By Kambar (Kavichakravarthy Kamban)
Translated in English by P. R Ramachander
Kamba Ramayanam-Kishkinda Kandam 1 (Padalam 3)
3. Natpu Kot Padalam
The chapter on friendship.
(Hanuman briefs Sugreeva about Rama , when they were talking about the past of Sugreeva, Rama promised that he would kill all enemies of Sugreeva “ . But when Rama enquires about the whereabouts of wife of Sugreeva, Hanuman in details tells him about the story of Sugreeva. He also tells him Vali will get half the strength of any enemy fighting with him. Rama in enraged further and promises that he would kill Vali. Ufortunately Sugreeva is not convinced. Hanuman suggests , Sugreeva to test skill of Rama by asking him to send an arrow through one of the Maramaras. In Valmiki Ramayana Sugreeva tells Rama about the dropping of her ornaments in that mountain by a lady who was being abducted. Rama identifies those ornaments of Sita. When Rama gets sad Sugreeva consoles him. Again the detailed story of enmity between Vali and Sugreeva is narrated by Sugreeva Vali while entering the cave in the version to fight Mayavi that blood will come out of the cave .)
3786. That Hanumnan who was very famous and had a pretty shoulders,Which were like Mandhara mountain , thinking all the good qualities of Rama,Who was born in the clan of Manu and thought that now they were all saved,And approached Sugreeva who had very great rage which was suitable for war.
3787. And then he told Sugreeva who was the son of the sun God that,“The God of death who can kill Vali Who wore a scented garland,Who had immeasurable strength Has already arrived “ and,Danced like Lord Shiva who had swallowed the Halahala poison .
3788. ”They (Rama and Lakshmana) are like the nectar to the life in danger,Of those who live in earth, live in heaven, ,Live in other worlds ,Live in eight directions ,who are in thought , who are doing work ,Who are talking , who are inside the eye , who have enemies ,And who have great wounds in the body caused by those enemies.”
3789. ”They are the sons of Dasaratha who ruled over the entire earth,Who wore heroic anklets on his feet which was saluted by ,All the kings who had an army of elephants which had covered their faces,And they have great wisdom , great beauty and have come ,Due to fate and would easily help you to get your kingdom.”
3790. ”They are just people , they have great mercy , they are firm,And stable in their path of justice , they have greatness more than every body,They have earned great wisdom without any one teaching them ,They have great fame and they have many cruel weapons ,Which was given to them by sage Viswamithra who is the son of Khadhi.”
3791. ”That Rama made the Thadaga who was rushing towards them ,With a great spear roll on the ground and killed her son,By bending his bow and he gave Ahalya , who had a form of a stone, Her very pretty form, just by the dust of his feet.”
3792”. When that Rama who had a perfect body was born first among the children, Entered the city of Mithila and bent the bow called Tryambaka ,Which was owned by Lord Shiva who broke teeth of Sun God and Rama broke it .”
3793. ”He who accepted the kingdom by one word of king Dasaratha ,Who had an army of horses with manes but by the order of his step mother,Who has great chastity he gave the country surrounded ,By the ocean with conches along with all its wealth ,To his younger brother Bharata and has come to this forest.”
3794. “This Rama destroyed the strength of Parasurama ,Who had the lustrous axe with which he uprooted all his enemies,And pardoned him, and he also destroyed Viradha ,Who was like darkness and took him away from this world.”
3795. ”He also killed Khara and his Rakshasas along with their ocean ,Like army and rolled their heads down on earth by bending his bow ,He had reduced the burden of sorrow of the eight guardians of directions ,Like Indra by killing all their enemies and he has great strength ,Which makes even Lord Shiva and other devas greatly surprised>’
3796. ”This Rama who is in the human form is no one but Lotd Vishnu,Who sleeps on the ocean of milk and who is saluted by all the devas ,And so make friendship with this very great one and he is the one,Who became God of death to Mareecha who had unmatched ,Strength who came before him as a magical deer.”
3797. “Even the great Asura called Kabandha who had angry shoulders ,And long strong hands and who used to kill all beings in all directions ,Were killed by him and then leaving his body which was a liability,And similar to Sabari attained the great salvation and became ,Respected by Devas, and these can only be told by people lke me.”
3798. “Oh son of Sun God , the sages and others from the very beginning ,And since limitless days expecting that Rama and Lakshmana would come to this forest,Were doing penances to the best of ability , got freedom from the tie ,Of birth and death and attained salvation and based on that,I would not be able to tell what type of persons are Rama and Lakshmana.
3799. ”Oh Lord , the ignorant Ravana who is the king of Rakshasas,Using methods of cheating has kidnapped Rama’s wife from the cruel forest,And Rama and Lakshmana who were searching for , due to the penance you did,And due to your having a pure mind want to become friends with you.”
3800. ”Oh Lord who is great in wisdom , they have kept mercy on us ,And so Vali the son of Indra would attain destruction immediately ,So start now and come with me “ said Hanuman who knew the ,Ways of justice of kings and who was a counselor to Sugreeva.
3801. That Sugreeva who understood all the words by his intelligence ,Said, “Oh Gold like Hanuman , since I have you , who is greatly wise ,As my companion , there is nothing which is impossible to me .Come with me” and along with Hanuman reached divine feet of Rama.
3802. Sugreeva the son of Sun God saw Rama who was like an emerald mountain,Who had a pretty face without the pretty ear globes , with eyes which looked with coolness,And who was like the full moon embraced by clouds and looked like fully opened lotus flowers.
3803. Sugreeva stood there for a long time looking at Rama and Lakshmana ,Who were looking like all the luck of the creatures of this world created by,The four faced Lord Brahma who was born on a lotus flower ,And divided in to two divine forms of valorous heroes having huge soldiers.
3804. It became clear to him that “Lord Vishnu who is the God of the Devas ,Had changed his form and has taken this birth and has come as a man ,And so it appeared that Lord Shiva who had ganges on his head and Lord Brahma ,And various crowds of Devas were defeated by the Human race,”
3805. Sugreeva thinking like this got drowned in the tumultuous ocean of love,Created by more and more ebbing love from him but did not try to come up ,And was looking at Rama with great joy and approached Rama,And that very great lord , extended his long lotus like hands,And received him hospitably and sweetly said to him, “please be seated”.
3806. That faultless Rama who has completely uprooted desires from mind,Joined with the king of the monkey clan for destroying ,The Rakshasas who have never- decreasing strength and who were,The unsuitable enemies of darkness and for establishing ,Various types of Dharmas at the very proper and suitable time,And they also were like the Sun and moon joining together on a new moon day.
3807. Those valorous ones who joined together for the purpose,Of succeeding in doing the intended act were joined ,IN the great penance done in their earlier birth and ,The efforts they were taking to achieve their results in this birth,And for completing uprooting the Rakshasas who were the bad fate ,Joined together like the known knowledge and philosophy.
3808. When they were assembled there , The son of Sun God ,Looking at Rama said, “Oh Lord who has all the types of wealth ,I have come and joined with you who is the chief of all the worlds,And who has all sort of good qualities and so who is there ,Who have done more penance than me for getting rid of bad Karma,And if fate itself is going to tell like this, What is there now which is impossible?”
3809 . Rama looked at Sugreeva and told , “Oh sir. That Sabari ,Who has done faultless penance told us , the state in which,You have reached this Rishya Mooka mountain and we have come here,Hoping to get relieved of the great sorrow which benumbed us “And when he told like this the king of monkeys told the following .
3810. “My elder brother Vali came chasing me , who was born after him,Extending his large hand till we reached past this world,Which place was surrounded by darkness and I am alive because ,This mountain protected me and protected my rare soul and soI have come to seek your protection and it is your Dharma to protect me.”
3811. Rama saw with great mercy the monkey king who told like this,And gave an oath “In the pleasures and sorrow that belonged to you ,Excepting those which you have experienced earlier ,I would remove all your sorrows and all the sorrows ,That come to you in future are equal to me and you.”
3812. “ What else need I tell you? All those who gave sorrow to you,In heaven and earth are ones who gave sorrow to me and even if they are bad people ,All your friends are my friends also. Your relations are my relations also ,And from now onwards you are a friend who is like my soul.” Said Rama,
3813. Considering the words of the faultless Rama is the truth and are,Greater even more than the Vedic sayings, the crowd of monkeys cheered,And the son of Anjana had his hairs stand up which subsided after wards ,Devas filled the earth with flowers and clouds caused Rain.
3814. At that time the lion like son of Anjana stood up and saluted Rama ,By falling at his feet and said, “Oh son of Dasaratha who has pillar like shoulders,Let you and your friend live long and now both of you should ,Reach your palace and we desire to see you there.What is your opinion about it?” “and the valorous Rama said it is good and agreed to it.
3815. The son of Sun God , Rama , and Lakshmana and the lion among the monkeys ,Surrounded by the harsh army of monkeys , followed and greeted by the God of Dharma ,Reached a flower filled garden which had Pongamia and citrus trees and lotus ponds,And which was better than the heavens which is the land for enjoying pleasures.
3816. In that garden Sandal and Akil trees were densely planted and it had,Huge crystal rocks which looked like bed of water , and it had depressions,Embedded with nine types of gems , long banks with divine trees,And the deva maids were playing in the water and swinging on swings tied on trees.
3817. Like uneducated people standing before the ocean of very wise people ,Who had tireless knowledge not being noticed , due to the great shine,Of the embedded gems in that garden sun light and moon light did not seem important.
3818. In this sweet garden with all these specialties Rama and Lakshmana ,Along with the king of monkeys were seen sitting on a seat of pure flowers,And with great camaraderie started talking about several aspects.
3819. The monkeys brought roots and fruits which were all pure ,That Rama who is the purest of all , after taking bath ,Took his seat with great pleasure and became a good guest to Sugreeva.
3820. When they were sitting with great love , Rama after the feast,Unable to see the wife of the host , thought for a while and asked,“Are you also separated from your wife who shares the family life with you?”
3821. When Rama asked Sugreeva like this , Hanuman stood like a mountain,And saluting with his folded hands addressed Rama and told,“Oh Lord who stands by justice , there is something that I need to tell you,And so please hear it from the beginning to end.”
3822. ”There is an individual called Vali who has limitless strength ,Who has the blessing of Lord Shiva who is the protecting fence ,For the limitless ocean of Vedas and who sits on Kailasa mountain .”
3823. ”Along with the specially mentioned devas , standing before the asuras,Making the rotating Mandhara mountain making its form thinMaking the very angry huge serpent spit out fire,He who has very powerful shoulders churned the ocean of milk.”
3824. ”He is the one who has the entire power of the four elements ,Water, fire , earth and wind which never get destroyed,And he had the power to jump from the mountain of horizon,Surrounded by the oceans at the border to this mountain.”
3825. “If one wants to fight with him and then face him for war,He would get half of their great strength and he daily,Goes to the boundary of the eight directions ,And salutes the divine feet of Lord Shiva who has eight forms.”
3826. ”Wind cannot travel with the same speed as Vali ,The Spear of Lord Subrahamanya would not enter his chest,And the rule of Ravana and his royal umbrella,Cannot enter any place where his tail has not entered.”
3827”. If that Vali gets up and takes his steps , then,The mountains like Meru would get completely uprooted ,And by his huge shoulders , the sky, the cloud ,Sun as well as the Moon would be completely hidden.”
3828. ”He is as strong as the angry boar which carried the earth,By its horn and the big tortoise that supported the Mandhara mountain,And it is doubtful that even if the Lord Narasimha who split ,The chest of Hiranya comes personally , whether he can subdue him.”
3829. “Adhi Sesha with is completely spread one thousand heads ,Finds the earth very difficult to carry due to its very dense weight ,Standing erect and carries it lying down all day long , but,That Vali who lives in Kishkinda mountain can carry it easily even while walking.”
3830. ”Oh Lord who achieved victory due to your great strength ,The property of the tumultuous sea water never climbing to its shore,The face why the very strong Sun and the Moon travelling in chariots,Are all because they fear that Vali would become angry and not due to any other reason.”
3831. ”He who has strength even to push the Meru mountain Has an army of seventy vellam* monkeys of great shoulder strength ,Oh Charitable one, due to the great strength of that Vali ,All the beings are living with great unified mind.”* one elephant , three horses and five foot soldiers
3832. ” Due to the fear that they would be destroyed if Vali gets angry,Before the residence of Vali the clouds do not produce thunder ,The strong wild animals like lion do not roar in their caves ,And even the torrential wind feeling that the thin leaves ,Would shake there , does not come near his place.”
3833. ”On the day when he tied with his tail the very strong Ravana,With his twenty shoulders tightly , there is no place that he did not go,And there is no place that the blood from body of Ravana did not stain”
3834. ”oh strong one , That matchless Vali who is the son of Indra ,Is as white as the full moon which has sweetness and cold,He is one who Orders , which should be obeyed even to God of death,And he was the first born son of the mother of Sugreeva,”
3835. ”When Vali who had such a greatness was our king,And Sugreeva was our junior king and ruling over us ,One Rakshasa called Mayavi who had clan enmity with them,Became angry and waged a war against Val.”
3836. ”That Rakshasa who fought with Vali , fearing to fight ,Against the great strength of Vali ,started shivering and ran away with fear,And he knowing that it is difficult for him to live on this earth,Entered a cave which no one can ever enter.”
3837. “When that Mayavi entered that cave Vali was greatly enraged ,And looking at Sugreeva he told, “Oh strong one , I would enter in this cave ,And return after catching him and you please guard this entrance ,So that he cannot escape from here “ and entered the cave speedily.”
3838. ” After Vali went inside for the next fourteen seasons searched,For that Asura in that cruel cave with the aim of desirable victory ,Against that cruel Asura and when he was engaged like this,The younger brother Sugreeva became sad and greatly upset.”
3839. “When he was returning wailing from there , we saluted him,With great love and told him , “oh victorious one ,It is your duty as the junior king to rule over us and so,Please accept the kingship” and that Sugreeva who was sorrowing ,Said that doing so would be a great crime.”
3840. ”Then he said that he would also go inside the cave and follow the path of Vali,And search for his elder brother and if he is already dead , he would fight ,With that Mayavi and kill him and if he is not able to , he would die and started entering the cave.”
3841. “Then the wise ministers who had mastery over speech prevented him,From entering the cave , consoled him , cured his illness of sorrow .And as per the just method of earlier elders and as per the wishes of other monkeys,Gave the kingship to him but he did not willingly accept it.”
3842. , “On that day when Sugreeva accepted that kingship , we fearing that,The Rakshasa would come out of that cave , brought all the mountains except Meru,And stacked them at the entrance of that cave and completely closed it .”
3843. ”When we had completely closed the door of the cave by securing it ,With mountains , we brought Sugreeva the son of Sun god with red hot rays,And when we were living on Kishkinda mountains, That Vali killed that Mayavi.”
3844”. After eating the toddy of the soul of Mayavi in that cave ,Vali was extremely happy speedily reached the entrance of the cave ,And from there he called Sugreeva and since he did not get any reply ,Said, “The way my younger brother is guarding the cave is great.””
3845. ”When Vali speedily lifted his tail and rose like huge wind towards the sky,Waved his legs and kicked ,, all the mountains which had closed the cave ,Rose up to the top of the blue sky and some of them fell in the ocean.”
3846. ” Vali got out of the cave and making every one scared,Screeching with great anger reached the top of the mountain, And Sugreeva the son of Sun God who did not have any differences ,And who walked in the path of truth came forward and saluted the feet of his brother.”
3847. ”After saluting he told “Oh brother , due to your not coming out ,Oou of the cave for a long time When I wanted to follow you ,The ministers did not agree with me and said,“To rule over the monkey kingdom is your duty.”
3848. ”Oh brother whose shoulders have waving ornaments ,Being scared of disobeying the order of all the monkeys ,I accepted the kingship and so please pardon my crime ,”When Sugreeva requested like this Vali with ,His mind completely changed told several very harsh words.”
3849. ”Greatly scared of Vali who had won over his enemies by his strength,With stomach churning , with our entire clan of monkeys were standing getting scared,He who once churned the milky ocean , with the same hands Attacked the body of Sugreeva and Sugreeva became greatly sad.”
3850. ”When Vali caught hold of Sugreeva and without bothering for bad name,Using his very strong hands and with greatly ebbing anger ,When He lifted Sugreeva up with an dashing him ,Seeing for an opportune moment when Vali got tired,Sugreeva ran away from that place to save himself.”
3851. ”Oh Lord , if that Vali gnashes his teeth and gets greatly angry ,Even the God of death does not have a safe place to live ,But remembering the curse given to him by sage Mathanga ,Sugreeva came here and started living here safely .”
3852. ”Oh our God , that Vali also made his own the wife of Sugreeva,Whose name is Ruma , who is like the very difficult to get nectar ,And Sugreeva sacrificing his kingly wealth as well as Ruma ,Lived on this mountain and these are what , that happened here .” said Hanuman.
3853. When that Hanuman who did not how to lie , told in the proper way ,About Sugreeva , that Lord Rama who has one thousand names,And is the greatest among Devas , Rama’s lips of his mouth which ,Swallowed the world at the time of deluge started trembling,And his lotus like red eyes became red like the lily flowers.
3854. That Rama who had thick shoulders wearing pearl necklaces ,And who gave away the kingship that was his based on the ,Words of his step mother , whose love had vanished as soon as,He heard that ”One who did not have any love usurped ,The wife of his younger brother “ , will he have patience?
3855. “Even if all the beings who live in the fourteen different worlds .Come together to save the soul of Vali and desire to stop me,With an arrow in my bow , I would recover the kingship of monkeys ,And your wife and give them to you . Oh wise one ,Please show me the place where he lives.”Said Rama to Sugreeva,
3856. As son as Rama told these words the oceans with very great joy ,Along with huge waves roared and Sugreeva who was like the one who had ,Found the other shore of the sea of sorrow in which he was immersed,Thinking that “Now the strength of Vali would fall “but said to Rama,“There is some important thing that we have to think about.”
3857. That son of Sun God after telling there like this started consulting ,All his ministers including that of Hanuman who were experts ,In justice and generating ideas , in another place ,And at that time Hanuman the son of wind god told.
3858. “Oh strong one , I could guess what is in your mind and I think,You are doubting that these two valorous ones do not have the matchless strength ,That is needed to kill that Vali who has very great strength , and now,Please hear what I have to say and with faith follow them.”
3859”. On the hands and feet of Rama there are markss of wheel and conch,And this great sign has not been seen on any body else in this world ,And He with his red eyes and hands holding the bow is Lord Vishnu himself,And he has taken incarnation in this world to establish Dharma.”
3860. “ That big golden and matchless bow of the great Lord Shiva , who had the powerTo make any one suffer , who got so angry that he burnt the three cites,And who by the kick of his feet killed the very angry God of death,Was broken by him and is it easy for any one but Lord Vishnu?”
3861. ”Oh Lord , The God wind who is my father seeing me had told ,“You be a slave to the one who produced Lord Brahma who created,All these worlds and that would be sufficient penance for you to do,And that would also bring great position to me who begot you ,”And this Rama is that Lord Vishnu and there is another reason for that also.”
3862. ”Oh Lord , once I asked my father “How do I recognize that Lord Vishnu?’And he said, “He would be born at a time when all people are miserable,And the proof of him is that as soon as you see him you would fall in love with him.”And as per that , as soon as I saw this lord my bones start melting, Is there a need for more proof?”
3863. ,”Oh great Sugreeva and in spite of that , if you want to know ,The great strength of Rama , there is a method for that and that is,Testing whether that tall Rama can send an arrow with fire sparks ,Through one of the seven Maramara trees that we encounter on our way “ he said.
3864. When he heard that Sugreeva with joy told “well, well”,and then he hugged ,Hanuman who was his matchless help and embraced both his,Shoulders , which would even make the big mountains ashamed ,And then went and met Rama and told him “I have some thing,Top tell you” and Rama told him , please tell that.
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Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 1 (Padalam 1)
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Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 1 (Padalam 3)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 1 (Padalam 4)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 1 (Padalam 5)
Kamba Ramayanam: Kishkinda Kandam 1 (Padalam 6)
About Kavichakravarthy Kamban

Historians place him in the 9th century CE, But surely Kamban belongs to the third great wave of Tamizh literature that started with the Sangam period (dated before the Common Era), followed by the widespread impact of Bhakti literature of the Alwars (vaishnavite saints) & Nayanamars (shaivaite saints). Kamban Authored Ramanaya in Tamil…Known as Kamba Ramayanam..
Kambar has been the milestone for the Tamil scholars that none had reached. He was also known as “Kamba Naatazhvar” at his time. Many Tamil authors from the modern world have written the books on the poet Kamban.
Kambar or Kavichakravarthy Kamban (1180–1250) was a medieval Tamil poet and the author of the Ramavataram, popularly known as Kambaramayanam, the Tamil version of the epic Ramayana.
Valmiki Ramayana and Kamba Ramayanam are two versions of Ramayana written in the Sanskrit and Tamil languages respectively. … Kamba Ramayanam is originally called as Ramavataram. Although Valmiki Ramayana is the original version of the story of Rama, Kamba Ramayana is believed to be based on the work by Valmiki.
The Kamba Ramayanam, is a Tamil epic that was written by the Tamil poet Kambar during the 12th century. Based on Valmiki’s Ramayana (which is in Sanskrit), the story describes the life of King Rama of Ayodhya.
The book is divided into six chapters, called Kandam in Tamil. The Kandams are further divided into 123 sections called Padalam (படலம்) in Tamil. These 123 sections contain approximately 12,000 verses of the epic.