elsewhere , thought Hanuman .
4898. Hanuman wondered about that wealthy Rakshasa thinking that ,“The amount of riches stolen by Ravana are measureless,And to know about them even a little is very difficult and so,The fort in which those are kept should be broad like the globe itself,And the height of the walls are as if they touched the sky .”
4899. That Hanuman was walking alone in to the old city,Making fire at deluge , male lions and the big elephant in rut ashamed,Saw on the southern side where orders of God of death having a spear and big army ,Are obeyed and saw before him the entrance with towers looking like a cruel mouth.
4900. He thought , “Has this been made after keeping here the Meru mountain ,Or has it been made as a ladder to attain the land of devas or is it a pillar,Constructed in the middle so that all the seven worlds never suffer any damage ,Or is it an outlet for the water from the city to enter in to the sea.”
4901. “Even if all the beings living in all the seven worlds join together,Instead of entering one by one they can enter the town together ,And possibly this is the only door which is like that but if it is ,Constructed only for people of Lanka to enter , then our enemy ,Must be bigger that all the seven worlds together” Hanuman thought
4902. Hanuman saw that it was guarded by three hundred vellam soldiers ,Who were valorous standing close to each other , engaged in stealing,Materials belonging to others and who had very cruel strength ,Standing armed with sword with thorn like teeth , one behind other ,As per their ranks , and felt that the security cannot be insulted by others.
4903. Those very powerful Rakshasas were armed with weapons like ,spear , axe , sword ,Bows and arrows resembling god of death , Iron Nerinji, Musundi, Stick ,Circular staff, wheel , Vajrayudha, throwing knife, hand held spears and Bindi pala.
4904. They were having dense red hair on their head, were having great anger ,Were like the Palasa forest which flowers in the month of Panguni (march-April) and was shining ,And were experts in using Goad , slings which can throw stones for a long distance ,Ropes which can tie the bodies of their enemies and other cruel weapons.
4905. He saw that naval force whose numbers were beyond the power of estimation ,Holding lamps which eat away the darkness and give out light making,Even God of death with a very hard heart scared standing ,In the gem studded entrance to the tower and which appeared as if they never get tired.
4906. ” In which collection of devas and asuras are there people who have ,The capability to cross the long courtyard of that old tower entrance?If the enemies are like this and security is like this ,How will the war started by us and Lord Rama come to an end”, thought Hanuman.
4907. He further thought that “Crossing the deep sea is not a difficult task,But crossing this security ocean like army is indeed a difficult job,And if my decision errs even a little , I would not able to complete ,My duty of seeing the Goddess , for if I start a war with them,It would continue for several months as they are capable of fighting a long war.”
4908. ”If properly thought going through the entrance of this tower would be very hard,And people like me who are strong should not proceed in path made by them,And so it would be better me to cross this wall which prevents sun light,And then I can enter the city with great speed “ thinking like this he went to one side.
4909- 4915. At that time , the guardian goddess of Lanka , Who was like the life span ,Of that city which is guarded by her, who was like a snake ready ,To swallow the sun God at that time , who had eyes that were spitting fire ,Who was standing on the path taken by Hanuman who had shoulders like pillars,Who was having eight shoulders , who had four faces , who had a lustrous chest ,Which touched all the seven worlds and was going even beyond it ,Who had a rotating eyes , who had similar power of the God of death in fist fight ,By which she can tie all the three worlds , who did not have patience ,Who went on watching all the eight directions wanting to know ,Whether many people coming from a far off places,Who was making sound like black clouds , who was wearing ,Anklets on her legs which made the enemies scared ,Who was standing with great anger, who was wearing several shining ornaments,Who was holding in her hands spear , sword , cruel mace , rope ,The conch that destroys the enemies, Bows , cruel arrows ,Who was looking like the Meru mountain , who had teeth like the crescent of the moon,Who was emitting smoke through her mouth , who had great anger even scaring god of death,Who was dressed in cloth with five colours who had speed like Garuda ,Capable of scaring all serpents , who did not have any mercy,Who had an upper cloth which was weaved with gold ,Who was made pretty by wearing garlands of pearls in lustrous pretty conchesWho was wearing a shirt weaved by the pearls which were born in the seaWho has voice as sweet as the Swara called Thara sung in the yaazh,,Which has been decided by the best of books, who was wearing a crown ,And a waving garland made of Mandhara flowers frequented by the bees,Which drink honey and sing songs in the Kanthara Paan,Who was doing strong beneficial things to the ancient city of Lanka,Which is surrounded by ocean and which makes all the beings scared,Who was living in city of Lanka and who had eyes which were like a coverLooked at Hanuman and roared at him , “Stop, Stop” and before Hanuman could think ,And understand who was coming , went and stood before him ,And Hanuman seeing her welcomed her by saying “Please come, come.”
4916. That Lady of Lanka who had burning fire like eyes , out of which ,Smoke was coming looked at Hanuman told, “Oh ignorant and innocent one ,You have done that which should not be done, you are not a bit scared,And what is the point in getting angry on silly monkeys ,Which live by eating roots and leaves. Do not make me your enemy ,By trying to cross these lime washed walls .Run away from here.” She said.
4917. Hanuman who knew the effect of good things along with Dharma,And who had a mind that will not make him proud, with anger burning in his mind,Suppressed that , looked at the lady of Lanka and peacefully told her,“I have reached here , out of the desire to see the beauty of this city,If I am who is weak reached this place , what do you loose ?”
4918. Even before Hanuman said this , She looked at Hanuman and said,“Even I asked you to leave , you are staying and talking against me ,Hey silly fellow , who are you ? When even Lord Shiva who burnt ,The three cities would be scared to stand before me , if you get,The desire to see the city, is this city the one which can be attained by you easily ?” and then laughed.
4919. The matchless Hanuman seeing that lady Lanka who laughed ,Smiled within himself and that lady Lanka asked him “who are you,Under whose orders have you come ?, If you loose your soul by me ,What benefit will you get? Hey, would not you run away” and ,That famous Hanuman said , Without entering the city , I would not go back?”
4920. ”If God of death comes to war with me as soon as he sees me , he will die,And this silly fellow , like Lord Shiva who swallowed the poison which arose from the sea,Is laughing and so this one who has enmity is definitely not a monkey “Thinking like this and watching actions of Hanuman she started getting worried.
4921. “I will kill him and if I don’t , he would destroy the city of Lanka,”Thinking like this she told, “If you can win over me , you please do so”And with her eyes and mouths full burning fire flames , took a trident,Threw it on Hanuman and said , go in the sky made bright by the moon.
4922. That Hanuman who does not even do a mistake by his mind ,Making the Devas happy caught suddenly the trident thrown by the lady of Lanka ,Who was holding a great rope , which was coming to him like a streak of lightning ,And which was spitting out fire , by his teeth and like Garuda breaking serpents Took it by his hands , broke in to several pieces and threw it on earth.
4923. , Seeing that the trident sent by her on Hanuman was broken and lying down on dust ,She screamed like fire sent several divine weapons on him and that faultless Hanuman,Approached the Goddess of Lanka , snatched all weapons from her hand,And without throwing them on her threw them upwards to the sky.
4924 . That lady of Lanka who was not a vulture and without knowing where ,Her divine weapons were scattered, screamed like the clouds hitting ,A huge mountain , became very angry , imagined that the mountains ,Were like balls and dice , lifted them up and hit hanuman,With them scattering fire to all sides
4925. Even before they hit him , Hanuman caught her eight hands with his one hand ,And thinking that this enemy is a lady and how will I fight with her,For killing her would lead to sin and hit her chest by his other hand,And she fell down on earth like a huge mountain by a huge thunder.
4926 . She who had fallen on the ground chided herself and got drowned,In her stream of blood and holding to the grace of Lord Brahma stood up,And standing before the emissary of Rama whose feet are saluted ,By all types of inferior and superior beings and told as follows.
4927. ”Oh matchless one as per the orders Lord Brahma who created the world ,I reached the old city of Lanka and was guarding it and my name ,Is the “great lady of Lanka” and because a mistake has occurred ,In my job of guarding the city , I got confused and did this lowly act,And so you please go freely and if you take mercy in me , I would tell the truth.”
4928. ”When I asked as to how long I would be guarding this old city ,Addressing Lord Brahma who is beyond any questioning he told me,“When a very strong monkey touches you with its hand ,And when you get angry at it , you would be seeing me ,And at that time the pretty city of Lanka would be without doubt destroyed.”
4929. ” Oh sir , the words of Lord Brahma has become true that ,Dharma will win and sin would be defeated which are words of truth ,And these suit you very much and from now on all the acts that you think about ,Would be realized and there would be nothing that you cannot do,Enter the golden city of Lanka.” And after praising him thus ,She went away from there after saluting him.
4930. The valorous Hanuman affectionately saw her and told ,“What you told is the truth and that is what is going to happen,”And saw in his mind the great lotus like divine feet of Rama ,Saluted them , Jumped and crossed that golden wall and entered,In to the old Lanka populated by silly people , which was like ,Sprinkling curds here and there in the ocean of milk and entered it.
4931. Seeing that the top of the mansion made by flawless gems touching the sky ,Removed the darkness and was spreading light everywhere, the learned Hanuman,For a moment doubted whether the sun God driving chariotWith one wheel has arrived and was taken aback.
4932. Then understanding the truth that the city of Lanka which had mansions constructed, Using gems was removing the darkness and that the Sun god with his rays and light ,Had gone away being put to shame by them , and he thought that if the Sun without any shame,Comes to the centre of the city surrounded by walls ,He would be like a firefly which had come earlier.
4933. Possibly due to the ancient city of Lanka which has a golden mountain giving out light ,Which is situated in between golden boundary walls and Which has great mansions ,Which shine due to being constructed by greatly lustrous gems , all the Rakshasas,In that great city started moving about at the night .
4934. Hanuman with well formed shoulders told himself that the beauty ,Of that city was like Mandhara mountain which gave nectar and the fame of Rama,And thinking that walking by the road would lead to many problems ,Reduced the size of his form and went by the places near the buildings.
4935. That Hanuman with a divine feet who crossed the huge sea searched ,In all cowsheds, places where elephants are kept , in houses where many ,Types of animals are grown, in horse sheds , the well guarded densely form gardens,And went from one place to another like the bees which shift from flower to flower.
4936. The light showered by the rows of mansions embedded With large star like gems , surrounded Hanuman wherever he went ,And so that son of wind God assumed some times a black colour like his lord Rama ,So that it was difficult to see him by the eyes but easy to see using mind ,And some times white like Lord Brahma and red like Lord Shiva.
4937. He saw the Deva maidens who had tied their breasts with cloth , giving pain,To their waist as it was not able to carry that burden giving bath ,In the Sankhamukha river to the Rakshasa ladies and seeing that ,It became obvious that those who want to accumulate good fortune ,Cannot do it by any other action except by doing penance ,Let all those who have the ability to see this , see this fact,
4938. He saw that with a shining pleasant looking lotus like face the Deva maidens gave bath ,Using the clear water of the honey dripping Deva Daru gardens ,The Rakshasa maidens took bath like peacocks of the forest,And young swans with joy in those divine waters of the sky Ganges.
4939. He saw that In the best Yaazh with seven types of strings Made according to traditional grammar,With their red stained hands which were tender like new leaves getting pained,When the songs made by those Rakshasa ladies measuring them as per the beats ,Was confusing and giving rise to harsh sounds ,Those maids closed their mouth with their flower like hands .
4940. He saw those Rakshasa maidens sitting in their own seats were watching the dance byGandharwa maidens in the golden stage whose roof was made by flowers ,With light provided by the gem lamps that fulfill all our wishes,After understanding the traditional music as per the Vilambitha sound of the beats.
4941. He saw those Rakshasa maidens were drinking the best of the alcoholic drinks ,Like the irrigation water of the crop to quench limitless passion towards their husbands,Lying on the crystal courtyards which was giving them pain like spears ,Having their black Kajal applied fish like eyes turned deep red due to great love tiff .
4942. He saw their faultless black eyes getting the reddishness of their husband ,Their red mouth which were like Thoothula fruit assuming White colour due to getting great enjoyment,And the Rakshasa ladies and gents getting proud alternatively by drinking the wine of love
4943. He saw Rakshasa ladies who were applying red cotton juice to their,Lustrous coral feet , who were getting great shining beauty by applying ,Sandal paste mixed with camphor and other scented materials all over their body,Who had applied Kajal to their wonderful sharp arrow like eyes ,And getting ornaments from Karpaga tree and wearing them as they approved them
4944. The fault committed by the husband who had the ability to kill a tiger ,Entering the mind and causing trouble, the ladies who had spear like eyes,With their mouth which used to give nectar , exhaled poisonous fumes like snake,And their very thin waist which was like a streak of lightning shaking ,With their anklets making sound of sorrow kicked their husbands but they enjoyed it more.
4945. Those ladies who have a clean waist which was like a plain ground ,Seeing their moon like face reflected as an ugly face in the alcoholic drink,Became listless due to the breaking of their mind, and their black eyes became red,Red mouth turned in to white, their eye brows started bending and twitching And sweat started appearing on them and they screeched at their husband.
4946. He saw many Rakshasas sleeping after drinking the honey like juice of the lotus like mouthComing from in between their white teeth of the Rakshasa ladies with spear like eyes,Which cannot be obtained in sugarcane juice, in the caves on the mountain slopes ,In the gardens with water flow or in the homes of toddy sellers ,Or in the homes of Yavanas and in clean ocean of milk also.
4947. He also saw ladies who were greatly worried and breathing deeplyAfter they found fault with their handsome husband , and left him after love tiff,Causing the sandal paste that they had applied on their stout breasts dry,And then like the red coloured lotus flower with red colour which has just opened,Held their faces in their flower like hands and were with a swinging soul.
4948. Due to te very great passion towards their husbands carrying weapons ,Due to his parting , Hanuman saw that the lady lying like a dead body ,On her beds where pollen grains move about and due to the love for them,Which cause great sorrow and were not moving their eyes from the path,That he is likely to come and were shivering seeing the smile ,Of the emissary maid , whom they had sent , they got back their soul.
4949. He also saw Gods of the homes being worshipped by ladies wearing conch bangles and anklets,Garlands and waist belts , which were making sound like various drums,Which gave out big sounds and with very huge hair which spreads scent ,Along with deva maidens having reddish mouth singing auspicious songs as per proper Tala.
4950. He saw that the luster due to light that was coming from ornaments was come continuously, As well as with breaks and fought with the darkness ,And that they were sending their eye which survey their ear globes,Which was like the very different sharp spear which goes and pierces the heart of lads ,That several tires of conches with hole and drums shout like the clouds,And that the ladies were coming in festival garb like peacocks in love with clouds.
4951. He saw them leaving out their nature of fighting with their husbands in their beds,And getting ready to fight the great war of love , with a mind seething with anger ,Opening their eyes applied with Kajal and it appeared as if they were ,Taking out the ghee applied sword which are their eyes from its case.
4952. He saw pretty ladies who were like a picture , with their feelings and enthusiasm ,And other things remaining with their husbands , moving away and getting in to love tiff ,Who were like female swans with feathers and their lightning streak like waists ,Were getting listless and they were remaining alone with their hot deep breath.
4953. He saw people entering newly constructed homes which were in all streets,Of the new town which had several water storages and also saw them,Driving their white planes covered with pearls , rising up like lightning , piercing the heavy clouds ,And remain there with Kinnara birds singing and with the serpent ladies ,Surrounding them and getting them with song “long live”
4954. He saw people getting married with drums making sound like the clouds,With Devas blessing them , With sages singing auspicious blessings,With crowds of ladies going round them singing , With deva maidens singing “Long live”,And the garlands and ear globes made of pearls giving out great luster.
4955. Yaksha ladies , Rakshasis , The serpent ladies , the Vidhyadhara ladies,With faces like moon without any blemishes and all other ladies were examined,Without any doubt by Hanuman and then he saw with his own eyes ,Khumbakarna who was like a mountain and who had uninterrupted sleep .
4956. The Palace of Kumbhakarna was seven Yojanas broad as well as high ,And the hall of heaven in which Indra wore his very pretty crown ,Was inferior to this hall and this hall had more luster and ,Completely destroyed the darkness in all directions and gave great satisfaction,
4957. In the middle of that hall on a cot like the king of the serpents ,Like the ocean ,like all the darkness assembled in one place ,And like the personification of sin which we would not able to think, Kumbhakarna was sleeping.
4958. He was sleeping there with the sweet breezeWhich after taking bath in the tumultuous sea ,And which had three types of movementWas caressing him In the karpaga garden which showers pollen grains ,
4959. He was sleeping with the Deva maidens caressing his feet ,With the full moon seeing its face on the magnet pillar ,Of that hall which made the hall get white light ,And made very minute drops from that pillar fall on his face.
4960. His inhaling and exhaling which was continuous ,Created a big wind and was trying to pull Hanuman,Who was near the entrance due to its great power,In to his nose and Hanuman realizing it felt bad ,And due to fear shook his hand and jumped and went to other side.
4961. The breath air of Kumbhakarna , while he was sleeping .Made the collection of dust go up to the sky and again ,Enter inside with matchless warmth and was roaming like the ,Wind at the time of deluge, which was capable of complete destruction.
4962. He looked as if he has cut in to two the full moon and fixed them,On both sides sorrow less big mouth which looked as if he was eating them ,And was leaving out huge air of breath producing great sound ,From his face which did not show joy , and they appeared as if they were his teeth.
4963. That Kumbhakarna was sleeping like the big ocean Which does not leave its shores waiting for the final deluge at the end of the eons,And like the king Cobra which was paralyzed by the magic chant ,Without any possibility of getting it stopped by any problems.
4964. That Hanuman who is considered as strong as The Matchless Lord Shiva among the trinity , was not able to make out , As to who that Rakshasa is and that that he must be the uncivilized ,King of all Rakshasas and saw him with very great anger,With fire coming out of his eyes that protect the world.
4965. And when he went near and saw him , as he could not see the ten heads,And the very strong twenty shoulders on that Rakshasa,He became confused and by deep thought , put out the fire like anger ,Which was ebbing out of him , by the ocean water of his wisdom.
4966. That monkey chief who was serving the fame of Rama like honey to the ears,After getting rid of his anger thought, “Let it be whoever it is”.And decided that that person would die within a few days,Making his inner palm as outer palm , left that palace and went ahead.
4967. That Hanuman who had the form of the fame of Rama went to ,Multistory buildings , rows of mansions , halls which were meant for ladies to play,Halls , temples , musical platforms and debating halls , searching for Sita.
4968. That Hanuman who like Lord Vishnu holding the wheel,Could enter the atom as well as the very huge Meru mountain,Could merge himself with , gem studded entrances , window spaces,Within flowers and the very delicate stem of the flowers and he also ,Could become very fat and who can tell realy about his greatness?
4969. That Hanuman who protects his friends ,wantingTo see all the ladies with extremely tender fingers ,Went like this to all places and entered the palace of Vibeeshana ,Who was liked by kings , Brahmins , Devas as well as people of serpent land.
4970. Hanuman thinking that with white colour it would be difficult to live,Among the black coloured Asuras, assuming their black coloured body ,Reached and saw Vibheeshana who was like Dharma ,And was living in the courtyard made of corals ,Under the Karpaga tent which was dripping fresh honey ,On the stage made of crystal hidden from every one.
4971. Looking at him intently and understanding about his feelings,By his inner conscience , he understood that he is one without faults ,And one with matchless character , one with mind where enmity has been removed,And later took another path and saw through crores of mountain like mansions ,By entering in to them , within a second .
4972. After examining many Deva ladies who had full moon like faces ,Who had very reddish mouth to find out whether they were Sita,He crossed several palaces with a speed much greater then mind ,And saw the front side of the prison where Indra was kept in prison.
4973. He crossed several places guarded by several thousands of Rakshasas,Who were armed , who had very big hands , who if they start talking ,Start talking about big stories, puzzles and proverbs ,Showing their moon like teeth and who had drunk , very strong ,Alcoholic drink which would aid them kill their enemies and went inside.
4974. That Hanuman who can enter in to places where even smoke cannot enter ,Entered a palace and saw there Indrajit who was sleeping as if hiding some eyes and faces.Of The great son of the God with three eyes who had six faces ,And twelve arms showing different directions in the middle of several pretty ladies.
4975. This valorous one was like a cruel lion sleeping in a mountain cave ,And Hanuman thought , “Was he a Rakshasa with white bent teeth like the moon?Was he son of Lord Shiva armed with an axe ?Was he his son the Lord Subrahamanya?’I do not know who he is but I am sure the young Lakshmana and Rama who protects those whio seek protection,Who are both great warriors would get worried in mind fighting war with him ,For several days in the ensuing war.”
4976. ”Is it wise to tell that al the devas except Lord Shiva , the four faced Lord Brahma And Lord Vishnu would not be comparable to him? That Ravana who likes war ,Had got a good assistant in this valorous one and it is not great wonder ,That he had won victory in war over all the three worlds .”
4977. After praising Indrajit like this , deciding to stop that matter there,He decided that he should spend all his time in searching the lady ,Whom he has come to search, apart from the mansion of Indrajit ,Searched thousands of thousands houses which were ,Near to each other thoroughly and without any fault.
4978. , That famous Hanuman after crossing the mansion of Akshayakumara ,Searched the home of Athikaya as well as his younger brothers ,Searched well the huge houses of the chief minister ,And went ahead with great speed like Rama Bana.
4979. Like this after searching the homes of very big army commanders ,He entered and searched thousand crores of golden mansions ,And with an intention of seeing the broad place ,Where Ravana is living in hiding he entered the huge city ,That cannot be destroyed and crossed the moat in the centre .
4980. Like a matchless elephant in rut which does not need any help,Hanuman who had followed the sun God in the sake of a fruit to eat,And who thought that the moat which was like seven great oceans were creating problems,For wiping away the goddess who had been made to cross the cold sea looked at that moat.
4981. It will not be entirely proper if some one were to call it a very wide moat,For even if several men with great firmness for a period of an eon dig it ,It is not possible to form it and Hanuman thought ,” possibly the seven oceans ,Have fused together and have surrounded the city , scared of Ravana.”
4982. Hanuman who has spread in all the worlds , where the fame of Rama has spread,Reaching that moat with large body of water which was like that , felt that even if he assumed ,Double the speed which he had assumed while crossing the sea,It would be very difficult to cross it and told it openly .
4983. ”The moat was looking as if the four types of clouds had fallen down,Out of thirst and was having that much water as if those clouds have been put there,And it was not possible to describe the structure of the moat which was like,That of the army of Ravana who was determined to give sorrow to the world.” Hanuman thought
4984. That moat was a mixture of the three types of Rut of the elephant ,The foam out of mouth of horses, the saffron mixed water flow from great ladies,The musk which was applied to the hair to the scented hair of bathing ladies.Honey , sandal paste and several scented materials.
4985. In that moat there were unnal birds , several types of cranes,Andril birds , Kuruku birds , Ullan birds , swans , water fowls,Big storks , Chakravaka birds , KInnara birds, geese,KIlukkam birds , king fishers , water birds, crows and Gunalam birds , which made sound.
4986. The akil smoke fed to the hair by pretty ladies, the musk applied by them,The red cotton juice applied to the feet got mixed in the water of the moat ,And because of that the best of male elephants which took bath in that moat ,And the young tender looking female elephants of great heritage developed love tiff.
4987. The scented lotus flowers which had the perfume of honey ,Was visible in all the parts of that moat in large numbers,And seeing that would not those who were related ,To the face of the imprisoned Goddess which was like closed lotus flowers get depressed?
4988. The properly laid out steps which were made of crystal ,And the water that was seen by its side, cannot be differentiated ,By a cursory look similar to people with a clear mind joining ,With silly people , it would not be easy to differentiate them.
4989. Great gems like topaz and other gems like garnets spreading light ,In a different manner at the top and the bottom made one think,That oceans like milk ocean and all other oceans ,Have joined to flow water like this moat.
4990. He jumped and crossed that moat in a similar way ,That he crossed the ocean , making the walls behind him,Reached the very unapproachable intermediate town,Which was provided with very great security,And now we will deal about the events that happened afterwards.
4991. In that city of Rakshasas which makes even God of death scared,In that middle of night , he searched the three lakhs streets ,Which covered a distance of twelve Yojanas, for that lady.
4992. The sound of the drunkards got calmed down , the sound ,Of the ocean like Pari drum became muted, The songs were not heard,The Goldsmiths wound up their work for that day,The sound of three types of drums became muted and sleep started.
4993. Horses of different colours bent their head and started sleeping,Those valorous ones who guard the walls kept awake and made ,Sound in all places and the ladies with shining flower bouquets,Who had hair with scent had love tiff with their husbands for their humble wordsAnd all other ladies of the city started sleeping.
4994. Young lads who had broad shoulders who wore ornaments over them,Who won in the battle of love slept on the top of the slope like breasts of ladiesWho got defeated and who were tired and were like peacocks ,Completely bewitched by them and thus the tiredness of love making progressed.
4995. Those who practiced left side practices drank alcohol and fell fainted,And forgot to enjoy the pleasure of love and instead of enjoying the art of love,As told by love god slept fainted and those of them who slept .Like the bees which after becoming sufficiently drunk stopped the humming ,And slept without enjoying the different scents of the smoke .
4996. The songs of many different type dancers who had drunk alcohol ,Slept closing the eyes which are their lyrics . Veenas slept closing .Their cool eyes . the drums and other such instruments closed their eyes,The eyes of the people got closed , doors were closed , and darkness spread everywhere,As if the sky has closed its eyes and has started sleeping.
4997. The white flowers like Narantham opened and the breeze which wafts,Touching those flowers heightened the sensations and due to this,The water which flows from the black eyes fell like streams but in spite of it,The separate heart of those who had separated from their lovers burnt due to that parting.
4998. Like people getting great because the enemies were getting weak ,When the ghee which melts got reduced , the flame from innumerable lamps,Became of reduced size and the breeze that was wafting put them all out,And at that time the light from the ornaments that ladies were wearing ,Blew more in the sea of passion and gave light like lamps.
4999. All the great people who do religious rituals in a proper manner,Who were very wise slept, the people who practiced Yoga slept,The cruel male elephants in rut which made them confused also slept,The mad people who got faint also slept .Now what will happen to sleep of others.
5000. When the city of Lanka was sleeping thus , Hanuman who had won over,The enmity of fate searched two crores of the clean streets where the kings lived ,And later after searching crossed the moat and walls of the palace of Ravana.
5001. The palace of Ravana who was habituated to fight wars was filled,With beauty and greatness and Hanuman reached the homes of ladies ,Who like the group of stars were living along with moon like house of Ravana.
5002. He then reached the cluster of homes of Yaksha ladies who had ,Lustrous faces like the full moon without the black blemishes,And were interested in living together in a separate street of mansions.
5003. Hanuman who had swept away bad fate due to the desire ,For things visited the large number of gem studded door closers,Taking a form thinner than the spun thread and like the sweet breeze.And entered in to those rooms and examined them.
5004. Some Yaksha ladies with a mind attracted by RavanaHaving mountain like elephants , without inhaling and without,Batting of their eyes , were sitting just like pictures.
5005. Some other Yaksha ladies possibly scared about the God of love ,Who had cruel flower arrows or possibly desirous of the resulting ,Sweet dreams (we do not know which?) were sleeping without any interest.
5006. Some other Yaksha ladies who had breasts wounded several times ,By the arrows of God of love which rarely miss their aim were depressed,And were thinking.” What is the point in crying? Would we be able to draw,The picture of Ravana who is expert in giving orders?”
5007. Some other Yaksha ladies . with a wet eyes were talking to the ,Naganavai birds like dolls thus , “You would not tell me anything ,To me which is suitable. You have not brought my soul and,You have not told him about my present state” and wailed.
5008. Some other Yaksha ladies, become thinner being wafted by humid breeze And seeing their own heavy breasts and thinking of the pride ,Of the valorous shoulders of Ravana became depressed and confused.
5009. Some other Yaksha ladies lay down on beds ,Whose sides are lit by new luster of red gems,For many days and getting famished because of that ,Were similar to the moon in red sky of the dusk.
5010. Some other Yaksha ladies trying to sleep on the hammocks ,Hung by the maids who were like lustrous Karpaga climbers,By their hands became confused by the fearsome honey like sound of Yaazh.
5011. Some other Yaksha ladies became extremely happy ,Seeing their own heavy breasts which managed to steal,The sandal paste from the shoulders of Ravana who ,Very easily lifted the Kailasa mountain on which Lord Shiiva,Who sent the fire arrows with bows made by bending two corners of Mount Meru.
5012. Some other Yaksha ladies sang about the fame Of Ravana, Who desiring to sing the greatness of Lord Shiva ,Who danced in such a way that the four oceans joined in to one,Used his pretty fingers sang sweetly the four types of Pan music .
5013. Hanuman who follows justice entered the ten lakh houses ,Of such Yaksha ladies and after searching them reached ,The street in which homes of Rakshasis belonging to clan of Ravana were there.
5014. The young sun light which had the colour of gems which are like fire,Drank the darkness which had spread continuously in those homes ,Where there are no lamps , the crowd of ladies dispersed and ,Remained on one side and loved and quarreled with Ravana.
5015. He saw bees crowding like smoke about the hair of ladies on which musk was applied .And which was more lustrous than fire , who were considering the bed that they occupied,As their enemy , went away from there and went and slept on the cool crystal beds,But were getting greatly hot due to the passion within them.
5016. He saw ladies like the evening sky , whose body was like the lustrous and great sky,The dense stars as their pearl necklaces, the streak of lightning as their waist,The red sky resembling the Murukka flowers as their hair,The clouds as their black eyes applied with kajal ,And the shining crescent of the moon as their forehead .
5017. He saw ladies participating in Kazhangu play in the moon lit white terrace ,Of the erect tall mansions, picking up the stars in the sky by their hands ,With their blue lotus like eyes applied with kajal change its nature ,And with their disheveled hair being crowded by bees similar to unending heavy rains.
5018. He saw ladies hating the water , which was brought by maidens of heavens,Wearing ear globes , from the Sky ganges which was spread everywhere,As it was not cold enough and becoming sad in the rooms shining due to their ornaments,And later taking bath in the stream of water got by drilling a hole on the clouds.
5019. He saw ladies who claimed that their darling Ravana who was like their soul,Has taken the gems from Adhi Sesha, the chief of serpents and given it to them ,As present and keeping them as wager against the crown and ornaments ,Of the Vidhyadhara kings ,playing gambling on the golden board without sleeping.
5020. He saw the ladies of Sidhi clan under the pearl tent inside the Karpaga garden ,Singing songs as per the beats of the very instrument of pot and the Serpent ladies who talk sweetly playing the huge drums tied by leather belts,And watching the Deva maidens with sweet teeth and golden shoulders dancing there.
5021. ,He saw ladies with stream like eyes due to the love for Ravana hurting them,Like a nail , who had a heart which has forsaken the sleep , singing ,With no difference between sound of flute , sound of Veena and their voice,Songs which have been written with Thala , dripping nectar all over,
5022. He saw ladies with rotating eyes due to their drinking alcohol,With thighs like Banana tree , with hips like chariot board ,Whose flowery dresses, and ornaments over their hips were slipping away ,Dancing Kuravai dance with waving ear globes giving out the luster of a rain bow and faltering.
5023. He saw ladies drinking alcohol and blood which were like poison of snakes,Who were talking incoherently like mad people, who broke the cloth and belt,Worn over their hips Singing Kuchari pan in that stage , joining together ,Played Tala in an instrument called chachari and were not able to have a stable mind.
5024. He saw ladies whose mind was weakened by the strong alcohol which had colour of curd,Whose wisdom was being shaken , who claimed God has entered in to them, please see,And then taking deep breath , lifting both their hands above their head ,With hair standing erect , with body getting ashamed, who open .Their mouths and who become completely listless because of it.
5025. Like this there were four crores of Rakshasi women who had love towards Ravana,And hanuman searched all the houses in those long streets for Lady Sita,And went to the streets having mansions housing the sidha maidens,And not finding any thing there, he reached the homes that housed Vidhyadhara ladies.
5026. The Vidhyadhara ladies who had more and more love and not able to see ,Ravana with a fish like crown coming to them became very dejected ,Making them shiver more than their waists , became depressed and confused ,And when the songs played with hands in the long musical instrument ,Which is in no way different from the throat of musicians ,Using the artistic eye and well formulated songs ,Enter their ears like cruel snakes they got very much confused and worried.
5027. The sages and Devas who follow good conduct and love every one ,Considering that these Vidhyadhara maidens were always in love with Ravana ,Who was very strong and who wipes away his enemies due to great anger ,Got angry with them , and then the cool moon showering cruel hot rays ,Burnt their cool and bud like breasts and they are shivering like flower creepers.
5028. Hanuman saw the Vidhyadhara ladies who were waiting with mature passion,Initially for a small time which became a long time like eons with mind breaking ,Became sad due to sorrow recollected the dried sandal paste on their breasts ,Coming from Ravana who embraced them and the pictures drawn by him on them,And their sword like eyes which cuts the heaviness of the souls,Turned deep red expecting Ravana and were taking deep breath.
5029. After searching thoroughly the long street with twelve crores of clean houses ,Where such ladies were living , Hanuman reached the huge palace of Ravana,Who is the lord of the three worlds and in between saw the palace ,Of Mandodhari the daughter of Maya whose very lustrous face ,Which lead to the dimming the face of the cool moon.
5030. Hanuman after seeing that palace , used his eyes as well as wisdom ,And thought that the cause for which he had come here was near the end of the city,And this palace is very much different from others . Is it possible that ,This is the place where my lord’s lady who is sweeter than his soul,Is kept ? is this palace to which he brought her , as thae palace ,Had been studded with very many gems and was like the,Kausthuba gem of the broad chest of Lord Vishnu among all palaces.
5031. In that palace there was a lady whose fresh leaf like feet ,Which was like the quiver of the god of love carrying flower arrows ,Was caressed by Deva maidens like Ramba by their hands ,Which was fanned by cowries, with ladies with sweet voice ,Which made us say that sugarcane tastes bitter ,Singing the Pan called Kamaram using a well mature yaazh ,Which was entering her ears and perfumed breath coming out of her nose .
5032. “Would those very wise men who have thought about the use of actions ,Considering that the friendship is of long duration, do improper acts?And due to that , if those who have a depressed mind get angry ,Even if they are great people who have moved away from desires,Is it improper for them to get their desires fulfilled by those bad people ?Or is it proper?” thinking like this due to fear which leads to suspicion ,The famous breeze did not enter that house but was waiting for the workers to call her ,And even after it enterd if they said “Go back” due to its sensitiveness , it will show her presence.
5033. Hanuman who could not be stopped by others seeing that lady who was sleeping ,With a luster which puts to shame the lustrous Manikhya lamps, suspected ,Whether she was Sita, and that thought which was like fire ,Burnt his body as well as soul and with great sorrow told as follows.
5034. ”She has lost the usefulness of this body which has been made ,By a cage constructed by bones .Let it be there. If this lady , who has ,Removed the tie of pure love along with her heritage and moved away ,From chastity which is divine is Sita who wears heavy ear globes ,The fame of Rama would get reduced and me as well as the asuras ,Of this Lanka would certainly die today itself “ he thought.
5035. ” The lady Sita has a pretty human form and the lady who sleeps here,Has a form that is different from human and if this is thought over deeply ,There arises a suspicion whether she is a Yaksha lady or an Asura lady ?Would the love that has been placed on Rama who wears a accented garland ,Return even to the God of love who has a fish flag? “ And soHe thought that it was not proper for him to think her as Sita.
5036. “She has some good characteristics but there is sign in her body ,Which tells me that the time for her to attain endless sorrow is very near.Her black hair decorated by flowers is disheveled , she is telling some words ,With an unstable mouth ,showing that her husband will die here itself ,And this town also would be soon destroyed “ he thought .
5037. That Hanuman who had strong mountain like shoulders , which cannot be ,Uprooted by Ravana , after deciding that he would stop these pleasant thought ,At that point, with great thought went behind the palace of Mandodhari and,Reached a building of victory which was taller than the big Meru mountain .
5038. Many areas of the city of Lanka trembled, mountains shivered,The eyes and eye brows of the Rakshasis shivered like their pretty waist And their pretty shoulders also shivered on their right side, The directions trembled and even without lightning the long sky with clouds ,Produced thundering sound and the pots with water broke.
5039. Hanuman went and stood there and using his wisdom felt, That “the wealth of this great city would be destroyed alas,”And stood there with his matchless good mind full of pity.He also thought “For any one who is born in any clan,Or for that matter any one , the good and fate would be similar,And there is nothing more stronger that the rule of fate.”
5040. Hanuman who had ocean like knowledge of books and also ,Knowledge that he had heard saw the Ravana who was sleeping,In the huge palace with surrounding courtyards full of ,Valorous people armed with spears , who were spread like ocean,Similar to Lord Vishnu staying in the big milky ocean with tides On the serpent with very many gems as well as many heads.
5041. He saw the long crowns studded with very lustrous gems ,Which were like the young Sun who had climbed to a position above the mountain,And the ornaments with nets throwing scant light destroyed the thing called “darkness”,And Ravana who was similar to the very strong God Narasimha who killed Hiranya On the top of Meru mountain with caves, and who was a matchless one, Spreading his several bent shoulders and several heads sleeping .
5042. In that great golden palace several Deva maidens wearing several bangles Standing in a row were fanning Ravana with clean and white fans and when,The light whirl wind bringing down the honey drops from the flowers of Karpage tree ,Along with the flowers and when this fell on him , his body became heated ,And as and when he thought of Sita wearing good bangles ,He left out a painful breath and his body got reduced.
5043. That Ravana who shook the huge mountain on which Lord who keeps,On his top of head the white moon crescent , was shot with the cruel ,Arrows of God of love on his chest crossing many of his shoulders ,And he grievously suffered due to the wounds that were created,In between the scars of wounds that were created by the tusks,Of those great lustrous elephants which suffered in the great war that was waged by him.
5044. The light breeze which was born with the very cool Tamil language ,Wafted on the mixture of sandal , camphor and scented material ,But made the fire called passion burn him with double the vigour ,And due to this his torturous breaths increased thinking about ,Lady Sita who had tender fingers like Kanthal , towards whom his mind raced,With great speed and that Ravana felt empty like the anthills vacated by serpents.
5045. Long time ago when emotions came out , with an intention of winning,Over all enemies in all directions and in that great war ,Whatever he ate picking with his respectable hands came out of his mouth ,And flowed from the sides of his mouth like the fame of devas ,And that Ravana had long white side teeth.
5046. The very white bed of Ravana due to the heat arising out of his body ,Started burning like fire and in his very hot body was covered with sweat ,And white eruptions started appearing on it and when the heat further increased, The male and female bees which have drunk honey from the garlands ,That he was wearing came out and died and the garland turned in to ash,And he let out a very torturing and very hot breath.
5047. With his mind going towards the Goddess Lakshmi who is the consort, Of Lord Vishnu holding the wheel , That Ravana was pretending to sleep,On the flower bed and his water of love towards the Goddess with blue flower like eyes,Converted itself in to stream and his soul was coming out as deep breath as if it was being grinded.
5048. When the thought which grows greatly increased , he felt as if he was,Seeing the form of Goddess just before him , he had a face that was smiling ,A mind which was sad and confused and thought “Did not that Sita,Whose voice like the dripping honey from the hive , enter in to my mind,Earlier when Soorpanakha introduced her” and all his hairs stood erect on his body.
5049. Similar to the peacock which had feathers with intricate art work,In spite of increased emotions leaves one mountain and joins ,Another big mountain with sorrow , the ladies who are like the best peacocks,After hugging the shoulders which go to war and then get victory ,Leave one of his shoulders and hug another shoulder which are in a row.
5050. Like the Sun who rises from the black sea above the mountain of sun rise ,And giving out luster, Ravana had on his chest garlands of gems,Which spread light everywhere and was the one who had true valour ,And removed the power of Vajrayudha, Axe and wheel ,Which were used to protect matchlessly all the three worlds by the Devas.
5051. The bees which raise the flower petals of the flower garland worn by Ravana,And the bees that hover round the rut water of the elephants of directions ,After wandering here and there and mixed the sandal paste applied ,On the chest of Ravana with the Kumkum worn by those victorious elephants,And in the ensuing war , the elephants of directions trying to pierce the chest of Ravana ,By their tusks but scared about his sharp spear , they saluted his feet which was ,Saluted earlier the enemy kings who had wounded his feet with their crown.
5052. That Hanuman who had assumed a form which was even smaller ,Than the Vamana form assumed by Lord Vishnu , looked at Ravana ,Who had very strong ten hands as well as twenty heads and as soon as he saw him,Sparks of the fire of death came out of his eyes and even the heaven broke and got scattered.
5053. He thought , “If I do not show my strength today and with the power of feet,Power the ten heads as well his gem studded crowns of Ravana who cheated Sita,Who had sword like eyes and kept her in prison , what is the use of the strength of my shoulders,And my fame which would be remaining would become great and I would not be a slave any more.”
5054. ”Is it proper to live in this world acting like a slave?, Would the Ravana,Who has imprisoned Sita with a pretty forehead escape from me ,Even after I have seen him . I would break all his big shoulders ,Attack him with my feet , kill him and destroy the entire city of Lanka.“Everything that has to happen will happen in a proper way.”
5055. Thinking like this Getting enthused , biting his teeth , Grinding both his palms,Standing up , and after wards getting his anger reduced he told within himself,‘Rama has not ordered me to destroy Ravana and Lanka , and starting a job ,And doing another job is not proper for one with wisdom as wealth ,And thinking deeply , If I do it then it would give rise to sorrow, “And he refrained from doing it.
5056. He remained like an ocean which was capable of destroying the entire world,And which waiting for orders of time never crosses its banks and,If we analyze his action properly , it was felt that though he had the strength ,Like lord Shiva who swallowed the poison to remove the sorrow of devas ,AS he being one who protects good character , he would not do anything without proper thought.
5057. He decided that “let my thought of fighting with Ravana today ,Remain within me , for if later people say that one monkey destroyed,The thorn like Ravana who had imprisoned , Sita who decorates her hair with flowers,It will bring a dip to the ability of Rama for getting victory by fighting war with arrows.”Thinking like this he left out the very great anger within him.
5058. Hanuman who lost his anger this way again told within himself.“There is no lady who wears the best of bangles sleeping ,With this useless person and his state reveals that his body is heated up,Due to great passion and so Lady Sita is remaining with chastity and that is good news.”
5059. After thinking like this he decided that there is no point in staying there ,He went away from the palace of mountain like Ravana and He got agitated thinking that “alas, in this big city , the lady Sita,Who wears gem studded golden ornaments is not there.”
5060. He thought “has he killed that lady who never swerves from chastity,Has he eaten her up , In which world has he imprisoned her ?I who am of low intellect do not know anything and so ,If I have to return back , what shall I tell Rama and this great sorrow,Will not leave me unless I happen to die.”
5061. ”Rama would be thinking that I would see Sita and then only return,Sugreeva, the chief of monkeys would have been thinking that ,I would bring back Sita and the way that I who am insignificant ,Has taken to fulfill my aim is like this .How can I now go in front of Rama,Or shall I die along with these enemies of ours here itself.”
5062. ”The time limit specified by Sugreeva is getting over and I have not been,Able to see Sita with thick hair . After making Angadha and others ,Who wanted to die , to live there, though I speedily reached Lanka,I was not able to do the job ,How can I continue living without dying ,The matchless thing called “Dharma” has moved far away from me.”
5063. “There is no being in this city which is seven hundred Yojanas broad ,And is enclosed by a wall , whom I have not seen but I have not been able ,To see only the matchless great queen of Rama the Lord of fate,And so I would drown my self in this ocean of sorrow and die.”
5064. ”Should I using my hands which can powder even a mountain ,Catch hold of that Ravana and make blood flow like river from his mouth,Or Should I make Ravana who holds a sharp spear and this city ,Melt like soft wax by raising great fire and then close it.”
5065. ”I who am ignorant carrying this soul which does not go away ,In spite of this body made of flesh getting tired ask about the lady ,With devas and others , they are incapable of telling about Lady Sita,When the very strong Ravana is not there , and how will ,Others who are lowlier than devas tell me .How shall I find out?”
5066. “The king of hawks Sampathi had told that he saw Lady Sita, In this great city of Lanka and whatever he has told has become a lie,And now without destroying this big city which is blessed with gems ,Should I continue to live withis body and become more sorry.”
5067. “This cruel Rakshasa caught hold of Sita who had combed hair ,Decorated by the chosen flowers with the knowledge of heaven and earth ,And this can never prove to be wrong and so let me uproot this town, Which is in the middle of ocean and put it in the ocean and destroy it ,And that seems to be the only action that would be just “ he thought .
5068. That Hanuman who did not have even space to to put Til seed,IN his mind which was completely filled with Rama who,Can be anywhere and who can travel anywhere , stared at the sky,Where the birds stay, came out of that Palace and while going out,Saw a garden which had flowers with honey near by.
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Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 1 (Padalam 1)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 1 (Padalam 2)
About Kavichakravarthy Kamban

Historians place him in the 9th century CE, But surely Kamban belongs to the third great wave of Tamizh literature that started with the Sangam period (dated before the Common Era), followed by the widespread impact of Bhakti literature of the Alwars (vaishnavite saints) & Nayanamars (shaivaite saints). Kamban Authored Ramanaya in Tamil…Known as Kamba Ramayanam..
Kambar has been the milestone for the Tamil scholars that none had reached. He was also known as “Kamba Naatazhvar” at his time. Many Tamil authors from the modern world have written the books on the poet Kamban.
Kambar or Kavichakravarthy Kamban (1180–1250) was a medieval Tamil poet and the author of the Ramavataram, popularly known as Kambaramayanam, the Tamil version of the epic Ramayana.
Valmiki Ramayana and Kamba Ramayanam are two versions of Ramayana written in the Sanskrit and Tamil languages respectively. … Kamba Ramayanam is originally called as Ramavataram. Although Valmiki Ramayana is the original version of the story of Rama, Kamba Ramayana is believed to be based on the work by Valmiki.
The Kamba Ramayanam, is a Tamil epic that was written by the Tamil poet Kambar during the 12th century. Based on Valmiki’s Ramayana (which is in Sanskrit), the story describes the life of King Rama of Ayodhya.
The book is divided into six chapters, called Kandam in Tamil. The Kandams are further divided into 123 sections called Padalam (படலம்) in Tamil. These 123 sections contain approximately 12,000 verses of the epic.