This article is part of “Sundara Kandam of Sage Valmiki”

Twenty third Chapter

Rakshasis trying to persuade Sita

(After the departure of Ravana, the Rakshasis started advising Sita about the desirability of her, acceding to the request of Ravana. They point out the positive aspects and also tell her about her being killed, if she does not obey Ravana)

The King Ravana who made his enemies cry went back from there, telling like this to the princess of Mithila and ordering all Rakshasis. 1

After the king of Rakshasas started and went back to his harem, those terrible looking Rakshasis surrounded  Sita. 2

Afterwards the Rakshasis forgetting themselves in anger, came near Sita and faced the daughter of Videha told her these fearsome words:- 3

Hey Sita, how is it that you do not consider being wife of Ravana who has ten heads, who was born in the family of Pulasthya and who is great as big? 4

(Pulasthya was the son of Brahma and father of Vishravas)

After this One Rakshasi called Eka Jata(single haired one) with blood red eyes due to her anger called Sita who had a belly as soft as the palm and told her thus about this aspect: 5

The famous Pulasthya is the spiritual son of Brahma and among the Prajapathis (leader of men) and fourth in rank. 6

(Sanaka, Sanatkumara and Sounaka are the others)

This Pulasthya who had the spiritual son who is a very great sage with famed penance and is called by the name of Vishrawas and had the same luster as Lord Brahma himself.  7

(The Rakshasis are trying to convince Sita that Ravana was after all a son of a great man in other words born to a man and a Rakshasi and therefore it is all right for her to become the wife of Ravana.)

Hey Broad eyed one, Ravana who is the chief of Rakshasas is his son and you better like to become his wife. Hey lady who is all over pretty, are you going to obey, what I advice you or not? 8

Then a Rakshasi called Harijata(green haired one) rolled her two very angry eyes and showing her cat like eyes uttered these words: 9

You better like to become wife of that chief of Rakshasas who has won over the thirty three deva chieftains as well as their king Indra. 10

At that time a Rakshasi called Praghasa bullying her forgetting herself in anger and told the following hard words, Are you going to accept the role of wife of the strong one who is ebbing with heroism, who has never retreated in a battle and who is very strong. That very strong king Ravana would leave his queen ,who needs to be respected and would consider you as the most lucky one among all. Ravana would desert his harem which is filled by thousands of ladies and which is decorated by gems and come near you. 11-14

(She is telling her that he would leave his wife and concubines and get attached to her)

Another Rakshasi called Vikata asked her thus, “ That great one who has won Nagas, Gandharwas and Dhanavas in fights and war, is coming in front of you and begging you. Hey lady who is depressed, are you going to agree  now itself to become the wife of Ravana who is a great one with all riches and who is the king of Rakshasas?  15-17

(She is emphasizing more on the valor of Ravana.)

After that, a Rakshasi called Durmukhi(bad faced one) told her the following words, Hey lady with long eyes, are you not going to come under the control of him, for whose sake the Sun is afraid to emit heat and the wind is afraid to blow harshly? Hey pretty one , who has beautiful eye brows, are you going to give your strong consent to be the wife of Ravana, for whose sake trees shower flowers always and the black clouds pour out rain whenever he chooses? Hey bewitching lady who has a very attractive divine smile, you better be clever and obey this good advice given to you, otherwise you will not be definitely alive. 18-22

(This Rakshasi harps about how even the divine ones dread Ravana)

Thus ends the twenty third chapter of Sundara Kanda which is in the Ramayana which is the first epic written by Valmiki.

 Songs sung of twenty-fourth to forty-seventh chapters of Sundara Kanda by Lava and Kusha in front of Sri Rama at the place where AswaMedha sacrifice was being performed on eighteenth day . The total verses sung on that day were 932.

Chapter 24: Rakshasis terrorising Sita

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