By Kambar (Kavichakravarthy Kamban)
Translated in English by P. R Ramachander
Kamba Ramayanam-Yudha Kandam 6 (Padalam 16)
Yudha Kandam (contd)
16. Maya Janaka Padalam
Chapter on the illusory Janaka
(While the fighting is going on Mahodhara suggests to make a Janaka by illusion to influence Sita. When that Maya Janaka advices Sita to marry Ravana and save him, She loses her temper and starts feel;ing that he is not the real Janaka. At that time the messengers come and inform Ravana about death of Kumbhakarna. Ravana breaks down and goes away. This incident is not there in Valmiki Ramayana.)
7632. We told about the masculine acts which were done with great honestyBy Kumbhakarna In that battle field so that they are clearly understood ,And we are going to tell about the unfair deeds of illusion done by king of Lanka ,In the city of Lanka due to great passion in a separate place.
7633. That Ravana who had won all the directions due to the power of his shoulders,Looked at Mahodhara an expert in illusion who came to his council hall,And asked him “What is the method of attaing Sita and get rid of this mind’s sorrow?Please tell me now itself here and give me back my sweet soul” , said Ravana.
7634. ”Today itself by a trick , I would give firm results to you and I would do,An act of illusion by which Sita would come of her own accord and join you.I would perform a matchless deceit and transform a Rakshasa called Marutha ,In to Janaka and if I show that Janaka of illusion, Sita would be forced to marry you.”
7635. As soon as Mahodhara told this Ravana got up with joy and hugged him,And said, “My dear one , convert that Marutha in to Janaka and come to Asoka Vana,”And went there to scare Sita who had won bad fate just by the strength of her chastity ,He went towards Asoka Vana which was filled with pretty flowers.
7636. Due to lustrous row of pots lighting it up and spreading the light of early sun,The approaching darkness ran away from there , and wearing garland of lustrous gems ,Hanging on his shoulder looking like the stream falling from a blue mountain,Ravana came making the huge tamed elephant feeling shy.
7637. The Deva maidens who had a forehead like the crescent of the moon ,Who were carrying lamps , who had tied waist belt which was like serpent,And whose waist was getting tired of carrying their heavy breasts,Walked in front and behind him and were singing his praise .
7638. Ravana saw with his twenty eyes with great passion Sita , whose speech was made by music,Whose lips were made with coral , with all female organs well made ,And created with measureless and great cultural habits ,So that that Sita would get greatly worried and confused.
7639. That Ravana who had a small knife like sword tied to his waist sat ,On a golden seat which was put there with shoulders which had removed the Devas,From their homes surrounding him , with one feet placed above his other thigh,With round ornamental regal umbrellas held over his head ,With white cowries fanning him from both sides and told the following words.
7640. ”When are you going to show mercy on this slave of yours?When are you going to find difference between me , Sun as well as the moon?When are you going to be affected by the flower arrows of the shapeless God of love?”And then he started telling all his sufferings due to passion for her.
7641. ”Oh lady who was born along with nectar ,I wanted to eat myself ,The mixture of poison and nectar which had the form of a lady andDue to that, day by day my heart started losing the culture of honesty,And I am scared to give up my life after stopping thinking about you ,I who am your slave am some one that needs your protection.”
7642. ”You defeated me who has been never defeated by any one else ,You made moon burn my body,, you made breeze after spreading of which,My body started sweating , You made the god of love with heat shout with joy ,You made me realize what is sorrow , you removed the fear of Devas ,And I do not know what are the other sufferings which you are going to give me?”
7643. ” You have made it such that , all the girls that I want is yourself.The name I wish to call would be only your name , All my twenty eyes,Would be seeing you only , make the God of love the one who shoots ,Arrows at me , and make in my body the five types of wounds ,By his five type of arrows and this has made me in to a different person.”
7644. “I who have won all people right from Lord Shiva to the ordinary men,And achieved victory so that I can rule over all the three worlds,Have not been defeated so far by any valorous person,And though I was that great , if my disease of passion towards a lady,Has killed my masculinity , would not my masculinity be at fault?”
7645. “My soul which has been fading all these days , even while suffering,From the disease of passion for several days , became almost like a soul of a dog?Those learned people who have read and learned the introduction of a poem,Are saying that the sufferings caused by passion are ten states,And that appears to be a lie since I have already passed through thousand states.”
7646. “Oh lady who is like wealth earned by following the path of Dharma ,Who is sweeter than nectar , who has come to make me like one who is not born,Due to your great beauty destroying my respectability , I have forgotten the great deeds,Which were done by me and due to the medicine that, “one day you will take mercy on me “I am daily dying and then living. Who can know about this state of mine ?”
7647. ”Oh lady , who has nectar like speech , If we examine without any bias,Once upon a time there was a lady called Ahalya and when Indra told about his love for her,She gave herself to him and he got joy, Because of that did she go down in status ?To cure my disease of passion only the nectar from your lotus like mouth ,Is the medicine, There are no other chants and no other medicine.”
7648. After telling several such things , Ravana got up with his shoulders ,Which cannot be compared to the blue mountain which tells twenty ,And which were very big touching the ground and kept all his crowns ,In a row , which were like lightning , just like the Sun Wanted to give light all over and is kept in a row.”
7649. Sita who had a very soft form , seeing Ravana near her, felt as if ,She was a deer which was seeing the tiger near to it , became confused ,Started getting shivers all over her body , sobbed , wailed and thinking,Even if he has come to kill me , I would tell him what is in my mind ,And looking at a useless twig of grass and started telling .
7650. “ You seem not to have thought that by what you propose to do, Is only sin and bad name would come due to it and the words that you told,Should not be told by people like you . You have not realized this.Doing such acts which ought not to be done and telling words,That you ought not to speak ,your heart has not torn to pieces,And if you have not got destroyed along with relations who help you in this evil acts ,It appears that the power of my chastity is not big.”
7651. ”The sky is there. And to all bodies that follow the path of Dharma , there is a soul,They all have good feelings but they all do not talk or behave like you ,To tell words which are not proper to you , you also have ten mouths.And I am there to hear all your cruel words and so,Is there anything which you would not tell and anything which you would not do.”
7652. ”You seem not to be bothered about the great deeds done by Indra ,Brahma who sits on lotus , Lord Subrahamanya son of Lord Shiva who holds an axe ,And Lord Vishnu who killed asura called Kesi but you keep on telling ,That you won over them in battle. Possibly you did not raise ,Your eyes and see my fruit of love Rama when you entered the battle field.”
7653. “ Protecting this body which has thinned down due to not taking food, Without getting the fame of dying immediately after parting with my husband ,I am shamelessly standing before you, is it not? I am keeping myself alive ,Due to the love towards Rama who wears the faultless culture as ornaments,And who has an auspicious form, with the hope that I may be able to see him.”
7654. ”When Lakshmana the younger brother is standing like golden Meru mountain ,In the battle field , to see you show your back and run away , Rama would cut off,All your ten heads , make them fall on earth and kill the entire clan of Asuras ,And with a great wish to see his victorious form , I am stopping ,My soul from going away , when it tries to escape again and again.”
7655. ”Oh Ravana who has not set a limit to his bad behavior, do not ever think,That I have a different soul except that Rama , whose soul is mercy only,Who has eyes like lotus flowers , who gives happiness to the minds of all,And who is like a water rich cloud holding a big bow .”
7656. When Sita ended her reply , Ravana with eyes from which fire came out ,With a feeling of disrespect that he has been killed , getting angry like God of death,Laughed like burst of thunder making fun of Sita told,“You would live so that your soul becomes one with Rama ,After he defeats me completely and gets you released.”
7657. ”Among the Rakshasas , people of earth and devas and others ,Who have been subject of my anger , who has survived so far?I would kill that Rama who is the boy of Dasaratha , whom you consider,AS Lord Vishnu who wears the Thulasi garland and are overjoyed,And later possibly you can live with him.”
7658. ”Oh lady with a very narrow waist , the monkeys have besieged Lanka,And for that purpose they built a bridge in the ocean , they made great sound,By their mouth several times , and if they have become over joyous because of that ,Please do not get surprised , for all those monkeys which come before me ,Are like insects which come to die falling in the flame .”
7659. ”I have sent a victorious Rakshasa army to Ayodhya with the order,“Please catch hold of entire clan of the kings of Ayodhya or other wise ,Bring their freshly cut heads ,Do whatever act is needed to do this ,”And I have also asked victorious and Valorous Rakshasas ,To bring your father Janaka, “ said Ravana.
7660. As soon as Ravana told like this Sita thought “For this Ravana who has ,Carried out tricks of illusion and kept me in this prison, nothing is ,Impossible for him to do” and due to this thought she got scared,Perplexed , mentally agitated , left heavy breath and like people,Who again and again swallow fire and spit it, she became the home of sorrow.
7661. Sita who did not have banks to stop the stream of tears ,That were flowing from her eyes thought , “These people,Who could do such things to me here , would they not be ,Able to do any thing there? definitely yes, alas.” And felt agitated ,Thinking that action of lie those days were like actions of Dharma.
7662. At that time Mahodhara arrived at that place brought Marutha ,Who had been made to look like Janaka and who was wailing and cryingAnd who speedily was taken before Ravana who was like a burning flame ,And Sita was made to see that illusory Janaka saluting Ravana and she,Started suffering like a little kid bird seeing her mother fall in the fire.
7663. Sita not knowing that the person brought forcibly by Mahodhara,Was only an illusory Janaka , pressed her hands , hit her eyes with her hands ,Struggled as if her lotus like soft feet had been kept on open fire ,Where ghee has been poured, and felt she cannot sit on the earth,Felt as if her mind was burning , with sorrow wailed greatly ,Due to shivering of body fell down, rolled in earth due to affection ,And wailed making very loud noise.
7664. She said “Oh God” , she said “has truth been destroyed “ , she thought,“Shall I curse the world for destruction “ she would see “Evil is superior in this world”,She would say , “Shall I continue to be alive” and became sad in various ways And who can tell definitely whether it was Dharma or Sita who wailed like this..”
7665. “oh father ,. Oh father ,due to me you have also got in to this problem,Is this the way that you have to suffer because you gave birth to me as your daughter ,Oh father who has helped all the world like father , who is like a mother to all,Who does good like performing dharma , Oh father who is like penance “And then due to suffering great sorrow , she well like a fire wood falling in fire.
7666. ”You gave food to others and then only took food , You observed Dharma ,You burnt the town of enemies who opposed you and you performed,Several fire sacrifices and you have been tied on your strong shoulders,By these toddy drinkers who have the evil habit of eating men ,And I am forced to see this state of yours by my eyes.”
7667. She went on telling several such words , several times and due to great sorrow ,Fell on the floor and looked like one who is dead , losing ability to stifle sorrows,Taking deep tortured breath and became like an individual lightning Falling on the ground and rolling and like a female andril bird started crying with open mouth.
7668. ”You are a king who is one of those, who never faltered from the path of Vedas,You are the one who never came to the old Ayodha and lived there even for doing,The duties of the birth-house to the girls who have crescent like foreheads,And have you come to this prison to see me suffer in this prison .”
7669. ”Greatly wise people have told lord Vishnu who travels on Garuda ,With very strong wings exists there to free people from this illusory prison of birth –death cycle Except those words , I do not see any one trying to free me from this prison,And who is there in this world, who will free you who has been imprisoned for my sake ?”
7670. You have got an enemy who does not mix with people of good culture ,And it would be good if you go to heroes heaven after being killed by him,You had reached greatness and counted among the greatest kings ,And you have also received this bad name and you did not search for that bad name ,But got it by having me as your daughter .How many parents can be as great as you?”
7671. ”Like the tiny bullock which is tied to the plough by the rope , being also beaten ,By a whip after keeping burden on it , also pierced by sharp sticks ,Not moving away from the slushy field but falling there , from the time ,I was caught by the enemy , have become one who sold and ate all of you ,Is there any method of escape for me?”
7672. ”Being alive in this prison at Lanka , I was not able to see that all my enemies are destroyed,And became very happy because of it .I had not saluted the holy feet of my Lord Rama ,I have been sorrowing here for a long time and I have destroyed you with your clan,Alas, With my mouth I have eaten away the greatness of kings of Ayodhya.”
7673. “In the Panchavati, I gave an enemy to my husband by requesting him to kill,And now I am seeing that the mountain like shoulders are tied by ropes ,And because of this I have caused sorrow to both my birth- house and marital house ,Is this not true ? , Am I a simple person? As I am not dying take pity on me.”
7674. “Once upon a time my father did a great fire sacrifice to get me as his daughter ,And I have seen now that his strong shoulders which help his enemies cross the sea ,Have been toied by rope and he is being made to roll on the earth , Is it that ,I would die only after seeing Rama who married me according to rituals ,And held my hand after telling the proper chants , being tied ,BY rope by the enemies and made to roll on this earth.”
7675. ”Oh my mothers , elders , my dear sisters who are like my soul,Did you know about what happened to my father earlier to this?Did you all also suffer due to similar sorrow , did you ,All come along with him and before meeting me , have you all died?”
7676. “Even if you climb to the top of the Meru mountain and conquer the sky,The old city of Lanka which is surrounded by water is not a proper place to reach Oh father I do not know whether you were caught after fighting or caught by deceit ,’Do you have a person like Hanuman with you , so that other people can be informed.”
7677.” Those who caught and brought this King Janaka , without any doubt would,Catch hold of the very weak Bharatha who is sitting in Nandigrama always facing south ,And if Bharatha is caught Rama who goes on giving everything to every body ,Would also not live and Lakshmana also will not continue to live .It seems,Those who follow Dharma and observe penance will meet such a bad fate.”
7678. ”The great joy which went on increasing when I heard Monkeys built a bridge,Over the sea, then monkeys reached Lanka and reached the walls of Lanka ,And then destroyed the enemy army , has been destroyed by fate ,By performing an alternate trick “ she repeated this several times.
7679. When The Sita who was suffering due to sorrow told like this , Ravana who had the sword ,Which removed the greatness of all Devas , looked at her with love decided that,That she cannot suffer more sorrow and so by supporting and saving her ,He can get a place for him in his mind , He started telling the following.
7680. ”oh pretty lady who has a gait like a female swan , with a great desire,To have you , I have started giving you unimaginable sorrow .This is wrong and so please excuse me and even now I am not that angry ,That I want to destroy all people in Mithila and even when angry, I will not kill Janaka. Do not scared.”
7681. “If you consent and cure t his burden of the disease of passion ,Then to this Janaka who wears the flower garland , I would give either,The land of devas or these seven islands of earth or the wealth of my kingship,Which is spread in all the three worlds fully and live with you , saluting you.”
7682. “If he wants I can give him this city and I can live in some other place ,I would give him the treasures Sanga Nidhi and Padma Nidhi which would be beneficial to him,’I would also give him the divine and pretty Pushpaka Vimana to him to enjoy as he likes,If he wants I will give him the sword given by Lord Shiva using which I won over the Devas ,I will not say “no” to anything that he asks.”
7683. ”Oh Sita , with you pretty coral like mouth , if you tell the matchless words of mercy ,I will take the crown of Indra and making Devas salute him with his head ,And make him wear as per rituals with chant of Manthras and make the Deva maidens,Surround him like all-round and I would stand there obeying his orders.”
7684. “Oh Sita , if you consent to this , Lord Brahma who is the father of sage Pulasthya,Who is the father of Sage Visravas and who is my father , who created all this world ,Would come personally and give this Janaka all the boons that he desires ,And also Lord of Death would work like a slave and the Goddess Lakshmi , Who was born in the ocean of milk along with nectar would be a servant of yours.”
7685. “Apart from the Devas, the very strong Nagas and the people of this earth,Would salute the feet of your father Janaka and do all the work that he orders.Oh lady who is like a picture , because you were born to this Janaka ,The benefits that he is going to get or limitless and would not have any defect ,And so you can give him all the three worlds and also fulfill the purpose of your birth.”
7686. “The wealth that you promised to give to Janaka would be received by indra ,Lanka and its false wealth would be received by Vibheeshana and the pretty arrows,In the hand of Rama the lord of devas would enter in to your chest , and the divine feet,Of that pretty and black lord are suitable to be kept on my head.” Said Sita.
7687. ”The very fearful arrows with thename of my wonderful lord would laugh at you,And would split your chest and enter in to you and all those wounds that have opened ,Are great and do suitable good and once they leave the string of his bow ,Would make even the huge mountains that fall down on it .”
7688. “The arrows that come out of the bow of the lotus eyed Rama ,Would come and reach your chest wearing garlands which are greatly pretty.The crows would talk sweet words with each other and would take away your eyes,With their beaks and are going to eat them and after that Ghosts ,Which reek of the smell of flesh with great joy are going to hug you.”
7689. ”When the steel arrows of that Valorous Rama are going to your heads,With open mouths with teeth your life would come to an end and Hanuman,Who wears a garland made of fresh Thulasi leaves and buds ,Would come and tell about you with great mercy and I would hear his words with great desire.”
7690. “Oh son of a silly person , Request with me those favours that can be requested ,In the ensuing war the soul of your son would be taken away by Lakshmana ,Who came in this world to the glory and benefit of my mother Sumithra And later his dead body would be licked by dogs and then , you ,Would keep on prattling and shouting that “My son is no more “.
7691. Ravana who was extremely cruel hearing that ,Angrily stared like a hot sun,Grinded his twenty valorous hands , biting his teeth hard in his open mouth,Ran towards Sita to kill her , Mahodhara prevented him and told him that “if her father,Who wears hero anklets requests her,, she may agree , and so do not get angry with her.”
7692. Then he moved away and sat on his seat and that illusory Janaka ,Who was lying down on earth , whom others thought is already dead ,Got up and told, “Now you accept the proposal of Ravana otherwise ,You would become a sinner who has murdered me along with my clan,”And started telling the following words to the surprised Sita.
7693. “Goddess Lakshmi who sits on the lotus flower gives her wealth to all,And not only to Lord Vishnu.Oh sinner who is my daughter ,I have been imprisoned because of you , .Is my losing my soul for your sake good?,What is wrong in being wife of Ravana who is the lord of Devas ?What are you thinking and thinking in this prison and crying?”
7694. That illusory Janaka who was wailing to make others believe that ,He may lose his life further said “after saving my sweet life and the life of members,Of my clan and making me get so much wealth making me wealthy for a long time,After getting yourself released from prison , make all people enjoy life “And then afterwards he fell at the pretty feet of Sita and saluted her.
7695. That lady who heard those words , Closed tightly both her ears by her hands,Let out hot breaths , lost her conscience and resembled a dead lady,And when her anger greatly increased she got up and said ,“Thinking that leading a life joy is special , my father Janaka would not have ,Told these words to me and these are not proper words also”And then seething with anger , she started telling words that will hurt.
7696. ”With Dharma getting spoiled , with old rules of good behavior broken,With the valour which is suitable to the clan of king being lost ,With truth reducing , with bad name coming , with good conduct breaking down,With the fame that is protected with desire of Devas getting dimmed ,You have told these type of words ,When I think, I doubt whether you are Janaka?”
7697. “Even if the path of travel of a king nears damage , even if his own life , Is getting eroded and nearing destruction and even if spear comes and is about,To enter his chest , the proper method for him would be to be obey the words of wise people,And and are there any more kings like you who go against Dharma And live in hiding and getting blamed by others ”
7698. “Even if you, your relatives and the people in your wide country are going to die,In front of my eyes , Would I live a life which destroys my good character ?I would prefer to be a slave to Rama who has diamond like strong shoulders ,Who has one thousand names and who is the incarnation of Lord Vishnu with divine wheel.And I would not like to lead a life without shame ,And would I ever look at that Ravana who is like a Dog.”
7699. ”Oh person who is worse than a dog , except the matchless Rama who holds a very strong bow,If any other male comes near me they would be burned like insects attracted by light ,Would I who am a lioness who has lived with a lion who is the king of all animals Live with a fox which searches and eats the dirt in my backyard.”
7700. “You who have told these evil words are certainly not my father,If you want praise the bow Lord Rama who wears the garland of victoryAnd escape from here, if he saves you, if he is not able to save you,Better die .Without doing anything you are telling words that should,Not be told and you have accepted a bad name that cannot be erased,” said Sita.
7701. That Ravana who was a Rakshasa who has cruel strength, understanding,The harsh words that were told by Sita , said, “Let your decision stay in your mind,Let whatever has to happen , happen ,Possibly you are thinking that ,This person is not Janaka and so I will kill him this instant “And he took his powerful sword on his hand.
7702. Sita said, “you cannot kill me and you cannot kill this Janaka of illusion,And also , you cannot afford to kill yourself and you cannot kill ,The people of this earth , but I can take away the sweet soul of mine ,And afterwards you along with your relatives would be killed by arrows of Rama.”
7703. “Oh king who got the wealth of Indra .this Janaka has not done anything wrong,Except is begging for favours with Sita and because of that is it important to kill him?If we win over the cruel enemy Rama who has surrounded Lanka ,This Sita would start obeying you .If you trouble her father , will not she become sad?”Asked Mahodhara to Ravana.
7704. When Mahodhara stopped him like this and when he has changed his opinion,Due to the mountain like Kumbhakarna being killed by Rama , the very strong monkeys ,Were shouting in a high tone and that shout of victory reached the sky ,And there it merged with sound made by Devas and was heard by Ravana.
7705. ”Those Devas who had lost their strength because of me , the monkey army ,That wants to fight and the twang being done by Rama and Lakshmana in their bow,Are making sound one beating the other and I think that is because ,A situation has arisen when my brother is alone in the battle field ,And due to that sorrow has arisen in my mind.” Said Ravana
7706. The emissaries who came with great speed after crossing the army ,That was surrounding Ravana went near him and told in his ears .In a soft tome said, “Your brother who was shattering the ocean,Like monkey army is no more and he was killed by Rama with an arrow.”
7707. Ravana fell down on the earth like a huge Maramara tree deeply rooted ,In the earth falling completely uprooted , pushing in to earth, his crowns,Which were shining like Sun which joined with other planets ,And which were decorated by the garlands made of Gold.
7708. Since Khumbakarna was born along with him and they never had the sorrow,Of parting at any time , Ravana who was thinking that they were one soul in two bodies,Hearing that in the battle were people throw weapons at each other , Khumbakarna ,Had died for his sake , became very sad and started wailing,So loud that it reached the end of the universe and he started prattling .
7709. “Are you only a brother to me? Oh brother who was like an elephant in rut,And was capable of confusing and destroying the devas who were like a lotus forest,Who was born to the son’s son of the four faced Lord Brahma , Oh great male ,Who completely cleaned the good fate of Indra which lead to his great fame ,I have been fated to hear such a news about you.”
7710. ”Oh brother who held a lustrous spear with shape of leaf , I was not ,Able to be with you and was not able to see you while you attained death,I did not enquire with others about the state of affairs in battle field,When you were fighting , I am standing here protecting my own life ,If your condition is like this, Would not Indra ride on,His elephant with ornamental mask and go back to his own city?”
7711. ”Oh brother who held the spear which even scared the lightning ,If with a stone like heart , if you go to the heaven of heroes , who would like ,To be born with another in the same mother’s womb? Would not,The Dhanavas who were scared to come before me ,Come before me gently massaging their own chest?”
7712. ”Oh brother who had very strong shoulders , is not the Meru mountain,Of the north stone used to rub of your feet while you are bathing?Oh best among males , I am greatly saddened by the words,That you have been killed by an an arrow sent by an ordinary man.”
7713. ”The very famous divine spear of Lord Shiva , The divine wheel of Lord Vishnu,And Indra’s Vajrayudha , touched you but returned back not able to do anything to you.And it seems that arrows shot by a man entered in to you and came out ,And when this was happening the great me was watching my own shoulders.”
7714. With brothers dying without even a chance for me to see ,This Lanka us easily going to hands of enemies and with my uncle Mareecha dying ,My sister losing her nose which all happened due to the extreme passion,That I had to another lady’s breast and I still continue to live ,Would I continue living after losing you, my dear brother?”
7715. I have not heard that you have killed Rama , his brother , his commander in chief Neela,The king of monkeys Sugreeva , The son of Vali Angadha , Hanuman who is the loving son of wind ,And the chief of the bears Jambavan, How is it that you alone met with your death ?”
7716. ”Oh brother who was sleeping on this soft bed with poor maids caressing your feet,In the pretty bed room where the cool wind was blowing , did you sleep on bed of dust of earth ,With the ghosts who are surrounding that place making sound like the Thunangai drum.”
7717. “ Oh brother who is like an elephant in rut , I was safely living here ,When you after drinking the red wine and went to various places and won those places,And now without parting from you soon, I will also come with you,If you delay a bit so that you need not go alone.”
7718. Like this he was telling various things and called loudly , so that ,It could be heard till end of solar system so that many people understood,Why he was given that name* earlier and Sita with eyes like Ghendai fish ,With her red colour lips throbbing , got very great joy in her mind. * Ravana means one who cries./makes others cry
7719. The breasts of Sita due to joy slightly puffed up , Her body which had reduced,Became normal , her mind was filled with joy , she was scared earlier got back her soul,And that divine lady with faultless chastity who could be a friend,To Goddess Lasksmi was filled up with joy, Who can ever describe it?
7720. That Sita who has earlier seen Rama with great shoulders with prettiness ,That cannot be measured and Kumbhakarna and had got matchlessly scared ,Knowing that the victorious arrow of Rama which would kill without any doubt ,Has killed Kumbhakarna who had huge strength and huge form ,Hearing those matchless words , grew fat and looked like some one else.
7721. Ravana seething with anger told , “ I would kill all the people in the wide heaven ,And cremate the body of my brother and keep in prison, those trinity of Gods ,Who never die as well all the devas who had taken nectar earlier to avoid death.”
7722. That Ravana who had gone to all directions and had been victorious in those places,Slightly got composed when the ministers consoled him and decided,“Now itself , I would do water oblations thrice to my dead brother ,Using the blood of Rama and Lakshmana after killing them “And with eyes burning with anger left that place ,
7723. “ Now there is nothing for us to tell. Our Kumbhakarna lay dead ,In the battle field where eagles fly” and after telling like this ,Mahodhara ordered that illusory Janaka be put in a separate prison ,And went away in one direction.
7724. Trijata who loved Sita who had tied up her dirty hair , which was not,Decorated by pretty scented flowers frequented by bees and had one bunch of hair ,Consoled her and told her the following words.
7725. ”That person who came before you calling himself your father ,By changing his form is Marutha , who is an expert in illusory acts ,He is an Asura capable of acts which are of limitless evil”Said Trijata who is one with nectar like good habits ,And she told it in such a way that Sita was well impressed.
7726. That Sita who always used to get consoled hearing the words of Trijata ,Removed the sorrows and doubts from her mind and body and we will now tell,What the angry king of Lanka who went to his palace did.
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Kamba Ramayanam: Yudha Kandam 6 (Padalam 17)
About Kavichakravarthy Kamban

Historians place him in the 9th century CE, But surely Kamban belongs to the third great wave of Tamizh literature that started with the Sangam period (dated before the Common Era), followed by the widespread impact of Bhakti literature of the Alwars (vaishnavite saints) & Nayanamars (shaivaite saints). Kamban Authored Ramanaya in Tamil…Known as Kamba Ramayanam..
Kambar has been the milestone for the Tamil scholars that none had reached. He was also known as “Kamba Naatazhvar” at his time. Many Tamil authors from the modern world have written the books on the poet Kamban.
Kambar or Kavichakravarthy Kamban (1180–1250) was a medieval Tamil poet and the author of the Ramavataram, popularly known as Kambaramayanam, the Tamil version of the epic Ramayana.
Valmiki Ramayana and Kamba Ramayanam are two versions of Ramayana written in the Sanskrit and Tamil languages respectively. … Kamba Ramayanam is originally called as Ramavataram. Although Valmiki Ramayana is the original version of the story of Rama, Kamba Ramayana is believed to be based on the work by Valmiki.
The Kamba Ramayanam, is a Tamil epic that was written by the Tamil poet Kambar during the 12th century. Based on Valmiki’s Ramayana (which is in Sanskrit), the story describes the life of King Rama of Ayodhya.
The book is divided into six chapters, called Kandam in Tamil. The Kandams are further divided into 123 sections called Padalam (படலம்) in Tamil. These 123 sections contain approximately 12,000 verses of the epic.