By Kambar (Kavichakravarthy Kamban)
Translated in English by P. R Ramachander
Kamba Ramayanam-Kishkinda Kandam 4 (Padalam 14)
14. Aaru chel padalam
Chapter on going to the river ,.
(When they were taking rest on the banks of a lake , an asura called Thumira attacks Angadha who kills him. From there after visiting several rivers , mountains and countries all those monkeys reach the Mahendra mountain. In Valmiki Ramayana, the fight between Angadha and Thumira takes place on the Vindhya mountains itself. The details of places in south India visited by the monkeys , is very briefly dealt in Valmiki Ramayana.)
4594. The monkeys who saw the lake reached its broad bank and ate honey,As well as good fruits and undertook sweet sleep on one side of the lake ,And coming to know about them an Asura with bad conduct and ,Very many victories came to that place .
4595. He was looking like a mountain and also a big wide black ocean,And when his cruelty matures he would kill all people and in that,He was comparable to the God of death and he is the store house for cruelty ,He had teeth like poison which were like the crescent of the moon ,And he had also eyes which spit fire due to anger.
4596. Due to the huge clouds which give rise to heavy rains , jumping on his hand,And then moving all around his body and due to that matchless rain water ,Fell all over his body and the water ran around his body , he looked like a mountain with streams.
4597. That Asura had so much strength that the devas and the Asuras,Who had equal strength like the devas could not defeat him,And so except for them , would any other people ever think of fighting with him?
4598. He had shining red hair , in his walking style he was like a fan ,He used to rub one hand with another when he gets angry ,And he speedily arrived at the place , where those monkeys,Who follow Dharma and who were deeply asleep ,Due to walking a very long distance , were there
4599. That Asura called Thumira who was like God of death , thought,“Who are these silly people , who have reached here in spite,Of knowing that this lake belongs to me and he slapped ,And hit on the chest of Angadha who ws wearing a garland.
4600. That Angadha who was strong woke up from his sleep and thinking ,That one who attacked him is Ravana , the king of Lanka ,He slapped him back and that Asura who was like God of war died.
4601. At that time When that Asura who was slapped by Asura ,Fell like a mountain falling being hit by thunder ., he shouted loudly ,And as soon he fell down , all the monkeys got up scared as if ,They have been caught by a ghost and waving their hands wearing anklets,Speedily , They all crowded round that fallen Asura .
4602. At that time hanuman looked at Angadha and asked him specifically “Who is this person, please tell. What harm did he do?” and that Angadha replied,“Oh truthful elder , I do not know anything about him,.”
4603. ,Jambhavan looked at Hanuman and told “I thought about him ,So that I can understand as to who he is? He is an Asura called THumira,Who carries the spear coated with the flesh of his enemies,And he is an asura who rules over this lake with very deep waters.”
4604. The famous God with red rays, the sun , wanted to wait and see ,Whether any more Asuras are coming for war and after waking up from ,His sleep and not seeing any one else coming , he rose on the eastern ocean,And all those monkeys went towards Pennai river with newly opened flowers.
4605. Those monkeys who went in search of a lady crossed the sand dunes ,Which were like breasts of ladies and were not liked by Chakravaka birdsReached the Pennai river which had red lily flowers similar to the mouth of ladies ,From which nectar can be drunk , the pearls which were like teeth of ladies ,And the lustrous lotus flowers which were like the face of ladies.
4606. Those monkey warriors who had seen the end of knowledge ,Searched for Sita in the ghats of the river, in places where peacocks ,Were dancing with glee , in the islands of that river , in nearby gardens ,In water bodies near by from where cool wind was wafting ,In lakes where clear flowers were there and in the lustrous crystal rocks.
4607. Those monkeys were staying in one of the ghats of Pennai river ,Which comes with waves which blow away the roots of the births full of sickness ,As if they are big pieces of wood and which had whirl pools,From which it is difficult to escape and comes carrying several gems .
4608. Those monkey warriors who were engaged in search of Sita ,Crossed the pennai river where all people take bath ,Reached several forests , crossed several mountains and reached,The Dasarnava country which has wealth of water filed ,With waves like those people who have at last attained salvation.
4609. That Dasarnava country had sweet champaka trees , had ,Many agricultural fields that produce food and those monkeys ,Left that wealthy country and reached the very famous Vidharbha country Where the Sugreeva called Usunas was born , without much difficulty.
4610 . After they entered the Vidharbha country , they went through ,All the towns of that country and they assuming the form in which ,The body had Dharbha grass and sacred thread and searched everywhere.
4611. “Those learned monkey warriors after searching for Sita,Like that in that place leaving that pretty country which is surrounded,BY fields growing red paddy and speedily reached the Dandakaranya ,Where many sages who had great knowledge of Jeevathma (one’s soul) lived .
4612. After searching all over Dandaka , where saints who were like The cruel god of death to the cruel people who are similar to ,The thorn like sensory wants which live in our body enjoying the senses,They left that place and reached a place called Mundaka Thurai.
4613. In Mundaka thurai all the water mixed slushy mud getting mixed ,With the pastes and lotions applied by Deva maidens on their big breasts,And because the water also got mixed with their flower garlands and scented KajalAll the fishes living there lost their meaty smell and the birds like storks never touched them .
4614. The Vidhyadara ladies who are pained for unfulfilled love to the Vidhyadhara king,.Would get scared and start trembling when they hear someone else singTo accompaniment of Veena, and the tears that they shed at that time ,Would become a river in which elephants take bath ,Mundaka thurai was one like that.
4615. There the ladies who had mouth like red lily , who by their voice defeat the Koel,Who had eyes like crowd of arrows , shining faces and who sing nectar like songs ,Would be swinging on the golden swings tied on two betel nut trees there.
4616. They reached the Mundaka thurai which was like this and within ,A time of thought they searched for a long distance and not able to see ,Sita whose hair was made up in five ways they became sad and went further.
4617. Then they reached the cool peaks which touch the sky of the Pandu mountain,Where one felt that it was the place from where Ganges flowed from the big feet ,Of Lord Vishnu when he took the form of TRivikrama and which was very pretty.
4618. That Pandu mountain due to it being lustrous gave rise to confusion to the moon,Which had clear light and which completely removed darkness from earth,And was similar to Kailasa mountain which rolled on Ravana and pressed him.
4619. For locating Sita they started searching on that lustrous mountain which touched the sky,And which was white with great anxiety but they were not able to find out Sita ,Who talks sweet words which are like a desirable and joyful songs and they became sad and depressed
4620. Those monkey warriors who were as fast as wind and were as strong as ,The tiger with very cruel looks moved away from the bottom of Pandu mountain, And reached near the river Godavari which was like garland from the hair of Sita ,Who was being cheated and abducted by Ravana, which fell on the earth .
4621. That river Godavari had waves which were rising up and was coming out full,Had very clear water and was like the river like flow of tears of Goddess Earth,Who gave birth to Sita who was found by king Janaka who was saluted by all ,When he ploughed the land for conducting Yaga after chanting the Vedas.
4622. That river Godavari which brings gems as well as Gold with it and which passes,Through many forests in a pretty manner looked for the people from the faultless sky,Like the necklace of gems that was snatched and thrown away by Garuda ,In a faultless war with the great Rakshasa Ravana,
4623. Those monkey soldiers who were capable of judging what is right or wrong,After searching all places near that Godavari river and since they were ,Not able to find the peacock like Sita who wore bangles , travelled ,For a very long distance and reached the Kavanaka thurai(sona river),Which as per the great books removes the sins committed of all beings,
4624. Those monkey warriors crossed , the cultivable regions where ,Golden bee , honey bee and Black bees , crane and other birds ,Sugarcane crops, red paddy crops and lotus ponds abound ,And which was blessed with wealth of water and also crossed.The Kulintha country which had coconut gardens and tender coconuts .
4625. Then they crossed the seven divisions of Konkana country and crossedThe sea shore countries where pearls from western sea , conches , pretty black lotus flowers,Neithal flowers and several areas with cold water ,were there in plenty ,And reached the Arundathi mountain , which had tall peaks due to which,The moon went round it and which was saluted by the Devas.
4626. After going near Arundathi mountain and not able to find the place ,Where Sita who added beauty to beauty , they left that place also and,Reached the emerald mountain where cowherd maidens exchanged ,Honey for their very good curd and stayed there and not able to find Sita,Moved further and reached the Venkata mountains at the boundary of Tamil Nadu.
4627. In that mountain where sages , Brahmins who new Vedas , great thinkers ,Who were capable of reforming people who had past Karma to do good deeds ,All devas , All deva maidens, and Sidhas come daily take path in blessed waters there.
4628. In that divine mountain Devas , who have controlled their five sense organs ,Controlled passion generated by those organs , Who heard bad words told to them,And Who have been hit by the arrows of deceit sent by the eyes which were like swords ,Have achieved victory over all of them and were doing very great penance.
4629. Even the animals that live on that Mountain which supports The divine feet of that God with a colour of the rain rich cloud Who is holding the divine wheel, attain salvation and when it is so,Would the yogis who follow truth and do penance there , not get salvation?
4630. Reaching that mountain and seeing those great ones who do penance there ,Those monkeys saluted that god ,who is lord of salvation which never gets over ,AS also the feet of the great ones who were pure and doing penance there.
4631. Those monkeys who could assume any form that they want ,After saluting them searched for the peacock like Sita with black hair,All over the place and not finding her there, assumed the form of Vedic Brahmins,And entered the good Thondai country which was blessed with plenty of water with waves.
4632. , That Thondai country was full of , mountains with their slopes ,Gardens around the courtyard of cowherds , cultivated lands ,All around water sources and areas of sand with clear tides.
4633. The cultivators when they beat the bullocks when they,Plough the land , The crowd of swans with webbed feet got scared,And ran on the paddy that had grown on the honey that ,Were raining from the fruits of the jack fruit tree and ,Destroyed the white germinated seedlings there.
4634. The collection of Kuvalai flowers which were like the eyes ,Of the ladies with long hair would had closed flowers as if they were sleeping,And on the Banana plant which were in the water filled fields ,Which were like the thighs of the cow herd ladies ,Cranes would sleep and also koels would sleep.
4635. The peacocks who woke up due the great sound that was coming,From various instruments in the street , thought that it was thunder heralding rain,But would not become happy and the swans playing there hearing ,The drum played by the dancers would not get scared and go away thinking it is thunderWould the people who always mix and live , get confused?
4636. , Looking at the leaf sheath of young leaves of the coconuts ,Which are tall like the chariot , the young kendai fishes would shiver ,Thinking that it was the crane which was coming to eat them,And they looking at the young lily flower stem which is sharp ,The frogs would think that they are rat snakes coming to eat them and shiver.
4637. The young deer like cow herd maids trying to catch female crabs seeing ,The white gems yielded by the white lustrous conches would think,They are eggs of cranes which are not hatched and ,Would try to break them on the back of the tortoises.
4638. The bent sweet fruit flesh of jack fruit tree borneOn its branches in the hands of the very young male monkey Is crowded by flies similar to the bees surrounding ,The open flowers in the flower rich gardens,
4639. Those matchless monkey warriors after crossing the rich Thondai country,Reached the CHozha country through which the wide Cauvery river flows,And walked with difficulty in the paths of that country crowded with ,Densely planted red paddy , sugar cane as well as Betel nut trees.
4640. Those monkey warriors would knock their feet against fallen fruits ,Which are very ripe and attract those who want to eat thm,From the young bent and sweet coconut trees which had grown up,In the banks of ponds where crowd of cranes with fixed lower beak ,They also would also slip anf fall on the ever flowing honey there.
4641. The black coloured water crows seeing the huge vats ,Which were filled up with the juice of sugarcane in cane factories ,AS the small pond which are places for the crowding fishes to grow,And would one after another dip themselves with a back ground song.
4642. Due to gardens with large number of bees , which crowd,Round flowers , pouring out lots of honey , many monkeys ,Without finding out the truth , thinking that they are ,Water tanks filled with fishes, would sit continuously on tree branches.
4643. The Banana plants push out fruit bunches and add to the scent there Due to pollen of Pandanus flowers getting attached on bamboo they also give out scent,Due to the scent of mango fruits the seedlings give out scent ,And also the red lily flowers which are grown all over give out scent.
4644. Those monkey warriors who have moved away from bad fate to good,After going through that prosperous country where Cauvery flows ,And where there were many water storages went to the mountain country ,And leaving that reached the sweet southern Tamizh Nadu.
4645. , That Pandya country which has given pearls praised ,By all the seven worlds , had greatness by giving three ,Types of branches of Tamizh and was extremely rich.Saying that only the heaven would only be comparable to it , may not be proper .
4646. Those Monkey warriors who were of very good character reached ,That southern Tamizh country and searched in all places ,But could not find Sita with a long hair any where ,Felt like they were about to die and being very sorry , started telling.
4647. After crossing the big roads of that country where ,The southerly wind carrying moisture was always wafting ,And reached speedily the Mahendra mountain
Which was similar to elephant of the south lifting the earth.
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Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 4 (Padalam 14)
About Kavichakravarthy Kamban

Historians place him in the 9th century CE, But surely Kamban belongs to the third great wave of Tamizh literature that started with the Sangam period (dated before the Common Era), followed by the widespread impact of Bhakti literature of the Alwars (vaishnavite saints) & Nayanamars (shaivaite saints). Kamban Authored Ramanaya in Tamil…Known as Kamba Ramayanam..
Kambar has been the milestone for the Tamil scholars that none had reached. He was also known as “Kamba Naatazhvar” at his time. Many Tamil authors from the modern world have written the books on the poet Kamban.
Kambar or Kavichakravarthy Kamban (1180–1250) was a medieval Tamil poet and the author of the Ramavataram, popularly known as Kambaramayanam, the Tamil version of the epic Ramayana.
Valmiki Ramayana and Kamba Ramayanam are two versions of Ramayana written in the Sanskrit and Tamil languages respectively. … Kamba Ramayanam is originally called as Ramavataram. Although Valmiki Ramayana is the original version of the story of Rama, Kamba Ramayana is believed to be based on the work by Valmiki.
The Kamba Ramayanam, is a Tamil epic that was written by the Tamil poet Kambar during the 12th century. Based on Valmiki’s Ramayana (which is in Sanskrit), the story describes the life of King Rama of Ayodhya.
The book is divided into six chapters, called Kandam in Tamil. The Kandams are further divided into 123 sections called Padalam (படலம்) in Tamil. These 123 sections contain approximately 12,000 verses of the epic.