By Kambar (Kavichakravarthy Kamban)
Translated in English by P. R Ramachander
Kamba Ramayanam-Sundara Kandam 3 (Padalam 6)
6. Pozhil irutha Padalam Chapter on destroying of the garden
(After taking leave from Sita, Hanuman felt that if he does not do something more , it would not be proper.Also he wanted to see Ravana and talk to him. With this aim in view he uproots all the trees in the garden where Sita was imprisoned. The devas of seasons who were guarding the garden , rushed to tell about the damage that is being done by a monkey.There is no mention of Devas of season guarding that garden in Valmiki Ramayana , There it is the Rakshasis who are guarding Sita who report about the destruction to Ravana.)
5429. Hanuman thinking of the direction he has to proceed ,Decided to go north and took his big form suitable to it,And went speedily through the garden with flowers swarmed by bees,Thought that, just seeing Sita and going back was much simpler act for his strength,And decided to do some other job, which is suitable for him to do.
5430. He thought “ If I do not hit the Asuras who do base acts , throw .This city surrounded by walls in the sea , which houses the fishes andTake away the doe eyed lady and keep her at the feet of Rama and salute him ,Even when I am there how can I become a true assistant to Rama.”
5431. ”I also have not tied tightly the Ravana with ten heads and twenty hands ,And kept him in a cruel prison , I have neither won him in a war ,And when it is so , how is my oath that we will help each other proper?”
5432. ”Is there any demerit for me to fight with Asuras whom I see ,Make them distraught , when the very strong Rakshasa Ravana ,Is witnessing it and using my matchless prowess ,Catch hold of the flower decked hair of his chief queen,Mandodhari And take her and imprison her ?”
5433. “I think that the proper service as a servant that I can do to Rama,Would be to collect all the asuras and harshly chase them away and so,There is no need to think any further about it and he further thought,As to how he can draw all these asuras and get engaged in a cruel battle with them?”
5434. , “I will soon break this garden and destroy it and if I do so,As soon as that great sound reaches the ears of the Asuras ,They would get very angry with me and come to wage a war,And if they come like that using my strength ,I would kill all of them, and this is definitely the proper plan.”
5435. “If all those people who come to fight with me die,And are not able to return back , that Ravana of cruel strength ,Which cannot be opposed would come to a war with me.If he does I would destroy his ten crowned heads and,Thus removing the sorrow in my mind , I would go back happily.
5436. Thinking like this in his mind Hanuman whose shoulders,Were like Sun and moon who go round the Meru mountain ,Assumed his mega form looking like Lord Varaha ,Who took the earth in between his teeth , destroyed that gardenBy kicking and stamping it completely.”
5437. Some trees died , some broke , some got bent ,Some dashed against each other and got powdered and fell,Some fell upside down , Some broke in to pieces,Some flew in to air in the form of flakes , Some got burnt ,Some got blackened, Some got bent and moved away bending,Some shed all its flowers and some fell down,:
5438. ”Some trees got upturned along with roots , some got burnt,Some went near clouds in the sky , some flew in the wind ,And fel down on slushy mud of the sea, some along with bees,Went to the heavens dashed , fell down broken.”
5439. ”Some of those trees rotated and thrown by Hanuman Along with the cloud became the leaf food to elephants of directions,Some trees whose bottom was caught and thrown towards the sky ,Went through the sky and destroyed pretty gardens of heaven.”
5440. Due to the trees thrown by Hanuman the tides of the sea wandered,Here and there, the big mansions of the Asuras got shattered and fell at all places,Some thrown by him dashed against the seven great mountains and became dust,The silver flowers of some trees , got mixed with falling stars and fell down.
5441. Some trees with bent roots which were uprooted and thrown by Hanuman ,Went and hung on the tusks of the elephants of directions in rut , who gave them .To young female elephants , and it appeared as if they were holding the clouds by their trunks.
5442. When the scented flowers of that garden which belonged to poison like Ravana ,Reached the land of Vidhyadhras, the mountains of Yakshas, and the immortal devas,Of the heaven those ladies with feet decorated by red cotton juice crowded and picked them.
5443. Some trees which were covered by gold on all sides , looked like,Streaks of lightning and the big gem studded trees were similar to light of sun.And when such trees dashed against each other, broke in to pieces,And fell down like the crowds of stars falling at time of deluge.
5444. The fishes in the sea with lots of water ,swallowed the birds , bees ,Scented flowers ,honey , buds , fresh leaves, the sweet fruits which fell there ,And jumped with joy and were crushed later by falling trees and started trembling.
5445. Due to the scattered bunches of flowers, all the places ,Had only scent of flowers and because of that the meat smell was subdued, And the sea with tides where great devas take bath along with their consorts,Became like big ponds which were filled with lotus flowers.
5446. The gem studded stages which were uprooted by Hanuman and ,Broken kadika trees went one after another and fell in the sea ,And filled up the sea so that the scented sea had to cross them,And which made it appear that the sea can be crossed by walking.
5447. Due to the very big trees which Hanuman threw on the lustrous sky ,Which was like the play ground of Sun in the summer ,The mansions of Asuras broke like they were hit by thunder from sky,And became powdered like mountains hit by thunder.
5448. At that time the numerous trees uprooted and thrown by Hanuman ,Crowded in a dense manner and looked well grown like a cool cloud in the sky,And that very angry Hanuman made it appear as if,The garden of the very strong Ravana existed in the sky also.
5449. With honey dropping down , with the birds living there making sound,When the gem studded trees covered with flowers went towards the sky ,And with stars nearing them , with light in sky competing with light of the sword,It looked as if a lustrous plane was travelling in the sky.
5450. Due to Hanuman who was strong like a matchless elephant in war ,Throwing trees with long branches full of leaves , those trees which were going up ,As well as falling in to the huge sea , were similar to the huge clouds ,Which comes down from the sky and drinking the water of the sea.
5451. Like the devas who do wrong , being born in this world ,And returning after they get filled with wisdom , those ,Karpaga trees in that garden which are charitable ,Being thrown up by Hanuman travelled through the sky ,And appeared as if they had reached the heavens , where they were there earlier.
5452-3. After breaking the verandahs which are gem studded , after ,Breaking in to pieces the stages using them to fill up lakes near by,After breaking lustrous huge walls , after destroying ,Many things of great craftsmanship , after destroying huge hills,After uprooting vengai and Maramara trees , after picking and throwing ,The rows of champaka trees growing near Karpaga trees ,He also broke branches of trees full of mango fruits.
5454. With the spring season which comes before God of love ,Becoming one with a jaded face , with the gardens in the ,Sky became upset and started shivering,The sandalwood trees which broke being hit by the feet of Hanuman, Started burning like firewood and spit out fire.
5455. With the joyful bees which sing a Pan called Kamaram getting jitteryHuge trees fell on the floor of earth and died,With the drama stages breaking and falling down ,Many trees which were full of flowers caught fire and became ash.
5456. Small branches which can bend , flowering creepers ,The cool places of newly formed leaved which koels like ,The entrance which had soft flowers , scented bushes ,Golden coloured rain of honey , bees and peacocks were all destroyed.
5457. With several red creeping plants resembling corals ,Which were thrown out by Hanuman , similar to streaks of lightning ,Appearing rounded on the clouds , circled round ,The mountains which were all around city of Lanka andThe huge trees with golden branches which were thrown on the mountain Made them appear like the elephant eating huge balls of rice with the golden mask.
5458. At that time the sound of the loud cackling of birds ,The thunder like sound produced by breaking of trees and,The joyful shouting of Hanuman who was personification of Dharma ,Crossed this globe of earth and reached other places.
5459. The crowd of birds living happily along with its kids on trees,Suffered greatly and the very tall Kongu trees , Padiri trees ,Along with pretty and cool bees which were singing good songs ,Went and fell on the sea with very many tides.
5460. The Aachaa trees with the sound of bees which were on the pretty road,Went and fell in the river filled with pretty water and silt and pressed it ,And so some other trees which touched the sky went and fell in the sky Ganges river,Which was formed with the water that was used by Brahma to wash feet of Lord Vishnu.
5461. Due to Hanuman throwing various kinds of trees the big lakes,Filled with red lotus flowers looked like red sandal paste has been mixed in them,And the trees of the garden which fell on the pretty salty ocean ,Along with bees which sing Kamaram pan , made it in to a flowery ocean.
5462. The Karu nochi trees thrown by Hanuman went to all four directions ,And merged with the long and pretty tides of the ocean and also ,The sandalwood trees which were thrown fell on and broke ,The doors and padlocks of buildings and made them fall down.
5463. The freshly opened flowers of that garden which spread sweet smell,Appeared like the stars which were shining in the sky and the tamarind trees,Rolled in the sky and when they fell on the ocean , the beetles of conches ,In that ocean with tides threw out the pretty pearls and ran away from there.
5464. Those pretty trees which had golden branches and studded with ,Various types of gems , which were thrown by Hanuman towards the sky,Were shining like rainbow made at night and indicated ,That Hanuman will destroy Sri Lanka immediately.
5465. When the big Hanuman uprooted the trees which were crowding ,In that garden then , due to that , the shed where elephants were tied , dancing halls ,Places of drinking alcohol , the places where the horses with great speed were tied,Along with chariots on which small gems were tied broke down.
5466. Those greatly lustrous gold flags which were thrown so that,They would fall in the sea in all directions were similar ,To the collection of rays of the sun which were cut ,And fell in to the sea which had storms.
5467. Being thrown by Hanuman, the Very huge trees and the huge mountainsSo that they will break made the very lustrous gold compound walls ,AS well as mansions catch fire and burn and turn in to ash ,And the people of the city of Lanka got scared and ran to all places.
5468. At that time the moon who is the lord of stars thinking that,If the Asura called Ravana sees him , he may blame him that ,Due to your relation with the red mouthed Sita (sister?) you scalded me,And before the eyes of devas who were my enemies ,You were with joy watching a monkey break my garden ,Like a very scared one he went away from the sky.
5469. Due to the faultless gems , gold , Surya Kantha and Chandra Kantha stones,AS well as the faultless shining trees of that garden which is the seat of the God of love ,Due to being thrown in different directions by the two hands of Hanuman,Gave out very great light and the entire world shined in that great darkness.
5470. The various types of animals who lived in that gardens shouted,Became mentally upset , their eyes rose up being wounded,The several types of birds living there fell in the sea and got drowned ,And greatly upset , flew for a whie and not able to fly further ,Fell on the earth , shaking their wings and when they became dry , with dejection they died.
5471. That Hanuman who had fat shoulders like mountain and pretty broad ,Chest which was like the Sun, even though he was angry ,Due to the power of touch , all those divine trees growing densely ,In that garden and the birds along with the nests made by their of their leavesWent and reached the heaven ,Can we tell the position any one ,Will receive if they got the grace and blessings of Hanuman.
5472. In that new pleasant looking garden in which birds lived and was guarded by Asuras ,Who consider “lie” as their Dharma , only that tree under which Sita,Who was like a swan sobbing due to sorrow , was sitting ,similar to the Banyan tree ,Under which Lord Vishnu stays not getting destroyed during final deluge .
5473. Since she had given away the hair brooch which was a royal jewel,AS identifying material to her soul like consort Rama ,And alas , she was sitting without any ornaments like a poor lady ,And at that time to the Sita who had densely grown hair The sun rose up,AS if he had the intention of buying a new brooch for her through the rising sea.
5474. That Hanuman who was standing alone after destroying the entire garden ,Was like Lord Vishnu who had measured the fourteen worlds with two steps,And also like the great and best Mandhara mountain used to churn ocean of milk,And also like like Lord Rudra who was standing after deluge after destroying everything.
5475. When that garden was being destroyed , those Rakshasis woke up ,Got very angry ,but looked at Hanuman who was standing like ,A golden meru mountain with desire and exclaimed , “oh mother,What is this form we are seeing and who is this “ with great fear asked,Lady Sita, who had a pretty forehead , “Hey lady , do you know who he is ?”
5476. She replied , “ the evil acts done by evil people could be recognized ,By only evil people like them and how can good people like me know about it ,All these are tricks which are being played by Asuras like you , because ,When in the forest Mareecha came before me in the form of a deer,And Lakshmana told us that it is an illusion created by Asuras,But I thought that it is a true deer and took a liking to it.”
5477. When like this Lady Sita replied those Rakshasis , they beat,Their own belly with their own hands , lost their balance ,And then they ran making hills , world and sky tremble,And Hanuman who was equal to his father the wind God ,Saw a ornamental building there and determining to destroy that ,Caught hold of it using his very big hands .
5478. It would be difficult for anybody to see that building fully with their eyes ,It was so tall that even clouds could not go above it ,Even the wind could not imagine to try to hold it and even at night darkness could not cover it ,And it stood there making the Meru mountain which touched the sky , felt shy ,Seeing its height and got mentally upset , Even the earth was finding it difficult to carry it.
5479. That building was perhaps made by Lord Brahma , who sits on a lotus, By himself as per the orders of Ravana who had twenty pretty hands ,For the sake of eating away all the stain of darkness of the moon ,Who had grown for fifteen days , earning more and more light daily,Who gives the moon light which can be compared to the pouring of new milk.
5480. All the pillars of that building were made of gems , and all the surroundings,Were made by gold as well as gems ,its backside was made by desirable rows of gems,And even Lord Sun who spreads the red light throughout the sky ,Would feel that it could be worn as ornament by him ,And so for people like us , praising it is an impossible task.
5481-2. That Hanuman , who had heard that Ravana who does cruel deeds,Once has uprooted the pretty mountain Kailasa which was made of silver,To make that act as smaller , just like carrying the multi coloured golden Meru mountain,Using his big hands with sharp nails , easily uprooted that building from earth,And threw it on the city of Lanka and due to that , hit by that ,Those mansions which were touching the sky were turned in to powder ,And due to the falling of fire sparks from it , it burnt all sort of materials,And many valorous Rakshasas who never get worried about anything were killed.Would those who want to do evil for others , survive from similar evil actions?
5483. The Gods who protect the big gardens in Lanka which is a part of the earth,During the six seasons, with a mind that was occupied by great fear ,And due to that making their cloths wet by passing urine ,With a form from which due to fear blood was flowing out ,With legs intertwined with each other preventing them from walking properly ,Who were wailing similar to the open mouthed citizens ran and reached Ravana.
5484. They went and saluted the feet of Ravana who had anger like that of a lion,And told, “Oh lord whose rule extends up to the end of directions where,The elephants of directions live , we have lost the job of protecting the gardens.Due to a monkey who has shoulders which make the mountains scared,Entering inside the garden , breaking all trees and throwing them out ,The gardens, which was looked after well , became like cloth burnt by fire.”
5485. They further told, “It is not easy to tell for that monkey using its legs,Hands and teeth powdered those trees and made them without a coating of dust, And also uprooted easily the golden building of Yagna and by throwing it,Has destroyed the entire divine city of Lanka except for small portions.”
5486. Hearing this Ravana told “has just one monkey destroyed completely ,The entire garden with golden trees by powdering it and also destroyed ,That great and rare building like of which cannot be easily seen,And which is guarded by Rakshasas and also destroyed the city of Lanka?The valour of the Rakshasas appears to be great!. Such words ,Would not be uttered by ignorant people” and then he smiled.
5487. When Ravana berated those Gods of the season , they looked at Ravana ,And told, “Oh king , If the earth has the strength to carry,The body of that monkey , we have to appreciate that earth.It would be very great crime to say that monkey is one of the trinity of Gods,Oh Lord you would see it just now.”
5488. Hanuman shouted the war cry making the water in the ocean,Going back through the holes on the earth , with the eight elephants ,Carrying the earth and eight protectors of earth running away in fear ,With the Rakshasis with red mouth like kovvai fruit ,Suffering abortions and getting famished and making ,The globe of the earth blowing up and breaking.
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About Kavichakravarthy Kamban

Historians place him in the 9th century CE, But surely Kamban belongs to the third great wave of Tamizh literature that started with the Sangam period (dated before the Common Era), followed by the widespread impact of Bhakti literature of the Alwars (vaishnavite saints) & Nayanamars (shaivaite saints). Kamban Authored Ramanaya in Tamil…Known as Kamba Ramayanam..
Kambar has been the milestone for the Tamil scholars that none had reached. He was also known as “Kamba Naatazhvar” at his time. Many Tamil authors from the modern world have written the books on the poet Kamban.
Kambar or Kavichakravarthy Kamban (1180–1250) was a medieval Tamil poet and the author of the Ramavataram, popularly known as Kambaramayanam, the Tamil version of the epic Ramayana.
Valmiki Ramayana and Kamba Ramayanam are two versions of Ramayana written in the Sanskrit and Tamil languages respectively. … Kamba Ramayanam is originally called as Ramavataram. Although Valmiki Ramayana is the original version of the story of Rama, Kamba Ramayana is believed to be based on the work by Valmiki.
The Kamba Ramayanam, is a Tamil epic that was written by the Tamil poet Kambar during the 12th century. Based on Valmiki’s Ramayana (which is in Sanskrit), the story describes the life of King Rama of Ayodhya.
The book is divided into six chapters, called Kandam in Tamil. The Kandams are further divided into 123 sections called Padalam (படலம்) in Tamil. These 123 sections contain approximately 12,000 verses of the epic.