By Kambar (Kavichakravarthy Kamban)
Translated in English by P. R Ramachander
Kamba Ramayanam-Sundara Kandam 2 (Padalam 4)
4. Urukattu padalam, Chapter on showing of his form.
(Hanuman makes the Rakshasis sleep by his magical chant. Sita decided to commit suicide. Hanuman introduces himself tells her the incidents of identification and also gives her the Signet ring of Rama. Sita becomes happy and asks him to tell about happenings to Rama after she left him. Hanuman tells her, these incidents. Later as per her request he tells describes the look of Rama. She asks him being so small , how he crossed the ocean. Hanuman shows her his mega form . He reduces it as per her request and tells about the strength of the army of Sugreeva. In Valmiki Ramayana, Hanuman hiding in the tree tells the entire story of Rama till then so that she is convinced. He does not use chants to make the Rakshasis sleep. On seeing him Sita thinks he is a bad omen. When he tries to go near her, Sita is greatly scared. Hanuman not only describes Rama to her but also describes Lakshmana. The way he describes them is very much different)
5228. Hanuman thought , “This is the proper time to see Sita , but she is being guarded,By those whose mind is inclined to saddening security and they are all not asleep,And just because I wish, they would not sleep .” and then he chanted a mantra ,Which made all of them sleep as if they were dead.
5229. That Sita who have been suffering for many days observing that the Rakshasis,Who normally do not sleep were sleeping , unable to bear her sorrow ,Unable to find any way to escape , becoming depressed and scared,Told without diminishing love these words to herself and became sorrowful.
5230. ”Oh strength which is with the strong Rama , would Rama who is like,The black cloud and huge sea give my soul to me who am alone ?Would the thunder like sound of the string of his bow come to Lanka?’
5231. ”Oh moon who has not learnt , Oh moon which has light like Sun,Oh night which is not getting over, Oh darkness which is not diminishing ,All of you get angry with me who is alone but never ,Get angry with Rama who holds the bow and who does not think about me.”
5232. ”Oh cruel ones , you are hugging the hot winds which spreads fire ,And hurting me .Do you not know the state of my soul.You have moved with Rama who is lustrous like the sea,For very many days . Did you not talk to him about me.”
5233. ”He would never be at peace without coming here and I am ,Not getting tired due to the sorrow caused by his great mercy ,Which keeps on increasing . Oh heroic one who is like Lord Vishnu ,Oh matchless leader, one day you please cure my great pain.”
5234. ”You told me, “Oh Sita who wants to reach the forest with dense trees ,Leave out that thought. I would return soon and till then be in this city.”,But is your mercy like this in not coming here? Are you eating away ,My soul which is living here without any support?”
5235. ”Oh wisdom that is being protected by me , Oh my soul,For several days without any shame you get sad along with me .You would nt go away from me till I meet with Lord Rama ,And just because you do not move away , Shall I live with this bad name?”
5236. ” Do you need to be happy that , the deathless crowned king Dasaratha ,Died and great sorrow spread on all the seven worlds and not getting sorry for this ,Rama came in this endless path to this forest and that cruel one would come and see you?’
5237. After thinking like this Sita who had waist like lightning and was wearing shining ,Ornaments took deep breath became very sad and determined and decided,“If this soul which is with me is one with sorrow , at the time ,Of me sacrificing it , great fame would come to me.”
5238. “Due to the desire to see Lord Rama wearing sound giving heroic anklets,I waited with patience and also protected my own soul but,Would that pure Rama touch me because for large ,Number of days I was imprisoned here.”
5239. ”Even after knowing that an outsider has thought about me,I continued without attaining death and protected my soul,In spite the bad and harsh words of those outsiders remaining in my ears,I continued to protect my soul and lived in this prison ,Where do the different type of Rakshasis who are like me live?”
5240. ”I would bear the words that accuse me and sleep, My great lineage ,And wealth are still good. Are there any well known chaste women ,Who continue to live after they are made to part with their husband , except me.”
5241. ”Possibly Rama who is the lord of my soul has left me away ,Because it is not a virtuous act to love a girl who has reached another house.In the outside world to protect from bad name and he would ,Continue do acts against householder’s culture and spend his time ,And how can I who am alone continue to live without any support.”
5242. “As soon as I got this very bid bad fame , I should have left my soul,And I who follow the culture of ancestors am not bothered about,The bad words being told by others and am living ,With lost fame .Is it for attaining heaven?”
5243. ”Even if that Rama and Lakshmana who have a heart with nothing but love ,Bear this very bad name of my death , I would not get worried and I who am born in a clan,Which is famous even in heaven of destroying the sorrow of others,Have only myself to remove the bad name that I have as there is no one else to do it.”
5244. “After sending my Lord Rama behind the deer of illusion,I sent my son Lakshmana to search for Rama after telling bad words at him,And I who am a lady have reached the home of this poison like Ravana .Would my being remaining alive be accepted by the world?”
5245. ”Let those very great natured Rama and Lakshmana , get rid of the bad name,Of my death and also win in the war if they could or otherwise let them also attain death,And after living not following the Dharma of housewife , would the bad names that I deserve ,Told by the world, go and surround Rama and Lakshmana?”
5246. ”Would I who am ignorant continue to live before great and famous ladies ,Who are like the musk deer which has not seen sorrow and who have done great penance,Continue to live after parting with Rama who is like a black cloud with a bad name thatI have lived in this thief’s world of Lanka ?”
5247. ” When that wonderful person called Rama , after completely destroying ,The clan of Rakshasas using his bow , releases me from this cruel prison,If he says to me , “You do not have the right to enter my home”How would I be able to prove my chastity to him.”
5248. ”And so , my dying now is the only path shown in Dharma “Deciding firmly like this and seeing that “ those who could prevent my death ,Are sleeping due to my penance and no other time is more suitable “,She reached a garden of Madhavi trees which was fully covered by flowers.
5249. At that time Hanuman looked at Sita and after examining her state,He was taken aback and being scared to touch her body saying ,“I am the emissary of Rama who is the Lord of all devas”Saluted the peacock like lady with reddish mouth and came out from his place of hiding.
5250. ”Oh lady the poor me has reached to this place by the order of Rama .Numberless people have been searching thoroughly for you in all the worlds,And I due to my great luck and penance have come and seen your divine feet.”
5251. ”Rama does not know that you are here and suffering in great sorrow,I have to tell you the reason for that. It is because all the Rakshasa crowds ,Have not still died. Is there any other alternative reason?”
5252. ”Oh lady who is like a lamp filled with ghee, Do not suspect me,I have identification material and also I know the words of Rama,Which were told in private. Do not consider me as an outsider ,Like the gooseberry kept on the open palms.”
5253. When Hanuman told this and was standing there saluting her. Sita looked at him,Along with mercy as well as anger and thought, he who is standing in front of me is not a Rakshasa,He is a sage who is stable on good nature and has controlled his five sense organs,And if he is not a sage, he could be a Deva, He talked with wisdom ,He is pure and he is faultless.” And after knowing this,
5254. ”Let him be a Rakshasa or different from a Rakshasa but a matchless Deva,Or let him be one belonging to monkey clan, let his character be cruel,Let it be merciful but he has come inside the prison and told name of Rama,And made me sentimental , He gave me life .Can there be a help greater than this ?’
5255. After thinking like that she examined him carefully , she decided ,“He would melt my mind . He is not one who tells words of deceit ,Being told by the cheaters who have deceiving thoughts in his mind.He is sadly talking with sorrow with his tears falling on earth,And he seems to be one with whom I can talk : and after this,She asked him, “Oh valorous one , who are you?”
5256. , Accepting those words, that Hanuman with very pretty hands said,“Oh mother , I am the friend of the pure Rama . got by him after separating from you,There is a monkey called Sugreeva who keeps himself away from crimes .Who is the son of Sun God and a lord of all monkeys.”
5257. “That Sugreeva had an elder brother called Vali who tied Ravana ,In his tail and made him lose his strength and jumped ,To all the eight directions and one who as per the request of Devas,He has very strong shoulders and churned the milky ocean with Mandhara mountain,Tied by Vasuki the serpent, so that nectar could come up to the surface.”
5258. ”Your lord Rama using one arrow killed that very strong Vali ,Gave the kingship to his younger brother Sugreeva and took his help,To search you , I am a slave to our king the great Sugreeva and am,Also in his council and I am the son of wind God who appeared,From the sky and I am being called as Hanuman.”
5259. ”There are seventy Vellam monkeys who are prepared to do faultlessly ,All that is thought by your Lord Rama . They are capable of standing ,In all the worlds and capable of crossing the oceans individually ,And they are spread all over like the sky.”
5260. ”After they have searched all the seven worlds surrounded ,By the seven oceans, the country of the serpents ,From the heaven to earth and all over this planet ,And did not find you, they would go beyond this universe to search you.”
5261. “Recognizing the ornaments packed in a cloth and put on our mountain ,By you, when you were being abducted by the Ravana of silly acts,That Rama who is the personification of victory , took me aside ,And told me some incidents of recognition and told me,“you go to the left side”. Will grace be ever damaged?”.
5262. ”Oh mother when we showed those ornaments of yours to Rama ,It is not easy for you to understand his reaction by the way that I say.Are there any other except ornaments to indicate the sign of life?Those ornaments which you put there on that day there ,Are those which have protected your Mangalys suthra till today.”
5263. ”Things were like that with Rama and in the southern direction ,Angadha the son of Vali who was sent by Sugreeva along with,Two Vellam of army spread every where after searching every where.Sent me to this city of Lanka which is surrounded by tides “Said Hanuman who had won over the sense organs which are berated.
5264. When Hanuman who was the emissary told about love of Rama,Sita whose eyes were full of tears of joy became extremely happy ,With the joy crossing the banks and her body which was made ,Thin by sorrow slightly puffed up and looked good and told,“So escaping with life has come to me” and asked Hanuman,“Please tell me the how you have understood the features of Rama?”
5265 . “ Oh lady with waist like hand held drum , It is not easy to describe ,The body of Rama with suitable similes. For every comparison that has to be told,There is a limit . So please do not bother about the comparisons ,But follow the sequence of specifications and understand them.”After saying this Hanuman started to describe Rama from his feet to the head.
5266. ”The people at a distance who have not seen his feet told,It was like a lotus flower with red petals, His feet is not as simple as that of a lotus flower,If we think of his feet and start telling comparisons , it would be like ,The corals in the broad sea with tides having the property of black Kuvalai flowers.”
5267. ”Oh lady who has several ornaments , the bud of karpaga tree,With petals , the young coral creeper in the shores of cool sea ,And the corals they yield are not suitable comparison,To the fingers of the lord but possibly the rays of the sun,When it is just raising would be a better comparison.”
5268. ”For comparison of the nails of his fingers of his feet ,The moon in its small and big forms without its taint is not a sufficient comparison,The shining diamonds are not good either and I am not able ,To think of any other thing that would be a suitable one.”
5269. ”Though his feet did not touch the earth in Ayodhya , they suffered,After coming to the forest and they were very pretty as per ,Books detailing the best look of body and those ,Were the feet which made all the worlds stand together ,Is it possible to search for comparison for them.”
5270. “Oh mother to the ankle of Rama who sleeps on the well made ,Serpent holding the conch which are found on the shores that stop water,And the wheel and who had the colour of the water rich cloud .How can one compare the quiver which holds the arrows?”
5271. “His thighs can be compared to the mane of the pretty and victorious king of birds,Which look like the Dharma and which is rising up with pretty movements,And the valour drenching trunk of the elephant in rut ,Who felt shy when compared to his thighs and is it possible to get ,Any comparable thing to his thighs in this earth.”
5272. ”His pretty belly button which was formed by pushing out the lotus flower,And the earth, if it is compared to the whirl pool of the Ganges with a right side whorl,It would not be proper and when it is like that how can magizham flower,Be compared to it .Where are other comparable things?”
5273. ,”Oh Goddess , if goddess Lakshmi did great penance for living ,Without parting on broad high chest of her lord ,Which scared the extremely pretty mountain of emeralds .Who in the world has got greater luck than her.”
5274. “His long arms which touch his upper part of the legs ,Which are always frequented by honey bees thinking ,That they are the fully opened lotus flowers ,Can possibly be compared to the long trunk of Iravatha elephant,Which is in between its tusks and all other comparisons would not be sufficient.”
5275”. Like the sun god seeing lotus flowers with fresh green leaves ,The enraptured hands of the god split open the diamond like body of Hiranya,That cruel act did take place but if it has not taken place ,That doubt would be cleared by his bud like nails.”
5276. “The mountains did not increase in size nor they got luster ,They do not have any support from Goddess Lakshmi ,.When the bow like the very strong Meru mountain broke,The huge string did not complain and it did not get fame . So there in nothing very similar to another thing and how can,Mountains be compared to the shoulders of Rama.”
5277. ” When the conch is being held by God Vishnu who is sleeping ,On the serpent is there for comparison , thinking of conch of the sea ,And young betel nut tree to his neck can only be done ,By ignorant people and wise people cannot agree to that.”
5278. ”Lord Rama’s face is like a lotus flower but what shall I tell ,As comparison to his eyes? His face cannot be compared ,To the cool full moon , because in the declining cycle,One day the moon does disappear.”
5279. The red mouth of Rama who has broad shoulders applied with,Sandal and Akil paste, if compared to the red lotus flower ,Which has grown up by taking water, it would become shy.Can the coral which does not smile, does not get wet , does not drip nectar ,And does not speak sweet words be a good comparison.”
5280. ”The comparison to the teeth of Lord Rama could be pearls,Or pieces of the full moon or drops of the wealth of nectarOr properly arranged and stitched silver or the shoots of ,Different type of Dharma from their seed or ,The bunch of flowers that appeared from truth ,I am not able to tell which of them is a better comparison.”
5281. “Does the tip of the Indra Neela stone which was formed in this faultless earth,And the cluster of light reflected from the undivided gem of emerald ,Have the beauty desired by those who love him?Can his divine nose be compared to the chameleon like lips,Hiding the shining teeth which are like Indra Kopa beetles or any other thing?”
5282. “The headless crowded bodies of Kara and others which make one shiver ,In the forest, different types of ghosts , the bow in the hands of Rama ,Can possibly be compared to his bent eye brows which make the devas ,Groups of saints and matchless Dharma jump with glee saying that,The clan of Rakshasas is now completely eliminated, Please decide which of them is better?”
5283. The moon on the eighth day would be clearly visible in the growth cycle ,The stain which is separate , the growth as well as decline would one day,Be swallowed by a snake and when that great sorrow , the disappearance as well as appearanceGoes away on one day , then in the moving darkness below a pretty shade ,If it remains for long time then it would be like forehead of Rama.
5284. “long , curled , shining , black , densely grown, blue coloured,Going up and down , with curled ends , having divine fragrance even without ,Flowers and scented smokes his hair had become matted in the forest ,And because of that comparing it with cloud , would not be proper.”
5285. ” With goddess Lakshmi and Goddess earth hugging and standing near him,And due to that his great wealth crossing the limits of all the seven worlds ,But living bereft of that wealth in the sorrowful forest , without getting tired ,He was walking without tiresomeness and if that walk is compared to ,The less wealthy walk of a bull , would not an elephant in rut get sad?”
5286. When he described like this that lady Sita melted like the wax ,Put in the fire and without her knowledge was getting greatly sad ,And the wise Hanuman saluted her falling on the earth and said,“Oh lady who walks like a peacock , I have the golden recognizing symbol ,Given by Rama and also the golden words of recognition .Please hear them “ and then he started telling about them.
5287. ”Walking in the forest path is not possible for you and the time ,That I am going to spend in the forest is less and till then , perfom,Assistance to my mothers and live in Ayodhya” As soon as I told like this ,She stood by my side dressed in a tree hide and soul churned by sorrow,And also with great anger prepared for the journey. Please tell it to her.”
5288. ”Oh Hanuman , please tell her that when I after obeying the order of the king,With great wealth, I was leaving the kingship and at the time of my going away ,Before I crossed the gate with walls of Ayodhya which was ruled by my ancestors,Lady Sita asked me “where is the forest?” . please remind it to her .”
5289. ”When Sumanthra who was driving the very great chariot looked at Sita ,And asked her “Please tell me some thing for the way of Rama”And you who forgot your sorrow with a nature of a child told,“Please tell my sister to look after parrot as well as Naganavai birds. Tell her about it.”
5290. He told me ., “there is no need for me to tell anything further ,”And gave me his divine ring on which his name was written ,And made with impossible to do artistic work., saying that,“It is my signet ring “ and saying this Hanuman with his long arms,Showed that matchless ring to the lady Sita, who had ,A crescent like forehead and she saw it.
5291. For comparison of the act of this lady with pretty foreheadShall I say that it was like those dead who attained the aim of being born,Or those who have forgotten themselves, understanding themselves ,As well as their Lord and attain great sensational feeling ,Or shall I say that the soul which left the body came back at correct time,How will I be able to understand the reaction of Lady Sita.
5292. Sita who saw the ring was like a serpent who found the gem it lost,Was like the poor man who again got the lost old wealth,Was like the barren women who gave birth to a child .And was also like the matchless body which got back its eyes.
5293. Sita took the ring and kept it on her breasts , she kept it on her head,She caressed her eye with it as if was a flower , She felt great joy on her shoulders,She became thin , she became cool , she with great heat got worried,She breathed heavily and how can her sensation be described.
5294. , She smelled that ring , she kept it on her breast and hugged it ,She wiped away the tears of joy that filled her eyes and sawthe long cage of birds,She wanted to tell about her thoughts on seeing the cage ,Without able to tell anything she sobbed and tried to stifle it.
5295. “The body of sita who had long eyes and pretty ornaments ,Lost their lightning like love-lorn colour and assumed a golden colour,This is true and does it mean the ring of that great male Rama,Had the magical property turning everything it touched in to gold.
5296. That gem studded ring due to hunger had become for those ,Who were in their home and were suffering due to sorrow ,The food to eat , it was like a guest who reached home of a householder,And it was also like a medicine which gave back life ,To those who are about to die. Let it live forever.
5297. With her soul getting overjoyed that Sita with teeth like shining pearlsBecame like this and with her tears of joy falling on the top of her breasts ,And get reflected from there , with her baby voice faltering she said, The following words.“Oh great one , You gave me back my soul .”
5298. “Can I do any small help to Lord Brahma who created all the three worlds ,And to you who has come as emissary of Rama and gave me back my soul ?Oh my God who is my father as well as mother , Oh life of mercy ,You have given the life in the heaven in this birth itself.” Said Sita.
5299. “Oh valorous one who has shoulders like thick Bamboos,Oh charitable one , who removed my sorrow when I had no one to help,Oh great one , you live long . I am one with a mind without impurity ,You would live as you live today , as long as the fourteen worlds which consider one eon as one day ,Exist and till the final deluge when everything would be destroyed.” Said she.
5300. When Hanuman started talking again , she said, Oh Hanuman who has .The best of characters , Where does Rama live along with Lakshmana ?Where did he meet you?From whom did Rama know about my present state .And ask you?” and Hanuman with wide shoulders like huge pillar , started telling about happenings?”
5301. “As per the orders of Ravana ,a Rakshasa of illusion who was black like a rich cloud,Who was called Mareecha , took the form of a deer of illusion ,Which is evil personified and came before you in the forest,And Rama who had an ornamented chest killed him by an arrow ,And when he was falling , he wailed for help and that deceived you.”
5302. “That God wished that the wail should not be heard by Lakshmana ,And made a sound with the string of his bow, In spite of that sound ,The desire of fate was implemented. Due to the false wail which was heard,Rama was expecting something bad will happen that day and that Rama,Holding the very powerful bow saw Lakshmana coming towards him.”
5303. “After seeing him understanding the thoughts of Lakshmana from his face ,That Rama with a lotus flower like face heard what Lakshmana had to say ,Reached the hermitage frequented by bees and not able to see your pretty form there ,Lived further with painful breath as his only food.Is this the only reason to be sad?”
5304. “I came in search of you and have been able to see you in front of me ,My Lord Rama does not have evil in him and you are the real heart of Rama which he wears, After the false soul has gone out , you are in the heart of Rama who is the best among males And so how can he be destroyed because when you , his soul is here , how can he leave it there.”
5305. ”Oh mother , Rama who attained that stage from that hermitage ,Searched for you closely in nearby big forests , rivers and mountains ,Moving like a robot without soul and reached near Jatayu ,Who had sacrificed his soul for the sake of fame .”
5306. ”Oh lady who has got beauty of character , seeing the war wound ,In the body of Jatayu , got drowned in ocean of sorrow and said,“Oh my father , Please tell me the reason for your sorrow , please tell”,And when he told about the deceit done by Ravana , the king of Lanka ,One by one , the fire of anger of Rama increased ,Step by step , making one feel that the entire world had been burnt.”
5307. ’With great anger he said that with his bow , he would destroy ,All the three worlds and when he looked at his bow , the father Jatayu,Looking at Rama said, “Because one silly fellow did a mistake ,Are you getting angry with the entire world ?This is not proper.Get peace in your mind “ and due to those words , he got calmed down.”
5308. “Oh best and great lady , Rama asked , “which way did Ravana go?,Where is he at present ? Where does he live? Please tell”, and before,Jatayu the king of Hawks started to reply , due to the very cruel fate ,Jatayu died and Rama and Lakshmana who had the big bow ,AS well as arrows in their red hands, were drowned in sorrow.”
5309. “Those very depressed Rama and Lakshmana with great difficulty,Consoled themselves and did all the obsequies to that father who did masculine work,Making even the devas wonder and jaded. They decided that they would ,Search for Ravana who is an expert in evil work and crossed ,Several forests and mountains with peaks touching the clouds.”
5310. “When they were not able to find you in those places they were depressed ,After consoling themselves, their reddish eyes due to crying making their way slushy,And that Rama like the wax being destroyed by fire became with a thin body ,Telling these words , he lost his wisdom and got mentally upset.”
5311. “ Rama who has shoulders on which Goddess Lakshmi lived, Without understanding himself, due to increased love towards you ,With all his five sense organs confused and like Lord Shiva who wears ,Good Datura flowers and serpent , became like a person who is mad,In this world , which person has been able to win over dictates of fate?”
5312. ”The cloud like Rama seeing river Godavari asked , “is it a lie,That at dawn , Sita who is like a coral garland , took bath in your cool waters,Please search for her and give her to me. If you do not,You would turn in to fire.” And became very angry with her.”
5313. ”Oh mountain, run quickly and show me my lady ,Who is like a flower branch. If you do not show me , I would break,You and your crowd of mountains and all that in you , today itself,Burn and make it a charcoal . For that one arrow of mine is sufficient :” Rama said.
5314 . ”Did not my deer like Sita got abducted because , that Rakshasa ,Did some illusion in the form of a deer and she is suffering now because of that,”After telling like this to the deer which did not cause any trouble to others,With anger he told, “With my murderous bow which rules by its arrows,I would destroy even your name” saying this he stood seething with anger.
5315. , “”When that Rama who had a different type of attitude told many such things ,And became sad , due to the faultless medicine like words of consolation of his younger brother ,Who was like his soul and who had a consoled mind , became little more clear ,Became stronger and started searching for doing suitable acts.”
5316. ”That Rama along with his younger brother came to the Rishymooka mountain,On which the lord of our clan Sugreeva , who is the son of the faultless sun God,Who sits on the great chariot in the sky and That Rama who has lotus like eyes ,And Sugreeva who had affection like a soul towards him ,Became friends, so that the devas would continue to live.”
5317. ”That Lord Rama who cannot be seen even by the great wisdom of the Vedas,Told him about his misfortune and why he came there and when he wasGetting greatly upset as if his entire heart was wounded, we showed him,The ornaments thrown by you with great sorrow and he saw them.”
5318. “When that Rama armed with the spear who has taken up killing of his enemies,Saw those ornaments which were like your eye, got so much sick that,Even if nectar is sprinkled on him , he would not get cured, That sicknessWas earlier there and was not something which can be cured by thought,And by the lowly words of ours , it had the nature of following us.”
5319. ” Rama who was very depressed and worn out was consoled with great difficulty,Near that mountain , on a golden mountain lived Vali who was himself ,Looking like a mountain , who caused great sorrow to Ravana, by tying him on his tail,And while he was hanging there jumped over very many mountains and oceans.”
5320. “Rama killed that Vali just by one of his arrows and Rama gave the kingship,To that Sugreeva who was pure with love and sent him to collect a huge roving army ,And till he came , for the past four months was living on a mountain.”
5321. ”Oh Lady with a forehead like a bow , he ordered that army which came late ,To all the big directions to search for you , he sent me speedily to the southern direction,”Said Hanuman, who knew past , present and future ,about all the events that happened till then.
5322. When that Hanuman a personification of love told her these words,Sita became happy on hearing the sorrow of Rama due to her , realizing his love towards her,And that Lady also became greatly sad making , even her bones melt,Thinking about the sorrow of Rama who has powerful patience.
5323. That Sita who had a greatly sorrowing mind with her body rotating ,In between the whirlpool of the tears that she shed,. Asked Hanuman,“Oh sir , please tell me how you managed to cross this measureless sea.”
5324. Hanaman said, “oh mother with thin waist, like the realized people ,With great wisdom , who have merged themselves on the pure feet of the matchless lord,Crossing easily the ocean of illusion , I crossed this black sea by my feet.”
5325. That Lady Sita who was well known for her smile which was more pretty,Than pearls as well as the moon light looked at Hanuman and asked him,“How did you with such a small and weak body cross the sea and came here?Was this made possible by your penance ? or is it due to occult power?”
5326. That Hanuman with saluting hands, became one with huge shoulders,Became tall reaching above the sky and grew up to other globes ,Which are unapproachable and considering that his head will hit ,The other worlds , had a bent head, showed his mega form to Sita.
5327. Does the talked about greatness of proper way to the great form of Hanuman Depend on the five elements as shown by God or does the greatness ,Of those five elements depend on the form of Hanuman ,It is necessary to think about , where it is?
5328. ,Like the fire flies crowding around all the trees, Of the tall golden mountain Meru,The stars were crowding around the roots of hair,Of Hanuman who had taken the very huge form.
5329. , The two greatly lustrous ear globes of Hanuman,Were having a view that was beyond the sight of the eyes,And were in between the nine planets ,And appeared to be the sun and moon amidst those planets.
5330. Lord Vishnu who had measured all the worlds ,Thought that this a feeble and a useless monkey ,But when he saw Hanuman who was like an axle of a chariot ,Touching the sky , would think that he is peculiar and would fell ashamed.
5331. In all the edge of the eight directions and in all worlds ,All the beings which cannot move about by themselves,Saw Hanuman and Hanuman also saw by his lotus like eyes ,All the inhabitants of the heaven in a straight manner.
5332. Due the pressure exerted by the feet of Hanuman,Who was growing further and further tall,The city of Lanka got drowned in that deep sea ,And the white foam of the sea spread on earth,And all the fishes in water were lying on the earth.
5333. That Sita who had waist like Vanchi creeper who has faultless chastity ,Did not see the divine lotus like feet of Hanuman and with the thought ,That Rakshasas would die because of him and became happy ,And requested him to reduce that huge form of his.
5334. That Sita who was the one who ,Had hugged the shoulders of Rama,Which were prettier than the Kanaya tree, with a very happy frame of mind ,Told Hanuman, “This mature world are Not capable of seeing your huge form and so reduce it
5335. That great Hanuman who had grown taller than,The sky said , “As per your wish , great lady”,And then became small form which was simple to see,And That Sita who was like a lamp , where there is no need,To lengthen the wick, told these words.”
5336. “Oh Hanuman who has more speed than even the wind,You uprooted the earth with its mountains, lifted the sky,With one hand you picked up Adhi Sesha who carries this world,And in spite of that you did not get proper recognition for these acts,You walked in between the ocean and you crossed the huge ocean,That put you in to shame. What benefit would you get because of it?”
5337. ”oh valorous one who has long thick shoulders , along with ,The Grace of Rama the best among men who holds the wheel in his hand,You who are matchless is the only one with fame and live for eons without destruction,To suit your mega form , this Lanka which is the enemy of the world,Happened to be after one ocean and not after seven oceans ,I think it lowering your greatness.”
5338. ”This is your wisdom and this is your strength.This is your control over five senses and this is your act,This is your clarity and way to attain that clarity ,This is your thought and this is your justice ,And when this is so Brahma and other Devas,Do seem to have nothing with them.”
5339. “I who had seen the strong Rakshasas with lightning like teeth ,Thought that Rama does not have any one to assist him other than ,Lakshmana who was born after him and was worried about Rama ,And became mind broken and now my doubts are cleared ,My life has become meaningful for when you who is the form of greatness,Is going to assist Rama , I am sure the Rakshasas would undergo great suffering.”
5340. That Sita who was like the wealth in the face of Goddess Lakshmi,Looked at Hanuman “Today itself I am looking like one who is released,From the prison of illusion and I feel like I have become the destroyer of the Rakshasas,Who had tortured me here along with all their relatives, I have become ,One who carried the divine feet of Rama with heroic anklets. Now except fame , I would not even touch bad name ,Even if I die now , my soul will not have any problem” saying this she became happy.
5341. That great Hanuman saluted the divine feet of Sita and started ,Telling her about the greatness of the monkey army .” Oh Lady who is like Arundathi,Numberless monkey chiefs are the servants of Rama . Those in number Would exceed the sand which is lying on the banks of the ocean , I came here,Saying that I am a servant in that vast crowd of great heroes,I would perform orders given as well as orders told.”
5342. “The army of Rama has the strength of seventy vellam and they are ,Capable of drinking this ocean as if it is a handful of water, It is because this locationOf Lanka guarded by the deceitful Rakshasas is not known to Rama and is away from his sight ,It is existing and when he knows it, can it continue to exist?”
5343-5344. “Sugreeva the younger brother of Vali , his son Angadha ,Kumudha, Neela , Kumudaksha , Panasa, Sarabha of victorious nature ,The Jambavan with very long life , Dunma, Khamba , Gavayaksha who resemble god of death,And Nala , Sankha, Vindha , Dumintha and Madhana who are well known in this world,Monkey called Dhooma and is greatly famous, Dadhi mukha ,and Sathavali ,Who are capable of carrying not only this world but also other worlds,Several commander in chiefs who are capable of helping Rama like his arrows,Are all there and their number is beyond the possibility of counting .Oh Lady who wears a cloth over her breasts , when we see them, These Rakshasas are no where near them, “
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Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 2 (Padalam 4) – Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 2 (Padalam 4)
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Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 2 (Padalam 3)
Kamba Ramayanam: Sundara Kandam 2 (Padalam 4)
About Kavichakravarthy Kamban

Historians place him in the 9th century CE, But surely Kamban belongs to the third great wave of Tamizh literature that started with the Sangam period (dated before the Common Era), followed by the widespread impact of Bhakti literature of the Alwars (vaishnavite saints) & Nayanamars (shaivaite saints). Kamban Authored Ramanaya in Tamil…Known as Kamba Ramayanam..
Kambar has been the milestone for the Tamil scholars that none had reached. He was also known as “Kamba Naatazhvar” at his time. Many Tamil authors from the modern world have written the books on the poet Kamban.
Kambar or Kavichakravarthy Kamban (1180–1250) was a medieval Tamil poet and the author of the Ramavataram, popularly known as Kambaramayanam, the Tamil version of the epic Ramayana.
Valmiki Ramayana and Kamba Ramayanam are two versions of Ramayana written in the Sanskrit and Tamil languages respectively. … Kamba Ramayanam is originally called as Ramavataram. Although Valmiki Ramayana is the original version of the story of Rama, Kamba Ramayana is believed to be based on the work by Valmiki.
The Kamba Ramayanam, is a Tamil epic that was written by the Tamil poet Kambar during the 12th century. Based on Valmiki’s Ramayana (which is in Sanskrit), the story describes the life of King Rama of Ayodhya.
The book is divided into six chapters, called Kandam in Tamil. The Kandams are further divided into 123 sections called Padalam (படலம்) in Tamil. These 123 sections contain approximately 12,000 verses of the epic.