By Kambar (Kavichakravarthy Kamban)
Translated in English by P. R Ramachander
Kamba Ramayanam-Kishkinda Kandam 1 (Padalam 2)
2. Anuma Padalam
Chapter on Hanuman.
( Rama and Lakshmana climb the Rishya Mooka mountains and are seen there by Sugreeva who gets scared .Hanuman reassures Sugreeva and Mets Rama taking the form of a Brahmin. Once they get introduced fully with each other all misconceptions are removed. Hanuman goes to bring Sugreeva. In Valmiki Ramayana Rama is sen on shores of Pamba lake and Hanuman gets introduced to them there. There Rama and Lakshmana go along with Hanuman to meet Sugreeva.)
3751. Crossing several forests and travelling in the path indicated by Sabari,They speedily and easily climbed the Rishya mooka mountains and ,The very strong king of monkeys who was living in that mountain,Fearing that they may be his enemies , without knowing what to do,Ran speedily in to a cave thnking “We will escape for now.”
3752. The monkeys who were ignorant of the purpose of coming,Of Rama and Lakshmana thought “these people are coming ,As per the orders of Vali who has enmity with us and,They both have very strong bows and are looking,Like the blue mountains . See them and think about them”And saying this they also ran and hid in the mountain caves.
3753-3754. When in that cave Sugreeva and others were standing greatly depressed,Assuring them not to be scared Hanuman who was like God Shiva with a low tuft ,Who swallowed the Halahala poison when Devas were standing depressed and scared ,Who was the matchless son of Anjana told them, “You all please stay here”,And looking like a student examined that Rama who was like a blue mountain,And concluded , “These people are engaged in cruel war who have taken up,The form of the saints who are holding powerful bows” and with this doubt,Examined them deeply using the knowledge that he has earned.
3755. ”If we think that they are the primeval and ultimate leaders of all the devas,They should be three in number but these people are only two in number ,And they are holding bow unlike those three . Who are there in this world ,Who are equal to them? Is there anything which is impossible for them to do,How can I judge or understand easily about their state of affairs?”
3756. ”They both look like people who are sorrowing and due to that,They appear to have a very depressed mind and they do not appear,As persons who get sorrowed easily , They are not devas of the heaven,They are human beings and they look like people who are ,Searching a great thing , which would make their mind dull.”
3757. “They are the people of very good character who follow Dharma,And they would consider Dharma as their only wealth and their acts ,Also indicate that they are not searching any other thing ,And I feel that a problem has come, to their thing which is like nectar,And they are searching for that rare thing on both their sides.”
3758. “They are people who do not have the thing called “anger”,They have ocean like mercy , they do not any act that is bad,But do only acts that are good , They are people who haveA form which would make even Lord Indra would be scaredThey have good character which makes others scared,They have a look which makes others scared ,And they have a power which would make god of death scared.”
3759. That Hanuman due to his great characteristics was only ,Comparable to himself , after thinking about several aspects,In several ways , after staring at them , with a mind that was ,Melting in love for them , stood there like the loving one who has seen,Another who left and went away from him.
3760. Even the wild animals like Lions and tigers, which had cruel eyes,Huge mouth and teeth which had better luster than lightningWere looking at them like they were seeing their own children and were following them,And were staring them with great love and Hanuman thought,“Why should I consider them as enemies and get worried?”
3761. ” All birds like peacock are getting sad because the Sun,Was falling on their gem like body , opened their wings fully ,Surrounded them like boundary walls and were following them,And the crowds of clouds which were seen densely ,Everywhere were slowly following them sprinkling water on them,
3762”. The stones which were giving heat like the burning fire ,Whenever their soft lotus like feet touches any of them ,Converted themselves in to fresh flowers with honey ,Which were extremely soft and provided them comfort,And wherever they go the trees and grass appeared to salute them,By bending themselves and does this indicate ,That these people were Gods of Dharma.” He thought
3763. He further thought “are these the gods who remove the sorrow of birth, Who destroy the old Karmas which are the reasons for such sorrow , who grant,The salvation from which there is no return and not the life in the land of god of death?My bones are melting, I am getting more and more measureless love towards them ,There seem to be no limit for my love towards them, I am not able to understand the reason?”
3764. Thinking like this Hanuman who had a mind of purity , stood before them ,As soon as both of them came and said, “Let your arrival wipe away all sorrow”.And then Rama who was merciful asked him “Who are you? ,Where from are you coming?” and Hanuman started answering him,
3765. “Oh Lord who has a pretty body which is blue like the cloud , who has red eyes,Which shine like the lotus flower, which is open and never fades for the cool snow ,And which is like poison to all ladies , I was born to Wind God and Anjana Devi,And I would tell you that my name is Hanuman.”
3766. That Hanuman whose shoulders are higher then any mountain system ,And which carries great fame told, “I assist the son of the Sun God ,With shining hot rays who is living in this mountain and who noticing ,Your arrival became greatly happy and wanted me to find out ,Who you are and I have come to fulfill that purpose.”
3767. Rama who had a great bow after hearing the reply of Hanuman,And understanding thay there is no body who have better qualities than him,And concluding that ability , good characters , the humility which comes out of knowledge ,And wisdom were all completely merged in him , started telling Lakshmana.
3768. ”Oh young hero with the bow on your shoulders , was it not clear,From his reply that there is no knowledge which he has not learnt,Which lead to increase in his fame and there is no one in the world,Who has not mastered the ocean of Vedas like him ?Is He who is the master of words, Lord Brahma himself Or is he Lord Shiva who would be able to answer everything?”
3769-3770. ”Oh son, his form is not the form of the Brahmachari that we see,And I have clearly understood that he has very many specialties ,And great ability which make him like one who is the axis of the entire world.And later you would understand that what I say is true” and after saying ,This to Lakshmana looking at Hanuman he asked, “Where does ,Sugreeva , the king of monkeys live? We have come here with a desire to meet him,As well as join with him in this place and so please show us,That Sugreeva who travels in the path of Dharma so that we know him.”
3771. Hanuman said, “who else are there comparable to you who have shoulders,Which are like the mountains carrying the earth in this entire earth,Which is spread limitlessly within the horizons and who are divinely pure?If you have come to meet Sugreeva , with an intention of supporting him,Then the penance done controlling the five senses is indeed great.”
3772. ”Oh Lord who have shoulders bigger than mountains , due to ,The merciless son of Indra(Vali) driving out the son of the Sun God (Sugreeva),He became scared and has become lonely to bear the very great sorrow ,And is living with me in this mountain with great streams ,And you have come to facilitate wealth coming back to him.”
3773. ” All the beings in this world that does not reduce , give in charity ,Whatever they like , and perform and complete the Yagas and try to do,All the rituals done by wise elders from time immemorial and is there ,A great Dharma than giving protection to those who are greatly scared,Of the one who is an enemy of their clan and who is like God of death.”
3774. ”Since you are the Lord who has the power of creation ,Of the devas who do not blink their eyes to beings ,Which are fixed as well as moving And have the capacity of protectingThe three types of seven worlds , it is easy to tell for us that you would protect,Only us as we who seek protection from you who are like Lord Subramanya ,And is there any other better benefit that would come to us.”
3775. That Hanuman who was like a fence guarding truth looking at them asked,“What shall I tell about who you are , to my clan leader, Sugreeva. Please tell ?”And then Lakshmana who was was wearing the long heroic anklets ,Without getting tired , narrated every thing about them In proper order and with great clarity so that Hanuman will understand it.
3776-3777. ”That king Dasaratha who had the royal umbrella , was born in the clan of Sun,And had ruling scepter which was big and had great luster and he was,The great one who ruled all over the earth and that valorous one who for the sake of Devas ,Killed Sambara and other Asuras and had done several fire sacrifices,And was capable of ruling the earth and heaven and ,He had a view point which was personification of mercy,And he rode on elephants with flowing rut , strong tusks and dots ,In their faces and fought the war along with his great bow ,And he further had great wisdom and the scepter ,And no Kings called Manu where equal to him and he was ruling ,Over the kingdom of Ayodhya which had golden palaces and big boundary walls,:
3778. “This best among the valorous men is the son of that great Dasaratha,And as per the order of his step mother , with great sense if responsibility ,Gave away the wealth of kingship which was his to his younger brother,And reached this big and great forest and his name is Rama,And I am assisting him who has great ability with the long bow.”
3779. And then he told him about the story from the birth of Rama , Till the base , and cruel cheating done by Ravana and told ,Everything in great detail without leaving out anything.Hearing all that that son of wind god with great joy saluted the feet of Rama.
3780. When he saluted him , Rama asked him, “how is it that you ,Who are a Brahmin and who is an expert has done this act which is not right,As it is not Dharma “* and hearing that that victorious Hanuman who had ,Strong and very big shoulders said, “Oh lord who has the scepter,And red eyes like the lotus flower , I also am born in the clan of monkeys.”*Brahmins were not supposed to salute any other caste.
3781. That Hanuman who had come to remove the solitary nature of Dharma(Rama),.Making Rama and Lakshmana who were like a form taken by lightning ,Greatly surprised took a mega form which was Making inadequate ,The description that it was a personification of Vedas and Sastras,And Whose shoulders were taller than the golden mountain of Meru .
3782. That Rama who was the incarnation of Lord Vishnu who had measured ,The three worlds by his two steps , who had lotus like eyes,And who was armed with the divine wheel could not see the golden face ,Of Hanuman who was wearing ear globes and that huge form of Hanuman,Who was taught all great books of eternity by Lord Sun,Was like something which cannot be properly described by others.
3783. Rama who had very big eyes resembling the lotus flower without stalk ,Told his younger brother, “Oh lad , He is looking like the great principle of God,Who was beyond the three characters Rajasa, Thamasa and Sathwa ,Who has not lost its luster of wisdom and which was beyond the,Knowledge of the perennial Vedas and the faultless philosophy ,And which had decided to assume the form of a monkey.”
3784. He further said, “we have now seen a good omen as we have ,Now got this great Hanuman with us and because of that ,Sorrow would not be there with us any more , pleasure has now reached us,Oh lad who has a bow , If a hero like this one , is doing jobs,As per the orders of the Lord of the monkeys Sugreeva ,Can we tell any thing about the status of the great Sugreeva?”
3785. Looking at Rama and Lakshmana who told like this ,,Who had a very joyful face and who had mountain like shoulders,That lion of the monkey said, “Oh Victorious ones , I would now ,Go from here and bring Sugreeva with me , please wait “And then taking their leave he went away speedily from there.
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Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 1 (Padalam 1)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 1 (Padalam 2)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 1 (Padalam 3)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 1 (Padalam 4)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 1 (Padalam 5)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 1 (Padalam 6)
About Kavichakravarthy Kamban

Historians place him in the 9th century CE, But surely Kamban belongs to the third great wave of Tamizh literature that started with the Sangam period (dated before the Common Era), followed by the widespread impact of Bhakti literature of the Alwars (vaishnavite saints) & Nayanamars (shaivaite saints). Kamban Authored Ramanaya in Tamil…Known as Kamba Ramayanam..
Kambar has been the milestone for the Tamil scholars that none had reached. He was also known as “Kamba Naatazhvar” at his time. Many Tamil authors from the modern world have written the books on the poet Kamban.
Kambar or Kavichakravarthy Kamban (1180–1250) was a medieval Tamil poet and the author of the Ramavataram, popularly known as Kambaramayanam, the Tamil version of the epic Ramayana.
Valmiki Ramayana and Kamba Ramayanam are two versions of Ramayana written in the Sanskrit and Tamil languages respectively. … Kamba Ramayanam is originally called as Ramavataram. Although Valmiki Ramayana is the original version of the story of Rama, Kamba Ramayana is believed to be based on the work by Valmiki.
The Kamba Ramayanam, is a Tamil epic that was written by the Tamil poet Kambar during the 12th century. Based on Valmiki’s Ramayana (which is in Sanskrit), the story describes the life of King Rama of Ayodhya.
The book is divided into six chapters, called Kandam in Tamil. The Kandams are further divided into 123 sections called Padalam (படலம்) in Tamil. These 123 sections contain approximately 12,000 verses of the epic.