This article is part of “Sundara Kandam of Sage Valmiki”

Second Chapter

Entering into the city of Sri Lanka at night

(In this chapter the musings of Hanuman on seeing the city of Sri Lanka, his first impressions about it and his thinking on the strategy he has to adopt is described)

 It is wonderful that the great one crossed the great ocean, which was impossible to cross, and  stared at Sri Lanka situated on the top of Trikoota Mountains.

 By the rain of flowers shed by the different trees here and there, Hanuman who was decked by flowers all over after completing the task he has undertaken looked as if he was a victorious hero. 2

The truly heroic Hanuman though he had crossed one hundred yojanas did not know what is tiresomeness. Not only that he was not even breathing with effort. 3

 I can jump and cross several more hundred yojanas and so reaching the other shore of a sea which is only one  hundred yojanas is not a great job!” He thought.

The great one among heroes and the fastest among those who can jump, crossed the sea and neared the city of Sri Lanka. 5

 He walked in to  the center of gardens  which had light bluish lawns, strewn with stones here and there and with dense population of trees 6

 That very resplendent monkey chief Hanuman, went by the side of mountains full of trees  and forests in full bloom. 7

 That son of wind God , stood on a mountain with several peaks and saw the city of Sri Lanka laden with the gardens and minor forests. 8

 He , the monkey chief , saw pine trees, Karnikara[10] trees , date palms, Priyala trees, lemon trees, wild jasmine trees, panadanus bushes(Thazham poo) , incense filled long pepper trees, kadamba trees , seven leafed banana trees, fully flowered asana trees, Kovidara trees, karavira trees, and also many trees bent with heavy load of flowers which were full of  birds and whose tips were being shaken by the breeze that was blowing all around, ponds full of swans and ducks , lotus and lily flowers and many, many tree filled gardens which flowered and fruited all round the year, many swimming pools specially constructed for play and also several pretty flower gardens. 9-12

The great Hanuman then saw the beautiful city of Sri Lanka  which resembled the city of Amaravathi of the devas and which was being ruled by Ravana . protected on all the four sides by Ravana himself, fearsome archers, and ever roaming Rakshasas because Sita was abducted and kept in the city, and which was also protected well by moats full of lotus and lily flowers and gold like tall walls all around. It also had mansions which resembled the planets the autumn sky, dazzling white elevated long wide avenues, strange golden tower gates decorated by climbers and other decorative items, many spires used to keep watch on the enemies from out side, flags  and other banners. 13-18.

That monkey chief thought the city, which was built on the mountain as a city with white and regal houses , which were floating in the sky. 19

 He saw the city built by Viswa Karma(the architect of Devas) and ruled by Ravana was flying in the sky. 20

 He approached the northern gate of Sri Lanka whose fort aments appeared as if they were the waist, whose moats appeared as if they were dresses, whose guns and spears appeared as if they were the hairs and whose spires appear as if they were the ear studs and which was constructed by Viswa Karma after deep thought, which appeared as tall as the Kailasa mountain(abode of Lord Siva) and which appeared as if it was touching the sky, and whose buildings are constructed one over another so that it appeared as if the whole city was flying, which was thickly populated by terrible Rakshasas like the city of Bhogavathi which was populated by Nagas, which is strongly built, which does not have dirt, which was once occupied by Lord Kubera, which is protected by several valorous Rakshasas who were armed with spears and long swords similar to a cave being protected by serpents and which can never be evaluated as to what it is and started thinking. 21-25

See also  Sundara Kandam-An introduction

Observing the fierce security , the sea and the terrible enemy Ravana, the monkey started thinking. 26

Even if the monkey army reaches here it would not be of any use, for even devas cannot wage a war and win over Lanka.  28

Even if Rama reaches  the very peculiar city of Sri Lanka which is really impossible to enter and is ruled by  Ravana, what possibly can the great warrior do 29

In case of Rakshasas, there is no point in talking to them in a friendly manner or with sweet words nor can they be corrupted by money and nor is it possible to make them fight against each other and the only option of war cannot even be thought of as a possibility. 30

This is because only  Angadha the son of Bali, Neela the monkey chief , the heroic king Sugreeva and myself  can enter this city. 31

Let me find out whether Sita the daughter of Janaka is alive or not and after seeing her I can thinking of   a strategy. 32

I can not enter this city of Rakshasas and which is protected by them in the present form 33

These Rakshasasa  are highly valorous, very strong and greatly heroic  and so can only be deceived by me who am searching Sita. 34

 I should search the city of Sri Lanka with an almost invisible form and that too in the night because for completing this great deed , it is the most appropriate time. 35

 Knowing that , even Devas and Asuras would find difficult to enter that city, Hanuman took several deep breaths and started thinking. 36

 What trick should I employ to search so that I would not be visible to Ravana the bad Rakshasas? 37

 The job which I have taken oath to complete should certainly be done and also I should be able to talk with the daughter of Janaka alone” thought 38

 When a job has to be done , sending a messenger who is unstable and who cannot do the proper thing at the proper time, is like having darkness at dawn. 39

 Even after  knowing well as to what has to be done and what should not be done, there is no possibility of completing the job if the messenger is over-confident and thinks that he only can complete the job. 40

How will the job be completed properly? How no problems will crop up preventing its completion? And what should be done so that crossing of the great ocean does not become a waste? 41

 Suppose I am seen by the Rakshasasa  then the wish of Lord Rama to Kill Ravana can definitely not be done.  42

Even if one takes the form of Rakshasa is it possible to hide from these Rakshasas and if it is in any other form this task would definitely not be done. 43

I know the fact that even the God of Wind cannot move here unhindered.. Is there anything that these powerful Rakshasas do not know? 44

If I remain here with my present form I will be destroyed and Lord’s mission will surely fail. 45

So I will go as a dwarf but in my present form and enter the city at night to complete the mission of Sri Rama. 46

 After entering the unapproachable city of Ravana, then I can search all houses and buildings for the daughter of Janaka. 47

 At that time thinking thus , anxious to see Sita (daughter of King Videha) He started waiting for the sunset. 48

 After sunset  and in the night Hanuman the Son of God of wind, assumed a very minute strange form as big as a cat.  49

 That valorous Hanuman jumped and entered with lot of speed the beautiful city with clearly demarcated  avenues 50

 That monkey saw that big city which resembled the city of Gandarwas which was full of palatial buildings built on pillars inlaid with silver and gold, having windows made of gold, having seven to eight stories and having floors decorated by gold and crystal. 51-52

 Diamonds and other precious stones decorated those grounds of the houses of Rakshasas and several garlands of pearls were used to decorate them. 53

 The strange wall hangings  made of gold , which was used to decorate all over, the city by the Rakshasas made the city glitter in eminence. 54

See also  Informing about the news of well being of Rama and Lakshmana (Chapter 34)

 Though the Great monkey became happy on seeing the city which had very big white buildings which had windows made of gold of the purest quality, which was surrounded by very powerful night patrol, which was being protected by the great valor of Ravana, which cannot be described by ones thought process and which is surprisingly beautiful.

he felt dejected because he was mainly interested in seeing Sita. 55-56

The moon also making up his mind to help Hanuman, rose up along with its thousands of rays, decorating  the roof of  the world with moonlight, in the middle of the stars and along with them. 57

(note: that before this the ocean, God of wind and Sun were trying to help Hanuman)

That monkey hero saw the moon who was having the luster of a conch, having the colour of milk and lotus stem and who was shining above as if he was a swan swimming in the lotus pond.  58

Thus ends the second chapter of Sundara Kanda which is in the Ramayana which is the first epic written by Valmiki.

Chapter 3: Winning over Lankini

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