By Kambar (Kavichakravarthy Kamban)
Translated in English by P. R Ramachander
Kamba Ramayanam-Yudha Kandam 13 (Padalam 34)
34. Ravanan ther yeru padalam
Chapter on Ravana climbing in to the chariot
(Along with the rest of the army Ravana gets in to his great chariot after worshipping it. He says that the result would make Sita or Mandodhari sad,)
9642. As per rule he looked at Mahodara who had mountain like body, And who had black eye brows similar to smoke said ,“Which army is still alive? Wake up all the armies which are inside Lanka ,And announce this on an elephant back with playing of drums.”
9643. With the playing of the drum an army of fourteen hundred crores,Victorious Rakshasa got assembled and the city of Lanka became poor ,Like a completely dried up ocean and chariots with flags , elephants ,With holed hands which waves , horse and all other types of army assembled.
9644. After performing worship suitable to life in this and other world,Of Lord Shiva who has all types of wealth and had three eyes,After performing charity as per the Vedas without limit ,After giving away all the things people wished without fault ,Ravana became suitable for the untiring war.
9645. He then wore the golden armour produced by Lord Brahma in an Yagna ,And which was given to him by Indra and appeared like ,One thousand suns with different forms appearing on the ,Black mountain with several water bearing streams.
9646. After tying the hand sword on his right side , after tying the golden ,Waist belt similar to the serpent Vasuki tying the Mandhara mountain,And the planets going round him assembled there,After wearing the Kati Suthra made of gems which does not ,Go away thinking It would happen and which was round like Kimpuri.
9647. Taking the Kousika which was spread like the Vedas and spread wings of ,The Great Garuda who was near by and tying it in the tightly in between ,The white silk apparel on the waist and after tying the snake ,With white teeth which was like the crescent of the moon,
9648. After tying the sword , the dress and the gems which were like ,All the thunders which are in the crowd of clouds were collected and he was tying them ,After tying anklets which were like the golden flower and the light of lightning ,And which was making sound like the roar of huge lions sleeping in the cave,
9649. After wearing the golden anklets which makes sound making ,The trembling of serpents as as a result of a thunder being felt,In the heavens , earth and all other worlds , After increasing his ,Prettiness by its light reflect on the dress which was slanting ,
9650. After wearing on those twenty hands the long and pretty Shoulder tie ,Which was like the stain lying in the neck of Adhi Sesha with huge headAfter wearing covers over the fingers and wearing the bangles,Which was like snake with a long toungue.
9651. With shining battle rings over his very strong shoulders which were like ,The serpent Vasuki tying the Mandhara mountain which churned the sea ,Wearing ear globes which were shin ing like the fallen golden rays ,When the body of the Sun god was sharpened
9652. Like the rays of the sun that appear from the top of the sun rise mountain,With shoulders densely applied with kumkum , with ear globes which are enemy to darkness,Which were near his shoulders , like Sun God , unlike moon and stars with stain with pearls shining.
9653. Making people think that all the Suns had been made to come near the sea,He came with a pearl royal umbrella which was sending its luster in all directions,And this was also as if the moon had taken different shapes on becoming full.
9654. In the cave like open , mouth on the processed fertile hill , the crowd ,Of bent teeth in the end part of the mouth appeared as if ,In the clouded blue sky , the plants have started growing in pot of germination.
9655. They were shining in a matching manner and were giving out the luster of pearls,His forehead shining with the heroic label was looking like the special ornamented mask,Of the elephants with flow of lot of rut and due to this his ten foreheads were greatly pretty.
9656. Without saluting the loving damsels who remove their feet with pretty anklets,Which make jingling sound and those who think they are the leaders ,Were his gem studded crowns , which would light up the world,And were making the Sun God run so that there is no darkness in the world.
9657. He wore the victory garland that he wore before the Devas,After conquering the land of devas, land of Brahma as well as the earth,And also a garland of thumbai flowers along with the bees by its side,Making the eyes of the young peacock like ladies following him.
9658. What is the need to compare sea , time , the number of sand particles ,The fishes that live in the sea and knowledge as similar .Though the stable beings which are faultless are destroyed .He tied his quiver which is the fame that never dies , on his back.
9659 ,. Even if all the people of earth, heaven and serpent world ,Get in to the chariot of Ravana together, it would consider ,It like a load of a single flower and even if there are no horses,It would go as per the thought of Ravana and ,As soon as he told, “come chariot” that chariot came.
9660. Thousand horses which came along with the nectar ,And which had come in the clan of the Sun god andWhich were born to the Vadamukagni spread all over the water ,By the cruel wind god were tied to that chariot.
9661. That chariot can travel on the sky like it travels on the earth, it could ,Travel on the wide water, it could go inside the fire ,It could go in a matchless manner inside the battle ,It could go on the golden sky as well as land of Brahma,And within a second it could reach any world.
9662. The instrument called Gandai which makes sound like ,The bells tied on the neck of elephants of the eight directions .Thousand crores of this instrument were played. The universe ,Which was looking like the suns are stacked over the Meru mountain,The huge collection of gems completely decorated it.
9663. The cruel weapons given by Sages , Devas and others Who are the greatest in this world or forcibly taken ,In numbers of sand particles were carried by that chariot.
9664. Its great strength cannot be destroyed even if wheel of Lord Vishnu ,The axe weapon of Lord Shiva and the sacred water pot of Lord Brahma are destroyed,It is bigger than the truth which cannot be understood even by DevasIt is the store house of victory .
9665. After worshipping such a great chariot as per religious rules ,And after giving measureless gifts to innumerable Brahmins ,And giving away great wealth in unimaginable charities,He completed all the duties that he had to do,
9666. ,Ravana saluted that chariot and got in to it and Indra and other Devas ,With a loss od f conscience became greatly perplexed and ,Since there was nothing else to be done , even the sages ,Who have controlled all their five senses ,Became scared as the entire world was sad.
9667. Ravana said , “Either the Sita with sweet smelling hair would ,Hurt her belly with her flower like hands and drown in deep sorrow,Or the daughter of Maya would attain that.If I go to the battle field I would make one of them happen.”
9668. Ravana grew up like the one who measured the world ,Making the devas as well as the people of earth surrounded by the sea,With very many people the heads over their neck were with crown,Several shoulders could not be measured and hiding with very many weapons.
9669. Ravana slapped his own shoulders and made very great sound .Making the sky split in to two , making mountains break like fresh wounds ,Becoming further deep, Making the sun rotate in its own position like a fresh pot,And making the moon shed its nectar and becoming greatly sad.
9670. Ravana due to the great joy that a very great one has come very near,Making a huge mountain break and become dust , twanged the string of his bow ,And the ladies of the clan of Devas and Dhanavas who wore ,Pretty bent ear globes became greatly scared and felt for their Mangalya Sutra.
9671. Ravana assumed a matchless form making , the sun and moon ,Who rotate in the sky made the water in the sea rotate and whirl,All the beings which shout with joy started shivering and started losing their balance ,And the thousand headed Anantha , unable to carry the world ,opened its hoods,Decorated by the lustrous continuously shining gems and stood up.
9672. He got interested in the war which would destroy along with Devas,And Asuras all the beings of the three worlds and make all life get destroyed ,And vomiting blood and became one with eyes blow fire ,Which was twice harsher than the northern fire .
9673. , Seeing the confusion that came in this world and seeing the sorrow of devas,The rotation of the mountains , sky and the earth and the tiresomeness ,Shown by the scared oceans with great tides was seen by ,The head of the monkey army and those who had inestimable strength.
9674. Rama got up to know why there was a tottering as if the world has been torn,, A peculiar type of loud noise being heard from near by making an upset ,Happening when many things are improving and things are looking up.
9675. With oceans becoming similar to stony mountains , clouds ,As well as the strong Meru mountain travelling the sky , he understood that,The very powerful Rakshasa army and that Ravana travelling in the chariot, Were coming and making huge sound like a big ocean.
9676. Vibheeshana who came told , “Oh heroic king , Ravana is coming here,With his very huge army and the advanced army of theirs has reached here.Making our army shiver with fear and the Devas became scared fell down and dispersed.,”
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Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 13 (Padalam 33)
Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 13 (Padalam 34)
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About Kavichakravarthy Kamban

Historians place him in the 9th century CE, But surely Kamban belongs to the third great wave of Tamizh literature that started with the Sangam period (dated before the Common Era), followed by the widespread impact of Bhakti literature of the Alwars (vaishnavite saints) & Nayanamars (shaivaite saints). Kamban Authored Ramanaya in Tamil…Known as Kamba Ramayanam..
Kambar has been the milestone for the Tamil scholars that none had reached. He was also known as “Kamba Naatazhvar” at his time. Many Tamil authors from the modern world have written the books on the poet Kamban.
Kambar or Kavichakravarthy Kamban (1180–1250) was a medieval Tamil poet and the author of the Ramavataram, popularly known as Kambaramayanam, the Tamil version of the epic Ramayana.
Valmiki Ramayana and Kamba Ramayanam are two versions of Ramayana written in the Sanskrit and Tamil languages respectively. … Kamba Ramayanam is originally called as Ramavataram. Although Valmiki Ramayana is the original version of the story of Rama, Kamba Ramayana is believed to be based on the work by Valmiki.
The Kamba Ramayanam, is a Tamil epic that was written by the Tamil poet Kambar during the 12th century. Based on Valmiki’s Ramayana (which is in Sanskrit), the story describes the life of King Rama of Ayodhya.
The book is divided into six chapters, called Kandam in Tamil. The Kandams are further divided into 123 sections called Padalam (படலம்) in Tamil. These 123 sections contain approximately 12,000 verses of the epic.